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The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 1

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All other calls ....... RA 38-3474 4 OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1959 Authorized Ab Second Clots Mall TWENTY-SIX PAGES $100,000 FIRE STRIKE BELLEVILLE CITY BLOC ---------------- - ' Youth Drowns In [| Officer Rescues Frenchman's Bay | Two Children Rr | BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Provin-|West Side Market, Livesey's DIEFENBAKER SAYS: FRENCHMAN'S BAY, Drag- Townshl," police, assisted by| 7 7 lela] Constable John Fullerton|Butcher Store and Jim's Lunch . ging operations were being con-members of Southwest Picker-| ; raced into apartments above ajoperated by Lin Choy and Tay - no er Unued today for the body of Tony ing and Pickering Township fire i ; / block of stores on downtown Choy. Alloway, 21, of Bastedo ave-|brigades, halted dragging opera- " vg jis Bridge Street West early today EXCAPES FROM HOUSE VOL. 88--No. 116 PRIME MINISTER Diefen- | three auto companies to dis- | dent of General Motors of Can- baker and Labor Minister Mic. | cuss production of small cars ada, Ltd. acl Starr (left) met In Ottawa | in Coneda, Here they are seen with officials of Canada's big | talking to E. H. Walker, presi. --CP Wirephoto , CHE 0 . real f | 0 by John McGifford, 24, of Oak- rane was placed under sedatives 7 ; y The you S were ohil-| vay is visiting a daughter ture of small cars In Canada is|thing had been decided from Mickey Rooney Monday on 23, of Scarboro Crs., Scarboro,! urday with top executives of| compact cars, Left her alone at night clubs 4, three hours and 20 minutes. unable to state the fire's cause. originated somewhere at the rear nue, Toronto, who drowned In|tions. They will resume the search| i ' } and rescued two young children . 2 Frenchman's Bay early Monday for Alloway's body tomorrow while fire swept through the A frame house, directly a 1 v3 ul S night when an outboard motor- morning. | . frame building: rie A Conk 8 A ! o y i " | 5 ¢ 74 . 0) . | boat in which he was riding cap-| Police said the boat carried Five other adults escaped un the market's owner, Mrs ridge Drive, Scarboro, and had|for shock. a 3 dren of . and. Mrs. Leo stopped about the middle of the| : 7 Bechard. { The two policemen roused 'the viewed by the government as "an| Mr. Diefenbaker also will meet testimony that he: siood 1 i hd . Police had ted the economic necessity," Prime Min-|here Tuesday with Gordon E. 'pg ne Db + The Canadian Power Squadron GOES TOURIST we (fire f their Had, Spo {above the restaurant, Later an incurable horse player rom was found the apartment Ford, General Motors and Chrys ~ while he table-hopped A Ea They needn't have worried-- T---- , $7 J resta ler, the big three of Canada's Never liked what she offered POAT CAPSIZED | he was just being a tourist, 1 4 : Destroyed sy67e :Rellaway's'el He nc -'e | sized, |standard life-saving equipment j 4 J injured in the fire which caused! A 'N 1t ' { Mickey The hoat was owned and driven as far as they knew, Miss Coch- 4 damage estimated at $100,000. a ea ey a the SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) bay when Mr. Alloway and # / A fellow constable turned in the | spent some time OTTAWA (CP)---The manufac-|no indication as to whether any. Elaine Mahnken wor a divorce another passenger, Robert Burd, | YOUNG KING d alarm but most of the bulldings| trying. to na ne another two . and n adjoining house were de- adults they feared were ister Diefenbaker, said Mondar. [Grundy president of Studebaker. .1.. cnends all hi " Frenchman's Bay 'assisted In the| LOS ANGELES (AP)--Bel- | 4 | t { was vacant. He was reporting to the Com-|Packard of Canada Limited, hog all his spare time at dragging operations Monday; | glum's King Baudouin gave sh at Een, eported an explosion{ihe Tatiurant Chief mons on his meetings here Sat. which already i+ manufacturing they were expected to resume to.| his police escort the slip for 5 block as they arrived but were Vance said the fire antomobile industry {him for dinner. The boat capsized while Mr. "spo soa. potice Monday org o dls All y' ree, Nan hran. . 