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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 5

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Bride Arrives From Hong Kong that blos- gomed although the boy and girl were on opposite sides of the world, will reach its climax in Whitby on April 16 when Men Fong, manager of Young's res- taurant, and May Yik Woo, 22, formerly of Hong Kong, are mar- ried. The two had been separated for eight years, ever since Men Fong left Hong Kong for Can- ada. In 1951, Men Fong, then 16, left Hong Kong to come to Can- ada, He and May Yik Woo had WHITBY and DISTRICT hildhood the following years, the two con- tinued their correspondence and late in March of this year, Men Fong learned, partment of Immigration, that his sweetheart could come to Can- through the De-| is a By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Dunlops last night (downed the Hull Legionaires 7-2 {in the first game of the Eastern |Canada Sr. A championship play- downs. The second game of the series is slated for the Whitby arena tomorrow night. | The Dunnies couid wind it up {with a win, since the series is a {short two out of three with the {winner going against the winner |of the Vernon-Regina playoffs for § [the Allan cup. Three players shared scoring {honors in last night's game. Geo. |Samolenko, Bobby Attersley and | Jack Kane all came up with a Dunnies Outscore Hull last three games. Attersley got|3. Whitby: Attersley ; assists to bring to five his 7-2 In Series Opener tying the Dunnies up for the next|the nine minutes and had the locals champs and Bernie looking for relief. * d Treen, burly local rearguard, set/Will remember rin Rnd the bv for oul Pembroke last year and Corn-|czewski 8.49, Hassard 13.11, Tom number three. With ess than two Wall the year before. minutes to go in the period, Jack Penalty in the last stanza, that Kane, the Peterborough flash, |t0 LaSalle of the losers. came up with his sec oal of | the night to make oid, a the| Blair had a lot of praise for Hen- 9. Hull: Limoges end of the first 20 minutes. Nary derson last night after the game, | Penalties: LaSalle. a penalty in the first period. . |3% HOLD 50 LEAD er as thc teams came out for the goals each and mentioned that he | second period. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 14, 1959 (Treen) |4. Whitby: Kane (Babando, Smith) total points for the game The third and fina period was real dandy. Both teams played| Penalties: None. it fast and hard. Both teams 2nd Period scored once with Sid Smith doing|5. Whitby: Attersley the Ontario6. Hull: DeJaneaux Limoges! (Gibson) oing the light blinking for the 7. Whitby: Saimglenky oka Finally at the 15.02 : \losers. Many of the Whitby fans (Attersley) . 4 a 2 wank, All Limoges from Penalties: Limoges 1.23, Chas- cree 18.4 honors for Only one O'Connor 14.10, Riche 19.39. 3rd Period 8. Whitby: Smith (Attersley, Samolenko) ICE CHIPS: Matager Wren' 3.02 7.32 he said Henderson really| made some good saves. He pisch also well pleased with the three Feelings were somewhat high- fellows who scored a pair of] SPECIALIZING IN Attersley, the|thought that John Chasczewski| ada. | She left Hong Kong on April 11,/pair of goals. Playing coach Sid by air, and arrived in Malton on|Smith got the other loca! goal. Sunday morning, having gained] For the losers it was De- one day in her travels from the'Janeaux and Berne Limoges 4 blond scoring ace of the Dunnies played a good game on defence found the mark for his second for the Dunnies. The game here goal of the game and gave the tomorrow night should be a Dunnies a 50 lead at the 6.59/dandy. The Hull team will be| To Washi Machines, mark. Automatic Orient. each with a single tally. jg ; ighting to get back on even| Washers & A penalty to Bob Hassard terms as a loss would mean they paved the way for the Hull/will have to hang them up for the tia team's first goal. DeJaneaux season, Should they win, they t t 5 I | a a hw re was the trigger mau on this one would have the advantage of the [ e Wa! with Gibsen getting the helper, third game at home on Friday| -onsta ; e S ar |it came at the 13.51 mark, {night. In the meantime better get| a | Tom O'Connor of the Dunnies down to the rink tomorrow night scored in the first period, madeldetermined. Jack Kaue started) as" cont off for hooking at the for the Hull - Whitby Dunlops | peppered him from