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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 17

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a ld 44--For Rent 45--Real For Sale |45--Real Estate Por Sale |'S--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 5, 1959 ol 41--Room and Board ie 'attractive a TOT Wx 7; cena, Phone I LOT, W 08 Fairleigh Avenue: -- " m se i "otter. WA 5-8020. dy or | SMALL apa: 108f clean and reasonably qulet couple. 36--Female Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted ee - a GIRLS for laundry work. Apply 30 wi wo ARE looking for an ambitiov riment. ground soupie: | wellbult ly 'rick bungalows. Three Street. ' foul young man trom 17 30 8, jeaie --y od Toca. Heavy duty wiring. Acply after © C all ex- z -------- S---------- " learn ne ea | SRL to iin 1 Totem food sg us ness. Any previous selling. stoc a Simcoe > © 108 Ritson Lag Sous 104 Saflent Say Joos, \moniniy Payménty N 4 A RESALE 9 Jadeoots ranch o yond By ' ely. wll conveniences v ence prefe perience is valuable but nc . 2, 05f LARGE furnished room for ome or 4 JUA cash hogy Ri iy i four keeping experie: auth, KA 56712 A Ciliing to share, one block from pase Joseph Bosco of | YR. OLD bath further EAT [rH Jackson Avenue. RA but not necessary, Apply In perron, pe cr a---------- on pe necessary Please reply in your 0W/ 0 St:oud's 54 Simeoe North, 10de io Sdwriting, stating Name, age a' On a Hees | downtown, Apply 45 Albert Street, 104f ; dry do 3* bedroom brick bungalow. |" - RA 9870. D d, New built-in stove i Fifteen Hundred Dollars Down experienced only heed Atply. Davis vious employers will be of great as cEeh GO RET 0 Ay 04 {aned unfurnisheq apartment, bus at|f hl ig Rs i HS ONAL oh oor Be ar -- er BTOT 0 erything py PROFESSIONAL office, part - fime! A WELL established men's wear store Ag ne room. RA 5-3057. hone is rie extras; P o Soule suitable for a summer resort Dine Bnaieeind to Pott Olle mt mo domly triple accommodation at hotel. MA j,.500 "contral. Phone RA 52085. Avail: 104¢ . home: two Box |one girl, beard att, near 401. Also {oF sale, i 1 A A '(We are plonning our Summer building progrom ond will hove oll heating, new booting on Presau'lle 4 RA WAITRESS wanted fer evenihg woiki any exper.ence. Re.erence from pre ais Hea su i. PRIVATE entrance and bath, self-con.| Drive-In W . MO 8- x 908, Oshawa Tines. _Blres y ee ---- t : ve hitby. Box A | SOOM and bozrd for one deniemed. L087 No, children, Use of cellar. Phone ore tal goes. Owner leaving Can ond oven, end many other: worker. evenings, all day Saturday:|in Oshawa wishes to contact a young Abi Bh Bee = "= | THREE - room apartment, electric 34a. RA 30004. i i Reply stating age, marital status, hour-| man, 25 fo 40 years, who has hid ex EDOM and board single. double Ofisiove and refrigerator, separate LOTS for sale on Sione Street, 78 x 300, RA 8-1338 3.2512, Presqu' , Whitby, = 01, wishes fo-tdentity i", the 3 7161, Bowmanville. fe Cot: ERKEEPER idower"s | TER's wear A rr Er wg oT Teed beled re rod Hovkees or A Sowers and address and st LARGE, bright room, for gentlemen O| FARMHOUSE, three acres of 1 you are looking for a new home, call us. ie oat bedn topes whe bull, thew it d water, south district. Dial RA $2000. To Mlle Ant near (01, Als 108 dale: excellent ng, 103¢ 6+ "and stove. Apply 351 King Shroot 6 lovely S-room bungalows available in the King St. E. ares, he Wie| ond 2 off Teunton Rd, W. REAL ESTATE -- saloon " an, excellent or, Sr RIP room In lovely home| Eas a cemary. Good in the for, = dentleman, single beds, ®%ywo ~siorey home suitable for two) «These houses wil! have colored bathroom fixtures and wall EE, ¥ ; cellent meals, parking. families, ofl heating, garage. lovely ye ree Blower bon, - orth | TIL Party. Ber EpPOCeal Estate, 13|BA 86718. 