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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 14, 1959 §. ERRORS | TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS REPORT FROM UK. gt To el increasing 30 Net experience and familiary with. , : Net 11: . TORONTO Stock Sales High Low Fn a Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge y \ both new plant and new prods By The Canadisn P Ir Can PL 220 8% 28% -- % C Northland 1000 33 33 33 --2 a, - Joronts Stock Exchange April 14 Trans N iS 1% 134 -% C Regcourt 1000 14% 14% 14% MONTREAL S ux Mr. Copelin's " oy ( tat] I rked 00 211 10a xd En dividend, pe Un Aecd pr us sizd 14 1% fr, Ewmumn By The Canadian Press vealed a changing pattern in the {exvor of British automobiles, righ. xw--Ex-warrants.) .Un Gas 2155 Cralgmt 100 450 Montreal Stock Exchange--April 14 ¢ . Un Teel 10430 25 230 20 Daring, | 3 2 j oSuctations in 'cents unless fared 3. |Vauxhall's sales to Canada and . Industrials Walk GW 435 3 Danas 1000 1% 2 rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) t ited States increased by West C Brew 110 | Net $7 37 225 . 22 percent over the previous sock Bales High Low 11 am. Ch'ge ; Jb. 12 Industrials Iyear, but sales to other Common- A BH mwn-u Do 2 3 Tie Net By M. McINTYRE HOOD [tion to this splendid showing, ajthese purposes up fo 8,500,000 wealih countries declined by 10 Alta Gas 665 $23% 23% 23% loe% 122 122 Slock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Special London, England cash balance of 4.000.000 re- (pounds. |percent and to Europe 11 per Algoma 12 $374 ATM TY -- % Wot A 21' A Acad Atl A 235 $20% 20% 20% ndent to, places an overdraft of a similar] a cent. . Alumini 715 $27 2% 267% + 4% Pl 12 Al 225 $374 31% 37% Correspondent to, | While record sales of 95 mil- ] Aum 1 pr 10 = a 2 " ED it 2140 - Atumin ws sr x 7 iw The Oshawa Times). {amount shown a year ago. {lion pounds, as compared with| In spite of the splendid yoeovess u ; 3 Ye Tay A a Am Aniian a BB. Giant YK 100 =13 i vr 1 Soh AA 114 LONDON -- Vauxhall Motors, The annual report indicates that|75 million pounds in 1957, was alin profits, however, no dt Analog wis 200 475 475 475 Glenn_Uran $000 : g 425 $3% 38 38 -- 4 the British subsidiary of the Gen. [the recovery of this automobile contributory factor to this excel-/is to be paid on the ordinary Anthes Tmp 50 $44 44 44 52 Gola Eagle 2000 2 : 5 $47 AT ATV + % . has bro.|company is even more striking|lent result of the year's opera-|capital, for the second year. This a 5600 $5% 5% 5% GF Uran 4000 00 $30 20% 30 + % eral Motors Corporation; has bro-|, ° po" t. An|tions, Philip W. Copelin, chair-|is not, it is pointed out, a mat A %% Sai » $40 -------- 7 jtias Steel al ken. ali previous records ia the additional 3 000,000 TE : ve iy 'and aging porno oped lter for pry to British inves. B CN 75 $55 55 55 ,000, , men-| Bank Mont 59 3 po 36 2% Gunnar wis CHES Bna CON wis 2291 813% 13% 13% past year. The angus] yepert 2 allocated in 195 to depreciation|tions another factor in his report. tors, as all the ordinary shares 290 the company for its 1953 opera Atlas Steel 2615 26% Bk Vont rts 1464 300 290 295 J 3 Gwiltm 3300 ' Bok Mont rts 576 295 200 --8 a b , 4 id, % NS 250 $8 5 Hard 'Rock 2100 . Banque PC 100 $35% 35% 35% tions, just published, shows aland special tooling "charge, "There was," he said, 'a great'of Vauxhall are held hv the Ges- Bo 8 $73 73 0M ; Be: Phane 393 340% 40 104 » » iy Bell Phone 1046 $40; 40% 40% -- 3b profit of 1,120,872 pounds, (§3,583,- bringing the amount for both'increase in over-all productivity eral Motors Corporation. J 120, , ($3,583, ' 32 101 100 Hova 5 Tr Hollinger 250 5 Bula 333 " 354), compared with a loss of B Blue Rib pr pn 2 an or 773 3% ® A 52 2,366,831 pounds in 1957. In addi- BCE 44 pr $ Ly Int Ran 3600 ; s 6 46 BC Forest 275 $16% 16% 16% -- % 1000 6% 6% 6 d Irish Cop 2 800 BC Forest 250 14 ° BC Phone 225 $4215 4214 {214 3 Jacobus 100 BC Pow 300 $38 Buns 25 813 13 13 v 1 9 Joburke m0 2 2 Brown 252 3" 36 36 3 Jonsmith 5500 Row I C Bad B 50 $56 3 Can Cem 450 $33% 33% ! 