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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 18

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18 THR OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 5, 1959 For Sal RE Horo VF: | Gh ana M ay Be Formed MANITOBA POLITICS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING [i ir su ft dis mrss : ie | (eee Ja. at BFE TEE EES =xeriz rw Into Republic Shortly PC Rise To Power Re LL) HOA oli, Main Ws Fires boat 47--Automobiles For Sale a h 0 toot, Singh be rE By LAWRENCE DWORKIN [tiers make up the scout groups. with iH ui opr PONTIAC VParisianne, H WP, | Store. tise Mie 37 i Simooe ching: Teones Tal Taller Canadian Press Staff Writer By Africans of Dutch ances. theta: san w 'Hosnce Call J aan Kr te oy? cai of topden, TJC. ley have their' own gouth erase rin S rar isans ip Sd ee HE + on, ei dr hf le, Jer ; CRBWAL 2 te, Dial RA 5:3609, au, predicts which Gen, says ans0C Fle de ad te" Sr Sondidion. Wo ehemerted Shaine" in wood eon: pie. 0 i -- On sais #3058 that Ghana will become a re: alt with polities, down dition, Phone R. 10i¢ | LLOYD CARRY sale B; AN MecCABE form, including assurantes of Phone MA 3-5177 after 5. 104e | = pa 3 T0 Toot Tons. | UP: Plus free maitress with every public within the Commonwealth| In Lisbon, Gen, Spry met All| ™ MIAN) Staff Writer for | nd a better de A | LAAT i i hn A p boat. 14 # i i qoriager Barons Home Furnishings 434 sorfietime Ligh year, 0 Daudachi, regional boy Jodut OX | WINNIPEG (CP) Premier fo more ublic ownership ayne Street. 103f 5.7 ' Py han n recently re ecutive resenting an: ti - higher dio, 754 WONAROH bine, standard | BREAK ok irs" she Tia nev 2 sige 10 to WEDROOM aT aa BALE ole turned to o His Ottawa headquar-| Arab world, who sald scouting Rutt olin To sv oa taxes ih i, » 6: transmission, original milea 8200 12, Pi 12, Phone 1080 | 0 Some suites with smooth top mat-|L€FS After a seven-week tour of there has not been influenced hid servative bondi rg | . Man.|_ Mr, Roblin has drawn baal 8-5603 10 RED tol vin oh Far oom: esses" and. box awringg Free! Fanr'el elght routes, Be Jatied 'the|the political differences of the itoba gone hand in ood rid Progressive fire by ex spot] interior or oned, rnishing Con, aa Heamitn, $5 fo WB Wixiewn sare + fo Choose ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap-|Simeoe Hi, 8, "Lower prices a prech Co neo, Fro 1S onge, Arab countries, - |a revival bi hot political partisan. fie sv service to handle the JI805. Lease expiring sale KIng | sutisiy you somehow, don't let the down | Ponce: 80 Bond East, too--or_your_money_ retuned {MA Bo! d C PARIA.TALKS ~ . ied Wovernmant 8.0 Motors, opposite ing Centre. | payment worry you, Our lease is ex:| ELEOTRIO refrigerators, all makes, ) oH br Tance and Cuba. In Paris he met officials -; the parties wre for_the| VEO 104 |piving and they must go, King West completely reconditioned, 90-day free conditioned, 80-day poli In Ghana he met Dr, Kwame 8 61 officials frm vineial tion Ma There basic differences hy ore, oppose shoppin centre, 101 WAITARl rom 86450, irvine APPL from 430.90, Irvine Appitances, 50 Rond |krumah, prime minister of the France, England, Belgium and general election May|.oinisoent of the early days CREVEOUET deluna wo tan, $1478 ihe, I0H AA Hod Ey Portugal | ti 4 battle lines are more sharply|fer 1 ac6N aarly dare ol RA $0004 after 430 pm. in vol VOLKSWAGEN, #000. Phone Piek: | SL i' p-- lt a. AL Rion oo 3 u ng Commonwealth nation, Jo gal 10 connoct wien drawn than they have been since|h® Province, founded in 1 ahnopy. in Yo = » rom thelr talks and his discus . 