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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 14, 1959 . a A CR | Veteran Ajax 'Resident Dies AJAX (Staff) - Ceeil Ear! Hart, a 'long time resident of Ajax, died at his home, Queen strect, Ajax. on Monday. His age was 62, . The late Mr. Hart was born in {Elmvale, Ont. He served over- seas two years in the first world war with fhe Fort Garry Horse. He was married in 1918 to the former Dorothy Graham. The family came to Ajax in 11942, where Mr. Hart was a car- ipenter on the maintenance staff of Defence Indnstries Ltd Following the var. 'Mr. Hirt went info business' for him sé tand established a wood working shop. Besides his widow, two daugh- ter< and three sons survives {Helen 'Mrs. L. Flewry). Fva Mrs. C. Prout), Cyril. Bruce and Jack, all of Ajax. Two sisters (and a brother also survive. Stella I{Mrs, .lobn Howden), Midland; Pearl (Mrs. J. T. Payette), Flm- vale. and A. Hart of Elmvale. The late Mr. Hart is resting at Financial Help gon Clarke. Z-yearold sia youngest in Britain. To Overseas Up OTTAWA (CP) --- Canada has spent or allocated a total of $4,642,000,000 in post-war finan cial aid fo overseas countries. the. Commons external affairs commiftee was told Monday. The figure. covering estimates to March 31, 1960. includes Col- ombo Plan expenditares. grants fo international agencies. cost of military assistance and infra strocture under NATO and spe- cial disaster or famine relief. Also covered are post-war re- construction loans. including a $15.600.000 outlay to Russia The $4, 42.000.000 total does not inclnde Canada's membership fees in international organiza- tions such as the United Nations LIST COMMUNIST TOTAL In response to a request made earlier. government officials cir- culated figures showing that from mid-1954 to March, 1958. the COUNTY TB MANAGEMENT MEETING the new William Sherrin Funeral Communist-bloc provided a total tina, Ceyion, Cambodia, Nepal, Yemen, Burma, Iceland and Tur-| key | The Egyptian region of the] UAR received between $600,000,-| 000 and $650.000,000 while the Syrian region got $325,000,000. In- donesia received $300.000,000 to $350,000,000, India $320.000,000| and Iraq -$300,000.000 | Klaus Goldschlag, external af-| fairs department economic ex-| pert, said the United States pro-| vided abou! double the Sin- Soviet figure over the same pe-| riod and to the same group of countries. Art Smith (PC--Calgary South) | asked whether attention is being given to the "propaganda value" of Canadian aid efforts abroad. He wondered whether ordinary people in recipient countries were aware of what Canada is doing. 0. E. Ault, director of the trade | department's economic and tech- itlonmaster in this Surrey com. YOUNG EXPERT (CP)-- munity, is believed te be the GODSTONE. England VEMERGD arr 2 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST ACTOR AND BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS ! With WENDY HILLER nical assistance administration, NOW PLAYING! said the government is aware of! » the problem i He said it is also giving con-| sideration to ways of increasing |= awareness in Canada of what is| being done.. through films, tele- vision and radio. ---- I MURDER German Reunification we Considered Pipedream By SEYMOUR TOPPING tional attachments from the West BERLIN (AP) The average to the Soviet east. So they work Fast German has just about ; hardest on the children and ap- given up hope of seeing Germany five per cent of the farms have parently with considerable suc- remnified been collectivized and the target cess This is the impression gained is S00 por oem lave. sraitan Fw from talking to East Berliners Cor: ly ie § have shaitored I refugees and people permitied ma ys pre - war ine nsfria 0 GH recently to travel through the PAUern ain Xo Ger. T NI T! East German satellite state mam Sy ly nto the Soviel-hiac The way the Russians are dig- om; po : E es ging in makes East Germans see ake the new East German "Tow JoRg cal "vou THER' Jo and see) mills belong asked an Fast German Ratural'y n= West (ier manys WITH HIS "It's 13 years now." Ruhr, near sources of raw mate- ¢ Sa rial TEN FIERY FINGER 400.000 RUSSIAN TROOPS . x ORE FROM POLAND ? Half or more of the people Stalinstadt gets its coking coal probably remain opposed to the 4 Germany also are an integral every day part of the Soviet bloc's econ With the exception of a omy A whole new class of East Ger man managers and highly paid technicians has sprung up, with a Biltmore -- "Cosmic Man" 1.00, 3.45, 6.25, 9.10 p.m. also 'House on Haunted Hill" (adult) 2.25, 3.05, 7.50, 10.35 p.m. Last com- plete show starts at 9.10 p.m. Home. No. 2 Highway. just east of about $2.300.000.000 to $2.400 of Harwood avenue, Ajax. The000.000 in military and other funeral services will be held oncredits to 13 countries, eovering Thursday in the chapel at 2.30 the bulk of Sino-Soviet contribu- p.m. by Nev. R. E. Armstrong. tions or of the Church of the Holy Recipient countries were the nity, Ajax. Interment 'will he United Arab Republic. Indonesia. rekine cemetery, Dunbarton. India. Iraq. Afghanistan, Argen- Mrs. Brenda William. Parish and Cécil Win. or Mayor toy Nancy Lancaster. Gove, D. L Caught in a happy mood are | ciation management meeting in members and guests of the On- Mrs tario County Tuberculosis Asso- Municipalities Seek Area Planning Change When 18 se! Ajax. From the left, Crosier. Photo bv John Mills Extend Vote Privileges In Port Hope PORT HOPE An extension of municipal franchise. approved in Port Hope at elections last De infensive suburban devel- omper will take effect this year already underway. it aowing resident nom - pronerty expand duving the pars more than 21 years old fo statement, "For the muni hich comprise the Metro planning ant none of these in fringe opinent is vill greatly » the area up in 1953 had ~taff For some tiny heen deep dissatisfae- w tion amo many of the fringe municipalities municipalities of the Metro To- tion. In 1977 ronto Planning Area with respect changes in the act to provide to joint representation on the ome Fhe area next 25 years. Filling in of exisl- (0 in elections this December. Metro Planning Board. As a re. was divided into distriet« ing development areas may be All persons resident in rented sult of this. repre entatives of and four persons were appointed expected to accommodate an esfi property in Port Hope more than some of the fringe municipalities to represent the thirieén munic- mated total of 61,000 in these 21 years old who lived in town have held several meetings to'ipalities. The brief now points onf Iringe comrmumities: a further all of 1958 will he entered on a work oul some constructive al- that this method of representa. 237.000 may he expected to settle voters' list this vear tornatives tion has failed because no one in new areas. at a rate of 10,000 op term ifion: wi " aot r - Town clerk's office will contac A draft brief has been man can fairly represent three or persons to the square mile all eligible persons, Where par- baved by a sub-commitice asking fom punicinaliies opinion on JOINT RESPONSIBILITY ties are not avaible. forms wil of individual represenfation for bave Fes ( a be distributed fter these are each municipality on the Metro Mmaiters on their own. borders bn the JEW Uf tum Nower filed oul and turned in te the Me. Bitliee GARDINER QUOTED projected a RY hil ae aityv of at Planing Board. The wb-com- GAR ) : the. great effect it will have rq "lerk's office entry of the name mittee members are Mavor' Ken In support. of the argnment' for ar A nay be made in the resident Tomlin. Richmond Hill: Council. the fringe municipalities the brief the 13 municipalities the, brie rss lst y wp wp Ci ardiee aintains that each of the af : lox vard vant, Woodhridge: auotes rederick GG. Gardiger, Maintain E: : x oD " : at, Ba : d By i Pa QC, ¢ n t sro conn. fected municipalities should have TREET FAIR 3 and Mavor William Parish of QC. chairman of the Metro cor Council last night approved a Ajax eil speaking the a voice in planning, that the plan. ot fi Port Hore Lion : Royal Commi Canada's Ding is the 'responsibility of Teduesl ITom COV KODE ie BRIEF SUBMITTED iy 2 selon . Ea catogted fod Tou 0 tre oc : lias RIEF St IT _ Feonomic "prospects «aid. "On just a laps d few but of a ® streets around the town park for The brief has now been sub- the