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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1959, p. 8

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r------------------ CANADIAN HEADS ACTORS' Paul Mann, who left Toronto at 18 for a theatre career in New York, ' now runs the famous Actors Workshop in Tremley Its 95th Year TORONTO (Staff) About 1200 people, one of the largest congregations in six years, filled St. James' Cathedra! in Toronto Sunday to commemorate the 84th year of the founding of Trinity College School, Port Hope. Trinity was founded May 1, 1065, largely through the efforts of its first warden, Rev, W. A Taha and head ter Rev. C, H, Badgely, To the first class of nine boys| was William Osler, who achieved (governors, fame in medicine at Johns Hop- kins University and at Oxford, gchool England, as Sir Willlam Osler, | The Hope, in September 1868, Classes | have continued there since, dt Port Hope Man a A. McCulloch FR. 2.9218] red fi Loses License groved ater PORT HOPE (Staff) -- John Hope THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 5, 1959 school moved to Port friends, old boys, and governors, | wir | New York, Here Mann, 46, Is on his left, (fourth from left) presides over | .curvently has members In a play discussion. His . wife, | Broadway plays, He has ap | ballet teacher Frances Rainier, | peared in scores of productions Marks In Cobour COBOURG (Staff) [ployment in the Cobourg area spite an interruption by fire in!showed a steady decline from the [1895 which destroyed much of previous week said manager C the original school |Wallbridge, Figures for the week aa lending May 2, showed 206 males The service in Toronto Sunday and 184 females in the Cobourg Iwas conducted by school chep- (area were out of jobs, with an (lain, Canon G. C, Lawrence, with overall total of 480 for the area the sermon delivered by the Dean |of Toronto, Very Rev Riley, First lesson was read by head the figures will be master Dr, P. A, C. Ketchum, below the 300 mark The entire student body of the 08, he TI, 10.5; 5 Siler Cobourg Accepts att memvers, pvenis,, INSUrance Plan COBOURG (Staff Group Life Insurance for 34 employees with TIMES BUREAUS COBOURG Burnet, The insurance plan cover all town employees was ap representatives insurance com. panies thelr views and plans gave PORT HOPE plan with no fringe | Sonst. | a licence suspension for months, Boy, 17, Dies Riter Massage Of Heart benefits, it wag stated Assault Charge Is Dismissed " PORT HOPE (8aff) -- Charges |bady linjured he was In hospital BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Donald of assault against two Port Hope|for three weeks Cross, 17, died in hospital Mon- day shortly after he collapsed his Doctors ly suffered a heart attack. { 'The boy was taken to hospital | surgeons opened his chest | and kept hm alive for more than minutes by massaging his | men were dropped im Port Hope leaving Ym. Dt cohiay afi upon he apparentl Evidence from Wollcaott and other witnesses at Monday's hearing failed to show where and because of conflicting evidence. |hy whom the offence was com- Arnold Brown and Wilburt| mitted, sald Magistrate R. B. Strong, both of Port Hope, were Baxter accused of assaulting Carl Woola-! Woolacott's testimony indicated colt, also of Port Hope, one house as the place, but evi: The alleged beating occurred dence from other witnesses failed April 6, when Woolacutt was soto corroborate this. | Expect Rice Lake Speed Event PORT HOPE (Staff) -- For one day every year the quiet Rice Lake village of Bewdley mush- rooms to almost the size of a bustling city. A normal populace of 400 per- 15000 Attend jearly season start for drivers; Other area drivers will include |aiming at the Duke of York tro- Hee Gifford of Colborne, driving phy races later in the summer at/a Canadian "One" design runa- Huntsville bout; and Del Curtis, of Fenella. One such driver will be Art As-| The regatta, sponsored by the| bury of Huntsville, who set a board of trade, operates with the WORKSHOP The workshop | in addition to directing plays and running the workshon a [] [1 | Fever Jobless 'Dude' Hills | TO Command District 'F' PORT HOPE "Dude" I the trend continues, a mark. meander of Canadian Legion Dis. C. E, ed improvement should be shown trict : thy June, with a possibility that Trenton Saturday reduced to succeed District Commander Lou [Knack, two-year {erm There are 51 branches in the five zones of the district between Highland Creek the Mr Other members elecied to the was approved by Cobourg coun. district executive are deputy dis. lel Monday night during a special trict eommander {meeting called by Mayor