'GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES { PMA CLUB 1school z its own before too long, Mrs. George Whitbread, vice-|she said. | | president, presided at the vegu-| Mrs. Arkless showed a film, lar meeting of the Pleasant Mon-|which was taken at the Oshawa 'day Afternoon Club, |cerebral palsy school, and made Mrs. R. G. Collison called the comments and answered ques. roll. Mrs. James Stove read the|tionS: pn lesson +s! The minutes were read by Mrs. Beripe eu THe Soret oe | Harold Cameron and the treas- iS " Le ore UTer"s report was read by Mrs. given, Birthday greoigs teac: |Albert Cory. Mrs. Lionel Locke [oe were given by Mrs. Charles|Te2d the correspondence. | [Arkle and Mrs. R. G. Collison. Ifwas announced that registra-| | Refreshments were served {tion of kindergarten and Grade 1 {Mrs Arkle and Mrs. H. G. Sim- pupils will take place as follows: yo = fire Monday afternoon, April 27, 1.30. Tons, 14.00; Tuesday afternoon, April 28 1.30 - 4.00. Children now attend ling kindergarten are registered | {for Grade 1 by the school. Aj {birth certificate is required for| jiary Evening Branch, was hela| 1% chile eins vessel | lin the parish hall recently. Mrs. = . Laie o nano era | F, S. Wotton, president, opened | 71. 10 to 13 De hh 17. the meeting with the WA prayer, |" yr. "yon pod of the after which Mrs. David Hutcheo® nominations committee, gave her| read, tie ies fd -- Me report and presented the slate of | meet mrs, Ge "| officers. {Gregor gave the treasurer's re-| The attendance prize was won port. by Mrs. G. Till's class. Refresh-| Final arrangements were made ments were served by the * for the annual spring bazaar, to mothers of Grade 1 pupils. : be held on Thursday, April 30 The date of the May meeting from 2:30 p.m, to 5 p.m. hax heen changed to Tuesday. Following the business meet-| May 19, due to the holiday on Wo . ing, the members held a Dorcas] Ay il " |session. Tea was served by the/ HARVEY HUNT AUX. RECEPTION executive, after which the mem-| bers adjourned to the lower hall jliary of the WMS of Simcoe Robson, is the daughter of to prepare for the rummage sale, (Street United Church met on Mrs. Oswald Robsou of Osh- to round out a very busy evening. Thursday, April 16. Following awa and the late M:. Robson. - EE {Mrs. A. C. Potter's cordial wel- The bridegroom is the son of [14TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. come to members and friends. ST. GEORGE'S WA (Evening Branch) The monthly business meeting © lof St. George's Women's Auxil- E. PICTURED AT Following their marriage in Northminster United Church recently, Mr. and Mrs. Aymond Grant Hoy flew go New York for their honeymoon. The bride, Dawn Ec dh The Harvey Hunt Evening Aux-| i a. say LS Rh a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 24, 1959 § the tub to keep the baby from slipping while you bathe him. She 'was in {he reserved dinner section of tie Kremlin's St. George Hall but remained in the background, chatting with Rus- sians or with diplomats. Her hus- band's toasts with Macmillan and other Soviet and British officials were . strictly a man's affair within an inner cirele. Those who saw her there noted something else: Mrs. Khrushchev had . abandoned her dark dress for a gowr of soft grey, well cut and = decorated. Her hair. was fashionably arranged and worn loosely, with- the bun Tow at the back of her neck. ur She appeared in a-front - row seat in the visitors' gallery when the Communist party's 2Ist con- gress opened. Throughout her thusband's long presentation of the new Soviet seven-year plan she seemed to listen intently. She also accompanied Khrush- chev to Leningrad to welcome Finland's president on a state] visit. | { Among ihe latest to share Mrs. | Khrushchev's hospitality at the| summer home were Secretary- General Dag Hammarskjold of the United Nations and Raswell Garsh, an American corn farmer NES {from Towa. She presided as hos- \tess at meals for both. UT Prescriptions 4 C00 MyTHER is what we do best Veteran Moscow observers be-| lieve Mrs. Khrushchev is de-! {termined to protect her bustling! {husband's health, and to give him| as much of a normal family life; las she can. : | : | But there is little public hoe! Sn mation in Moscow on their fam- "P ATTY" [ily life. Tt is believed they were] {married in 1938, after he was| Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Alfred