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The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 9

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| Oshawa, Bowmanville Friends Entertain For Margaret Leddy Miss Margaret Teresa Leddy Bowmanville, who was assisted of Bowmanville, whose marriage by Miss Shirley Piper of Maple to Kenneth George Noonan of Grove as cohostess. Mrs. Jack Oshawp, took place In #1, |8iebarth and Mrs. C. White as- Josenh's Roman Catholic Church, sistod the hostesses in serving. | Bowmanville, on Saturday, has. Mrs. Neil Collins of Whitby en-| been feted at several pre-nuptial/tertained at a miscellaneous levents. shower, and was assisted in serv Mrs, Cyril Leddy entertained |ing ber Miss Maud Birkett and, for her daughter at a trousseau Mrs, Steven Collins, tea, at her home in Bowmanville. Miss Angela Bachlas of Oshawa [Assisting was the bridegroom's|and Miss Fay McDonald of Ajax | mother, Mrs. William Noonan, of were hostesses at a miscellaneous | Oshawa. shower at the Spruce Villa Hotel, I. Migs Marie Leddy of Bowman-|Whithy, ville presided in the room con-| Mrs, Norman Fry and Mrs. | taining the troussean, Mrs. Don-|Donald McGarry of Oshawa, ar-| ald MeGrrry of Oshawa was Inlranged a family miscellaneons| chafge of the display of wedding shower, and buffet refreshments| Jeifie, while Miss Shirley Piper,|were served of Maple Grove, Ontario, was in| From the Cost Accounting Divi- the room containing the shower|sion of General Motors of Can- gifts, Serving were Mrs, Keith|zda, the bridal couple received Shackelton, Mrs, Jack Siebarth, ivory table lamps. | Mrs. Ronald Johnson and Miss| A stag party for the prospec- Anne Leddy; also assisting 'were tive bridegroom, Kenneth George Mrs, Leo Leddy and Mrs, (Noonan, was held at the Oshawa Thomas Johnson, all of Bowman- Tennis Club at which he was pre- ville, sented with a gift of money tol The girls of the Cost Accounting purchase a chair for the new Division, General Motors of Can- home. ada, Oshawa, entertained for, On Friday, the bridal party was thelr co-worker at Club 401, Osh-|enteriained, following rehearsal, awa, and presented an electric at the home of the future bride's steam iron, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cyril| A neighborhood kitchen and' Leddy, in Bowmanville, Assisting] pantry shower was held at the In serving were Miss Marie {home of Mrs. Ronald Johnson, Leddy and Miss Shirlev Piper, | | Engela Johnson Entertained Prior to Marriage Saturday ; Miss Angela Margaret Johnson ess at a personal shower at the IW MIE § whose marriage ls Me Lestie home of Mrs. F. Kunkel, - Osh- 8 V0 hin How J | Anthony Dobos took place in St. PCAMCHET" TEAR GI SR Tl Rad wl ih. 4 Gregory's Roman Catholic *% PORTRAIT OF DEBBIE [Cure on Saturday morning, has Mrs. Maurice Hutchison and been feted at several pre-nuptial| Mrs, Alvin Hiltz were hostesses | little lady is | vor F. Kitchen, Oshawa boule- |events. at a eichen Sowa at the 35 t Mrs. E. W. Kit 2 y mer's home, Masson street. | 18-month-old | vard north, Her proud grand. | Twaites and Mrs. E. W. Kitchen, nr 0 cunt Johnson entertained | ers on v and Mrs. Vie- | parents are Mr. and Mrs, A. E, A lovely Deborah Lynn, guests were former neighbors of| | Lovell H&S Plans | in the evening. {Hopkins and Mrs, Couple Face Incompatability , o The president, Nicholas ville, Serving In the afternoon much; and obliged his wish that gchaol, who seems to be leadi X 4 seems to be Jeach® May 10, is to include annual re-\no.ved tea, and serving were ested ot 's will in Adu, sotiet mans wile joy, we learn the meaning of his bey of the Oshawa Humane So. Joan Kelly we daughter of Mr MARY HAWORTH MAIL step table and miscellaneous gifts. | Those in attendance were co- workers of the bride-elect from the Houdaille Industries Limited, of Oshawa. Miss Frances Love was hostess at a pantry shelf shower at her home, Simcoe street north, Osh- all of Oshawa for her daughter at a trousseau|q "ot hide "Mrs. Christophe tea, Miss Norma Rowden opened |! jure yrds. 5 AHstopler the door to