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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 10

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™ (of the Catholic Women's League li Biri Mrs, Laurene Marcotte, vice president; Mrs. Dorothy Par- fitt, president; Mrs, Ethel Sut ton, secretary; Mrs. Anne Me- omen, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Hid , ---- wi Ee Cammond, hostess; Mrs, riet Rae, press reporter. ~Oshawa Times Photo -- Har~ PERSONALS | Legal Aspect of Domestic Strife| Aired At Woodcrest H & S | You are invited by the Social | Department to send in any Mttle items of interest. News of teas, (surprise parties, showers, anni- | versaries and comings and goings {are always very acceptable and {for which there is no charge, |Please write or telephone RA |8-3474 local 18, 8t, Mary of the People Council "Common Domestic Problems" {was the subject chosen by Mr. {Donald Dodds guest speaker at |the regular meeting of Woodcrest Home and Sof Association, Mr, Dodds an Oshawa lawyer |who was introduced by Mrs. M, Henry citizenship convener be- gan his talk by briefly outlining the history of women's rights and went on to discuss his sub- Bt. sect under the headings: mar- torilum, The Reverend Father David Bauer of St. Michael's Col- lege, Toronto, was in charge of the class and his theme was "Re- sponsibility of Catholic rls entering High 8 eo were 62 st! ance, The members of St, Mary of the People Catholic Women's League served refreshments to the students during a break in the afternoon. The day of Recollec- tion was brought to a close at 3.30 p.m. with ction of the Blessed Sacrament at St, Greg- ory's Church, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bateson and their son, Dr. Sydney Bate son and Mrs. Bateson, Cadillac avenue north, had » happy re. unfon on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Otterdahl, their son Allan and young daughter, Carol, of Regina, Sask. Thoy motored to Ontario to 'leave their son, Allan, 3rd year student in chem- ical engineering, who is taking a boys and chool". in attend- : (rage, separation or divorce, and {|children, Canadian and can women, continued the speaker were truly the pampered darlings of the world and children even| more 50, "The legal age for marriage Is 18. From 14 to 18 parents' con-| sent is required, and under 14/ the certificate of two doctors is needed to prove that tie mar. riage is necessary. While grounds for actual divorce in Canada are antiquated he sald "the married woman is well-protected, legally, against physical or mental cruel- ty, lack of support, or desertion. Any woman who feels that she fs being misused in any way would | de well to seek legal advice as to . (woman's rights were explained corftes as: Coney Island Babe, Old Timer Jonah from Arizona, Keep America Binging and a med- ley which Included Wait 'til the Sun Shines Nellie, Moonlight Bay and 1 Want a Girl, Mrs, Gordon Canada continue to struggle Cumming expressed thanks on 8. W. Bigwood and Mrs. Glynn Pearse. The room prize was won hy Mrs, Black's room. Refresh. ments were served by the mos thers of Mr, Dargan s room, nlong with the outdated divorce behalf of the members of the as- laws which were brought here sociation to Mr, Dodds and the from England in 1871 and which members of the Barbershop Quat- even the English have improved, tet, Adultery is the only legal grounds| The business part of the meet: the divorce", sald Mr. Dodds|ing was conducted by the presi 'and an American divorce is not dent Mrs, Myles Smith, Reports recognized in Ontario. {of the fortieth annual convention MONEY MATTERS {held at Ja Boys hopin Hotel To- A few interesting and perhaps| om or nd 2 Mere ' ; |presented by Mrs. Glynn Pearse little-known facts of the married | gq Mrs. Smith who had attended by the speaker. A married wom. | 8 Vediedda Ring held | an's earnings or Independent In- ye sohool on Wednesday June Hs _ FUR STORAGE TIME Phone BA-5-2722 for FREE pick-up 2nshion Village FUR SALON come or property was her own| and was not subject to her hus- a ed bi Te Bog 4 band's demands. Half of the|p. : ¥ {| Ethier, Mrs. J. Goulding, Mrs. money deposited by a hush a joint bank account tle- ally belonged to the wife but per-| sonal money deposited by the wife in the same account be- longed entirely to her. Converse- ly however any savings a wife has out of