13 ur LJ ee a a a a STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian National Corporation Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1958, $287,585, 11 cents a share; 1957, $534,692, 21 cents. Auto Fabric Products Ltd, year ended Dec. 31: 1958, $40, 12°" TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTRE TORONTO West C Brew 210 move High Low a.m. Ch'ge $3215 32 32 By The Canadian Press Wp wis 500 yi i 2% Pi Toronto Stock Exchange--April 13 Ww 1A 180 40% 40% (Quotations in cents unless marked $, w A wis 550 21% 21% + % 3---0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- w Pass 100 % Th rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Wcod JA 250 25% + % 200 25% Curb Industrials Anglo-Nfld 200 63 Asbestos 29 Net' C Marconi 225 k Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge C Paper 270 Abitibi '170 $36% 36% W864 Lob Inc Hos Abit pr MacLaren 250 Alta Dist Alta Dist vt Alta Gas Alg Cen pr Alumini Analog Anthes Imp 25 Arcan 775 Argus Mu C Chieftn 500 Atlas Steel 50 C Ex Gas 1000 Bk Mont xr 355 ' C Homestd 200 Beatty 240 ' 4 Cent Del 800 Bell Phone 2271 C Mic Mac 700 Bell rts 24155 C West Pete 200 Brazil Cree wts Ba oil Dev-Pal BC Forest Duvex BC Pow Dyn Pete BC Phone Fargo Can Cem 25 Gr Plains Can Wire B $14 14 HB Oil G 850% 59% 59% Majtrans $40 39% 39% Medal $173 17% 17% Mill City $108 1034 10% N Cont 380 N Davies Northcal NC Oils NCO wits Northind Okalta Pac Pete Pac Pete w 60 Permo pr Petrol Place Gas Prairie Oil Provo Gas Ranger Secur Free Sarcee Pete South U Stanwell Tex Cal Tidal Tidal wis Triad Oil Un Oils Westburne W Decalta THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 15, 1959 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Newfoundland Tops Inborn Obstacles ST, JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- In Production last year was worth have yielded 900 new acres of 267; 1957, $14,253. the 10 years since Confederation $9,500,000 before it reached the'land, 500 of which have been| Barymin Explorations Ltd., Newfoundland has hurdled some retailers. seeded. This could have the year ended Oct. 31: 1958, $129.» inborn obstacles to establish a' While Newfoundland still lags|greatest impact on the industry,|395: 1957, $107,219. sound and growing farm econ- behind the other Atlantic prov- says Mr. Keough, by opening the| Brazilian Traction, Light and omy. inces in agricultural develop-|door to livestock production on a|Power Co. Ltd., year ended Dec, "Farming, as a commercial ment, it has made impressive|large scale in new pasture areas.|31: 1958, $11,974,300, 64 cents a enterprise, has now become a| strides despite diffculties rang-| The number of mink bred in|share: 1957, $26,367,408, $1.52. profitable business," says Mines ing from poor farm iand to sud-|Newfoundland was tripled since| Dominion Magnesium Ltd. year and Resources Minister W. J./den changes made necessary by 1955. Today 25 mink ranchers ended Dec. 31: 1958, net loss Keough, whose department 100ks | Confederaton. {have 15,000 animals 'The qual-|$514,605, 1957, net profit $350,363, after agricultural matters. New-| ype 1049 Newfoundland farm (ity of the fur production is ex-|72 cents a share. foundland is the only province in|. ware protected from outside [cellent and it appears that pro-| Greater Winnipeg Gas Come | Canada without an agriculture cor Soieton by low rail tariffs|duction is economic," Mr. pany, year ended Dec. 31: 1958, | minister or autonomous depart-|. 