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The Oshawa Times, 24 Apr 1959, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 24, 1959 - TODAY'S TORONTO, TORONTO The Canadian Press Stock Ex By In cents marked $3. lot, 34 ~ Ex-dividend, ar Sy t Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge I+ + +4 l+ + Sere +] EFSF §F FEE FE BF FE 2 180, Net Stock Sales High Lew s.m. Oh'ge Curb Nfld 100 $6% 60 $41% % 6% + WU aA 41% MONT 11:30 Net Bleck 1500 1000 1000 18% +1 S-sue Eyes F=58 +5 S83 ¥ Sues Ww Spend 3 Dufault +30 = 2 H FH = 3 xEgBesi EE 8 vig 28 Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 18% 18% -- % 2 +1 Stock +H -W Ind Accep wt 375 Ind Ac 275pr 25 In: Prov PL 300 Ircq Gls pr 250 REAL STOCKS 11:30 Net Bales Hightow a.m. Ch'ge -% + - > 21 Ls FF EERIE FF ® ++) ++4 EC Rp Car Racket Operators Get 4 Years TORONTO ~ John Siggins, 34, | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- An of Whitby, and William Tavener, jn 52556 has been reached by 25, of Pickering, partners in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Lori-B Motors, Pickering, were board of directors in its tempt {to proceed with construction of a Rvicted 1 Torte Faoperating proposed million dollar addition sentenced to the hospital. to four years each in y | Harry V. Cryderman, building po L {committee chairman, in a state- It was a deliberate schem {ment Thursday said until approv- by. bth to 90 wip baziugss rll] is received from Clarke towns lic WP Tete FJ MacRae sud |ship council, the project cannot "A rus h es - |proceed. Clarke township, whose most nefarious scheme! [residents use the hospital, has re- He praised Detectives Doug-/fused to countenance the new ad- las Chapman and Daniel Clydes-|dition. The board has received dale of Metro auto theft squad the approval of Bowmanville, whose investigatin led to the Newcastle and Darlington town- arrests of the pair. {ship councils who have authorized "It was due to the good work Payment of their share in the pro- of these officers that the whole Posed addition. business was stopped as soon as. Without consent of all four mu- a a aa hai) Say Clarke HoldingUp Hospital's New Wing did not consider 'the township's failure to comply was a refusal. He said he felt the residents should be better educated regard. © ing the cost and effect on taxes, At an earlier meeting, he told he Busi and Professional Women's club he thought the t | misunderstanding had something Eto do with the present Durham district high school board hassle. . Board chairman Ivan M. Hobbs said Thursday he did not wish to elaborate on what has already been said through the newspaper advertisements. He feels board should wait for the re- 4 action of newspaper readers now . that the matter has been given publicity. CRITICAL Macmill B 375 Mass-Fer 215 Molson A 28 225 725 $19 40 250 Molson B Mtl Loco Noranda Pac Pete Page Hers Burlington Cl F Prairie Oil Provo Gas Royalite Sarcee South U Srooner Tidal T ad Oil Un Oils Wayne Wespac Weshurne ¥ Cdn OG $14% 20 $23 $31 $11% Shawin She: Will Simpsons Std Str Stl 76 180 32% 17% 17% + % NH ~~ hid Mag Steel Can Steinbg A L. M. Dewell, chairman of the public relations and personnel committee described the situa- tion as "something very critical". He stressed that construction should begin immediately, and {the only hold-up is the Clarke re- fusal. He id the governments weuld not consider approval of the grants umtil approval of ell four municipalities has been re- ceived by the board. He stated "right now our hands are tied". Building committec chairman it was," he said, nieipalities concerned, the federal The accused, described as and provincial grants which cover "first-class ° salesmen', were more than hall of the estimated given four years, concurrent, on Cost, are being withheld. each of 12 charges involving| Through the medium of news- theft, pssession stolen autos and paper advertising the board | fraud. Thursday appealed to residents During their six-day trial, they [of all four municipalities "to look were identified as men who sold [at the facts". stolen cars after replacing their| "BURSTING AT SEAMS" gefial imbers with those from| The hospital is overcrowded, Crown counsel J. B. Galbraith, bi ol de kiting