household monies be- longed to the husband. A wife might leave her husband and ex- pect financial support if she could prove desertion, physical or men- tal cruelty, or lack of support, A wife might legally pledge her FOR MOTHER. fragrances as tion 8. OES Elect Officers At Birthday Party | of Vacant position in a Kapus) paper mill, Mr, Bateson Sr, had not seen his niece, Mrs, Otter. dahl, and her family for 13 The birthday perty the Order of the Eastern Star band's credit for necessities, Mr, Dodds explained that while a parent might not be legally responsible most p ts felt a moral responsibility for the ac- tions of their children and were! willing to repair any damage caused at least while the child was under 16. However contin. ued the speaker, to age 7, a child was not held responsible for his actions, From 7 to 14 he was not past matron's Club of Oshawa was held in Port Perry Library recently. Mrs. May Lang, president, wel- comed those present from Bow- manville, Port Perry, Iroquois held responsible for his own ac- tions if he did not realize what he was doing. After 14 he was respon. sible under tho Juvenile Criminal Act and was regarded as a ju- venile delinquent. Parents were Falls and Oshawa. New officers for the ensuing year took over their duties namely: president, Mrs, Jessie Esple, Port Perry; vice-president, the Mrs. Nance McLeese, Oshawa;| i secretary, Mrs, Helen Colbear, | Port Perry; treasurer, Mrs, Doro- 'thy Haley; press, . May Lang; birthday, Mrs, Eleanor Chambers and sick and sunshine, Mrs. Frank Train, Oshawa. Mrs. Lang wished for the new officers success and harmony for the coming year and e her thanks to ail for she's loyal support a n past and said it was indeed a gleamire, to serve as their presi- dent year. Mrs. Esple Boppy Mrs. Lang with a lovely gift in remem: brance of her year of 3 A social half-hour was enjaved and refreshments were served by the members of Port Perry. "| "The next meeting will be hel on May 25 at the of Miss r Sybil Langmaid, Simcoe south. E& of 1788s Falls; Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Pringle, pom H , and Mrs. iy and Mrs. Arthur Allen, West. ii and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Yates, To: ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King of are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hurst, Roxborough avenue, today. Mrs, King is the guest soloist at a recital to be held in First Baptist Church this evening, Mr. Edgar Charlesworth and Mr, John Lawn of Wangarappa, Victoria, Australia, were recent guests at the home of Mr, Charlesworth's aunt, Mrs. Fred Wilson, and Mr, Wilson, Courcel- lette avenue. Mr. Charlesworth AUSTRALIAN GEMS Almost all high .grade opals come from Australia, where the first black opal was found 60 years ago. is assistant manager of the Wan- garappa Woollen Mills In Victoria and Mr. Lawn is chief engineer. Dr. Lawrence Wrads. PHD and his wife, Dr. Helen Wilks MD, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wragg, both of the high school staff at Bancroft, spent the week end in Oshawa and attended the foiden wedding of Mr. and Mrs, s Wragg, Jarvis street Mr. and Mrs Vincent Grainger of Peterborough spent the week- end in Oshawa, the guests of the W. G. Dickson and sed rights. He contended that wills street many personal questions. required to see that children un- der 16 attended public school, 'A child was entitled to receive an education if he is mentally ca- pable until he is 21. Anyone em- ploying children without a work permit during school hours was subject to a fine of $25. In case of separation of parents the pa- ternal parent was responsible for the support of children to age 16, Mr. Dodds concluded his talk with a brief outline of widow's made by both husband and wife was the best procedure. The hus- band should always will, thus alleviating the necessity| of a long period after his death of wifling the estate. A wife may be legally left out of her husband's will and she may claim the right to her share only if she can prove that he had been of unsound mind at the time he signed the will. Following his address Mr. Dodds answered VOCAL QUARTET An appreciative audience en- Joyed an unusual treat presented by four local Barbershoppers: Messrs, Harry Brockwell, Roy Haber, Vic Porteous and Vie Mc- Adam quartet delighted DESERT FLOWER Spray Cologne 3.00 FRIENDSHI