'oan the days of the First World War,|1886 ELECTION GL REV, ren, 7 ood od _eondilion. Pho - coll, Wp San. "mn value onl; He also attended a Euro) caps th. CAR. CA AGL Wl i: | BRED rn nt a "le, Au, MEA ome Fur [G01 Gory std ne gor ihe imarus. e¥lonal meeting In Parly The CCF party claims there Is) Prof. William Morton of the(H0 for Pres backed phone RA 3.0426, 105¢ | heater, ne hort ele, origin B. , F. Goodrich Stores, RA 54543, sion that the former British/plans for closer European scout (00 basic difference between the ) Progressives. condition ton S-passenger | 4 owner. RA 3 YOU GAR and a hall garage for sale -- fo e| TWO 070 by 1 tires, in excellent con: ' lations! d uli Conservatives and the Lib-(a hi the province tha o dition, $15, One new 6-volt battery with [colony plans. to follow India's ex.|Telationship were discussed, Pe a To he LH tal olec.| Although the first Labor mem , one rban '84 Chevrolet sedan, $975, RA 9, automatic, | moved. Apply 174 Ritson Road South. nw eral 1008 Ir inside. and suarantes, MA 80489, 108 ample and become a republic| In Cuba he learned that scout fot od June 16. 1008, However dif. "The Con.|ber was elected to the ea radio, twe 'tone, like new a ut out, $685. Private, RA 86083, ' 108 |g ag -- i968 RCA universal ear radio, used within the Commonwealth ing had not been affected by the] Ele ue od or that vg on of Premier in 0, the CCF as such BUICK i four door, standard trans: | "Stores, i ; | the, excell dition, $30, ; Joy sauivped, good conn sar 0 CHEV. guaf Tres, Taoor ind to on ; [Apply 33 Riverside Drive South. 1085 UNITING FORCE "Vin" {o0t. i has been wirmiy|Iant Year with the Conservatives John Norquay, "dave way on the political CREVROLET two lone Bie, tires | oe eer: Call RA 8.8016. A% ONE Amana frovser, upright, War far. WASHING machine and "refrigerator, He said in an interview that greeted by the Castro govern.|Rdvocating more ab nding and|Liberal regimé Pre nil the Tha Since then i as has very clean, mechanically sh METEOR, Pein Wh ther particulars _eall gr : Suitable for' sottage. '000. "oie his travels convinced him scout-|ment,' fie Loh Liberal: FRO roaYes Mipport mier T, Greenway In 1888, The boen ale thing Sly party on the pro- h Priced fins pm. $600. Van Heusen 2.540, y 030 |BIX-fi. drafting table, siool, machine, ing plays an Important role in| During the revolution the scouts|!N¥ & ht grip on strings of Conservatives came back In 1800 . %,_open 105¢ 45, Chrome mute, $0. Filing cabinel LARGENT election of used TV. many |oroafing a sense of kinship among helped with policing, first aid and the bub le purse, and thent 1t ih 18 on fite unket The be couikion Marte lo besak up In when th pulled Roblin, grandfather of the pre:louf, The Conservatives depaited wy 50 PONTIAC coach, good shape, ,. 0 with new guarantee at Parkway Tele. PONTIAC, 'wiiomatic Transmission, 4 FONT M0. FM tuner $00. RA 3. oat Vion, "918 Bimeos Street North, different races, [placing of refugees, PREMIER'S VIEW tires, tutone, radi k Bi sami : A Ww ndshield thay oy oa peaker i VANGUARD, one owner, reason: FATT arr, sx, 0 wallon, SHOE ~ repair equi ment "complete, I was amazed at how well| ' 'Scouting Is. carried on in most Mr, Roblin has contended, in went premier, Pe In 1050 joaving two of 100¢ \ghest eash scouting 1s carried on between countries except Spain and Rus: effect, that the province must The Liberals undér Premier|bors behind as cabinet minsers 105f able, Phone RA 5-3385. awa, Hardware and Electric. 