close in. The "alan From Lot: real battle of it for the last (ha ball rolling for the Dunnies! yoyo "mark: and the 'Hull team game, the second tame of ie Long John Henderson in the (Whitby cage was tremendous, Dryers. BUTT RADIO And Appliances 118 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8-3707 They will be married on Thurs- day of next week. BOBBY ATTERSLEY home team, although badly out-, two periods, They were appear-at the 4.00 mark as he rounded] | | . Ro | reall; . Caste h Whitby police are investigating|ing in their first Allan cup semi-loy¢ a three-way passing play passed oe een They Eastern. Canada ¢ fhe "oft of a car owned by one finals game and the tension|yith Tom O'Connor and Harry|like bees looking for honey. Hen SUMMARY of their members. On Sunday showed up in the first half of ginden, derson, in the Whitby cage, was 1st Period AN Pe Senneln Rawards: the game, Towes er 8 ne game The Legion team fought back not to be stung and thwarted the 1. Whitby: Kane His ar hat heen sioton fo mineld the Duanies on even terms Wd tested Henderson 'with a best" attacks they could throw. (fom O'Connor) { Yi WE | 4 Bone couple of real hot ones only to The locals just returned to full'2. Whitby: Samolenie its parking space in the lot, The|for the last 30 minutes as each, o™ "oC NHL fellow Slop gn as net gl (Attersley, Smith) ..... nh 't heen recovered. Iteam scored twice A them cold. their sixth goal of t"e night. It ROR oF Created To TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICt PHONE BELL TAXI: MO 8-3111 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier first, If you ere unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI: CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY ve is N FONG AN ' VIK W | PC Edwards, in reporting the 4 hie Hi MEN FONG AND MAY YIK WOO [tha"t, sa'1 that he on 1e't it in UP FOR GAME | Samolenko got his first of a went to Geo. Samolcnko who has ------ -_ the Jot at 12:10 am. Sunday. The Dunlops were really up for pair at the 6.31 mark as Atters- been playing inspired hockey the Individual Requirements COUNCIL BRIEFS TRAFFIC CONTROL STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 316 Dundas Eost MO .8-3552 In the Club Show, the follow- g were the classes and their some differences are of such bargain buying, one saw The Spring Tea being held on COncession may have a 30 mph 1 Use School Gym will be erected in the subdivision. A three-man committee of the benefitted by being in areas. Helwould use up a large slice of th Club peaxer Maundrell and Fred Ing, attend- other two will be 'drive care- in the Whitby District High Mayor Jermyn pointed out thal must be a large item of expendi peaker at the April meeting of places to represent swans, adding) od the problems of opening] complimentary tickets to the which an application was re- ship not arise at this time. He urged erning the right and Rock Gardens at Hamilton, and q oi] 9 ih x "The school hoard is only too ports Banquet on April 23. Dur Following reading of the appli he said. "When we get out of doubted the townshin derived ay T A X E S lilies, and their shrubs and trees schools," Mr. Ing told the rate- pm cian Ontario Sr. A Hockey for the new school. The site is in coming from the province. I just ment in the township of $5 mil tiful tree," he said, "but it needs Places a joy to visit. spring flowering tulips, helpful to them meets with the] ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT Councillor Sidney Correll asked had often thought it might be, A committee, composed of front door, now almost complete- ray; varieties, and closed his talk with to clean up after they are finished will begin duties on May 1.|} count of 1% will be ellowed on the second instalment and SUGGESTS STUDY school system, he said, is big named to study the matter he cantiniied now: ninued. rraator, that it makes a wonder- Teen.age club and the Athletic {0 special duties as soon as he must watch when planting trees.' Mr PAYABLE AT ANY WHITBY BANK. y was thanked by M. Kerr. ¢ | He mentioned the pitfalls which ont Tuesday evenings. |day night that necessary investi-| PAY NOW . AVOID PENALTY CHARGE gains' in shrubs, bulbs and seeds. | not following & Supreme Court] street, and Mrs. David Fallow friends wish him many happy re- which could only be improved by Class 1, African Violet, single, B and R Transport 2, Ramblers Miss Joan Teravainer