Reardon of Whitby and |widowed. | George Davidson, RR 1, Hamp- | Mr, and Mrs. Percy Davidson | She helged raise his two sons ton, is Patricia Irene, who was of RR 1, Hampton {--one. perished in the war--and| one rear old March 16. Patty's | ? pon. his two daughters. Both are mar-| --Photo by Ireland HOUSEHOLD HINT Place a towel in the bottom of| Next to your Doctor- YOUR HEALTH'S BESTSISISNIE gil and next to your doctor, your pharmacist is the most important person in + the restoration of health when you are . . . and in the maintenance of health you are well, Therefore, choose your as carefully as you choose your doctor. Our reputation for prompt and dependable. serv- ice ..... our full stocks of quality drugs . . . "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" & Jowell LIMITED Mr. Alex Hoy of Oshawa and | The regular meeting of the 14th|Mr Ross Cotton, accempanied at the late Mrs, Hoy Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was the piano by Mrs. G. E. Fleming, | - -- held recently at Holy Trinity|sang "All Hail the Power of . Anglican Church, with Mrs. John Jesus' Name," and "Just as 1 In Buying Towels For Trousseau cers, seid Sirs fam.- y g Lloyd Patterson read minutes of The reports of the secretaries . . the last meeting and Mrs. Wil-\were given and members were Look For Points Of Qualit liam Boynton gave the treas- 'reminded by the president, Mrs. | Y urer's report. {A C. Potter, that on May 21 they A summer bride shops for balanced. TO TEST - hold towel| Mrs. Calder thanked the mem- would celebrate the 35th birthday | towels and asks how she can be/to the light -- if the light shows|bers for making the spring tea a anniversary. sure she is getting value for her through in tiny and regular pin success and also thanked them _ Mrs. K. R. Wagg's group was | money Her questions are points, the weave is uniform and for the tinned goods for a pantry in charge of the program. Miss answered by a member of CAC's good. If it shows loose and open shower. {Helen Oke led the devotional pe-| National Textiles Committee who spets, the weave is poor. A rummage sale is in the plan- riod and the theme was the value| is also British Columbia CAC's The Selvedge should be exam- ning under the convenership of of the Bible. She was assisted by) Chairman of Consumer Re- ined to see that all filling yarns Mrs. William Evans. The date Mrs. G. Magee who read the search: continue out to and oop around will be left open for her to ar- scripture; Mrs, Lawrence Sav-| QUESTION: Does the name on|the very edge and the edge is/range. The members will be con- ery, the meditation; and Miss) A S " hi Ko ted. The father and son ban-|Lenore Glass read a poem, "The| a turkish towel denoie a particu- firm and even. Machine stitched tacted. / d 50. | Bible." lar quality' selvedges indicate it double | quets will be held May 23 an | . n : Ir. que width towels have Ween cut in Final details will be discussed at| Miss Agnes Strickland review- ANSWER Not necessarily. , 1 ona this finish 4 not always the next meeting which will be ed the Caribbean area as out.| Many manufacturers make dif- Soi STactOry °" May 14 lined in the study book, | "Con- it Jasons Shicles 20d Suailiies USINZ Hems should be on the straight! Refreshments were served by|Cerns of the Continent." Mrs, with a good turn under, sewn Mrs. Carl Creamer assisted by|L+ H. Widmeyer and Miss Beat-| QUESTION: What points in|with medium short, even stitches Mrs. William Sargeant. rice Potten assisted. towel construction should I note? ang finished at the ends with : yesh ments were served by ANSWER: Several -- Number backstitching BATHE PARK LADIES' AUX. Mrs. Wagg and her group. i end length of pile loops. This de- QUESTION: Are colored towels, The regular meeting of Bathe | STH SEA SCOUT termines the absorbency. The as absorbent as white? Park Ladies' Auxiliary was held MOTHERS' AUX. double loop terry (two yarns to- ANSWER: Yes, but not the recently in the park building. | Tie 3h Sea. Scout gether forming the locp) provides fancy colored borders of towels. (Mrs. Cleve MeMes, Presigsd. - wdwice as much surface area QUESTION Should bath The secretarial report a he |; I la (therefore greater absorbency) towels be ironed? roll call were given by Mrs. Wii. 5 fo fiw Soren of 2 Social elo as the single loop. Note, though,] ANSWER: No, it flattens the liam Haight. The financial report | eroft oA h n A that double loops are not as dur- loops and cuts down on the mois- of the auxiliary and also on the 5 all. | 0 Mothers' | Soviet Union is one directly af-|far removed from any connection fecting his family life. He has|With her husband's job. made his wife a publicly known MET MACMILLAN personality, {munist party, the wives of top-!