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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Clascified Advertising RA 83-3492 All other calls .....,. RA 8-8474 he Oshavon Sime Sunny and worm * tonight and Wednesday. Winds light become ing southeast, VOL. 88--No, 105 7 Conts Por Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Oftowa TWENTY PAGES Th AN UNOFFICIAL delegation | States from London, The boys, of three youngsters say good- | left to right, ave Alexander, 8, bye to Sir Winston Churchill, | Robert, 7, and John, 6, children right, as the British statesman | of Lady Hesketh. Men in the prepared to fly to the United | background are unidentified. In inset, lower right, President Eisenhower bends close for a with Sir Winston in the | back seat of the presidential IN WASHINGTON Winston Churchill Visits Old Friends cized American leadership in" a television program just before a recent trip to Moscow. Churchill's last visit to the U.S. was in June, 1054, whet as prime minister he came for a series of official conferences wit Eisenhower. British Butbossy officals sald Winston's Ss a o public state WASHINGTON (AP)--A senti-|land their allies during the dark mental journey has brought Sir Winston Churchill to Washington once "to see solic of my ys, too, as he remarked "I always love c¢ shall oming to Frey Lord down ate the appo ¥ limousine as they leave Nation- al Airport after the British dig- nitary's arrival, AP Wirephoto Re-Organizing Planned Of Teamster Local TORONTO (CP)-I, J. (Duke) Thomson says that Canadian re- organization of the International will be confined to Toronto Local 938. Mr, Thomson, Canadian repre- sentative of the union's central conference, was appointed Sun- day to take over the local as gen- eral manager. A designate of in- ternational President James Hoffa, he will run the affairs of the local until February. The 2,- 400 members will decide in Janu- r to extend or termin- ary whethe! : said Monday he Ad Aigihibiiaih mits ; Chure United State is '"'my mother country, as I always figure it and feel it." The quiet visit started Monday night with a family dinner at the White House. Eisenhower has arranged stag dinners tonight and Wednesday night, and the British Embassy, in turn, will entertain at a sim flar dinner Thursday. Sir Winston will spend a week- end in New York visiting another longtime friend, financier Bern Dr. Millard, a member of the Euthanasia Society founded by his father, Dr. Killick Millard, England. admitted giving a lethal drug to a "devoted Christian lady." She found' she had cancer after an operation. After telling him| = i Noted 'Eagle Man' ums isos D1€8 IN Brush Fire he gave her a lethal | BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Charles in 1938, he stopped for a meeting drugs and she passed], Broley, 80, known threughout/of the National Audubon Society away peacefully. [Canada and the United States aslin Washington. : CONSCIENCE CLEAR [The Eagle Man, died Monday| The society asked him to ex- He "I have a com-| pletely clear conscience about it| al" feel over Delta Lake, 25 miles northwest of make notes on them. wartime changes he planned in the organ {zation of the Jocal. ard Baruch, before flying back to| while fighting a brush fire near amine the bald eagles around his cabin on Whisky Island in/Tampa and St. Petersburg and bp ned so doy vai The Canadian Press {16-inch-thick tree. Brotherhood of Teamsters (CLC) py BUS DIVES INTO BAY STUDENTS ESCAPE Coboconk Man Dies In Oshawa A Coboconk man, Frederick Fielding, 81, died In the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday afternoon nearly three hours after the car he was driving crashed into a tree near Man. chester. Police sald that his car left the road for mo apparent reason, travelled along the ditch and struck the tree, Fielding was proceeding from his home to Toronto when the accident occurred about 3 p.m. About three miles south of Man- chester, on Highway 7 and 12, his car left the road, travelled 250 feet along the ditch and struck a He suffered a broken left leg, a broken jaw and shock. He was taken to the Oshawa hospital for treatment and died shortly be- fore 6 p.m, The accident was investigated PC W. 8. Hillard, of the Whitby Detachment of the OPP, REVEREND FINED FOR DRUNK RIDE READING, Eng, (Reuters) Michael O eported Monday that r Me y that ex- ve members and business agents of the local were sus- pended pending reorganization of the union in Canada. Hydro Worker Gets Burns In Markham MARKHAM (CP)--An Ontario Hydro employee was severely burned Monday as he attempted signs dis; the legislature Premier looks on during a brief ceremony at the Parliament Brakes Failed BARRIE (CP)--About 35 stu- dents narrowly serious injury today when a district high 8ped. thoough nearly a mile. of [] a e ty streets and plunged iH 3 ® : : ! hi 3 ig Es +H gi s 4 H gigs Fes LE i F 1 H H sf fF H ei a ge f sk i i I i j ii HS ; ¥ 2 4 i g § ; HH ; i ] «74 E er Buildings in Tobonto. Premier Frost etnounced sn Ontario election for June 11. ~<CP Wirephoto, ¥ Is ei} BOGALUSA, La. (AP) -- Dis- covery of the water - bleached body of Mack Charles Parker, Poplarville, Miss., lynch victim, Ito Jump to safety from the cab of a truck that had become charged with 6,000 volts of elec- tricity, Douglas