0ai families, cll heating, 4s 0ks: Phone| tile, smartly divided kitchens, iron railing r box, LR, stein, RA 8.5161. 103c| ROOM and board, ciose fo four comers | 3.3211 evenings RA 5-2530. 101] sashless gliding Windows, and ol modern construction with cus- ch -- - --ee v= land GM. Good European meals UR - room apartment and b th, in tomer's choice colors roughout. G8 ey | 8 Ele San ean SEE Hin pRICE $12,900 -- DOWN PAYMENT $1750 BRITON, ONT of furnis| rooms, avail-!Availal m al hy one ---- @ hs a your ait home, - Park Road | 5.6133, . 101¢ ' » ' . a 108 me lund 1 th os RA 80071. a j TE es vu ru pg i Bol Mn wie JAMES O'MALLEY, BUILDER : J oko nn Eo "RA 37122 LLOYD REALTY | FULL DOWN: " RooN 1 Albert Street. ly Service, Whitby, MO Y = 8.326. : OSHAWA'S BUSIEST ACR ot 3--Wanted to Rent WHITBY --one-, apart. ONE MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE FIRM PAYMENT » \ uray a a ments, electrically equipped, balcony, nd LEAT a Pon St Chg wh Ss EO \ C K F RY $69 MONTHLY | ~ osenevenmss | sixqoom soup RA i = . haidiiadd er ee 3 "bedroom bungalow, 528 COMPETENT bookkeeper for construe: | oun. room house wiih garage wnd NOTE O00 IEE (Uline May THREE MODELS | INCOME -- SPECIAL GA Tin or od Tn becomming 3 collect, Bowmanville MA 3.5811. 108 rT ETT WT pg Aion, two-apartment home BASEMENT, LARGE 172 Tike 1a. K rel J d_ self rice only $10,970, Ides! LENT AREA WITH interesting work Matric with house keeping privileges. Call [Cigale for "two "adus, in exchange] MOHAWK ST. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, CUSTOM-BUILT. A $11 995 Ce oyons who wants to be | SCHOOLS, SEWERS, BUSES, a a, vy Mz, y Gamyiat, U Know of a Sood man Who|WANTED TO RENT -- Apartment or or domestic ae = finished in k ME i THiS POPULAR ARES: Ri srg oh / h Ec. . ea) \ DO YO ow te Cor.|THREE - room apartment, Fernh nisl in knotty pine, acoustic ceiling % : tral, large lot wi rage. dren rienced preferred. Ap-| opportunity la duplex with, 10, minutes BL TUR" Sew Blvd, second flor, private' bath, eh | pit.in bookcases, family dining room, big kitchen, plenty of {yeti Bagi Mery O other extras, Don't TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME 's wear, ex enc prefe: hy H | references. ] K (7 N ; coll $ person. 1. Collis and Sons, 50 oO Ty iean. 100 Wiliam Sreet West or) Cupboards ond large bIscICH LSC, Tepe. fied bath, with built. | Ranch stvle, centre hall ond | BOUL INL 8 Tas. Dou RA 5-883] reared Padvertising. Starting SAIATY. | ocoo rl in hed Tooms, CUP: ed rooms, every convenelence, abstain-| 125. Owner transferred and will sell this clear property on at- Write Box 804, Oshawa ith hot and cold water ing 5, every ] bath completely tiled, par- Tires! for 3 {03¢ | boards, sink with hot and cold water in (gps. No children, Rates reasonable tractive terms and. reasonable price. Inspection arranged et your tially finished basement, some This spacious six-room brick REAL ESTATE ih GOOD Watkin routes SH Rae of to general manager of parttime. Phone RA S800. 