8 Church Silchar, er, le. I gl eas lien AND new 90 Piymouth suburban |'88 PONTIAC four-door define, two; Street, RA 3.7004, Apply 74 Bond Rtveet Kas black and white in some of the|sia," he said, In Spain, General spend money to make mon door, V-8, auomatic, two tone tone, excellent condition, Brooklin i HIGHEST prices paid for vsed ' furni. [DRY hardwood cuttings, 85 and $10 (countries I visited," {Franco preferred his own Falan- ani its or The enlarged Ne amorrla Wid office until while the Liberals carried on ag #een and white, full new car war-|R21, collect after 6 p.m. 04f| ture, also sell and exchange, Contact(l0ads, Also used lumber, RA 5-2631, Standards in some parts of Af- gist ' t d R ia did ndi started d 1022, although its members were|the government, rhnty, $300 off lst. Van Heusen Motors. | iss RyioK two-door hard-top, red I: Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince | JENITH television sets are now sold y " y " oveinent and Russia Sits ihe a in anda minority 'of 31 in the 8g-seat Mr, Roblin entered the & oture te: os y 05 | ror A hin with Street, Phone RA 81131, ing bl Bhi ML Bh LL rica were not as high as in some want scouting because its train: [planned by his minority govern: house after an election in 1920, in 1954 when he' won' [F PLYMOUTH six cylinder automatic, [not oven a scuff mark, antomatio trans (5 WP Evinrude "A condition, Tio sure ana see the many exclusive fea Advanced countries but scouting|ing was "anathema" to Commun. ent In its first nine months, re: Party lines blurred as a result ive Conservative | Se [tures in Zenith, Meaghers, 8 King programs had been adjusted to/ism, flected this view, of the 1922 vote, when the basic: on va ve 1aace oe door, two tone Regency grey, with | mission, radio, white-walls, $1205, Lease | Verdun Road, hite flashing, really sharp, white wall [expiring sale King West Motors, oppos, - i, Street West, RA 3.3425, take account of disparities, Gen, Spr HW 1 «| Fon ' WE oy aad acl Raw and" weed" br. p en, Spry now is looking for<| Former premier D, .L Camp: ally non- -political United Farmers the arty | up by the Serutt of most iioh and a Hy Wres, only $1505, Van Heusen Motors. | ite Shopping Centre ' 104 oycles, bargains in all golf, tackle and|1000 new 78 rpm records, reguiar § JY 10) In Ghana, scouting was well 108 | ~ \ ell ward to the 10th World Scout|bell, who heads the Libewal-Pro-/of Manitoba took 27 seats In the 3 WTI TE Sarre Te Cn Ch. Cony Sedan, Tom. la bas, Ope A CPM "rosords, roxuiar 806' shen. to| advanced, Scouts there had no|Jamboree in the Philippines July (gressive party, claimed, that the legislature, They enlisted John od gor Bo on: urn! only 8000 miles, two. tore. red | RA 5-413 1058 "1 9 p.m. Sportsman's Corner, 108 |clear at four for 81.00, Meagher's Elec: difficulties - regarding finances |17-26 which some 12,000 scouts premier 'was inclined to take his{Bracken as leader, wer, - directly opposed ol = white, styled side body, white wall iss vOLKEWAGEN "deluxe. sveeliont| B¥1OR Street South, MO 8.4511, trio, 5 King Street West, and were capable of helping are expected to attend, government with him and go too| The farm Teprey ntatives, who Po rai] regime. duly $1795. Van Heusen Motors. 105 | condition, white walls Blaupunkt radio, FORD tractor, plough disc and cuii- [VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, [scouts in other parts of Africa, One of the eventual results of or too fast." The public should| became known as the Progressive nd . vator, Apply Jack Huggins, Newton.|parts, attachments, prushes, '| Gen, Spry spent three weeks in|his trip, he hopes, "will be the|be made "tax-consclous™ so that group, were Hatched In Mtrbugth a? kik Sxpounded the 4 the fon, Shae the combined strength o C Fates than follow Jublle ie onion . PLYMOUTH V8, two door hardtop, windshield washers, etc. Phone JA on atom radi" ows' shoe; Val |8-1844 after 6 pm. wag | aries We Bs i Yat feed 'rebuilt machines. Ent Wopatr 'Bon (South Africa where the natives formation of a Pan-African Re.