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The Oshawa Times, 24 Apr 1959, p. 17

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i a ------------ 144--For Rent we Ir Re ee RT Ty 44--For Rent 45---Real Estate For Sale (45---Reel Estate For Sale 2 adh 145--Real Estate For Sele | did -- I Wr a tg a war gp ig ™ OSHAWA MES, Friday, April 2, 1959 Li 4 prefers. ONE room for two gentlemen, Call|DUPLEX four rooms, garage, Worth | PROPERTY 1 r sale on Tauntbn Rocd Der cent mortgage, three | LOT for sald, location a - tn Apply § Calin Street 96c| RA 56169. 93¢| Simcoe RA 3m. 921) West, Shout 800 fost off Simeoe, approx. bedroom brick bungalow, close to pub. South, phone RA 8-119, "one ny Saperienced| DESIRABLE sparen, eol-coniaine,| FIVE - room, self-contained spart Jos For Yuri toraativn enll £4, SUBURBAN He and separate school, park and bas, Friday stir ¢ p.m., Saturday and Sun: ©/45_Real Estate For Sale (45--Real Estate For Sale | er unfurnished, | ment, available ay ist, A $10,950 new three-bedroom i = ll ascaiaz sata 'gui have wine, 'hens sod wet down: ($5. RA 8.8979, i LOTS soi. 93) STOR Tome -- Simcoe Sirest, close brick bungalow. Don't Jot the pri rice mis. SOND Sox. Yih Wa ins ; ote. |town; adults only; 860, RA 8-81 FOE Toon torent. siiabia" Tor ON & quiet residential siresi, f0ur|10 scicols and shopping, oll heating, lead you. These homes are in a|ed on tial street. § ' Swa Times. He »n-| or lady, cooking privileges. $2 000 DOWN blocks from downtown. Excellent five-|six large rooms, lovely very good and workmanlike manner we ick yd Bowmanville Mx 1 ¥ vale bath, centrally, located;ehild wel | Apts 66 Wa Warren Ave. nll og. ' trolly located 6 AT COURTICE foom, eich goles with garage and $12,500 with terms. Phone RA a fry tractor. Feature 38147 3 | % he = I. od r FO building SALESMAN FIVE + room upper Torii nd, each par night. Cable. teal tratiers $48 i room, Fatorey home, i 160 F ops Bosco Realtis. RA He =a arabe ie kitchen aud, Living re Re " heavy stove, ate bath, TV (ly Folie Weal eric, toy, MO| heated, 2 baths, large work. 105 x 160 FEET THREE - bedroom brick and stone hy chen th terms, must be sold this week. W. Mes DUTCH LANGUAGE |nismma. Dial RA 377%. LLL Glos at mer. 'Asking $10. [Penrose vest 'suas of materia ONLY $9 800 [Rimi Fs mats Montesa dis: Restor. 3 Prine ee. 23 Wo Tooms, all conveni-| THRE! apartment, newly Close to Public Scheel, High A aa / $8819 with fair downpayment. Close to jaan, . A 4 ences, ' cl Centre, ok | Geos d private entrance and con. aad if to enhance the ord bus and Joseph Bosco Reali" © RANCH Bungalow - Landscaped, - Young man under 35 to sell re Abstainers; not suitable for , central posses GERALD BARROW Scheel, Bus Lines, wathroom With | ous. 5 rooms ond bath, ample [RA 3-980, ou decoraied. aluminum worms, ; fid RA 5.4755, 4e|don. Adis" only. Phone RA 3368 R gel Rg Mig J Foo (doors, 'colored bathroom fixtures with .and service insursnes In |ooE Te Cr 6. 7] BROKE RA 8.5579 1900 down payment, 874 !| room for apartment on 2nd [TWO lols. W x 1b, RA s41i7. se vith SOIT , PATON GS . - Oshawa and District. An two ely ai Abart: swroot| LOVELY. fv To parent 18 rt 25 Burk St. RA S382 seb Bosco, Realtor, Phone Her. Full siet bassin with 851 Gibbons soe iA so =H < opportunity to build your SINGLE and double Tooms, cooking Tle home, av Phong : IN VALENTIA, 10 miles 3 A desired, gentleman only. rec room, double garege, fruit say, seven - room house with own business. No sowie Apply 135 Celina Stree. FURNISHED Sadroor + vey Bem. JOHN A, J " diet ol farage, | nue ace of excellent gar.) ngcessory, we In. NICE, four - room apariment, down- dh rant 3) 4 . ees, ighborhaod. {smmmer home, off Lake' * Write and give full particu. |[town. with all furniturs including tele- ate -- om GRACIOUS HOME