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The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 38-3497 All other calls .,..... RA 83-3474 dhe Oshawa Ti WEATHER REPORT Fog patches again tonight widely scattered showers, Sun- day clear and cooler, : VOL. 88 -- NO. 97 Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY PAGES CUCKOO Pert Mitle Diane Medaty, 5, | one hour ahead tonight. Day- reminds Oshawa residents to gl # | For Margaret ROME (Reuters) -- Princess and went horseback riding, then Margaret today called at the returned to Rome to attend a din-| home of Prince Henry of Hesse ner party Friday night for Mar-| | 'less than three hours before her garet at the palace of Prince Don d "| POPLARVILLE, Miss. (AP) --| eparture from Rome, Aspreno Colonna, head of one of The 31-year-old bachelor prince the oldest Roman families. as escorted Margaret Rome for the last two days. ti mia TEED 12.01 a.m. Sunday. Diane is the | daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Medaty, of 65 Third avenue -Oshawa Times Photo Hght saving time will be offic- jally ushered into Oshawa at set their clocks and watches | 50 PER CENT AGREED Western Powers Map Strategy. On Berlin WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thelforged at m Western big three(lie in Britain's continued insist-|} op; Western allies are reported 50 per| meeting beginning in Paris Wed-|ence on proposing some kind of up barriers to keep the areal Kapono tn tate oan ees cent agreed on what their pro- nesday. » posals and strategy should be! A team of American, British, plan, not necessarily linked to| when they meet with Russia in/French and West German offi- progress in achieving German re-land the crowd, that a blond, | two weeks to discuss the future of cials, however, have failed to re- unification, concile diverging views, particu- Berlin and Germany. Diplomats are confident, how-/larly on European security ever, the remaining 50 per cent/fers, at a meeting which ended in! be resolved London Thursday. of differences will and a united negotiating front of- PRESSING FOR CEILING The British are understood to| be continuing to press for West- The main conflict appears to ern agreement on a plan to ask Russia to accept a ceiling on Provinces Accept Civil Defence Aid OTTAWA (CP) Provincial government representatives have approved a federal offer to fi nance a larger share of their civil defence projects. Following a one-day conference here Friday Health Minister Mon- teith said there is "general agree. ment' on the proposal to increase to 75 per cent from 50 the federal cost share of provincial and mu- nicipal civil defence projects. That arrangement, together with a plan to have the army take over sole responsibility for some civil 'defence jobs, will be put into effect immediately, Mr. Monteith said. ANOTHER MEETING Civil defence planners would "gee how these new ideas pan out" and there probably would be| another meeting before year's end| to reveiew the situation. Representatives of nine prov- inces -- al but Prince Edward Island--attended the closed meet- ing to discuss the proposals first announced in the Commons March 23 by Prime Minister Diefenbaker. The army will take over re sponsibility in a numher of fields fn which up to now provincial and municipal authorites bave been involved. These elude warning of attack, monitor-| ing of radioactive fallout and res- cue of the injured. MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL Provincial authorities will con- nsibic for medi- up in the heart of the capital Fri- tite 1 be Teshu Son and/day and asked about his wife, public in British ballerina Dame Margot Fonteyn. cal and hospital emergency care of the event of disaster. In his Commons statement last troops and weapons in a small area covering both parts of East |and West Germany. | American, West German and |French authorities are reported |insisting that any such plan be {tied to step-by-step progress in {merging the Western and Com- |munist zones of Germany into a {single democratic nation, MAJOR POINTS | Diplomats representing the |four allies, however, appear to have agreed on these main | points: | hoa erning yo the . allied positions in West Berlin. must be negotiated|low-rent, yow-type housin 'only with the understanding the| |arrangements in no way alter the allies' existing legal right to be They danced together at a ball he {in her honor Thursday and Mar- garet did not leave the party un-| (they) 1 5:30 am, around Italian newspapers speculated about a romance. But a friend of prince denied these reports! said: "It is only natural should get on "well to- gether, He is the only young man| and | Near Castro intend to hurt people," he police bomb squad estimated| school for retarded children at the bomb had an effective radius| Pickering near Toronto park. A wall of police separated