J. D, Bowmanville; and sports officer; to| Bill Bates, Guests al cluded commanders and "'G" Toronto Raat, of Port Hope, W9% Iain Macdonald TU, 58787), The insurance will be a straight Ginanodue fined $50 and costs in Port | [$3000 term The charge RCAF station Trenton and from the Campbellford branch played in a parade to Trenton cenotaph during the momming, | Knack | wreath The district drumhead service {will be held in Brighton Aug. 2,{set up, each supervised by an| signed and in Hastings in 1060, Open Lodge For | 'Senior Citizens COBOURG (Staff) - Mabes ing thelr stay at the lodge, Lodge, Ontario street in Co- staff of 14 with two register: bourg opened its doors Monday (ed nurses headed by Supervisor for the summer season, The Miss L, Thompson of Toronto! lodge will Hay host. to 40 veider | mikes up the personnel, Toronto citizens under a plan. oo oon vears the lodge Sonsored by the Neighborhood! ee enlarged. The lodge owns & orkers Association of Toronto, |, ou" Seiion wagon which is used who operate the lodge, onelin the transportation of elder wipe groups of sjor fhnens citizens as well as young Shi of June, at which time convales. dre" to and from the building, cent children will arrive from There is also a summer camp the city, No group remains over!on. Highway 45 which the lodge a two-week period owns and where the children hold They are guests of the Work: plenics, Included in the camp fa- {ers Association of Toronto and re-|cllities are a swimming pool and) |ceive free accommodation dur-'a large cottage, Large Indian Power Plant Minister To TI +l Smath 'Takes Shape In Madras ~~ Open New {miles of road were built, and new towns have sprung up to house By RUSSELL ELMAN KUNDAH, India (CP)~High in Ah the scenie Nigiri Hills of Madras lnhorers, . state, one of India's largest power Some of the Canadians live In projects is rapidly taking shape Qotacamund, leading hill station with the gift from Canada. Canadian and Indian engineers and a work force of 18,000 blond modern technology with primitive| ing hand labor to harness the Kun< bullding at Lauzon, dah River basin for electricity, quarters at Kundah Three (all masonry dams, nels, penstocks, two powerhouses Pldgin En lish or sign language, twisty mountain road scrateh knowledge of Tamil, prin constructed 4 cipal language in Madras, Work at Kundah began in 195 to meet an acute power shortage in Madras, Total cost 000,000, with Canada's Colombo Proceeding fast, plan contribution of $25,000,009 fi. dally schedule generally is fol: nancing all equipment used in the lowed, but some work continues direct production of power and a Into the nighi under arc lamps, 300-mile transmission system, Two 300-foot-high dams, tallest "In view of India's existing In south India, are rising across) forcign exchange difficulties, it/the trout-stocked Avalanche and would not have been possble for Emerald Rivers: to store the the Mads government to build heavy 100 . ineh monsoon rains, Kundah without Canadian assist: The dams are constructed of ance," sald V Appadural, stone masonry in cement mortar, | chief engineer for electricity, |instead of concrete as in Canada, | Madras state electricity hoard, ! Nearly Ly Jobs ale bo Manual {labor, w mechanization only| MATERIALS FROM CANADA for mixing mortar, drilling and Approximately bo C Wits d1aninneliing. Some 1,900 laborers, companies are supplying mas joajuding' entire families, who terials, including hydraulic: eon+| trol gates, penstocks, transforms. might be unemployed If machines ers and generators, Supplies are| shipped. from Canada " Tndia's| "ie Alone. | west coast port of Cochin and RUPEE EQUALS DOLLAR then taken by rall and road te| With such a large labor force, the Kundah site, which stretches organization is vital to avoid for 45 miles over rugged hills at| chaos. Seemingly endless lines of | CP Photo (Staff) F. R Hills was elected com. "F'" at a convention in Hills will My effective Aug. 6, for a Deseronto and Bancroft Haliburton area, Hills was former egmmander ne 1.2 an altitude of 3,000 to 6,500 feet, women and children, carrying Twenty-two Canadians are as-/pails of mortar mix on thelr sisting Installation work in close| eads, wear tage enabling them co-operation with Madras state to be directed to the right spot. electricity hoard engineers. Sen: Unskilled wages for men are ior Halson man is 40 . year - old three to four rupees (60-80 cents) Lloyd Grandy, a civil engineer/and for women and children employed by Montreal Engineer about 1.50 rupees (30 cents) a ing Company Limited day, about 15 per cent more than ""Kundah Is a co-operative ef. the going rate elsewhere in the fort," he sald, "We