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The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1959, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturady, April 25, 1959 ' Fo SENTENCE COMMUTED : a AJAX TEEN TOPICS Former Minister [gypRTRE GUIDE |.07ors,c urs os en Will Contin Elected Chairman | =r 0 0, er Arn Chapman, wack lsh fall ONINUG. |Log i tol E5ses sor i . D. Howe, former federal trade "* 2.30, 5.40, 8.55 p.m, - School Dances i=" me) fmm & wd%l Enjoy ORGAN INTERLUDES as ed chairman of the] ~~ s |board of Ogllvie Flour Mills Co, [Brock (Whitby) -- "Good Day By VIC REID AJAX~The schoo) dance was bers teach newcomers the funda- 1d, Jur a 208 b Fu. well attended, a ful. \mentals of the game. " a .35 p.m. School . activities, especially MODEL UN ASSEMBLY pe succeeds the late Gordon R.| 1.4 complete show 8.20 p.m. At the HAMMOND ORGAN |dances, have now arriv al e pi i point where the attendance is re-| Last weekend two members of ive, i$ ilo 2liaieman of Make - 2 hative Seahawk NIGHTLY in the presentative of the number of stu-| Ajax High School United Nations 1re aay Eten] o. 3 Co .30, .25, ; .m. : dents at the school. The soirkiClub: made 9 trip to Bulfslo a8'es" yautrea) 4.45, 7.30, 1030 p.m. Last com' '2> ROOM calles pa a group students ' eh now are eager to do things. |who attended a model United Na- Plete show at 8.35 p.m. The Student Council became tions Assembly as guests of the ering, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman. P18 "Remarkable Mr. Pen- o HOTEL GENOSHA quite discouraged with the attend Buffalo Council on World Affairs. |yijie and Peterborough | nypacker" (adult) 2:00, 3:50, ance at previous school dances, "AN J ! 85.45, 7.35, 9.30 p.m. Last com- INVITED TO PLAY In "A" class, a member of plete show 9 p.m hold a trial dance Se sued BD whether it, The Senior Band has been in-[the Ajay Club, Gary Hill, won was worthwhile and profitable to| vited to Whitby High School mext|the championship. Regent -- Walt Disney's "The continue to hold dances. | week to present a program. Mem-| Pickering High School won the| Shaggy Dog" 2.00, 4.50, 7.00, Since then turnouts have im. | bers of the band have been busy overall title, and Ajax placed] 9.30 p.m. Last complete show proved steadily, so there is now | this year, travelling around to the third in the standings. at 9.00 p.m. 20 question of eliminating the various schools of the district 30 ue | presenting such programs. | The next major event for which [NEW CLUB {the band is practicing is the an- A new club has been introduced nual cadet parade to be held at Ajax High to further intellec-| at Pickering High School, and at k i tual pursuits. A chess club under which the Ajax School Band has 1 the guidance and sponsorship of been asked to participate in the -- Mario Martinelli will hold meet-|past two years. ings regularly every week. BADMINTON CHAMP RETARDED CHILDREN'S DANCE WINNER ee vamout resulted | Alax High School badminton P. R. Templin of 29 Brown- | ation dance in Ajax Friday eve- | ceeds of the dance of $700 will |The club started with the aim of Shi took part, .S phe Subual ing avenue, Toronto, was the | ning. Mr. Templin, right, ac- | go to swell the association's |Biving more students a chance to winner of a combination radio | cepts the set and congratula- | building fund. play. At club meetings the mem- included schools from Ajax, Pick- and hi-fidelity record player at | tions from association presi- the Retarded Children's Associ- | 'det Donald Lawrence. Net pro- | Photo by John Mills . -- mov m------ Sg -------- . a -- [red 2 5 = | NEW Ais OORNE : Sandra Har t | Wayne And | BOWLING ALLEYS | COME and BANCE | son: BchERs NBER ENMON LELAND HAYWARD | 24% "THE REMARKABLE MR. PENNYPACKER" (Adult) Shuster To OPENING AT | Mitchell Zaleskis oe TE Is Top Orator | Stay In Canada us | Orchestra ust DAY-Submarine Seahawk" plus MOADAY BROOKLIN' -- Sandra Hart, a, Robert Rankin of Sinclairs) TORONTO (CP)--The comedy| SHOPPING PLAZA | at the Grade 8 pupil of Brooklin Senior|School, speaking on "Electricity" team of Johnny Wayne and) School, speaking on "Fashions", was runner-up. He, with Sandra iid "Friday Soncludea an SEPTEMBER (858 POLISH NATIONAL was adjudged winner of the Whit- Hart, will represent the area In| oh a cana) > by township area public speaking finals to be held Tuesday at . contest. The event was staged at/Parkside School, Ajax. Contest. (dian television for the next five NOW BOOKING UNION HALL Meadowerest junior School, ants from Ajax, Pickering, Fast Years. il FOR FALL f TODAY i MONDAY Brooklin and six schools com-|Pickering, East Whitby, Whitby| fe (esr, Si appear in a se- LEAGUES 168 Banting Ave. ana peted. All schools in the area township and the separate schools this rea programs starting Ph M fr Arth FUN FOR ALL! POPU one Mrs, MacArthur _ DEMAND! were eligible will take part in the district fl-| "gw J 0 and Shuster are well oy 3ok Wallace, principal of Mea, nals of, South Ontario, Sow. known in the United States for AJAX 138 | EVERY SATURDAY DICK CLARK goes oF ; Filmed entirely : The following re-/their work on Ed Sullivan's tele- or visit her at was chairman for the evening, |.....4 honorable mention: Bruce! vision variety shows. They re-l| Vondette's Real Estate 8:30 . 