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The Oshawa Times, 13 Apr 1959, p. 8

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™ omen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 13, 1959 MR. AND MRS. REDUCING PLAN It Is Helptul To Know The Score On Diet Hurdles By HDA JEAN KAIN ing, recognize that what you, A ... think of as "hunger" may be en-| I'he second Monday of the diet : | lis the time to get your bearings. Jared appetite. To lessen your {It is enormously helpful to know food capacity, gel up from the {the score on some common diet 1 | t {table while you could still relish| more food. Twnety to 30 minutes) later you will feel content, and this practice cuts appetite down! {varies widely. Some overweights x lose rapidly at the beginning of a 3 {diet. For others, the pounds play The craving for sweets at the| |hard to get off, and there may start of a diet is another hurdle | be no weight change for an ag-|that should be anticipated. There gravating 10 days. or even|is a physiological reason for this longer. Be assured, failure to lose|too. Even though sweets are at the start of a diet is not duefomitted, the h which| to any resistance on the part ofthe body has set up to handle the the fat. The explanation is this: accustomed inflow of carbohy- You are losing fat but when lost drates remains in full force for fat is replaced by stored water a time. However, when the cause there is no evidence on the/is removed..the powerful stimulus scales. This temporary water to insulin secretion wanes. Turn storage will give way to a sub- down sweefs for seven consecu- sequent rapid loss. The water bal- tive days and the craving dimin- ance always adjusts, ishes, Practice this for a few On the other hand, a rapid loss weeks and you can be in control. at the start of a diet represents| Successful dieters report a dra- f Mr i Mis. I fat plus water released from the matic change in their food ca- of. Mr, Sng yrs tissues. The reducing rate slows|pacity and food preference Davis and the bride- down after a few weeks, and Weight control does get easier. groom is the son of Mr. and from then on the loss is true fat. Mrs. R. S. Hall. all of Oshawa, Dieters, it is well to be alert to Photo bv 'Snevd the fact that a shift in water 1010 by Sneyd valance can occur at the begin WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY Pictured following their mar- daughter riage recently at Simcoe Street United Church are Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood Hall The - bride, the former Miss Marilyn Elizabeth Davis. is the Gordon Tomorrow--The Calorie Story. EIGHTH DAY Breakfast Calories Mr Mrs. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES COUPLES' CLUB | "A very interesting meeting was {held by the St. Andrew's Couple's Club last Saturday evening in the Church hall. The committee re- sponsible for the evening were | Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie French, {Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lorimer, Mrs, Hazel Rutledge and Mr. and Mrs. {John Dancey. A short devotional period led {py Mr. and Mrs. Lorimer was {followed by the business meeting |with the presidents, Mr. and Mrs. [Bill Siksay, presiding. | Mr. Lawrie French introduced |Mr. E. G. Storie, who spoke on is trip last year to the Arctic Circle, by way of Sept Isles, Fro- bisher and Churchill. His talk was illustrated by excellent slides and a large map. Mr. Hl Christie | Mr. Storie, and the evening closed !with lunch served by the commit- Lee. UKRAINIAN P & B AUX. The April meeting of the Uk-| |rainian Professional and Busi- |ness Ladies' Auxiliary was held 'at the home of Mrs. Peter Zak- arow, with Mrs. Michael Sworik | presiding, The secretary's and treasurer's report were read. | it was decided to hold a bingo at the Ukrainian Federation Hall, 68 Bloor Street East on April 14th at 8 p.m. The proceeds are to be donated to the retarded children's fund. The convener for this bingo is Mrs. Z. T Salmers. A discussion was held regard-| ing a rummage sale, and a social' to be held in the next few months. Games were played and the winners were Mrs. Erast Huculak - land Mrs. Z. T. Salmers. Refresh- ments were served by the hos-| tess The next meeting will be held a' the home of Mrs. Harry Pele- shok on May 6. NORTHMINSTER WMS The April meeting was held re- cently in the ladies' parlor. Mrs. dhanked H | | H "THIS IS FUN" Enjoying his date with the | ford, and Mr. and Mrs photographer is Paul Edward. = Napoleon Mathieu. Sherbrooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy bec : rants Mathieu, Easthaven street Quebec. and great-grandson of Paul, who was one year old on = Mr. Charles Webber. Brant- March 10, is the grandson of ford Mr. and Mrs. John Post, Mea- ~Photo by Ireland Higher Qualifications Mean Steady Career For a Secretary By CAROLYN WILLETT l} nar on office relations, had an- other angle. Tomato juice. 