|electors would know they were eusen. Motors, Yout 765 PONTIAC sedan, some body work SELLING furniture! anny. | Vice, RA 6:1001 anytime, and desc dants of British set: - gional Scout Association, [Paying for government programs. seven Liberals, ax Conser: ol 7 [oa boy price $1080, Phone RA in, stoves, ete, For to ° {| KROEWMLER CHESTERFIELD and] m-- -- e premier has campalgnéd vatives, six Labor members and He claims the rals f on a platform of bullding aleight Independents, The varied) Attorney-general Sterling gp DODGE Reser, two-tone biue with 0((19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8.1131, [chair -- Brand new, wool friese $250 ono blatlorm of building, doptidontn; Tow varied Alldrueigeneral 3 orn [representation in eglalature we strongly in atehing interior ¢ deeptre. res, full chro roms emen discs, ony CLEARING -- "49 Austin, $75 KA J SEE the spectacular new et Fave, A BL M w d I d d : ; ar Emu ike dy bh Sve Fo PE Hay agic Orc INACPCIICAGIICE itv. svirimnes rosie 5 "win wivsesivs ak mint tars win' o give service up to the standard ing 27 seats and the combined op-| opinion and % FLYMOUTH Savoy four-door, va 3 Pontiac, reconditioned and refinish: now, Trade and Cy HAVE your n tubes fested In your tomatic two-tone red and Colonial Du an & Hurry! Don't miss these and many Garage, Gliddon at an road, teh Merchant, RA 2 Garage gwh home, The Dutch Me of the times" position 26, headed by the Con- EE a ite, really sharp throughout: eom-| yore bargains at Wellman's, RA »il, reel (4 A Only 430%, 'Van + | MOTORCYOLE, Aitate, 0 eo, food al i ow Sa iE ating Aw a At Re ublic The CCF has a 10-point plat vate with LN oLDsMONILE , two-door hard. | 48---Automobiles Wanted SutiWinner. Best: offer. Phone Altk (lise new, very reasonable. Phone oie uipped, radio, 31,000 orig. ore BEECH vaivio, LAREAHOWE Auto Wreck A pi ple. ia MeMullan, Ajax 1330, ([EM\COchg Auto Wreckers Wand. "RA FRR een srs BEAUTIFUL baby oriba many siyies By GEORGE McARTHUR |a program to bring all French Br i a and 51161 or RA 51183. defrosting. slightly used. Chrome Kkit-|calors, special complete with pring DAKAR, Senegal (AP) -. The West Africa into a federation fon Chevrolet ok-up, Float | 91200 CASH for best GM ear, "Offer, chen sulle, black formica table top (filled plastic mattress, only 80. | magic word "independence" is [called Mali, He declares Gs red leathenstle o shai. Apply after 6 road to PRIVATE 58 Meteor, wn "Can 0 ik Te Chevrolet Pog SL 8 a : oT 0 ar 4 subs wed OUready eating away ai France's Would i 3 w ve Fry x or evrolet or 2 newly formed community of [full independence, napced, RA 3 BABYS ONTIAC deluxe sedan, radio, a ae. VOI my sun RA 30 alk ae Ch, ts, Sf iansstis on I used, ideal for( semi-autonomous African repub.| Senghor, a gifted orator and an " kL Dlue, flar; good running S sonable, Anply $47 Graburn Aveo. |TecTeation room or cottage, RA fh lies, | author and , Wishes to main- ; 108¢ HIGHEST PRICE 1058 Only President de Gaulle] tain cultural ties with France, S 00" 1 1 1 or . MITE WC 10 long wheel base, re. PAID FOR | FOUR-plece walnut bedroom sulle and te mova. nn Including "slec. (hose name has a magic of ItS | AITH IN DE GAULLE motor, good condition, Phone RA | springs, excellent condition, Phone RA trie ve nd cabinet, we, seems to stand in the way ph " Yet that word "independence By ED SMITH also the USAF's role at Goose. [mercial aviation. Nhen i wil , 100f 39012 ehina ey a Good clean cars, Trade up or mirror and Grapes, All in good con-lof a chaotic rush to full control FORD (ustom twodoor. metallic] youn, Liens poid off, I on Kitchen "(able and @ifon. Phone RA 3380 after § ni%i of their own affairs by the 20.-00uld quickly cateh up with Sené:| Canadian Press Staff Writer (Based here in a uadron of $40: Open up "1s anyone's anically sound. very elean| DODD MOTOR SALES (REFRIGERATOR. 