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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 15

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Cad Poy ttt pd A RESOR GEE Rg zagree ny ~sEiprugs New Pontiff Was Known Rev. Francis X. Murphy, a|perience that have gone Into the ber of the Red torist Fa-| making of John XXIII, It is writ. thers, has written a colorful and|ten with a sureness of touch and well - documented biography of an attention to detail that stamps the new supreme Pontiff of The|it at once as a great biography. Roman Catholic Church in his 35k Pom Im Soves Yo, 40 Oes Cy ® XXIII re » A 1 THE JANCAN™ (Burm and lives the phases of his career MacFEachren), f This Is a masterly biography from infancy to his taking hold) in which the author displays an| 8s Supreme Pontiff. Countryman, intimate knowledge of his sub- clerie, student and scholar, priest ject and writes about him In a and diplomat, preacher and pas- He quickly establishes the fact are only some of the designa- fascinating and Informative way, tor of souls, patriarch and Pope, | that the new Pontiff in the first tions to which the exciling career months of his reign has demon-|of this spiritual leader entitles] strated the remarkable modern-|him. ity of the Church, When it was announced that the The Pontiff is 77. All but un. New Pontiff had choson the name known to the outside world before of John XXIII, surprise knew no his recent elevation, the Cardinal | bounds, No Pope had used that of Venice from the moment of his|name for more than 500 years. election as Pope has provided the For those whose history was at world with a series of surprises their fingertips, there was an im-| that have imprinted his personal- mediate recollection, A man had ity and the character of the new already gone down ir the annals pontificate on the minds of of the Papacy as John XXII, He thoughtful men everywhere, {had been a false Pope. Forced to He Is affable, kindly, with a/resign by the Council of Con-| splendid sense of humor, and stance, he had died in 1419, Of the keeness of intelligence. He has new Pope John, two things were| replaced a man whom the world immediately noticeable. Short rezarded highly. and stocky of build, he had the In this biography, Father appearance of a wise old, Italian Murphy has capturcd the spirit pastor, Powerful of voice and of the man who is John XXIIT, He gesture, he had a mind of his | tells of his background in Sotto il own, With his election, a new| Monte and Bergamo. He de- and different pontificate had scribes the fullest details of the begun. education and career that led) The task of 51 cardinals im: him up the ladder oi ecclesiasti- prisoned in the Sistine Chapel for cal preferment, while sending the Conclave was to elect a wor- him from Rome to Sofia, to Istan- thy successor to the brilliant and bul and Athens, to Paris and saintly Pope Plus XII. The man | Venice on his way to the Vatican who left the Sistine Chapel as| and the spirited leadership of the! Pope John XXIII has given every | world's 500 million Catholics. {indication of being just the kind| This book Is thoroughly timely|of Pontiff needed by the church| and engaging, despite the com. at the present moment. [ paratively short time that has/ Father Murphy has written a| elapsed since the papa' election|timely and informative book| and the publication of this vol-| which should help to acquaint all ume. with the new ruler of the Roman It outlines the facets of per- Catholic Church -- Pope John sonality, and the depths of ex-' XXIII, INTERPRETING THE NEWS Dulles' Future Left Undecided By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer [bound to arise. Indecision regarding the future] The presence of an acting U.S. role of John Foster Dulles comes representative also would give the at an extremely delicate and|Russians what some diplomats] arduous period in international regard as an effective argument diplomacy. for a summit conference on their The American state secretary, |terms. They could, for example, fighting cancer with the same|argue that the foreign ministers' courage and strength he has so|talks, without a fully-empowered often shown in cold-war show-|U.S. secretary of state, would downs, cannot long postpone a de-|not provide a basis for worth cision on whether he will be able/ While discussion--and then press to continue in office. for talks of a higher level, He now has been away from HERTER'S POSITION his post for two months on leave| In