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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Mey 5, 1999 OFFICE HOURS [=] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [£5 phy ® 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 11--Business Opportunities 13--Gardening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs (19--Personal EX REE os es on all kinds of build: AUTOMOTIVE paris and accessories, GARDENS and lawns plowed, roto CRESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re. iF YoU are not ving » full and happy Please Note IND a cnt ud sors, ames ig A ON central, in Od |illed, any ie. averse site #00|covered like new, gel the best for less life becaiise , Fear, Frus TO WANT AD | Tristes in Bankruptey, 54 King Street cial and industrial work, foundation awa for 30 years, Sickness in family experienced, od Glen Muro | 414|at Modern Uphoistering, 926% Simeoe ax. Hypnotism can help, Deadlines now In effest for B. L. Yale, CA; F,|and work framing Selling as soon as possible, (Park Road South, RA 57887, Street North, Call RA 1 for a free Also reduce weight, stop smoking, re this column: nd CP, and Full or sub: [al A 15 Wh William Street | disced lieve nervous pains, gain Sonfidence . a CLASSIFICATION #.7, HOPKINS and Company, Certified c0ntracts. Phone RA 5.6097, Bast Ask for Mr, Hutchison. 1040] ona Dan YOUR local chimney eis Chim. | te. Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of | Births, Memorioms, Cards of Publle Accountants, 173 Kin ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, roma bie for sale, i . ners built and repaired, ans ings Thanks = |==Assountonte East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 85-3509. siding, Shimnevs, and masonry repairs, , Can be Town serviced. | Ttalled, Jurnaces vaouu Free esti. feel. RS Bay b (8 0 ating | Phone RA 8.0300. 4 or call 9? AM, SAME DAY © BOB CLANCY'S C Ann Hosiery Co. 24044, | Tor 1 oily | Samy ne vowed and culiveied BA| | OOR DECORATING |21--Personal Service DAT 4=Bitists " 1 Office RA HENDERSON CONCRETE [Term __________ It Ta M. SAME DAY 3 605, PRODUCTS LIMITED RL rice, at or ei Sarena 304 Bloor West, RA 3.7001. AND FLOORING to all makes, "Fin. SA LAKESHORE "cottage, ori Perry, fa kite DIAL RA 23-3492 fou MONTEIT , Monteith, Riehl and Co. te, cinder, Haydite be 4 A od Since "CHIMNEY BLOCKS, fur right party. Apply Box 310, Cun won. Ta, iivered, Painting, Decorating, Hard. | or ttn prong Bo iy wood Re-surfacing Floor, Wall | 0. OLAN furnace. Bargain for quick loans (Chas Max, 4 Sava, Stratford, Toronto; mes, Hon Monteith, FCA, MP; 1089 Nelson St., MANURE for sale, #5 good load, Phone Building Trades on Leith, | 0--Lost Building Material iad; foi Fo ey Corner Woliith |12--Dressmaking Ld LANIER & ENGINE 30 1 Found |George W. Tretheway, CA. RA 5-337, RA 3.4412 . RA 5-704) DRESSMAKING and alterations d -- : y 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa _ "2 STOTT 0 TR TOC (OCR eins lady. Cail RA 8.1570, Peds Sleanad oiyed, eis. Hetlle. sD) RA 3-9206 | SALES § SERVICE os 1 Lady's gold wrist watch, Fri , - , rnoon downtown, 59869, Whitby MO 8-573). - and H Wanted WERGER FRANKEL AND CO. ac i ------ rs |gellaneous joba "Low rates. Gordon new aon rece id countants and Mdiions, 18% 18%) CLIFF BROWN zippers, ARING mending, saps aro, RA a te I FURNACE pickup and delivery, |LosT -- White wallet, vicinity of Bond hid No Job 100 wail or too targe.