who is to Y limit for eastbound traffic and a rsday 8 edo t Thursday at Almonds United 50 mph limit for westbound traf- are portrayed in pictures of white, pink or purple: Mrs. E. E. 0; Firestone 2, Has Beens 1; Old ed. The winners were: Mrs arrarigod ° [When he c~me "awn at 7:43'this game and they skated fast'ley and Smith, his linemates for o a.m. to go to work, he found it and hard in the opsning period this game, got the helpers. The ounci 1 u | m-sing against a team that was just as Legion team did a good job of ' ! a mi eo akbadhaniod {---- wh shld lithe | | | . La Gar ener | To Let Group | ronovine 's reauest by te Park Vista Ratepayers' Associa- { ! 00 Ie 1 £ tion, three traffic control signs! One will be a 'stop' sign at the! ; i ' + Two members of the Whitby end of Dunlop street, the en- Whitby town council has been sel said that one-third of the students town's debenture credit Fo : Ae ) ; Ah . up to study the advantages and at WDHS come from outside the Deputy - reeve Quantrill said Public School Board, D ou g.|trance to the subdivision, and the rantages " ing at bri students into Whitby tox oe ra : rt disadvantages of the town being town that bringing students into Whitby oe J, Gunnell, of Hamilioa, erample 3 is de Flume ed the regular meeting of the fully" signs on the two streets. School area. The committee was there 1s a debt of nearly one mil ture. In addition, he said, il 'mateur Gardener," was the thickly, and carefully clipped in park Vista Ratepayers i Assoc TO HOST DUNLOPS named during discussion at a lion dollars in the area, which is Whitby were out of the area, th Sunday morning, where ney Cis oa town of Whitby will supply meeting on. Monday night, in shared by the town and the town- need for a new high school woul' (he Whithy Garden Club. In a an individual touch to a beautiful > A bs oH ) talk spiced with humor and phil- garden the school to various groups, in- I f th 'hitby lops "DHS Board for . . re 1d tha » study give onic Me. Guiine i hw i terested in using some of the/Members of the Whitby Dunlops celved from the WDHS Board for If we withdraw, we would that some study be given to the ogophy, Mr, Gunnell gave good He showed the beauties of the | c ciliti ailable in the s I. lat the Chamber of Commerce permission to spend $650,000 for a have to buy the township out and suggestion, J acilities 'available in the school. | TOWN OF WHITBY new high school then sell education back to them," Mayor Jermyn said that he ; 3 t ar-anta Panings of Victoria Dork 2 Londen, Oil and to comerate : Wity any ing the evening, a new trophy, the around 00's h , and showed tario, w eir 8 0 § Harry J m Trophy, will cation from the board, Mayor the high school area we will find more benefits than the town. fe "yy pictures many examples of flowers, their pools with ' water 8roup who wishes to use the kl gro fhe rs of the Harry Jermyn reported that the that there is a considerable dif- said that one-third of the school's guch plantings. # 1 1 board had not yet secured a site ference in the grant that will be cost is spread over an assess: wg cor Blue Spruce is a beau- Planted and grown to make these Re ne thal ig chil. League, won this year by the : X ' . | Whitby Dunlops. the process of expropriation and doubt that it would be profitable lion but two-thirds is spread over, i FT BUT Cn Hg owed He had many pictures of flow- dren or is of a nature that will be| y I 1959 TAXES DUE APRIL 15ih is now before the Ontario County to get out of the area : an assessment in the town of $15 a picture of a small house with a €rs -- eh ls ' . . ArT ai tha > 1 ol 3 714 7) . 'f a . i i y 5 Court. pig ns ah gall Koster Blae on each side of the ay re ea Ton crm Peo as Adair: o as 1959 TAXES are payable in four instalments. The first in. it the town should still be in the wise to have the school operated Councillors Dodd. as chairman lv hiding one-half of the house. Peonies, pansies and many other drell stated, "is 'for any group/the town engineer's office. He stalment will be due on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th. A dis. * area, which is shared by Whitby by a business manager, rather and Deputy - reeve Quanirill and | t a il When Township than a principal. Operating a Councillor John Wootton, was Aeuse tregs Wes ea lien the words, "This is horticulture-- using the school." {Charles Hoag, town engineer, n- 2% on the third end fourth instalments, if paid on or before Deputy-reeve Everett Quantrill business The request by the board for at them 80 close to nature, so close to the| Farl Brown, chairman of the Sieated thai De Sil he assigned April 15th. ye Y ? 