8 subic 6 mew 000,000 people inhabiting French a fairly moderate regime GOOSE BAY. Labrador (CP)--|mile - + hour F-090 Scorplons| The air force thinks its opr ost Bout. Only" $1208. Van Heusen $14 FARK RDS December, 1008: Suaranieed. Phone po A [RABY Garvinges, Tiond Tiiate, Gen. black Africa, should-de Sule Je he aces Eighteen Soars after surveyor oaulpped with Falcon air-o-air Protiem will continue to be elvils . BL De Gaulle is the sole French. e . Senghor's (Eric Fry climbed from Terring. that have a high killing tan help unt} until such time as proper provided. Ed AAALILD aur 53044 08f t wil Furniture 30 PLYMOUTH Plaza, two-door, two. RA 3.9421 o io Cnarch Street. albhabuiiie man universally respected in this| Walk toward independence could ton Bay to gaze pon the billiard: | potental, accommodations are red and white, custom radio, rear ---- - Iwo beds, con aker, white wall tires, folio discs oe Ajax 151R. 71 Tulloch Ave AMOOTH top mattresses, spring oe vast territory, stretching from Decome a mad rush, table. smoothness of this future The Goose Bay perimeter has|There has been a yearly turn. dreds of coll lar $59.50 t [ow y wen sore iti MACKIE MOTORS mas caine Gonos dsc a how sc £80, Al san, Wins cor 1, Condo; -8 distance, "He hte i106 Guile who say "Goode Ia Becoming 10 those of paar Happy aie suri. "°F cont despite good live VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, um how. with sun canopy, Reasonable. citifled, ha! 0 lost| Will buy good clean cars. Pay (Phone Pickering 606J. 103¢ | Furniture, 20 Church Street. North America through the/make the machinery in France From the point of comforts and Am own side - a he re Se latitude as Ed. , Beater. RA 3.3833, Add I En N ----oe-- . |ONE boy's, three.gear bicycle, eh 21° Weymouth Cruisers, 81800 and up, |'waist" of the United States. work," said Joseph Diallo, the h 4 NTIAC Laurentian. ny Jie, ans. ei id rain RA amt: Saree dd HOvee: Eh 08 [Bee 'the Sootta for 3%. on Marine,| Without de Gaulle's presence at scholarly secretary-general of the conveniences ther INV Su Tigh cin n qu arters of 4083D|Gogge 50 Chevrolet coach, good condi. ' P ' RUG 6 by § green fone on tone, #25, [NO 3 Highway at Alax, Phone 1368.1... head of France, no one inFren| Mall assembly, 'Without him , , , al x pe ing, United States mor : 102¢ NEW LOCATION Apply 15 Colborne. Street East, 105¢ Bare snk new n Austin the head of France, no one inF|only the Almighty knows." SMR ny atites. Fs TA Force. SA. Sanat. Tour Fd Cts! wiehn Hq traent eh isd Se 3 second car, Pie Fi tench Africn knows what would| Franch. veskients, aware that swimming oh "at uf EAT CouENITY $600 or nearest offer. Can finance. KING STREET EAST lee station, Phone Whithy, MO 8.2420, #0 daly nd irallers, New and eg Jat Ih denature. he bag oF a Avance from a RY Ly pn war called 105 | ROA motors a! urn now. Ra over to fn borer bier nL s _ housing one a Park, Ih a CATIVINE, you! $3262, Whitby May 3 "85 OWEV. two-tone, automatic, wind. Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In LADIES and" men's slothor. In eucel: ee - 8 th West, Oshawa. © Africans give the experimental |seemly haste are turning over to neatly - laid out community of shield washers, backup lights, Susiom [lent condition, very reasonable, Al TAR. French community a chance to the Senegalese management ofl 104 RA 5.5743 hs w, 460) portable air o gale 8 as now, the RCAF and clean pastel-colored houses, The tor Mdio; clean, MA 3-304 fur coat and white curtains, Phone RA [14 HP motor, succeed if de Gaulle kee) ha. NA - 3 b ps a firm | [their i hen. 53673, 1050 compressor, $341 Ford ear radio 3% y ir local effets. lthe United fates Alr Force 4 are transport CHEY. i "radio, ---- - 'a8, 429: elect) ing | grip on affairs for the seven years has a ter, tise." A Faas m Wo GURNEY stove, heavy duty electric eh with renee. ube |of ho term. It is the obvious hope of the margined along of arate community, RIF, knits iid CASH FOR range, 33" four-burner, like new. $5. 