fates ion in Clarke township could con- pe a stiff sentence, sald the ait thelr tirn for admission. For vince council to take action, {Harry V. Cryderman said the - cle scheme was aooucsived the past three months beds have MISUNDERSTANDING purpose of the appeal! was to in- hrough thievery and deception." heen in use in the corridors. Soon Stanley Wilkins, hospital admin- form the general public of condi- CHAIRMAN IVAN HOBBS Advertisements stress the need {for Clarke township residents to |get in touch with their reeve and |councillors and demand action. The board feels that public opin- 18% 18% + % 2% 2 13% 13% -- % 103 103 150 <150 33% 33% ~ 21 21 Tr Can Pipe 300 Triad Oil 100 48: U Steel 95 Walk G W 225 Webb Knp 200 Weston A 200 Canadian " 6% LL] ™ 41% W Lease Yan Can 375 Akaitcho $3 43 D Fndiy pr Dom Stores Dom Tar Eddy Match Fleet Mig Ford US Ford A Freiman pr Gatineau Hardee Imp Bank Imp Inv A Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep I Ae 225 pr Inland Gas Kelly D A Kelly wis Laura Sec Abitca Anglo Nfld Blue Bon C Marconi Cons Paper Cons Gas D Oilcloth Fleet Mig Ford A Kelly Doug 2000 Lowney 25 Moore Aumacho Aumaque Bankeno Banat Bary Expl Belcher Bethim s pL Rix Athab 115 362% San Ant 139 $137 100 100 $43 43 200 $16% 16 145 $744 74 Bicroft 10% Bicroft wis 41% 42 + Beaville 13% Brallorne Broul Reef Brunswick Camp Chib C Malart Can-Erin Can-Met Cassiag Cent Pat Chester Chib Jae Chib M Coch Will Coldstrm Cclomae Conigas C Bellekeno C Callinan 624 137% 96 $10% 100 $10% $28% 918 $42 Prem Steel Que Phone St Maurice Shop Save v i a 16% a 4 nion Gas £ 2: Bi Wile ' 4% . a Mines 100 $16% 1200 30 30 1000 ' 222 1500 10700 500 pi 30 $46 MacMill B 275 S42 M Leaf Gard z20 $24% 24% M Leaf Mill 225 $15% 15% Mass-F 2225 $14% 14% 700 19% 185 300 325 325 35 824% 24% $14% 14% 20 32 1 2 115 S14% 143% $10% 10% 55 827% Algoma Yale Lead Alscope Yk Dear Augustus Young HG yond th 200 Bateman Pad On oe Bellechas Sales to 11 am.: 1,132,000. MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--April $4 (Quotations in eents unless marked §. »--0dd lot, 2d -- Ex-dividend, xr = Ez rights, xw ~-- Ex-warranis.) Industrials 11:80 Net Sales HighLew s.m. Ch'ge Bluewater Bonnyvie Canoram Canuba Cart Que Castle Oil Cent Del Orange Cr Page Hers Pembina 5% $15% 15% 15% 485 480 480 15 15 15 19% 18% 18% Banque PC 6 6 6 Bell Phone 32% vi Lit ol ih 8! a) 34 $32% 32% 1000 478 475 $854 55 00 6% 6 450 S88% 88% 3M 5 220 72 240 a 15 | . sREEEERgEs groggeed ugg) BeBe EEEE2 g B : only emergency cases can be ad- istrator in a statement Thursday tions at the hospital. He said the TIMES BUREAUS mitted without prior notice and a said present facilities are inade-'board is stymied until it re- {waiting period. ouate to fulfil the needs of the ceives approval from Clarke | Because Clarke township coun: increasing number of patients, If township. AJAX cil has not yet agreed to pay its the expansion is completed, the! "We do not intend to stir up ; {share start of construction of the hospital would have better lab- any dissension or animosity, but Ajax 426 badly needed wing is held up. oratory service, X-ray facilities, we must get something done. The Clarke had nearly 600 sick and and would in general be able to situation as it stands is critical injured patients in the hospital take better care of patients in all for residents of all four. com- BOWMANVILLE during Ric An additional 20 four municipalities. munities," sald Mr. Cryderman, rom other parts ol e hospital e said he felt there is a cer-. He urged Clark wnshi) jo Rae Hopkins Ma. 38-7282 district were also patients during tain amount of misunderstanding dents gn inhi pre ithe year, states the. board. lin parts of Clarke township. He!press their wishes in the matter. Bishop Officiates At |Hoitl Had . Deficit Of Sod-Turning Ceremony 4 PICKERING VILLAGE (Staff) men who are sharing in church job. Skilled and lcenced trades- PORT HOPE (Staff)--A deficit of $14,090 in net operating -- Sod was turned Thursday after- extension, men will instal wiring, plumbing was incurred by Port Hope noon to mark the beginning of| "They are responsible for new and heating. |eral hospital during 1958, it construction of a new parish hall parishes in new areas. Church