Schools and shopping within | is For ation, phone RA' vision, $100 monthly; $80 Free rent in two - bedroom ; LL 3 , lars of yourself to Box 827, [RA s-8180. pariment or handy man. Mr. Kelly, 2 blocks, Gorden tools, ete. a ol bi ~ Oshowe Times. A Tooms, avail: zs. : : yor By RL 4 ETL TA Sm mE NORTH SIMCOE AREA 1 MPMI | PH RA 57203 | soup smick Room GSR ATS, 38---Male or F WHITBY--one-, or apart. ---- { ] LOTS -- NHA approved Frontage" Wa! ments, Pod, baleons: TWO furnished room zooms for one FB -6544 i EASY TERMS BUNGALOW 45 ft. to 65 ft. Builders terms. RA time ms Loar Fd Alien -- bs SE um | on, Ak Cl, icone 8 2 Charming two-storey stone and double shingle house with attree- RA 5 | 95b, Fully sodded (back and sad wi hii -- > « room apartment , Reve chuattours Hoeate; RA THT 0 mimavod. due. ou. APH $8 Colle TWO Toor urniihed ASTOR SPAIL| 1+ leaded glass windows. Comer lot completely landscaped. MUST SELL Yront), 75 foot lots, esp : Breet, 92( ment, bed-sitting room and modern kit. seded @ " i Ores. Ea Nonelly Ju dished. i LL YD REA TY: . chen, shower, separate entrance. Park. , drooms, I ious bathrooms, ng ner ne chens, lorge rooms, oi 0 L ne Ladies, gentlemen or REARS nil, WT it dl By ge iy . Gio Halt hwo wy House Empty! A J. SCHATZ heated, low, low arrying | = oo 'couples wanted to make [Phone RA 53954. Ld te LIS room with stone fireplace, ning " Thies Bedrooms charges. : OSHAWA'S BUSIEST the Saturday evening ak 8 Tooms, mitable for| line, available, adults Clean and bright.| ond recessed olcove, newly renovated, bright end cheery kit- Holling REALTOR YES--YOU CAN AFFORD REAL ESTATE FIRM wax . ns he 3 ' " dence "Spring Time" in ow THREE oil weil Vac ht] 0 Jo wr avtertein in 18° woeq-ponied. 14cegtion yoom Lorge Kitchen GENERAL INSURANCE |4 "HOME OF YOUR OWN OPEN EVENINGS Paris" a success, come (THREE 'room Turnished "basement THIER Toms MUN Hove ei] with 2nd fireplace ond built-in bar. Enjoy cool summers with Oil Heat! NOW. h ith apartment, sultable for two girls or| iC on eat: WHITBY MO 8-3337 . ARBOUR COURT with or without costume. |coupie. No children. Near south GM E rt G.E. central air conditioning. Fully insulated for low fuel bills. Big Lot 5 A full course meal will |plant. Apply 172 Hibbert, 9( TWO room apartment , private| > iiiy OSHAWA RA 5-8461 11 sotid the Wome of ict be served. For tickets |FOR rent -- One room and kitchen, nee Se FE geri! Ves| 50° T.V. tower plus other extras makes this e ""onee-in-o-life- Private Drive! PICKERING 590 ONLY $1 495 Ne wr on choice "lots call RA 5-9931 or get Fhone BA 410. Seif i THREE réom apartment, private bath,| time" buy for some discerning private individuel with sound . Close to Schools WA still available in the Rossland SPECIAL new - ment, privy A North West! 4.BEDROOMS--OSHA!' tF GIBDONS St A your tickets at the door (room apartment, good | doeation, TY |e sat oy Hiro ores, ust! judgment who will act fost! You'll be emazed at the low S000 down payment, Live DOWN Ra. ng pen beg of the Hotel Genosha. plenty of parking. Adults only. Phone available May 1 RA B6115. 95 0. ond terms. Phone RA 5-0195 . . . and keep trying! $1,000 DOWN-... ing room, KIHchen, built-in oe Eri rom Saturday, April 25, at IK wie. | hetero e Bay. unfurnished Call Bill Swarbrick, RA 56544 oa, SE bathroom, to one NHA mortgage $13,900 ond $2,000 down. * 8pm , TWO furnished vooms. BELA de we od goaaow 96h] $10,500 FULL PRICE full basement, oil _hesting. Carries $69 Monthly Investigate now, fore Ri 93e age. Bent Sip ver month, Available Law down 4 hi h ull price, carries for buy or build. I] Sent prointment fo view, | papmant for this | ¢75.00 monthly. Very low DON'T HESITATE Hurst for more information, * 41--Room and Board TEE A re Timple 810% aftr 8 pom. 9e| CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS 2 bedroom brick 1% storey | oo 00" gor nartieylars, coll RA 8-5123. " ROOM and board for ene gentleman, |of 'parking space: 'Apply 34 King Street THREE large unfurnished rooms, Beautiful lots overlooking scenic wooded ravine, walkout base. home with lorge 4.pc. bath, Toh STI RA 5.7420. CALL MR MITTLER = single beds, with Dutch family. 