him central European arms control clear, |crew-cut young man wearing a| the attitude of children to each Any new arrangements gov- ed between federal and provin-|cause of lesser interest rates and Friday the prince and princess of royal blood in Rome and they went on a carefree outing to the speak the same language." Viterbo area 40 miles north of Said anoth f i Th Rome. They had a picnic lunch ail an oF Arlen: 8 . _ |prince is young and he has so far given no indication of wanting to Youth Seized get married. He seems already, to be a confirmed bachelor." After the dinner at the Colonna {Palace there was dancing. The {Music continued until early to- day. A palace employee said Margaret danced frequently with With Explosive Mis. | NEW YORK (AP) Police! Margaret and Henry always seized a young man carrying a/have been accompanied by| homemade bomb Friday night as|friends. Six went along on Fri-| he tried to climb a barrier 200/day's outing. feet from where Fidel Castro was| | , OFFICERS of the CNR fire- | Ottawa today. Here Claude | | men's union, threatening a | Jodoin (left) CLC presid BANDITS ENTER COURT KIDNAP NEGRO SUSPECT Awaited Trial {| On Rape Charge Poplarville is about 50 miles Masked and hooded men broke, northeast of New Orleans. /into the Pearl River courthouse| Parker was accused of forcing 'early today and seized M. C.|his way into a stalled automobile | Parker, 23-year-old Negro await- where the 24-year-old woman and ing trial on charges of raping a|her five-year-old daughter sat last young white mother, Feb, 24 while her husband went Hours later there was no clue for help. Liquor Raid | Bloodstains marked the path] where Parker was dragged from his second floor cell, down a flight of stairs, along a tiled cor- ridor and onto the curb where he Iwas sped away in a car. The other prisoners--five Ne- goes and four whites--said nine or 10 men came into the jail. One 'man had a pistol. They could hear others in the adjoining courtroom. In Ajax On = : Fishermen {one of the men told a prisoner.| AJAX (Staff)--Eleven smell [*"There are 200 or 300 men out- fishermen, including 10 from side." |Toronto, were charged with file. a |gal possession of liquor follow. POSSE SEARCHES AREA ing a raid on their cars by Ajas | A posse of 100 or more men police Friday night. | quickly began searching the area.| A total of 216 bottles of beer | The highway patrol sent units|and one bottle of liquor was [from its Jackson and division seized by Ajax Chief Constable {headquarters at Gulfport. The Howard Trades and four com {FBI also was notified. {stables, The men will answes The s wore black/charges in Ajax Police Couri haut talks to W. E. Gamble, vice president for Canada of the firemen. addressing a huge rally in Cen-| | May 1 stri ains 'NR, | a Pare "| PICKERING BELL | 2 faire afin the, S30 ey quoted the young man as| HELPS CHILDREN saying later that he intended to Labor Congress, Hold, talks in { ment. | SMITHS FALLS (CP) -- A touch off the bomb 'for excite. "It was just for kicks, I didn't| melodious doorbell started a he said.| new life for children at the Starr Will Meet CNR Firemen Mrs T JF Wheeler at the Ontario. Association for Re- in Fn pal into hit parade tunes with syn- copated beats which are played from the crowd in front, and 5nce a week to the children nd the shell police had set She reported these results: ister Starr is to meet the presi-|ject Friday in the Commons. Bene Shou Sule Somes. sie ome men's yi ls day in an attempt to avert the| bet A Mr, Gamble and firemen's strike called for May Claws Sodas president of - the . parent Canadian Labor Congress, It was learned here Friday it Was predicted Mr. Jodoin night that Mr. Starr proposed the| Would ask the federal govern- {meeting to CNR President Don-/Ment to get the union and the lald Gordon and W. E. Gamble, |Tailway back into negotiations to Canadian vice-president of shejScitle the dispuie ever Whether yard and freight diesels. shyness and nervousness, im- proved physical co - ordination and greater unselfishness in It was here, unknown to Castro pale blue windbreaker and cotton| other. pants tried to climb over a bar. rier into the enclosed space. | ~CP Wirephoto | ONTREAT Or. oe Nil Vid, Give Veoh ihe te" od stocking masks or white hoods. May 4, All wore white cotton gloves. | The raid came on the heels of Bill t, county pr ti laints that smelt fishermen of ng a attorney, said the men broke were believed of Rotary' for through a window and entered making a mess the office of Sheriff W. 0. Moody, | Beach 3 disc . forced a drawer and got the jail and trash while fishing. = + as only pa AC om the jail heard commo-|clear up this unholy mess. tion and notified Moody who There was broken glass in and {rushed to the scene but found out of the water and the beach [positing wi have to be Hhoteughly Sloat. before it can open a NO SIGNS OF TROUBLE | bathers. 