4 oz.. with Canadian Press Staff Writer lemon wedge Scrambled egg plus second egg white (Scramble in top of reduced. MAY FEEL PANGS For the first week or two you 2 - "Girls today are more career OTTAWA (CP) -- The 'here conscious. And they're conscious) today and gone tomorrow' of-|of the fact that they might have) fice secretary is giving way to to return to work aiter marriage. R. B. Galbraith opened the meet- ing with prayer. The theme of the service centred round "The Cross". Mrs. Samuel Snowden | } and Mrs. ning of a diet and again, after Men Will Experiment With Spices aee™ = =" P ith Spices » . . Given a Free Hand in Kitchen mse iui panes. st ee long you will feel satisfied on low Canadian homemakers are be- early vears or the origin of the calorie meals. To get the pic- tbsp. water, no added epming more spice conscious, various spices and herbs to be-/fure. think of the stomach as an fat) perhaps because the man of the come known as the blue ribbon elastic arrangement with walls Toast, 1 thin slice house likes spicy flavorful food, cook in vour neighborhood, - but/that can expand. That satisfied | Jelly, 1 rounded tsp (that's why they like eating in'one thing vou should know and feeling of having had enough to] For Mr.: Small slice restaurants that specialize in remember is the wonderful aro- eal cemes when tension is ex-' of Canadian style foreign foods). The truth of the ma that makes evervone say erted on the muscular walls of bacon. grilled matter is the menfolk, as a rule, "m-m--smells wonderful. tastes the stomach. Your past pattern of Coffee, black do a better job spicing food than even better' can be easily lost if overeating has expanded your Luncheon: ¢he ladies. Men will take a spices are not earefully covered food capacity Slice of juicy roast beef chance with an '"'unknown" spice after each use : During the initial week of diel- I, ye Jean am and use it more freely than wo- ' TE : - = - ice of rye brea men, This timidity on the part Bld YOU fre Salar with For Mr.: 2nd slice of of the chief executive in the Kil: ave vou ever used them in the bread chen may be due to lack of pastry when making mince or Mustard, no butter knowledge -- fear of using the pumokin pie Try sprinkling nut. Wedge of lettuce with wrong spice or of over-spicing meg on the pastry for meat pie Thousand Island Dreg A Chinese gourmet of the or over a roast of beef. It's als (1 tsp. mayonnaise. 1 eighth century left us this dic just right for cauliflower . i tbsp. Chili sauce, plus tum -- "Every eating material ach or sliced bananas pig. : lemon juice) can be made palatable providing a (CP)--The most un- Fruit, in season: Peach # is given the proper fire, tim- a garagemen's' {angerine or pear ing _-- and the right kind of sea ped cream garnish try a dash of convention here was a garage-' Pick-up: Late after- soning " cinnamon, nutmeg or mace on/woman. noon or evening TSDIVIDUAL TASTE the eream. or blend it in when| Joan Crowhurst operates aA glass skim milk or fs rl whipping the cream highly successful gas station, re- buttermilk Many basic recipes call for| por 5 wonderful flavor try gin. Pair shop and car-rental agency) Dinner: seasoning fo taste. This places jo. on not roast or make ginger-/in North Vancouver. She also/Hot Bouillon (made quite a responsibility upon the oq chicken by mixing butter and sells and services Rolls - Royce from cube) ©00k a expert or novice. Taste ginger then rub bird inside andi Cars. Crisp celery sticks ia now recognized as a Very Per out hefore roasting A native of North Vancouver, Steamed frankfurters sbnal possession -- a part and good many times currieq/Vho served with the Canadian! For Mr.: two parcel of our individual person- ,.. SOU TAOY nee f irriey Women's Army Corps overseas, For Mrs.: one alities. Fine cooking becomes ai." "roe. cheese of ip 'lin the Second World War. she is Sauerkraut with caraway form of self-expression chutnevs aren® eese CHUL OFl;ot only a keen businesswoman seeds, generous svng One artist may blend colors on eys aren't qute up to par--| 4 ic als louch as antolRve broad. 