James, 20, of Mark- ham, member of a crew putting up poles, was in the cab when a crane on the back of the truck touched overhead high - tension wires, [spurred the FBI to fresh efforts jtoday to find his kidnap-slayers, But the Negro's body offered [few clues to bolster the search |after an FBI agent and a Mis- isissippi highway patrolman dragged it from the waters of the Pearl River near Bogalusa Monday. It did pin down fate of the 28- year-old truck driver who had THOUGHT FOR TODAY toast: Here's to the joyrider and the jaywalker-- may they never meet, here. Mr. Broley, a retired Bank of Montreal manager from Winni- Police refused comment today| on suggestions that Millard might be investigated or pros-| ecuted for his action, |peg, was the foremost euthority | a {on the bald eagle. He had banded A British Medical Association ahout 2.000 of them during the | spokesman, commenting on hints |ja 20 years, EH that the doctors' organization might strike Millard off its reg- ister, said: "The doctor's whole duty is to relieve pain and it is| entirely a matter for his own conscience what he does to effect Provincial police said death apparently was caused by a heart attack through exhaustion. | It is believed Mr. Broley was burning trash when the wind shifted and the fire spread. His feats were the subject of a |book entitled The Eagle Man, | |written in 1952 his wife, [Myrtle Jeanne Broley. The book was the story of Mr. Broley's Ai a CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS "POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 Studebaker, . discoveries concerning the court-| UAW Meeting grating habits of the bald eagle, | national symbol of the United baker-Packard officials and nego-| Mr. Broley served for a time tiators for the United Auto Work- after his retirement as chairman pected to meet today for further the Manitoba Natural History discussion in a wage dispute, Grunday said earlier that Stude- . baer packard nas matched the Suspension For | - . automotive companies and { other automotive companies and Fajlure To Remain fncreases in its current negotia- victed of failing to remain at the | tions With the UAW. scene of an accident may soon| 14 - cent-an-hour increase der the Criminal le, W. B.| po a anion officials have de- Common, deputy attorney-general| ir d Mr. C told the C one of their nds The major Highway Safety Conference that 2 acting on a resolution passed by {the safety association last year. | maximum three-year suspension be possible in cases where driv- main at the scene of an accident. with Paul Emile Cardinal Drivers now found guilty under| Leger, Archbishop of Mont- ing, impaired driving, manslaugh- ter and criminal negligence can| Pontiff held for nearly 1000 Ca- licences for three| Dadian pilgrims in Vatican |ship, nesting, feeding and mi-| HAMILTON (CP) Stude- States. ers of America (CLC) were ex- of the ornithological branch of Company President Gordon E.|™ wage increases offered by all the 'industry pattern" for wage] TORONTO (CP)--Drivers con-| The UAW's Local 525 is asking have their licences un-| scribed a cost-of-living bonus as of Ontario, said Monday. iy of Local 525s membership io)" j tice Minister Fulton is The resolution asked that the lers are convicted of falling to re- Pope John XXIII, left, stands the Criminal Code of drunk driv- real, at special: audience the wp to City. In background are some eX been charged with the rape of {a pregnant white woman. Since {his abduction April 25, his violent death had been and speculation. Results of an au- topsy are expected to be an- nounced later > today. The FBI im Washington eon- Water-Bleached Body Of Negro Victim Found firmed identity of the body. The mob dumped Parker's body into the Pear! without weights or any other attempt to prevent dis. covery. The FBI agent and his Missis- sippi highway patrolmen com- panion spotted the head, one arm and a shoulder above the water| line in a drift three miles south of the Poplarville - Bogalusa bridge. Swirling currents lodged the body's left foot in the fork of a tree. A log that rolled over the left leg hampered recovery ef- forts. The coroner at Bogalusa's Charity Hospital didn't say how Parker died, except to report a bad pot on the right side of the ea No one attempted to estimate #2 Hula-Hooping | Can Be Painful POPE HOLDS AUDIENCE | of the pilgrims who came to | Vatican City for the ceremonies beatifying. Mother Marie-Mar- guerite du Frost de Lajem- merais, who founded the order of the Sisters of Charity in 1753 in Montreal, --AP Wirephoto x TORONTO (CP) -- Hula-hoop- ing, says an Ottawa doctor, has added another name to the list of things which cause painful symptoms. He calls it "hula - hoop syn- drome." Writing in the current issue of| the Canadian Medical Associati Journal, Dr. Z. H. Zaidi, chief of pediatrics at Ottawa General Hospital, describes case histories to illustrate "some. hazards of this unusual form of exercise." Many of the pains and aches an long (hoop whirling around his waist | | that the previous evening he had| indulged in 1 a Dr. Zaidi says. "It seems prob-| able that some exertion . . . is loin muscles on the left side » The article advises physicians| that direct questioning about] hula-hoop exertion is necessary "in order not to be misled