FUNDS STILL NEEDED {announced Thursday. at St. George's Anglican Church extension is one of the most in. Gordon Hepditch, the treasurer| Hospital auditor T. A. Sharpe, bv the Right Reverend George teresting aspects of -our church said that $10,000 in pledges and!iy hig report to the annual meet- B. Snell, MA, DD, PhD. Bishop work, and Involves four or five cath were in hand, another $5000 i.e of Port Hope hospital board Suffragan of the Diocese of To-\new parishes each year," he Will be needed to put the roof ong the town hall, said the "strik- ronto. It was St. George's Day. added. before fall, ling" feature of the report was Bishop Snell, addressing the py. oii io wong on all Dimensions of the new parish | pe defloit congregation, said he . noticed), CR SHC 5 BIE Go hall are 80 by 36 feet with a full| "my Flor 100 told asset among the clergy present four N€ time 4% people Moye out 10hasement, The hot water heating 'sois 440 and lak moe re |areas beyond the cily. The older|. t on of $243,440 and liabilities of $111,- parishes are also being involved system will be extended to the| B in this work. This new hall will CHUTE, 0 Feplace the former hot have a great influence on the oy Pay oost He of his parish, in ive fellow. |. ev. Shepherd said the hall win) 'eport, a total of $376 in bad Granted... ' | i: PARA 0 eac ers He extended congratulations to| Clergy attending the sod turn-| STEPHENVILLE, Nfld. (CP)-- [the rector, Canon H. Sherman|ing ceremony were Rev. E. G.!capt. Aubrey Seal, 28, of Jack- iShepherd and to the congrega- Robinson, a former rector of St.\son Miss. has returned to his FORT WILLIAM (CP)--A sec-ition. Bishop Snell added that the|George's and now of St. Nichol- home and family here after para basle minimum salary for high| The new building is estimated] This church will be on its own fok at school teachers has been in-|to cost $27,000. A large por-| from May 1. It was formerly a ho licopter rat picked 1 fighter creased by $400 a year to $5,000. tion of the work will be done by part of the St. George's h|orashed about 140 miles northe The new maximum is increased members of the men's club. Allland services were conducted by east of here. John Mills | costs gen- was In revenues and expenditures glican congregation is on its own.|Ty ae odate the ters this figure to cover estimated bad It is a part of the diocese which Rl to sow the Tec: debi, stands ready at all times to @ive|tory ba.ement and rent the munity hall, "critical situation" in staffing the completion of the project would Mark's, Oshawa and Rev. C. E.| when he arrived at city's two high schools. [require total effort of everyone|Olive who is now the rector of Base here from Gander, advice and assistance, n wo SAF i ik Under the latest pay schedule concerned. (St: Paul's-on-the-Hill, Dunbarton. (where he was taken by a US, AT BROOKLIN Groups Plan Fair Exhibit MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | The visiting committee report "In edotiating OOKLIN -- The Sunshine ed plants sent to Mrs. Post and while n Graup of the Woman's Assocla-| Kate Lynde, members of group|radio oil refindties, ol ou] Stes Labor Protest Limit actProposed | ~, 1 and Sales . . In Winnipeg PORT HOPE -- Hope township, Tuesday, but ratepayers called __ |ratepayers met Thursday night Thursday's meeting instead. Tat GC a heanitoba at Canton community nal to Pro- Coincident with the meeting [tioned a Winnipes: Taweer wis. [test the recent passing by town-|was a monthly meeting of the 8 lawyer, Who,|gnis, eouncil of a subdivision con township planning board, which trol bylaw. The meeting voted t0|initiated the bylaw early this send a delegation to council t0 year, before it was passed at the present a petition requesting re-| February meeting of township tion. held its April meeting at who are indisposed. {that the teamsters' the-home of Mrs. Walter Fishley.| It was decided to purchase ala 25-year re iy pl The committee, Mrs. W. Weir, blanket for the Korean bale. $500,000 bond before the com: (PEEL | council. Mrs. M. Ross and Mrs. P May- Joyce Graham, Blackstock, enter-| pany would sign a labor contract. In general protests were levell-| wg third meeting since passing led against the entire bylaw, but ot the bylaw, it was also the nard, conducted devotional exer- tained group with color slides of a | The lawyer, Henry Monk, was | sever esent singled out ome ow as al pr t sing it |third time an application for re- Rev. J. Wright, pastor of Can-|.