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The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, May 19, 1959 ass viene Peace Pilgrimage' Of | | =mmr=> | Pylton Collapses CITY OF OSHAWA 50--Articles For Sale |S0--Articles For Sale SPECIAL discount! 25 per cent off 1o| ORDERED sold $78,000 stock of fine| OTTAWA (CP) -- With a sad|for Mr. Smallwood to accuse him tion in the Commons that the out-| builders, apartment er home ouners on furniture, Take advantage of the fabu- ovons, cooking ope, wad [lous me | Shake of his head, Justice Minis-|of declaring war. Apparently the come of his trip may have killed n- "Kelly West. | | ite, pg oo 8 ehisine ter Fulton said that all he can|Liberzl premier was "deeply dis. his chances of succeeding Sidney | - - ROVI D or genuine Lane cedarhope is that "Common sense will|turbed"" that his people had Smith as external affairs minis- - and Baincing. Moring's giapunent and, viel Ere i wh purchase of finally prevail" in the tangled re-learned the full facts for the first/ter. He and Finance Minister coe Street 20 Church Street. 116¢ | lations between. the Newfoundland |time of the aid given by the Pro- Fleming have been regarded as BOAT 15 ft ol; Toe =~ and federal governments. gressive Conservative adminis-/the likeliest candidates for the FOR ANN U AL GRANTS TO TH k wood, spring eas With qushions, w.od. FUEEE pee Phone RA 51489 atter| After his peace mission to the|tration at Ottawa. post made vaca by Mr. Smith's lod for 80 hp motors also four elinder 5 p.m. of 578 Bioor Street Eas. _ioeisland Sovince coliapsed. Ties. The Thuresay Jeace Jugrim Sen aren 1 Mercury outboard motor. separ- | y night in a welter arges|age appeared to be part of a fed- fhe Commons, Douglas ate. Phone RA 5-4623 days or RA 3-400 TRACTOR. Waterloo Bronco. 11 hy, a by Premier Smallwood that theleral effort to relax strained re-|Figsher (CCF -- Port Aa NY R HE i ----; Sie air | CUltivator. 319 Wilson Road North, RA justice minister seemed to be|lations with the island govern-|agked the minister w Inolor, Rew. S09; Doral Ayioswe 116 | declaring war on Newfoundland,\ment which has criticized the|the declaration of war had ni] DON'T miss Ed Wilson's furniture Mr. Fulton called a press confer-|amount and duration of special him at all in making a selection' Saaidation isi, Svisee. hive Suite, ence Friday to give his side of|financial aid under the terms of |for the external ea portfolio. the story. Confederation. efenbak d . . . . " " Jouk aut of Shree, arvorive living room tavien,(T02 SOOY- re said, was tell] Mie Fulww met Mr. Smaliwood|', Difenbaker made no reply. Pursuant to Section 273 of The Municipal Act, | give notice of submission of a by-law eos Street South. RA $9216, ing room suite. Wilson's Furniture, 20|Newfoundlanders, apparently for|privately shout noon Thursday.|SPEAKER STOPS TALK . Re TR CN Chueh LC aa a the first time, the full facts about|Both mentioned the cordial at-| But Mr Fulon was given a to the vote of the electors, as provided for by By-law Number 3610, as follows: aralors, wd 5, pianos; » walnut finish, one (federal aid to their provinc here and friendly discus- chance y afterwards to say | : stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact large size crib, complete with di + ; « id Prince Phone RA 81131. [filled A gover He had tried to em-|sions. his St. John's address dealing a '| : a on Lb wales d Tiers | S90. Hiattrew, Siem 11st |phasize in a St. John's speech| The foderal minister's speech|with federal aid provided Mr. The votes of the electors qualified to vote on money by laws of the City of Oshawa and Lawn-Cruiser grass mowers. Buc: SPACE saver couch in good condition, |that they would be treated aslto the Newfoundland board of{Smaliwood no justification for his shall be taken on the proposed by-law number 3607 to provide by means of taxation 