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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 14, 1959 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 10 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' WHITBY "DUNNIES" polished off the Hull Legion team 7-2 last night in the first game of the Eastern Canada Allan Cup fi-| nals and since it's only to be a 2-out-of-3 affair, you can count on it being cleaned up tomorrow night at the Whitby Arena. Down Hull-way, they wanted at least a 3-out-of-5 series but the CAHA powers-that-be vetoed this suggestion and it's even more ! apparent now that they knew what they were doing. With the Dun-| lops winning last night's game by five goals, it's reasonable to assume that they were not really extended and so should have no teouble in making it two-straight, It would have meant only great- er expense to the CAHA if the series had been longer The Stanley Cup series resumes tonight at Maple Leaf Gardens and the Toronto fans, whe haven't scen their (eam win at home since away back in the fourth game of their se- ries with Boston Bruins, are keyed up for this one. Doug Har- vey has been credited wth being the main factor Canadiens winning the first two games of the series on their home ice. The fans, the "experts," the scr , everybody is taking a whirl at the big guessing games--will Leafs win tonight' -- will they even it up at home -- will they still win the cup. Mean- while, both camps appear to be full of confidence with the in- jury jinx not being too apparent. Leafs are going to dress Lar- ry Regan, put his broken hand in a , tenight while Mahov- lich is said recovered from his "charley horse" bruise. Jean Beliveau is not expected to start tonight and we suspect. not until at least the fifth game--if then, "The Rocket" worked ovd with his old mates, brother Henri and Dickie Moore yester- dav and Coach "Toe" Blake may use them as a unit tonight. softhall proof 7.00 OC, "e. two important evening --suy are d SOFTBALL MEETINGS: There meetings on tap for tomorrow (Wedue ¢ that the boys are beginning to get the summer feeling At p.m.. at Simcoe Hall, the Oshawa City and District Softball Ass is 'holding a meeting, when important business is to transpi Pres. 'Chris" Mason and his execufive ¢ lly anxious to have sentatives on hand, not only teams expect. ing to play Inter, "A" or Senior "B" OASA ball summer. but would also like to see delegates attending s meeting (omorrew night, at seven o'cleck sharp--to represent the Inter-Couniy Lea sue and the UAWA Softball League . . . THE INTER-COUNTY Softball League is holding a meeting of its own, tomorrow nizht algo. This one is called for eight o'clock, at the Radio Park club hotise, on Park Road South and all Inter-County League teams are g¢papping variety of curve balls, | on tituted another of the club's Luke, Les Harrison asked to have a delegaie on hand , BRIGHT BITS: Jack Mehlenbacker driver who refereed in OHA for many years a five-year fling in the NHL until he resigned a couple of sc back. has added his "two cents worth"--to the effect that NIIL boss Clarence Campbell just won't protect his officials and that the NHL could learn a lot from the OHA in this regard . .. "BUCKY" HOL- LINGSWORTH, Cleveland Barons' defenceman stick and broke a newspaperman's camera, in a playoff game at Hersh- ey last Saturday night and now the AHL president Richard Can- the harness-racing and had asons swung his "ping (0-0) vs Herb Score (0-0). 'Other Clubs Have 'Home Game Today San Francisco-- shoulder is fit, The Orioles, who, By ED WILKS Chicago at Associated Press Sports Writer [Dave Hillman (0-0)'vs Jack San- haven't played since Thursday's opener at Washing- ford (0-0). Maj Nl put Major League baseball puts a The Pittsburgh Pirales, finish to the business of "season openers" today with the National League champion Milwaukee Braves, San Francisco Giants and Los Angeles Dodgers play- ing their first games at home, |b The Cleveland Indians, Chicago Thursday. White Sox, Boston Red Sox and Baltimore Orioles make their home debuts in the American. Seven of the majors' 16 clubs still are unbeaten. But six still are trying to get started in this second round of openers. Here's