400 350 33 Kenville 3500 ; fal Pow I 3 » C1 Fndry 25 $35 35 ' , v 25 + Kerr Add 280 y . gan Com 20 2 8 - NET EARNIN Cl F au 85 $02 92 9 CE Kilembe 500 3: A 4 2 C.Pack A 25 $50 34 M1 Kilem cwts 100 ads Hig Min 100 ? J 360 $40 By THE CANADIAN PRESS 4 C Pack B 100 $5214 52% 52% -- YU Charter Oil 1 C Bnk Com 45 $59 59 4 C Mic Mac 125 420 Lake Cin 300 Cor leg LL Ay v 4 Ti C West Pete 500 L Dufault CE, BIS 30 2 ay Cree wis 800 1 2 om € Cottons" 300 3 2 year ended Dec. 31: 1958, $39,119. "Cart Wo 1000 390 380 380 Dev-Pal Pn 30 30 C1 Pow pr 180 $46 vw 46% (First year since combination of EX oil dil $4 1a 14 DS Pete BN ahem TNS 1 con, y Curtis-Wright of Canada and Iso- CPR ' 29% 29% -- % Gen Pete 200 405 405 4 +5 € Vickers tope Products Ltd.) 6 $29% : h g PIT pt I En Home Oil B 104 $17 c 9 pA Canadian Husky Oil Ltd., year C Vickers 400 $19. 19 19 --% Bb oll 6 a ? nt 9 4 2900 Con M 8 0 ended Dec. 31: 1958, net loss 100 $141 1416 14% + % iy : y h Contm Glass z13 $35 - 33 $1.767,548; 1957, net loss $131,176. Northern Ontario . . . paradise for people who want to relax. $°% 10% 12% 1 , ; ¢ y 230% 3% -- Mra} 430 ; LHR Ae ' 5t F Consolidated Bakeries of Can- i ph 25 800% 1017 1017 Moeon 100 ; N adser : x , iB xa i ; ada Ltd: 1950, $299,622, 88 cents! The great outdoors Stretches for mile upon mile, yet a day can be as varied 00 wis 0 Ys 1h la N Cont 3000 : Eu Pu a share; 1957, $293,829, 87 cents. as you care to make it. Wild life . . . scenic cruises . . . y : Davi 5 A 3 - ini abri Sm Sak . FOL 70 Navies 32 : non on D Test 0 EL a igh Mu OWL luxury lodges . . . fascinating mining developments . . . you'll find . 0a Me a . : a 39%; . . : : Pu- Pete 70 $15% 15% 15% -- Mil iten 9 Pl A gE 1957, $188,330. them all side by side in this great area. y Fm uh ow Pam > in M1 0re 4 28 ' Electrolux JIA Famous Players Canadian Cor- "A 100 $69 69 68 Pr id Nama Cr 9 29 Yam pay $36 Zn, Zn poration Ltd.: year ended Jan. 3, | Us 33 scons 80% 60% Place Gas Nat Expl Fooich P pr 20 0 700 1959, $2,656,468, $1.53 a share; FELL E LL LLL FF OFEFEE FF ER 575 $124%% 12914 12134 + Fra'rie OF ; Nealon 0 Gen Dynam 275 59% 59% year ended Dec. 28, 1957, $2,220,- . Provo Gas § 9 New Ath 4" 4 GL P 325 $40 40 40 1 Ranges 0 New gal So Holt Ren 435 18% 18% -- 16, $1.38. ea Rui Em 2 3 New Deni S00 Home Oil A 300 18% 18% + Great Northern Gas Utilities Secur 8 525° 5 - N Goldvue 5 4 4 . South U 4 N Harri 500 H Smith 4 0 Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 158, } Spooner New Hosco 1700 x ud pay 5h 374 -- $304,762, 24 cents a share; 1957, Imp Inv A 11% 11% id ce F230 815% : N Kelore 008 2 imp ON FH $491,859, 56 cents. ' 500 8¢ 9 9 3 . Jew. ul : 7 7 Th Yo Sari I or sok ot Trias Ca N Mylama jmp od : Ln 1 + Gurney Products Ltd., year Irn 433 $424 424 p LEA Newnor 4500 4 7 g Ind Acer ore ended Dec. 31: 1958, $111,237 (in- 336 $37% 37h 3h -- Pos 2 3 BR 1 4 6 Int Paper 14 14 + cluding $70,564 from pronerty 138 size iz% 12% 5 AN ' Interprov PL 25 i sale): 1957, net loss $366,074. " : V : Inland C pr 200 $19 19% 19% AFR : 1 Th i " in 29 Holt, Renfrew and Co. Ltd. Inland Gas 500 85% A : Norm 3 Lewis Bros ¢ 10% -- year ended Jan. 31: 1959, $307. Inter PL 43 853% 53% 83% Ca 0 10 N Mass-F ; 473, $2.21 a share; 1958, $205,491 Int Steel 100 $6 6 6 N Ga 9 Molson pr 9 A h ' + yn Inv Syn A 200 $30% 30% 301% -- 14 . bhi 3 i % Mtl Loco $1.77. La Kel, DA ld 'Bre 6 : ry } Wire 6 International Uitilites Corpora- aba i ; : 4 : 6% 64 6 nda tion, year ended Dec. 31: 1958 Lob G 1 pr : A:na Expl 500 10 E yl it . & 1 : » Lob Co B " Algom > 5 9 NW. Tul» nn 2 $5,902,804, $2.41 a share; 1957, Lob Co A wis 100 $164 lev 164 Amal Rare Paramag 0. 