Dulles' absence, his job is of absence. It appears that the being held down on an acting Western Allies--under the -pres-\hasis by Christian Herter, his un- sure of events--are beginning to|dersecretary and a former Re- act on the assumption that he will| publican governor of Massachu-! not be able to undertake again|getts. | the full responsibilities he held in| 1¢ Dulles decides his health will the past. not permit him to carry on as After President Eisenhower vis-|full.time secretary, the betting in ited the 71-year-old Dulles In hos-| government circles is that the job of the delicate points that are -------------- 1] --------- -- A ---------- You'll look forward to washdays with your ""Douglas" Clothes Dryer Reg. 179.95! Save 30.00! No need to wait for a fine day to do your laundry; no need to expose your hands to cold, blustery winds . . . simply pop wet clothes into your Douglas dryer , . . and relax! Fine features include: low and Huff ® 4.-heat temp eo ings == high, dry ® Easy-to-set automatic timer . pong compact design; approx. 4512" high, 28" wide, 25" © Easily accessible lint-trap © Gleaming boked-on enamel finish ® End-of-line, reduced to clear, 60 cycle. EATON Special Price, ED48, EACH ... ® EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 257 PHONE RA 5.7373 pital Monday, it was announced | will go to Herter, Running a close merely that the secretary had not|second in speculation is C. Doug- resigned and: las Dillon, Dulles' 49-year-old un. "Pending additional medical|dersecretary of state for econ- evaluation there will be no fur-|nomie affairs. ther statement from the pres-| Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. am-| ident." {passador to the United Nations, Meanwhile, just four weeks re-|also is mentioned as a possible! main before the foreign ministers| successor, of the Big Four -- the United] Eisenhower, who regards Dul-| States, Britain, France and the las as one of the greatest secre-! Soviet Union -- meet in Genevajtaries of state in American his- Mav 11 to discuss the German|iory, probably would appoint him problem, A summit conference|ag presidential adviser on foreign may follow this summer, affairs if Dulles decided he could Tn London, Prime Ministerinot return on a full-time basis. Macmillan and Foreign Secretary -- eee Selwyn Lloyd are holding talks with French Premier Debre and Foreign Minister Maurice Couve SEE IT...TRY IT de Murville on the German ques- | ~< tion. nderwood Today a working group of sen-| add-mate Poy for US., French, West German and British officials ind 3he task of co-ordinating Western nol-| 55 iid and methods for the Big| DOES EVERYTHING Four meeting. | And the results of the working ELECTRICALLY! party's studv will be reviewed by the four Western foreign min-| isters at a conference scheduled for Paris April 29. AWKWARD POSITION The U.S. would be placed in an awkward position if it had to send to Geneva for the East - West meeting an acting secretary of state rather than one who was fully authorized to speak for his government, To use Such a reoresentative would be Say so isp on sui rh ry: handicapped, particularly in ne. oo LC TN oblination gotiations with so astute an ad- versary as Russia's Foreign Min. underwood limited ister Andrei Gromyko. He probably would, for one 73 KING STREET EAST thing, have to check back with| RA 5-8811 Eisenhower and Dulles on some * SUBTRACTS © MULTIPLIES * TOTALS weighs under © SUB-TOTALS 7% Ibs. fere's the lightest, handiest, low-priced all-electric adding-subtracting machine, Just right for any office, store or home, | one size | imited uantity SPECIALS On sale at 2 p.m. Wednesday and only while quantitieslast. Please, no telephone or mail orders UPPER LEVEL Clearance! Save on " . Nylon Briefs . No-side-seam briefs; white only; sizes small and medium in the group. EACH Sportswear Department clears Black Velveteen Slim Jims Sizes 10 to 12 in the group AGH... = Children's Lined Denim Jea Ends-of-lines; tor boys or girls sizes 3 to 6x in the group, EACH 12 Only! Clearance of Better Dresses Navy only; one- and two-piece styles; Sizes 1412 to 2412 in the group. EACH MALL LEVEL FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL SERVICE World Wide Travel Arrangements Sea - Air - Rail - Hotels Tours - Documents | (ALL FREE OF CHARGE) | 57 King Street East, Oshawa PHONE RA 8-6201 Clearance of Costume Jewellery Metals the colour of gold or silver; earrings, bracelets; stoneset and carved designs. 