>_ : OW-I¢ill a long felt need. There are|debts was listed. Estimated rev- ship, and in its future plans. |150 families in the parish with |enues from the wards were $33, ond pay increase in little more congregation would take pride injas Church, Scarborough. Rev. i i Ora 8 "month has been granted the new building. Their in.|Ronald Sharp of St. Matthew's, Cros Mion Jot ari "im Tv by $600 to $8,200. skills will be harnessed to thelthe Pickering rector. Until March this yeaf, the y od oF . bas i nd I He reminded them that no An-|over 2000 Sunday school children.|278, but $2090 was deducted from: to teachers here because of a terest would be quickened and the Oshawa; Rev. Neil Lothian, St.|hyngnv," was his m fe al salaries were $4,400 and $7,200 for non-specialists. These were about par with other Northern Ontario school board payments. The double - raise resulted from in- creases made by a school board in Metropolitan Toronto. In a bid to meet competition the Fort William board of educa-| tion inereased their basic mini. mum to $4,600 and the maximum | §# to $7,600. However, the board has been able to attract only three quali-| fied teachers while 11 resigned) for more attractive positions. A letter explaining the "seem- ingly high jump' in salaries has been sent to several other North ern Ontario boards whose sched- ules were previously level with Fort Willam's. The letter said that with 300 or 400 more stu- dents expected to enrol at sec- ondarv schools next September, the hoard considered its position eritical. They would have to offer a schedule at least equal with| other Ontario towns. | The most recent increase was agreed upon earlier this week. RUSSIANS CHART COAST WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena- tor Warren G. Magnuson (Dem.- Wash.) says "the Russians have charted our Pacific coastline from A to Z--and not just for scientific purposes, I'm sure." He made the statement in urg- ing Commerce Secretary Lewis L. Strauss to expand the activi- ties of the U.S. coast and geode- tic survey, a unit of the com- merce department. Vickery, presided . for business| Lunch was served by the hos its negotiator. At the labor board claus Fair was discussed. { The May meeting will be held peculiar position as both lawyer | ; of parcels which might leave ing heen refused yet. were appointed to make plans for venson and Mrs. Dennis will form board that the company refused| The meeting followed a series 10 Darga the township was necessary, El an interesting conception of the C. DeJouge presiding. [Radio Oil was subsequently ning and devel control was necessary. He was Mrs, John| blacklisted by the Winnipeg Dianne Crawford tendered alvotional exercises and Mrs. F. M| Board chairman W. Elliott-Wil- {ton United Church, sald that if Trade Purchases light of the evening was presenta- save old white cotton material a 25-year labor agreement which for freedom from the results of Fraser who is leaving for a Mrs. F. M. Holliday and Mrs,|Mr. Monk replied that the com- 4244 cheeses was purchased by Pavers were planning now for Cheese Exchange. | RELIABLE GROUP Fair. boycott list. : with production increasing. heritance. the April meeting of Reliable NIAGARA FALLS (CP)--Keith was even within the framework boxes colored sold at 35 cents | 3 cises. Vice president, Mrs. G. R./caravan trip to the west. {both lawyer for the company and | d the exhibit at Brooklin Sprin nd comm 3 fav Soils was sporoved by the and the 'ex n Spring ess and committee. hearing, he found himself in the Paicels of land to at least 10 hoard, It was the third consecu- : acres; and whigh prohibits sales tive release, no application hay- Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, Mr. at the home of Mrs. Douglas and witness. ref Fred Young and Mrs. W. Coates Jackson with Mrs. Robert Ste-| The union charged before the remnants of less than 10 acres. yo a motion was presented the events the committee. in in god faith, alleging|of small local meetings, one of|that