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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1959, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 14, 1959. 7 aa Port Hope's Tax Rate Yams Parents 'Ask Zone Change! Town Council | ce "HOOD RIVER, Ore. (APM | ift To Di aters wl | {porting clothespoles. : | 0 1SCUSS {Pox n Tommy Th ancient chief ud ' PORT HOPE -- A warning 1 F or N ew School . * {Te Collage. Street of a fading band of |parents about danger i ji Bu ! Police Move (was not mamed, but CouncilloriRiver Indians, died at a g 1 S or |who play under the Ontario street COBOURG -- The complete the boys' training school, Hatfield Heberle said the line the truckihome here Sunday night. By his Hall for a radio station, the resi; COBOURG--The Cobourg town|tore out the second time was the reckoning he was 105 Jon bridge downtown ater school was Tear of he Cobourg district col- fio siatin sion Bg To PORT HOPE -- Hume owners| County rates come second high-, Total mill rate for commercial issued at council last night by|legiate institute appeared before/dence of Dr. a) for an ad- council will hold a special meet- same new one the town had in- hy will pay an extra five mills in est, with a total cost of $103,-/taxes is 715. An uuconditional Deputy Reeve Mike Wladyka. Cobourg town council Monday|dition fo the training school, and|ing this week to discuss in fulllstalled before -- and it hadn't Dury hum gtounis Sveriaoking residential tax rate, it was an-/461.09 to be paid by the town. provincial grant pays 4.5 mills of, Mr. Wladyka said that numer-|night to ask for an amendment for a service station. the contents of a letter received, q time to get dirty yet. te co ym a ors al nounced at council last night. | The Parks Board 1: to receive the residential rate, reducing this/ous children were playing regu-|to the present zoning bylaw in| Tne new collegiate will be con-|from the Cobourg police depart- No mention 'was made: whetlier vi Th of gk Jastine od sal A budget was brought in list $6635 and the Library Board $5470. (to 67 mills. {larly beneath the bridge wherejthe east end of Cobourg. [structed in a way that an addition ment, and to study the police act.| bp "0 70 C0) TOC IO rounds guaranteedésto ing a 67-mill figure for 1959, up The mill rate is charged on an gppre ASSURANCE [high thaw waters were quite! Construction of the new colleg-'may be added at any time. Maj-| Council was asked to appointi when the truck- went by. them forever by a treaty of 1855. from a 1958 rate of 62 mills. |assessment for school purposes swift and deep. liate cannot start until the amend-|or Drope said they were planning|an arbitrator to deal with the ¢ . - The increase means that tax- of $10,131,074 and for general pur-| Following reading of the bylaw, They had. been warned andment is made. The high school/for the next 20 years as many|matter of wages and working con- payers who paid $170 in 1958 will poses of $9,506,252, necessary to approve the budgetichased by both police and him- board has the intention of pur-|changes will take place. No deci-|ditions now in dispute between pay about $183 this year Difference between the school Councillor R. A. Everson sought|self, he said, but continued to re-|chasing 11.7 acres of the Kay|sion has yet been made, but it is|the town and the police force. The increased tax rate will and general purposes assessments assurance that the figures listed {appear to play. property on King street east. felt that the new school will be| Jt was pointed out in the letter raise $696,658.02 which added to rises mainly out of tixed assess- WOuld not be overspent | He referred to Saturday's! chairman of the board, Major|used for grades 11, 