today's schedule home openers: American League Kansas City at Chicago--Ralph Terry (0-0) vs Billy Pierce (0-0). Detroit at Cleveland--Jim Bun- six, are at Cincinnati, but that|} doesn't qualify as an opener. It| were beaten by Cleveland their only two starts. of was the Sox' opening day choice last Friday, but was not involved lin the decision.' Terry, a young |right-hander, will be making his first start for Kansas City. The unbeaten Indians are giv- ing Score another 15a. The be . >. : troubled lefiy was wild in a New York af Baltimore--Don| jaf ohore at Kansas City. The Larsen (0-0) vs Arnie Portocar- Tigers {ry again with Bunning, retro (0.0), . who escaped the decision in last Washington at x oa, Jeek's opener against the White {Sox. Pascual (0-0) vs Tke Delock (0-0). National League 1, y v Philadelphia at Milwaukee-- TEST FOR LARSEN | Ruben Gomes (0-0) or Seth More-| The Yankees (1-0) have Yarsen head (0-0) ve Warren Spahn (1-0). [still to prove that his bothersome! sir-|{ton, switched from Hoyt prising members of the winless|hélm, who no-hit the Yankees was at Cincinnati that the Pirates flu, but Delock insists he's ready egan their 0-3 frustration last!to pitch against the Senators. The White Sox matched some toward what would be his 10th tine relief pitching with some season of 20 victories by shutting| surprise power for a three-game out the Pirates last Friday, goes sweep at Detroit, while the agin: No. 2 against the Phils, who| in beat !start. Gomez' makes his debut| Pierce, the southpaw veleran,|as a Phil following the winter| trade with San Francisco. The Cuban right-hander, who dislikes cool weather, has lost five in a row to the Braves sweep at St. Louis, have a half- in' 4 - HERE'S ONE HOLE THEY MIGHT SOON CALL "LUCKY No. 7 NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) There seems little doubt about it, the seven iron is the club to use on the 135-yard third hole, at nearby St. Dav'd's Golf Course. Mel Parfitt of Welland, and Joe D'Anna of Niagara Falls, N.Y., each used one when they played the hole half an hour apart Saturday. Both sank their tee shots. Partitt's witnesses were Al Travers of Niagara Falls, Ont., and Bud Haylor and Walt Bissell, both of Queen- ston, Ont. Playing with D'Anna were Vie Laurendi, Hatch Stepha- nin and Pete Pelsoni, all of Niagara Falls, N.Y. Plus Fours May Return Correct ams. edge over the Braves oa D ress For Golf ey introduce their half of the! LONDON (AP)--In matters of trade with the Phils with Sanford |golf dress, Britons always have going for his seventh victory in|been the plus fours type while 10 decisions against the Cubs.!|Americans have been slackers. Hillman -has won three siraight| A battle between the two from the Giants. Ischools is about to be joined. | 1 losing | Wwil- ast season, to Portocarrero. | The Red Sox are battling the @ Spahm, who got a quick start Cincinnati in their lone| since 1957. If the weather is Morehead may pitch. ANOTHER DEBUT The Giants, 3-0 after June, | "ool, their Sal Maglie Is Annual "Plumber's Nigh Closes Curling Season Now Instructor With St. Louis The 1958-39 curling season came din : . to an cificial close at The Osh- ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Time has goa Curling Club on Saturday caught up ¥ ith Sal Magiie. inight and once agair, following ve year - old i annual fradition, the closing who stilled enemy bats wi 2 avent's activities and program | took a job with the St Louis Car- dinals as a pitching instructor " for their minor league elubs. The io. 2. members a Cards recently had asked waiv-| , oT ers on Maglie in order to hand ole fun and sole 301 Pid hip is wncorditionat oleate ig. Mi the keener of the curling en- Qa) i : thusiasts getting in 'their final ures Sal is a treasure trove of os. ia pitching knowledge -- invaluable game of ig Season a vend, to fledgling hurlers. game, with glasses prizes. Maglie's first chore Then the ice was invaded by a a contingent of hard-fo-recog- best known! perennial . highlights 'Plumber's to ¢ Inew was nidg has fined Hollingsworth $100.00 : TonoNTo oy Counc travel by train--he doesn't. trus has approved an additional expenditure of $1 500 for the bleac airplanes--to Albany, Ga., where, ers at the new CNE Stadium . KITCHENER is going to spend the sum of $300,000 for a new sports centre--containing an outdoor headquarters. From there Mag- nize club members. 