1s . why"? because t light I ut is also no slouch asx an ve bread, 1 slice eanvas, another may blend har- - oo light a hand mechanic Butter % pat Thome tones and overtones but yas bend by hon Spieing Te § SPICE, wfigg Crowhurst started out in|Cup custard made with be artist with pots and pans makes ordinary fare a gour-'1a4c onerating a service station skim milk must blend subtle flavors to pro. Met's delight . peratiy yi | de d A in partnership with her father Coffee or tea ice A masterpiece of eiinary and brother. In 1950 her father) rt died. and in 1951 she bought out] double boiler, with 1 Auto Mechanic Joan Crowhurst Runs Gas Station OTTAWA Next time you're using a whip- usual figure at 2%0 128 25 5 8» 2» 100 100 0 0 Total calories for day 1225 1040) 15 mer." A job might be a woman's 45 sole livelihood : read ' the devotional the serious career woman, say 4 two Ottawa private secretaries. Qualifications mean more sect- co tolen cross. Mrs. Richard Mrs. Helen Atkinson and Mrs. "go. ex od; : 'Moses sang a solo, "Were You Doris Domina don't agree with! = semi private secre-\mhere when They Crucified My the suggestion that a secretarial | 2198 a 0 oe Bn ves who|y ord?" no children, Mre. Atkinson| wrg Charles Dalley gave an in- job could be called a stopgap ry ; until marriage and Mrs. Domina agreed thatiteresting talk on '"'Completing : the cost of living and the need; k** izi Th "It's certainly no. so tempo- g, Our Task". In evangelizing the ee io LeMPO" for two incomes 'alse prompted' world, emphasizing go -- let go rary, especially in Ottawa," said women to stay at work or to re- s S Mrs. Atkinson, whe is Ottawa turn to jobs. president of the Association of For the working private secre- : Administrative Assistants or Pri- tary the OPRINE Drive Ottawa Family Has Helped ir ian Irak verve 1s Yar Sec' 10413 Colao al's large number of WOMEN, t, keep us on our toes." said "marriage chances are slim-{ ire. i ul o e on The association, founded in f Toronto in 1951, now has six Of Salt Shakers Mrs. Domina, an association national headquarters, affiliate WA (CP) ~-- member busy organizing a semi- OTTAWA (CP When you -- i three - year special correspond- salt and pepper shakers, dusting ence course for private secre-|is a problem. Finds Children taries offered through the Univer-| gi ducting hasn't dampened sity of Toronto, Mrs. Arthur Pritchard's enthu- Total membership in the SIX giagm for her hobby, started branches is "somewhere under more than two years ago. Amenable to Diet ches : | said Mrs. Atkinson. There! yo gamily, relatives . and EDMONTON (CP) -- Children ar¢ four male members. Ottawa (ong; ai) helping to make the take to dieting better than adults has 68 members, al! women ioc on 2 niug, 5 Housewile do. says ith ii dietitian IMPROVE STANDARD probably couldn't stop her hobby with a medical clinic here An eventual aim is to establish|if she wanted to, Miss Stern, a graduate in pational standards ani a profes- "Once in a while I get tired of household economics from the gional status for private secre- it all, but my husband won't hear University of Alberta, explained taries who often are indispensa-|of ending it." she told a re- that even children sometimes pe agsistants to an executive in Porter. have to lose weight, gain Neight his administration work The wife of a trucker and or be treated for stomach ule A membership qualification is/mother of five children ranging ers five years' business experience.|in age from eight to 13, Mrs. _ But children are wonderful pa- This qualification 1s high tients, particularly when they young career women so the Ot-!been fascinated by salt have family co-operation and en-'tawa branch will open a student per shakers. They also realize that better Robert Nicolls narrated a story {of the com members across Canada and a pave a collection of 250 pairs of for |Pritchard said she always has and pep-| and help go with prayers and| contributions. Plans were made to cater to the WCTU dinner on April 29. The auxiliary will pack a bale of clothing on May 14. Donations to work or me need eed. fou blood asked to give their Karnath. 'tertainment for fhe members | June, plans for this will be [cw i i to donate 1 £ : : It was decided to have Fee ssed at the next meeting, i be left at the church before that te. 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. | The meeting of the 18th Mothers' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Gladman. Mrs. Charles Archer| presided. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Harold La Chap- pelle. The treasurer's report by Mrs. George Reynolds. The sewing convener and Mrs. Charles Archer extended thanks to all those who assisted in put- ting the red borders on the neck- erchiefs for the Scouts and Cubs. The social convener, Mrs. Car- men Thompson gave her report and thanked the members for their help in making the tea and the father and son banquet a big success. Mrs. Charles Archer gave her report of the executive board) meeting. