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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 11

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| Hogs THE YOUNG EXECUTIV This young lad in the sporty weskit is Brian Alton fckerson who is celebrating his first birthday today. Brian is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Alton Gene Nickerson, Bloor street east, and grandson of Mr, and Mrs. Hurbert Nicker- son and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gaudet of Yarmouth, Nova | Scotia. | "--Photo by De Joseph Studio GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HOLY TRINITY C8 AUX. The regular meeting of the Church School Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Anglican Church was held at the Church, with the president, Mrs. Harold Forsythe, presiding. Final plans for the spring tea, to be held on Thursday, May 14, were made. The proceeds will be used for new choir gowns. The president discussed the sed amalgamation of the 0 church groups in the future. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Bateman and Mrs. Lorne Dalton, RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSN. bingo. A rummage sale was held under the supervision of Mrs, John Kostuk and Mrs. Paul Plishka. The auxillary served breakfast to the children of the Sunday School who received Holy Communion recently. Members were reminded to make up their baskets for dis- tribution among the Greek Ortho- dox patients in hospital on Eas- ter Sunday. Mrs. Paul Plishka will be in charge of an Easter dinner to be preapred by the aux- iliary and served in the hall on May 10. A special moth- er's day program under the di- rection of Mrs. Dytro Luchak will be presented at this time. The dance committee present- ed its report on arrangements for the May frolic. Any one hav- ing any suggestions or ideas per- taining to this event was asked Beautiful, Intellectual Soong Sisters Eye Each Other From Opposite Camps daughter to receive American By RONALD FARQUHAR PEIPING (Reuters)--A beauti- ful American-educated woman, a non-Communist and sister-in-law of Nationalist Chinese | second highest position in C munist China. Soong Ching - ling, a smartly groomed graduate of Wesleyan | University of Middletown, Conn.,| who recently was elected one of | the two vice-chairmen the, Chinese People's Republic. | She is the first woman and non- Communist to reach such high state position in mainland China, She served as one of the six vice- chairmen in the first government formed by the Communists when they came to power in 1949. A short woman whose pale, un- lined face is framed by jet-black | | hair ¢ombed severely back, Mme. Soong looks much younger thai her 68 years. WIDOW OF SUN YAT-SEN ments endorse the party line and, recently she wrote an article in the official party newspaper hail- s under] n|schooling when she leyan University she returned to leader | {China as a secretary to Sun Yat-| I an Lok. Tia risen to the ls So ouce was a member of the|sen and married him when she Russia, organized Shiny Tghost Kuomintang (Nationalist) party, was 33 and he had been forced,ities behind the Ja Om- jut now has no known party af-|¢o flee China to Japan. ist, Cluna, war = oid Madameliiistions. Although wet a Com+| An ardent Methodist--she does has moved up stea ie y munist, her public pronounce-| not profess any religion now--and state's helrarchy since the © a lofty North America, she joined in her husband's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 5, 1959 A riot of fun, frivolity. ment against the Manchu dy- departure for Peiping. The other nasty. |vice-chairman is Tung Pi-wu, a She was widowed only 10 years 73-year-old veteran Communist after her marriage, and there| Who was known for his moderate were no children. She then drew! views in the days when he was a away from her family and the liaison officer with the National. {Nationalists and preached close ists during the Japanese war, collaboration with the Soviet Un-| Mme, Soong, he Is jon and social justice for China's/1af with North American e |masses. fom the time, A spent in a rancisco as na's representa. Later she spent puning ci 14° at the 1945 conference which Pp nese lines in| set up the United Nations, ithe Chinese-Japanese war, Monday, May 18 dily in the THE NEVER 10 BE FORGOTTEN MUSIC OF was only 14.| After graduating from Wes- really no con | substitute for idealist on her return from munists came to power in 1949. money! 