'ards have their minor league MEMBERS MAKE SAOW This year's format was changed don are pushing their new plus fours lines as "the good look for the good golfer." They swear they will have Americans all out of slacks and into knickers in a couple of years. At .a score of recent fashion shows male models hav Convicts", Oak Crav.ford, Terry showing off Rcdels have, bees Kelly, John Greer and Ed Lup- hey are more like plus threes-- ton; "Commodore and Crew «narrow in the leg, snug over the Doug Keel, Russ Recve, Fred hips and worn without a belt. Fordham and Chas. Lancaster; mhey don't bag below the' knee The Pot Hunters", "Casey'|pearly as far as the plus fours of Jack Perry qld. and Frank Young; "Confused| Another almost forgotten idea Curlers", Ross Mil's,. Maurice js the matching of the knickers Hatt, Ken Jackson and "Gib" with a neat, three-button, single- Jack; "The Animal Foursome', breasted jacl-et. Ken Conlin, Beh Paite, Ed Dis-| This jacket carries the punch ney and Alex Mackay: "The Red 'in the line. Sweater Girls", Herb Robinson, Americans are Getry Farrow, Beit Hill and dress conscious Fred Ashwc th; "The Clowns", "Bob" Meicer, J ack'shed hefore Hammond, "Rip" Wakely and donned a<zain "Bucky" Luke; "The (lad (Mop) | hole. Rag Dolls", Frank Kellar, "Preem' Whiteley, Bert Dingley and Tom Russell. ¢ and colorful at the first before the {spot when ti {one decision over Goldell Homes and lagher 735: |Lucky Strike Grill. !sion of this spot with a two point pick. | 'as a play-off berth is concerned. Men's fashion designers in Lon-| getting more " | High singles -- Bill Gutsell 257 201s. {Ton Rae 254, Phyl Hudson 233, Glad {Wiliams 246, Audrey Keys 241, Bill | Baker 236, Peggle Fayle 235, Ed Smith jae oe Svelock 232, - Elsie am 1, le Corneal 230, Scott Sm MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE Earl McMaster 768; Stan Hodgson 738 Ed Leslie 229, Helen Fisher 228, ia Bolahood Real Estate held on to top (363); Ozzie Keeler 753 (332); John Howell 227, Doug Barnes 224, Hare} he realtors took a two-to- Hrico 753; Harry Gillard 756; Bob Gal- (Corneal and Mavis Taylor 222, Jean Matt Kotelko 734: Don Jarvis and Bob Carter 221, @ Johnny Masiewich 714) Ritson Drugs took complete posses- Earl Jorden 70) and Denny Linton 700. ox High triples -- I. Reid 504, O. up from Dove's Fina Station and it's a| PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES De two point lead for the druggists with, With only one week leit in the regu- held 3, 1, Welsh 4 a 337, one more week to go. lar season, the High Balls are leading \eish 546, M. Whiting 545, 1. Brabis: Jubilee Pavilion held on to a stim ¥ith 42 points followed by Boomerangs isi) B, Pearse 542, J. Carter 541, A.' chance of a play-off berth when the i)» Ernies Burnies 39%, Taylors Sallors pandry 534, A. Metcalf 526, B. Dunn Jubilee lads topped Ed Wilson Furni.|37; B-Bobs, The O.K's and Dots Do-52, M. Wells 516, M. Gay 510 and ture to keep their hopes alive. [Littles 35, Starters 34, Jumpers and p "Knox 308. : Oshawa Auto Trim stopped the Lucky Zeroes Sa Rings 31, Smoochers 30, Strike Grill entry by the two to one Lucky "13" 29, Sputniks 28%, Ups and | count, but it's a very slim mathemati.| Downs and Gray Beards 28, Bill's Pills cal chance for the Trimmers as far | and 13. ! | triples this week vard 699 The Oscars High How Eddie Brown was the high bowler for Read 700 (270-243), Al Brisebois M. Gay the night with a brilliant 909 total and (286-246), Bert Harding 684 (211, 247,| {his marks the second time that Fd 226), Ev Harding 674 (207,.375), Don| Lemon League has racked up his same score this sea- Brockman 638 (216-221-221), Madeline G. Woodcock 92 son. With a couple of breaks, Brownie Morrison 648 (254 . 