1360; and many other items at very [French that a taste of respons the airfield. id a sides of Goose Bay 100 are school pe Wg Call RA 81380, 103¢ | reasonable prices. Come in a4 look [STEP TO INDEPENDENCE (sibility will slow the drive of task but their work dovetails into|ers, army service persons road nel and CRANFIELD MOTORS TYPEWRITER #18; Smith-Corona add. (around every evening. Apply 807 Sim Senegal toward independence, . cos Stree 016, The focal t of agitation for 8 a co-operative alert against at \ al Alr ing machine, hubtracts and multiplies, Street South, RA . point 8 Ee pe air Force and commercial airline : d USED CARS also has credit balan tack from the air, h B.A. SERVICE YOUR CAR hues RA 34434, , there are more educated politi. WORLD PROBLEM JOR OF RCAF tataths Ui malnibuiice Dersonsel, a seven POPULAR POOL 1 RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN nA hove waar i) JT COLONIAL Clans than in any other «pot In| MEXICO CITY (AP)~The UN| ihe WGAY™ 8 oh Lo" § oot Hudson's Bay, company emplow wie RCAF haa the ouly indoos : 1 MOORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, LIENS PAID OFF HURRIED move! Sncrifice) Tables INATION |Lrcnch Negi (Africa. Senegal S| population commission reported ES Ie Mong mang the big: ees and oll and. CBO [jt hn Pool in the area and ! RILEY SALES & SERVICE cavlonal chairs, imported lamps, a ALUMINUM COMB nelghbor, Guinea, chose full inde-|¢, the economic and social council an > a. ad facilities [representati the frin uh In constant use. The > '| NO WAITING, WALK [Wirac: leather sofa bed: recummg| WINDOWS, DOORS AND: pendence when de Gaulle §ave It [ere that world population, grow-| Sry are of cilities | rep ves. ON wo dians also have artificial loe and' hair, 'muskrat coat, RA 8.0193 after AWNINGS the chance last September re Popul v BTOW= | with the ception of a mountain: (of the base are several construc: curling rinks and many FIRST At AWAY WITH CASH |§ pm. 108 "The trouble in Senegal is that|\"€ faster than ever, will double top Pinetree site which utilizes ton company camps, vecreatonal facilities, PALMER MOTOR SALES INYOUR HANDS | AWNING iain cog --ar--gay| Manufactured in our WhIDY igpe "gre la boliicaly overdo: ing undendoveloneq: areas are | couodan caupment and Amer: Group Capt. W. H. Swetman, off Two modern schools wih 33 5, prompt service, Free estimates, an efor und . To ge Bl veloped and economically unde oreqging in population far faster fhe USAF u unit on the base is bens of oe RCAF base. feel on rovide educational SALES AND SERVICE ord room Dealers for Ad table renialn Clove Fou, 412 Bi ing) Show and foil 34 developed," explained a French yan others. Alr mand (that until the International | 3 Simcoe St ® Chrysler ® Plymouth @ § M coe North businessman ees | ad tion clears part . Cities' bls os mea Seaway otors USED washer parts, Vo WP motors, 38] display or for a home dem. Te country in like the bee.| a Vv Pla ol up the RCAF will have ment families, 20 King E.,, Bowmanville up, Repairs to all wringer type wash.| Onstration call Oshawa RA can NORTHERN COAL of an imp to pl : an on BA "8.5487 LIMITED a Guaranteed reconditioned washers.| 8.8571, The rules of physics say it " , "If ever it addy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.3088, fly, But it can, and it will" Spitshergen Island, noted for SAC (complicated, it's 200 DUNDAS W, [fovmanville | FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN Senegal's political boss, Leo-|its coal production, lies 370 miles B82. \ trans 14 HP Evinrude motor, 1052, 8135. De COLONIAL pold Senghor, + has embarked on|n north of Norway. Interception and protec over the bigger role, y y cast dail om Si i ------ . rr evision atoll, nder the direction of CBC The reme WHITBY v Sup ilviss sprayer, io RA Soom extra Group Capt. Swetman Stresses Night, SUNBEAM RAPI R OPEN TILL 10 P.M, two-gallon tank, $50 100¢ MINUM E AL ! the Ta ration that is evident |49--Automobile Repairs | ROLUIVLEX 340 camera, combiete U * ween the RCAF. USAF(ager Cee Hobbs, canta Performance & Safety bi 134 Simcoe St. MR Endurance, Reliabilit Ford, rear end, 810, back window, #2.