12, and 13,|tnat Cobourg is the only munici-| estimated receipts of $184,910 will ments applied to three local in- "Are we going to stay in that drowning of a young boy in north i while grades 9 and 10 will be kept pay total council estimates of dustries, it was explained. this year?" he asked. referring Port Hope, when two-year-old or) Droes a So ot he in the old building, - jal, foree Ttking Ww week $831,368.02. Detail of the mill rate structure to the $881,000 estimiated total. Bobby Tarrington was found in a/c iq 1ave a frontage on King| Major Drope asked for imme- 40 hours. The budget is broken down into was listed in the budget. For edu-| "We're going to nave to," an-|shallow wading pool. [street of 528 feet and a depth of|diate action by the council as it Councillor Heenan ested | controllable and urcontrollable|cation, public schoo' mainten- swered Mayor W. N. Moore. | Nobody would have ever ex-\Tor was most important that work|that bef on expenditures of $408,323 and $473,- ance mill rate is 12.99; public| Reeve Read Budge revealed pected that to happen in a Place A. R. Will ici get under way as soon as possi-|kind gid wy. 3 ld 245.00. school debentures, 1.95 (for a new|from budget figures that each/like that, he said. He warned A. R. Willmott, town. solicitor, B00 BEE WON 45 S000 2° HOSS ale: on Coie] shoud) Controllable estimates . include school); high school maintenance, mill in the tax rate would bring|Parents of the fact that the river stated that he was mayor in 1939/5. oy uly the police act in toll and) : A : ' . 4 at this time of vear is much/when the bylaw was made, and/Mmade by council, it still has to that a copy of the police act be! $93,300 for roads, $25,500 for sew- 7.34; high school debentures, 2.71. $10,131, i i ers, $13,000 for street lighting ASoraray school mainfeuance rate, Under the bylaw, taxes are due More dangerous than a wading since then several amendments SOE Jotore Te Ontarie Mansi given to each member of council. | $2190 for winter works program, is 14.94 mills, for debentures 1.85, [January 14 of the vear due. pool. /had been made. These were for Tt 15 Taped That conor choy willl No definite date for the meet- Uncontrollable expenses include] General town debentures will Carrying charges of one-half per- toe g leted by September of 8 has yet been set. general debenture rc:ts of $22,-/take 2.41 of the 67 mills ,with cent are imposed cach month COBOURG SPORT l1960. 4 977.03 and sewage disposal plant|sewage disposal debentures, Unit- overdue after the budget is pre-| sir l . debenture cost of $60 560. |ed Countires, and boards taking sent | PROPOSE PRICE PREEZE | Clothesline Education again is Port Hope's 6.37, 10.88, and 1.27 mills each., There are approximately $62,- 7 greatest single exoense, with'General expenses account for 000 back taxes in arrears, it was' NEW YORK (AP)--The United . - RAINY i fe bug, 55 mils Jearfied. urc oC Key MTS, Jon, propessa Tom Again ISN'T IT NICE in these days of cash-and-carry that drug stores still mpd - nday st stry ind Le i A ov. Lhe, Stef dustry) provide a reliable, free delivery service. Think of the number of 'tines : freeze its prices for the duratio v f of its Sr contract a the, PORT HOPE -- For the second you've needed some household product in a hurry and the weather' was Back Newc astle TIMES BUREAUS Ev nt Pl nn union. The union's executive time in a row the town of Port bad or you were just too comfortable to move any farther than to the board also suggested that negoti- Hope was embarrassed by a telephone . .. or when your doctor left you with a prescription that pod in Clothesline, announced Councillor nad to be filled right away. Your pharmacist is interested in the health tions w coniract he alt COBOURG COBOURG -- Three hundred General Electric with 2637 and iy ek of Pl oo re- Bill Heberle at council last and general well-being of you and your family. He is also interested in On School Issue G. McAuliffe FR. 2-5349 and seventy young hockey play- Harold Fabrics with 2404. Survi- 'ected .a company broposal to Night. giving you the best products and the best service possible. Make a = lers will not go hungry at the|vors' scores were: Jenkins Cart.