220), Marion] Team standings - Canaries 42, could have taken over with the sea. | Thomas 647 (209 - 210 - 228), Dot Para. Crows 40, Cickoos 38, Robins ' 27, son's high iriple but a few corner |dise 643 (230, 215), Don Crossman 640) Whippoorwills 24, Blue Jays 24, Chickar pins did the trick. (230, 241), Johnny Hopps 640 (203, dees 16 and Seagulls 13. The standing -- Bolahood Real Estate 247), Muriel Crossman 639 (225, 236), ---- 45 points; Lucky Strike Grill 41, Rit-| Harry Fayle 634 (248, 230), George Tay- son Drugs 37, Ed Wilson Furniture 35, (lor 634 (233, 233), Gladys Bickle 632] MILL RATE UP Jubilee Pavilion 34, Oshawa Auto Trim (231), Stan Cook 629 (224, 206), Pat : A 32, Dove's Fina Station 28 and Goldell Jarvis 625 (202, 201, 222), Alan pin| SUDBURY (CP)--Board of con- Homes 23. 1622 (211, 226), Oscar Morrison 621 (228, trol approved Monday a 1959 tax. Individual high scores -- Eddie | 8), Ernie Hale 618 (220, 209), Bert levy of $4,139,645, an increase of Brown 909 (300, 307. 302): Hank Sar. Smith 617 (236, 215), Stan Paradise 611 ¢ 40 ev Tact uo; |novske 841 (341); Bob Murphy 815, Joe (201, 219), Stan Turner 608 (213, 213) $133,121 over last year. The board, Ristich 808: Bill Galbraith 802 (314); (and. Bill Greer 608 (242). approved a .36-mill increase, | | | they now have a three point lead over Henning 734; - (303); Ding Gavas 713; Gord Long 703;| WESTMOUNT LADIES' LEAGUE ' Honér roll -- A. Cobb 632. High jing les -- H, Welsh 259, A, Cobb' 258, 220 Reid 233, B. Dunn 234, R. Reay 213, 204; 1. Brabin 213, B. Pe 212, A. Landry 209, O. Duffield 205 & | Metcalf 205, B. Rutherford 204 and' | -- M. Gutsole #3 and | a wonderful way to live . . . beauty and luxury ~--priced to invite you to the happiness of fine home ownership Be sure . . . it's Kassinger u < KASSINGER. CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Circus the club and the jacket would be tee and 19th OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGISTRATION OF KINDERGARTEN & GRADE 1 PUPILS Registration of Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils for September, 1959, will be held in all schools except King Street during the afternoons of April 27th end 28th, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. FOR KINDERGARTEN, the Registration will be for children whose 5th birthday is not later than December 31st, 1959. FOR GRADE 1, the Registration will be accepted for children whose 6th birthday is not later than December 31st, 1959. Those who ere five or six between September 2nd and December 31st, and who have not yet enrolled in Kindergarten will be registered now for sdmission at the beginning of school in Septemb to Kindergarten or Grade 1, according to age. Birth Certificates must be presented before children will be finally edmitted. If these" are not presently ilable they may be submitted later. The Board would appreciate as complete a regis- tration as possible so that the adjustment of school districts may be completed as early as possible. swimming pool, a hockey cushion, gymnasium, dressing rooms o will wander abont in nomad. foe ; A ete PAT HARMON, Cincinnati sports editor, has come out iid bn i on in Romad ls Se in that vol with a story that plans are already underway, money pledged ete. [arc needed. {pete for prizes im a to; assure a third Major baseball circuit by 1961 ie EDDIE As he packed in his hotel competition ing plain fancy or [With a special prize going MACHEN isn't going to fight Ruben Vargas on April 29th room, Sal seemed in good spirits.|comic and the only group that/George Russell, why panicked] LONDON (Reuters)--Results of ail. He (Machen) has come up with a badly swollen hand and the ye" cig hic new job was "the wae missing was (ne "plain" the crowd with his solo presen-'soccer games in i} United Kis > (ight has been postponed until May 20 PAUL GIEL, vio on best thing for me." os le {tation at "Charlie Weaver In Jor Fo he Uni ng- four and lost five with the S.F. Giants last year, has been sold 0 «yp five to work with kids and 1) po " revs rava SHOT Legs! nday: ne Pittsburgh Pirates , . . FLOYD CURRY, former Oshawa Generals y.v' 1 can teach them a lof," Fred D. Plumber" Gacrard) 4 ENGLISH LEAGUE right-wing star and for years known as Canadiens' "honest work-,. aqded. + and his cemmittee, which in GALA PARADE Black Division 1 ; man" has 'made good in his first season as a hockey coach. His| "pt aven as he was leaving he of Shieny x Meiers 0 Wing Highlight of the evening's fun a past 9 Wolverhampton Wan- Montreal Royals won the Quebec League championship Sunday ac thinking of returning tol, uf 3 ar > irectors, Came gq. of course the grand parade, w t Ham Uni night in Trois-Rivieres, winning 4-2 for their fifth decision in the pacepall's big time. up, wit 2 yea ic 3 Sor with "The Plumber" leading the = = am Lnijed 0 Luton Town 0 8th game of the scheduled best-in-nine final LEN TAYLOR, "pw eoing to stay in shape." prise 30 Memsetves: id Je our ors way with his well-known strut, coq iv Sion mm Kitchener sports editor, in in line for congratulations he Was! e promised "and mavhe 1 can who too par is Todt o E [followed by pipers ard a drum. Shesterneld 1 Stockgor! 