12 Army co-operation! and judges were Miss Sorby, of ~ ie. Dr. Robert Thornton ------ vd Whitby District High School, SraiSle. Dr. Rober a ~----=----11 Ajax Shopping Plaza School; 'Heather Vipond, Brooklin Ralph Thompson, teacher ; from Senior School; Victor Humphries, | | EE ll au J North York; Mrs. Joan Young, School (near St. A). SUBSCPIBERS teacher, Oshawa and Mrs. Ed Cloveriane Lovelock of Brooklin monds) THE TIMES aL AFTER-SCHOOL MATINEES ...and 80 will you! During the judging a choir of es pupils from Grade 5 directed by Ww 8 : 1 Oil teacher Joyce Graham, rendered BO MANVILLE DAILY AT 4:30 P.M. argina 1 several vocal selections, A com-| FOR MISSED PAPERS AND | CONT. DAILY FROM 1:30 CINEMASCOPE mittee from: the Home aud School BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST é I EASTIAN COLOR | Association served lunch at con | Wells Bad clusion of meeting TAXI SERVICE PHONE la by ) -------- ANYTIME Sandra DEE - Jomes DARREN . foe | STEVEN'S TAXI | wise 14 THE FOUR PREPS Exper t Claims FOR MISSED || MA 3-5822 ' : PLUS--This First Run Riot of Fun ! producing Industry would be bet- If you have not received -- = ter able to adjust to changes in PAPERS Times, oar You f AGEN \ demand and compete for mar- ; wd b kets if less incentive were given iN Al AX i -- ou Fi A gipend 19 som fi SE AMA GIRLS" STs . ed pr ALLIED ARTISTS presents drilling new marginal wells ! 4 g i r T " WINNER In Co 4 aS lf 1, vos ho ro rasgtved your JLEFHONS STEVEN'S TAX! >) ACADEMY AWARD WINNER tor x* J fo) E L Mc CR E A of 4 said FEATURE TODAY AT . .. -- "THE 4 A y Friday. ; 7-7:30 p.m. Only 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:00 - 9:30 3} 2 p---- \ ole, 0 the comps smal] AJAX TAXI | A JUKEBOX 5 | OKLAHOMAN «J hy 4 --- 1959 were $13,560,000, or 43 cents a share, compared with $15,022, PHONE * ' THI RHY i \4! hy, 000 or 48 cents in 1958. Imperial i i y earlier reported 1958 earnings of AJAX 333 I ' ! Hil $50,500,000, $161 a share. a ENTRY FORM ds against $72,080,930, $2.29 a share | Al calls must be placed before est wg in 1 7:30 p.m. : The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Conade : eh | | | BROUGHT . Street Address .. : Ne i by i BILTM NC Pa 1 77 NEWS! TONIGHT J) . Have you completed @ high school si training ey course? fou are invited to accept : 5 . ) trial private f Old Time S ' Ee yn yo i aing_veitit lsistise a f & hr. lesson for jee and Modern s A Te Whom it may concern: 'o | hereby consent to allow my (son) (deughter) ew r fi limi ' ie -- lors lisiiea a Toronto's Fabulous Driving Rood-e-0 titi a _m I -e-0 competition on . I i is offering a i end | om in agreement with the enswer given above. H hous ria lon TORNADOES o | a te + Relation te Entrant | fere's your chance -- : i o see h ickl Mail to: I hyip d Featured on ROADE-Q FE verison )ecome an expert | \ North Bay TV. ' ad \ tices. A chance. : MAY 6 AND 7---OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--STARTING TIME 6 P.M. 'TIL DARK 00, to join that gay . Square Dance Caller group of popular BOB FOWLER p-- : f } | sartoers who always have good | { imes. But don't wait --come in now | nd get started. dB ENJOY LIFE "itr Red Barn or | CUSTOMERS T R10, TELEVISION | Special Sunday Dinner 171 BOND ST. EAST \ [Ae | S---- BIG ict = - ployed with TV. En SERVED FROM 11:30 P.M. TO 8 P.M. In spite of the Strike called by the terprises and has been pasting TN. i For | Firemen's Union for May 1, Cana- nae for almost six Years. 14 hg ground your added pleasure and enjoyment Oshawa. He and his partner are consider- ed the best when it |i p Dine by... comes to antennae. by mou of the TY: "Coandlelite" | ue to provide Service to the Travell- antenna installers in { the cit | . : : Ft | | ing and Shipping public. Fast, reliable and ! friendly service with a FROM 5 P.M. UNTIL 8PM. written guarantee Is available at all times ot TRIO "BEN" Hoogkamp RA 8-6781 GENOSHA HOTEL CANADIAN NATICKAL 3 NARAAAAANY § otalow Same Day Service = Completely Air-conditioned ; | A wide variety of antennae and towers available at all . : FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-444 RAILWAYS "TOWERS OUR SPECIALTY dian National Railways will contin- DEER Nl Noh nan AR in pin aA

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