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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls ....... RA 3-3474 hie Osha Tones WEATHER REPORT Mainly sunny and warmer Weds nesday. Not much change in temperature, orized As Second Class Mail SIXTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy VOL. 88 -- NO. 87 OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1959 A Office Department, Ottawa enter the hospital sumption of treatments for ab- dominal cancer, i --AP Wirephoto route to Walter Reed Army Me- John Foster Dulles combines a | dical Centre. Looking haggard smile and a wave for photo- | and underweight. Dulles cut graphers as his car leaves Na- | short a Florida vacation and tional Airport, Waslungton, en- | flew back to Washington to re- | ANY MOMENT Resignation Of Dulles? Senators| Dulles finds he is not going to be Mond to attend the scheduled West foreign ministers SECRETARY OF STATE Nominations | For Emmys Are Announced | | | | WASHINGTON (AP) today expressed a growing belief able State Secretary Dulles may have East to resign soon. There were re- meeting in Geneva May 11, they in What amounts to the best-com- U.S. edian category against Jack spond to treatment for a cancer-|representative there to carry the Benny, Phil Silvers, Danny ports that Dulles has failed to re-| believe he will want the title of state secretary. Thomas and Bob Cummings. Christian Herter, undersecre- " Milton Berle and Red Skelton is serving now as acting Hospital do not show results, the secretary. g ently ..aueekly funnymen, general expectation among mem-| Senator Thomas Kuchel of Cal- passed by in that category. bers of Congress is that Dulles ifornia, assistant Senate Repub- Fred Astaire will step down quickly to clear/lican leader. said there is no ' the way for appointment of a question in his mind that Dulles j successor. will "eliminate himself if his self competing for best Dulles returned umexpectedly medical advice indicates physical performance by an actor against Sunday from a Florida rest to ges nspility, to resume his. full re- the dramatic performances of enter hospital for further checks sponsibilities." ; ¥ : | PF adior Mike Mansfield of Mon-| Paul. Muni, Christopher Plim mer, Mickey Rooney, Robert assistant Democratic ' said the chief U.S. dele- Crawford | Rod Steiger, |pretty well fit the Warious. ac A categories. ' "We know that veting for the Emmies i$ a cumbersome pro- cess," said one member of the academy, "But TV is a cumber- some medium--we operate seven days a week practically around Britain, France Agree On Berlin imme NEW YORK (AP)--West Ger- rican issues following talks Mon- handful as the movies do." many's defence minister finds no/day on Western policy for the, For best actor in a dramatic split between his government and/May 11 Geneva meeting of East-|series it's strictly a fast draw to Britain over the Berlin crisis. West foreign ministers on Berlin|finish among three private eyes Arriving Monday by transatlan- and Germany. Informed sources and three western heroes. They tic plane for a three-week tour of|said they Peached agreement on!are: United States military installa- essentials during the two-hour| Raymond Burr (Perry Mason), tions, Defence Minister Franz- discussion. Craig Stevens (Peter Gunn), Ef- Josef Strauss told a press con-| The working group will prepare rem Zimbalist Jr. (77 Sunsel ference: briefs for a Western foreign min-|Strip), James Arness (Gun "We agree with 'our British isters' meeting in Paris April 29;smoke), Richard Boone friends up to 90 to 95 per cent." [to get sét for the East-West con-|Gun, Will Travel) and James Only a shadow of a difference ference. Garner (Maverick). exists. -- Strauss said West Germany does not object to a zome of lim- jted armaments as proposed by Prime Minister Macmillan. But he said such a zone must be tied into a bigger political solution of the erisis. As for the concept of disengage- ent in western Europe, Strauss he. was against 'any disen-| { gagement that established a "'mil- ftary vacuum with political ten- sions." ous condition. If fresh medical treatments planned at Walter Reed Army tary, but s's future, i. senators' sald that if and treatment. President ii n-| ine Sie iy LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime Minister Macmillan and visiting French Premier Michel Debre held a windup meeting today) after reaching 'agreement on es- sentials" in talks on the, line the West should take over the future of Berlin and Cerma The two lead their foreign