4 oR . si Mr. Diefenbaker said the di Bullet Hole Embarrassed and humiliated A OKAYS Sampee, 4p Coch ne night were escorting the 28. ol " i. * eussionis on the question of build her with vile language " ls iia] tla year-old monarch to his Bev- py H : ing the small cars in Canada marry next Saturday, and other erly Hills hotel when his car 4 1 g J | ear a ari AS] <1 were conducted in "a fine spirit" Monopolized the conversation friends were watching on the suddenly turned down a side and with complete good feeling eport when they entertained guests, but shore nearby street. His.party was missing and frankness sometimes went to hed in the As it went over, Mr. McGif-| when officers reached the ho. | : Fh . He indicated any announce middie of the evening, leaving ford told police he shouted to| (eg) | x ments in the future will come ™ her to carry on. Mr. Burd. "Tony can't swim " They waited nervously until | . a 1g ew - from the manufacturers, who Is Denied Kept their home in such a con. They both grabbed him by the! Baudouin and his party came is of : were told by the prime minister ' . tw shire bu Mr. Alloway, who. in early today, laughing Saturday that Canada <hould not nervous and had cosing ouiie™ was 6 feet 4 inches and weighed| Where had he been' The TIMMINS (CP) -- Canada's|chanic from South ¥ be left out of the small car pic: HULL, Que. (CP) Police to- about 200 pounds, struggled free! king wouldn't say. is bear safari ended its first week-| weighed about 175 pounds. ture. Crd | But a US. state depart HELD IN SHOOTING end with eight pelts no longer bears. day denied reports that Paul Le. {and sank Some of his friends on shore| ment employee sald the king Two North Bay men are be- | Kyle Brian (inset, lower left) being worn by Mr Dickiiakel said Here is gare, 17. who was found dead . ne ds on el he pha A "led by Tim no pre plan fo have fOlOWUD Monday night in the burned ruins GM A ds In rushed oul in another boat an ad been ven past the ing held by Quebec Provincial | and Ernest Cote, 36. They A group of hunters . ee ve og ned tar hd i acted Me MeGlford sad Me bos fy Jas, | Fico ons Coron waren | were picked wp (ns ca nea (mink Mes Loo De Vian sho anid between them bullet hole in his: head ay b Rone Heath iby Pick. a king is entitled fo a Mitte | 1 connection with the shooting: | North Bay following the shoot- three on Saturday and a h a To povernment District Caroner. Dr. Joan Lor. Plans For ering Tow hip -- i fun we > death of bapk mnanaget Alex- | ing at Timiskaming, 40 miles |Suiduy Hight Antber fom Have . La ey Sons g | h apder "W. Heron at Timiskam- east. {been 'sent in from other parts of p Far. police. - ing, Que. The two are Ronald | --CP Wirephoto |) Ontario. Ag G : TT TTT : S5.re lad hoon Jucky enoughith to have weather we might {have been far more succassful on |raine said death at nearby West CONCESSIONS? empleton. wes accidental and ate Indications! yo only one in the world for a pa - wr Kour hours later pa re: shat > united Rt «w c Ee ri en wy mms Sen Virgin Mary [ke Threatening T pr Pa. os . Bunt, ( on A i Ton to damaged but it Esa ee por! 1rgin | 4 Sl reatening Oo cael, "4 dow about re leton Place aid Speaker Roland M i of Enginetring of | » fe ' " | slaughter of bears' will be very have promises from tuléd the question was not in or-| The youth had been reported |the University of Michigan, Depicte lagnier o the small bag during North Bay, New Liskeard der. {missing since Sunday night and! The laboratory is a gift from : > . On Saturday, after his meetings|his body was discovered by a|International Nickel Co. Inc. un ummait a Su Bl Vino Issued a plea vod J Rh M Su ran of ther pty big Durtady Research projects for the new 3 | Sunday for the rest of the country|/wrote to the mayor to say he ord of Canada, E. H. Walke Shieh party men laboratory planned by the univer LJ to get in on the project aimed at/accounted for eight bears ident General Motors of {Was organized. sity include corrosion and anal. GENEVA (AP) The United ht kat the U.S i 4 replacing the headgear of Buck 'vear and promised three F. G y Kec! N 'as J " INEVA ( -- The Unite ghts ago whe » U.S. reaction motives s . re +) a, an . Hogan, execu: Durand was quoted as saving|vsis of exhaust gas, with partien/ ROME (AP)--A