slverware. 4 Parl with at ie op of the hoop 1m the con] _ MUSIC CONCERT solation series with a 5831 total, | Saturday, April 25th 65 better than the EAA drop- i . 2:00 p.m. i " ATE ak oi Mois. ivi halt are: Smits Taxi 626.| ST. GREGORY'S HALL Training School 5713: Bobcats, OSHAWA | WOULD COST $1,200,000 Plan Addition P.H. Hospital PORT HOPE -- R. B. Baxter, ough extension was being repaid 187; Cooeys 181; Sol Margles 173; Town Mixed Bowling Le ague Tuckers 171; Matting 163; Home- erown. With just a week to like 162; Jefferys 161; Legion- they need just one win to TIMES BUREAUS A Ta a a a Ee i en ce fe tt Branch 30, Canadian BESL, \ Zone Commander F. R. Hills' The other woman's branch is at Legion second such branch im Distret THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 24, 1959 7 inducted the new bers at the Peterborough, which is not in- go naires 151; Plaza Hotel 145; Den-|clinch top spot. Team standings are: 3 meeting which was chaired by cluded in Zone F-2, COBOURG lim Floris 134 COE No.3 M8 a: sn, wenters 1 General F No. 2, 5 - ers 5 tenders Bs G. McAuliffe FR. 2-5349)x3iq Sunoco 124; Ewarts 122;[Dodgers 151; Burley Bus 141; CGE No. 1, 117. Toppers 120; Hot Rods 102; Primeaus 113; Cooey All-Stars/Mooseheaders 99; Lucky Strikes . 09+ .199; Crew Cuts 92; Alley Cats 66; 112; Chateau 109; Payne Broth: A 56; Hydro 53. a adies, Barbara Van-| PORT HOPE Fain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 ers 109; Nichols Movers 105; Mac- chairman of the Port Hope Hos- in part from bed cost differential. pital Board, announced last night He explained that some profits a proposed $1,200,000 building occur from a 50 per cent hospital plan for an extension to Portlallowance from extra revenue of Hope General Hospital. semi - private and private beds, Addressing the annual meeting|over ward beds. of the board in the town hall, Mr.| In Port Hope basic ward cost Baxter reported "We believe that|per bed is $15.80. Semi-private put in a great bid to grab high . before the year we will have beds cost $2.75 more, and private(PUL 1 BEE Cb BO AE eh ivle -- J. Archibaid| Le B h completed plans for a new hos-|beds $4.50 or $5.50 more, depend- yi" terrific 914 Sore fell Shot of 914; nigh hi single -- Legion gion ranc Half of this cost differential, he te Jecord 2s the Cobourg Men's naires 1200; high team iriple -- The pletion of its 35-week schedule. pital or a substantial addition to|ing on service. the present building." i bis ; liminary plans of such a said goes e government. substantial addition" were pre-| remainder is retained by the hos- sented in detail to the meeting by|pital. This revenue, he said, could R. Creighton, representing con-/be used to repay the debenture sulting architects Barnett and debt. Rieder, Port Hope. | Mr. Baxler issued 5 general Mr. Creighton outlined a three- appeal to the public. * We Wo floor addition which would add 95|like people to realize that we stil beds to the present 45 beds and|need help, despite the Ontario provide needed expansion of serv-| Hospital Services plan," he oid, ices throughout 76,000 square feet.| Government a owanses Bd Total cost of the new structure, "4 f he said, was estimated at $1,143,-C0Sts, but are Yoo small for 18 Sop. Alterations to ihe existing iat Py equipment. | building in adding the new wing He paid special thanks to Port| would cost a further $49,000, voy | i : Hope Kinsmen Club which re- Fig 7 3 the tora) figwe, to cently completely refurnished| . _|both men's and women's wards Mr. Creighton also {and are now refurnishing the ma- that the plans were flexible, and (nity ward. that necessary design modifica- ~~ -- | tion could be incorporated with- out too much difficulty. ! T IT AND Problem of financing the build-! N ing was briefly discussed. Various "Y" Variety Club hospital grants, it was revealed, would pay roughly 50 per cent of Bowling Party -- Meet at the "Y" --7 P.M. cost, leaving about $600,000 to be raised by Port Hope. Support for a debenture issue to raise the necessary amount was promised by Mayor W. N.