GARDEN Bubbling Bath Crystals 1.50 SHULTON New York Yoronte fresh as spring Early American OLD SPICE Toilet Water 2.00 . The everyone with such old-time fa. x. How good I feel My fur is being Mrs. Betty Dobbs, TOPS Club | party. From left, Mrs, Flor- At Installation-Birthday Party Beld in the auditoriunt of the CRA [beautiful bouquet of flowers. All comed the TOPS Club: from! Mrs, Kay Mitchell lighted a) Jo Aldwinckle, -- e---- Mrs. Florence Russell was re- 7 Million Dollars | Mitchell was installed as treas-| The marriage of Sylvia Mae| Mr, Thomas Kellett was best TORONTO -- A King's Ransom, a5] Anne McCammond as host- ush- |son of Mr, and Mrs, Edward Kel-| A reception was held in the Museum this week for altinuity candle. | The Reverend N. T. Holmes of-the bridegroom's mother chose ns at the Museum on Satur-|centre-piece in appreciation. | May 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, and 10. It 1|3nq attractive. The table centre nna white silk organza and gui- azure blue silk dress with match pricy MU pirthday cake decorated with quing sparkled on the bodice and| Mr, and Mrs. Kellett will re- This 16th century masterplece| Betty Harris. The matron of honor was Mrs. Miss catherice Can Poison a Picnic from Inca gold, the crown is en-|CRA building, Gibb street, on fess tiny velvet bows. They if you would avoid the risk of |an easy, inexpensive way to keep § [Miss Sherry Lynn Johnston, the white accessories. They carried refrigerator. Wrap frozen cans in | |packed around them. Arrange SOCIAL NOTICES |chiied perishan in food hamper, basket or carton. be at home to their relatives and 400 if no 1id is available. ding anniversary. _|cool beverage. Here is a tip for campfire en- 3 | waxed paper and then in news- 3 ready to start cooking, they may the same, Allow a little extra spley barbecue sauce and then'® iid hh hs , | stalled at the recent birthday Queen for 1959, is seen with the | ence Russell, weight recorder; new executive who were in- | Mrs, Kay Mitchell, treasurer; Installation night of the TOPS Queen for the year (the member (take pounds off sensibly) Club|who lost the most pounds for one and a birthday celebration was year), and was presented with a building, - |the members sang a salute to the The leader, Mrs. Kay Mitchell, [queen and pictures were taken for opened the meeting and wel. |the records, Greenwood and TOPS Club from [continuity candle after introduc-| _____ Port Perry. ing Mrs. Mamie Gibb as installa- 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 5, 1959 Mrs. Betty Dobbs was crowned Hon officer, installed for another year as y 4 : weight - recorder, Her assistant P S Ww dd U Pregl G {ls Mrs. Betty Dobbs. Mrs. Kay| retty pring e ing nites . In Precious Gems [Michal wes tuted tee secre, Sylvia Johnston John J. Kellett Arriving at Museum "1 'ox aucther year: Mrs. Dor. ? . g |othy Parfitt, as leader; Mrs. [Lawrence Marcotte, co-leader, |; 1 coon "daughter of Mr. and|man for his brother and the ; | Mrs, Frederick D. Johnston of|ers were Mr, Max Johnston an aver seven million dollars, in/ess. Oshawa, and John James Kellett, Mr. Ray Kellar, precious gems and jewellery Bb It was an impressive ceremony arriving at the Royal Ontario/as each officer lighted a con-(|.it of Ajax, was solemnized In|church auditorium The bride's Harmony United Church on Sat- mother received in powder blue sparkling one-week exhibition, The retiring leader, Mrs. Kay yrday OP [lace with pink accessories and "Precious Gems -- An Exhibi- Mitchell, was presented with a| Mon of Spectacular Jewels," |gift of a white china basket siojated with Mr, Ross Metcalfe royal blue crepe with white, Each / playing the wedding music and had a corsage of pink carnations. & night wig o Jormal, pre:| Mrs, Mary McConnell, conven-| Nips Betty Love. as soloist. | The honeymoon is being spent Yew. | Rg v3 rdod exer, served a buffet lunch of 1ow-| Given in marriage by her fa-'at Lake Placid. As the couple s open to the public on|sglorie foods that looked colorful spar the bride wore a gown of|left, the bride was wearing an nsored jointly by the Ruth wag a basket of yellow and white "i pure lace fashioned with a full, ing coat and a pink carnation bro? par of Foe S3iah Organ ['mums and tall candles, also a|nagoading skirt. Pearls and se-|corsage, lilies-of-the-valley. adorned the tiara holding her veil side in Ajax on their return. ug 