4% non duties. Then, says | Keough says. {net loss $478,670. (First annual res ment. But that hasn't hindered y= Keough "not only did the| Mr. Keough, in .releasing the port predecessor company, Wine | {the industry's growth. farmer lose the protective im-|first major list of agriculture nipeg and Central Gas Company, | "Phenomenal progress" has port' duties and low rail tariffs, [statistics, gave these figures for had $841,139 net loss in 1957.) : AL STOCKS 11:30 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge 5972 300 290 300 +3 210 $35% 35% 35% z5 49 49 1394 $40% 40% 40% 22159 100 100 1 240 49 / + % + % -1 N Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge Stock Sales 500° 123 123 123 + B Mont rts 2185 $28, 28% 26'% + Banque PC 15500 9 9 Bath Pow A 150 236 236 236 --1 Bell Phone 100 640 640 +10 Bell rts 2500 20% + % Bow Mers pr 3000 a1 BA Of 1000 BC Forest 13500 BC Power 500 Bown 590 Cal Pow 250 300 --~20 Can Iron 160 000 + % C Bank Com z10 Hoyle --20 C Brew 125 $40 Hugh-Pam R --1% C Br Alu 100 Ind Lake 7 7 7 C Cel 300 Int Ran | C Chem Cell 100 Irish Cop ~10 C Cottons pr 200 Iso Uran C Fairbks J Waite Jellicoe Joburke Jonsmith Kerr Add Kilembe Kilem C wis Kirk Min Labrador Lexindin LL Lac Lorado wts ynx Macfie Madsen Maralgo Maritime McKen McMar McWat Ment Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Milliken Min-Ore Moneta Nama Cr Nat Expl Nes Lab N Cal N Goldvue Newlund N Man N Mylama Nickel MS Nick MS rt Noranda Norlartie Norpax Norsyne Northsp N Goldcrest N Rank Northsp North Can Obaska O'Brien Stock Elder Faleon Francor Frobisher Giant YK Goldale Gold Eagle GF Uran 455 250 2255 63% » 75 -% Gunnar wits 16 Gwillim Oils 54 $22 170 65 415 210 $23% 23% 23% 810 300 295 300 200 240 240 300 $23% 23% 75 $68\4 68 1345 $27 27 200 240 23% 68 27% 9 AP Cons 500 Bail § 5% pr 250 C Oil lds 1000 CS Oil wits 3600 CS Pete 4950 C Vickers Cockshutt Com Ent 200 Con M § 610 Corby A 100 Crown Zell A 205 Dist Seag 875 D Glass pr 225 D Steel 300 D Stores 65 D Tar 725 Du Pont Ford US Fr Pete pr Gatineau Gen Dynam 120 GE Waresxd 2120 GS Wares pr 23 $90 90 | Holt Ren 800 Home Oil B 280 Hud Bay 90 Imp Inv A 100 Imp Oil 563 Imp Tob 500 Ind Acc z10 I acc 450 pr 50 - Inland C pr 225 19% 19% Int Nickel 280 4 88 884 Int Paper 37 8 114% 11416 Int Util 270 2 32 32 Interprov PL 30 16460 Mass-Fer® 2660 105 51 Molson A z10 1000 K Nolsen B 100 700 ",lson pr 100 Nat Drug 100 Noranda 245 Ogilvie pr 50 Penmans xd 275 Powell R 220 Price Br 37 Que N Gas 244 Que Pow 75 Roe AV. C 335 Royal Bank z11 St L Cem A z5 Salada-§ Shawin Simpsons Std Str Stl Steel Can Steinbg A Tor-Dom Bk Trans C PL U Steel Walk GW C Bank Com $1914 $38 3314 S47 47 215 215 $89 88% 19% Dist Seag Dom Elect D Elect rts Dom Stores Dom Tar A Eddy Eddy Match Equit Life Fam Play Fleet Mig Ford US Ford A Gatineau 42% 8814 13% 1660 $17% 17% 17% 371% 25 $6814 681% 681% 88 100 $28 28 28 92 $53% 100 $227 1720 100 90 35 $60 60 295 $124% 124 85 S41 4% 28 $107 107 450 851% 51 1330 816% 16% 164% + 500 $28 28 28 200 1750 1600 200 1300 100 157 385 275 200 100 515 700 120 1500 41 2000 60 3200 111 1600 147 4500 35 31 1025 510 500 700 220 220 500 78 78 250 173 173 Mines 1000 54 7000 1 330 6 1500 13000 12500 1000 5200 1681 531% 22% 531% 227 99 33 1414 24% 24% 24% 41% 41% + 17 17 1% 60 331% 124% 14% 4% + 24 61% 70 118% 11 8 61% GN Gas Bwts 100 270 270 2 Gr Wpg G 200 $118 11% Gr Wpg vt 100 $11 11 Great West 40 $89 89 Greyhnd 230 $13 13 305 848% 48 1085 $16 15% 16 50 $10 10 10 $4214 42% 424 830 $13 3 350 $37% ITN 3TH 45 6 6 + 4% 2700 3000 500 1000 500 1500 100 3000 100 | been achieved, Mr. Keough said he was subjected immediately to 1958 production: 16,000,000 pounds Alfred Lambert Inc. yest {in a recent radio speech. In 1949p ic ™ oom notition for his tradi-|of cabbage; 450,000 bushels of ended Dec. 31: 1958, $241,458) ince w farms lacking iy or emer bith, he | arvimes and oes pars of AUD gain of lk HOD *syogeen Ret Lake Gold Mint ls Ited in inefficient production, | Cada. lof 1 3 o d "50.000 novA §ILtd., year ended , 31: 1958 Sx h Dx and 30.000 pounds ©: g1.051,724, 30 cents a share; 1937, ment just starting to implement; Two things were y to recommendations of a royal com- put provincial farmers back on . | Tip Top Tailors Ltd: 53 weeks mission. the velve of farms, live- their feei--the clearing of more hd ended Jan, 3, 1959, $39,318, 33 n ustna S cents a share; ended Dec. 28 000,000. farms. Since 1949, 9,000 acres of {VALUE TODAY land have been cleared. A farm Webb and Kna (Canada) Today Mr. Keough estimates loan board created in 1953 has| Hi her Rut |Ltd., oar ended app 31: 1958, i : I) ,944 1957, $6,611. tween $30,000,000 and $40,600,000. Bogland reclamation projects g Vis 7 $s Ltd., year ended nth . ay i! Market Sli A and B share; 1057, $5,443,579, T nm i - $1.76. : | WwW | TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials, Wool Combing Corporation of | i : 1958, $54,030, $1.04 a share; were higher but the rest of the 31 y Tver: ' 10" 140 | stock market slipped back Tues. '957. net loss, $14,818. 