painting thatisistes has warned Riucia thetivend peo What the reacvion mgiaves ih Proposing & Peace Joi. ingham Palace guards. He asked, within a week, five vice.president of Chrvsler| Legare "was definitely shot lar emphasis sMog- . v else." gd + phikals on 1s produc- shows the Virgin Mary as # young President Eisenhower will refuse gpryshehev originally set a May many. that anyone. shooting: bears for) ration of Canada, there was'someone tendencies. nee Api i coun. Shutuse---- Sr -------- (Riel inak length skirt is draw. to attend a summit conference if 97 deadline for the Western allies, Herter reminded Gromyko of [AY Yeason anywhere:in the A | ing attention at a current exhibi- 4 P ct ton of promi Bh io art| Premier Khrushchev sets some i, end their occupation of West!the May 27 deadline and said that {1 end along The Skins aud rospe or ~and a few exclamations. new deadline for a Communist| Berlin and said that on that date/the existence of any deadline! A RIOT IN SPOTS "The painting 1s a jittie dar. squeeze on West Berlin he would give the East German made it difficult to believe that|'°, England. ing," said the pastor of the church Informants said the American Communists control of the Allied the Russians did not have hidden HAVE UNTIL JUNE 15 | Bags Bear {sponsoring the exhibit, "But it is warning was prompted by a sus-'supply routes to West Berlin, |purposes. The! Del Villao Jreguiare fo far from being disrespectful, and picion that Khrushchev would try BARA { i |ou y on weekends, They will, a srespec | COULD REVIVE THREAT Gromyko said he was sorry that| ntinue tiiese hunts until bear, COBALT (CP) Hubiing parties rd N certainly nobody should be star-|such a move if the Big Four for scarce Victoria Da Marred {ted to see the virgin represented|eign ministers conference turns| He later postponed the dead- Hertel had Weutiohed the date Of icences expire June 15. Nua disteret but a Cobalt pros as one of the modern girls that'out to be what he considers a line indefinitely, but could revive ned to bring it in G ax. The mayor, a travelling sales: | aotor 'shot one here Monday The United States is reported & It up In Geneva ex-i;an for a distillery when not en-|Rithout even moving from his cept possibly at the end of thes. ved in the mayor's duties orl cottage. [Y city.' US. State Secretary: Christian determined to reject any summit vonfer The painting by Italian artist! + : 1) 0 conference held under a Soviet Conference. leading bear hunts, refuses to put! Frank WM Wa By 60 Fatal Misl 1A S rao Masi depicts the Annunci.|A: Herter told Soviet Foreign|threat such as this To Herter, that sounded as'y quota on his hunters. Pn kay Pll ph 'ation, the appearance of the angel Minister Andrei Gromyko in plain Gromyko assured Herter that though it might be a veiled hint| "1 know the guards require bear ambled onto his porch and to the Virgin to tell her that she words at a dinner party a few'the Soviet Union had no ulterior|0f a new threat. Thereupon Her: ahout 300 skins and we will do|peeped through his window. By THE CANADIAN PRESS (buildings on the St. Paul-Emard] Newfoundland's celeb will has conceived the Child of God. | ~|ter told Gromyko that anyone who|our best to provide as many as| He dropped the animal with two f (thought the president of the|we can, but I can't say it will be shots from a .303-calibre rifle, Guns fired salutes and touristsicommunity council's modern gar-|take place May 35, when {It is a rather sombre, unob-| drove through rows of nodding den in Ville Emard i will cross the island province trusive work in low kev with the| . {United States would go to a sum-300." The hunt may resume in| ps hunters tullps. Jolice fought celebrants|stroyed by fire. Delivery trucks/dropping off trout fishermen at kDee-length skirts of the Virgin Fl nn to oference under duress of|Qctober if skins are of suitable and cowboys climbed aboard vere overturned and discarded their favorite haunts. {and the angel the chief features avage 1 g threat of a cut-off date had better quality at that time. miles northwest of here the same twisting brones. Chinese fires furniture burned in the streets, | More than 1,000,000 tulips in drawing attention. forget it, | The largest bear shot during day but got only one bear in the grackers banked and more than Finally the order went: out--[bloom drew sightseers to Ottawa. 