4 TT " SORY : " he thin7e one ) said that he had heard of other Councillor Willard, Dodd said tentative approval to procedd 'This is one of t ® ful life to live." J "has been trained. municipalities conducting studies that if the board were allowed » with the Jeol was tabled until , Gunnell was introduced by gu, vist the pod Me. ZONING: BYLAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, ALL TAXES ARE to see whether the towns involved spend $650,000 at this time, next week's meeting. [SHRUR BARGAINS the president, ATs, §, Burns, and nyndns Streot Sch " ges I -- ee er Ta had SSS hhh ARS | undns Street School gymn onl Toys Council learned on Mon- lgood gardeners should avoid by Guests were present from Osh- gations are being made to ascer-| F. N. McEWEN buying from reputable dealers orawa and Brooklin and were wel- {Tat en 4 | + N. Me ly WHITB Y PERS 0 NA LS ay Have Two hei hs Boi epite2 than from comed by Mrs. Burns. | BOWLING NEWS tain whether the. town's zoning Tox Collector. . . {the door to door purveyor of "bar- cLUB SHOW bylaw amendments are illegal or Mrs. Kenneth Elliott, of Palace his 17th birthday today. His Speed Limits nigh gi Biden | WHITBY AND DISTRICT ruling handed down last week. | , . in; | MEN'S LEAGUE --_-- A co-hostesses at a bridal . Unlagss " s: | ou Pd | po Bdge held at the turns of the day. ho 0 a section of the third Poor lawn and scrubby shrubs winners: Wednesday Section home of Mrs. Elliott in honor of complete removal and a tresn| White, pink or purple: Mrs. E. E. 1: Alsco 2, Black Angels 1; be married in May to Mr. Ud start with better materials.| Bond. and Mrs. James. Bathurst No. 1, 2, Millwork Build-| May r.- Udo | . § | ad irri ih Whithy United ; ireh wil be offinially Spend fic. The Department of Highways Troubles of new home builders Class 2, African Violet, double, ers 1; Bathurst No. 2, 3, Jokers ¢ Rint wa wi y Mrs. L. F lchardson, of 0 hd Church. Social games were play- yw iho" A "fine 'musical program Wil settle the problem, "top soil generously laced with Bond. Mrs. Gilbert Richardson, Sailors 2, Grand Union 1; Osh len Haves. Mrs..§ Terava The stretch of road which may stones, which must be removed Miss Marguerite Ross. : awa Wood Products 3, Canucks Helen Hayes, Mrs. S Teravainen, have two limits runs between and replaced with good soil be Class 3, Afrjcan Violet, single, 0: All Sweets 2, Munos Press 1. Mrs. W. Ward, Mrs. J. Kemp, Mr, Jim Lowes, oi Assiniboia, Brock street and Cochrane street,/tore a fine garden could he at-|any other color: Mrs. E. E. Bond,| Triples over 700 with 250 § Mrs, L. Ortood. Tasty refresh- Saskatchewan, visited his cousin, at the town's northern limits. The tained. : Miss M. Ross, Mrs. James. singles: Les Reed 836 (335); Glen has been Look at the many features of these modern telephones... ; Class 4, African Violet, double, Dooke 746 (336): Ken Johnson 71 He showed pictures of homes any other color: Mrs. E. E. (34); Mel Rundle 707 (285. Ken where the ingenuity of their I Bond, Mrs. R. VanHorne. [Corner 700 (282) : AAR a rs had given loveliness and in-| 5. Afri Violet Hd + " 5 : ik oii In negotiations to get the limit 4, to the properties. An!;: ass rican Wiolel, my Singles over 250: Doug Wiles ar 2nd Mr 5: Roba Wondeoek lowered, the town asked the town- ais iduatism 0 the pron -- - (ile SoD. any color, single or 287; Frank Sweet 262; George has * 5 ghter | 2 ' a oh ; ship pass a bylaw calling for a |dou le: Mrs. Gerald Richardson. guest 253: Bill Morrison 251: sorough, were Sunday guests at jouer speed limit ly Class 8, Arzargemant Sedieting John Clark 250. he eme, "Spring i ere': PRE 2 Jere Thursday Section . the home of Mr. and Mrs. But township authoriti di Town Hires New Femia, of Akey, of Centre street south, Uithorities dis- § ! , yil- | emia, ¢ ey, of Ce street south covered fhat there is 10. Gulltnp Mie. 8 Burns, Mrs. J. N. Wil Amateurs 2, Credit Union 1: . Red Wings 2, Ottenbrite 1; Coun- entertained st Friday Mr. Bill Lundmack celebrated area on the north side of the Dog Catcher Class 7. same as Clase 6, for a vesterday. Wishes road. Therefore, they pointed out,' Whithy has a new dog em'rol Novice: Mrs Oscar Moore y ty Bowl 3, Donald Motors 0; Hef- i y ferings Esso 2, Spencer Car Mar- and Mrs. his birthday h . Ye, » many re birthday 5 . they could not a r v je p i i tH + i recently for many more birthdays are ex- they co ot ask for a lower officer, who Sil Denn nies A bouquet of pink carnations if pepoe ) next week. e aS oontributed by John Burtinsky ket 1; Coca Colas 2 lowar's Ba ver Six 1; ig TR ude " nde limit, according to current DHO with'n the married in Cornwall They left on tended to Bill ) 1 the " atu air . rulings about lower speed limits. 