10% rie gr furniihed "rooms. Business monte. available now, all convenicaces only couple preferred. no children, § mi including refrigerators and stoves. Ab CONTAINED BASEMENT APARTMENT. The home itself is Sodded lawns, private gravel much higher price, The large 4 led drive. All electric fixtures. living end dining réom has SCHOFIELD ar 103¢ tion office, capable of taking full [jo ase, working couple, no children, best 'ATn Fou Jonse om 8 am. to 3 p.m, aa RA 53652 105 | voferences, Whitby preferred. Phone =: ' 108¢ H Large po p So petomor A 33 RA 8.6228 Real Estate 46 King St. W. FULL PRICE Sos for $1000 down. Full | PRIVATE DRIVE, . 3 2 * 103 | pr tant. Rapid ad- HER youd Tike large, clean room I iscsi. Samy A EXPERIENCED hori order cook for |[SUI*0ICle ved. "Phone RA 5167 32317. 1p. RA 3.39%. REAL NICE HO their own landlord, Very cen SALESLADIES for iadies' and chil. would app 909 th two-year. $125 per week? Write Box 808iners, by couple wi y : wiring. Available Ji Yin person. 14 0 So Osnawa Times. a RA $7708 atter 7p. iy ie nie 8 ng. Available Jue oboards and large breakfast area. Bedrooms 15x13, 11x13 Ranch oie, wertre hall and pass. this one ng Street West. | LAYOUT MAN -- junior PRONE RA Soll cmmiane: sromiseommautmet 3 1 © em errr + deter eeemgtin. | roquuired, preferably with experience in 44--For Rent | COMPLETELY furnished air.condition-| in vanity. Tastefully decorated and nicely landscaped lot 66 x family kitchens. Four piece GRACIOUS LIVING WT LAMSON y $55 per week, Wri SECR ETARY Tones? for appointment. aie Tl or kitchep, on bus line, quite private. SA RA SSO. 19H convenience. i available, full 20 3.9462, {TWO and three-room furnished apart- a walk out basements with pic- home has many convenient Lok ME palit aie i BALDWIN ST. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH 3-ROOM SELF- ture windows ond patio's, extras not found in homes of 4 RT-TIME painter y ] manufacturing Co. in Nie. Funnell, Genosha Hotel. = Wea orien. Apply 105 Coll ply 137 Alice Street. _108| [Fo oc late condition iwth 3 nice bedrooms, good sized liv- i ree : | THREE unfurnished rooms, on bus| [= oo "and bright modern kitchen, Apartment finished in Heavy duty cable, Also some built-in valance boxes with AREE ro 1d bath, off King St. | . . ; ht. i SALESMEN YHREE roots wd od nx Er fine: Svaabe. adults lean and brig mahogany plywood, raised floors, fully insulated, stainless steel with combination triple alum- lighting, and the kitchen is Insurance Associates Atd We have © sales position for |parking space, at bus stop. RA 5.3383. SIMCOE Noth, four and five-room| sink, cupboards end countertop and 3-pc. bath. * Now rented, inum storm oid screen win- out of this world, with slid. hy Al Priced to sell with income carrying the payments, . dows. and only $100 more ing frosted glass doors on REAL ESTATE of Ajax Must hi horth ' ol RYE; shortnend and an experienced Real Estate -|apartment, all conveniences. Call R on down payment, every cupboard, exhaust fon keepl other Swnsgrophic and Sieh | Salesman. Must be married, FURNISHED housekeeping Toor: also 56343 9 a.m. to 5 p.m COCHRANE ST. WHITBY, 6.R00M RANCH BUNGALOW, AT TRI 1 cal duties. Ajax vicinity de- . Age no. evening gown for sale, 826. 7 'TWO , Kitch d living room, o" , 6- , Als ity i rain Revi | Sl Te EFL pr SE SENATE | ences ame wy | BL SRC TR | 0 ens id. If interested please call FO rem sparen, ~arnivhed, no 88%7. Pp) earhorn. 124| dining reom 22 x 10 ond 9 x 12, big modern kitchen an UP ON FUTURE CON- bedroom, Yard is completely bungelow just 6 months' old, PHONE AJAX 128 Bill McFeeters or lw Aker, | Ciaren. 1313 Codar Street. 104 iyo Furnished rooms, bedroom and piée bedrooms. do od 2.pe Jed athe with bul Jon. STRUCTION. SO BUY Dn od rd hor paved ops lie gin 4p]. 