| Moore. The mayor reminded the| board that about 15 building plans have been submitted at different times in past years, and said the board deserved credit for the time spent on the subject. He said that a debenture issue might be the cheapest method of financing the project. : : Referring to a Peterborough Dancing 9 to 12 PM Y.W.C. A. revenues during the year. 199 CENTRE ST. Mr. Baxter said that a $1,000,000 debt for the Peterbor- Two Vie For Bowls Title COBOURG -- Smith's Taxi asd Strays are the leaders in the race for two playoff trophies in the Cobourg Mixed Bowling League after the second round with three games to play. Smith's Taxi led second - place Training School by nearly 500 pins for the grand championship hospital extension, Mayor Moore suggested the hospital might pay off debentures as they arose from INVITES YOU | TO ITS BIG ENTERTAINMENT EVENING 5605; Dark Horses 5502; Spark Taugs 5322; Central Construction EVERYBODY WELCOME high triples, men, Caine 808; ladies, Pat Dawe 86: General Foods No. 1, 86; In- 567. Pp Mrs. Elsie Rush.| Next meeting of the branch Branch 30 president Cole Locke|will be at Colborne May 22, and welcomed the 22 ladies present. |a charter will be granted May 31. The association, a separate Le-| A cold plate supper was served gion branch for ex-service women, |to the women by Branch 30 Ser- -|is not a women's auxiliary group.|vice Officer Horace Osborn and Started in Colborne recently, it| Mrs. Osborn. Laren Appliances 102; Wilson Contractors 99; Wilson Motors 96; | > Makes Bi d For Bell Cleaners 96; OPP 92; Home- Sickle . . dependents 69; Beaver Lumber Triple Title 66; Chernevs 63; IOF 57; Jening's f Fuel 56; Cooey Rangers 52; K of COBOURG -- Jim Archibald|C, 40. : Anderson like Indians 87; Sawdust Kings Gore Form Womens' High single -- G. PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Branch League nears the com-|Margles 3366; hidden score 2-|579, Bay of Quinte, regional as- Homelike Indians 2771 (2794). sociation of ex-servicewomen, Team standings are: Ramblers are within two points/met last night to recruit several Melvors 212; Clarke Brothers of capturing their third straight new members af Port Hope now includes members from Bow. A mami lo Bele ud se (TSPLOCAL SHOWING i" . | --------a Y . RECORDS > 7 , Jt BOX OFFICE OPENS SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. CONTINUOUS SATURDAY FROM 9:30 A.M. Be An Early-Bird! / A SWEET MARIE CHOCOLATE BAR TO THE FIRST 200 CHILDREN SAT - URDAY MORNING AT 9:00 A.M. I'REE ACAD. .. AWARD WINNER TECHNICOLOR FEATURE TODAY AT... 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:00 - 9:30 LAMING BATTLE ACTION! Sr Werzes, Vocals, | J0 MORROW-JACK JONES Westerns BRIAN DONLEVY Pop, Rock-n-Roll, cEORGE JESSEL Ml Li a 4 for $1.00 Cotas rs 331s LONGPLAYS JN Le 99¢, $1.98 up | (if/f' )| wr oon SATURDAY & MONDAY EILTMORE | LAST DAY: f "TOKYO AFTER DARK" Records on display changed every week, MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. W., RA 3.3425 WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIOS | Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® ACCORDION ® CLARINET ¢ ® VIOLIN ® HAWAIIAN ; ® SPANISH GUITAR GUITAR e POPULAR PIANO @ TROMBONE © SAXOPHONE ® VIOLA ® TRUMPET ® CELLO H ot $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of on accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. WILSON & LEE LTD. - i MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 Consolation totals to date