3 from $15 up. oon 81 $12. Mattress 85, from clean home. RA fairly and equitably as all other|trade came that evening. Mr.charge. Speaker Roland DE ea | 3831. ue provinces when, special financial Smaliwood's declaration. of -war|Michener stopped that line of for the establishment and maintenance of a fund for the support and aid of the Oshe- oy sizes from 8-foot prows to 21-foot PRESSURE system, shallow well. RA (aid of $8,000,000 a year to New-|statement followed. comment but Mr. Fulton called S Srusers. Barons, Marine and Sports, 16 | foundland expires in 1962. When Mr. Fulton flew home|the press conference to amplify. | wa ymphony Orchestra. a he ps TH ONE oDuro hallow water pump and| That was no reason, he said,learly Friday, he faced a sugges-| Both in the Commons and at| Fev, 330. only, 315) with trade, No lun, olier 20-1. ppiy: 11s Stmone ihe press. sonference 1g admived| June 8, 1959, between the haurs of ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon and seven (7) biti » oor FOR sale Westi 116s . . an error ip his St. John's ad-| ri sa stinghouse table pe ' . . . . . . PARGAINST Rangetle, Fi3) Gresser, deluxe Kiichen rane. Phone afer? Shy Hungarian Girl 7 22 . ress, Se had said in St Jom i o'clock in the afternoon is hereby appointed as the date dnd time for taking the votes 813; " chesterfield and chair, $35; HD | BEXT the cost of iving by Alig your Jand sovenm AHA of the electors on the said by-law. $9; washing machine, $25; cedar chest, P.m. RA 5-913 lang government from Ottawa stove, $49; bedroom suite, $49; gas tank at the Hilltop. Quality gas at T All G d erators, chrome rets, beds, de: bargain prices. Free Texaco credit t iended March 31 compared with | . . ee ioe Io Pre oadvavaable CC ops raauates $55,341,000 under the Liberals in| The places where the votes are to be taken and the deputy returning officer to take the PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 galion +. [OUTBOARD | 'motors, name brand, huge the fiscal year 1956-57. . : li . ile : : ; discount. New motors from $12250.] VANCOUVER (CP) -- A shy, group went to Powell River, 80 "myo eorrect comparison, he vote at every such place shall be as shown in the advertisement published in this issue all colors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osb-| con "yo the Hilltop between Oshawa Church 22-year-old Hungarian girl, who . y i : et Ted Electric: 3 Treh) wns Wiktyy wh BUBWAL S, = s (on oh tO Lo se ial Jolla) Orth Of Jess, an) Set 4 snd, op log Gnd of the newspaper with respect to the Bus Franchise vote. YOU break them, we fix them! At Bill| CNONE Masier garden tracior withthe only way the Communists|™0st every day A A ienlly To Tay Thora a Moring's Garage. 1373 Simcoe Street| oho (pi ocd 5 © Sree 15 |would allow her to obtain a uni.|summer studying English. ite. | , : Morin phone RA 8.5128, 113f hop 1) obiai I lled at UBC in the ments to individuals and institu-| Wednesday the 10th day of June, 1959, at 12 o'clock noon at the Council Chambers, aE co ME Pn Br ea eo a wd sa eda dhe ives] 25 ih thse fo the prose] City Fiall, Oshawa, is h pointed as the time, when and place where the Clerk 4 ur retty's u i 8S a, ipts, PUMP! SETVi Fr en: | ture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. |estry faculty of Sopron Univer-|off the Canadian government for a orament Mada ity Hell, Oshawa, is ereby appointed os the time, when and place where ah and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 413 Sim-| BOATS, moiors and trailers, New and|sity. a year--'something for which I| Mr. Smallwood said Mr. gi will sum up the number of votes given for and against the proposed by-law. North. d. " 5. GOODRICH Biores--iires bation | tore, 4 Bond 'Street Wests Oshaws;| FOr Judith Belintfy, wholwill ever be grateful. visited Newfoundland only "to re- oh tel 15 foot €5caped from Hungary with 