| CLEANOUT SERVICE | 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. [and Wiliam, papers and o birt Shei ing Street East. RA 3. cuffs, shirt collars, etc. Dial ial A: or | GRAVEL & SAND A rect, chibi , Osha / Jane, Susan and Pi 2--Barristers easonable rates, RA 35-4342 from 10 12 Rd - . 13--Gardening & Supplies under [ $7.50 Labour, pl uo or in gt Rr oe sid yo aod Solicitor, 101 Simeoe treet North, Prompt Delivery {GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, , Tiade | HARRY wns inal JANE BLACK S lenderizing | Studio. Slenderizing, Reduc- | | 4 { Bouter) are led rh of » Saturday, Phone RA 8-511, (ready for, spring planting, or see ing Y 3 1000, al Oshawa Generel SREIGHTO Call RA 38 tmp Luk G EL ther for A Pamela - CREIGHTON. FRASER, DRYNAN and RA 8- 8951 LEN na) Tad capiag aad warden RAV RA 3.3443 | ing, Steam Bath end Mas- Rew pm-------------- rvice- lawns seeGed, i Nich 7944 | ound or any information. ghts--RA 3-794 | scge. A451. Sithcoe Street [LOST --~ Lady's Gruen wristwatch, : Thursday. ev therine, Thanks to Dr, no feta A ary Publ: Bank of Commerce' Bldg. dng am gardens and lawns p.oughed Pit run 90% stone. Good FRAME AND Io , Sidewalk slabs, pa! slabs. tor mud driveway. 15-- Instruction South, RA 5.9602 for op- dovtonn joo SOBANSKI « Jos and Joan (nee Creighton, QC; N, C, Fraser, QC; den) are happy to announce the G. K, Drynan, G. L., Murdoch, NEA Acade Baton, ta) ce Academy. Baton, tap.| pointment. Open 10 a.m.- 3 --Articles 2) =P Serv Arrival of a daughter, Sunday, May 3, | =~Personal {2 g iL Be y - i950, at he Ormawa Wommial.|| 22--Rodie. Repairs moncases arvanged. WRIMMING + ANNING 'a edge? Wa sell 'and Anyifhie RA 2.0109 AT iilgnland Regi. Paul. Ma ank: 0 RE MANGAN, Barrister, i . 1 dodars, maples, » Spruce ai Rv . Doctor King, ny thanks 20] 23--=Women's Column JOSEPH P. MANGAN, 9C.Jumisbins Alterations, kitchen cup " white 4 birch." Phone 612) Evenings RA B-6096 [ster now 424 King W fit} 10 pm. 4 A 24-=Market Basket ® ing Street East, Oshawa, RA 88232; boards ond general repairs. Clarke from 4 to 6 p.m. or write C. LILLIAN Mae Marsh tia B SUMP pu pumps for ¥ p to buy. 25--Pets end Livestock | itesidence, RA 5-3405, Custom built homes, For free Smith, Nomonvine. All work guaran. Dancing School, ballet. tap, baton pre | fal, repairs Any se plumbing Huet, DEATHS 26~Farmer's Column | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrisier| estimates phone Christensen |teed. [school aerobatic Friday and Gaturday SCHNEIDER' S Fading RA 58563. 3 27==Fusl, Wood land wollcitor, 2614 King Street East. Const, RA 5-6328. moro. ing, 'andscaping. cleanup] {Masonic temple. RA 1.4253 [ NT mises. alee: ioe box Business, RA 5-5501; oe! -- I [PRI ATE teacher, student counsellor. | 0 g 4 5.3576 and RA 5.1576. I Cher: Jud ent | Sourelion: [attr Phone RA 8.7149, years oxnifisues, AppOIRIIS DRIVING SCHCOL | |ELNA "ventals. RA 53501. Straight GB esorts Telephone: q) 18-=Summer_ Resorts dence, RA 8.5373 {Call RA 8.1034, GOODWIN, Lydis May ~ In Lind. || 280~ Hunting poe BERRY plants, Premier, grown say, Ontario, on Monday, May 4, 1099, || 29. MANNING = F. SWARTZ, rw DOO STRAW! plants, Also ¢ hr vi 39--Summer Properties For