no planning or control in The group will bur a blanket for| The Friendship Group held its ween 14 and 19 employees Which was attended by Reeve the Korean relief bale. Mrs. Jack:|April meeting at the home of|were fired during the union's ef. Victor Wilson. A meeting to be MOT® Scott suggested that this son, the speaker, demonstrated Mrs. E. Kay with leader Mrs. forts to organize the company. attended by a department of plan. Vas too strong. He said some t resen- | 23rd Psalm with the aid of a| Mrs, F. M. Holliday, La. tative had been: scheduled for SUPPorted by a unanimous vote. basket of sweet peas. {Blair, Mrs. E. Kay conducted de-|bor Council, _-- | solo and Brian Crawford played Holliday read an article. son asked Mr. Monk whether he jhe were to pray for anything selegtions on the guitar. High- Members were requested to|considered it realistic to suggest in the municipality, it would be tion of an umbrella and sponge for use as dressings in Korean Was unprecedented in manage: 4244 Cheeses bad planning bag to secretary Mrs. Alistair hospitals. ment - union negotiation history.| KINGSTON (CP) -- A total of Ie said that since the rate. three months visit to relatives in Dingman were appointed to look Pany was ready to negotiate pro-\trade at the April 22 meeting of their children, they should make England. after the exhibit for the Spring|Vided the union take it- off they, Exchange [sure that results of bad plan. M hert Saund host | Before adjournment, Mr. Monk The market was reported holding | ' 1% ould wr be lett oe ol rs. Robert Saunders was ER NOMIN | Tage i { ess for the pot luck supper and| TEACHER NOMINATED = Iwas asked whether his Proposal "White cheese numbering 1124) Council was represented by Mrs. Douglas J Lougheed, 40-year-old high school|of the Manitoba Labor Act. He|DoXes sold at 35 cenis and 1,202 UepuiyTeevy George Stapleton Group with Mrs. Douglas her, has been nominated to|said it was and he was willing| the leader presiding. Mrs. Van cents. There were 1,912 boxes of} presented the medita specials. | teacher, contest the Niagara Falls riding to negotiate on it. {for the Progressive Conserva-| The hoard adjourned to consi- [tives in the next provincial elec. der the evidence before handing |tion. Arthur Jolley, who holds the/down a decision. iseat for the Conservatives, said ==" ~~" Report Shows 'Hospital Busy PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Port; There were also 1681 X-rays Hope hospital patients ate well taken, a total of 5088 films being| [last year. A total of 45,373 meals|read in all. Iwere served to 1670 resident pati-| There were 5390 laboratory ents and 1876 out-patients in 1958, tests made during the year. This This fact and others were part/showed a substantial increase bmitted by Miss from the 1067 total of 4579. superintendent of Port] Busy surgeons made 112 major Hospital, Thursday and 729 minor operations in hos- night at the annual meeting of the pital operating room. hos i town, Altogether 143648 man hours {were performed by the staff of report show-/65 permanent and 25 relief per- Girthoven bo tion. The next meeting of the ex-| Ichange will be April 29. | o SUBSCPIBERS THE TIMES Io cst 1 PAPERS IN AJAX TAX! SERVICE PHONE If you have not received your STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 Tines by 7 p.m. call | AJAX TAXI PHONE " have mot received Jou carrier ON Times, phone your AJAX 333 . If you ave unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. All colls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. SUNNY SKIES BLESS®D this sod torning ceremony a new parish hall at St George's lican Churek, Pickering Village, when Right TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m. Only iL } Reverend George B. Snell, Suf | R , | iragan Bishop of the Diocese of | oi oan Vv ap § view | Toronto officiated. Bishop Srell | St Georg : Between the two view of the i is shown in the is Rev. C. E. Olive, new rector | George's who witnessed the | tends picture with | | the silver spade. On his right is | of St. Paul's on the Hill, Dun- | sod turning. In the background | i 3 Lie Pasi ex- back into the early 1800's. --Photos by John Mills

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