2ovHme RA Ta26n 105¢( 30% Foon House, at 4% Bloor Ee na mk. Apply 867 Ritson Road Semin | stone patio 44 x 10. Aluminum storms, screens and doors. Only NOW, TERRIFIC VAL dun. Only. 74200 00, Cal alien. This ing I" pricedule 37 --Mole Help W. 4 [rowy 0 sans 4 v Foil kA 2 yeors old. Easy terms, reasonable down payment, priced right. UE. Doug Hurst, RA 8.5123. po bill ny ili pi 1 ~--Male Help Wante: | Ome fur comfortable for English SMALL apartment, three fooms,\ al ghd pose SL sls AE 3 hE : t "at 77|private, abstainers. RA 5.3425. 102 After hours please coll: nings,, RA 8.6326. aware sgman, wn om COMMISSION [athe dri™ **™™* ™™ "of Foun moms snd san nested sour Jay Goyne, RA 5.5378; Relph Vickery, RA 5.6342 ONE MORTGAGE | $70.00 MONTHLY DESIRABLE HOME 1721, Picker} COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom (ment, $60 a month. Phone Brookitn 183, Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board U -- NEAT appearing yous wah W.-H, AGENTS near hospital and ge, Immediate posseision.______"4t 1086 RA 5-883] 7.room brick duplex with NORTH Ee LT CC ar Fi ra SFE L | in geet, Hit ewell's en's Wear, | 2 + nF a soartment. ane DIotK W. T. LAMSON itchens and n ; air Srna : ot al. (IIo SOLE Ce te Bt Bmcoe, avaiable immediatly. RA CENTRAL PARK BLVD. SOUTH ey BYE UTD. oil heating, You can't go 360 MONTHLY ox BR a fh. BA ciuive Tati. 3 loge badroomy, ely brick and stone 0), LTO Jos rng dhs buy or enly | ateched go with an intern, EIGHT . room, four - home, | Two rooms In quiet home, | |iving room, dining room, kitchen. Storms and screens, TV. $10,500. ocation. large r - 4 63% acres of and. Use of 1and for farm- suit lady or couple without children, i ig P $12,500 for ick Bill Millar, RA 8.5123, od '%0.4t GUARANTEED | '¢7 EA han" Boe il ints. ren moder. nA Sar | gare, wih oto need Or SE orred throughout. Cal Sr ai mon : X city limits, References 1 y ) ' X od $70 Pers Order [em locates xt oy mit Rete e--ioriani edi fo gan | Jock Sherriff RA 5.6588 ofter hours RA 3-377, $1,000.00 DOWN Kiord Rey Loa. in cabinets, 2 extra large bed- Salary and Commission Large office staff maintained | Realtor, RA 0070. 10 | 41 oman, central, near North GM, store, East end location, immedi. ealtors Ritchen, e No travelling ® Products to serve you -- handling ell ive Fc apaftmedt, Heat a nd bus line and hospital. "Apply 13 Elgin SUBURBAN GEM 76 potseition: Jrotm, Uy 101 Simcoe St. N. i i ¥ d b Stre ; : : y , It's rs old. ¥ and ieads supplied » Scientific details such os national od: pers 'iret. RA 6.0616. 10M Ry Lae oe an.. 'Doi wei Just West of the City Hos oil heating, a new gar- RA. 3/5103 age. Owner transferred, and LIST WITH LLOYD sales methods: @ Thorough | vertising, prospect cards, de- | ;uugy "oom furnished basement bedroom. well traini ® Buy-now-bonuses liveries, collections, etc. A ble for t irls or furnished. RA 50536. . Li room 18 x 12, large modern kitchen and four piece both anxious » Pong arent market © 25 ibis you free to congen- nga hija f Near south gat THRE stove and re 5 beroove 14 x 12 phe JO x 12. Forced oir oil heat. 1/3 roperty in be 4, Call THEN CALL YOUR Mover formation, pleose year pension plan $14,000 trate soley. on sales. et A Bt | share 1 gere lot. Lied at $9,000. For. further details coll Bill Norris et oy Flintoff, RA- 3.3454. 