Sale Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, ASNO- GREEN R Order today. RA" 5-078. Any. quastiy, | Well known for guaran- titer and i, any. -- teed satisfaction, Reasonable WEBBING'S in her 82nd year Jon lovin; Jager of or Wanted ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry i : GIFT AND PAINT SHOP BARDEN. oo Seer Was Bator on STONE For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING | rates. Effective date, May 1. RENTAL SERVICE | the late Mr, a A. Good: Lindsay, and sister of Mrs. W.|| 30=--Lost and Founs Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3.4607, buy see the Merry Tiller Tractor in H. Ross. rs Resting at the | 31 --~Articies For Rent Residence, dial RA 3.4029, P d D | Free demonstration. RA 5.6032. All Size 00 0 uneral Home, Lindsay, serv:|| 32...Articles Wanted GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- ainting and Decorating Wetion, mons ration. 1zes &5 BA Actuall BR he a 34--Auction Sales Tatars, rer arr og Rupseil Commercial == Residential FOR ail rde ning 'and 'landscap- NCING 71 ALBERT ST ¥ L$ AND EQUIPMENT Str Cast, 5.4717, r o * 38~-Employment Wanted {J, Murphy and James A, MacDonald, Free Estimates ing a A a Joto- Ailing, ete. 10 LOAM 30 on Lesson A! { FOR RENT years' experience; also garden manure ARTHUR MURRAY RA 8 5315 282 King St. West 0° LEMON -- Suddenly in Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Monday, May 4, 1999, || 3é--Femele Help Wanted BOWMAN, David L.," Barriwer, Solici:| CALL MO 8.4880. Harold A. Lemon, beloved husband of | 37=--Male Help Wanted for, 3 Simeoe South, RA 5.0992. Resi Jor ssa, daliverva Why 1030 Be satisfied DANCE STUDIOS RA 3-4873 Ample Parking Irene Brown and dear father of Lar-|| 3g-Male or Female Help Wanted | dence, RA 8-026¢ LIN 240 fain, Larry and Doug, loving son of -- Wanted BROOK | GARDENS, iawna and boulevards rofo. i nani, Gen B08 | 10 Govern a EVENINGS HEE EEE Dial RA 5-5279 | [22 Hodis ond 1.Y Kepoirs ing ot the Melntosh Funeral Home, || 4) Room ana Board |G, KE. p i Yo gid oer" Avy Glen Man i I LEARN TO DRIVE SPECIALIZED radio and television 32--Articles Wanted Serv . CALL BROOKLIN 6 vr i --, r--a service, All makes. Fred T 57| WANTED -- Garden Trastor. Phone t Street, Call RA 3.9792, 306. ; [ 11V4Simcoe St. S., RA 8-168) doe In Northminster United Church || 43..poom end Board Wanted (Office, RA 5:1177; Res, RA 3-4604; or Thursday, May 7 at 2 tp.m, Interment | Whitby MO 8.276]. Money 'to loan. TREE removal and trimming, wood RA 88: Oshawa Union Cemetery, (Donations|| 43=3Wanted Te Rent Ld] y cut with chain saw, free estimates. RA ' ik a W the organ fund of Northminster|| 44=For Rent 2. %. saumEns, BA, Barisier, Sit DODD & SOUTER [sms BEVERWYCK SCHNEIDER'S PROMPT Tv service any make 10 GESPERATELY needed. Fill and Tots citor, ete, 13% meoe ree ort GARDENS Electronics. of it. 26 Garrard Road North, evenings, DRIVING SCHOOL br is 1| WANTED -- 10 15 tube radin, with * po|sShort wave, age ho difference. RA Church ould be appreciated in leull 45..Real Estate For Sole ---- of fl 05b Dial office RA 53741; residence, RA PAINTS WALLPAPER owers. ! 450--Real Estate Exchange IL OD. © PAINTING & DECORATING CROSS TOWN SOD on. Highway. 12 ! di, n fied, 3 71 Albert St, Oshawa, Ont. toe jo bal aera 3 8.5286. | & POIL = At his late residence, Ash.