8 / Pac Pete " $7.175.281, $2.94. MacMill B $4210 4214 42% N - arbec J i RR MacoF 1700 $143 1414 14% -- % on 1 Paymast 300 20 Jase Tens CL 32 Kilembe Cooper Cobalt Ltd., Mere Chip 300 45 43 45 +1 At! n-Ruf Peerless 3 year ended Dec. 31: 1958, net MidWest' Wo 163 WIL tH Aumaeis on 10v 3 Dino : 0 loss $580,217; 1957, net loss $987, Ed fi H , ISS Powell R Molson A 25 $25 25 Aumagque 850) : Preston 7 o Nat Drug 100 $17 17 ro ront i e 3 "" TR. : N stl Car 100 $17% 17% g 4 20 +1 As G ' ; Scurry - Rainbow Oif Ltd. 3 N Star wits 56 440 $30 26 - 25 25 25 : ; 3 y mos. ended Dec. 31: 1958, $124,- N Star wis 57 125 360 360 360 ; Bue Pow NO N Gas 125 $14% 14% . 27 1 + 4 Quemont ag BR 415: 1957. $37.727. N Phone rt 11076 20 18 18 2000 - Radiors 1% Doyal San ; Waterloo Manufacturing Co. 1 . ayr 4 Stew a, oN i Ps Th Roche Salada-§ wis 9 930 Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1958, Page-Hers N% 3% Rockwin 8 4 + Shawin 358 8% 33% $249,061 (including $151,006 profit 1 Jit Nir-% Bovzan 500 60 60 60 Sand Riv Simpsons A from sale of fixed assets; $69.19 ws 485 22 220 220 Sherritt Steel Can 3% recovery of income taxes; and 19% -- % Cd 4 Stanleigh 950 Steinbg A % 30% $28,855 from operations); 1957, 16% --1 } Stanigh wis 46 46 46 Texaco 50 $121,223 104 + W "an N 6000 56 Si 5 Steep R : : ' $ 81 28% 1223. Fd Sturgeon ' 3000 2 met ib 0 169 165 169 ean: to 4 » - i VA 110 $14 14 ; Sunburst 2 12 n 1 E Off Gets a3 $115 104 16 6% Sylvanite X 1cer 450 $38% 38 38 Chay ¥ Taurcan vi 000 67 : Ri 7 % | 4. a 3 : = Discover how economical to bid 5 --8 7 68 Able Bn uw ou 0600 45 40 40 --2 Ang Can $43 Indictment 7: 8 explore Ontario by mailing the {OSpun BHO) ersoll # you will C Marconi i . Cons Paper BATH, N.Y. (AP)--William J. Wh a . Ll wp-sodate bis of dcommenstion hat showy Se 0 AB 4 a € Discover 3 3% V 3500 Doni ate .d Binkley, 51, a former RCAF of- % ici ; here price you want to pay, juptest ord 2105 $16 9 88 il 1 15 joel dis 100 $1244 124% ficer and Kingston, Ont., news- ; § g | A 35 $70% >) 6700 64 5 § 47 3 10 Ju a2, 32 paper man, was indicted Monday | 08 108 08 130 on charges of first-degree grand fe : 58 58 58 29 9 29 110 > 1 i wn = oy 2200 38 3 41 ME Dae I a 1 a larceny and burglary. : d ONTARIO TRAVEL, 100 975 Ss 97 Con Nichol 500 Zulapa 500 29% 29% 29% --1 Shop Sav rts 410 141 141 State police said Binkley has > Lo 1 182 Perlioment Bldg ; admitted more than 100 burglar- Toronto, Ontario i economic situation is no fault off Dr. W. A. Honeisett, superin.|ls in northeastern United States i B GARBAGE PICKERS? the country and everybody is be-|tendent of the United Church's and parts of Canada. i & i Nd dgature about ing taken care of satisfactorily. Fred Victor Mission--where the A grand jury returned the in- foe ° Generally, the British immigrant|newspaper said hundreds of men dictment in connection with the H f : NBMO@.cocesssrsescssssssccssssssssossnce 4 is better off than those from who lost their homes were sleep-|Purglary oi a home last Febru i LL Hy I Tl Oo 1 1 S i t ana a other countries." ling on floors without blankets-- ary in Corning, N.Y. Binkley was pi § iu | 3 Gerald Peters, president of the|said the persons using his institu- arrested at a motel. \ ' Post OfI0®...ccovviiiccnsncacocensnane 2,000 - member Piccadilly Club: [tions are mostly derelicts. He, A college graduate, he worked ? Si i " "That's complete bunk. There and his st r {on newspapers in Kingston and arm - ; comp {and his staff hadn't encountered London, Ont. During the Second Ontario De, nt of Travel & Public" are only 12 of our members out a British person seeking