8 a half el Anne McCammond presided at|of jjjusion. She carried a cas -- = -- ion dollar Crown of the Andes, 'he ted table, assisted by Mrs. cade of red roses. | L k F % i | Lukewarm Food was made for a statue of the| A Very enjoyable evening end: pay Kellar of Peterborough and Blessed Virgin in the cathedral(ed With a sing-song. the bridesmaid at Popayan, Columbia. Carved| The meetings are held at the kejett of Ajax. They were gown- led alike in ballerina gowns of| Keep perishable foods hot or erusted wi emeralds. | Tuesday evenings at 6.30 sharD. [embossed green sheer trimmed) cold on a picnic, never lukewarm, ? d d| food poisoning. [feore Tusieiing Jos oseeh ans Poultry Products Institute re- i |peats its popular suggestion for | Miss Kelly Rose Johnston and plenie foods cool for several |flower girls, were gowned alike| pre. {in bouffant, apricot nylon With mato, V8 prog orig Mis Be Bg bats of white pleated nylon and ing compartment of mechanical nosegays of baby chrysanthe- waxed paper or plastic to keep 'mums in white and apricot. moisture, which condenses on | |cold cans, from wetting food 1 . | e foods (sand- | wiches, cold fried chicken, hard {cooked eggs etc.) around cans AT HOME U Mr, and Mrs. John Woodward, Dae sever} Lovers of Sewspapuls Garrard road, RR 3, Oshawa, willl or, Be sure to cover A lin friends on Wednesday, May 6, from 2 to 4 and 7 to § pan. on (oo pce NHI take, usually, three the occasion of their golden wed: may he used as a refreshingly bun mba AEE ' Barbecued Chicken | . . . : For Picnic Eating thusiasts. Frozen broiler chicken halves pack and carry well in a = picnic hamper. Well wrapped in (paper they will take probably ithree to four hours to thaw, If not completely thawed when be wiped with a clean paper towel |or napkin and barbecued over the thot embers oft he campfire just time for cooking, warns the | Poultry Products Institute of Can- ada. Chicken may be dipped in basted with sauce during cooking iif desired. Chicken is done when leg twists out of thigh joint easil The very finest in fur cleaning! £4) MR. AND MRS. THOMAS WRAGG This seal is your guarentee that your furs hove been | Well Known Oshawa Couple Celebrate Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wragg|bridegroom of 50 years. The Jarvis street were honored when guest book was kept by Miss pelatives and friends attended an Eleanor Ritzie a granddaughter Fashion tums on the at home on Saturday May 2 onjand their four sons and daughter the occasion of the 50th anniver. received the guests at the door. . sary of their wedding. | Congratulations were received Mary Jane Houseman and from the Right Hon. John Diefen- "Thomas Wragg were united inbaker the Honorable Leslie marriage on April 28, 1909, at/Frost the Honorable Michael § Kirk Hammerton, Yorkshire, Starr and many others Mr. T. D England and came to Canada in|Thomas MPP attended to offer 1913. After living in various his felicitations. places in the province of Quebec, |-------- -- they came to Oshawa 38 years RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG 174 Mery RA 5.0433 end Carpet Sales Only at... MARTEN'S FURS COLD STORAGE on Premises ! 75 King St. East (Opp. Genosha Hotel) Phone RA 3-7921 i) CHANEL hey have one daughter Mrs. Walter Ritzie of Oshawa and four sons G of Bancroft, Dr. Lawrence Wragg PHD of Chicago, Ronald and David of Oshawa. There are six grand. children. Mr. Wragg has been the gar- denver at Parkwood for 35 years and in honor of the occasion Col R. S. McLaughlin and Miss Isobel McLaughlin joined the well-wish- ers at Mr. and Mrs. Wragg's A number of beautiful gifts! NO. DRUGS 28 King St. E. Dial 3-4621 from the fashion centres of the world 2 MEMBER ws SIMCOE ond KING Give Mother the Self Confidence That Comes With Perfect Grooming! Let Us Cut And Style Her Hair to Suit Her Own Personality! i LLL ifs you for it! 110 KING ST. EAST JOS rm es CHT LIHCTET) TT] On Her Day \ \ SPECIAL! MOTHER'S DAY GIFT Her eyes will light up when you present her with one of our specially-priced Glamor Gift Certificates! She'll make her own appointment for a new hair-do, and bless We 1 There's no substitute for professional beauty care! For the fine" manicures, tints, RA 5-8631 Vincents. Hair Styling PARKING AT REAR gg \, TOR Al [TT g 3 { your! waves, call us! were received by the bride and

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