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. George Rey-| nolds, Church road north at 8 p.m. Monday, May 13. Mrs. Archer again thanked all those who helped in any way with the preparations for the father! and son banquet. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Gladman and Mrs. Carmen Thompson. HOLY CROSSVA Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Women's Auxiliary met for its regular meeting in the parish hall. | The president, Mrs. Joseph Cal- lahan, opened the meeting with] prayer. The secretary's and; treasurer's reports were read;| also the committee reports. Dis- cussion followed on catering tof weddings and the card parties) which are being held each Wed- nesday night in the parish hall. Reginald Reid, general convener, and her committees) finalized their plans for the pight| of cards to be held in Holy Cross hall Monday April 20. Chairmen mittees are: tickets, Mrs. John T. Mullen: prizes, Mrs. Stephen Coe and Miss Mary Fitzgerald; tables, Mrs. J. H. Lyons and Mrs. Harry Canfield; | decorations, Mrs. Earl Marshal {and Mrs. Gordon Whyte; candy, {Mrs. Jack Langley; social, Mrs. James Hanson, assisted by Mrs. | Mrs. | | i by Ronald Bilsky, 0.e Chiropractor Specilist in Palmer Specific ry Corvicel Method STOMACH ULCER | How often have you knows some f pactically had to live on milk and soft foods? His complaint was as ulcerated stomach. The same sufferer may keep a box ef baking soda in his pocket ready for use after each meal. Such is the dire straits of the ulcer sufferer. Such a one can hardly eat to live. Such is the agony if one his diet The causes of ulcer have been many but the main theory is to the effect that there is an excessive secre tion of hydrochloric + acid which eats away some of tissnes of the stomach wall. The counteract for the ex- cess acid the average man will take more alkaline food or a "dose of soda," but is this excessive secretion the true cause? In every phase of life there ic always a cause for every effect. It cannot be other wise . for that is the great law of nature, The cause of almost every body distur bance can be traced to the nervous system for 'it is the one great director in the body. When ulcers form'it is due to a deficient nerve supply to those glands which secrete hydrochloric acid. Once this spinal block the life carrying nerves been released by the skill the scientifically traime Chiropractor, the ulcers will heal and health wil] be the James Hickey, Mrs. Peter Kroll, | Mrs. Alex Waduk and Mrs. Maur.| |ice Taillon. | Roll call showed 25 members |present. Tt was decided to make [some changes in the present con-| Istitution of the auxiliary. Miss [ary Fitzgerald, Mrs. Reginald | Reid and Mrs. J. H. Lyons were appointed as a committee fo make these changes. " if offi result, for the body's tions are once again normal. One of & series of articles in the public interest to ex Er illustrate the proctice of chiropractic, written by Ronsld W. Bilsky, doctor of Chiroprpetic, whees ce is loco is located ot 100 King Street East (Plaze Theetre Buildi Teolo- | phone RA 8-5156. Mrs. Leo Karnath spoke on th FUR STORAGE Store your Furs and Winter Gar- ments in Our Modern Refrigerated Vaults Safe from . . . FIRE - + STORAGE * CLEANING + SHINERIZING OSHAWA FUR and Spice makes prosaic foods more appealing. Heavily salted foods will need more spice than lightly salted foods There can be no rigid set of rules on the art of using spice ef- fectively., and any rule-of-thumb guide has its failings as indivi dual tastes vary child clinic at the University KEEP AIRTIGHT British Columbia provides You don't have fo know thé ro- dents with practical training in mance of the spice trade in the Public health PERSONALS Medica! Students Observe Procedure At Child Clinic VANCOUVER i CP her bi ness. back her brother in 1955 as shop foreman. Miss Crowhurst believes it is the, A new only of girls - stu- phases of the enterprise. 