(| 4é6~Real Estate Wanted | JORN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- CONTRACTORS burn, Ontario, on Monday, May 4, 1959, -- ¢. g _-- Edwin F. (Fred) Poll, befoved husband [| 47--Automobiles For Sale [tar and Notary Eublic. 184 King Stresl] For free estimates call--- SUPPLY North of Whitby RA | 8. -5315 from $29.95: easy terms. Kelly TV. RA| PIANOS -- Any make or size, suitable of Maggie E. Reid, and dear father of [| 48=--Automobiles Wanteo Fr BE dl DAYS MO 8-5231 | A ---------------- a S121 for church or hall. Will pay eash. A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut IMPORTERS, GROWERS, FREE! Voor TV pictire fube fesied | Write stating make and price to Bos 1 The Dutch shawa Times. Mrs, Charlie Fry (Marjory), Oshawa, || 49-~Automobile Repairs . - and Mrs. Russell Batten (Helen) of (| so. Articles For Sole |RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas! EVENINGS RA 5.7426 } | DONT THINK ABOUT IT! |oruk: a he teste ARhburn, in his 76th year, Resting at H. Greer, Associate Barristers and So Whit fresh daily. Delivered or laid. WHOLESALERS | {In your own home. el | M---- X $)wSwap ane Bari Hclior, 0 King StAiel Tan. MA 107 Eyen XL ey Free estimates. Prompt deliv- DO IT NOW! a ER TLING, Torsihute VAHL To RO ur rg 2 Not 8-6246, Mortgage loans availabl co eo chapel on ursday, || 52--Legal Notices | 6, Mortgage 1] 0. - I 1 th ; THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barsistar, oll wry Pine RA 88868. JOHN COX, Prop. ee To week -- T.V. AERIALS 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. 7 at 3 o'clock Interment Grove: wide Cemetery, Brooklin, (Friends IFIED AD RATES HAYNES ---- --re metery, Brooklin. | aa" ehapel CLASSIFIE! gitor and Notary 'Public, 36% ° King | BUILDING CONTRACTOR 600 MAPLE ST, WHITBY per lesson, Classes of two Sold and Installed WASHING machine powered by sas #utl, Wenasday sheraion.) 28 words ot fate ORRIN id Daatile, Barrisiers, old Ornamental evergreens, PHONE MO 8-4184 or four -- Bring your friends. Moved and Repaired motor. Phone RA S4812 108¢ A TENNYSON. Mande -- After a linger. Cosh Charge | solicitors. Clients' funds available for Heo Spark. Vor ry thks, he + pasos, per Professional tuition. 20-ft. cericl, $29 ond wp. x pi 3 INMENIATE {llness Blix \ 0 meoe res . oice € c [a » os sbeth Hoa 1} 3 CONSECUTIVE a 24 oR rk 3566, Charles C. MeGib: or tiling. Carpenter work al- nha for il 35¢ end A. STOCK Whig ye. For Sopsienmurn = ROLLAND Tv. rm. =a ' - y RA 3.4849 tent, eash , Toronto, on Monday, May 4, 1959, INSERTIONS aude Hortop in her 86th year. Late(l o eonsecUTIVE bon, QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. | terations. Kitchen cabinets up. Hlac trees, gold leaf, etc RA 5-1501 3 , otc, . ot 30 Zamb Avenue, Toronto, Beloved INSERTIONS 3.78 4.13 | jOWN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici:| our specialty, Wife of the late Whitfield Temnyson. || 1 not paid within 7 days the ||tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street "CALL RA 3.7196 ORCHARD NURSERIES SADIGL, © ow voriniar, tt sm PARKWAY TELEVISION ATO haw eb dear mother of Evelyn Tennyson, Al- East. RA 3.2269, NHA and private mort. | and four great-grandchildren, Friends | Simooe Sires! South. Phone RA a CUSTOM-BUI LT 34697. Stara $65.00; Towers GARDEN CLIENTS money to loan on first mori. PAPERS : fui Morr od dens ose | LEN & LOU'S T.V. | OPEN SATURDAYS a Loar Tred L. and Aylmer H., all of Toronto; Charge rate will epply. t---- Above rates apply only te orl boii BEE BA, Barrister | 4 2° mies west of Brook. a on pans, | SCCHATE X Eg n a TR 1 ELECTROHOME Wants cars for wrecking, alse ar oll at me Teal Funeral He fons. Srdre tor a [bridge 3. Rei. dy Ty Office Custom Built Homes pa EE ---_--.