accom-| theart, Minister. Ra News a er Stor jof work mow and there hasn't/modation throughout Canada's orld War he edited a weekly) Hon, Bryan L. Ca b Minister, {been an application for aid be-|harsh winter. [RowsPapct ln the air fore. He " { ome address. | ¥ |fore our welfare committee. A picture in the paper, show-| His arrai is scheduled KNOW ONTARIO BE ER TORONTO (CP) -- Britons inthe 30s and still hundreds of Brit-|sperately biased that it's outright| ES FEW i i Canada have reacted hotly to re- ons were sailing monthly. rstortion." € CAS Bailey, director of the| say men Sleeping 08 flops, was later this week, sorts from "London that many of Ivor Jones, president of the British Information Service Win two Years 20 a co go 'heir countrymen here were those who 'ine up in soup queues British Emigration Goodwill As-|Toronto: 'We've had only one or| em tombing garbage for food, sleep- 0% "od he hd ih bare| sociation, Incorporated: "I think two cases over the last two years Rev. Morris Zeidman, superin- : ing on bare floors and lining up floors of mission buildings and| this must be the work of the where immigrants asked for as-tendent of Scott Mission, which "at soup kitchens. : even comb garbage for food left. Small segment of loud - mouth|sistance to go home. In view of operates a soup and bread line ¢ The report was published in a vers." LL {malcontents who are less than|the great number that came ia hi : Ch 5 T Fl British newspaper, The People, *V¢™ |five per cent of the immigrants|here, more than 100,000 it's in- said his workers had encountered oice op oor which touched off a similar con-, John Bunker, president of the returning home. There's no|finitesimal. The whole thing . . |only the odd person of British ex- iroversy two years ago. Overseas League in Toronto, said danger of anyone being out on|must be the work of biased and traction seeking assistance as a The newspaper, under the Monday the Press Council, unof-|the street or s | disgruntled persons." transient. - heading "no jobs--and now bread|ficial watchdog of British journal- ¢ lines," said Canada faced its/ism, should investigate the re- worst unemployment crisis since/port. He described it as "so de- "Yet immigrants are among| gy. Of course, only grown-ups really appreciate a BNS Personal Security Program [7 3 ' ' 29 Who said I couldn t saved Excellent bright office space is now being @® the offices can be arranged in various That's a sure sign that your eyes need attention--or Everyone--from six to fifty-six--can save Drop in at your nearest branch of The arranged for rent in the new Times Build- footages almost as required @ all new if you now wear glasses, that your rescription should with The Bank of Nova Scotia's exclusive Bank of Nova Scotia and find out about : : construction @ extremely moderate rates be changed. Seeing clearly, both close-up and at long Personal Security Program. Youmay never ~~ PSP. And while you're there, ask about ing==smoder passenger elevator. service: including heat @ long leases arranged if range, can help you avoid eye-strain--make seei have been able to save before, but with the many other helpful services the BNS desired ? hii Souioriable, x axed. See vour optometrist or pd PSP your savings goal is insured . . . you has to offer. Don't put it off, come ; 01s! week. can't miss! in today. A PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE id ; fig Ai id ies The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA OSHAWA TIMES -- T. L. WILSON to the og Saupe | ERE Mere than 500 branches across Canada and in London, New York, the Caribbean. Manager: Oshawa Branch, Kinaclev M. Hume. IS YOUR VISION FAULTY 2 Is the small type of your telephone book a little fuzzy?

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