371 West. BY I aa NE nd Dseent cpeuiment If 'desired, split' level dnitvances, Gleaming hardwood ond tile : Lloyd 'Realty Ltd. vo Elizabeth Street. RA 51632. 93 TWO first class rooms, available. wuit| evar mers. 9] Convenient to schools, Shopping, filed bathroom panoramic sashe Yoon, Jorge lot with private BROOKLIN 291 | Realtors BOOM and board for gentlemen, seven | tWo friends, board optiona it COMPLETE upstairs apartment, heat,| less windows, sodded lawn, completed in every way. Prices range rive and garage, just steps A J SCHATZ (Collect) | 101 Simcoe St. N. aoe hor wate oa a SE WY dacoraied comioriAbIe "far, | LEhLs; Water, included." Apply 143 KIN from $13,395.00 fo $13,500.00. Contoct this office for inspec- | 10 schools and shopping. To ide RA 8-5123 beds. R RA 53710. ; wr P Sneoit Pirin ilo central, y Breet RIE Sra BE .. tion of mode! homtes nearing completion, SY on warbrick, of WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP Meadowerest - Brooklin HOOM and board, goad home cooking, fens Non Harel, 2 nospial. 00 Street North, $70 per month Avail. : Northwest corner 7 and 12] LIST WITH LLOYD an home, central, 10 minutes' walk | 2 | Chl now. Call RA 5-3433 or RA 53-2267. VACANT L i THEN CALL YOUR MOVER. - rent, Ay 200 Divi aad tof | THREE | Tooms and bath, eupbourds| %| Contact this office for V.L.A. lots, apartment lot, end good JOHN WACKO Highway 96s; PRIVATE rooms for gentiemen; good Ing space on King Street, ideal tas HOUR dei Ho. rere building lots. We hive one geod raving lel. 90 x 140 1. SC H 0 F EL D t meals, TV lounge,» home privileges, COUPle. Dial RA 53353. [Reated, else to schools and bus Avail All lots close to schools, shopping, transportation. REAL ESTATE SATOK close RA 33993. I rt "Heated, pri: (able April 30. Phone RA 59641 afiei FLL XL Re a SHERWOOD AVE. Insurance Associates Ltd. | AND INSURANCE | REAL ESTATE Must Be Sold and GM. 2520 European meals RA | Store, North Oshawa. Apply 22 Or wo. oo fursihed b basement spar. é.r0om brick ranch style bungalow on large fenced end lend. REAL ESTATE LT Choice building lot, King St... or in it Eas m eat, lights a water, ice ing » 4 let, suitable for busi I irl,| scoped lot, L-shaped living room end dining room, medemn kit. LAND -- Duplex lot neer D. . KOSH and' board for gentieman, fo roam cov Cy Yarmishee Reasonable rent. "RA S00. 98 ch chen, 3 bedorems, tiled walls in bathroom, natural fireplace, 4 BEDROOMS school ond shopping centre, 96b and Wikion Vien corners. Apply 24 thers Street. oo | children, Call RA 5.2889 or apply 105 ATTRACTIVE three - room heated forced air with oil heating, o well located home, near school, 3 Home $3,200. 3 ocres on highway Lond Bg ROOM or room board, six-day | [oar Sire "three. pT A with all the hard work done. Listed ot $13,500.00 with N.M. A brisk a ih i No. 2, $6,000, 4 acres Thor. information contact Howie ~* week, good meals, "Taparsle A, Aor THREE ubirsisied soto] WAI | 'and|trance and bath. Immediate posseseion.| 5% % mertgage. with ptr Win Blvd. nton Rd. N. $4,000. Indus. McCabe of RA 5-6544. ot ply 292 Arthyy Street. [Blenty of cupboard space. Adults only, (Phone MA 3.345. 