300| After the first year she paid|peat the empty excuses and eva- i at' i visi vision. Thrifty budget plan RA 5.4543 FETERUORUE Barton. TF et fellow Sopron students, teachers|her own way, working as a Jeldfpeat of the prime minister" Monday the 1st day of June, 1959, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Council Cham- GTRIC refri tric starter, A 2 4 lies during 'th | i i i i i a Cy shea; Cushions Apa Dries Marine revolution of 1956, graduation Is| crs In the summer. about financial assistance, bers, City Hall, Oshawa is hereby appointed as the time when and place for the ap- used. Chrome Kitchen. suite, black for. | TW gle triumph over adversity, pointment of persons to attend at the polling places, and at the final summing up of used. Chrome kitchen suite, black for-|TWO hand lawn mowers, and two win- table top, red leatherette chairs. d th f) , 56" The faculty of the 150-year-old y : 4 2 Abply 'ater § p.m, 63 Masson Street. 57%". Phone RA 33625 11 university, which fs believed to T E L E V I S I oO N L O G votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing 114 = | USED Frigid fessional fores- . . . TEATTIONE TI Po Tools TE sai pefaburise, 18 Subic De er CHiCH1Y Ciambsl: Ti=ilasiion: XBUTY. Clanad) $Toromia the by-law. The head of the council, or a member of it appointed for that purpose Park Road North. 111f home or summer cottage. RA 5-0507, boi ! . v . ONE garden tractor, Tarde size, Sood ne ot the 'University of British Co. WKBW.TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| by resolution, shall attend at the time and place so appointed and, if requested so to eonditi Ph RA 8-89 113f{ | FIFTEEN Ft, eda trip bo t, cc I . gs . " . . = Th Tciacu new Pccaneest ie wih EE a eo lm . sands ape GRY Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel Buffalo do, shall appoint by writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing Pp. re : 3 tn, Bm a EO out ATUNK | i, ADDIy 488 Marion Street. 113i el) degvets uy wards are Touabar pve orgy Ea up of votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, COMBINATION wood and gas stove, ; d P.M ptain Kangaroo $-2--Count: Fab | . . . + . Gliddon at Verdun Road ident for cottage, $15. Apply $5 simene Judith ang Jer 68 Hellow stents mel . AcCaptain. Rang Ba Coutty Fair, persons interested in and desirous of promoting the proposed by-law and a like num- T ch il TVs i os and HI-FV's | reet South or . . . . aa a, BE eet meme a cect Form and UBC. Sr Whistle Town WEDNESDAY P.M. ber on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the proposed by- below cost. Parkway Television, 918 ture, also sell and exchange. Contact i § from | 4--~Fun To Learn 2--Cof! a Ke: BD { Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3043. le Furniture Stone, Conacs| When Judith arrived here SITS au Pty 1 Theatre; Sports . law. HOOVER Sales and Service, new or Street. Phone RA 8-1131, Austria in 1957 she knew tol py 7--Devotions $-Paucine Swyhod Tone Shien and" service. RA Sz | FERSONNEL "problems? Prospective English and had no money. The! o_ gape storyback | y_pod tt S3, A-Fun To Learn | ; : i : Re En es ALPlcants for your lob openings wil . ILLES $-Fuvorite Story a-Thrse Siowgee | By-law read a first time this 20th day of April, 1959. model, door lock, &inch fibre glass in- [Reach them by dialing RA 3342. | 52--Legal Notices 6_Sky King Rr ca ; ; #alation, Lyeur warranty; 3249.95. Kelly |VacvoM | cleaner repairs, all makes 4-Dinner Date 4-On The Go 5:30 P.M. i By-law read a second time this 20th day of April, 1959. R 3-Woody Woodpecker | parts, brushes, g 5,2-Dough Re MI 7---~Mickey Mouse I USED '1 "friges, ranges, washers, TV teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, 00 P.M, 10:30 AM, 8) . » . " aerials, ar conditioners, ete. Kelly TV, eer BA Vacuum Giganer Repair Ser TENDER NOTICE ; Theatre; 7--Morning Show $-Rucklenerty Hound By-law read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 1959. 