| level Russian leaders hadn't been { Auxiliary held the regular meet-|5€en by foreigners in years, even| grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. | {ried now, one to a Communist] Madam Khruschev Sets Trend O0SHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY By Attending Official Functions I a Kiev theatre manager. Moscow leaders usually keep their families in the 1 Apparently she spends a good| | share of her time at Pitsunda, the| background, but Mrs. Khrushchev is an exception. {party leaders' resort on the {Black Sea, and encourages her! Harold K. Milks, just out of Moscow after three years' {husband to.come there as much| duty as chief of bureau for |as possible. | The Associated Press, wrote ged many| f this story. {home on the Black Sea. "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" By HAROLD K. MILKS | Later, at a Kremlin reception] SPRING Associated Press Staff Writer (for foreign diplomats, she talked| SP Dn! om, DON'T PUT UP I: Among the many changes Nik-|With some of the envoys and| a Khrushchev has made in the their wives--about home matters, | AWNINGS! "Investigate" jall this, as he has chan ithings in Russia. | | Mrs. Khrushchev's given name| {is Nadezhda, meaning Hope, She| {first became known as a hostess |for important visitors when Mrs. {Franklin D. Roosevelt was in- vited to the Khrushchev Supe | | { In most of these appearances| she wore black or dark dresses, | {and had her greying hair tightly| pinned ihto a bun on the back of | her head. ' Her latest appearance at an of- t functions attended by foreign ficial Moscow reception came) fficials or diplomats. {during the recent visit of Brit-| Now Khrushchev has changed'ain's Prime Minister Macmillan, Until Khrushchev became head| f both government and the Com- able and appear usually in cheap- er towels, Loops should be rea- sonably close together, soft, and not too tightly twisted. Loops less while extra ture absorption of the towel. QUESTION: What shrinking? ANSWER: Shrinkage can be port was given by Mrs. than % of an inch long add little expected during the first five Ogden. to the absorptive quality of a launderings. For some towels| a bo ut afternoon, were given by John Fisher. Sick members' re-| Wilired| bingos held every Plans were made for the park loops [residual shrinkage is as much as/opening on May 18. The ladies towel, have a tendency to catch or 14 per cent, so choose your size will be in charge of she of | ment booty. pends the I should be firm, close, and well "KEEP IN TRIM ing up of the border Diet-System Helped Overweigh To Lose 84 Excess Pounds By IDA JEAN KAIN One doctor's candid comment to an overweight patient served +0 jolt her out of her haphazard eating routine. This interesting story of how a homemaker re- duced 84 pounds was related in a recent magazine article, which you may, or may not, have seen If you can't, or won't, stay on a sensible diet, then forget about dieting, was the M.D.s advice. moods or impulses that prompted | her to eat them. COOKED MEAL The next morning she cooked al hearty breakfast for her husband, and another for the two boys. She had only fruit juice, a slice of dry toast and coffee. After getting through the "rush hour' and driv- ing her husband to work, this homemaker sat down to have a cup of coffee and enjoy the paper. A nagging hunger made itself . Famey borders of weave: On this de- hea vy cord often sbrink more wo wilired Ogden will be con-| strength of your towel. than the towel causing a draw-| ogo the home-made candy| Mrs. Robert Clayton gave a booth. A membership drive will be started in the near future with | by Mrs, | Gales, Mrs. A. S. Evans and Mrs. {was arranged by Mrs, Stanley | THIS OFFER FROM HOOLVENT Robert Clayton. Mothers of Cubs and Scouts were invited. Mrs. Douglas Redpath extend- led a warm welcome to all and) | conducted a short business pe riod. Signalling and | {ages 'were for thew Scout troop and will be supplied at an early date. most gratifying report on the re- cently held