are: | Strays 5831; Pavilion 5760; Dutch | ----. Oven 5588; Red Dots 5326; Bee I Tees 5321; Citv Dairy 5120. | High singles this week went to DANCE | il TONIGHT | Bert Medhurst with 299 and Ivy Black with 266: triple honors to Jack Courrier with 741 and Olive Marsh with 654. MUSIC BY THE | TORNADOES | Bert Med- | featuring | AVERAGES Averages for the past season THE NATIONS | TOP TUNES have been posted. Men finishing plus over 200 were: Harry Landymore 229; Dick Turpin 223; Bob Carlson SQUARE DANCES BY BOB FOWLER RED BARN hurst 209; Ralph Baker 206; Leo O'Brien 205; Jack Heenan 205; Jim Ingamells 204; Ricy La-| prade 204; Burpee Harden 204; Tom Marsh 202: Jack Ovens 201; Charlie Corby 201. Ladies with over 180 average were: Rosemary Taylor 194: Doris Quigley 193; Eleanor Ing- amells 191; Doreen West 189: Barbara Goody 185; Marion Eley 184; Pat Hamilton 184; Mary Whitefield 183; June Smith 181: June Watson 181; Julie Ritchie 181. Enjoy ORGAN INTERLUDES By VIC REID At the HAMN OND ORGAN MOTOR HOTEL RESTAURANT Weokond. Dinner. Menu A LA CARTE APPETIZERS | Relish Tray | | | Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Soup du jour Consomme or Grapefruit Juice Tomato Juice Pineapple Island NIGHTLY in the Stanlite. 100M ® HOTEL GENOSHA eo A Exotic speciAL ON 0 Oriental @ DINNERS and ® BANQUETS Canadian © LUNCHEONS Dishes ® CHINESE FOODS TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 19 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA Pan Fried Imported Rainbow Trout, Lemon Butter Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Roast Stuffed Lion of Pork, Dressing Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Our 6-week beginner's course on the éccordion 2 A BARREL OF FUN AND ANTICS! Filmed entirely WITHOUT Army co-operation! OPERATION MAD R-7-\BE varmy JACK LEMMON ERNIE KOVACS "THE YOUNG CAPTIVES" | aaa ess ma comme] PLUS MORE ACTION COLOR by DE LUXE % £3 Continuous From 1 P.M. ALL WEEK! ALLIED ARTISTS presents JOEL McCREA «"THE TCA service is the most popular, Canada ta Europe-- more people fly TCA than by any other airline. Look at the labels for one reason. No other airline offers you such a wide choice of destination-- London, Glasgow, Shannon, Paris, Dusseldorf, Brussels, Zurich and Vienna (new this Si SN See your Travel Agent, Railway Ticket Office or TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES PHONE WAlnut 5-2311 HEADING FOR EUROPE? FLY TCA MOST PEOPLE DOJ May). Only TCA flies you direct from Toronto to Europe, without change of plane! Frequent service--De Luxe, | First Class and Economy class on every flight. $48.56 down ° gets you on your way with TCA's 'Pay later' plan (based on Toronto-London Economy fare, $485.60 round trip). Southern Fried Half Chicken, Corn Fritter Breaded Milk-Fed Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sauce | Broiled Centre-Cut Pork Chops, Apple Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Salad Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown or Creamy Whipped Potatoes Muffins Rolls Butter FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements OSHAWA 57 KING ST. EAST RA 8-6201 Assorted Pies (a la carte) : Frosh Frit allo with Whiped Cream = BOOK THROUGH n TG Oh PTS iy TY Part DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Tea Coffee Milk 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY MO 8-3304 OR RA 5-4831 [ ] NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE ® Steaks a la carte; Porterhouse T-Bone Filet Mignon New York Sirloin (Served with Mushroom Caps) HIGHWAY 401 Bowmanville Cloverleaf | See Your Local MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Thomas Meadows Co. Canada Ltd. - OSHAWA 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Travel Agent A RA 3-94M\