91 weinity of wg trial lot ever 1 acre in Osh- ATT CTV ited Tse wa [Avaliable May 1. RA 57019, 03 [FURNISHED room. oui i one & two WINONA AVE. $4 peated, a awa, $5,000. Also building REALTORS JOHN A. J... 2 a privi ome, al oad SIMCOE North, "four and five-room |PErSONs; reasonable. ene 8.5744. NSLEY SUBDIVISION) ment. lots evailable, For informe: . ih North, 5-7 p.m. RA $8671. Call RA! 96¢c (A country, Low down yment, 7 11 f Huta bourd Jo for one Sentigman. |3a363 6 am: wspm. (Two [oom apartment, large rooms, a modern 3- eadroom ranch style hame Wh doutle SHoched full price $9,200. This will Yen 3 ol Williom Fialka NEAR B 0 L A bi 0 0 D ' " hone | 50 unfurnished tral loc: RS eated, nc Sold water in excellent location perfect e for smo! I kl Il now a i > he 5160. | tion. Phone after 6. RA 6483, il i writ, clooated at 48 King Strest Jologe with an eye to good living with little upkeep. Com- jt Joel oo Sow nd INCOME HOME. oss. Grieve wi! IORPING CENTRE LIMITED REALTORS _ soon aud board for |ONFUR two-room {bus stop; abstainers. For etely d d ond | ped, ceramic tiled bathroom, broad- 8.6326 ; i 7 ree bedroom bungalow, viet pean meals, good home. Parking, RA . Bivd. N. 2 kitchens, ) modem kitchen. 20 ft 169 SIMCOE ST. Phone RA 8.0776, 883 Simcoe Street |coniral. adults, private bath, Alse lars large Phone A 'sits oom in living phi dinette, master bedroom, economical radi- Bes. clase 1. sehcl Yrony: arge on, +Phone sae (light housekeeping room, RA MODERN wo-bedroom upper di Giplex,| ant heoting, plenty of closet space, mo basement but utility JUST 14 YRS. OLD portation, shepping, end N. iy Th DS eed, or » ly al y Ten 4 d . ' BN, eh, TIT moa ep We To Ri me Rvsoui | foo 81 10 86 gorge Ve rede chen wih andy | "AND BEAUTIFUL | ETL" Slnt Core soten | $10,580" Vino tow GM plants, RA 548 95 Fiein street East. EIGHT . room Rome. four bedreoms.| 99% 00" with $4,000.00 down. Buckingham Ave. ~-- @ 6 | All rooms spacious, naturel | poyrent, Call Corl Olsen ot WANT TO SELL - IFRS w x acres a n udes ) roomed rug brick home in ireplage in livi room. RA 5.3412 or RA 8.5146 4 Wanted to Rent ___ \CLIYWLEL "oh wht si Rave Sond ou, 'som INCOME HOME totes condition. Hedged | Acking only $1900 with | qlenings YOUR HOME? oo rel in a: Da. | lege i? Juuns trai. RA 3.4535, orties] hone 3 oder Basis ay. Asking Another 7.room income home with 2 kitchen, large yard, paved drive and hod id down AME Call INCOME HOME WE HAVE BUYERS sonab or near wa. workers. Very centra y erences requ * 4 a with attached too e ry Ho B y pie it To ~ sadism THREE ASI Tooms for couple. Foam Botcn, Realtar. 4 i i for. oi Jwatin o. some, ween; clots to schol, shopmig, bir Te living room with voi SUMMER CAMP 12 Three room apertment for Sncoe SitTRcY, Bi . two one lo 8, . 5 - apartment; furnished, for one month, | cores ,{and water. Phone RA 5.2391. place end dining ares, m h ottages, furnished, the owner on the first floor, GALOWS rting May 1. Call RA 3 wi | TRARY - I a ENED So Sieve Tihs em kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, fribes ond Moves in each; | WO apartment upstairs rene MARY ano! NoaTH waTeD Fl i or oF fveroomed | FOUR room flat in private home, TV Biv: south. BA S938 ro 8. Oupa pe. bath pius o 2-3 2-pe. ra: 18 boots, 4 motors, 12 ted for $105 pur. Jrerh, Men. house In the vicinity of Oshawa or BOLE (room pyre Ln ot -------- ment all ' this wharfs, good sand beach, Y pRvinents on. the mort- re COUNT Bowman ason- | SINGLE furnished % Si Street South Dial 3.9329 er 5-6551 with $5,000 an, For_de- only $65 per month, able ret. 8] Bier En, sink ahd = Qutet. private home, ental Gentie:| 372 Simcoe Stree LL or toi se call Stine large lodge, electricity, pump HD f h pL 40d ir "Elena Areas. | man o preferred, absiainer. Phone RA After 3:30 Dial ih pass RA B24, aaa, Ture, ve s the CA oo Amn oid over a autre auire on BT SE 28 yor oo sre ar Je oi pot | 228 ve| Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5.6983 Dick Berriage, RA 3 EH] many. dhe bee Wb oll Ray Le eg gy (oe downstalc spariment.. * ha three - room apartments, private ' i i Cl AE, t RA £45 wi : La, Ame Sg ATE Everats, Elian, . RA. 3,9290 ST SERTRUDE'S ; / <i wit | oraue e PPRAIRALS A pi batt ; appointme. nih FOR 1SAL". lh a ae Aram = four fooms and bath, First time listed. 