Father and Son ban- Mrs, Donald Cutler in charge. quet. The auxiliary was sorry to ae not contacted, wishing to hear that Mrs. W. Corbett was, obtain membership may do so at|ill, and wishes her a speedy re- the park on opening day. A social half hour followed the| meeting when contests were play-| ed, the winners being: Mrs. Wil- | covery. Following the business a of "Court. Whist" with Mrs. liam Haight, Mrs. Wilfred Ogden (yet 8%, 8 Foe withers were and Mrs. Emerson Stewart. Mrs. Jack Cooper, COLLEGE HILL H and 8 Mrs. Delbert Arkless, president Associa- tion, was guest speaker at Col-| of the Cerebral Palsy Crothers, Mrs. J. H. Cotter, Mrs. | many econ-| solation winners. | | Dainty refreshments were serv-| led. The next regular meeting {will be held Monday, May 18 at| {8 pm. in the Hillcroft street| Scout hall. ! [-------- HOUSEHOLD HINT lege Hill Home and School's Aprill Save soft, worn cottons like! meeting. tiny models, the She illustrated, with old ®sheets, underwear and pa- methods of | jamas for your local can-er WALL-TO-WALL Broadloom INSTALLATIONS A 12 x 18 living room requires 24 square yards of broadloom. We offer complete installa- tion including padding, smooth-edge, and all labor for @ room this size for 211 20 1 only . OR EASY TERMS FOR ONLY s10 R MONTH ROSS E. MILLS COMPANY LIMITED 80 SIMCOE ST. N. ALUMINUM AWNING An Unseasonably Cold Spring fg Forces Us To Make This Special Offer I! ORDERS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 30TH 10% Discount e 18 Colors ® Free Installation ® Free Estimates NOTHING DOWN . . . 24 MONTHS TO PAY DON CROSSMAN ALUMINUM SALES PHONE RA 3-2219 94 BRUCE ST. FACTORY AND SHOWROOM RA 8-6218 OSHAWA Accept the fact that you are go- ing to be an obese woman the felt. The idea of cooking another | ,1<o the types of tables used for breakfast had no appeal, so she the class work and handicrafts. | teaching the children to walk and committee to use for surgical | |dressings. They are needed. ! rest of your days." Faced with this ultimatum, decided to give diet another try. Then he suggested that she keep a record--a record of every lapse in diet, every hour at which she '"'weakened," the amount of "forbidden" food she ate, and the settled for two doughnuts. On the Tye different types of cerebral] diet chart: "9:30 a.m.: Two palsy were also explained and| doughr dts." Reason -- too tired, how much can be done to help too rushed, too busy to fix athe children. poached egg on toast The Oshawa school at present By the t'me she finished house- has two teachers and a therapist | work, it was well after one and a doctor. It is the ambition] o'clock. Since she had a meeting'of the association to build a| she FA 8 8 Og 2 RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS BIG "BUYS" IN SUMMER FURNITURE! FOLDING TYPE "ALUMINUM CHAIRS BOTH STORES OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. frame. Folds for easy carry- ing. Ideal for porch, patio or lawn. SPECIAL "OCCASIONAL CHAIRS A wonderfully comfortable and sturdy outdoor chair All steel coppertone finish, tubular frame, resists rust and will not mark hands or clothes. Folds easily. Plas- ticized seat and back in handsome pattern ® Large size 24" bowl with rotating grill. 52" rubber wheels. Coppertone legs with rubber tips. Crank high- low mechanism. The whole family can take part in an outdoor barbeque. Save at this value-right price \i DOWNTOWN 4 SHOPPING CENTRE Z E L kL E R 5 226 STEVENSON RD. S. LIMITED PHONE RA 3.2209 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 roe TRILAN 'C lightweight aluminum ¢ A Radically New Creation in Carpet Luxury IC PY Rls CLEANS EASILY ® COLOR-FAST The most carefree carpet you can buy--and for for less than you would expect to pay. Made to high standards of "beauty plus duty" never be- fore obtainable. Superior texture definition and delightfully modern colors . . . soil and stain re- sistant _ . . color-fast , . . erush resistant . resists moth and mildew damage . it's non allergic and practically free from static electricity. Wonderful quality and style features at @ won. derfully low, low price. See it now at Rutherford's. 95 $Q. YD. ON EASY CREDIT Botlorfords F URNITURE VISIT RUTHERFORD'S PLANNER HOME Right across the street from the main store. You'll find qual- ity, decorator-styled furniture at far less than you would expect 9 x 10'6", to pay. As low as 83.50