or| deceived." spasm acute muscular & i 8 1H el north en's Bay for use as a . In 'addition the com- contribute $1000 every to the Summit Meet Probable Eisenhower was asked how much progress there would have |lto be at the Geneva conference | beginning Monday to justify a later meeting at the summit. Algeria Youths Demonstrate "Shoot deGaulle' A WALTER A. NELSON traced to hula-hooping, he writes, have been so acute that they have first suggested symptoms of some more serious malady. LATE NEW | CONSTANTINE, Algeria (AP) | Angry European s demon- strated toda; for the second day against President de Gaulle. Shouts of "'de Gaulle to the fir- PECULIAR PAINS One seven - year - old girl was brought to a clinic by her mother who said she was afraid the child had rheumatic fever. The girl told of pains over the knees, el- bows and neck and particularly ove the right side of the chest. They had persisted for four days. Dr. Zaidi reports that the youngster did not appear ill and had normal temperature, pulse an respiration. Examination a irc. To vi , cough or , Then it was learned the girl had taken part in a hula-hooping contest shortly before the pains began. LONG SEARCH A boy of 11 with pains in the left leg was examined by three (specialists and had extensive X-rays. "On questioning he revealed | U.S. Steel May Be Near Contract NEW YORK (AP)---Leaders of both U.S. Steel Corpora- tion and the United Steelworkers of America union said to- day after an opening bargaining session they hope to reach & new contract agreement speedily without government in- tervention. Jordan's Prime Minister AMMAN, Jordan (Reuters)--Jordan's Samir Rifai today tendered his resignation to King Hussein, An official announcement said the prime minister was re signing for "health reasons." ister. It was not immediately clear whether he was also re- signing this pos New Energy Minister Sworn In TORONTO (CP)--Robert Macaulay today was sworn in as minister of energy resources, a new Ontario government ished department establ during vincial legislature. | | Resigns Prime Minister Rifai, 60, also is foreign min. through the main door of the bus and an emergency exit which was yg long the body had been in . the the water. But it had been| Ww d F C ] |bleached until it was impossible lae ror Lana [to tell if it was Negro or white. PORT COLBORNE (CP) -- A |The FBI made its identification 28,000-ton overseas tanker for a [by fingerprints of the right hand. time found the Welland Canal sec- : tion of the St. Lawrence seaway [DRAGGED FROM JAIL i pretee | A gang of eight or 10 masked, The Asia, owned by East land gloved men broke into the Asiatic Company Limited, Copen- Poplarville, jail, about 20 miles|hagen, Denmark, eutered No. 1 Fopabyile, Ji, sod nies | Lock at Port Weller at the Lake h V after midnight|onario end of the canal. It was April 25, savagely beat the 23-|halfway into the lock when it was year-old Parker, dragged him|discovered the vessel's navigation [screaming down the steps from bridge Juted. out Juree At too uch on either side. Arrange-| his third-storey cell and. threw|mants have been made to cut him into a waiting car. three feet off either side of the His fellow prisoners said he bridge. The Asia will take on a yelled he was innocent as the load of grain at the Lakehead on men took him from the jail, the return trip. Warrants charging the mob, with kidnapping were on file, but officials said Monday night new |! murder charges have been filed against the men. The rape Parker was accused of occurred Feb, 25 near Lum- berton, Miss, The victim and her five-year-old daughter were sit-| ting in a stalled car waiting for her husband to return with help to repair the car. Shé said a Negro in a Black automobile drove up, threatened her with a gun, forced her and!! the child to get into his car and! rove them into a wooded area where he raped her with the child watching. | The 24-year-old woman later | picked Parker from a 25 - man lineup. S FLASHES Minister From ing squad" were heard as several | awa pea thousand European residents of | | Constantine formed a funeral cor- tege for Helene Serio, a 16-year In Edmonton old French girl slain by Algerian hop pers Shopkee, pulled down the EDMONTON (CP) The five- steel shutters of their shops. {day national convention of the| At the funeral Monday of two Seventh-Day Adventist Church in|young Frenchmen slain with Miss Canada opened today with more Serio in an ambush. a gang of than 2,000 delegates and visitors, [Europeans broke through police Walter A. Nelson of Oshawa, lines, beat up Moslems watching Canadian president, told a re. fhe procession and tore up pie- liminary session Sunday that tres of de Saulle. tense racial and national rival. ns aiars Aganst ihe ries, class strife and labor-man- (F1EEK of European ea ng agement conflicts are leading y)voria because de Gaulle has re- many persons to a sense of de-pised to adopt officially a goal of feat and frustration integrating the rebellious North | He urged delegates to demon-|African tertitory with European strate in their lives the triumph | France. This would preserve the and victory characteristic of the European minority's control of church's ultimate success. Algeria. the last session of the pro- 3

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