operate just|state, In India, one rupee is con. as on one of our own projects, sidered to have approximately seeing the job in done correctly the same buying power as one and to our standards.' {dollar in Canada, The Indian staff is In. charge of actual construction, but fre. foot long, are being completed to quently consults the Canadians carry water from the dams to before taking decisions, Certain|penstocks. The penstooks, being specialized jobs such as welding, welded on 40degree down pipelaying and radiography are/the mountainside, will develo; done by Canadians {gross heads of 1,180 and 3.4 COMMUTE TO WORK {feet respectively to the two The project is so large that two powerhouses, construction circles" have been| At Kundah the Canadian-de-| Jon ethos with a nstalled capacity of 40, | Jim Firth, of Bowmanville the convention in from "D" districts, Art Adams of and. lan Beresford of Alr from Forcé bad when Mr, laid a Canadian Legion {Indian engineer, More than 100 [planned 14 DAY FREE TRIAL! Buy « Floating Action Bra comfort and fit guaranteed or YOUR MONEY BACK! First Flight For Rir Cadets lof the {bourg Air Cadets, during I Fy son alr bse yighiing across main streets inlof the board their first fight in RCAF planes. on nas| [Bere Ward, officer commanding ber the ron, fig n an RCAF afrcraft over|chants' di spolnored Ly' the Cobourg Rotary i The | grou |co-pllot, onl cadets aroun Hope | belore Trenton air base. 3 . [ , Thomas Walters, of no fixed ad. ol P.O. Building iim tse. mae riety seg d of a Colombo plan/resort in the Nilgiris. They com: Federal Bul mute 20 miles to work over albe offichall he Others, including French-speak: minister of public works, Among welders from Davie Ship. the prominent men to he present Que. live in ot te obanin Many of the ow, tun. | French-speaking crew get by in|agriculture, Cobourg Mayor J, p, bitchiked out of Port Hope follow: [Burnet and Ben Thompson, MP'Ing a smash-and-grab raid on the and transmission lines are heing And one man has picked up a|for Northumberland County, marily as a post office, but will} From the uppermost dam to Also house the Unemployment In. is $70,-|the second powerhouse, work is surance An eight-hour [and Customs office, visitors a the Cobourg Pavilion Wednesday. 000 kilowatts, is sewdint -- To Arms Race tion, It is connected by a 12-mile road with 36 hairpin bends to the second powerhouse at the foot of a deep gorge .on the Kundah River. Foundation work is being with a projected installed capac- iv of grind Wlowatts, steel ny ons are going up to carry elec. tricity to the densely populated were used, work at the Emerald) Madras plains, Two tunnels, 14,000 and 12,000] ' 'Would Brighten Main Streets PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Colored, Also discussed aX aa COBOURG (Staff) - Members 598 Sabre Squadron Co. a sight were gIven pow Hope was discussed Monday a a board of trade meet. |e | The 48 cadets, headed by FO(ing in town hall council cham. Plan 8. | i took thelr firs! Members of the board's mer-y nh 957 at HY area, The Alr Cadets are|ll os fe wasn't "all the improving the downtown shop: world", and Suliesiad ping poction, {gate possibility of Members said that other towns i, "tractor trailer Cadets went in the alr In of five, with a pilof snd|™. the province had invested a he flight ade | (permanent lighting with the idea) 4 Ean (ade oniof using it each Christmas sea: President L. T. Sylvester Cobours and Port/¥on, However, results from leav. Rested ai a possible theme use returning to the/'™& the lights on all vear were the town coat of arms, returning mich that they felt Port Hope Cleanup week in Port Hope wil |should investigate the possibil: take place some time this month, lit was announced, py i bh, ! LH a = to prevent further rutleak tents because every glass of milk and slice of bread 'are tainted to some degree with a deadly ison, strontium $0" resulting pars of tha" delegation the A part 'l al Henry 1.4 a meeting with Defence Min- And Grab Thief | PORT HOPE (Staff) -- one month in Jail in Port Hope's geiociation President Mrs, Tva magistrate's court Monday on a gunderson, who sald the organ- charge of stealing two pairs of jzation, membership mostly men's shoes from a Port Hope of mothers and gn hers, store, was formed a year ago. Walters had been held In cus: The brief sald there is no de- tody after being found gullty of fence against the intercontinental will be Hon. W, A, [the charge last Monday hallistic missile. ntarlo minister of) Walters was arrested as he ea -------- Lions Honor Past Presidents PORT HOPE (Staff) -- It was Ladies' Night for Lions' Club at Port H Legion Hall M night, with a crowd of over 7 | members and wives gathered for [] turiey dinner and entertain. ment, District Deputy Governor Jim Clark, of Cambelliford, spoke tH riod Ee, ence In ending the "homicidal e in dis ng gavels por (RI Wn race, [Active past-presidents, { Toronto Association for| Citations with the Saves wi Peace made the uest in alread by president Heberls, brief addressed to Prime Minis.