25 6 25 A to Ll EACH or PAIR Clearance of Handbags--Reg. 1.49 Ends-of-lines; assorted styles and colours. EACH Imported Pottery Salad Bowls, Matching Plates, EACH . LOWER LEVEL End-of-line clearance . . . Plastic Toilet Seats and Covers White only; greatly reduced. Buy at savings for recreation room or cottage. EACH Clearance of Standard Gauge Tile Jaspe pattern; medium green only. (Sorry, no delivery on these). EACH For a healthy lawn , , 1V4 Bushel Size Soil Builder--Reg. 2.39 Limited quantity reduced to clear; enriches soil by 1 1)'] helping retain moisture, cirzulation of air. EACH ) » SAVE MONEY Stock up on frozen food wher there ore money-saving specials Buy produce at in-season prices, quick-freeze for future use Freeze and store left-overs Buy meats in quantity -- have a whole 'meat market' in your freezer EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 259 SAVE TIME Make and freeze '@ whole week's supply of lunches hi' complete meals, party fare Me ost anit later " reeze bread a so you'll always have a supply on hand PHONE RA 5.7373 unexpec company Hove one big baking day end enjoy Plan your catering . ..Save on food bills... with the VIKIN GC Home Freezer. « trons The benefits are many with a VIKING freezer . . , and there's a size to suit your family's needs. Compare the styling . , . compare the features . . , and EATON'S Budget Plan Terms with No Down Payment make it easy for you to own this fine appliance. ® Fully insulated, with felted glass fibre that assures constant temperatures ® Special condenser system helps eli dissipates heat ® Adjustable temperature control id ® Special compartment for quick freezing will reach « tempereture of approx, 20 degree F. below zero. © Opens easily from INSIDE or OUTSIDE ® Approx. 63" long, 36" high (counter height), 304" deep ® Finished in white baked | with quoi One of our trained representatives will be pleased to call ot your home to discuss your freezer needs EATON Prices: Family Size, 21 cu. ft., Model H5921, each 379.00 Popular Medium size, 17 cu. ft. Model B5917, each Compact size, 13 cu. ft., Model H5913, each 20.00 Clearance brings outstanding savings on REFRIGERATORS 329-00 ® Floor samples ® Ends-of-lines © Some trade-in models All at unusually low prices . , . purchase one for your home . , .recreation room . . , cottage! But do shop early - mostly one-of-a- kind in the group. 1 only--VIKING, Model 958M. EATON Special Price, each . ...... 2 only--VIKING, Model 812X. EATQN Special Price, each ............. 2 only--VIKING, Model 1259T. EATON Special Price, each 2 only--VIKING, Model 1258T. EATON Special Price, each 1 only--VIKING, Model 1458D. EATON Special Price, each 389.00 EATON Special price sachs... S900 1 only--GENERAL ELECTRIC, Model RLD (yellow). EATON Special Price, each RE 299.00 . 189.00 .279.00 319.00 289.00 1 only--GENERAL ELECTRIC, Model RLD 299 00 (white). EATON Special Price, each ........ 1) 1 only--WESTINGHOUSE, Model PL11, J EATON Special Price, each "reser 59.00 1 only--FRIGIDAIRE, Model CP144-58, 99 00 EATON Special Price, each ATS » 1 only--FRIGIDAIRE, Model D13C59. EATON Special Price, each ................ 299.00 1 only--FAIRBANKS MORSE. 199.00 { ) EATON Special Price, each ................ 3 only--FAIRBANKS MORSE, Model FM13. 289 00 EATON ial Prico, 0aeh .....ccoo000ne.. w 2 only--PHILCO, Model 1193. 449 00 EATON Special Price, each Shaver bsnes " 1 only--SYLVANIA-LEONARD, Model 114HR. 239 EATON Special Price, each L) EATON'S BUDGET PLAN TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT ~FATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 259 PHONE RA 5.7373 Shiid idle. -- ms Give your trees, shrubs, hedges a 'face-lift: for Spring . . . choose from the wide selection of tools at EATON'S. Your roses, es- pecially will repay you with healthy, full blooms, Disston Heavy Duty Hand-pruner , , , extra heavy handles, curved cut blade, leather hqondle catch, BACH .. . .. ay Wiss 7" Rose Pruners . , , of drop, forged steel, hardened and 2 15 tempered. Designed for precision pruning without bruising, EACH =s EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 253 ""Pruneesy" Pruning Shears . . . 814" size, with straight cut blade, s fondey; gives @ maximum 7" cut. Clip lock on handle. 9 Disston. Fast-cut Hand Pruner . . . comfortable handle-grip, keen blade made to stay sharp; easy cutting action. Straight cut anvil-type blade. EACH . .. PHONE RA 5.7373 Store Hours. 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 p.m. a a.

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