05a} Stinson, evenings, RA © experienced men we a fur basemen ACTIVE 3 - NEAR N i : / ate a Pak R NORTH PLANT BUY AND SELL BROOKSIDE ACRES: plug Pe a ere opportunity to triple their [ment Pov tected ter: es. i nity e r i: Requirements present income. To the inex- /. Rn S507 A REAL MONEY MAKER WALK HOME FOR LUNCH _ perienced. -- full training |NiGE, four : --- Are you looking for a qual. WITH CONFIDENCE i t our expense, 4 Beat this if you con on ottractive 114 storey home with 3 NY Ao. Liha i ssential, os is @ neat vision. . treet. 1 separate epartments and private entrances, storms and screens, ty n o fine neigh. . apasoronce ond a com- [BA - , furnisned | land g, 4 d, oil. hating and o monthly | of iks, @ pg Howe and Millen doronce ix ; 3 nturnined, wore $180 -- Priced to sell ot only $14,500. Terms. Coll Doug | Molks: anc close to transpor. | 1 1UY \ Wir. Washburn will interview : 2 : Wilson ot RA 5-6588. fer you this in our. exclusive REAL ESTATE a view of the ereek, call Reg. Wildgen RA -opplicants at the: only: wa or tined thee fbn ; list rime, pew DEG: | Jom of Sun nt' buflding. NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOWS bai a ou INSURANCE Aker, evenings, RA 5.0201, Cir yen 417 Hv 139 Kingsway Motel © Note; 'previous experience not May pin i 6, 1-4 pm. ». WASDAF, Poy adults. e . "rent hres Tom Apartment, or 5 & 6 ROOMS With gotege..OlL ating. x RA.5-7732 ATTEN ON ome suantiol. ose 1086 Tanti Call RA 2008. too $13,275 Full Price 5-4330. SPRe 67 KING ST. E. FY highend ya od EX. room, moders brick Wevse: open $1,300 Down Payment and Up DUPLEX INCOME HOME-- hig I ve rang aap floors, ofl heating, four bedrooms, good location, close to schools and bos, 10 year old brick. 4 rooms ARTHUR ST. A eas. 3 . A S : room, large closet, plate RA 5-5688. 0 Clay brick end stone front Storm windows end screens : HIGH C LIBRE SALE MAN 8 YOO. | FIVE - room upper duplex, north end, if i Partitioned 'basements down, with 4-pe. tiled bath, $2500 down. Nine rooms in 150, Close te school, church, 4885 heavy duty stove, private bath, TV su. Many more 'features for good 4 rooms up with 4-pc. bath, all. Three room apartment on bus end @ new shoppi + 1048 Hot water oil heating, Sep- Ist flogr; four room apt. on centre. For further To al / tenna. RA 3.7796. Serviced lots services all paid fyi Apply 637 Albert Street iving ara two finished room: jon, | LARGE room for ive fentiamen, sepa: ate entrances. Double gar- 2nd, and finished s tion, call Bill McFeeters, day- : e. An excellent 'locoti in attic, Heavy duty wiri R eveni We Foowe on ao ar ing intra: office fotcu solar: room, for one gentleman, Apply 68 War, to live, and have yon throughout, Double Pasi RAS. 1726 22% gad man with a sincere interest in learning @ most interesting busi- SINGLE yom for gentieman, central. e a O r tenants. For information and Terrific condition both inside i > ness 4 102¢ Apply 38 Nassau Street. 104 ' RA ir call' Joan Peacock, Bargain, priced at LISTINGS URGENTLY 4330. $13,000. Ask for Winse REQUIRED If you have the energy and Initiative required for this position ' - | ATTRACTIVE, unfurnished two., and : f A we con'show you how you.mdy nome the size of your income. A oy duty wi Ee Eo AP AIUat, Mult, Sout Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 ,TOWNLINE & LAWSON Brgdley RA-3:2006; Used hones 3 in great de- i : 9 % esr . 'T AVE. w= nf . We have buyers wait- Complete rea! estate focilities and full co-operation ovailable |WRFTBY -- Three farge room wpart IN NEWCASTLE -- three © bedfoor 105¢ 37.900 for his 5: room stue- HERBERT iy ing ny a . ment, children welcomed, $65 & mONh. | Market 3.5589, Bowmanville. 