|freeze wages and other contract| TWice in recent months the regular habit of shopping at your drug store--you'll find it a pleasant, Cobourg Church Hockey League's'age 3025; Earl's Sunoco 2845; | benefits for another year. town garbage truck has man- friendly place to shop. (adv) PORT HOPE -- Council here lington township, and a third 400- PORT HOPE banquet April 22. League offi- Fardellas 2608: Tickers 2594. Se -------------------- aged to tear loose some 200 feet! Mqgday night voted fo back the pupil school for Clarke township pa: 1] =.= cials made sure of that at a meet-| 14 the consolation series, Card was scored by Doug Day att town of Newcastle in seeking out- near Orono. lain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 5 ielq in the Chateau Hotel. |Motor: 2300, Cine sor Mus io Y, Doug ase wun side arbitration to decide whether Cost of the program was esti- Present at the meeting were 219) and Jening's 21° 5 qualified.| Ralph Baker and Harry Hay- a 400-pupil high schocl should be mated at $1,300.000. An addition | . president Stan Williams; secre- ousted were Hoseltons and Ideal ward announced Saturday that | § built at Orono or Newcastle. to Port Hope High Scnool was not tation tary, Art Ma rtin; treasurer, with 2001 each. |the league banquet will be held! A letter was first read from listed, but is being considered for {Clarke Sommerville; publicity| Final team standing was: Jen-'this year June 1 at the Legion | {chairman, Jim Williams: statisti-|jng's Cartage 148; Earl's Sunoco Hall. Durham District High School construction in 1961 Board listing a building program di letter from Newcastle. out | 0 Be Rented |cian, Layton Dodge; Arnold Shea-|y34. Tyckers 103: Harold Fab-| i asons f han, Tommy Lewis, Ross Bur-|rics 91; CGE 88: Fardellas 82;| 10" MIXED LEAGUE for three new schoois, One 150-/lined the town's reasons for fight-! pupil school is slated for Mill- ing a board decisior to build at| PORT HOPE -- Port Hope's/gess, Leo Blastorah, John Hixt.|card Motors 76; Jening's 45; Cur.| Ramblers 169; Eastenders 161; | § brook, a 400-pupil sciiuel for Dar- Orono. It also stated that the town|old police station on Walton|' nc Massey and Red Alexan- tis 45: Ideal 42; Misfits 37; Hosel- Dodgers 144; Burley Bus 120; Ee ---- -- ~~ did not want to invoive munici- street, vacated recently when| 37: Was revealed fhe league tons 33. [Toppers ON lousgHesders MN : S bdi "= palities in a tug of war squabble. wiicere moved i " to ane" would be forced to delve into its ALMOST PERFECT [Crew Cuts 81; Alley Cats 59: u 1V1Sion Although the two towns appear Juarers ie lawn ha Y est te |Special insurance fund to cover! Ralph Baker, proprietor of the Hydro 53; Aces 51. High Singles| equal in size now, said the let-| or use as a real estate|y,, qi of the banquet, which 400 Bowl-O-Drome came . close to -- Men: Wally Wright 308; La-| not be the case in the future, {be used by police. : : Eighty loaves of bread. ten pins last weekend. The fall, like- Triples -- Men: Ab Dawe 715; | § PORT HOPE = 4 Liickav. sib cited Newcastle's nearness Deputy Reeve Mike Wladyka turkeys, three bags of potatoes|able alley manager rolled a 266|Ladies: Shirley Cane 656. 