'It was not safe to park Stewart said there was no Indi- down there", said the chief. cation that trouble was brewing.| Charged were John D., McCall The sheriff notified Governor Howard E. Thornton, Rona'd . 'P. Coleman. |Ransome, Wilfred J. Kelly, Rob- "If T had had any indication at|ert L. Ward, William Mitchell, all that this sort of thing would William Pike, Edmond Doucette, happen, we would have taken ap- Rosaire Doucette and John D, propriate steps," the governor Wilking, all of Toronto and n said. |A. Meckie, Ajax. \ x . 2 However, a st by Mr. Jodoin said only: "We have a very complete re- port from the representatives of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (CLC) with regard to their dispute with the CNR. W< are pleased to have this information for presentation to the executive committee and executive council of our congress, {which will be meeting in Ottawa {next week." i The two groups, which make 50 FAMILIES New Housing Project Gets Nod For Oshawa The Hon. Michael Starr, Minis- said, the rentals will be $20 to|ment deals with the city council| =. ter of Labor, last night announced|$30 per month lower than for sim-| project which is nearing fina) | Policy for the 1,000,000-member that agreement has been reach-|ilar accommodation elsewhere be-| planning stages. |congress, have scheduled meet. |" She added, "The decision as to|(ings between Monday and Thurs- {what type of homes will be built|day. The strike deadline is mid- [rests in part with council. We [night Thursday -- the moment Lev have been assured by the Pro- when the CNR says it will insti- On the subsidized units, he yincial Department of Planning| tute a conciliation board report said, the province will be in aland Development we will have|calling for gradual elimination of cial officials on construction of a/longer amortization. g proj- g ect for Oshawa which will provide RECOVER COSTS accommodation for 50 families in the low income brackets. . x Seaway Project 'Opened To Traffic MONTREAL (CP) -- The St. nadian-owned eargo ships started Lawrence Seaway, a project de-/to move towards Montreal. bated by politicians for half a| Although no formal ceremonies century and completed by 15,000 were planned, hundreds of per- | workers in five years, today was sons got up early to watch the |opened to shipping traffic of the first ships pass through the Mont~ | world. real end of the seaway. They | Shortly after 8 a.m. EST the|gathered mainly along the sea- ice - breaker D'Iberville, laden/way bank near St. Lambert, {with government officials, parlia- across the St. Lawrence River mentarians, seaway officials and|from Montreal. there, The British are reported to; Mr, Starr 'made the announce- position to recover 7% per cent something to say about the type firemen on the yard and freight | newspaper men, moved in to the|' Overhead planes and helicop lave accepted the view that any [new international status would be|the Ontario Riding Progressiv no safer than the one now exist-| ing which is based on their war-| jtime right of conquest 2. No detailed draft peace| treaty will be offered the Soviets. | State department officials had) |proposed this, but the idea has| {been discarded in favor of pro- ius (posing a set of about a dozen, (principles which would be later MINISTER MONTEITH Itranslated into a detailed treaty, Dancer's Husband Flees To Embassy PANAMA CITY (AP)---Aristo- Latour is negotiating on behalf 4150! erate Roberto Arias gave the of Arias, who is the son of a for- slip to government troops hunt- mer presidedt of Panama and ing him and then, from a haven himself a former ambassador to lin the Brazilian Embassy, |Realed for safe passage into ex- e . ap- Britain, | With Arias at the embassy ' 3 were two young students accused | The 41-year-old Arias showed ,¢ being members of his rebel | band. They also sought safe eon: duct to Brazil. : The dancer learned of her Pan- ian husband's safety in Lon- month Mr. Diefenbaker indicated! the army may seek the aid of various local auxiliaries to ¢ out its assignments don. She was expelled from Pan arry ama Wi after 24 hours in jail. Pickering Man In Top Post | 'ednesday and flew home President Ernesto de la Guar- {the project would cost well over Works, who also spoke at Whitby {a half-million dollars. [ment at the annual meeting of [to Pay on its 25 per cent share of and design. "These homes must diesels as well as wage increases e [those units, be in keeping with the standard and other concessions. entrance of the seaway just be- ters, many carrying photograph {low Montreal's Jacques Cartier ers, flew up and down the seaway Bridge. as the flotilla slowly moved om Conservative Assoiation in the| Mr. Starr said that Hon. How-|of the houses in the area', she! THOUGHT FOR TODAY | Behind the powerful D'Iberville ward. was a fantastic flotilla of flag-| DETROIT (AP)--Water levels bedecked canallers, freighters, of the Great Lakes are a vexing, Whitby town hall. He said that ard Green, Minister of Public|said. | The development will be loca-| [last night, has given assurance ted in southeast Oshawa, north "Need will be the outstanding that the project will get under|of Highway 401. | Another trouble with the test of suitability for tenants in way in the very near future.