182 Rolls Medical students watched and West Coast, including what shel? o'clock in Northminster United listened as a voung mother dis- believes i cussed her baby's growth prob. Rolls convertible on the econfin- lems with a doctor in the clinic. ent. a $22,500 beauty. couragement, she said membership this fall, Mrs. Atkin- Miss Stern, who did her intern-|son said. ship at the Vancouver General Started three years ago, the Hospital. is a friend and adviser Ottawa branch has 2 members rother"s share in the busi- As it boomed. she hired| SOCIAL NOTICES | As a result, the walls of her {living room are lined with all |sizes and shapes of shakers--a |colorful - array that includes COLD for those who must diet. She isitaking the cor: d given medical instruction {what to prescribe, so far as the special speakers. seminars and menu is concerned, for young and'a newsletter, members keep ad] old, stout and thin on everything from office man- But, she said. "consultation is agement to good design. i more safisfactory than giving a! The association is popular with, patient a diet sheet. Sometimes employers, some of whom pay) we can mee! each other half{for their secretary's eorvespond-! way." ence courses. Sometimes in districts where, Whether the secretary is a vet- children have more spending €ran or a newcome:, these ex- money, they are actually lessperts have definite ideas on two Six girls operate the serv- ce station end of the business-- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mackness v e the eng it of their station operated only {daughter, Barbara Joan, te Mr. and they help in other Donald Stuar! Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ei She says sfie services 18 of the all of Oshawa gl wil Royces on Canada's|taje on Friday, May 8. at by is perhaps the only Chureh MARRIAGE Besides the girls, there are The marriage of Rosemarie on/courses. With regular meetings, | | re + flowers, and evem make-believe 81 WILLIAM ST. W.--OSHAWA--Ph. RA 3-3012 THEFT - MOTHS (FUR EANI STORAGE electrical appliances. } When you turn a knob on aj tiny television set, for instance, out pops the seasonings. There's even a miniature power lawn mower that turns out salt and] pepper. Shy So far, most of the fast-growing) collection has come from Canada| 20d the United States. Now the Ottawa housewife, a native of Granville, Que., hopes Oshawa guests at the Hubbard- seated behind a one-way mirror, ight male mechanics in her ger-| Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Ray- Bates wedding in Bowmanville and discussed the baby's prob. age mond Cole and Mr. William Phil- were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mam lems frankly Her firm's girls' softball team lips of Toronto, and Kenneth and daughter. Judy. Others who! The baby lay on a specially- has wom British Columbia and Gordon Donaldson, som of Mr attended were Mr. and Mrs. Gord- designed plastic-covered desk and Western Canada ionships and Mrs. Al der Donald of on Wakely and family and Miss gurgled happily as he watched several times in recent years. {Oshawa, was solemnized in the Jessie Trewin, Toronto: Mr. and himself in a ceiling mirror " ------------ chapel of St. Andrew's United Mrs Zot Hall and family, Brook- The clinic provides a free Church on Friday, April 3, 1959, in; Mr. Charles Bates. Melrose: health service for babies of uni- "" i with the Reverend Geo Tel Vir. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Ennis. versity students. and teaching i CTORIA ICP) = Re 2102 0rd officiating. i killen: Mr. W. KE. Beman. New- and clinical facilities for research fo years ago with her family |_ h ¢ MUSICAL TALENT well nourished, she said. When|subjects that apply to all i Feet they" buy sweets they lose hen! "Dress to be attractive but wot iil Sreh ls sarsign gy Baby's Flt appetites 'for wholesome foods|to distract," said Mrs. Atkinson, | 5 such as -eggs. fish and veg-iwho wore an attractive tailored (route? shoe shakers from Hol-| etables. {dark blue dress for tue luncheon No matter where the shakers! On the other hand children in imtrview be come from, they're to look at, not! poorer districts, who get adequate, "'And try to on time forito use. ; 'ni proteins, sometimes have de-|work, it's important," said Mrs. "Besides," said. the coll e | Is there « right end wrong ficiencies in citrus [friits and| Domina as she hustled back to" haven't got the money to fill| Wey to teach a child to walk? ® Arthritis Of Spine A. Most children do pretty well castle on the growth and devel © of the normal child OPMENt from Austria. wants to be a con-| and Mrs. Dr. John Reid, of the depart-(StTt musician on the bass fiddle. returned . Part-{ a member of the Victoria sym- m ment of preventive medicine : % phony orchestra. she is returning after spend- director and his staff rIRpg \ and Mrs. a public health a to Austria for further studies on i y the instrument worker an secretary. An as. sident in pediatrics will NORTHERN CACTUS Cactus plants grow wild in the Mrs. Harold Clarence Keith from Syracuse Ing a Clayton Beard have N.Y ith Mr Keith is week RELIEVE FOOT STRAIN! . a a sistant r Dr. and Mrs. A W. Harding be added Simcoe street north. have return ed home after a motor trip to the south western States and Cali- fornia later The clinic will be kept busy as Alberta. 