0 lected president of the Ontario Sports Writers and Sportscasters holo' some club in July or Au.|'o, ne balance of the membersPlD, imer, then four preiiy? Scottish? |rexham 1 Norwich 2 Assoc, this past week-end. . . . OSHAWA Shopping Centre All- gust." {about 250 of them why urn: out lassies? (Jim Souch Sr. Tim ny. x wif Tain ich 2 Stars, having won the Southern Ontario Inter. "B" basketball ti" These words came with the| to enjoy the closing night Pro-igq 1 ye "Gordie Hare and Carl CPO Souhend 1 tle here Saturday night, over Leamington, are now ready to take came determination that Sal STAM. " ; chat |Statford). Next came the "Bar- North vision Iv on Kirkland Lake in the North-South series, with the first game ¢ ued on the mound in nite As Army Armstrong, ce air | a rshoppers" who spiced the / Rp on ester 0 here at Donevan Collegiate Gym, this Saturday night. seasons in the American and Na-|/™an of the judges committee, re- evening's fun in the lounge with ates ead 1 Torquay 0 : pe -------- gia i i i {marked when he made the pre-., : i COTTISH LEAGUE tional Leagues with the Giants, tat f prizes to the winning eir singing. Then came the ten Division I Dodgers, Cleveland and New|3o0 8 ig er rinks of - custumed curlers and pypdee 2 Dunfermline 2 post- York Yankees. rinks, 1 Pa th "Charlie" shuffled up the rear.| poned from April 11 : In those years he notched vie-[task was so difficult that they fr-- P Ao tories while losing only 82, a per-| ®nded up selecting the winners by | centage of .857. Only Whitey | 2 draw -- all ten rinks that par- Ford of the Yankees, among ac. ticipated were acclaimed a popu- | tive pitchers, has dome better. /1ar vote by the judzes and by | # Ford has a phenomena! 724 ear-|the audience with near- a m at or e eer mark (hysteria being the vesult when Y " RY? the cleverly dressed rinks went 3 THE BARBER on parade, and then later got By JACK SULLIVAN choke up. He called) Maglie, dubbed 'the barber' |inio curling action. Canadian Press Staff Writer iw them in football for habitually saving dug-in bat-| The ten rinke waich partici- One of the first persons to tele and done the same initers with pitches, broke into theinated in the camival parade and phone Red Storey after his resig hockey. big leagues in 1945 with the|'spiel, were as follows -- "The nation from the National Hockey 'You know. th thing Giants. Ziegieel Dolls', Don Crothers, League refereeing staff was points up the difference between| For the next four years, he pred Kitchen, Johnny Kitchen "ited to com-| The first four-named rinks, re- costume |SPectively, took the night's prizes, to on after SPORT SNAPSHOTS Ex-Ref Jimmy Simpson In every case the tem rinks or "dreamed up" their own ideas GET TWO ROOKIES for costume and were responsible] MONTREAL (CP)--Two rookie for their own make-up, etc. Their | infielders have been assigned to contribution to the evening's fun!Montreal Royals of the Interna- was a major one anc every par- tional League by the parent Los ticipant was warmly thanked by Angeles Dodgers. They are sec- President Ed Storie and the ap.