29 | The appointment of two vice- : revolutionary move-| chairmen instead of one is a new ing China's achie t ism and d ing the Tibetan rebellion, | She is the widow of Dr. Sun| Yat-sen, who founded the first Chinese republic in 1911, and sister of Mme, Chiang Kai-shek. | Her father was educated in the United States and after becoming, a prosperous businessman on his| return to China, he sent his MARY HAWORTH MAIL Young Matron When In-Laws Dear Mary Haworth: I am a wife, 20, married four years, have a son, age 2, and expect another child soon, By profession I am a registered nurse. My problem involves my mother-in-law, She has become very domineering in the past two years; and a great antagonizer, keeping things stirred up. My husband seems to have become hypnotized by her. He upholds everything she says and does; in fact, she controls, He says she "puts him wise to what goes on." Now he says she can take bet- ter care of our son than I can, Dyring his two weeks' army re- serve encampment last summer, he forbade me to take the boy to my parents' home. But after great controversy I got home. . . . Tom was laid off his regular job last August and hasn't had much work since. In January he went across country to a welding school (at his father's expense), to be gone until mid-May. CAN'T UNDERSTAND He gave me permission to spend the final weeks of my preg- nancy at my dad's; but he wants his mother to keep our son until we get back together, I agreed, provided the boy returns to me to contact the committee. An in- tended th to two weeks after the baby's birth --to get well acquainted before we return to the apartment. (In fact he needn't leave here at all). Well, when Tom got these sug- from me by mail, he d furiously, to say that n " the b +h, his will take care of our lowing tion committee|pather Dmytro Luchak spoke to|son the whole time, He sald that educa! report on the OARC con-[the group on their and ing of l Anne Toronto. Pn H Sanat thanked he Is "paying the bills, therefore giving understand as I am paying a retirement fund; and my dad here. (Also h charges on the phone "| goin, mi want anyth vorce, as I feel that children need e orders." That I can't the t bills out of my nurse's living off e reversed | Heartbroken | HITS LIKE STEEL! heroes blasting thy... the Matchma YAY | (4s NOW Packing Em In BILTMORE Gang Up On Her with her jealous criticism of " just because it is easier to stick] to her than to become a respon: | sible partner in marriage. His bully-talk about paying the bills, therefore giving the orders, is simply a matter of trying to make a noise like a man, He is talking for effect on others, not you; trying to give the impression that he ish"t entirely a zero-- which he is, altogether, in the husband-role, SITUATION 18 HELL Now that the mother has swal- lowed up her son--digested him back into her keeping almost as if he hadn't been born--she is de- termined to take over your son, too. Partly to strengthca her hold on Tom, who ls ego-identified with the lad, with a prideful sense of having sired him, I suppose-- that being his only real proof to date that he is a so-called man. And partly, also, to triumph over you as a woman--she being more ruthless and primitive than ra- tional in her relationship re- flexes. If you ean provide decent care for your son at your dad's place, and would prefer that arrange- ment, Tom hasn't the right to ar- bitrarily assign the lad to his mother's charge. So exercise your true and proper maternal author- ity and keep the boy with you, if you like. Separation is definitely in the cards, Children need stability, ce, reason and decency as ackground staples in their home life--but the atmosphere created by Tom and his mother is hell on earth, It's betraying your children to take them back to that situa- tion, or to leave your son un- protected in it. M.H. | | call). this point I dread back. I've had peace of here for a while, I don't ing so drastic as di- Truly at ARDENT WORKERS The regular meeting of the Ar dent Workers Group of King Street United Church was held recently with the president, Mrs Ewart Clemence, presiding. Mrs. Hales Barker read the . H. Harris talked about progress being mace in other Phases of the work with retarded discussed further plans for the pew school. A beautiful color film on a trip to Bermuda was shown by Mr H. Boorman. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The regular meeting of the WMS of Calvary Baptist Church was held recently with Mrs, A. R. Alloway presiding. After the singing of an opening hymn Mrs. Beryl Nicholson led in pray- er, The minutes of the last meet- Ing were read by the secretary Mrs. Otto Sharrard and the offer- ing was received. The memory work for next week will be Psalm 116: 1.5. Some time was spent in praying for the missionaries with Mrs William Spencer Mrs. Grace Moncur and Mrs. A. R. Alloway Mr. Emest Winter of England was the guest speaker, Reading Galatians 1: 1-24 he ex- his theme as The Gospel of Jesus Christ as opposed to counterfeit Christianity; or to put it very briefly "trusting not try- ing." In Galatians 1:9 God's curse is prounounced against Satan's counterteit Gospel that is scriptures and He was buried and He rose again the third day atcording to the scriptures." This| scripture lesson. Mrs. Amos Hart. man gave a reading, "The Se cret of Success'. Mrs, Arthur Crowe gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Wil. liam Ward the treasurer's report. There were 23 sick calls. Mrs. Joshua Kinsey gave a re. port at the executive meeting re. garding the federation of the WMS and the WA, Mrs. Amos Hartman gave two (readings, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Amos Hartman's group. their parents, But I fear return- ing to the rule and control of his mother and him. Please advise me. GG. | MAN'S SHRINKING Dear G.G.: Here is your story, cut to one-tenth its original length* In a nutshell, the problem is that your husband is shrinking back to embryo-size, psychologically. His recent behavior--in respond- ing to his mother's increasingly| proprietary and meddlesome rule| --is markedly regressive. | He knows in his bones that he is being a no-good husband. And he knows also that his failure on p.m. Brock (Whitby) -- 'These Thou- sand Hills" Marks -- "Women's Prison" 1.15, THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore -- "Sea of Sand" 12.20, complete show starts at 8.45 7 and 1008 p.m. "Davy" 8.45 p.m. Last com- plete show at 8.20 p.m. 4.10, 7.08, 10.08 p.m. "The Night Holds Terror" 2.38, 5.35 8.35 p.m. Last complete show at \ sAmNG 'WARREN COVINGTON Advance Tickets $2.50 ON SALE AT KINLOCK'S KING W. DOOR TICKETS .. 2.75 TODAY ONLY! WALT DISNEY'S Jubilee Pavilion |"SHAGGY DOG" 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Li OVERLOOKING;NI FOXHEAD I ONTARIO LJ OPENS MAY © a "Mothers. Day" Suggestion You will enjoy your stay at this typical old, yet modern, English Hostelry == closest hotel to the famed Falls. The delightful Pickwick Room and guest rooms have been newly decorated. Dining Room has been air-conditioned. Write or wire today for reservations. "Dinner at the GENOSHA" Also in Niagara Falls SHERATON-BROCK - Another famed Sheraton Motel in Niagara Foils is the Sheraton-Brock, Famous for its unobstructed view of both the Canadian and American Falls: SHERATON thepoudestmmein HOTELS CINCINNATI 87. IOUS OMAHA AKRON INDIANAPOLIS FRENCH LICK, Ind, PROVIDENCE SPRINGFIELD, Mass, ALBANY ROCHESTER BUFFALO SYRACUSE BINGHAMTON, N. Y. {opens May) MIDWEST HICAGO TROIT CLEVELAND, Ohio CANADA MONTREAL TORONTO NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, HAMILTON, Ont, BAST NEW YORK DALLAS AUSTIN MOBILE WEST COAST SAN FRANCISCO 10S ANGELES PASADENA PORTLAND, Oregon lopens foll 19591 HAWAN HONOWW What a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day +. . In the deliahtful dining atmosphere of organ music. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D, WASHINGTON CEDAR RAPIDS, lows PITTSBURGH (TIMORE BA SouT™ PHILADELPHIA Loursviue For Reservations 8.35 p.m. Plaza -- "Rio Bravo" 1.40, 4.05, 6.35, 9.05 p.m. Last complete show 9 p.m. Regent -- 'The Shaggy Dog" this score is due in large part to leaning on his mother, and siding 2.00, 4.30, 7.00, 9.30 p.m. Last complete show at 9.00 p.m. By ANNE ADAMS Sew one beautiful blouse and JOHN RICKYN JNGTE DIOONSON - WATER BRENWAN 0 ARMADA PRODUCTION - Directed snd Produced by FEATURE TIMES: 1:40 -- 4:05 -- and 9:05 P.M. THEY GREW INTO GIANTS AT RIO BRAVO! HOWARD HAWKS 6:35 Phone RA 3-4641 AED JOMN STEINBECK! GREATEST BOOK! "TOMORROW NIGHT AND THURSDAY NIGHT \ ELIA KAZAN'S A _-- og MOST EXPLOSIVE PICT ' BROS. ratstnt it in CINSMASCOPE WARNERCOLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A VERY BEWITCHING COMEDY ABOUT A VERY ENCHANTING SUBJECT- sex! JAMES STEWART KIM NOVAK. BELL. BOOK, AND CANDLE JACK, LEMMON * kk hk kk Kk Kk PLUS ANOTHER HIT IN COLOR ONE DAY AFTER A MILLION YEARS... . Eg Come on Kids: :. Here's your chance to show EVERYONE just how good a driver you really are . . . plus the fact that you could win AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO WINDSOR, Ontario, TO COM- PETE IN THE PROVINCIAL FINALS. Starts 6 p.m. "til Dark is a revelation to be received ome basic skirt -- presto! Your from God. The reception of Christ what-to-wear problems are solv- crucified and risen again brings ed. Tuck the top in or wear it salvation. jacket style with a belt. Easy- Mr. Winter closed the meeting to-sew in cool silk or cotton, To- with prayer. jorrow's pattern: Jr. Miss out. The' oath. meeting of the|g Frinied Patiern 4829: Misses Junior Women's Auxiliary of St.|p. 3s M8, 15, 20, Size 16 Jobn's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox| "pinieq' gi yards 35-inch. Church was held at the home of | rections on each pat- Mrs. Peter Siblock. {tern part. Easier, accurate. The meeting was with, Send FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) praver followed by the reading|in coins (stamps cannot be ac- of the minutes and the treasur. cepted) for this pattern Please er's financial report print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- The president, Mrs. Walter DRESS, STYLE NUMBER Kuch, thanked Mrs. Steven Gonta| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, and the members who asgisted c-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern bw in erranging the novelty Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. FRE KOVACS AMON GOD. at the Oshawa Shopping Centre YOU MUST BE A TEEN-AGER CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON. BUMPER CLUB MEMBERSHIPS NOW ON SALE. $1. ADMITS CAR AND DRIVER FREE EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. (with the exception of holidays) * kk kk hk hk Kk USE YOUR MEMBERSHIP TO SEE PEYTON PLACE NEXT WEEK! "RUSTY ROMEOS" COMEDY FEATURETTE 'MAGOD'S MOUSE HUNT' COLORED CARTOON TOMORROW | Las Dy "Women's Prison' plus "Night Holds Terror' adult '

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