-- FLAGSTONE, loam, manure, |For personal service at your home, R.C.A. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, scrap iron and metals, ote. 1111 Danforth Avenue. Toronto. Service || G1*@ later date corutitute @ new | rsa Be aT 3 mis Additions, Alterations, { OSHAWA peatmoss, fertilizer, feall RA 8.7413. WESTINGHOUSE bought. Open Saturday ell an Wednesday afternoon at 1 p.m, In. [| OM'@inel order. '| Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cu rds, | SPRING DISPLAY of flower ; . day. Phone:-- Busi sth A pboards, | G 17--Money to Loan The finest in television end Y: filegt Keada) Cantey, Wien, un ar> 753 por mon Yor 3 ines dally. Dial, RA 3.2278. | Tile and Hardwood Floors ACME HAULAGE bulbs, eroeus, ners us, Al Ah gees rs y _--i on RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. $1.00 : Be. k3308; Ter acinths, tulips. Cut flowers Ado in h : rh. . i Bia pnitipe, B ink HUGH .CROSSBY | LTD for sale. , alc and. Heniok, Barriers, si King) 218 Simcoe N. -- RA 3-3043 CEDARDALE itiol latter, abbreviat 81974. ' East, 3.7232. GERROW FUNERAL $ Loch pi figure ht 4 -- BUILDER GRAVEL-STONE or TE, Pie princi 6 available for first TV AERIALS --= T.V, REPAIRS CHAPEL bord, Bo Fed fodond osdisnal 4--Dentith__ . RA 5-3937 TOP SOIL-SOD week. Plenty of parking a orgs Mev aE A WV. ne, > te SCRAP vg, Pro DR. @. T. SCIUK. Office hours § -- space, E. Swarts, Barrister and a material. 20 - ft. IRON METAL The finest service at on OH) os evenings by appointment. ible, fing East, Osha 24.00; 30 ft, $34.00; Rotor He moderate prices. Saturday 8-13. N -- Public, 36% King East, wa, % $34.01 IRON te METALS Wi iid ie a, he ToHureing Sorin HOMES RA 3-3528 3 ng Stree ot resporwible for, errors in rtise- m---- ments than in || ANDEN NURSING HOME Additions, rec roms, altera- SUPPLIES rp, Frese, :Dry0i8 a8. Mars Dow is 7844 soa RESIDENCE =~ RA 5-41%9 (Licenced) KING ST. WEST. tions, panelling, cabinets, SPRING CLEAN.UP 100 ANNIS STREET counter tops, Experienced Power Rolling HOME OWNERS ! 23--Women's Column FREE PICK-UP For Funeral Flower OE t : EWI ET re charged for single Exclusive nursing home for carpenters. Fertilizing of FLOWERS stu A Tear he ant [| S50 IEATT 4 omen G. REYNOLDS Tl PLANT FOODS | a ss otros wor pn Se iroint WANTED RA 8.6217 RA 34212 as wiv Nom 22 Semen and SON "LANDSCAPING | oR gOBe SoU, or Wiley? ; y hi. 2 tet. Oetave ment Tra Times wil win not be ald radio. T.V. lounge. BUILDERS HARDIAND EVERY NEED Ay ou, monthly payments PONTIAC INN SCRA ARON. FOLLTRY Store), . bir Ry en re " ow Se aii RA 5-3376 OSHAWA GARDEN SEEDS We tor edict avail BANQUETS & WEDDINGS RA 3.9043 -- . Hot ond cold plates pm advertisement ere a" ee there pay accounts at downtown able ot reasonable rotes. 0 up : (collect) i any Inaccurac! In fof IN MEMORIAM | forests, si aovuriing "ovr [Pine a Bl = ™ ™™ *™1 NEW OIL FLOWER SEEDS HE og e Socly Ay SOD SUPPLY GARDEN TOOLS RYNOEWORR. " "RA 3.3993" we 35--Employment Wanted SALESLADY would like permanent a . 