|ing accomplishments of each of ter Diefenbaker, and backed it up|the past presidents. Monday with a parade of some| Entertainment was provided by 60 marchers on Parliament Hill, singer Larry Hall, aedimpaniéd The brief said the firet step is'on the plano by Mrs, G. hy iSioft) = The wa ng in Urg wi ned I by he od Howard Green, federal| COBOURG Hon | downtown' store function pri! ™ . Peace Group i Urges End The bullding wi 'ommission and Exelse Cobourg will be host to the an official luncheon in OTTAWA (CP)--A Toronto or: Shnisation has urged the Cana- lan government to use its influ. nished there, From the No, 2 powerhouse perf BRL RYLEY Bo NA UAL $150,000,000 Canadian National Railway Company 5% Bonds Guaranteed uneonditionally by the Government of Canede as to both principal and Interest The Bank of Canada is authorised by the Minister of Finance to receive on behall of the Canadian National Railway Company subscriptions for a loan to be issued for cash and offered in two maturities ae follows: ? Your MN Your 5% BONDS §9, BONDS DUE MAY 18, 1968 DUE MAY 185, 1977 Mon callable te maturity Non-callable to maturity Lrviarent poyable November 30 | payable N. b and May and May 18 ISSUE PRICE: 98.75% ISSUE PRICE: 987, Yielding about §. Yielding about 5.17 e 18% ay % Denominations: . $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 and $100,000 It is a condition of this issue that the Canadian National Raliway Company will operate a purchase fund. The Canadian National Railway Company undertakes to use its best efforts to purchase during each quarter of each calendar year to maturity, when available in the open market at prices not than the issue sons disappears in the crowd as world record three years ago atico-operation of the Peterborough thousands of sports fans throng pieton driving 'Miss Supertest" Hydroplane Club and with the the village waterfront to watchion a measured mile at a speed of|sanction of the Canadian Boating ! greater pricy plus accrued interest, at least 1%, principal amount of the issue maturing principal amount of the issue maturing May the annual Bewdley board of trade speedboat regatta Sunday, May 24 is the date set for the competition this year, and the hoard of trade officials at Bewdley anticipate a crowd of 15,000 at least They have reason to be opti mistic. Last year when 5000 spec- tators were expected, 10,000 peo ple turned out. Merchants still re. member the hectic day when they were only half stocked to meet the demahd of an extra 5000 hung- ry boat-racing fans. Bill Sandham, member of the village board of trade, said Fri day that merchants are busy now estimating food and drink re quirements for the day, He said orders for the day will run as high as 300 times the nor mal daily consumption of the village population, BIG ENTRY EXPECTED More than 30 boats are expect ed to line the waterfront when the first heat starts at 1 pm These will range from tiny 50 "fo 55 mph class A hydroplanes to unlimited class hydroplanes, which mount 266 to 280 cubic inch V8 auto engines and oan streak across the water at speeds of 1 ablicity chairman Al Lytle, of Cobourg, said that spectators could count on seeing a lot of 100 mph and over boat racing in the race will be an Driving Oshawa man, GM staff oyee Frank Milligan, His boat is a .. 138 cubic mech class hydroplane, which at present is stored in Osh- a. "He will be facing some stiff competition from both Canada and the United States, INTERNATIONAL EVENT An international event, the rec. ea arg considered am important 184 mph, {Federation | From south of the border willl Last year weather was a bit come Bob and Bud Schroeder of rough, and this was considered| Niagara Falls, New York, New/reason for keeping the crowd York. Both are members of the down to 10,000. Better weather American 100 mph Club for boat should ensure at least 15.000 peo racing ple this year Soldier's Spree Darkened Town PORT HOPE «An 18-year-old | cence, and oblaining Uquor while soldier, from a training centre a minor, He was fined $10 on at Picton was sentenced to seven each count and a total of $10] days in jail for drunk driving|costy. His vehicle was impounded in Port Hope vesterday. {for three months. A Pte. George A. Seeley was an . rested and lodged in