1 or "NE, SX1ibited i IMPOSSIBLE the weekend was: bagged Sy eit uckingham Pat 60 persons died in accidents : vers and . . 4 ; Canada. was celebrating Vie- Plek 3 every Jerson ) der 16 yow IT BEGAN Piazza del Popolo Church. Eisenhower's attendance undep | sku, They. sliot three 130.-pounds € tanding by any of the fires, - ; said con toria Day They were taken fo police sta. Victoria Day observance began BE = Possible, Herter emphasized: THOUGHT FOR TODA "ur Mackay ed room. ossible, Herter emphasiz i Mr, J y jute his catch to the Timmins ae Dot et Aa, Ps arr tc 0 ar Ss Vit (v1 As the B pt » ays niicct them. More than 25 youths birthday. The date-then May 4 C b 1 E t ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (AP)---A tof by twisters near Hiawatha, Ever. AS the Big Four talks moved N Sueens ah dein spots: in were arrested but police said the fas declared a holiday by the a 1Dals a rent of water eight to 10 feet deep|est and Denton, Kan., about 25 Jrough Thely second week, the Shoe manufacturers say gg ally wil be For Saint John. NB. and LX n was comparatively quiet legislatures of Upper and Lower - . {gushed down the main street of miles west of St. Joseph, Storm estar agers ere Sunsiderng) women's feet are becoming dumped. Montreal it was x thee fil Ln there had been 400 arrests last Sanda. Io Joon, the Canadian Police Officer St. Joseph's north side Monday warnings enabled families to take ® Did b3 omy D onday to| larger, which explains why | "We have so many bears in the servance. Newfoundland passed Ip suburban Verdun ar ment eclared it a holiday night when a cloudburst caused shelter and no one was injured Teak up ers package plan for| the average womaa has been (Cobalt area," said the it up HONOR MAISONNEUVE to 3 member the' Queen who as |savage flooding. FLEE TO ROOF 2 Se an settlement and remove putting her foot down with |tor, "that we just throw them in BATTLE HOOLIGANS The occasions for celebration in vea for 60 years and died that PORT MORESBY. New Guinea One body was found, but police Tre tidal _|four points from it for discussion. | 'the dump when we shoot them." dang ino he MOTT Se (or re shration Wi year, (Reuters) -- Cannibals Monday said it would require hours of The floods smashed the win. -- - rom -- Police and firemen in » Mor ~ were the. don hle birth. 1), 1952 another act of Parlia- ate a village policeman and then daylight Investigation to deter- dows of the big Green Hills super-| \ southwestern Montreal dis viors GAY remembrance. plus the ans ment provided the day of ohsery- Went after the rest of the vil- mine whether there were other Market just as eight clerks were § of Point St. Charl ne My Ma po Junding of the ance should be the first Monday lagers--who managed to escape casualties. The victim, William closing the store. Trapped inside, Henri fought their t aditional Vie. . of Maisonneuve May 18. preceding May 25. In 1957. the into the jungle. Brig, D. M. Cle-|M. Thomas, was swept out of his they fled to the roof. id Day Ja te with haoligan . : vernmen aroclaimed th at land, administrator of Papua and car, Mrs. Glenn Case. wife of one ; oa Man kidd A The extra occasion in New Queen Elizabeth's hirthday-- New Guinea, said the cannibals' The downpour on the north of the clerks, arrived in a car to! Why t pf. na midnight, ex- Brunswick was the ohservan 'e of April 26-be celebrated on the raided Matuari village in the slopes of St. Joseph, a city of pick up her husband just as the ploding irecrackers, street bon- the 1873 landing of British Em- sae day as that of Queen Vic. Primitive Upper Purari area of 79.000 population in northwestern water hit. She and their three |" Te vandalism and fase fire pire Loyalists toria Papua. Missouri, was measured at four small children were trapped in|jR plarms opt : re forced squad en m------ I The eaten man. Obu, was re inches in one hour the car of police and firemen busy sponsible for reporting any trou-| It was one of a series of thun- Alfred Douglas, one of the | Ji 1 In the worst incident, two smal ble in the village derstorms that produced at least clerks, reached the car