|/ond baseman Don Domenichelli preciation of all the other mem. |Who hit .238 for Macon of the bers was voiced with enthusiasm. [class A Sally League, and short- | . {stop Gene Wallace who hit .291 Following the grand march --|with Green Bay in the class B they 'shut the lights off over the|ihree.I league ice -- then the party moved to|---- the top floor, where guest artists provided a fine variety program of professional entertai t Club 'president Ed Storie, in his remarks, thanked the members|, ; for their support of the event and |, 5. Hires straight _games 1o/ De] in particular extendad sincere To! Sd Wings, in the aves] thanks to those who had dressed fight by winning their second | a guy to | them as he he's this whole REMEMBER WHEN? .. ' By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto Maple Leafs, after los-| Board of Education, Oshawa, Ontario Supt. of Public Schools Cupt. of Public Schools W. Gordon Bunker Business Administrator $. G. Saywell, Chairman officiz 'mist 'mister' "in reply CAL) man official BUILD SPORTS CENTRE KITCHENER (CP) Con-| struction of a $300,000 sports| tame centre, combining a swimming about after Big Four pool, hockey cushion, gymnas- playoffs. Hamilton Tiger-Cats lost jm. dressing rooms and other to the Alouettes at Montreal and facilities, has been approved by Ticat Jake Gandaur eity council's finance committee. and coach Trimble invaded prea - tn the offici high dud- geon At ct for and the east. they have respe 1 the plavs the the plavers." Simpson's espect for RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR resignation the president Jim room al in This was a farce and the judge, Indes Allan Who received an honorarium of Big Four Only $1,000 a year, resigned late in 1957. Halter, who already held the : i» Job of commissioner of the West- be fined the Tiger-Cat club itself ern Interprovincial Football Un- $300 ion, was appointed national com- The Big Four then became real Missioner. The Winnipegger is ouch lenge tough and talented and his dis- ; el ciplinary powers extend to teams, POWER R*STRICTED players and executives with fines Instead of making the commis- up to $1,000. sioner's decision stick, club ex- He hasn't hesitated to use his ecutives met to decide the issue. powers and it's a good bet that The vote went against Hamilton If club executives try to interfere, and at the same time executives|he'll quit. decided that Judge Fraser could _-- arfything like that." Simpson only fine ¢« and reprimand adgled. 'And T'll tell vou right team offici and # coaches for now that Storey isn't the kind of conduct detrimental to football YOUR TONE-CRAFT DEALER CAN HELP YOU MAKE PROFESSIONAL DECORATOR SELECTIONS wa is coming to OSHAWA Wednesday, Apr. 15 at the ARMOURY 1 am. -- 6 pm. The RCAF is Canada's biggest aviation business and offers a wide variety of career opporty- nities fo qualified young men and women. This is the time for you fo find out how you can build a future for yourself in aviation with the RCAF. Drop in and falk things over -- mo ebligation. commissioner s limited au- precluded anv diseinlinar } thority action t a club off " Just fill out and mail the coupon below, your Tone-Craft color consultant will recommend the right paints to help you achieve provocative har- monizing interiors. 3 Enjoy the fun of color planning your home, inside and out. You receive a recommendation chart showing actual color samples designed to accent and compliment your furnishings and fabrics. \ Jimmy Simpson. They are old football and hockey. You see toiled in the outlawed Mexican cer: * op and buddies ol Simpson welcomed hockey players vakking and League, perfecting his various 3 Eadie Aker; "Te cor ns Red into the lodge of fed-up Seroniing shuse at officinls ad curve balls and learning the re-| referees. all they ge a two- or hve: finements of his trade from Dolf| They had a lot to talk about, Minute penalty. if that Luque, former pitching great | File Complete hecause their careers are almost a Any Joothall players Sho by with the Reds and Giants. | . parallel. Both are tough, raw-|that stull are tossed oul o Just before he departed, Sal ve-| 2 honed men who took public abuse|8ame. just as in baseball. called the classic games of his| Statistics On a : for vears from coaches and team MUTUAL RESPECT career. | np and ca upon the evening's pr i : ! officials "And you'll find football He gave top priority to a Son H chairman "Plumber" Garrard, to PE eas gli Tel Both played in the Big Four|players are the most gentlemanly test in 1956 when he threw a late ace orses receive the plaudits of the eurling nevi two games and iid Stanley | football union, They went on to men in sport. If the team cap-| Season no-hitter against Phila-| nd jclub members. 