3% 36 | dav in light trading. 38% 38% 20 20 . , + T : strati shares, down slightly from Mon- » 39 { OTTAWA (CP)--The head of onstration plant near Rolphton, day's 4,333,000, Most active snec- Agnico 10% 10% + {Canada's nuclear energy pro- Ont., about 150 miles northwest of Iativ 4 Yost. Central-Por| Aba = 1 gram said Tuesday night he is Ottawa. The $15,000,000 project, u'ative mines lost. Anacon 145; Apex Res 33% Aumacho 38 Aumaque Aunor Avilla Barnat B-Dugq Beav Lid Belcher Bibis Bicroft Bouzan Boymar Buffad Camp Chib Cdn Astoria C Dyno C Malart Cdn NW Can-Erin Can-Met Cariboo Cassiar Castle Cent Pore Cheskirk Chester Chib Jac Chib M Chimo Coch Will Coin Lake Coldstrm Denison Den wis {Confederation caught the Prov-| joys) markets from producers in/turnips: 2.650.000 dozen eggs. 1.11957, $178,947. |Sx years later, with the govern- LAND CLEARED nen pork. $7137600, 20 cents. | stock and equipment totalled $22,- land and the modernizing of | 1957, net los $83,108. {the capital investment to he be- extended £600.000 in credit. Dec. 31: 1958, $6,790,558, $2.11 per | F 1 | paced by a strong liquor group, Canada Ltd., year ended Dec, 45% 45% The final volume was 4,273.000 79% 79% : : 1200 [more convinced than ever that!financed jbintly by Atomic|cupine was the exception, un- 2000 i 1000 2000 100 2000 2300 500 | 1000 200 1500 600 1300 1000 1000 100 1000 1500 i , i 3 ; ~ ian | changed at 16 cents. Can - Erin | this country's atomic research Energy of Canada, Canadian | ¢hange in (program holds the best promise Gener Flevire Lo. Ltd., and| FUR ons at $1.80 for the of producing economic electric Ontario Hydro, will not produce 8 y | 307s Se from 4h atom. economic power but will give] 3 alker-Cooderkagm added 1at J. L. Gray, president of Atomic scientists needed information ot | 34° . and Distillers oagrams as Energy of Canada Limited, told build economic plants. up % at 33% to lead industrials. the Electric Club of Ottawa the, In a weneral review of atomic | Canada Iron Foundaries added Canadian approach to, economic energy, Mr. Gray said Canada, [1% at 36 as it recovered almost electric power from _atomic|the United States, Britain, Russia) all of its loss of last week. Pipe- |energy involves the use of heavy and France are the only coun-|lines were easier wigh ere water as the material to control [tries with well-advanced nuclear | vincial having the major loss, off | Ithe power plant and to cool it.|power programs. However, hel" a a. Other Tes are using a var-|said "other nations are getting] Of the most active industrials iety of other materials. started aud we can expect to see| two lost, one gained. Brazilian Ind Accep Inglis Inland Gas Inter PL Inv Syn A 10% 60 $57 ¥ " 3 5% 5% 5% 30% 350 $5315 534 53% 515 $30% 30 30% Lab, 25 $29 29 2 Lafaffe A $915 914 91 Lakeland debs 10 $82'4 82% 824% G B pr 50 $30 30 30 LobCo B $40 40 LobCo pr 25 $458 45%; 45% MacMill B 55 $413 41% 41M Mass-F 2215 $144 14% 14% + Merc Chip 500 45 45 45 Mex LP 125 $143 14% 14% Mid-West Moore Nat Drug N St Car N Star wts36 N Star wits57 O Jockey O Jockey pr ¢d Pag Que Cop Que Lith Q Metal Quemont Radiore Rayrock Rix Athab $11% 425 $34% 34% 34% Canadian 2000 92 60 90 100 $24 24 24 50 $35 35 35 400 S$42'% 42 42% 100 $38% 38% 38% 100 $17 %17% 17% 700 100 100 100 25 $124%4 124% 124% 250 $13 13 13 100 1 $1 200 225 100 300 100 100 Abitca Can D Sug C Gen Inv Cons Paper Consum Gas