and| o an ana Cleland said it was the first re. two tornadoes across the Missouri/passed the woman and children! » ported case of cannibalism in River in northeastern Kansas up to the other men on the roof.' § nmmensahinn Papua in almost three years Farm buildings were smashed Firemen took the 12 persons off 8 the supermarket with an exten. For Man-Mau Jam Thins Out LATE NEWS FLASHES Ei D nend PORT WELLER (CP) -- Thejheld up in a traffic jam that e - ents pileup of shipping at the Lake looked like a Normandy invasion YMROBL, Kenva (Reuters) --. Ontario entrance to the Welland fleet. Misuse Of Jobless Funds Charged : e Kenya government h je. Canal appeared today to be thin. " i Ch C h eided to Dav oA nen ang fe ning Bint Paton bi % Sine ONE OF LOWEST OTTAWA (CP) Misuse of unemployment insurance 1Cago ras . y rn . ' tlicials said they hope de. Today's count was one of the funds in paving benefits to persons affected by labor dis- i vould end this week lowest since the St. Lawrence PUtes was alleged today by the Canadian Construction Asso- CHICAGO (AP) -- A Chicago | ciation. The association. with about 1.200 members in the Transit Authority spokesman construction and allied industries. made the submissions says failure of veteran motor- to the Commons industrial relations committee as it consid man to apply his brakes soon from Montreal. where they had ! 5 olhmi ered proposed government amendments to the Unemploy though was the major eanse of piled up due to seaway opening ment Insurance Act x the trash of Iwo crowded ele. Kénva -- bad wk for 27's-mile land slice i Ava OVE S Evelyn to Lake Erie. Fight were foreign delays, caused the Port Wel vated trains during the rush-hour Baring today visited the camp on ecco . 4 ler jam, said shipping officials. y what a spokesman termed a Tou gv the others domestic. There is a en at 'the| Watchman Found Dead In Montreal wo 195 lis were taken tine visit planned some weeks » Hem foreign ships were lined canal entrance here which lifts MONTREAL (CP)---A 65-year-old watchman was found [to hospital after one train plowed ago ». nea o Shes od single| vessels from the Lake Ontario| dead today, bound and gagged at the bottom of a stairway at [into the rear of another stalled oir ng 3 ast week, level into the first section on the) the Vincent Therrien Dental Laboratories on $t Catharine [because of a tieup down the line CITY EMERGENCY were w re foreign vessels/canal. Each time the lock lowers! St. in the city's west end {About 800 persons were in the two * WL bn dh aiting in the harbor en- hack to the Ontario level it brings : . x six-car trains PHONE NUMPT™R a downbound ship aleng Aluminum Mill Capacity To Be Boosted Two were injured severely snd § - d id ke en limited dri Thus traffic can move both IONTREAL CP Ton 19 were in hosnital over ni . d ar h an s A Aluminum Company n tarnid: Palin Po! HOE RA a a qevern ays at e same rate. It takes " you can see in the streets of our failure. it | | ere were 15 upoound shins Seayay Shened ust monty. The : today in Lake Sudden influx of ships upbound (4) fo waiting to enter the first need today t he capachty of it . ahn es it a (ast abut eight hours {nr a ship to mime mil at Xindston is to be increased in 5 : A . . FIRE DEPT. RA 35-6574 lip. casing the bottleneck make the canal cro y " a aaa iab ASIN 18 10 be increased. by 10.0 $ ] gntin on on IREMEN US} y : ns jamme! with hou = ore token: i x . a0 4 8 the botilen sing, which, year. No new building construction is involved. the any ATW \ h Y i hop : : vere taken te hospi'als Oo The week before, un to 50 ships/has two-way traffic Ek J . LI€ company motorman Dominic Paris, 46. ludders and a device called a riders collided during the morn- | for treatment i HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 ' foreign and domestic--had Lin Wo-wa) i Mn aging] said, but new equipment and alterations to existing equip | 'apparently did not apply his snorkel, right, to rescue pas- ing rush hours on Chicago's | many others it been first lock at Port Weller. ment are expected to cost $2,000,000. brakes soon enough." sengers two elevated = northwest side. At least 11 per- | the scene. --AP Wirephoto A. a)

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