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The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1959, p. 3

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ie i ------ i etre ede a EE s CL i ------ er we in the ge the Niagara Falls district a THIS GIANT CACTUS is just | house. This one of the many thousands of | all the rest will shortly be plants being cultivated by the | planted in Oshawa's many Oshawa Board of Parks Man- | parks. It is most unusual for agement in its private green- | this type of cactus to bloom. | plant along with THIS OLD STREET sign, used in Oshawa around the turn of the century, is the only one of it's kind left in the city, It is said to have stood at the | It only happens seven years. It will probably be placed in the centre of a flower bed in front of city hall according to parks officials. once every Rochester Scouts Pay Men's Group Annual Visit To City A group of 52 Boy Scouts from Thursday night and continued on Rochester, New - York, arrived their journey to Oshawa Friday.| here Friday afternoon, They are, They arrived at St. George's the guests of the 7th Oshawa|Parish Hall, Centre street, at 4 troop and will stay for the week-/p.m. Friday. Among the many end. activities that the boys will par- The scouts from Rochester left/ticipate in are bowling, a dinner their homes at 9 a.m. Friday, lat the Oshawa Airport Recrea- arriving in Oshawa at 4 p.m.[tion Hall at 1 p.m. today and a Friday and leave for home Sun-/church parade. day afternoon. The troops are The scouts were welcomed at known as 152nd and 252nd Roch-|the dinner by Ald. Gordon At- ester Troops. |tersley, on behalf of His Worship This '"'Across the Border" ex-/Mayor Lyman A Gifford and change has been an annual event the City of Oshawa, and Dr. I since 1946. Alton Dunk, former Metcalfe, president of the Osh- scoutmaster of the 7th Oshawa awa Boy Scout Association. Guest wore entertained Friday evening! should be 1 Troop, was responsible for this speaker was Alton Dunk, former exchange. Troop. ca ED ON WAY Scoutmaster Ray Leonard and t Because there are 52 boys, It|his scouts from Toronto will was necessary to have some of supply the entertainment, includ- the older boys travel by station/ing a boys' harmonica band. while the rest travelled/ » the scouts will attend church services at St. George'sit scoutmaster of the 7th Oshawa; 1 guests at Toronto. wagon, visit have been taken care of by by chartered bus, Those trav I ATTEND CHURCH {Scoutmaster 'Holds Supper The Presbyterian Men's Group of Knox Presbyterian Church held its second supper meeting Tuesday evening, April 21, with men in attendance. Jack Taylor was chairman of the meet- Anglican Church and St. Greg ory's Roman Catholic Church at 11 a.m. The Rochester scouts are trav-|. "~ elling under the leadership of ng Scoutmaster ~ Hill Swift and| Following supper, R. Miners Group Committee man "Chuck" and P. Gilbert, who are represer McMary. The visitors have been tatives to East Toronto Prefby- billeted to the homes of the 7th tery Council, answered a number Oshawa troop scouts, and some Of questions regarding the organ- of the boys will stay in the homes izaton and program of Presby of the Oshawa Troop scouts/terian Men which had come up under Scoutmaster Ronald Pine,|at the previous meeting. who has volunteered to help the! There was discussion regarding 7th troop on this occasion the undertaking of projects by the Leaders of the Rochester scouts group. It was decided that this eft to the executive to 25 t the home of Mr and Mrs, decide, James Allen and will be Simul An election of officers was held this evening of the 7th ih A Dancey presiding. The roop leaders at the "Guild Inn |following executive was yo |to hold office for on ar: Presi- arrangements for theljens A. Griffith: 2 Yo W G. vice-president, Tay- er a ; secretary, ¥ i"CRuck ; treasurer, V, Harvey. ard |) on. and the leaders of the 7th Oshawa ¥ ! The date of the next meeting roop. - P -- (was set for Tuesday, May 19 The meeting closed with the TV Vocalist To Open Home Fair It was reported today that plans for the 1959 Home Builders' Fair, presented by the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce, are now almost finalized. The fair is being held in the Oshawa ; Armories April 30, May 1 and 2. | Juliette, well known television vocalist, will officially open the fair on the evening of Thursday, April 30 when a large crowd is expected to attend. Lucky door prizes have been provided and every person com- ing to the fair is promised a favor which will be handed out at the door. The Home Builders' Fair is de- signed for people who are build- ing. Ideas concerning exterior and interior decoration will be on dis- play as well as the most modern ideas for the home. PREVIEW SCIENCE General Motors Preview of Progress, an unusual and inter- esting scientific show, is sched- uled to be presented at the fair at 3 p.m. Saturday, May 2. his is the first open showing of this show in Oshawa in several years. The two men who conduct the show are both from Oshawa. Participants in the fair are planning exhibits which will prove most interesting and eye-catch- ing. Much time has been spent by these exhibitors on the plan- ning of their displays, some of which case coming direct from the National Home Show. Juliette, who has been appear- ing on CBC television since 1954, will sing some of the more popu- lar songs of the day during her stage appearance at the fair on Thursday night NATIVE OF WINNIPEG A native of Winnipeg, she took = Since 1954 she has been a fea- part in amateur shows there. tured artist on Holiday Ranch With her parents she moved to'and the Billy O'Connor Show. | | JULIETTE Vancouver in 1937. In 1940, when she was 13 years of age, her sing- ing at a high school rally at- tracted the interest of orchestra- leader, Del Richards, who en- gaged her to sing with his or- chestra at the Hotel Vancouver. Two years later, Juliette first sang on a CBC radio network pro- gram, When she was 16, she came to Toronto as featured vocalist on the Alan Young Show. During the Second World War, she travelled across Canada entertaining troops and singing at bond ral- lies. She also made recordings with Mart Kenney for rebroad cast to Canadian armed forces| overseas, Trio Has | Truck Driver Close Call | Is Injured A 35yearsid motile Walter Sawyer, 28, a truck and two Toronto passengers . 40 driver of RR 3, Oshawa, was a miraculous escape from serious knocked unconscious Friday night injury, or possible death, early in a freak accident that occurred) today when a westbound 1953 while he was driving his truck sedan went out of control and left near the 3 three miles north of Highway 401, near Ajax, and roll- Village ed over several times. . : i Sawyer's truck did not leave the The driver was Robert Briggs. road but he was struck on the Miss Ingrid Baier, 19, and Miss head by a five-pound piece of| Denise Cantin, 19, were the pas-| stone that crashed through the| sengers. {windshield as he attempted to| All three were released fromfpass a second truck Ajax and Pickering General Hos-| Friction from the wheel of the pital after treatment for face and second truck, police sav, sent the head cut | The accident éctured stone spinning into (he air | Pickering "Igervice at Brooklin church was Pickering golf course, {benediction by Rev. R. B..Mil-| | Toy. | CELEBRATING hs th EGE of King and Simcoe where it was knocked over hy a ladder truck' from the--at that time volunteer fire ~ department, racing | corner streets around the corner to get to a fire, For some reason it was then taken to Alexandra Park . PREPARATION OF OSHAWA PARKS FOR THE SUMMER REQUIRES MUCH HARD LABOR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, April 25, 1959 3 GEORGE WILSON, OSHA- | Alexandra Park was the cen- | certs, WA Board of Parks Manage- | tre of activity on a Sunday af seems to be ment employee, remembering the good old where it has stood ever since. | days when this bandstand in | came to listen to the band con- | rms' ows Mr, Wilson says the bandstand has been unused now for more than 30 years. --Oshaya Times Photos. | ternoon and all the people Mother Says 22 Men Labor In The HerSonls City's 22 Park Areas | Car Crazy | This spring like every spring, spring park-cleaning chores, All Woodland Heights Horticultural the Oshawa Board of Park Man-|the neighborhood park associa-|Park, The board is in the pro A mother, appearing in court/agement has embarked upon ations have deluged the office with|cess of gradually building this on behalf of her son, charged mammoth crusade with car theft, told His Worship and beautify the city's parks. Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs Friday . 5 Much of the work, to be done] that "he goes out and drinks and by local employees, consists of when he drinks he goes crazy'..|pepairing the ravages of a long, Thomas Beek, 19, Mary St., was|and particularly hard, winter. remanded to April charge. Dennis Doucette testified that he had driven his father's car to| work and parked it in Fittings SPECIAL LECTURER 27 for sen-| tence. He pleaded guilty to thee suits as raking, painting, cutting grass, pruning. bushes and tend je trees. | Ltd. parking lot, April 17, He said] In order to accomplish the task that when he came to get it, it|the board has employed 22 men was gone. Doucette claimed that to look after the city's 24 parks The greater part, however, will| directed towards such How spiritual healing brings there was $245 damage to the car between now and September. true joy and freedom will be after it was recovered. the topic of a lecture on Chris- | gat of detectives William Jor- tian Science to be given in Osh- |dan, testified that the car was awa next Tuesday evening by [recovered in Bowmanville follow- Francis William Cousins, of ing an accidents He said Manchester, England, Mr, Cou- [Beck told him, in a statement; he sins will speak in the McLaugh- (used silver paper in the ignition lin Public Library Theatre at the invitation of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa. His subject will be Christian Sci- | ence, The Pathway of Spirit. ual Healing. BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- ' PANEL DISCUSSION one year. "He is car crazy," she ways fixing them and even fixes| them for his friends free of |charge." dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days this weekend. Those who celebrate today are: Mrs. Sheila Dobby, 501 Crerar avenue; Keith Ellis, RR 1, Bowmanville; Linda Lee Cooper, 69 Avenue street; Sylvia Valentine, 1462 Trem- bley street; Wayne Thomp- son, 499 Louisa street; Brian Kidd, 81 Grassmere; Maurice Proctor, 835 Mary street; Guy Williams, 164 Roxbor- ough avenue; Mrs, Emily Parker, 221 Burk street Those who celebrate on Sunday are: Margaret Pow- ell, 1376 Simcoe street north; Paul O'Keefe, 577 Shakes- peare avenue; Mrs. Edward Hill, 736 Sommerville avenue; Douglas Proctor, 835 Mary street; C. B. R. Bailey, 786 Masson street; Mrs. Clare Anderson, 143 Colborne street east The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The current attraction is Walt Disney's "The Shaggy Dog". Reports . on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 am Meeting Concerted action can conquer mental illness. The provincial divisions and lo- cal branches of the Canadian Mental Health Association are working to mobilize a National Citizen's Army Against Mental Illness. They are seeking thous ands of members. Théy need tens of thousands of dollars The focal point of this effort is the mental health campaign. In Oshawa, a meeting will be held in McLaughlin library at 8 p.m. Monday, April 27. This meeting will take the form of a panel discussion with some audience participation. There will also be a film following a mental patient, in a Montreal hospital, through breakdown and recovery. PARAMOUNT PROBLEM Mental health is Canada's pri- mary problem, In a 1957 survey, it was disclosed that on one day, one of every 252 Canadian resi- dents, was in a mental institution, The cost of mental institutions . was 85 million dollars that year Federal grants amounted to only WMS Service 7 million dollars. | | Yet the outlook is hopeful. ». | Patients, on the average, in At Brooklin 11957, experienced a shorter per- iod of stay than those in 1947. An increasing number of volun- By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT tary admissions indicates public] BROOKLIN -- Sunday morning acceptance of institutional treat- ment and a desire by individuals to receive treatment at an early stage. One third of all 1957 "first ad- missions" was accounted for by 27 psychiatric units in general hospitals, Almost all were volun- conducted by the WMS. Mrs. Aylesworth, of the Ontario La- dies' College, Whitby, was. the