| Rents will probably be in the] world is that there are so this project," he said. Ald. Christine Thomas, chair-|$65 to $75 range or less, said many people in it who will The Hon. William Nickle, On-iman of city council's low-rest/Mrs. Thomas." They will be| 44 anything for money ex- tario Minister of Planning and housing committee, said Mr. based on one-fifth of the family | cept work for it. {tankers and tugs. An estimated|and sometimes costly, problem. |70 ships were waiting to move| Damages to shore installations {through the new waterway. {by high water in 1952 - 1958 And at Ogdensburg, N.Y. the|amounted to $85,000,000 along western end of the seaway, 19 Ca-! Development, represented the Starr's announcement was pre-|income." province in the discussions lead- mature, ing to the agreement, he said.| «qu. area has not evem been COST SHARED sub-divided yet", she said, 'City Mr, Starr explained that under council -has to approve the de- Section 36 of the National Housing|velopment and then enter into Act, the cost will be shared be-| agreement with the federal and tween Ontario and the federal provincial governments government, on a 25-75 basis, with 'Once approved by the federal Central Mortgage and Housing|and provincial governments," putting up the larger share. she added, "the plan will be He said that of the 50 units to submitted to council for final be built, 220i be subsidia an approval." the other wi e in the cate-| gory known as full recovery| MADE MOTION units, The subsidized units will] Mrs. Thomas pointed out she be reserved for low income famil- made a motion in city council jes, he said. [to investigate low-rental housing In the full-recovery units, he a year ago. Mr. Starr's announce. LATE NEWS FLASHES Soviets Deny Khrushchev's Illness MOSCOW (Reuters) Soviet officials today categori- Say denied Western press reports that Nikita Khrushchev Two Youths Killed In Crash He also said the RCMP will ad-| 4,0 * 3r told reporters Friday minister special assistance to 10-|y04 new evidence links her with cal authorities in seiiing up ar-\the rehels and Panama may seek rangements for traffic controllper extradition "if the evidence and other police jobs during War.lwe are collecting against her! |proves sufficient." BRAMPTON (CP)--Two youths from nearby Georgetown were killed today when their car crashed head-on with a truck on Highway 10 about two miles south of this Toronto- area town. Dead are Daniel Smith, 16, driver of the car, and passenger Charles Walker. OPP Squad Raids For Liquor BOWMANVILLE = A fiveman OPP rading squad seiz- ed a haul of beer and liquor late Friday night when it swooped down on smelt fishermen in the Newcastle area Charges will be laid for having liquor in plates other than residences and illegal possession, said Cpl. Gordon M. Keast, chief of the Bowmanville detachment of the OPP. He said approximately 18 men will be charged. OTTAWA (CP)--C, Arthur An- nis, native of Pickering, and a graduate of the University of Toronto, was promoted to direc- tor 3 the Suande deparvments |atariff section Friday (In London, the British indi- The 50-year-old economist, al CITY EMERGENCY lan that any efforts to bringimember of the civil service for| PHONE NUMBERS the ballerina back to Panama'2g years, succeeds George H.| would get nowhere.) Glass who recently was ap- POLICE RA 1133 The Panamanian foreign min- pointed a vice-chairman of the LICE 5-113 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 istry agreed to study the request Canadian tariff boarc HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 of her husband for a safe con- Mr. Annis previously was an| |duct permit to go to Brazil. | economist in the department's in-{ Brazilian ambassador J or g e/ternational affairs division. hp) -- Ea ail hi TE EAR oi rs THE MINISTER of Public | Works and the Minister of Labor both spoke in Whitby town hall on Friday night at the annual meeting of the On TIENT, tario Riding Progressive Con- | servative Associa'ion shown above, The Hon, Howard Green, left, Minister of Public Works, chats with Norman Down, of Oshawa, centre, president of | have been acreed upon for a the a sociation, and the Hon. | lo mit to he Michae! Starr, Minister of La- | built in Oshawa shortly, with bor. During the meeting, Mr. | federal and provincial capital. Starr announced y that plans --Oshawa Times Phote a.

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