|DAck adapter, § Rolli filters, = Roll. F lly the transport department, merjoan quarters at " y Phone RA 3.9066 after 8 pm. nars 1 and 2 Rolligrid and Rolli Oshawa "It's one of he few, if not the|the base with American persons \ NOW ON DISPLAY | PE RFECT, new 12volt car battery, wo Jahoramie dead and gadget bag. ae. only, alr & ving oon con-|nel, but presents a 3 o WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. | POLE barn with good timber and metal] The finest Canadian made trol a Working ell Nien te ective it Sunadian ruta in, . ; LJ { NONQUON RD. RA 3.4431 | DKW & FIAT Rival He con of hi advertisement. Sluminum combination win. | { eri ; Jae self-storing doors. Very low | n ana qa, n 1a FUTURE FOR INDUSTRY SALES & SERVICE rdio rve 'SABYAN MOTOR DA aia By Ph wat| price, only $49.50 installed, | BLY dds, Yesardiess of ita use, the Goose Bay area will 2 = Finest aluminum awnings, | 3 \ x | i SALES LTD. | ANDY NAGYSS MOTOROLA mantel radio, $13" or I EE IR TR i Chung JACK BEST Hat. the Sowanisulon ould ve. tinuance of the commissions as boy boy Moc Bh Me STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN BODY SHOP FOR Sale -- Baby budgies. the ideai| local dealer. ALEX VAJIDA, : y |der dispute with Communist industrial enterprise and com. "SALES and SERVICE 408 King St. W.--RA 3.7132 Fast "RA Ser Raz. 4 Vin Soe RA 39831. SOSH. Se Ek North Viet Nem - - | Eas 103¢ A 3 Y : 4 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | em ere ere | between Canada. and India. It| Canada has refused and the In| = Hii 3 OSHAWA, ONT BRAMLEY MOTORS |approaches to the functions and (diane, not to mention the Poles, 0" personnel 1 DAILY CROSSWORD TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 SALES LTD SELL YOUR BOAT ? | EXTRA | status of the Indochina mixed are annoyed | theatre, would like to find some CROSS Prairie f---- -- | Boats sold on consignment, For 0 better buy on aluminum armistice commissions, of which| One highly responsible source | fo la for getld out al {ho nd north bai ¢ BARGAIN 1271 SIMCOE NORTH | We obtoin all cash for you! | grorm-screen windows, flair the two countries are members. (in this Indian capital suggested | bland aorth ouse | 5 PHONE RA 3 4675 Large display aree | vent awnings doors, porch The situation has reached the that the dispute has placed a Respousible sources say Can | et % i S54 DODGE, immaculate condi i MARINE STORAGE | railings, pre-fab cottages and (point where India feels 'let strain on Canadian-lndian rela Te J ter vem hu Hon tusdene.. with radia. ond Specialists in Ford service and & SUPPLY LTD garages, stone tex siding, call [down by Canada's refusal to re- tions, and he found it significant . Sele a.Drive dsh | he $700 | parts. Wheel alignment, Brooklin, Ont, «= Phone oe lconvene the comunission in Laos, that in one of its first real tests windshielc. washers or | heel balance, with latest | De --n HOLODY one of four states erected by the the friendship of the two countries ght Ly best offer. Phone RA 3.3474 type eqipment. Newest type ALUMINUM 194 Geneva conference which should have been ruffled, 13 Enemy & Ext. 12 during business hours. electronic tune-up equipment, BUILD THAT brought an end to the war in| Involved in the dispute is he ue a Soph Indochina, larger question of the future of a Ne Metal -- BOAT NOW 30 Grenfell St. RA 5.2431 Robinson Motors FOR THE FINEST Whitby, MO 8.4633 