8 room brick Tom Pika RA 3-6569. ) OF YOUR om ph private front entrance, heated, builtin 2 storey home with 2 car LASALLE AVE -- Home of $ pn DOWN COST OR OBLIGATION, - - wr gn LLOYD REALTY Domes wants only. Aply 44 Dundas A J SCH ATZ ope. Main floor J Somprised exceptional 'neatness and Mic $5,900 for o six Teom LUCAS i Sapir at Street West, 'an seen be- . . ving room, din A cleanliness. 3 bedroom brick 'e and @ rey insuls 7pm. tween 9 a.m. and § p.m. Be den with natural fireplace low, NHA resale. Thi brick home on Taunton Rd. PEACOCK RENTAL AGENCY SaARAGE Toi sity, con Vicinity REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE and built in bookeose. buna must be Bigg Sora E., partially completed. Four WANTED TORENT | fon i lw thn han Ci ne ) WHITBY MO 8-3337 fog ME RULER Bn Ll REALTOR vacancy, only screened an .) room . Plus o fers. For information call oxcep Reliable fenent with 3 ehil- | reliable tenants, | © [mtu io" month. Phone 164 Brook: OSHAWA RA 5.8461 large sun room. Upstairs fees | Mike Hrehoruk RA 5.6569, | [ities Equipped with alum. RA 5-4330 dreri wold Via vo amt 2 or | LPC CHER Lt. fn pcm n a maser 42 tied patroom, | AUTO BODY SHOP -- in | Tr antenna. Loree lor 100 | Member of the Gshowe and' 3 bedroom house in Oshawe. | RA 8.5123 [T00 (iia wae: Cpa aet, PICKERING 590 Features include hot water oii | Oshawa situcted on over an | ft. x 150 ft. Call Ray Lath- | District Real Estote 'Board. : RA 5-1855 pri a with CADILLAC NORTH ed tp, | esl or Tie 9) [Tan RY oleh for ine ja . ONE BEDROOM [1000 tine er somvesence i i Siem, teria Speetion, 47 Automobiles F [sep )| $2.00 hi % poseidon Fa ER ng Big --Automobiles For Sale Tg | APARTMENTS [EE eb der TE SL000 den bes tis 5 buco, 2) We) Re ba | ag Oy at nm GRIERSON AVE [i SovAWeH Ward es sien | {on | Foom, 00k double gerage, nicely landscaped lot. ii Jn income bilities. Cal Bill McFeeters, evenings, NEW NHA -- 3 bedroom Four room red brick bunga, (304 white, radio, automatic transmis. ONE single, furnished feom, cooking gerag ly ped hoe si brake: A Kd a ws. stam | di elec- y separate place for eooking. Call Dorothy Schatz evenings RA 5.8425, RA 5-1726, bungalows with. walkout low designed for economical Soatiets Te aut ht Goodie . TAA Yocttion, 18 'Aberdven. RA RT | trically equipped, best loga- |Phone BA 51% basements, ovoilgble for m- living for the retired couple, (towns, like new, 22 lla tion. Buckingham Manor. FOUR rooms and bath, heavy duty wir: LOW DOWN PAYMENT DESIRABLE HOME-- mediate occupancy. Just @ Attractively decorated and $2195, Lease expiring eo FURNISHED room for vent. hm RA 8.8676 ne oe mes, Hs $12,895, Begutiful solid brick lows, something a little NORTH Sirmied diy her ot down Madly Jendscaped with paved Ww rE bolt" ro MO 8.5176. of Fain Street West b| different in design. 6 room, L shaped living room, dining room, In o choice location. Here is meat Coll RA B.6569 bog NA Wingneed linder) Bermuda. Blue, i Fug go. ONE single room, one double reom,| 3 good size bedroems, tiled Herbig Located east, off Cedar on a brick and stone bungalow : [| bl $40 14 4 Jand milled orfest. our leate expt for gentlemen. hot water, central. RA| Philip Murray." Saleslady at location, or call Dorothy Palmer, with enclosed breezeway ond GROCERY AND BUTCHER epayable 340.14 per month |ing sale, $1095. King West Motors. Ope 5-6736, 123 Church, Street. evenings RA 8-5097 ottached garage and 2 extra tablished. with. <6 principal, interest and toxec |Posite Shopping Centre, [1 | THREE - room apartment with Ton tind ; large rooms, beautifully dees long _ estabils ¥ Priced at $10,500 with sub- |'s4 DODGE Royal V8 sedan, ful {private entrance, central. Phone RA 6 fouly room living quarters attach- stantial down poyment, Call |mechanically, original Oshawa [3:6840 after 5 p.m. #0 SNUG LITTLE HOME suid, #1. he ving, vou ed, Exceptional self-service Hilda Ristow af RA 8. 