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The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1959, p. 14

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~ LJ | Improper "orifice" size for the ufactured, mixed, liquified petro- HAPPIER KITCHEN oy provision should be made AFRICAN CENTRE type of gas being used may be leum with air, or bottled), "un-| Here are some ideas to remem. (for exhaust fans to take away responsible. |derfeeding" symptoms: develop.|per if you plan a new *'modern|kitchen odors . |. The_tawn of Leopoigeilie, - | "Orifice" -- is the opening at/A gas y rep tative kitchen, Eating dations. The oil-rich sheikidom of Ku. 2 Of the Belgian Congo 'Be Unfeel the burner that regulates the/can correct this condition. \should be large enough for at|wait on the Persian Gulf covers Africa, was founded by the exe | rate of gas flow to the burner in| Insufficient pressure in the gas jeast six people; the kitchen sink|only about 6,000 square miles. |Plorer Henry Stanley in 1871. ) 3 [the appliance. When the orifice|line for the type of gas being can be placed under a window "Underfed appliances" are aig too small for the type of gas|consumed also will produce the go that you can see outdoors; a frequent cause of extra service heing consumed, (natural, man-/same symptoms. "back door leading outside is Salis to ui washers, dryers, Be convenient; a lavatory or reezers and refrigerators, ac- < | cording to the service department half bathroom shouid be nearby, of a manufacturer of home laun-| dry appliances. i | An "underfed appliance" is one| which is not getting its needed , | electricity or gas requirements in g lorder to perform at peak effic-| fency, f For example, her electric dryer #2 'may begin to take longer to fin- [ish a load of clothes than it has in the past . . . the spin cycle speed in the washer may slow| § |down, Within the year, a service-| man has perhaps been at the house two or three times to re- place burned-out units, Compressor motors in the freez- er and the refrigerator seem to run laboriously for longer periods than usual. Fuses begin to blow, On gas appliances, pilot lights go out or burners don't light readily -- full-scale '"'appliance starving" has set in. When ELECTRIC appliances) act up from this cause, the prob- lem usually can be traced to "low voltage'. Frequent causes of low voltage are: 1, Overloaded circuits -- too many appliances all plugged into the same line. . 2. Extension cords too small -- cords aren't heavy enough to carry required amount of volt- age, or are too long. Tue voltage] gets lost and there's a possible| fire danger from overheating due to wire resistance. I 3. Loose, defective, or corrod-| ed. fuses -- poor electrical con--| ° PRODUCTS ductivity at fuse box cuts down | b 0 / 1 LIMITED the voltage getting through. 4. Voltage drop at power com- SPECIALISTS IN CUSTOM PRECASTING | ® PHONE 155 BROOKLIN eo 714 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, April 25, 1959 OF THE WEEK Appliances Ma ET -- FRIENDLY GYPROC WALLBOARD CAVES MONEY! costs less than USED BY & BUILDERS i EVERYWHERE per sq. foot 69 IN YOUR NEW HOME LET US INSTALL ! A WAY OF HEATING THAT WILL TOP THEM Complete financing available. Low payments. Many plans to choose from. For complete details or illus- trated catalogue Phone, COLONIAL HOMES, 134 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. RA 8-8571. Open till eo 9 p.m, yy SET pt, HOME DESIGN No. 253 This tri-level with its unclut- tered wall spaces and floor ,. areas is a comfortable, labor- saving home which every fam- v ily will enjoy. The three levels, A ul divided into work, living and ; DINING | re oN g sleeping areas are planned for Ono4 © X94 - easy traffic circulation. With + the large garage designed for the lower level, the first level includes a separate entry, fire- * place in the living area and a terrace opening off the dining room and kitchen. The plans calls for two bedrooms and a J study which could also be used f 3 ges Lig "as a third sleeping area , . . FASE SE "all including ample closet space Note also the vanitory, partial basement, wide overhang on the exterior plus the lovely planting box. This will truly be "the" home of the neivhhor- he~d. Stan"erd Bui'ders' blue. prints $9.75 a set may be ob- tained for this design No. 253, For further information write to: Builders' Page Editor, The Times, Oshawa. A new Home Planner book entitled "71 Se- lected Low Cost Homes for Canadians, price 75 cents, in- cludes this design and may be obtained at the newspaper of- fice or by writing to this same address. TERRACE PRECAST CONCRETE Saves You Time and Money BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE AL- WAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Current Range of Products include: ® SEPTIC TANKS ® WALK SLABS ® PRECAST STEPS ® CURBINGS ® RAILINGS ® WELL TILE ® PATIO SLABS ® CHIMNEY CAPS W.R. THOMPSON BED 2M. 12-4% 12-1 ui bs 4 mene] - DEN BED aM. 9-6%9F 1%12-8 CANADA'S FINEST COLORED GARDEN GUIDE x x x SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY : 140 PAGES @ 68 COLOUR PAGES e 260 FULL COLOUR PICTURES "HOW" - "WHEN" - "WHERE" - TO PLANT Dozens of drawings and illustrations od Send 50c IN COIN - SEND NOW x * BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERY | » BOWMANYViLLE TELEPHONE MA 3-3345 ONTARIO x 1 * Fk Hk Fk Kk kk kk kk kkk kk * CONCRETE 2%x22-9 1 NO- 253 257 SQ. FT 18,187 CU. FT pany -- sometimes, during peak electric usage periods in the day, power company generators may get overloaded, Usually this silu- ation is promptly corrected by the utility Voltage drops, even it prolong- | |ed, will not ruin an appliance, but | will take their toll in cost of fre.