basis of federal estimates of Mimicipalities street fair in .Jime mitted to the councils of Ajax. national Ihe Lions plan to hold the fair dur \farkham Township. Markham this would give the Toronto ares Metro Village. AJAX there has ities representa the minister mad and dwindling number of little shops and businesses. private*en nfation i i y terprise has disappeared. Forty renrese pre hich may who belore hope?" not i worker s«ion on brief further that the Conservation Authority population growth 101¢ A ing thé evening of June 19 and Stouffville. Toronto around 10 per antic full representation to all the an' qav Saturday. June 20. until Township. Toronto-Gore '® mil- municipalities within the water: pi qnion bridge. Streetsville 1980." sheds and has a total of 52 mem- x" aonest from Kinsmen club Township Richmond Hill Mr. Gardiner bers. The addition fo wae also approved. The club will Credit. Pickering Village and influence this growth would have the Metro Planning Board would hold its annual deor-to-dcor light Pickering Township for endorsa- on the City of Toronto. the inner raise the membership to only 33 | nv piit, Wednesday. April 29 tion. The brief will then he sub. ring of urban municipalities and members MANHOLES FOUND mitted to the Minister of Plan. the communities The brief has been endorsed by yjodern science does wonderful ning and Development the fringe. He made Ajax council things for people. In Port Hope if Rjax Rebekah Warble Fly Gets Flood Waters = wi shou hess fol Lodge Meets Bough Treatment Lo 14h Factor ed with about 10 inches of road. way BROUGHANM (Stat The AJAX -- Meeting of White Dove{Warble fly is retreating. it was ppouGHAM (Staff) Flood wateg, running over septic beds, ..dineer Ross Simmons, Rebekah Lodge No. 379 was open reparted to the Pickering town- ed in the [OOF bv Sister $hip council Monday evening el . rata NG IP all ud Stover when a report from the ne Sag Jato Open we fis was Hanes said it would be of great help to Robins VG warble fly inspector was read in the Fairport' Baad In C€ him in fracing old sewer lines Sister Robins gave the sick re stating that 75 per cent of the the regular Lal on A x. Cost is $250 port, Sister Alice Collins was il] cattle inspected have been found Bs T i io OL Mg ic er with the 'flu. Sister Biriell's son 0 be free of the fly wi Np founel: Munday fs-quite il Councillor H. Ashton gvering bv byviaw enforcement of Condolences were expressed by Out that the new inspector is hot iis XL ane hia fhe members to. Sister Winnie © the trail of the warble fly daar hee ted three » Wilkinson of Benevolent lodge. - found that Whitby on the death of her father And there last week. Sister Peggy Kush of around them to Faster Lodge. Pickering. is in the| z food 'of water . Dias Hospital with a broken Election Reply Mr. Cane stated toa! the water Sister Browning reported that BROUGHAM (Stalf) Picker Profile is serions painting out the monthly birthday party held ing township council Monday re thai Hiere arc a lot of wells for the residents of Fairview fused to give any answer to a without prope: 4 and that Lodge will be on April 22 in the request that there be a two-week Sopiie a beds are toniributing form of a mock fashion show. period between the nomination i he health nena There are 20 birthdays all told night and election day instead of T am not trving to alarm any. this month the usual four-day period or at least I don't mean to, Sister Slugg notified the lodge William Fairgraves ane said. "but the condi- members that plans for the dance fore the council requesting th: are bad and they could get in be held April 24 in the Union he recieve an answer the 0Y5¢ Hall on Cedar street were well night from the counci He said that on the way and that tickets are this matter uate Bylaws to properly, be they be revised cent of the gives Wood- pated natienal growth of OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE presents T.S. ELIOT'S "Murder In The Cathedral" Directed by LEON MAJOR Vaughan lion in spoke of tl proposed vhich comprise small this impor the no prospect of reunification. Kon. '°" and steel centre of, Stalin, rad Adenauer's decision to retive Stadt on the Polish