the guests and looked | Sheffield assisted with the serv- after the guest book in the after-| Mrs Joh -- omam-- Comme ra---- : : | d Miss thieen Westnutt . Af 20 Y of M ] Special Meeting he wei. os entertained at the The May executive meeting of| Pouring tea in the afternoon, ul ter ears 0 arriage the K. Ar Lovell Home sd oof were Mrs. Mark Lambourne,|iome of Mrs. Nutter, when the Association was held in the Mrs. Alex. Dobos Jr., Mrs, Maur-| nurses' clinic with 13 members ice Hutchison, all of Oshawa, and| attending. Mrs. Jack Brown of Bowman-| Dear Mary Haworth: After al-|late spouse, who is an oddly Mrs most 20 years of marriage I find shaped phantom, Lakas, announced the Home and were Mize Ruth Jackson, Mrs, myself wondering: "Are wel "Op pather, two phantoms »|School Executive Workshop to be/Edward Kunkel, Miss Joan Kelly wrong for each other? Is this the story goes. A great tay (held at Courtice School on Satur-|and Miss Lois Shaw. In the eve- situation worth saving?" ghost, horribly thin and shaky, day, Mav 30 from 10.30 a.m. toning, Mrs. Donald Wilson, Mrs. | At first 1 loved John verylike a seedr actor of the old| +9» I. nec Tuesday, | 2O0A1d Rowden, Mrs, Reginald| uch: I i 8 wis next meeting on Tuesday, westnutt and Mrs. Albert Pinn ere be no children. Aside from on a chain another ghost, no big-| c sudden Bi? of temper i ger than an organ grinder's mon. ports and the installation of of- jigs Marlene Mayne, Miss Donna over-excitement -on his pari Inikey, , . ." | ' \ | Russell, and Mrs, Kenneth Mason " 0 | The Grade 8 choir, le p A Slscussior. Sut frat 10 years py the dialogue unfolds, with direction of Miss hole, Sider the of Oshawa, and Miss Molly West- Then gradually John got inter.|the glorious lady still trying tq to entertain the members and a nutt of Scarboro. Rn win her spouse to acceptance of talk is to be given by a mem-| The Misses Dorothy Shaw and i bowling. Sud- re co-hostesses at a| th wiiom " og ym "he dual nature, The tall dreary ciety, [miscellaneous shower at the for-| y4y,.24% d for a divorce, to marry| fost is the false front of sell- "Migs § A, Moise, a former mer's home, Hortop street. Miss her, I refused, feeling 1 meant | MPortance and solf-ni y that the member of the tepching staff, is|Ruth Jackson assisted the host- more to him (even if he didn't [SW ost, Hie pe HL § and, |4o be presented with a life mem-|esses in serving. i rowboating his 2CISID In the E. A. Lovell Home| Mrs. Edward Kunkel was host col- realize it); and said "If she loves io hnique for br bo ting his og e i , let her divorce first; wif gu and former pupils invit- 'on a NO SYMPATHY TE ------ [TUESDAY . i Da ne le and ) But abe 1) for wretchedness. : ; LNG. SYMPATHY ;.... «| Ring fon the autumn meeting w, beyond the grave, too "ere discussed. and el Joy- Cap- re brate his pote: blessings. As in my office. The man re-|the dialogue ends, the dwarf hus- sponded, my husband found out, hand withers Into nothingness, had a tantrum, and that ended and only the lie--the false pre- his romance. I forgave him and tender--lingers on for a last self- felt triumphant, for the moment. deluded reproach. Then he too DOWNGRADES WIFE vanishes and the gracious lady is Then the other man's interest Joined by other bright spirits who| in me posed a problem. How to | FOCEive er, singing. | down? One day 1 agreed Surelv the moral applies to ride, intending to say "s | John. For the past seven years, gets too serious," Ne's had you Just where he his car, wants you, he thinks. He has from no- d to drag you down to , grabs me, slaps me, puts | the hell.omearth that is his chosen and drives home, [place in life. In the truest sense of i Holy Trinity W.A, Northminster W.A. (Groups) Af | Helping Hand Aux. # Courtice H and § Assn g| Westmount W.A, by | St. Paul's Guild | Victoria Lodge, LTB reet W.A erian WME W Assn. WEDNESDAY k3 Girl Guide Ex-Council S.A. Prayer Meeting Queen Mary Lodge Circle Eight AA Patriarch Militant | St. Chrstopher's PTA | THURSDAY Court Charlene COF Pilot Club | St. George's Eve. W.A, Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS FOR HALF-SIZERS By ANNE ADAMS You'll love the slender flattery of this step-in with its trim tab- detailed neckline, Proportioned to fit -- choose shantung, linen, or light summer silk, Tomorrow's |pattern: Misses' dress. Printed Pattern 4602: Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size 16% requires 4% yards 35-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat: {tern part. Easler, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40¢) in |coins (stamps cannot be accept. led) for this pattern. Please print "plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat-| TEACHERS riage In St, Gregory's Roman aw Kenneth | guests. [Twine and Mrs. Kenne'h Peter. presented to the bride-elect, | n Nutter, Miss Eileen son were hostesses at a shower, y |B Theo attended by neighbors of the presented their leader with ecof- bride-to-be. A hammered alum- fee spoons having the Scout emf. inum tray, lazy susan and coast- blem on the handles. From the] future bride was presented with a ors were presented. ! |garian Hall, convened by Miss'celved a step table 28 KING ST. EAST | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 19, 1959 § | mm-------- Hires Only Girls Bs Gas Attendants | | At Service Station lowned by my dad," she &aid. "One of the boys taught me Tdi tb do a lubrication job and thmt did i." pb But before going into the-ser- vice station business she served NORTH VANCOUVER (CP) -- in the Canadian Women's Athy A woman service station operator Corps overseas, od here hires only girls for mechan: Soop after hier return to Canada lfeal and servicing jobs because! she Is confident they do better| Partnership deal with her brother | y | Patrick, She purchased his share work than men, in 1951, | "It's the same old deal" s0¥s| Now she runs the repair shop, {Joan Crowhurst, "They're more service station and car - reptal [conscientious and as their hands agency, tle lure smaller and more agile they) lean do lots of job: which a man ES can't do as easily SOCIAL NOTIC Miss Crowhurst oys six tio girls to man the pumps and (0 MARRIAGE service cars, "They always keep My, and Mrs. Gordon s<B. the place neat, and we frequently Attersley, Oshawa, wish to-an- win the oil company's award for pounce the marriage of their cleanliness," she said proudly. |daughter, Barbara Ellen, to Mr. Her unusual career started James Gordon Allen, son of Mrs. when she was waiting to enrol in B. Allen of Moncton, New Bruns. |a school of nursing after graduat. wick, and the late Mr, Allen The ing from high school. "1 used to|ceremony took place on Friday, spend the time around a station May 15, 1959, in Calgary, Albeita, SAVE YOURSELF MONEY Rebuild and Reupholster your old suites and odd chairs now! 2 Weeks Only KITCHEN CHAIRS EXCHANGE NUPTIAL VOWS The former Agnes Mary | George Wihlidal and the late Wihlidal and Patrick Earle | Mr, Wihlidal, and the bride- Merlin Jr. were united in mar- | groom Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Patrick E. Merlin of Osh- FOR FIVE YEARS awa. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE estimate = call JOHNNY POCH ~-- RA 8-645) "YOU GET THE BEST FOR LESS" MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 8-6451° Catholic Church recently, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. --Photo by Ireland a. Miss Nancy Love and Mrs. Kay Dobos, Miss Joan Lam- Mason served the bourne, and - members of the Dobos family, when a vacuum Mrs. Jan McNab, Mrs. Thomas cleaner and floor polisher were The 9th B. Oshawa Cub Pack| office staff of the Houdaille In- A shower was held at the Hun-|dustries Ltd., Miss Johnson re- From the Fashion Centres of the World all CHW vo a the most beautiful spray of all... newest Fabergé crection. .. cologne spray in your favorite fashion fragrances - Aphrodisia, points the way Z King and Simcoe Woodhve, Tigress or Flambeau golden-capped jewel-colored aerosols 3.75 to Elegance MEMBER OF: $ FING SH RA 3-4621/ tern Dept, Oshawa, Ont. Profitable full time Summer ii" employment with guaranteed income for teachers