Canada and India, with Com. (the commissions generally, and il SHANA LTD REPAIR SERVICE ON | 1s easy with @ moidea hull op |= ~-- munist Poland, were named by here again India ad Canada ave 16. Barnyard ) FORD - RENAULT « CHRYSLER | boqt kit, from 8 to 26'. See SEE HOME APPLIANCES the Geneva conference to super- in basic disagreement--India dak X birds $74 Ritson Rd. § PRODUCTS -- TRY Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. OSHAWA LTD Vise he amiss and Ya wveleon; ng a sit Sgt ait de and Cau. | 17, OM measure . ments Laos, | looking possible 1 boDSE ' DEsoTO » Siva Van Huesen Motors | PHONE 1266 AJAX | 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR |Cambodia and Viet Nem. lout hi ni og ~~. Doety = Service 149 King West FRIGIDAIRE A few months ago Canada suc: | hough the commissions' head Naw RA 5.6518 SALES AND SERVICE ceeded in persuading India to quarters are in Indoc RA 5.3557 Food and freezer plant. ial vote in aie . -- $15.40 a week per family Bom Tel ° Jove of a jouruing the yew D dispute pale haa en - r BUYING OR SELLING BUCK'S BODY SHOP of four, includes approxi had held elections and cla es do verbal to have achieved political -- battle with M, J. Dy , Com of India, ollisi -- mately 9 Expert collision work | y 90 per cent gro- GATOR TRAILERS ity sufficient to warrant the com: 'monwealth secretary e Welding, Painting, Towing ceries and freez i : TED CAMPIN a as, Lowi ger, 1 LARSON BOATS [mission's dissolution, SAYS INDIA LET DOWN down payment, for ap- MOTORS ond sold, PETERBOROUGH BOATS [STAFF WITHDRAWN A High raking member 407 KING ST. -- OSHAWA H. MARLYN, Prop. Peo ayo 00tion. | "'gVINRUDE MOTORS | With Poland voting agains, the ernment (ust East of Wilson Road) 361 BLOOR ST. E. USED BOATS & MOTORS [commission adjourned and Can. RA 3.4494, Res. 5-5574 RA 5.4513 or RA 5.7456 FOR SALE Yrade-ina 'accepted. Finance, a nda have lal Poland y Coad sal #6--Real Estate Wanted (46--Real Estate Wanted LIONEL Joes: Som 've ont Rl LB |g The Canadian atitude ia that wish 0 BRL indi : | ELECTRIC TRAIN MARINE STORAGE [30--Articles For Sale cept mediation it would be use i i 1830 14 $150 allowance for your old tele. s fo POSS | URGENTLY REQUIRED AND ACCESSORIES | & SUPPLY LTD. [MTR Ai Sisto lo or he Comnivion bo ake In Excellent Condition BROOKLIN, ONT, Way Television, 918 Simcoe Street der dispute. At the time of ad: $ PHONE 87 Noh, t Canada laid two 'Three bedroom brick bungalow located in built up area 40.00 + down PHONE RA 5-4629 Sldvap and Barter [Sdn for sieving Sale q Small lot preferred, client will pay cash - ' BUILDING [Sr Ber nes Seah 00 : | ooting be warranted and that Please Contact--MR. HOWE Food and freezer plant. , typewriter, adding machine, truck, (both parties to a dispute accept : $15.40 a week per Family SOLD fae? Shottun, dum i pt | i ny iis ia ' Kind unders! would _-- -HOWE & MILLEN REAL ESTATE of four, includes approxi Everything must go. Men's, -- Stirs, RS 10a. like 0 adjourn the Cambodia Diplom: atic sources uole that le { mately 90 per cent gro» biys'. women's, ye oads, $2. --Lenal Notices cominission also but India, stung dia has important trode ard ew (RA 5.7732 67 KING ST. E. Sore and freezse, no to be cleaned out at low [LW V Boal. will not be Tesponsibié DY its experience in Laos, bluntly twra! thee an SE and it wn ment, for prices or ny a contracted in my name leiuses would nat for it to AFTER HOURS PLEASE PHONE RA 3.9692 intment, No obligation, | 2° Court 8. -- M0 Ra | Laos and Cambodia reflect a resist dissolution of an agency ; fundamental difference between thet 8 2 maintain its influence 103 RA 5.3709. 1" 'Canada and India en the wo : i Ril Boecg BER 28 8 i i E3 Bisse fi 3 iif § £ fife 3 £ ! i ses Hr z we (of, 90g," »

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