speaker, She welcomed a group of CGIT. Mrs. Aylesworth said| she was one of the first group of CGIT organized in Canada. tary. Assisting at the service was, In 1947 these psychiatric units Mrs. E. Kay, president of the|did not exist, Afternoon Auxiliary, and Mrs, | ---- Mental Health to the court by Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall. "In six months, he | has accumulated quite a driveag {record," said Mr. Hall. The court learned that in June, 1958, he had his licence cancelled for three years and in July, 1958, his li- cence was suspended for six Theme SHORTAGE OF STAFF | His Worship explained that Although it is recognized there "his record could not have been is still a shortage of trained per- produced during the July trial, sonnel in mental hospitals, the staff to patient ratio increased | per re ©] geal Pupil Is Honored A substantial part of the men- tal illness problem could be solv- ed if people got early and ade- quate treatment There is also a definite need for more staff, more equipment, " 10s more space and more money for BERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich, research David L. Russell, son of Mr, and Two members of Monday Mrs. George Russell of Oshawa, night's panel will be J. D. N.|was recently named to the honor| Griffin, medical director, nation- roll of Emmanuel Missionary Col- al office, CMHA and Paul Babar-|lege, Berrien Springs, Mich. ik, a trained psychologist, super-| To make the honor roll, stu- intendent of manpower evalua-|gents must carry a minimum tion and research at General Mo-|n1acs load of 12 hours and main- tors of Canada Ltd. . tain a grade-point average of 2.6 Others on the panel will be to 8.0, (3.0 is an "A" and 2.0, a Miss Madeline Kelly from the "B" y Fortydwo EMC student hoard of education and Dr. J.| oo' oo the Ronor roll pi Sweet from the Ontario Hospital, the end of the first semester. Whitby, Murray P. Johnston, a ta PH : local business man, will act as A Junior majoring in mathe- moderator and general chairman Matics at Emmanue! Missionary | for the meeting college, Russell was elected vice- Besides stimulating interest in president of the Mathematics club mental health for the community, this year; and he was named to it is hoped that at the meeting|participate in the Honors Con. an Ontario County and City of vocation this spring. Oshawa Branch of the OMHA - oan be formed. _.______ |notice Friday of a resolution pro-| posing the establishment of such CBC COMMITTEE la Sommitiee. The committee OTTAWA ' (CP) -- Tne OBC|¥omd "consider radio and televi- Montreal producers' strike and} SlO8 broadcasting along with the the question of second television CB annua. report, its pera: stations in major cities are two tons policies, aims, expendi- A lengthy record was produced|-- probable topics for discussion in tures, revenues and development, 15 PERMANENT MEN Only 15 of these men are per manent staff, the rest are taken i are among the types of|facing the men trying to wmmer| used, most Rn that on jor the spring and si er parks for Herbert Bathe, parks superin to start the car, He also sad that|tendent, supplies an estimate to/ c "sic Beek stated he was heading for|city council each year for the Curiously enough Highway 401, but never got there. funds with which to operate. This 4 Beek's mother, Mrs. Georgina |estimate is based on last year's Beek, told His Worship that her|costs with consideration given 10|so1q tree to develop sufficient son has only been drinking for|planned expansion. Last year's budget was $183,- | stated. "'He loves cars, and is al-/000, of this $15,000 was spent on gardening expenses. The scraping of baseball dia- monds is high on the -------------------------------- ance of their grounds, {| Shannon Chapman Ferren, of {|Ebbs Friday, was sentenced to| | |seven days in the county jail on a | |charge of drunk driving. He was | (assessed the costs of the court, CANCER EXECUTIVE Joseph J. Barnicke, co-chair- man of the Canadian Cancer Society Campaign for the On- tario Division, will be the guest speaker at the weekly Kiwanis Club luncneon meeting on Tues- day. This year, as in past, members of the wanis Club, will participate in a door-to-door canvass on be- half of the Canadian Cancer