8165, Tuber, 8095, Lease. expitine. au emma h a: wi : i A i 4 rubber, ase exp! sale, ron newt -- = Apartment, three Toes, JL - Tu tof Hassan, 1 ved case. FoR mete vi que. Jes Go J ing yh 9 incom Irom Bro " Jarman in cabinets, 2 extra large Business. WN sider trade. or RA 5-3605 evenings. West Motors, opposite Shopping Coniger: Sane Meer MG sir otter 6 75 = He RA 5.7920 %b| of 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and bathroom, Only $2,500 dewn. bedrooms, modern kitchen, 5.6569., RA 5.6155 RA 5-3412 | 3 METEG Wi Tudor 4 sob | FOR SALE Baby carviage. crib; Call Newt Hodgson evenings RA 8-6408 lorge Ape. tiled bathroom, rk blue, radi HOD. The vamare yard, divert; Roto | avon Home. Mo's Veo HY. She wild 1 beautifully landscaped, stone We have many buyers wait- | 19 Athol St. W., Oshawa |age. o. Definitely ehowroen Sl tilling, rockery stone. MO 8-3015. FO RATE = Goll ipa View Taki ot HOUSE TO RENT MAY 1ST SUMMER HOME planter and patio. $16,200, ing to buy your home. If guaranteed hy a x 4 i May 24 [ake Scugog, four rooms, services in,| Clean, 3 bedrooms, central, : : owner anxious to sell. For In- you are thinking of selling |47--Automobiles For Sale | "in sale, King PRESSMAKER, Maria Cannella. re furnished, $3200, Lamson Real Estate,| oil heated, garage, children On Lake Simcoe, on sondy beach. 6 miles east of Orillia. Well formation, please call Reg call our office fa 8.6569. |e Site Shopping Ce ne. rs, alterations. 437 Perry Street; MO 8.3032, 4 t ' built 1%4 storey with 7 rooms, main level finished in plywood, : ¥ * > = m'10 a.m. 10 8 p.m, Monday to Sat | ey Gir iiied "oom in private welcome; + T™ Quantity of furniture, beds, mattresses, chairs, dishes, rangette, | 2X" evenings, RA 5.0201. 136 SIMCOE ST. S ih urday. oy home, dsundry + and board, six days al APPLY BOX 830 electric fixtures. $6,500 full price, $1,500 down payment. For Before 5 p.m. RA 3.2265 0 THE SMARTEST PEOPLE TRY THE REST FOR FF im ri three foam loca- hag fol po Wanted Wi id OSHAWA TIMES further details call Newt Hedgson evenings, RA 8.6408. Between, 5 cv Wy p.m. RA 5.6569 THEN BUY HILLMAN . ae IT S THE BEST .. "A Two adults. $10 Kent Street. "') . id = iis 0 i > . | a Eas So a A. J. SCHATZ 96 9% LUXURY AND COMFORT FOR RENT--Modern basement api Monday - Friday. MO 8-4610 after 5 Asan hana SE casio . WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP -- nd a Ag 812 o'clock. _..®c| Eligin Street East, just off Yo INCREASED TO NEW HIGH STANDARDS = iy: | FOR RENT ~~ Three bedroom bunga-| Simcoe, three-room self. J J VAN HERWERDEN HIGHER CRUISING SPEEDS i. o STONE. lumber. sheeting, 2x 4's; low, $95 per month, children and two | 2 x 6's; ete, from Post ities reek: families welcome. Call Mr. Green, MO Lntoined, dion Thuis nd | : : EA 0 GREAT ECONOMY esi ing, windows, doors, small steam boil- 4 evenings only 951 | ree-piece bath. month. 1 R LTOR ALL WELD UNIT CONSTRUCTION re vor (35) er and stocker. Apply Old Post Off oe 54 CALL us now. Clients waiting. Buying, selling or renting. Call W. T. Lamson Real Estate, MO §-3032. May 23 FOR RENT -- Two furnished or partly furnished housekeeving rooms. suitable for couple. Total abstainers. Available immediately. MO 8-3216, He PANT culting and alterations, men's fi. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. Ry ladies' wear; drapery Herotiang, oF = room Frigidaire; button stove; three piece suite; chrome kitchen suite: sewing machine. 8-9061. g FOR SALE -- Piano, blond oy apartment size. Whitby MO 82142. Sc FOR SALE -- Showcase. Whithy Mo 3 300. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 83032 o Driveway Gravel, $7 per load 34; 52 © EMPLOYMENT wanted -- Widow lady | with nursing experience desires Lire keeping position. References. Available Max Jat. Write Box 309 Oshawa va Times, LISTINGS wanted, es, farms ele. also Lg Whithy and old and new: gorth to Lake Simece. W. T. Lamson. Real Estate. MO 8-3032. May PHI FO'. rent Smelt nets. lanterns, #1) ec per night, Cabin trailers, $45 week- iv "ide Rental Serviee. Whithy. MO 8-323. TV repairs. All work guaranteed. Cail Anthony Teunissen, MO 8-2458. May 13 SEPTIC tanks 115, dew tanks lnaled Water Ws 204 Chestnut West; 82363. phone MO 8- May 4 FOR C.I.L. PAINT coll DODD & SOUTER | Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Bye Susst South FOR RENT -- Two roomed apartment, newly decorated. two |ersons, MO 8 5c FOR RENT -- Three bedroom bun.a low,, $95 per month. Suit two families children welcome. Call Mr. Green. MO 83164 evenings only LIVE Poultry also feathers wanted Highest market price paid Phone collect MO 83486 Whitby. FOR Alsco lumminim gombination win, (85000 down. W. McAuley Realtor. RA dows and deers. 'Phone "Dec" Dafoe, 92 MO $2350, after §. Free usfimatel Tov $2000 DOWN, Ritson and Eulalle dis ter glots installed. $5. HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good kitchen, good renting area. Call RA Dedroum down payments, W. McAuley Realtor. 8.1773. Good condition, Mo, MO 3.3%], Oshawa RA 3.2313. GRAVEL & FILL Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd. For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR RENT -- Lawn rollers, seeders, mowers, garden tillers, post hole diggers, paint sprayers, cement mix- ers, wheel barrows, chain ond skill saws, drills, grin- ders. Canoes, car-top boats, mot ors, boot box ond cabin trailers, tents end comping equipment, FOR SALE--New and sey bests, motors cnd trail WILDE REN TAL SERVICE AND SALES, 110] Henry Street. Note--Moving--new address May 2. 1415 Dun- Suitable for ome or -2601, May 11 Jag ne, large lot and garage. King Street| [OWNER built with eemfort and roomi- VICKERY & GOYNE | ly Immediate possession. Phore anytime, RA 5-6382 REALTORS 95¢, RA 8-6228 39 PRINCE ST. 45--Real Estate For Sale | BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE TEN room modern, brick income RANCH BUNGALOW, ATTACHED GARAGE, TAUNTON ROAD EAST 6:.r0om centre hall brick on 100' x 330' let. Living ream 18' x 14' with stone fireploce, dining room, modern kitchen, two large and one medium sized bedroom, 4.piece beth with, col. ored fixtures, finished recreation room with brick fireplace, Twindow, velances, aluminum storms, screens ond deors, end drapery tracks. Bordering en City ent to school, Township taxes able living for the whole family. 5,000 down. $11,800 CUBERT STREET. $2,500 DOWN 5-room brick bungelow with modern 3-room apartment gnd washroom in basement, rented at $55 monthly, Forced air eil heating, aluminum screens, storms ond $1,800 DOWN, TENNYSON AVE. BRICK BUNGALOW 1100 square foot with @ view, 3 bedrooms, modern tiled bath. room with colored fixtures and vanity, exhaust fan, sodded lawn, combination storms and screens, forced air oil heating, West, good investment 816,500 with {3 -2812, |triet, solid brick, six rooms, modern limits, paved read, cenveni. pacious, convenient, comfert- Fine Value at $17,900 with ness in mind, four years old, six-room brick bungalow with paved drive; | stained trim throughout, fireplace, re- 'ereation voom. North West section, Frac style bungalow, "with three room basement apartment, RA 35-3673 for further information, Me N.H.A. RESALE 1 YR. OLD 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Decorated, New built-in stove | 741 