104 " with attached 4 se ling, now is the time fo 1. Sickneme aiid rk auronch RA BSS dave. IE room, unfurnished apartment, Qorege, on one quarter acre. | Five year old bungalow, large | sell. For friendly sincere she 2 Ta an * von Th sees of 1 private bath, private entrance, het 3-pc n mb ic oan, lot 60 x 260", five very large viee ate call, rn N pplied, beautifully | W . , an rooms, low taxes, close to vis RA 8.6326" 3. Drawing. account fo sal (pm. 108¢ Street. RA 88111. 1044 nN e gd rove attached garage. Call R 2 y ' A , Su, wi , wi ns o APARTMENT, two - room, Furnished, ONE arse furnished. Tht Nousakenp . . ¢ Flintoff, RA 5-3454. « schoo) and bus service. Neat " 30 MeFeatens RA 4 r interv appointment ca Doug son 1 ho! . » ng room, gerator, ral, ndsdowne shopp pag AS on, privite entrance. A Selianle Sor one or two girls or opie, 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA 3 COURTICE E. Se Pia Relande Tier- ' RBovtime RA 3.3568 "t year old 5V4.room bunge- : » We i! ; TREE oom Nt pve D. W. WILSON LTD. REALTOR [mmm memset visions se ri Se $1,500 DOWN lower large lo OF hoon, | TRIPLEX --ONE YEAR OLD : RA Sa flan § Whi. Brooke 4R4_1W| TAUNTON RD. E. Scroom frame bungalow, medem kitchen, | S550 [ILRY Biced at | investment opportunity of o 46--Real Estate Wanted OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA S102. Toi | TIODERN three » ruin spirtmein, Pri. living room, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, fuii basement, furnace, and $7 with $2,000 down, lifetime, paying a high return, | HOUSES aod farms wanted for , i a3 rr heat and water supplied. Ap.| electric water tank, aluminum storms and screens, V2 acre lot i 9 a month. Call Jean I yn All eas ar Your quit For sale : | ly after 12 noon. 623 Olive Avenue. 99¢| With variety of fruit trees. Full price $7,900. Co-op listing, cock, RA 3.4330, presently rented, All decorat- [Strest, Oshawa, RA 3.3313; Whithy MO landscaped I 8.9231. ee or - sink, use of washing machine, adults, Ply After 12 noon. 623 RA 5 6588 Awply 4 Drew or RA, 3-4153 after . BACHELO apariment for Indy, siove for. indy, siove call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810. NEAR ST. GREGORY'S ing and p ime eae i ------------ and refrigerator, central. us seen ' i WANTED , three bedrbo FOUR - room apartment, slove, effig lo be appreciatetd, A 3.6047 GIBBONS ST. 2%a-storey, 8.room brick, a oa [Wind gniow or wm a eg tn with | erator, washer, dryer, ete. Phone RA |GIX™. room house with garage, immed. : with garage. Oil heoti y A fireplace, he Vig Toom with 5.5808. ' 108¢ | jate possession. Apply 225 Oshawa Blvd. Large S-rcom bungalow, 26 ft. living -room, modern kitchen, pe. bath, end 1 ating. 3- vestigate this one for sure. [preferred Wi reasonable . disténce THREE - room apartiient, private en. North between 5.30 - 7.30 p.m. dining room, 2 bedrooms and 4-piece bath, forced air oil heating, wood floors, 5 bes Hard- SOMERVILLE ST sepatate school, wear eentre, trance, private bath. Central, no small | THREE unfurnished rooms, central| Storms ond screens, extra deep lot with large garage and variety see call Pot froma, To "| Times , Write 'Gihaw heated, heavy wiring. Phone| Apply 71 Warren Avenue. 10s] of fruit trees. Asking $3,000 down, balance one open mortgage. 2S ap, inte, RA ULTRA MODERN : or eae) oom A - a 4 Tous . Too modern bungalow, one Call Sid Mertyn, RA 3-9810. . op. Imaginative, custom built < Box 308 Conan Tier ae. h(a weicwme, yuu SF, Pues ho N.HA. RESALE Gl A BRAND NEW HOME | five room bungalow with cat | SPFing Is Here s 108¢ FURNISHED fourroom bungalow and oY, IAM , GIBBONS ST. IN ROSSLYNN ESTATES | Port. Natural fireplace to ceil- : bath, close to shopping centre, school] $13,000 full price, 2 years old, modern kitchen with extra din- We have a | ing, broadloom, laundry room, ; and church: bus passes door, Available| ing area, 17 ft. living room, 3 bedrooms, forced air oil heating a large selection of radiant heating, storms etc., i 7. 