'appointed by council at a meet:| : . hice | TR Bayview 2 Sunday to return to their home Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.| 1 i oY A Monday night and. fills; Vas. won by Mrs. John Wilson, |* Club Bayy ew & : after spending a week at the ,, A At a meeting of Whitby council n& 2 lin a lucky draw Legion Old Sweats 3. Dodgers 0; a : Watkins, is celebrating his 12th on Monday night, a motion was the vacany created by the re-| > Firemen 2, Aces 1 Femia residence. birthday today, Best wishes are alli ; oud 1) ti f the town's first dog| Refreshments and friendly con- es Fred Shor lebratingiextended to Bry Shes passed ealling for the prepara.\sifnalion Tlie tours Tie og versation brought the meeting to| Triples over 700 include 250 Mr. Fred Short is celebrating iexte nded to Bryan. [tion of a bylaw to lower the speed control Ted A, 0 ged]. close. (singles: Dave Simpson 818 (295); ? . ----" John Brueckle 792 (300); Dick ments were served by the host- \jys. E. B. Killens, and Mr. Kil- town is seeking a 30 mph limit for esses. of Maple street, over the the road, the north half of which is owned by the Twp. of Whitby. lens. Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs, Weekend Lawrence Spellen, is celebrating his 7th birthday todzy. For the occasion a family dinner been arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Mal 331 Dovedale drive, at a farewell party la evening in honor of M: Percy Baker who were ---- Rm - soo Bn i ne ge ~|limit on the street of boundary ® road. WHITBY BROC 1 Phone MO 8-3618 NOX PLAYING Evening Shows 7 & 9.20 p.m. Feature Starts at 7 & 9.35 pm. the appointment said made side, the easthound lane, would mittee } Inkpen have a 30 mph limit because it is C neillor a built-up area, but side, the westbound lane, might remain at 50 mph because it is | not built up. the dog contro! officer's services will be notified. New Massey- Communitv Plans Fireworks Show. A community fireworks display Ferguson is planned, © 2 omer, to soctiats Mav Shares Issue Assoc. it was annouzced Sunday at the regular monthly meeting. | TORONTO (CP) Instead of everyone buying 000 issue of 5% - per - cent cum STARRING ROSAMND RUSSELL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT \ Even funnier than the play and the bestseller (with those little a heart-tugs foo!) by saving the homeowner a great and Co. Ltd. deal of money as well as pro-| Quarterly dividends will everyone to enjoy The Whitby Fire Chief, Bruce dividend due Sept. 15 the big 'blow up'. which is still subject to the ap- of $20 a common proval and suggestion of the town Share WHITBY jE, compared with a high or the year of $15.25 and a low wmreg FORREST TUCKER: CORAL BROWNE FRED CLARK :Seroersioy by BETTY COMDEN and ADOLPH GREEN - From the novel "Auntie Mame" by Patrick Denna fs adapted for the stage by Jerome Lawrence and Robert £. Lee Directed by MORTON Da COSTA Wve compnent by Snows aren - From WARNER olds about a quarter interest in RECOVER CAR Whitby police reported that a Coventry, England -- has been The new-dog catcher is Mack After the motion passed, Coun- Hamnson, who has Been retained . cillor Jack McAvoy observed that at $2.400 per year, said Coun- & enti \'4 ar it was possible that the south cillor Harry Inkven, whose com- ! the north Whitby Twp., which also shares) - A $25,000, their own fireworks. it was sug- ulative convertible prefer [gested that each family ne red shares of Massey Ferguson |\'a 3 tribute towards a general fund Ltd. is being offered at $100 a dredge in the harbor that would be used fo purchase a Share by a group of investment |The dredwe struck the car about large amount of fireworks, there. dealers headed by Wood, Gundy 50 feet from the dock, almost (league was made by several] | ac./leading into the harbor. |viding a far better display for/ crue from May 1, with the first/ brought