Society. A.former RCAF flying instructor, "Joe' Barnicke join- ed the Gibson Bros. ganization in 1956 as a vice- president. He now has his own | real estate business, specializ- ing in shoppng centres and in- dustrial "developments but his | major hobhv is promoting the work of the Canadian Cancer Society. to prepare|calls for diamond scraping. Oshawa Ki- | Ltd. or- | the Commons broadcastng com-| mittee, Revenue Minister Now- lan, who reports to Parliament | 'on broadcasting, gave formal Gordon Hunter, president of Eve- ning Auxiliary. Rev. S. J. Hillier| dedicated the offering and the senior choir provided special] music directed by organist, Mrs. NOTICE Fred Brown. The 1st Brooklin Boy Scouts under Scoutmaster Mathew Agar, will hold a church parade Sun- day, April 26. Proceeding from the Township Hall at 1045 a.m, the troop will march to Brooklin United Church for the morning service. The board of stewards will| meet in the Sunday schoolroom of | Brooklin United Church Wednes-| day, at 8 p.m. Christian Family Day services will he observed Mar 10 at Brook lin United Church. Junior choir INCOME TA BUSINESS RA 5-0397 X RETURNS | PREPARED BY BOB CLANCY'S | ONTARIO ACCOUNTING SERVICE | 107 Simcoe St. S. 18 4 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA Just West of Ontario Motor Sales) RESIDENCE RA 3-7605 MEDICAL PHARMACY "Your Prescription Centre" DELIVERY o RA 8-6277 (Across from Memorial Park) about one-quarter mile east of Sawyer is in good condition in will provide music, directed by 's Bay about 2 a.m. 'the Oshawa General Hospital. |leader, Mrs. Kenneth Holliday. | park up. They plan more flower bed Among the Pusiest of the|a" walks as well as shrubber; board's staff are those who work Nd rock gardens, in the green house rented by the| The men are constantly re | board. {pairing damage inflicted on par! There are more than 3000|ProPerty by children, The great | GREENHOUSE og | quare feet of flowers, plants and St destruction by the children & {the damage they do to small freshly planted trees. Mr. Bathe said that last yem there were more than 30 new {shrubs under cultivation in the |greenhouse, for use in Oshawa's parks, | Eight hundred geraniums and {5000 carpet bedding plants are only two of the many species of flowers and plants among the thousands planted annually, .| Begonias, and even coleous An idea of the size of the , is a type to as bedding. Th 5 used to/ing Alexandra park, make symetrical designs in flo- It covers 25 acres and contain {four softball diamonds, om the 208d hardball diamond, one, quarter ees. mile track, one, half-mile track la soc field, a grandstand am |ly from a seedling to be planted several horse barns, . FR planted" Mr. Bathe said that this yes | Among their other duties, the|there would be no public bench [staff of the board assists the es placed in city parks by hi [various fire departments in the department because they hat |propogates its own takes about five years for a coni- list of city with the care and mainten. (learned in the past that childres are too apt to destroy or defac | them, |PEVELOP NEW PARK The biggest park in the city o One of the big objectives of Oshawa is Lakeview Park. Thii the crews this spring will be occupies 44 acres and has mon ------ than 400 picnic benches. Fiw men are working there now h an effort to get it ready for th first visitors, Oshawa has often been calle the city of parks. Citizens cay be proud of this and of the beau ty of the many parks, but the credit must go to all the me who labor. sg unceasingly # make them so, IAA ---------------- WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 Albert St., RA 8.0311 Res. RA 3.7550 Open Thurs, Fri, Sat. Jail Driver Seven Days |{Toronto, by Magistrate F. S. or an additional seven days and fined $10 and costs or 10 days, sentence tp run consecutive, on a {charge of having no drivers' li- cence. Ferren pleaded guilty to the |charges. Ferren's vehicle was found in the ditch, at the intersection of {Highway 401 and Brock road in Pickering township, at 6.05 p.m.,| April 23, | BUEHLER hy 12 KING ST. E. -- RA 3-3633 ° _- Meat Specials! Mon. Only! SIRLOIN AND WING STEAKS ib. 79 BEEF 2 lbs. 85¢ CLUB STEAKS Ib. 59¢ TENDER LEAN

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