7--Surveyors HALEY In loving ot | en Maud lary Waley, who passed sway hd Bi en ree Ontario Land) FURNACES No. | eultivated, field and | PEAT MOSS Brooklin 303 LITTLE BUCKERGO RANCH positon. six hone mE we we wk Qils Lose GT NORTON 'and Awociaten, 'O-( [¥ It wholesale ond have | nursery grown wed. Fertilned, | BUG KILLERS RIDING CLUB Ey RA Id membrance tarlo Land 8 En. by expet E ~Sudly missed by husband and family. nee! 0 Harwood Avenue South, terms. Fue) oll ol hing weed trected. 12 years ex- Al ' ing day care to one ehild. Kian Phone RA S031 ' WEED KILLERS | MONEY AVAILABLE (ADULT end CHILDREN'S CLASSES ins ae a sus WENNING -- In memory of my dear furnaces. perience. Special eontract Ruban, Winn A" etaine, woe poe 8--Building Trades BOX PLANTS TO HOME OWNERS | monthly. Once @ week $5 [FART - 'Hime general office Re As Stock A RTE ea Ge| "RISE RY, | wm. tre enimatn SHRUBBERY Up 10 $3,000 for ry good | monthly. Teal riding ery. |Gihawt i mile ie gone fo si repair, basement waterproofing, fre pose, including down poy lo N . puri in i RA _ $4008. RA 8-8639 ROSES ment on. home, payment of formation Dial RA 5.2737. existing mortgage, DAY care available for one or two chil. *MIl I have so many memories of estimates. Fog husband 1'loved wo much. Market E SRRFIFIEE "0 WEE eS 3443: Nights RA 3.7944 of |25--Pets and Livestock [dren in pleasant home ve dare "4 __ which I'l as nets, tom work tion of debts or purchoses a easan [] © never Y AS Strange. | All EVERYTHING HOLLAND NURSERY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS any kind. No penalty for pre- |GOLLIE puppies, sable and white. prey hog SUH wi 1056 Kennels, God has him in His keeping, 1 have Stree him in my heart. RET TT. & LANDSCAPING t, no bo Purebred, $50. Glen Isle ARUN AV eg a EMENTS dug, and n ¢ yment, ho bonus, sa pissed and lovingly remember. a ORoNTO (CP) -- Western! rh fig a S300 'or RA 8008. IN HEATI NG SPRING CLEANOUT COOPER-SMITH For fast, friendly service eal Bard, #1 Willam t Cobours. 36--Female Help Wanted *. WENNING -- In loving memory of a|Stock market was easier Monday PLASTERING. Patching and suc, Alpers for orm av. hot Fertiliaing & Rolling, Garden 0 PANY SEABOARD ONE FILLY Jaen and i ne, [RONAN Tor Bousekeening Sutin 5 air, aintenance, all us now DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. hive : Y0hon S773 AF oo rhe Sort Perth information, contact Albert Cawker, M Port Perry, YUkon 5.7969. 108 Free siden dad, Willlam Henning, whe passed |in moderate trading. Denerst orig RA 34871. Bb BER i SERN. 1986, water and steam heating, for sodding, seeding, plant 29Va Simcoe Street South | SEAUTIFUL baby budgies, Tesdy for SALES ladice for children's wear shore RA 2 in Osha: Centre. » awa May 3, & dou »+a 60d gave us a wonderful father EAYRSTROUGHING and fas I, oll ond H mn Thom MA 3B or ool ond gas. Expert ser ing, ete. . He fashioned hia Smile Sut of wisaine . Base metals vice repairs. Enjoy the com. do RA 5.7442 16 CELINA ST. Fore V2 0 Bros Beis Sirain, Apply Mrs. wa Expert: And moulded his heart of pure 78 while industrials Wipped ATTENTION! Now is the time to call] fort of modern automatic = fs y or er mee Young Ayes Tod. AR Sted & Saw var in Seaver. So... Golds