Sherritt Siscie Stanleigh Stanigh wits Stanrck Steep R Sturgeon Ng Fleet Mig Ford A Lambert A Sullivan Matlin Taurcanis M R Rice Teck 5 N West Ind emag Nfld Light Trans es Prem Steel Ult-Shaw Que Phone v ASbestos Que Phn wis 225 Un Keni Reitmans 25 Ventures Shop Save 600 $23% Violam Shop Sv rts z188 alte Am Trans Mt 500 $13 Weedon Willroy Will wts 10% 31% 1015 101% 3115 10t2 Hers $31% 20 1414 10% 9 79% 17% C 9 41 ( 143% C Discovery CG Arrow C Halliwell Con Howey C Marben Con M § 42 - Con Negus 50 $75% 4 4 C Northland 1000 $15 C Regcourt 100 425 425 Cop-Man 200 $12% 12% Coprand 50 $57% STM 57% Cowich 8: BY 25% Craigmt 38% 38% Daering 39 D'Aragon $91 9% 9 Deer Horn 475 $28% 28% 28% Delnite 1 12% 13 Dome 5% 51% Donalda 16% 16% Duvan 52 52 --- E Amphi 260 265 +5 East Mal HH -- % East Sull 1 paid oll my BILLS with a low cost 141% 10% 9% 79% 17% 9 850 $10%% z10 $98 239 $793 275 $17% 25 $99 475 $143, 14% 180 950 940 950 225 $11 11 55 $3315 331% 100 $48 48 300 $38 © 37% 50 $42 12% 12% Mines MINES 25 Salada-§ n Salada wis n Scarfe A Shawin xd Shawin B pr Simpsons Stedman Steel Can 8 Propane S$ Prop wis Taylor PC Tor-Dol Sales to 11 a.m.: MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--April 15 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. Industrials Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 475. 836% 36% 36% z50 $20 20 3726 n 100 "4% 200 381% Alscope Alta Mines Augustus Aull Bateman Beatrice Bellechas Bluewater Bonnyvil 2000 Canuba 2000 Cartier Que 8000 Cassiar 3500 C Denison 253 Dolsan 4000 Fab Fundy Gold Age Haitian Int Ceram Kerr Add 4000 5300 3000 2100 2000 7000 2100 $50 10 $5000 without endorsers or bankable security Now | enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that all my bills are paid, and | only have to make one easy monthly payment. At Superior, | found fast, courteous, personal service, | got the cash | needed, without any red tape. So when you need cash to pay all your bills--see Superior. You'll be glad you did! SUPERIOR Pa KON > 17 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-6541 Open Friday till 8 p.m. Open Sat. till 12 Noon . Offices throughout Ontario. 12% Stock Abitibi Acad Atl A Alumin Alum 2 pr Argus Asbestos 385 nq BCN wis 2624 Bnk Mont xf 430 1000 $4414 $38% $29 28% $13% 13% 13 $56% 56 56 Government, Business, Labor To Meet Red Trade Challenge OTTAWA (CP)--A joint effort stage is not being set for the sec. by government, busiress and la- ond Fleming's folly." This was a bor to educate Canadians to *'the reference to last ycar's conver- magnitude of the economic war sion loan, declared against us by the Com-| Mr. Mcmillan said government munist countries' has been sug-loverspending will cost the Cana- dian taxpayer more than $1,000, 000,000 this year. And the govern- ment had built up increased! charges that would be built into 5000 1100 4000 1300 400 000 11200 1000 2200 600 Un Gas A pr 5 -- Un Telef 9880 265 Walk GW 500 $3442 VERTICAL INTEGRATION Contract Marketing Of Eggs Inevitable' cK STUDY 3 marketing of quality - controlled the 'biggest single headache" Resolutions calling for a com- Fesiey 1 01S Commute by a gov- eggs was described as '"'Inevit- facing Ontario 'egg producers, plete study of markteing plans| "Whether or not we. Can Sur- able and a good thing," by Pro-|and stressed the producer's best under the farm products market- vive will depend upon our abilit fessor Ross Cavers, head of the|defence is the quality of eggs pro- ing act for the marketing of eggs to meet Pry com po " ashi fut budgets 10 cause ov poultry husbandry department of duced in Ontario. and poultry in Ontario; an in-|, Tu Spe oN ob 4 wre ress Nise. over: the Ontario Agricultural College, 700 MANY BROILERS |crease in duty on eviscerated | a8 ng a yspencing In them, a3 desert 5 Thiele ra .