108f g lovely brick bungalows in Beautifully decorated and PRE . Ce ha wa Seer ERR Cc Rosedale Drive,| OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Four room sell contain. | Whitby. W960 Office with recreation' room, . [0 OF betre May 2. RA S85: laundry tubs, copper plumbing, storms ang screens, .T.V. aerial, thi 1 letely sodded, 5V2% mortgage. Call Keith Peters, RA isles Wing fuloo lonvgecaped Asking BUYERS! 0 y infor- wn. wil ed ap vate also LET George do it--have your garden lot 5 Sarage. MO 8:2008 or MO 84043, 1058 rototilied mow. Call MO 84710, | loa¢| newly decorated, central lo- 45 __Real Estate For Sale 4 or FOR SALE -- Manure Phone 165 FOR RENT -- Six room bungalow, cation. $65.00" monthly. FEY wr avenings RA 54) 52. mation, 104¢ yard and garden. Available how. MO|LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE chicken house. food EE $750 DOWN PAYMENT After Hours Please Call is = LUCAS PEACOCK| tmicesm stasis | WE NEED E --_-- Ra FOR RENT -- Two furnished or partly (o0e0 & 10% 31% Simcoe Street South |Highway. Apply Jack Huggins, New. rooms, sutavle| POR WENT -- Five roam bungaiow,| Dial 3-9329 or 5-655) fami 102f| NH.A RESALE, one yeor old 6-room brick bungalow, oak and Charlie Smith RA 8-8254 Don Howe RA 3.9692 Total abstainers Available two or three bedrooms. Large corner MUST be sold, excellent loi 4° by 121| tile floors, 4-piece bath ti fa : 103¢ | Tot i 1arge. garage. 104¢ ) y 121 , 4-piece bathroom, recreation room facilities, lond- ; aw = oa = ved, ase. ut Anns So. re Sewer and| scoped: Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or evenings RA 5.4162, REALTOR Jan Miller RA 5.2993 PROPERTIES: Anthony Teunissen, MO 8-488. May 13 Three bedroom bunge- ONE BEDROOM Sar; % 104c| GLIDDON AVE. Immaculate 6-room brick "home, hardwood and RA 5-4330 Aglande Millen TRA, 5.5200 : ( Bult And families, TMENTS RANCH bungalow -- landscaped, de-| 'tile floors, oil heating, aluminum storms .ond screens, gorage. larry. Millen RA 3-2524 - pi Hg S318 evenings only. APARTMEN 5 $11,500, ~ 105a 105a HOUSES, FARMS, SMALE HOLDINGS LIVE Poultry A Sedfiers wanted.| yo legiore possession, elee- or Gibbons Street RA 5075. j01i| SOMERVILLE ST. S.roém, 3-bedroom brick low, forced BROOKLIN BUYS i LIST NOW WITH way, new tanks 204 Chestnut West; pho Highest paid. Phone i . Whitby. . May 11| trically equipped, best 10¢a- [NEw house for sale, No agents. Apply| 0ir ofl heating, nicely d d end land: d. $4,000 down. Home -- 4 Acres tion. Buckingham Manor. 108¢ MILLER AVE. S 3-bed N . = Nitec" ang Enlai Gia . S-room, 3-bedroom - bri h I ith : nis RA 8-8676 - a Brick attached orcse, shu fireplace, forced gir with a heating, Ale 4 gretnihvuses; Latated on Jay. 12 7 room home with ol MERV. BIRD renting call fondscaped lot. ,500. onve! , 3 green houses 50. ft. long, | greenhouse 4 ad pd 0 long. All fall of plants, sold as o'going concern, Barn and hen- BROOKLIN FOR RENT -- Lawn rollers, 3/4-room,' 1-bedroom oport- |FICTURESQUE 50 acres located on| HAMPTON, spotless é-room : room, house and : door. 2 di % Mis ts, d 1 ,, -- Bavs RA wo acre lot, sil oom, Jie ie Pui Sate v $50,000. Soed_sindy io soil, Sehoot bm ot *. Price Phone 255-W tillers, post hole diggers, ! fous @ HAYS evi og W ofl Wg he; AJAX, § 3-bed: ; J. A 2 i . monthly. and 1 et ¥ { h h , S-room, 3-bedroom brick b low, oak tile floors, «A gaint sprayers cament ix. | To Smmedon "ate | | She ihon Stes Beth A ah Sosment, pve HIGHWAY Home o 5, owl batrows, *nain on NEW dixoom brick Dusgslow wih drive. Inspect and make offer. Located on Hwy. 7 & 12. Lovely 6 room bungalow. Beautiful WILLOUGHBY. } et dk a Eee nt partm mt: in Bow "ve SECTION. 