the wreck close to shore . . The shares will be convertible Qaruer, Testioney on the feas- at any time up to and including ibility of the plan, stated that he|June 15, 1965. Up to June 15 vi t | ; J J \ \ markers wer: tta with the result that a bowling a het $5 So we Rey et i nee | x ¢ yers |$5, may be converte nto six/ damaged and only four tires jutting Toi and two or three common shares -- an equivalent|remain intact. ns i was/drive, will head the committee I in the area on the night of of $17.50 a common chare. There- made through the serial : after up to June 15, 1965, each/bers on the vehicle. The exact location of the dis- share may be converted into five . play hasn't been decided as yet,'common shares -- an equivalent Monday's closing quotation on Massey - Ferguson shares on the | Toronto Stock exchange was| of $10.50. DAY-BY-DAY 5 Massy - Ferguson -- which 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Standard Motors Company _of| Phone MO 8-3304 or RA 5-4831 Adams 758 (271): Doug Rowden 758 (306); Don Walker 734 (277); Reg Norris 717 (315); Tom Per- {row 708 (282); Tom Woolner 708 Nl 10289); Joe Izatt 704 (255). : wi Found In Harbor Sie IN 2h), Morty Joslin A 313; Jim McCann 297; Doug Allen 4 car recovered in Whitby N ot © 1269; Bill Mowat 268; Norm Childs har! } A harbor last month has been oer! Tom Semple 265; Earl Wad- identified t Toronto otaly gon vos dell 262; Bill Brown 262; Fred - " Merv Bemis 257; (Whitby police believe it has| Major 259; {heen in Ps harbor entrance Bruce Henderson 253. lever since. | Chief Constable George Ran: {kine reports that the totally | kin Assoc. To Form En Tn 5 | Bowling L juas be 'Bowling League longing to Empire Motors. He! said that the company reported] The Park Vista Ratepayers' {the 1955 model car stolen from|Assoc. announced plans of form- {their Danforth Ave. lot in 1955./ing a bowling league to operate | The car was found last month|in the Whitby Bowling Alley, next McNamara Construction|fall and winter, at their regular| operating a hydraulic| monthly meeting, Sunday morn-| entrance. ing, The request for a bowling| {in the centre of Association who Yhave been running a preliminary, survey around their area to [sound out the feeling in regard ito such a league. The ladies {brought the question to the floor the channel|jadies of "the and later a wrecker hauled it to {the surface out of 17 feet of water, At that time, no licence Mrs. Tony Kozack of Rosedale num-| that will canvass the sub-division . tor prospective bowlers. FOR "The. Journey" You ARE PLANNING VISIT DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE ® You can "hold" one call while you make a second call (inside or outside) over the same telephone -- no need for "calling back". @® You can intercommunicate via a direct line between yourself and others without blocking important calls. ® You can use it for quick inter-office "telephone conferences" in place of a series of time-consuming separate calls. @® You can use it to signal your secretary . . . or to transfer calls to other personnel. How the push buttons are used: HOLDING. This holds any calls. You can then make a second call (inside or outside) on the same telephone. OUTSIDE CONNECTIONS. These buttons connect your phone with outside lines to make or receive calls. LOCAL. This connects your telephone with any other in- side phone for direct inter- eommunication. Plastic-push-buttons flash on and off for incoming call -- burn steadily while line is used or held. Uses of buttons can be arranged in a variety of ways. Just telephone your Bell Business Office and car owned by PC Kenneth Ed. negotiating to buy the tractor op-| COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS wards. and stolen from his/erations of Standard, including] AIRLINE -- STEAMSHIP -- TOURS -- HOTELS residence on Sunday: morning, their interest in Standard-Hotch- : was recovered on Monday morn- Kiss in France, in whica Massey | CRUISES THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Whatever your communication needs. ..be sure to consult Bel! ing, abandoned on D'Hillier St.,' Ferguson and Standard are each/ ® NO SERVICE CHARGE eo apparently undamaged. 50-per-cent owners. i Prices For This Engagement... we'll be glad to call on you. ADULTS 75c -- STUDENTS 50c -- CHILDREN 25 ® Sorry, Free List § ded for this Am i »

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