| Centre) said Tuesday night. | "The equivalent of a $10,000 Guelph, Prof. Cavers indicated integra- chicken imported from the U.S.; / A : ro 5 . AR " A 2 sak f He proposed establishment of a/farm is going down the drain Prof. Cavers told the annual {jon in the broiler industry had|@ study of floor prices and their "ec 13 trad Sil" with [ i 5h id convention of the Ontario Poultry jed to overproduction, but said effect on the poultry industry and| naa : Page coune) it Jep every minute," he sa Producers Association Tuesday that lly producers of both an investigation of egg pricse be- resentatives of government, bus-| iq o; rERNATIVE : Loy | that generally producers of both ; iness, labor and the press to pro- contract marketing or vertical eggs and broilers like integration ing quoted to the public were Va or eos a D in te eco. P. B. Rynard (PC -- Simcoe integration of quality eggs was even though many farmers claim| heard at the meeting. jee, tr p ol ip give C Fast) said there is no alterna- growing in popularity and impor- jt has harmful effects on the Mr. Robson was elected to his nomic struggle and to give Cana- |. .'; nr Fleming's budget pro- | tance in Canada, partly due to farmer and his industry. second term as president. Other (dians 'economic education . . * | posals. Canada's successful grading sys- He emphasized that unless in- officers: vice-presidents, Ronald education for freedom." |" The government was paying off tem. tegration's first principle --pro- Brooks, Bowmanville, Albert| Mr. Jung, 35, the first MP of some of the obligations unwisely | ---------- -- duction of a given quality for a Pond, Jarvis; directors, Mrs.|Chinese extraction, said the coun- |. Coq oS oat decade under | given market outlet -- was fol- Evelyn Macartney. Ramsayville, |Cil could be expanded to include | 0, on™ a oc sion {lowed, it would not be successful Don M Brows Stopfrvile, i 3 Demers of the. Commep- No one could object to putting ; segme f industry. burn Greenwood, itchell, an alll, a pcuri Bon Raven of 'Leamington: Allen Wedow. CHINA UNDERSELLING : Foul pnd So "| {presicent of the OPPA, stressed ~~ He said Communis' China is | PEASE in the old age security | the nced for the organization to i | Junderselling shee souniries jn tax | ke fresh st: in establish- many of the g s ii demand in if | mare 2 rer sot nee 2 Newspapers Members Of 34% Mr. Gray said "we have had a|rapid developments within the Traction dipped % at 6% as it pretty thorough look at all the|next five to 10 years." continued to react to its an- power reactor programs around -- Zo nouncement of a decrease in 1958 | {the 'world, particularly in the earings, atid Denison featured United Kingdom . . . We can see NL no reason why we should change Contracts I base metals, adding % at 15% our present approach." on a turnover of 22,222 shares. DEMONSTRATION PLANT | il J] Senior base metals generally | Canada now is building a dem-| JOU1 Ing were mixed with a number of| ih chug m vie junior - coppers easier, (loving L] Monday's custom smelter price| ' Sh D ] {cut in the U.S West German Stock ow ec Ine McIntyre was the big loser in . TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian golds, down 1% at 84%. Tech- Shares Rate High |construction contract awards in|Hughes and Giant Yellowknife | the first three months of this year each lost 25 cents. FRANKFURT (Reuter s)-- totalled $610,676,800, a decrease| Senior western oils were mixed Shares on West German stock ex- of $20,173,700 from the corres-|hut a number of juniors scored changes have reached their high- ponding period last vear, says good gains. Fargo added 35 cents est point since the end of the war. Hugh C. MacLean Building re-|at $6.75 and Tidal gained 15 cents Banking circles here <aid the | ports. lat $1.49 { reasor the boom res. Good gains in the residential Index changes: industrials up included 'persistent buying by and business categories were | 44 to 527.65; golds off .54 to! United States investors, the up- more than offset by a large loss 90.25: base metals off .01 to 176.91 | surge of investment trusts which in industrial and a moderate