ministers, turned to discussion of Middle East and Af ers, Tory Denrecs Life In Tail To Oshawa Man LOS ANGELES (AP) A jury Monday decreed life imprison- ment for Gerald B. Feashy, for- merly of Oshawa, Ont., convicted of the butcherknife murder of a model. Feasby 28, unemployed bookkeeper, was convicted of slaying Charlotte Trosper, 19, as they sat in his car on 2a mountain highway last Dec. 2. The prosecution charged that Feashy stabbed Miss Trosper be. cause she told him she was end- ing their three-year romance. | Feasby told police that the stab-| bing was accidental. | Feasb will appear before Su- perior Court Judge Clement B Nye next Friday for formal sen- tence. | CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICF RA 5-1138 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 ~ an hy wb A HUGE sheet of flame roars | from the tail of the Thor-Able missile carrying a Discoverer II satellite in jts nose cone as the big missile heads skyward. | The satellite, part of a program to put cameras aloft to scan the earth's surface was aimed at a polar orbit. : --AP Wirephoto | for a re- | HOLLYWOOD (AP)--The 11th {annual Emmy Television Acad-| emy nomin a tions, announced| 3 ay, put veteran actors Robs | ert Young and Walter Brennan | were who sang and | danced on his show, finds him- | single (Have i to drape it across a 30-foot-long CNR FIREMEN'S UNION PLANS STRIKE ACTION To Save Boy, 6 HAMILTON (CP) Dociors| The crisis started two weeks have issued an appeal for fresh ago when Michael was operated; : blood to save the life of six-year- on for a bowel obstruction. Doc-| J old Michael Gibney who has been tors said they knew once bleeding| bleeding uncontrollably for two started it would be hard to con-| weeks. trol because his blood would not P A dozen firemen have already clot. : iq given blood to the boy, son of His doctor said severe internal Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Gibney, who bleeding has occurred several is suffering from haemophilia, /times since the operation but| k {The condition causes excessive Michael remained "cheerful and [bleeding. The boy is reported bright." He still needs four pints "doing well" today but Goutorsiol, Diced 3 day. fresh blood wa | i OTH a odi | ed L |said serious bleeding could ad FO because doct etaoin hr ---- |use stored plasma on the boy. | Offers of blood for the boy were| reported being received by the| |Red Cross at the rate of one af § { minute. It is possible for a youngster in his condition to receive 10 bot-| tles of blood in one day, hospitall § {authorities said. | "We don't really know how {much blood we will need for Michael," said a Red Cross offi- cial, "So we have about 50 people | on our books ready to give when| we need them." Toronto Chief Of Police Visits Oshawa Chairman of the Metropolitan, a pair of shorts, Toronto Police Commission Mag- as he stood on Iedge, awaiting istrate C. O. Bick and Metro ladder rescue aftes fi a Police Chief John Mackey paid a| 9ut on fifth floor of quick visit to @shawa this hid a King Hotel, San Frapeisgo. |at any tim | | LEDGE It was a_ precarious perch taken by teh Arnold Fantls, 45, clad only i | ESCAPT. Smoke pours out of window. Ten persons were rescued from the upper two of downtown hotel. Three of the ten had to be treated at Mis- go cuts and hruises. No Date Given By Membership MONTREAL (CP) -- W. E.|ant questions--that of whether Gamble of the locomotive fire-two trained enginemen are men's union said today his union needed in the cab of every loco- membership has authorized a|motive, and, the wages and work- strike against the publicly-owned|ing conditions of locomotive en- Canadian National Railways, but |gineers in Newfoundland as well no date has been set yet. |as the wages and working condi- He said in an interview that|tions of locomotive firemen-help- strike arrangements are being ers and hosters employed on the made if there is no settlement. of entire Canadian National sys- the union's contract dispute with|tem." the railway. | The Brotherhood of Locomotive His remarks were made as he Firemen and Enginemen (CLC) issued a prepared statement con-(bargains for about 72 engineers firming the union's rejection of a/on the CNR's Newfoundland rail conciliation board rpeort as "bar- | network. Hostlers are men who ren and unacceptable." {handle locomotives in the round. {house But he left the door open to ii 5 further negotiations with railway MI, Gamble said his members : are "particularly incensed" over ep peeiatives an the basis of Althe CNR's use