3 ) i -- A Lindsay sub- to rail, road and seaway traffic announced last night that several and several cases of green beans/ game, a score which ranks as the divider who hopes to subdivide a and claimed that incustrial and, offers to rent the premises had and fruit juice will help feed the highest game of 10-pine ever Port Hope lakeshore property for consequently, residential growth been considered, and recom- hungry lot. {bowled in Cobourg. ! i 13 sinner howe lolé appeared would occur first in this area.|mended that council accept ani Chairman of the banquet this' Baker started with four straight F U R Lore mg muy lig tas The letter also claimed that offer from Ed Woods, of Cobourg.|year js Leo Blastorah. strikes, left a single pin standing A. Hall, Whose wite plans to there 'would be an immediate] The office space will be leased] Jim Williams stated he was at- in the fifth frame but picked it subdivide land South oa A extra expense of 75 pupil-miles for five years at a rent of $25 a'tempting to line up either Red for a spare. He then followed up S T 0 R A G E road, said reassuringly dat We per day in transporting students month. !Sullivan of the New York Ran-|with five more strikes before fin- H ay L2 north to Orono rather than south! Police will use the office as a gers or Bobby Hull of the Chicago ishing up with a spare. are not fly-by-night people from 1 h L h % y rial t rs . TI thie oily alter # Test Doi' to Newcastle. : main street call station. Ofticers|Black Hawks as a special guest| With just one week remaining The Newcastle spokesman said will be issued keys to the front|speaker for the evening. Guest: Strays have virtually clinched the asouncil earfler had withheld the town wanted a body like the door. A phone will be available|last season was Bobby Atterslev. title in the Bowl.O-Drome Little Ph RA 5-2722 Pp! proj Ontario School Trustees Council to for their use in the front office.|the blond bombshell of the world Amateur League. Team standing one for FREE pick-up bots Planing board 30 Sept ews as arbitrator. Any decision Papers for real estate operators/champion Whitby Dunlops. is: i ment had approved because it of this bedy would be accepted as will be kept in the rear section'copRAS LEAD | Strays 98: Strikers 94: Red 4 ted bout the type final, said the letter. of the office. ! > a Wings 93; Pee Wees 79; Go-Get- lashion. 0. Wan'ec assurance a ou ype ! Cobourg Cobras will carry a . : . JP of building to be erected on the ial in. Jead back. t ers 67: Blue Birds 63: Peanuts substantial 409-pin lea ack 1059. whiz Kids 38; Gliders 51: FUR SALON land. | [Peterborough this Sunday for the kine Pins 40; Flyers 32; Cardi.| orvERs PROOF TELEVISION L O Gisele ive samen tor tne ald i' ste tor the ony Mr. Hall said his company Inter - town Bowling Ch Sp PANY CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto|ship. | would sh council proofs of . i i F it Cobras swept all five games their land deed, which he said WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester | Sunday at Cobourg Bowling Plan Queried ter, indications are tat this will office, but will also continue to|;re expected to attend. bowling a perfect 300 score in 10|dies: Barbara Heigh 312: High would contain rules and regula-| tions for use of the property by|WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo Lanes to open wp a opmfoable, owners. margin. Winners' five-game total | ic paid that all "old vulldingsl YUUSUAY' BYEmING {eran TTS | SSH Diy | was 5708. Losers totaled 5209. | would be removed, and that if 1--Theatre, Sports | 5--Burns and Allen 4 Edge or 'mot | Leading Cobourg to victory was; anyone wanted to build perma. $--Whistle =Sown t-Fopeves ayhoum | WEDNESDAY PM. . |Pete Galashi with 1263 on games nent residences this would have OB To Learn 15 AM | 13--Theatre: Sports {of 295, 252, 207, 241 and 268. Other to be stipulated in the deed. im bi Stooges | 7--Devotions .. | 6--Daneing Storybook {scores turned in by the Cobourg Reeve Read Budge explained 5.15 P.M | 9:30 AM, 3--Playhouse team aere: Walter Wright 213, ] council's concern as being about -4--Carioon Storyback | 7--Romper Room | &-Fun To Lears 272, 184, 205 and 215 for 1089; Bill : WHO THINK the construction of temporary 530 P.M. | S=District Attorney | 2-Three SIO woodward 164. 