with at ji least two years' experience to assist manager with pre-school parent education programme. For appointment for interview, phone MR. N. M. LEITCH, Hotel Genoshe, 4% 6 pm, May 20 he fellow off for/the term, he is a killjoy charac: |ter. He merits no sympathy; and day my husband (in perfect justice should be left still punishes me; and it has been alone to stew in his own bute. . I know my flirtation ness. -- M. H. nd I've never been Mary Haworth counsels ve? He won't let mejor personal interview. Write to t want to re- her in care of this newspaper. hy it was such aj | incident; and I can't waste me i Promote Sale I want him to feel cheerful: to ke a vacation trip wim me:, Of Pork Meat Christ Church Eve. enjoy the company of others St. George's W.A intellectually as he does. We/the sale of pork to Canadian 1 , have as many blessings as any house-wives, the federal depart TV ward Winner faves Hut Auxian nei Hi why not be happy ment of agriculture is distribut-| By ALICE BROOKS [Centre Street W.A. with them? Is there anything Iiing this week nearly 10000000 Win top raitng for good taste Challenger Group How to buy, how to cook your favorite pineapple design. [St. Mark's W.A Pho rt pe Copies of the book In French Fasy-to-crochet -- pretty to dis. Jaycettes Tittle vou can do to change it |and English will be available free Play. Pattern 7339: directions for ---------- you might read Chapter 12 (un.(0f charge at food stores across IV cover 22 inches In No, 50 cot. inch cloth In stri | cal treatise on heaven| Ralph K. Bennett, chief of th i ng. Sohal (hae. ad Hercule merchanlalng econ of the or Wi eb sm e Great Divorce (Mac: liv y o 8 _canno on Toile. Jivestock Sivision of the depart-'he accepted) to The Oshawa a press luncheon the ag-/Oshawa, O i v of persons and how |r ' Oshawa, ntario. Print plainly they fashioned "thelr ChATACter. [heids hort 0.con pon card now NAME. ADDRESS, PATTERN hence their eternal destiny, by pork' cuts In cold storage. This \ oib LR. : ac storage. This| Our 1959 Alice Brooks Needle- id tet of ily within the ihis season of approximately 18,- designs to order: crocheting Later; when their personality is 000, oo pounds, he said. |knitting, embroidery, quilts, | released by death into the limit. n Hereme of five pounds dolls, weaving. A special gift, in less spiritual realm, they are un. Per capita would wipe out the the catalog to keep a child hap-| tern of character initially chosen Would eliminate the surplus for cl | Ar Aitially ch en ot unaie, th Pp! or clothes to color, Send 25 cents ters of habit. GLOOMY HUSBAND listen in on an exchange between an angelic lady of glorious love: | liness--clothed in and a ey umor, anything. But why | through her column, not by mail | ime brooding over this; too and not feel limited socially and| TORONTO (CP)--To promote St. Andrew's WA . Sn do to change his attitude? coples of a booklet titled, Pork: with this luxurious TV cover in|17th Scout Mothers' Aux. | AEH [ titled) In C. S. Lewis' brilliant|Canada. jtom, 2 lnckes in NO. 3; of 3 This is a symbolic tale about day at sald Thurs- Times, Household Arts Dept., their acts and their choices, dur- compares with normal storage at craft Catalogue has many lovely | J ou committed to the pat./Stock on hand, and 10 pounds pily occupied -- a cutout doll and | In chapter 12 we (the readers) by a joyous spirit of courtesy, love and gun--and her Es, ED. WILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St. RA 3-321 NOTHING ¥ Re the Sales Department of Your Gas company does not employ door to door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural gas equipment call or write CLEAN... SILENT... DEPENDABLE... c] ECONOMICAL... CONVERT YOUR HEATING Whatever its type . . . whatever its fuel LOW COST... EASY TO DO! S1460==[5560 FREE BURNER SERVICE DOWN . .. Easy Payments over 5 Years materials to connect with (bonsumers' tas monthly Installs gas conversion burner--fits most furnaces. Includes automatic controls, Also units for "design" furnaces.

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