Cobourg| counties jail after the car he was driving "ran out of road" on a' dead-end street and slammed into a hydro pole, Bewdley Man The resulting power failure cut| F ined at P H. short a televised boxing program |after the fourth round of the fea- Mig +! Jdpk a Stat " Ken ture bout, and stopped speaker elcalle, 25, ol ewdley, | {Charlotte Whitton in her tracks Was fined $20 and $26 costs in| as she addressed a Canadian Port Hope police court Monday Club meéting not far away Accused was charged with Seeley was charged with drunk Careless driving and driving with driving, driving 'without 'a i ou a licence March 29 in Port -- p-- ope, 3 | tist astor the high costs being for witnesses | Bap P {from Toronto. Solicitor Jack Ger- man, Cobourg, told Magistrate R. B. Baxter that Metcalfe had TORONTO (CP)--Rev. H. Ed: |}icence. as had drive lier gar Burritt, 52, pastor of Dufferin on a 60-day be hud a ey Sreet Baier Click Se Mon: oq friend in the car 1) hrom 8S. jseven children. Mr. Burritt came had disappeared, said Mr. Ger | to Toronto last January from man, and metcalfe had to | Wallacebure, {leave to get home. He was fined $10 on each count . Dies In Toronto not intended to drive without a He is survived by his wife and Later in the evening the friend -- Se COMTAR--Style 172. Spoke Stitched uplift cup. Lattices stitching. Conforming torso band with centre elastic insert, Broad. cloth or Satin, 82.50, CIRCL-O-FORM Style 172, 4 sec- tion single needle circle stitched cup in broadcloth or satin, Low- cut neckline, Elastic insert at centre. $2.50, Simply go to any Specialty, Ladies' Wear or Department store selling Exquisite Form Bras- sieres, The sales person is qualified to advise you which of these bras best suits your figure, Wear it for 14 days. Then if you're not com- pletely satisfied, your full purchase price will be refunded. Just send your bra back along with a DATED sales check to Exquisite Form, Dept. 14, 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. OFFER STARTS TO-DAY ... EXPIRES JUNE 13, 199% Both floating action bras have the famous, original tangent strap feature. Anchored at the sides, these fabulous straps hold up the entire bra fi ame, not just the cup. You move freely, the bra always snugly in place. drag on tender shoulders, ever, ne 7, Brassiere (Canada) Ltd. May 18, 1968 and § of 1% 18, 1977 that the Canadian National Railway Company any quarter of any year apply to this undertaking the purchase of t bonds made during the immediately preceding twelve months and previously credited. At maturity the maximum amount of each iss: which would be required to be purchased by the company under these provisions would be thirty six percent of the original issue. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada. Principal payable at any Agency of Bank of Canada. Interest payable, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. The bonds will be dated May 15, 1959 and will bear interest from that date. | Delivery of definitive bonds will be made on or about May 19, 1959, without payment of accrued interest. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest. Definitive bonds will be available in two forms: bearer form with coupons attached (this form may be registered ae to principal) and fully registered form with interest payable by cheque. Bonds of both forms will be in the above denominations and will' be fully interchangeable (without eharge and subject to the Company's transfer requirements where applicable). The of Canada will act as registrar of this issue and transfers and exchanges may be effected through any of the Agencies of Bank of Canada. | Subscriptions may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through any investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor or through any bank in Canada. An official prospectus may be obtained from any Agency of Bank of Canada. These Bonds will be a direct obligation of the Canadian ivationsd Railway Company, the Capital Stock of which is owned by Canada, and under authority of the Parliament of Canada payment of the prin. cipal of these Bonds and of the interest thereon will be guaranteed wneonditionally by the Government of Canada The cash proceeds will be applied by the Canadian National Kalway Company to the repayment of interest-bearing capital advances from the Government of Canada. Subscriptions will be received subject to allotment or in whole or in part. 200 Ske OF the. Ioan wil er orp Joctios in on May 6, 1989, at Bank of Canada, Ottawa, and may be closed in either maturity. or both with or without notice. Orrawa May 4 1050

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