235. 223, 194 and 4 homes on the property. us i Id Topper te Margie «Cartoon Storybook |187 for 1003; Frank Mclvor 270, : Undre the town building by- 4 pinner Date 10:00 AM, i 5:30 P.M. 191, 227, 177 and 248 for 1113: gi law, only permanent homes could 2--Woody W-odpecker | 4_playhouse i Pe dneksy Nous d Don Markle 226, 245, 195, 173 and O OMORROW be built on the property. Even 600 P.M { 3:2--Doush Re Mi poe ony. ound (127 for 1016; Harry Livingston were this bylaw to be amended | L1--News: Theatre; | 10:30 A.M, 3--Bengal Lancers 207, 241, 209, 249 and 207 for 1113. to allow less expensive structures w BEAL 7--Morning Show | 6:00 P. M. |" Maurice "Lefty" Reid, who just! for temporary residence, he said, ¢_News A tent |u--Tneatre News: the day before had won the sin. | what assurance would there be Sky King 00 AM. ! hn {gles provincial crown, topped Pe- Bat Ora des Would ttn So tie | S2-price Is Right 6--News |terborough bowlers with an 1126 5 ° t h f ° J s > i i ve Luc: Jet J i # 2 mn of the season provided? >= Playhouse iso AM. rN pintall on games of 225, 199, 193, J MODERATION { av Ss, (00, Nave a way o owin e season provide , 830 pM ! top Donne EP Ral 269 and 240. : He asked Mr. Hall if he thought 342-News: Weather J Ai FTA na arias Teammates rolled the follow- fain or fur 0m ser | pS mn | Sl, [1 Wallan 1. 1,15 4 TOD. | 4 8 i 7.00 P.M. j= re; Y | 3-42--News: Weather : i / AY 3 , . : PT) perinanert deni nn | Baad Desa. Nea p aperher | and 207 for 964; Leo English 164, 4 } i i And just like her Junior Depositor's Account, your . 4-News and Weather 5.4.3 N, 245, 312, 176 and 216 for 1113; Mr. Hall said he would check 3--Zorro | 8,2-Ti $5:42.-News 4 ld 4--Annie Oakley | 8.2--Tic Tac Bough H 7:00 P.M. Marty Donaldson 207, 220, 176, 192 Qavi - . 4 s with his company solicitor to| 2-Masquerade Parly | 12:15 P.M, | 11--Family Theatre land 224 for 1017: Gary Charler- avings Account will grow with regular deposits. discuss the matter with his wife. | 15 P.M. i SoSpeaker.of We | &-Tabloid eau 268, 238, 227, 177 and 174 for i ET -- TTT 7--Ne Weather i 12:30 P.M. | 4--Mackenzie's Raiders 1084. y £ J |] 30 P.M. | 0 P.M. 2-Special Agent 7 g i x . 7--Sugarfoot Ne-Newe 7:15 PM. BOWLING PLAYOFFS y : g a Re 5,2--1It Could Be Y 7--N. eathe i tor , } Still Careful OT Sm | eens Moni row | Swe | Jenkins Cartage. Barls Suro Ed The S THE CANADIAN + Whirlybirds 12:45 P.M, 7--Lawrence Welk co, Fardellas and Tuckers moved House of eaqrae 8:00 P.M, 11--Al Star Theatre 8--Disney Pr it i 7 ? m About Floods 11:6--Front Page Chal. | 4--Guiding Light { 52-Wagon Train jL0 She sosond Jound of vlayoits 9 BANK OF COMMERCE lenge i 1:00 P.M. Union Pacifie jin tne Coourg: Ladies. Acacemy : DISYRLIRS 25NCE 1057 PORT HOPE -- Sandbags is. 5, 2-Steve Canyon | 7--Music Bingo 8:00 P.M. League after the opening week of v t MORE THAN 800 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA " gs 4--Anp Sothern 6--Matinee | 11--Leave It To Beaver playoffs. : ! i sued during flood threat days 5:30 P.M. S--Feature Movie | 4--Keep Talking In the consolation round, Card Msin Branch ~-- I. §.. MsFadyen se Manager this spring should not be recalled 11-6--Chevy Show | 4 Meet the Millers 8:30 P.M. Motors, Curtis, Misfits and Jen- 1465 King St. W. & Stevenson Rd. until about May 15, after the 32-Jimmy Rodgers 2--Mid Day Matines 116--One of a Kind |; | i) F. A. Mcllveen -- M rainy season has passed, said NSA Ean | Ls PM 7--Orie and Harriet |InE's Fuel were left to battle it| Oshawa Shopping Centre Deputy Reeve Mike Wladyka at ° id a Ji rai oe 3tiTey i Pt iowa R JO: a, i Simcoe St. N. Bi h -- -- council last night. 