drop | western oils .01 to 131.68. | have bought a large amount of|in engineering. shares, and the shortage ofl Contract awards in March were| | shares available for sale. 1$203,441,700, down $35,778,800 from KACHE = ------ |March a year ago. i All that could be done to help the The three-month total for On| H |economy had been done. ? tario was $279,146,400, up $25. May be Warning | The idea of a free trade pact 558.600, and the March figure for| pb boo hen caused by hay {with the new European common Ontario was 1200 ie UP $9! Lidney action. When kidneys get out of market was dropped into the de- 00,000 from last year. order, excess acids and wastes remain bate by Hubert Badauai (L--Fort | in the system. Then backache, dis- | Willlam), who said it would be ROYAL GUESTS Juied pest ue thal ed substi botvy. "worth a try." | yoo § ade ing may soon follow. 1hats A free trade agreement with| g ACCRA: Shana i de Kg the time to take Dolls Kidony Fill other Commonwealth countries| pis 100-year-old home to Queen Dotds atimate § feel 7310 AE could be worthwhile too. Canada Elizabeth and Prince Philip for hetiom a Cet Dodd's could not expand trade while pur-|the duration of their: 17-day visit Kidney Pills now, : 59 suing protectionist (endencies. 0 Ghana in November. : TORONTO (CP) Contract; He described imported eggs as Choice Top Floor OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT S'eel Prices May Go Up With Wages est sense of the word, and there| 'Labor is no more responsible | at their present level ii wages go ers in Ontario," said Mr. Rob- the developing countries of South- | LABOR NOT RESPONSIBLE | duc east Canadian P ana 1an ress is no prize at the end but merely [for the situation than the tail is up. son. survival." responsible for the mad dog that The statement by Joseph L. SR ; : : entered "competition in the full- | "the tail on the dog." profit margins and keep prices actrous to egg and fow! produc- were approved Tuesday by the analysis they are the ones wholexcept lower their vrices." | Asia: clothing, sewing ma-| Murdo Martin (CCF -- Tim-| "If vertical integration is inevi- (chines, cement, naiis, bicycles, imins) said there have been at- | NEW YORK (AP)--A major table and 'f it isn't controlled by | machinery and other goods. |tempts to blame labor for price | steel company executive says the the people who produce the pro- The Communist countries had increases. Labor was merely industry can't afford to reduce its duc}, in my opinion it will be dis- TORONTO (CP)--Memberships Mr. Jung said he would like to|is loose in our society." Block, chairman of the Inland in The Canadian Press for two see rank and file unior. members| Inflation had been caused by Steel Company, was the first re- A A prospective daily newspapers, one included in the proposed "trade |industries over-charging for their sponse from the incustry to a VIO eralcar in Ontario and one in Alberta, council "because 'n the final|goods. They "will do everything | proposal made by the United Steel Workers Monday |} U The union, now in the prelim: U d W p inary stage of contract talks with, n er Ia S steel companies, proposed that T ; 3 : pose | TORONTO (CP) -- Avro Air- jhe Sompanies art off by HA craft Limited officials are still pe o Teeze sles) prices, regard-| veeping silent about the Aerocar The proposal, in a fetter from CF, TINE saucer the company USW president David McDonald has Deed Working on: for about fo 12 major companies, said| word of the project was given rises are justified because of ris: | Monday in Washington to the ~ing productivity and presentignace committee the United profits. States Hous épresentatives, The steel companies had de- gy U.S, a spokesmen - told clined immediate comment on reporters nodetails could be McDonald S letter. given except behind closed doors. ock, speaking Tuesday be- ~ Avro officials here declined fore the New York Society of Se-| comment for "security reasons." "eurity