| quent service calls ard higher| Oshawa, Ontario. |electric bills. THE HOME ) ) Please send me further details about how to obtain standard rE ousewile Deters dow voi | WORKSHOP Building blueprints for Home Design No. 253. ficiency -- she should contact her| Plans entitled "71 Selected low cest Homes for Canadians," POWer company representative or| OUTDOOR an electrical contracter. | Here's a simple way to deter- ELECTRIC [Nome COOK TABLE | The Building Editor, The Times, a wonderful way to live . . . FOR BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR PANELING, SPECIFY... beauty and luxury (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times. mine if there is adequate power, ~--priced to invite you veinernasen sesrenanees Besse nauesseatetas ttt tsr ar sstents [to run appliances. Count the number of fuses ine the fuse box to get the number of separate circuits wired into the ~-------vto-- house. Six to eight circuits "are 4/4) |usually adequate, aad eight to o\1)7 ten are even better, | {GAS APPLIANCES SUFFER, TOO Symptoms of gas appliance starving' are frequent pilot- {light outages and difficuity in get-| ting burners to light, ATTRA. MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE Address to the happiness FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN Tr | QUESTION: I have marble|Cement Association, 735 North . window sills low aluminum | Water Street, Milwaukee, for in- windows. In cleafiing the windows|formation; they have complete 1 Joed an alk putgose as cleaner| instructions available for all| * spot the window sill. kinds of cement projects around {By When wet, the sill looks fine: dry |the home y H 3 , can also supply ag yard and pitio he Spots, show up again. What sources for materials Tequired. i ' ? olor is a matter of individual Sot, Jo ystios hoy Sev A bh ANSWER: Rinse marble sur-|preference but depends on the oud to be able to use 2 coffce: face with clear water; then cover|colors available for cement, | maker and other electric equip- Saived area with Shite De Wax VARNISHED WOOD? : tern 448, which show: | QUESTION: We have a new Ment. paters which shOWS 1,4 hydrogen peroxide, covering home with oak panels in den, pd of fine home ownership Be sure . . . it's Kassinger U {J KASSIRGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITE L CRA CALITORNIA REDWOOD fom A IN STOCK NOW how to install these outlets, is 40 cents, This pattern also is in the Aids to Outdoor Dining Packet 58 for $1.75. Address orders to The Home Worshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. | | Ny | Institute of America, with a piece of glass or plastic t0| woodwork and [ retard evaporation. After several| fhe house Ect Dinah hours, remove poultice and sand chen cabinets. All is filled, stain-| with very fine sandpaper, thenleq and varnished: Should we or polish with putty powder. Sug-ishould we not wax? Seems to gest you send 10 cents to Mable be pro's and con's, even among 32 South|pai ! { painters, | Fifth Avenue, Mount Vernon," ANSWER: Su, i | S : ggest usin, al N.Y, for copy of booklet onicream clean-up wax, ay a Care of Marble", nationally known wax manufac- REMOVING METAL TILE turer, and available in house- Jones & Greer : a 1270 SIMCOE Barristers & Solicitors McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. ST. N. -- RA 3-3011 SUPPLIED BY: MILL VALLEY LUMBER CO. LTD. 130 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-6246 QUESTION: What is the best|wares, hardware and variety way to remove metal wall tile, |stores. This leaves a protective so that it can be replaced with|coat on the wood 0 Which ceramic tile? prevents permanent staining of ANSWER: Special adhes-the finish by finger marks; and ives used for applying metal tile,| grease, etc.; makes house clean-| requiring special solvents. Con-|ing a lot easier and less time-| | sult manufacturer, or tile dealer,| consuming. [ or particular solvent recom-|CLEANING ACOUSTIC TILE | ded. Use solvent to soften ad-| QUESTION: We want to clean| One or more of these units will solve your storage prob- fems the year around and will get the lawn-mower, wheel- barrow and tools out of the garage. Pattern 416, which shows every step in the simple outdoor-plywood construction is | 40 cents. This pattern is one of five full-size patterns in the Gardener's Helper Packet No. 27 all for $1.75. Address or- ders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. New Bricks For Buildings SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (AP) -- The triangular brick is a new |hesive, then pry loose. the acoustical ceiling tile in our |IFIREPLACE CONSTRUCTION [recreation room. Vacuuming it QUESTION: Where could we/just removes the dust. Is there| get exacting enough information any way to really clean it with. (with all safety factors pointed out harming the tile? out) to enable us to construct our| ANSWER: The cleaning me- own do-it-yourself conventional in-|thod depends on the type of ma- door firenlace? terial of which the tile is made. ANSWER: National If this is not a fibre tile, general-- i ly it ean be safely wiped with a| Fire Pro- {tection Association, 60 Batter- HAVE HOT |! WATER WHEN WALL-TO-WALL Broadloom INSTALLATIONS A 12 x 18 living room requires 24 square yards of broadloom. We offer complete installa- tion including padding, smooth-edge, and all labor for a room- this size for 211 20 ' [] OR EASY TERMS march street, Boston, 10, Mass., publish a leaflet, priced at 50 |cents, of standards in construc- {tion of chimneys and flues (No. |211). This contains the detailed |information you require, A more general leaflet is that published bv Superintendent of Documents. |Washington, 25, D.C., Farmers' [Bulletin No. 1889, 'Fireplaces land Chimneys," priced at 20 cents. (no stamps). CTRWAKY PLASTIC TILE QUESTION: Removed some moist cloth .and mild soapsuds. | Best check with your tile dealer, first. Try cleaning the tile with| a wallpaper cleaner which is a doughlike material that is rolled] and kneaded (not rubbed) across| the surfaces. This is available at | wallpaper and some hardware dealers. If this doesn't work, sand very lightly and carefully with! '00000 sandpaper. Perforated tile can be coated with thin paint| YOU NEED IT... Water heater inadequate? Let us install one of our large ef- ficient new or rebuilt models. Call us TODAY for free esti- mate! LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. -- RA 5-1044 FOR ONLY s10 A MONTH ROSS E. MILLS COMPANY LIMITED 80 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6218 or enamel, Beautify your home the modern func- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now. i ide: specially for walls|streaks of paint from the plastic DE et Sper tile in our bathroom with paint| oe __Iremover, Now those snots look Made of concrete, the brick gu) and streaky. Is there any was developed by John Mason of way to bring back the origina!| Sacramento, and Donald Davison y,qter? of Long Beach. ANSWER: Rub the damaged The men are engineering spots with powdered pumice and majors at California State Poly-|a damp felt pad, when the streaks technic College. They developed are removed, polish the surface the structural unit as their senior with powdered chalk and a damp project. jot loth. a Thathod is also Each side of the equilateral effective wih scraiches. brick is 11% inches long. With/LADY BUG INVASION wo mortar it becomes 12 inches. | ,QUFSTION: Last year a horder iH of lady bugs invaded a cottage Mason and Davison said pres-\\. have in the woods. They were ent methods for producing they; ouer the sills. Neighbors had brick are limited and somewhat yy "oo problem. 1 know they more than ordinary care must be| yrs supposed to be beneficial, but , used in laying it. lit was just too much of a good George Hasslein, head of the thing. If we are overrun again college's architectural engineer-next year. what can we do? ing department, says he believes) ANSWER: I recommend get the mew brick has "tremendpus ting in touch with the National) possibilities, especially for beau- Pest Control Association, 250 West | tifying walls and patios." Jersev street, Elizabeth, N.J. "Wall architecture is turning| REMOVING FLOOR SHELLAC more to aesthetic values and QUESTION: Our hardwood away from strictly utilitarian | floors are finished with shellac, purposes," Hasslein says. "As a/How can I remove the shellac? : + " limited |I want to refinish the floors. Jesult fh brick has unlimited" /GcWER: The shellac can be . {removed by wiping with dena- Mason said the brick was de- (4 red alcohol. Or it ean be sand- veloped "to provide a variation|oq off with an electric sander. from other bricks on the market. poRMULA FOR BLOCKS Wall strength is comparable to) QUESTION: Can you supply any other and it can be used 10r| re with the formula for mak-| any structure." |ing patio blocks? I am interested | Mason said commercial possi-/in learning what materials are bilities depend on less expensive required, and where they can be) _production methods and the de- purchased? Also, what colors signing of a "corner brick" re- are suitable. quired by California law. Answer: Write to the Portland' SELF STORING DOOR THE ALL NEW WINTER SEAL JAL-O-SEE With 7 Fully Operating Plate Glass Louvres See the new Regalite Door on display You'll Be Sorry... IF you miss the . . . HOME BUILDERS' FAIR (SPONSORED BY THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) COMPLETELY INSTALLED Featuring "YOUR PET JULIETTE" OSHAWA ARMOURIES THURS, APR. 30 - FRI, MAY 1 - SAT, MAY 2 * FUN * PRIZES ¢ EXHIBITS * FAVORS for everyone in our store -- or at our display in the Home Builder's Fair (Armouries) APRIL 30 -- MAY 1-2, 1959 LES EVENISS SALES LTD. AT THE CORNER OF RICHMOND AND SIMCOE ST. N. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632

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