7--Rifleman | }-for the Ladies | 9:00 Pu. an | Eliminated in the top half were | ! oe P09. bul Manager The bags were distributed about, 3--George Burns The World uray |l--This Week tovn to storckeepers when a se- > or raves oR. | ZoDoame Reed | vere winter piled high snows and 1 : " ad Dean { ET , ice formations throughout the 11.6--Folio 2-Helen Neville | 9:30 P.M. aree Ganaraska watershed a arn PM, 11-Centuly Stories ® With Port Hope at the narrow gs. ob : TR os Storm i a Francisos Beat ( 3 3 end of the 105 square mile funnel, : 10:00 i S-Tome Cooking ar aT ! a O I 1 : it was felt that sudden thaw and Lip Aeon Trea : Sinise 8 U-San Francites Beat | E rain conditions could be disas-| 4 Gary Afr" RE ugh | 7--Boxing : trons. By the time provincial ey 11.6 Nt "school Sn en Lite k authorit'2s issued flood warnings, i an Without a Gun Iti or ay. 4--Circle Theatre 9 n | 5-Film Feat -6---Our Miss Brook 130 P.M. y i post Jove aNeeady had 2 fue. 2_Bold Venture 7~Beat The Clock PT Bh i) ( | ate . ® f bv 8 Sy y 1:00 P.M. 5-2--Doctor Malone | 5--Flight t A i. adyka, to pre- 11.7.6. : 4 The Bie vavoif 2--Official Detective : pare for such an event. A 3:30 P.M. | 10:43 P.M. : -------- LN LI 3 5 P. 116-0 H, . b A 7--Playhouse 7- Who Do You Trust OR EM, i : PIAN FULFILLED é-Viewpoint 3,2--From These Roots '11.7-6.5-4-2--News Not long ago men and women with coronary : TOKYO (AP) C " 5-- Movie 4 Verdict 1¢ VV ure Weather: Snorts 3 H 3 4 -- Communist 0:30 PW 2:00 P.M. pg artery disease, tuberculosis or diabetes were : China today announced its first 11--Late Show 11--Bugs Bunny 7--Playhouse ED 4 3 five-year economic plan, which, S=Srortsview | i-American Bandstand Pa ous | unable to obtain life insurance. Today it is i + 52 A , eatre A a; 5--F A 1 3 degen iv Bi pie aac Fase | rr meas | a eatire Movie possible for many of these people to be accepted A i. R MM, ces 1 1 Q 3 M H + + 3g more than 10.006 industrial S-Boxie DAY 2--Trouble with Father | t3<The. Late tne ma special premium classification. Technically and mining projects were con- EDRES + Sevish | 8--Feature Film | i i ws » i j iii gs Moy og igh Wiad TL ILL a | Centre speaking they are said to be rated policyholders. rr ------TinE NE i" 3 _Ili=Popeys 2--Jack Paar | For many years Manufacturers Life has con- | tributed leadership in this special field. Today we > ! are well known for our progressive outlook and : \ for the favourable premium rates being offered. t 3 : , ' } Actually 90% of the people applying for P. Andrey F. L. Crossley R. J. Branch 1. G. Coron * Manufacturers Life policies today are accepted Represeuiaing df Representative Representative ,: 7 at regular rates. Another 8%% are offered Tel: RA. 3.2231 Tel: RA. 3-2231 A st OSHAWA ! { insurance at the lowest possible cost considering Ni Te * RA. 3-223) : their particular physical condition, while : i only 1%:% are declined. Whatever your needs, you can be sure of progressive life J insurance service when you call the Man from Manufacturers, : » LJ SRR \ -. Qed om qo! THE mr Soo Ja Hho MANUFACTURERS LIFE new milk recipes DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Witte ta! 409 Hurew Street. Terente { "or from Manufacturers INSURANCE COMPANY condh

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