were up AR|expurioneee, ET 1 Joh le! haating now with no meney RA 3-2312 hg black and |SALESLADY for well-known 10cal store, r . r home. f- A beautiful light to shine \ [Also specially derigned cupboards. For| 9OWn, S years to pay on oll WHITE BIRCH 180--Mortgages silver. Phone Pickering 240.M-4. conditions, And out of this old world of sorrows volume was 3,335,000(free estimates, phone RA 83333. and gas burners, furances and SPECIAL SALE BABY budgies for wis, le. alking strain expe He took that dear dad of mine compared with Friday's| si uMBING and heating pipes, fitings,| boilers. 14--Household Rapaire WE HAVE clients' monies for Joana OR (yjy weeks Ak |Sary. State experience and 'wages ex. Ta to, Will. daugh: East Malartic gold was|fixtures, new and used, changing from| FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL Single and clumps FURNITURE rep eGo l shave "of geamants. of sale. Louis 5. 5m rs [pected Apply Box 654, Ottawa Times. 5 cents at $2.10 and Can. Erin| septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In. RA 5.7181 i Sunday stered. See our pie Phy re-cover. fa oc; %4 King Street East, Osh. BOARDING, trimming, DARING, 60: cc oo oe |stallations at reasonable rates. Infor Oshawa Garden Service tha. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles East, awa, RA 3 fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA Hou. HOUSEKEEPER for 3. Full charge. 7212. -- REGISTERED puppies, also part Conveniences. Terence Molloy, RR in OSMOK -- In loving memory of our at $1.77 but New Mylam-| dear father and grandfather, Andrew ;que bors] wh at Bo utd [6 Mmbine. Dit RA aa 3" Foley. COMBUSTION 86 Taunton Rd. W. CRESTERFIELDS rebulll, recovered Terrier puppl Port Perry In oh y ; 3 x Port ae ees ------ I RT BSN, [aie Showed Gane: raat West Bot, vi, Srv ane ntl CONTROL SERVICES eo SEMEL ST rT ano seco SE BE es ee Lovingly remembered by son Steve, Saddlery and General Manufac- Box 1355 Bowmanville PO: MA 3.2820. at Hy To a a MORTGAGES Stock | facturer. Must be experienced in short. gaughielijaw Celia turing Products added 2% . ROOFING and widing, ees ughing. AJAX [bolstering Co. 10 Band Streat Wert od Su 9 Celina Street. RA 30343. [hand and dictaphone. Five days a week, gained {chimney repairs, mew and PRE CAST . twe RA S683, - ROOMS avd , Paning. AGREEMENTS OF SALE ponies, WILLIAMS -- In loving memory of a 82%. " . X dear friend, Verna Williams, who Led iota See . x as CLASS plastering ed Tepaths | CONCRETE SOD SUPPLY a a RA 58018 for carpentry, $1,800 to $100,000. Home od away May 5, 1885 Gone from us but leaving memories Sod splivan ered and layed. T: painting and handym: y idential property one oo summer cottages, suburban PICKERING Death can never take a %. dn i er Ra Memories that will Hay: inger | ga % ALL plumbing and hea applies. _While upon this earh © stay. tional Nickel and Hudson Bay piu ating and engineering. SEPTIC TANKS PICKERING 889 Electric fos, Saxtories Gnd vewegy; DOG SCHOOL Prompt service. Obedience training for all down 2 3% loving memory of a nger was v -- for interior and ex- LA Evenings Ajax 431 Ro A we Rope 0 i SEE PATIO Stes einen Riiniy Jrouble OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE | "PICKERING S40MS od away May 3. 