border. In the from the West German chaneel. VEN! of reunification. the Stalin lorship has deepened the pessi- stadt complex would become a mism ! monstrous while elephant. Ger. atelli . " and iron ore from Poland and the sale He Tepime. By Sus doesn * Soviet Union--at more than the count for mu A Sith 0 US: competitive prices prevailing in an 'rogps. In ne country the Ruhr. East Germany's division from New chemcial factories in East the West becomes more absolute § g Sewage Plan vested interest in Keeping the . ™ fwo Germanies split Detail Given The Reds know there is chance of compelling adult Germans to transfer their A report of the proposed sewer system for the West Rouge area was read to' the Pickering Town- ship Council. It said that the plan is progressing very well, with de- signs drawn up for a 250,000 gal- lon per day system system will andle 1,000,000.000 gallons of water a day but the second phase will he 400.000 gallons per day It will service all lands west of the Rouge River, it was stated. but persons not included jn this service would be contributing as well to the overall assessment BROUGHAM (Stat)) -- Edward Reeve Sherman Scol{ pointed Hannah. Pickering township resi- 5,( that many people not direct- dent, appeared hefore the town- |y benefitting from the system ship council to chject strenuouslylwould be paying an assessment to instructions he had Leen given amounting to about seven dollars to clean up the yard around his a year, but their benefit would be| house. indirect because they = would Mir enjoy better health conditions. had received trom (ne township The system will handle 250.000 bylaw enforcement officer for gallons per day at first under a BT a pe tp loa Facial sem wis ure gal that onage of 400,000 gallons gradual- up hie yard by the courts and), stepping up to 1,000,000,000 y: 4 3 +000,000,000. was in contempt of court, a a JERRY LEE LEWIS THE NATION'S MOST DYNAMIC ENTERTAINER PERFORMING HIS SENSATIONAL SUN RECORD HITS! i WHOLE LOT OF SHAK' GOIN' ON * MEAN WOMAN BLUES A GREAT PALS OF FRE * AND MANY OTHERS ! RED BARN OSHAWA little Fast tradi Council voted last night to buy an M-scope." the instrument which discovered the manholes. Councillor R. A, Tverson. ask- ing for the machine for nse hy McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE April 22, 23, 24, 25 ot 8:15 p.m. Box Office At Henderson's Book Store out The eventually pointed Cleanup Order Rouses Wrath Pickering Man ells on Sun "and | covers Brock (Whitby) -- "Auntie Mame' 7.00 and 9.20 p.m. Last complete show 9.20 p.m Cane they salu had no adequate take SATURDAY, APRIL 18--8:30 AM. to 6 P.M, MONDAY, APRIL 20--4 P.M. to 6 P.M. TUESDAY, APRIL 21 -- 4 P.M. to 6 PM ON NIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE AT THEATRE -- 7 PM tile any Council Delays Nasu Mdpuigie 1.50, Last Plaza -- 'Separate Tables," 3.45, 5.35, 7.30, 9.30 p.m, complete show 9.05 p.m. cover Regent -- 'Some Came Running. 1.40, 4.10, 6.40, 9.10 p.m. Last complete show 9.00 p.m. General Admission $1.00 one Mr ( , tion Hannah read a letter he Are You Planning < . . . e CONVENTION e BANQUET Wig I e BUSINESS MEETING Tue shy w Bom to ¢| Excellent facilities are available at the GENOSHA sh @ sic pr a ! H ing of the new Beethoven concert, HOTEL. Accommodation from 10 to 500 people. hall this ear. The prize, in honor Phone RA 3-464)... ask for BANQUET MANAGER ame there wasn't ade the suggesting regarding cover out rid of the great musician who was! horn here in 1770. will be granted every two vears to a voung com: poser, 1 snow-white brother ANTHONY QUINN SOPHIA LOREN 28 Attila the Mun! who brought the Hun to his knees! Ls] HIA[SIP] [SIWEIETP RAIL IL TOIT A SIL] WE] JARI T! Why did this beautiful girl want her baby born in public? Poison Tree ver (N.Y ols shrub y. Malt hever age mously to hre ¥ WITH A CAST OF YHUNDERING THOUSANDS IN TECHNICOLOR their rec PI Te ---- any Ro who mittee set possibility of LL] Walks Yesterday's Answer lamely Inactive 20. Harmonize Rave 3. Medieval tale 39. Mimic 40. Spawn of fish 41. Bram membrane PLUS SPINE-TINGLING HORROR! A available from any lodge mem- Reeve J §. Scott pointed her that the council would not Sister Mackness