of the diesel issue "If the railway has anything fo 0 attack wages and working con- offer, we're certainly willing to|ditions of locomotive firemen on talk compromise," he said. |steam engines and also engineers in Newfoundland. MAY BE MAJOR DISPUTE | Mr. Gamble also criticized CNR He said in the statement that|President Donald Gordon who the contract squabble--involving|wrote to all CNR firemen 20 days about 3,500 firemen across the na-|ago to explain the conciliation tion on the CNR--"threatens to board recommendations. The tin- become a major labor dispute." lion chief said "certain important He added: {facts in the dispute were omitted "It revolves around two import-/from the letter." Strict Security Surrounds Lama for India (Reuters)--|is expected to drive to f reg Bp i SB LL oR i ere as smal a sj ane or train wait. AF Wirephuto for the arrival of ing to take his {6 Ais ultimate the Emergency Hospital GEORGE NOWLAN " Ol to 'Ins; police building SAVE COUNTRY jana magistrates' court on Athol . street west. OTTAWA (CP) -- Revenue | The visit was arranged on the Minister Nowlaf says Prime [request Monday night of Magis- Minister Diefenbaker and Fi- trate Bick, nance Minister Fleming--both The magistrate and police chief non-drinkers and non-smokers |were escorted on their tour by --will start to indulge before (Oshawa Police Chiel Herbert letting the country's financial [Flintoff and Mayor Lyman A. structure collapse. Gifford. Both Mr, Diefenbaker and Mr. Fleming laughed heartily at the suggestion, made Mon- day as Mr. Nowlan replied in the Commons to opposition erit- icism of the federal budget. Referring to higher taxes of two cents a package on cigar- ets and 15 cents a boftle on whisky, Mr. Nowlan said the opposition "proclaim that the whole social and financial structure of this coumiry is going to come crashing down on our heads." "If that disastrous event should come about," he said, "I am sure that both the min- ister of finance and the prime minister will start smoking cigarets and drinking whisky, but IT think we need have no fear of such a catastrophe oec- curring." Mr. Nowlan himself smokes and takes an occasional drink. TIMMINS (CP) -- Mayor Leo|th tour of the MeLaughlin Public/the hunt, Library by Miss J. Fetterly, chief Final plans were made Monday| librarian, night for what probably will bel; Both Metro officials were re- the largest mass assault on wild ported impressed by the build- animals in this Northern Ontario| ings and the facilities afforded. area They left Oshawa shortly before, Wihtin noon. th: the next ee ----rT {woods to hunt be. | a complete - regiment of British aT" | Guards with fur hats. About 20 of SU [the hunters attended Monday|®® night's meeting at which captains Soviet Planes Buzz Transport «ven cums vere chen BONN, Germany (AP)---Soviet|reason that was not disclosed, Te) corridor to Berlim, the U.S. Em- ing the week. bassy disclosed today. The men will wear badges bear-| | An embassy spokesman said ing the insignia Porcupine Bear| [two Soviet jet fighters harassed Hunt with a picture of a bear on an air force double-decker pro-|it. Crests will also be Issued. | peller transport on its way back|TO START SOON from a routine eargo delivery] Mayor Del Villano said the flight to Berlin April 3. hunt may get under way within PROBE INTO UNKNOWN Space Capsule May Return From Missile VANDENBERG AIR FORCEjsule would be fished from the|said they were elated by the sec: BASE, Calif. (AP) -- Air force/ocean by navy vessels. |ond successful orbit in the Dis- planes today may try to snatch! The capsule contains instru-|coverer series. Discoverer I, from the air a miniature capsule ments to supply oxygen and con-|fired Feb. 28, circled the earth] of a type that someday could be trol heat and atmospheric pres-|17 days before falling back into used to parachute men back|.yré, Other instruments wil the atmosphere and burning up. from space stations. |check how effective these envir-| Seven hours after Monday's The capsule is in the nose cone onmental systems are. They are|launching spokesmen said the| of Discoverer II, a 1,600-pound designed to keep small animals|satellite was circling the ea satellite launched Monday from alive in future satellites. north-to-south every 90.84 min- rth this west coast missile base. | Regardless of the outcome offutes, going as far out as 243 At Cape Canaveral, Fla., Mon-|{the recovery attempt, spokesmen|/miles and as close as 156 miles. LH TOE NEWS FLASHES fully to put three satellites into Fidel Castro May Visit