Analysts, challenged the They've been tight-lipped since ea that wages could be raised the project was disclosed in Feb- ithout a price rise. _ |ruary, 1953, although develop- Specialists in steel, he said, ment of a flying jeep was con- know that the industry can "ill | firmed last December by Sir Roy afford a reduction in its profit| Dobson, chairman of A. V. Roe margins." Ltd. Holding the line on steel! The Canadian government initi- wages would enable us to hold ated work on the project but the line on steel prices," Block withdrew support in December, said, "and these two cannot be 1954, after spending more than Separated from each other de- $4,000,000. The United States Air North Korea radio broadcast said borrow more billion: of dollars Force then took over and since it will plant 450,000,000 trees in this year. Canada was in deep to check inflationary tendencies financial trouble and "I hope the | without increasing spite some statements to the con- trary." Ithen has spent $5,500,000. National News Co - Operative's board of directors. They are the Elliot Lake Stand. | ard and the Red Deer Advocate, both now publishing twice weekly. The Standard's member- | ship is effective Oct. 1, the Ad- vocate's Oct. 15. On those dates the papers will join the partner- ship of Canadian dailies exchang- ing the news of their areas across the country. Their entry will} bring total membership to 101. | The board, meeting prepara-| tory to today's annual meeting of members, approved the following transfers of membership, involv-| ing changes of representation for existing members within the CP |organization. | Montreal La Presse from Herve Major to Jean - Louis Gagnon: Toronto Star from James V.| | Kingsbury to H. A. Hindmarsh; Prince George Citizen from Peter | | Thompson to W. Gordon Crockett. | KOREAN PLANTERS TOKYO (AP) -- A Communist lits 1959 reforestation progr-r - * 'early 1930s. will have to produce more and make the most sacrifices." little --and Conservatives defended-- Finance Minister Fleming's bud- get during the second day of the| continuing eight-day debate. | for STRONG LIBERAL ATTACK Perhaps the strongest attack] wage | higher taxes? The government was giving no ration to prop Labor Congress increases industries was mounted by W. H. McMillan| id (L--Welland), who termed the history He said Conservative applause tuition fees. for the budget was applause for cord spending, record post - war|small business, unemployment and the highest in- he had heard about the budget: | i in two years." Mr agriculture or| There apparently had been concern about Mr. Jung's proposal was made raising their prices to pass on as opposition members criticized the budget's tax increases. But | what would have happened if the Canadian nounced that labor would press| to offset an- for in-| creased scholarship aid to univer- | budget "the greatest mess in our sity students. This spring a ser- 4 lies of universities had increased | The government had no | higher debt, another 'whopping' {money for education, unemploy-| | deficit, a¥major tax increase, re- ment, pensions, "All the money has gone to the terest rates since the Bennett money - lenders and there's no) Conservative government of the money left to meet he essential problems," Mr. Marlin said. He passed on a remark he said ECONOMIC RECOVERY SEEN State Secretary Courtemanche took the grits 22 years to get said an economic recovery is evi- [as unpopular as the tories have dent everywhere, including other countries "which means a recov- Fleming would need to ery of our foreign trade." He said it would be impossible | some taxes.|_ Excellent bright office space is now being f arranged for rent in the new Times Build- ing--modern passenger elevator service. f desired. Apply . OSHAWA TIMES -- T. L. WILSON @® the offices can be arranged in various footages almost as required @ all new construction @ extremely moderate rates including heat @ long leases arranged if