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA RA 3-4471 IMMACULATE BUNGALOW AJAX Nice 3-bedroom Bungalow with gas furnace, 4-pc. bath, tiles gnd hardwood floers, aluminum storms and screens, nicely land- $0 d, 514% N.H.A, mortgage. Semi-detached. Full price ,000 with low down payment for responsible buyer. é-room, 2-storey BRICK HOUSE en Eulalie Ave., with all eon. veniences, new gas furnace, garege. Asking price $12,500 with terms. Nice lots en Thickson Road N., 75 x 200 feet Terms, $1,500 with FARMS 200 acres clay loom DAIRY FARM, all workable, with 11 cans milk-contract, land in the best shape. Barn 100 x 56 with woterbowls, hydro hot water. Bulk.cooler for 66 cans, milking machine. 6-room house with hydro, heavy wiring end water en tap. Full price $29,000 with Terms. é-room brick house with hydro heavy wiring, water on tap, modern kitchen, with 7 acres of excellent berry land, 13 miles from Oshawa, loam soil; apple, pear and cherry trees. Full price $12,000 with terms. $12,000 WITH TERMS 162-g¢re farm, 100 acres workable and pasture, rest bust, diver Priced right at $12,900, carrying for end oven, and meny other Immediate possession, extras. Phone | $71 monthly plus taxes, under N.H.A RA 8-1338 SPACIOUS 'SPLIT LEVEL COCHRANE ST. WHITBY Nothing has been overlooked in making this bright, wiry, mod- en brick home comfortable, convenient and liveable. large rooms and recreation room with Thermopane windows, two fire- places, two bathrooms, exhaust fons .in kitehen and and bathroom, dishwasher, gorboge disposal unit, clothes chute, combination Spring is here so don't hesitate any longer, if you want to make a change, list your home today, we | aluminum windows and doors, begutifully decorated, immaculate condition, large 75-foot landscaped lot are some of its many fine features which can only be appreciated by personal inspec- tion. Priced at $24,900 with $6,000 down. ARRANGE AN have clients waiting APPOINTMENT TODAY CALL. RA 3-2254 After Hours Please Phone * Oshawa, Hydraulic clutch--King size hydraulic brakes 2 and 4 door wagons, deluxe sedan and convertible | | | | $1,795.00 and up CHEAPER HERE THAN IN THE STATES INCLUDING: HEATER, SIGNALS, Le. TONE, LICEN VICE, GASOLINE, 5 TUBELESS Tine iid GAS AT THE BACK . NoT IN YOUR LAP $295.00 DOWN--36 MONTHS ON BALANCE QUALITY USED CARS and spring, L-shape barn; 6-room brick house with hydro, heovy wiring and water on tap. Full price only $11,000 with reason- able down payment. GENTLEMAN'S Farm, 35 acres with 10-room brick house with all conveniences; hig! A good barn, 2 streoms, 3,000 Christmas trees, excellent spot for berry or chicken farm. Full price $16,- 000 with terms, THE NICEST FARM | EVER HAD FOR SALE, 44 miles from 100 acres, 8-room brick house with all conveniences, 2 bathrooms, floors tiles and broadloom, 2 barns with 24 box- stalls for racehorses, wenderful trout sticam and bush, (one hour | horse-trail); new 'encing all around, cuck pond end swimming | pool. EXCELLENT PROPERTY FOR GENTLEMAN . FARMER, HORSE-MAN OR COUNTRY-CLUB. LLOYD AYERS, REALTOR | Ralph Viekery RA 5.6342 Jay Goyne RA 5.5378 35 Eost, Whitby, MO 93 de We speck English, German, French and Dutch. 96a '47 MERCURY $95 '54 STUDEBAKER 950 One owner. sharp Automatic, custom rae '55 FORD $1095 die, clean ond reicsiaet Two-tone. '5. CHEV, ...... oe. '56 FORD ....... Jound @ Automatic, Fairlane, eustom radio, 3 '87 FORD $1595 '57 CHEV $1698 on Customline One of the best. 0 '56 DODGE $109: 55 BUICK 2 Twe.tone, - radio. Hardtop, FONT AL - BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO TRY "HONEST ED" or "IRISH STEW" EASY TERMS, WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND MORE AT HILLMAN-----~RAMBLER Ta NONQUON RD OPEN TILL 9 P.M. RA Sad)

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