Ottawa orbit from a single launching vehicle, Vanguard III. The Vanguard's second stage| failed to ignite about 30 minutes after it left the lunaching pad,| when the missile apparently was) OTTAWA (CP)--Premier Fidel Castro of a may visit Ottawa briefly during his forthcoming trip to Canada, gov- ernment officials said today. H. F. Feaver, chief of protocol at the external affairs department, said there is "every indication" that the Cuban leader probably will visit the Canadian capital, though no arrangements have been made. about 200 miles high. Cause of] British Auto Strikers Return To Work the trouble was not known. | If Discoverer II achieves| proper stability, its instrumented nose cone is scheduled to be LONDON (Renters)--Strikers at two British automobile factories today decided to return to work, but workers at the Handley Page aircraft plant outside London voted over- whelmingly to stay on trike. kicked loose on command from/ White Troops Flown Home In Africa ground tracking stations and float earthward. | Eight Hawaii-based C-119 Fly-| SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia (Reuters) -- The last | 150 of the white troops sent from Northern and Southern | Rhodesia to Nyasaland during African disturbances in Feb- ing Boxcars are awaiting pos- sible orders to swoop down on ruary are being flown home today and Wednesday it was officially announced today. : the descending parachute and try trapeze bar suspended beneath| each plane. The parachute and| capsule would then be reeled into the plane, The parachute would come into range at about 20,000 feet, giving planes 10 minutes to snatch it. If they failed, the bnovant eap- [2 | R Mass Search For Timmins Bears They were later taken on a Del Villano's men are ready for|snow per-cent bare. The bears are still n hibernation. No night two weeks needed. There is wo limit on the : on will head into the Number. of bear a hunter can fabout 60 men Will hee resupply shoot but some doubt exists there| skin and there are 3,000 men in re chosen.|On€ guards brigade. The hunt was or planes have buzzed an American will mostly hunt during week-| headpieces of the guards were } Air Force transport in an air ends. Shift workers will hunt dur- becoming ragged and moth-eaten.! school of experience. | drapes over a tree limb a 35- pound lynx he and his pal, Jean he Dalai Lama on the last leg|sanctuary in India--Mussoorie, a of his four-week flight to India.|Himalayan hill station 120 miles Detachments. of the Assam|north of Delhi and about 75 miles Rifles set up checkpoints to ex-|from the Tibetan border. amine credentials of all travel] Mussoorie, a favorite hill re. lers. {sort for diplomats and their fam- The 23-year-old god-king now is|ilies from New Delhi, was chosen resting at Bomdila, 70 miles away |to give the Dalai Lama residence in India's Kameng frontier. divi-|in somewaht the same altitude as sion, after his trek on pony|his native Tibet and to shield him two weeks after the through the Himalayas. {from the oppressive summer heat has melted. The mayor said, TRAVEL BY JEEP further south. e ground must be at | | : ' {HOLD TALKS nb The ears cast 50.1 He is expected to drive by jeep He is due to reach, there Tues. along a newly built road linking|day and two days later is ex- {Bomdila and Foothills. {pected to meet Prime Minister | With the Tibetan ruler are his Nehru for talks on his future. |57-year-old mother, his two sis-| There is some speculation that |ters, aged 21 and 36, his 14-year- after the meeting Nehru may {old brother, three of his minis-|contact Peiping. ters, his lord chamberlain and It has already been suggested e next obody mentioned Monday how many skins will be e enough bear in the area to pply a brigade. Only two hats n be made from the average |his_tea-taster. in New Delhi political circles that | From Foothills the Dalai Lama| Nehru would like to keep the way | {open for a possible return of the THOUGHT FOR TODAY | cady fo make another: attempt |ready to make another attempt after a lat giving Tibet autonomy. port from London said the fur No honorary degree has | His return to Tibet in the "press ever been issued by the |ent circumstances" was ruled oul (Monday by Nehru. Ci PHANTOM PANTHER TRAPPED? Ferpand St. Jacaues, 13 | Montreal suburb of L'Abord a | reported earller te Save heen Plouffe. The kill gave rise to | . | speculation that the lynx was | sighted in the area. near thel one of the rhoniis 'nectivare ~oo acine, 16, killed ~ato

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