3 i ; adem kieran ih brvakfan, Nock, dining room 9 x 12, living d ou top boets, mot- 3% Si ¥ REA South sible party, Phone MA 3.3423. ost NOR -WEST N, room hi bungalow, decorated in room xis, room, urnace. Approx, | 3/4 acres on SONS LTD., REALTORS"% Sanus, ear-tcp bon, ot iH Simeon treet Sout re SR oils, nce boxes, plaster moulding, attached garage, large comer lot. This is a very attractive home and has been reduced 46 Eglinton E., Toronto ' h ome, sement, solid brick, ofl . Y q ik sale, * wi be in. : ng Catalogue Free" FOR C.I.L. PAINT trailers, tents and esmping TT Mag 0 EBT or. Pe) eet For quik ssi, 112.500 Yh 32,800, 00% i od Sen 3 LL yan. < $10,350. 204 Gibb Street. 1056 3 ACRES , LAKE SCUGOG COTTAGE 47--Automobiles For Sole k=Nw 8 used QUIET rr S-room dwelling, 2 chicken barns, located near Simcoe St. N. New 5 room cottage with 100 ft. lake frontage. 3' bedrooms, DODD & SOUTER ean oo -- MODERN TWO-BEDR 200 ft. water front by 670 and Catholic Cemetery. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810. large Kitchen yp living. room and washroom. Furniture included Paint '& Wallpaper Store AND SALES, 1101 Henry _ APARTMENTS foot deep. Situated on North i. REST. AURANT in price $4,700 with $700 down. : Ring West Motors, 107 yen Strat South Street. Note--Meving--new | ON 1S GIBBONS ST. im. | shore of Hay Boy 8) miles | Fully modem with full line of equipment pus 8 rooms for liv PORT PERRY HOME a AEN vader May , Duns Mediate is ¥ Adul 4 south of Napanee. House 28 ig, quarter iid Woming house, centrally Tosind en Jone lot. 35.500, Good Jocavitn in town, 6 room frame and insul-stone ene of w over 12. or evenings % house, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, dining room living room. Apply 21 Gibbons St. x 40. Barn 18 x 24 $4000 This is a good sized lot on paved Posi, Bn and bros RAVEL Fi n uick sale r FA G & LL Ornamental Evergreens, LLOYD REALTY ! fo dak lo. Yor tutu 13.room brick income Ewa AYE suitable for sub- ay A Arndt MERV BIRD - BROOKLIN Fadio, 'fog lights, added dash. | Driveway Gravel, $7 per load | Shrubs, Hed P i y p ru edges, aeonies, RENTAL AGENCY da : | division bordering 3 streets. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 ete, $1295 Hing See or phone Cec. Wood West Motors, ait ising aay ing Cement Gravel, $1.60 Petennich, choice collected | yd dors for hedges, 35¢ ond Our fee is less than 49-ACRE FARM, $1,500 DOWN PHONE 255-W phe +] oma -- il ETT vacancy, only screened end 65 MUSKOKA AVE. : \ rg ~ §-room, 2-storey frame home, good: bank bam with aluminum J. A. WILLOUGHBY Coa al 2%, Waar, per yd. For Delivery Phone VP. ORCHARD NURSERIES relicble tenants, ERIC BRANTON Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, RA 5-6991 roof, hydro throughout, and garage, overlooking Lake Be Ne. 7 Hwy. South Side. Ontario neor Cobourg. Peters, RA 5-876) late 'interior, $1998. MO 8-2660 2 wiles wast of Brackiin®. AE $4163 evenings. = oA & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS So Se Ton Ten 08¢ : 108] (Continued co Page 18)

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