1903. in a ahead fractions. owing na 3 a ER Sie 3d 4 showy sui § Soot) Sally Sela EMENT STEPS & PORCHES VICE TO ALL MAKES OF: CORP. LTD. TEMPLE 9-1656 ¥, iley A Telping hand to all she knew; 35. {basement Tare, "spe pation, se WASHERS, DRYERS, SUMP- Meot t North Shean" se ind, 20 remeron ana ] "| Phone RA adare. WELL TILE LANDSCAPING PUMPS, BLOWERS, POWER hd Bs 26--Farmer's Column r . Weed treated, field nursery gn sir he bl, did her bet ASPHALT SURFACES CURBING vod, top soll, grovel, Com. | TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS. Doy--RA 53568 [BERD fam wack ickd wp prow _Fver remembered by fhe Walker plete service. tract rates. STAR Nichts: ivhs Soliscts Bowiaahvilie, | | Hotel Reh US. Steel Head | "0 "Tw BROOKLIN | EiRidwiTON | Repair Centre | ma sistea some [revue = te ioe gig moms oo & is W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. 49 BURK ST. 19--Personal RA 32007. 1052 | hotween 8 p.m. and 8.30 p.m, CARD OF THANKS Steps Down At 65 P.O. BOX 308 CONCRETE | RA 5-6047 RA 5.7743 TI TS -------- On OLLING HOBOKEN. N. J. (AP)-_Clit RA 88132 TS 11--Business Opportunities | 11--Business Opportunities |v -- would like to Spiess my Sihesre ford F. Hood steps down today PRODUCTS LIMITED usin n Sy J] ots [NEW lakefront three m house-| Cosmetics has open- hone rookiin lay. * * ami, hot and cold ings in Oshawa and Whitby. s to Dr. J y nurses on a ma president of U.S. Steel Corp- re Se, TERING | ToSharpening Sari BE YOUR OWN BOSS iis oc mom i i Sir ies, Pollino 5.6065. te Grey.| Hood, at the Company's annual New and repai explained Nd HAVE your 1} lawn mower sha . RA 1082 duty electric stove, screeneddn Miss E. rbridge, 42 Sar- | from Bivd.,, Toronto 19, we be permitted to Sapris the Blasteving, water proofing, Row, saws, sci T C HYGIENIC sacri Cabo ae i anac : February. |, JOSH oe p ASTERING pu ss Se EXACO CANADA LIMITED vad in in siod wave: (one, ASL Hebuct J Pin. Ltda RU 27567 between 8-9 RA 8-1311 . , Interested in interviewing applicants as Lessee mines om Rubber Co. LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH s Ont. Jewellery Sales girl required. scissors. eic., precision sharpened.| dealers for service station, beirn r-nstructed at DAY CAMP Work fully guaranteed. Pickup and & * y a Full ti ition for right setribates DISASTROUS FLOODS Rich Loam del F 1 ull time positi APSHAD thank . you 10. the OMAWS a. brig Me Boy pop Tia Bog 4 Cedar ond Wentworth Streets ELEC , ROLYSIS BOYS ond IR 6. 14 | girl Expiience not required. weal Mospital, Dr. C. D. Russell, Dr.| MARACAIBO, Venezuela (AP) Top Soil, Gravel Chureh Street, RA 3.7816 " R : fl h $15 ery es. tions Apply between 10 a.m, ond emoval of superfiudcus hair. ly incl . - 4 N s® N. Vollmer and Dr. O. G. Millay, ge in this ofl region reached | - : We: would also like to express grati. | £1006 Fo egg in Fg Brick, Sand, Cheap,Fill ck ad debraed RA mar WRITE TO BOX 51 !, WHITBY Marie. Murditt will be. in gontatien, ilk Seiy ding, 2:30 gr in Oshawa May 12-13. Phone . ii B00 houses evacusted and an Levelling or back filling lots. |S NA S896 after hours. ~~~ sports LS i les sweeping & IE; mower OR PHONE MO 8-3211 Gondihe Hotel ah CREDIT JEWELLE! ad wire " - Tei. RA 52186 i A for oy Howl wn Sues dorm mation Sor sien. A ' RS A Pes . 'op. (With the steel firm since 1917. A lr A A A,

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