605 of the university's 1.182 mar- ried students have a total of) 1,056 children. mostly in infant and pre-school-age groups The clinic's duties will be pre- ventive, not curative. Sick ehil-| dren will be referred to the family doctor "More than half the child doc- | BUYING A RUG? See Our Stock Before You De . . . HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES You are invited hy the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties. showers, anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and : : for which there is no charge oo s time is taken up with chil-| Please write or telcphone RA! ren who are well, said Dr. 3.3474 local 18 James Mather of the department of preventive medicine. "Illness | Mrs. Eric Dean wil preside at 18 no longer the major problem | the meeting of the Combined among children." Nursing Association to be held . this evening at McLaughlin Hall when Mr. Edwin Heath will speak on hypnotism be comfort of a low heel. PRECIOUS MINERAL Uranium was first identified | by the German scientist Martin | Klaproch in Bohemia in 1789, At a competition in Highland - dancing held on Saturday at Wes- ton Miss Peggv Ring was award- | ed three medals to refieve arch strain. Has materiale. You'll Jook wel demgwed. jov-comgort, Miss Elizabeth Maude McCann whose marriage to Mr. Thomas Alexander Turner wi:l take place | on Saturday, April 25, in Simcoe | Street United Church, was guest | nf honor recently at a miscellane- ous shower held at the home of Mrs. John Powlenzuk Montrave avenue. The bride-to-be received many beautiful gifts from family and friends attending. The show- er was arranged by Mrs Pow- lenzuk and the Misses Sylvia and Marie Powlenzuk. Cold Wave complete 6° MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ONLY DURING APRIL Quita Beauty Salons 13 Simeon St. 8 RA 5-4321 ¥ King 8 0. Above Kresge's) (eor. Celina) 18 SIMCOE ST. §. This famous Dr. Locke sboe hae mid-hesd finttexy-wfith Yhovsmmds of woemee know this shoe of toe room for sure comfort all daw, Imported leathers wonderful in this shoe. Ask abo! Dv. Rockers fousowe "S-poiet DANCEY'S RA 5.1833 {with little more. help than hand- |holding. What youngsters walk on during the learning process moy be more important than how they are helped, A Wash- ington, D.C., doctor believes thet learning to walk on @ | smooth flat surface may lead te | flat feet. He watched barefoot Indian babies toddle around on | pebbly ground and saw how their | feet responded to Mother Earth's Joye. Taking this eut the doe- itor made a ploy pen pad stud. |ded with knobs fo simulate | pebbles. When babies are placed lon such a pad, the toes make a igrasping movement. The foot is unable to" tum outward and tends to toe in. This helps form @ good arch. Children who lean to walk on such @ surface would very likely develop good feet just as do primitive people who al- most always have perfect feet and excellent gait fresh leafy vegetables. {her office, ithem all." + Ross 3.hil Rugs Carpets and 80 SIMCOE N. RA.8-6218 Wali-te-wall Broadicom installed the modem way ripedh divers bom with Smoothedge by our ewn machonics hovedy M, fred Q. "1 have had arthritis in the spine for ever 20 yeam, | also have allergy trouble. Would change in climate help?'--A N.J. reader. A. It might help but where to go is a problem. Altitude may pe MEMBER OF e factor in some allergies but one person may do better at high altitudes--another worss, The situation is about the same in the ease of arthrities. Some arthritic suferers are helped by a change of climate, especially when they move to a dry, warm climate such as that of Arizona or New Mexico; others may de better in warm, moist conditions prevalent in Florida and similar places. If your doctor advises change it would be wise to ge for a trial period. Unfortunately it may take as long as @ yeer to tell whether there has besn any benefit When submitting questions, reed- ors are requested NOT to en- close self-addressed envelopes. Questions are incorporated fin these columns when possible. Answers do not necessarily re- lect the opinion of all doctors The ciagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontaric will be incorporated in these columns when possible

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