'Cup. ji ol officiate in. the league and, fi- tain has anvihing to say to an delphia to help the Dodgers win! CAMDEN, N.J. (AP)--Garden| (4... Murphy, wel-Xnown ar- _.. nally, to save their self-respect. official. he politely addresses the the pennant. State Park will experiment with tist and expert aster oF Cars. they quit their jobs. by name with the prefix, That was typical Maglie--he a gadget executive vice president monies, then took over for the Simpson, a hard-tackling little * and the official calls him liked the pressure of the big|Walter Donovan describes asi... i;;ont am. Follow-| uy © i amilton game. possibly the most important program. Follow- dy with the mauling Ham gam : : ing his own rib-tickiing contribu: | Tigers from the late 1920s to the mechanical development in horse tio h gd 1 ing con ne early 1940s who competed 'in five 'racing since introduction of the ri urs = ad dpon mas, Grey Cup finals, gave up hi automatic totalisator. ar Inaginan Sus He rand and| DE Fon vet rasing tob in 1056 Donovan said that a punch-/Benny Silverthorn, magician of} Big Four refereeing j : : {the violin, who togeti vith his | after 11 vears' service. The crit- card-data processing system will| ' 0 together w is jcism from coaches and club ex- be put in operation during the Partner, Wally Cunningham, de- celttives. particularly in his final spring meeting starting May 2, lighted all with their presenta- vear. was foo much to supply vital racing informa- tions. rer : tion about horses to the racing| Special guests on the aun} NOTED CRID STAR secretary, |sion were Rene Fortier. Montreal, Corey, Crey Cup final standout The information cards on an of the Macdonald Tobacco Com-! vith Toronto Argonauts in 1939 individual horse list the owner, Dany and an official 0! The Cana- 7 »d to Big Four and NHL trainer, age, sex, clase claiming|dian' Brier competition; Al 12 but gave up his foot: price if any, distance of races|bert Dunker, Kitchener, past- ball job when he found he rin, earnings in each race, fin- president of the Onmtorio Curling coildn't handle both chores. His ish in each race and date of each| Assoc, William F. "Bingo" nation from the NUL after race. Minutes after closing of Christie, Toronto, another Cana- as one of the mos! entries daily, the machine sup-|dian Brier competition official; fents of the current plies a printed past performance George Taylor, president of To sv Cup playoffs of every horse in every race for|ronto Royal Canadians and three told Red that 1 was amazed the racing secretary. members, Andy Bealtie, "Ash"! I read about NHL pres This information will help the/McCowan and Ed Young. Clarence Campbell saving secretary in preparation of his| A chicken-plate supper, follow- "condition book." Once the booked by a sing-song session, with! is written, the firm which owns Wes Piatti and his three quartet the new system will supply an/mates leading the way. brought alphabetical list of 'the horses the 1959 season to an official and eligible for each race. pleasant ending. that Storey had choked up on a cotinle of calls," Simpson said in a Yelephone interviev from Ham ton "You comm will never hear football ioner Sydney Halter say |, | NO.1 STOVE OIL For Delivery by Metered Trucks PHONE . . . VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5-1109 | MO 8-3644 BROOKLIN AJAX 282 550 MILD - COOL ~ NVEN BURNING PAINT AND ENTERTAIN THE SAME DAY Pli-tone dries quick and smooth without odor. EASIEST TO APPLY can be brushed, rolled or sprayed, _needs no special primer or undercoat WASH uP Is BASY TOO! Ordinary soap and water cleans brushes and rollers in a jiffy. AND BIST OF All-- IT's REALLY WASHABLE can be washed and rewashed without damage. A A aR ) T Drive a Good Car . . . Drive One of These . .. CADILLACS 1954--1959 ALL MODELS! Contact HARRY BENNETT ADDISON - CADILLAC OLDS ' LIMITED 432 BAY ST. TORONTO Phone Toronto WA 3-4681--Oshawa RA 3-4977 : You'll enjoy painting with: ® THE MIRACLE PAINT OF LASTING BEAUTY A <NY Yeo! om interested in your FREE Color Guide Service. AS My Name is PRESTON DECORATING SUPPLIES 19 BOND ST. WEST RA 3.4922 ' ' ' ' i ' ' 1) ) ] ' ' ' ' ' ' Address THERE'S A FUTURE IN AVIATION

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