reminded the able to make any decision on thi . The council gave Mr. Cain ins Gppig ica serious matter." Ma members of the penny sale amdsquestion until later on in the 5 Fuctioons to make a bist of the yonnah stated. "and 1 object afternoon tea to be held at her year hylan > i voi vere adequate strongly to the diaboiwal plan to flome at } Beatty from 3 fo 5 on A oso nad re one keep me from doing the work that ua, Apri B lod 'q SPECIAL POLAR BEAR il over fo Spine bio on I have been doing for the past er busimess of the lodge was COPENHAGEN (Reuters) . goad 23 vears. Across the road from roncluded lodge closed in form oenhaven. Zon has a colored re-wording me there is a worse mess and no and a lunch. was served by Sister polar hear. horn last December one ever says anything. Why am Woods and her committee } The I being made the goat." ; * Milne wa he Rv chy grew . . . 2 x . Sister Milne was the lucky draw colored bear has beige spots dis- Oka Buildin Mr. Hannall said he felt he was winner tribated over its body being discriminated against and - - that his family had been bothered DAILY CROSSWORD Of Fire H 11 by the township authorities for a the pas! three years BROUGHAM (Staff Picker "This bylaw states that 1 musi ACROSS ing tov nship council voted unani- keep my place clean and sani. . Pine rive the police. village tary and that no unsanitary con- State of Claremont permission to any isions he alowed to Rist: My , Serenity surplus funds on hand in the con Hannah said. *"It further says that . Tennessee struction of a new hall, at Waste paper and garbage cannot ¥ord alar mesting in Broug.|P® allowed to be there. 1 don't . Brass or Frost ham. Monday evening have gathage eve. ine bronze 9. Napolro 28 Put The request for permission was) crap won and old cars which Ii 3 The devil tide by Wate: of Clare. dismantle for the worl. that I do, 'The birth scene Girl's name Ne 2. P, mont stated that the com- he added 7 Plod old up to investigate the, . That bylaw entorcement of- holds no horror Those in Norse building the new ficar, cane down to my house in office work fire hall had approached the com- the middle of the winter hen only a strange . Assumed Noxious mittee in charge of the commu- everything was frozen solid," Mr. aie name weed (Bib.) nity lot. and had their request | 1annah charged, "and gave me and exciting ! n Tridiun Soon favorably received six hours to move turee tons of | . J : 3 . igs 3 steel away from my house. I] " - rr sym.) A great Mr. Ward pointed out that there > B ne Flying high number had been one objector but didn't| WOuld have given him $30 if he wonder. : River (8.A.) feel he would object anv longer could have removed evep five Stay since he died Monday bolts off one of the wheels on the football The committee of which Mr. Cas. on that day. D " r. Laur ent JEAN GABIN NICOLE COURCEL Ward is a member has two other] members, John Norton and Mait- land Anderson. both of Clare. mont player To the right! Gift . Latvian nver . Mr Kefanver Fresh Western state Snake Musjeal instrument 42. Man's name Sp.) Nests of boxes (Jap.) ~ SUBSCRIBERS ra THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 ¥ you have not received your T , phone your ¢ r If you are unable te con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. THUNDERING OUT OF UNKNOWN SKIES- The Super-Sonic Hell-Creature No Weapon Could Destroy! ® gg i bp RODAN! THE FLYING MONSTER wint oy TECHNICOLOR THE PICTURE THAT EVERY WOMAN. EVERY MOTHER, EVERY MATURE PERSON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX # you have net received 4 wi I Tines by 7 p.m coll I 44. Rub out AJAX TAXI I 48. Deputy PHONE i DOWN | Bn me AJAX 333 | 3 Awan inlend wee AN calls must be placed before 30 pom NO ONE WILL BE SEATED DURING THE FINAL 15 MINUTES! ; i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT , PTR «ii ihc Tovonion | FRANK SHIRLEY DEAN Sinatra MacLaine Martin $e = 'Some Came Running' our | i ---- * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! Finest Entertainment At Regular Prices ! ! VISIT OUR NEW REFRESHMENT BAR! a TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7.7:30 p.m. Only

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