81 King West. vice. anytime V 8,2--Treasure Hunt Bengal Lancers l USED RE i alls sizes. , 83 up. ELECTRIC § Seamstress sewing machine, HOME FOR THE AGED | I-rary Show a A 11--Theat io M. B. F. Goodrich Sto! A 54543. table model, in good condition 50 a lle - re News; . # HP Evinrude "Al" condition, 110 Dridesmaid's dress worn once, excellent CITY OF OSHAWA 2--Sky King 8,2-Price Is Right Weather Lyman A, Gifford L. R Barrand § HP Evan [ 3 | condition, RA 8.8784. 112¢ OSHAWA, ONTARIO 615 P.M, 1 Love Lucy 7--Early Show . . | 61's a Aireat Life he 6--News . ICEBOX in good condition, Apply hi) 21' Weymouth Cruisers, $1800 and ul 4-~Top Dollar See the. Seotts for '59. Ajax Marine, | (Hen Street. RA 5-5691. Sealed Tenders, addressed to | '3 New nw the 8,2--Concentration Bevel Fy Mayor Clerk No. 2 Highway at Ajax. Phone 1266. |= J per Week year round for all your| the Corporation of the City | 843! WT ' siibg Hide AM. Ray, Forrest * USED television sets, 17° and 21" com. |COOKINg, heating and water heating of Oshawa, Ontario, will be |esea-News" M. orytime 6:30 a 90-4 | with Propane gas from United Coun- / : 12:00 Noon 5-43--N ~ Wether : a : Faniy on labor And paris. Irvine Ab.|fies Propane Lid, Port Hope. Phone| tectived by the Aesmeee | | erally Pon, 1i--Popeye; Buss Bunny ra Any tenant who desires to vote on the said proposed by-law must deliver to the Clerk pliances, 50 Bond East. for details ond Engineers, John B. Parkin Zo elie 6-3-4-2--News : : dy FOP ool Telrigerator, CoRispot. Bulk. RANGE! 44 oven control, $1 abe Associates, at1500 Don Mills JZue. oniw SoNuws and Yeates 100 pu. of the City of Oshawa not later than the 28th day of May, 1959, the declaration . d, spr jit tt Remingt i - ' 3 11--Famil; tre : . M Siaaib abi tr mmmar eos. BA SBS Speier" StnCorons' ding "mac| Rood, Postl Station J, Toron- | a-West Built, LLL NE Er provided for by subsection 3 of Section 276 of The Municipal Act. ¢ emer | CRANE M34. 3 . «iV | ud Weath S~Rifleman =, USED washer yes % hp motors, Bir PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $36.66, 1th | ¥ News Jeath " i NI rM. 4--Mackenzie's Raiders uw. Repairs 8 a wringer. iyve wash. | This includes full size crib, spring, THURSDAY, JUNE th, | 7--Cheyenne 11---News 2-8pecial Agent 7 ; : 7:18 Paddy's Market, Hampton. Ma 32053 [UL 0 and bumper pads. Unbe- 6---Donna Reed 7--Pantomime Quiz 7--News; Weather 7:30 = alue! Barons' Home Furn-| for the construction of a |S, 2--Dragnet 5,2--It Could Be You 7 oe -- | ishings, 424 Simcoe St. § Home for the Aged for the -Waltbin 4--Search for Tomorrow Clan 2 0 B N be 360 of 10-00 Sohne) outhonr Ole: [ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, City of Oshawa, on Ritson [11.6 Front Page Chal. 12:45 P.M, 6--Disney Presents y-Law um r 90-day free 11--All Star Theatre GYM sets and children's sides, priced warranty, from $69.30, Irvine Appl. Road North, Oshawa, Ontario. lenge Guang Light Conlon pace from $7.95 up. Dominion Tire Store, 48| ances, 50 Bond East. Sealed Tenders for Mechani- [th Somers 1:00 3:00 P.M BE A Vea WE buy and sell new and used bi.| cal ond Electrical subcon- 8:3 PM. 1-usle Bie 11--Leave It To Beaver THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA lawn mowers, name brand, | eyeles, bargains in all golf, tackle and hy RA Target discounts in town. Get your camping equipment, dew worms and dil shel Le Jepcsited [11 a Sow rs 5--Feature Movie Keep Talking | best price then come to the Hilltop, live bait. Open Thursday and Friay wi ie 1 oronto Ui eposi- 7--W: mnmy ge 4--Meet the Millers 11-6-One of a Kind 5 s:iohetween Oshawa and Whitby on High. {tl 9 p.m. Sportsman's Corner, 105| tory at the Toronto Builders Ere he Truth. | 3-Mid Day _Matines 7--Ossie and Harriet | ; 3 i ¢ i i ay 3. Byron Street South. MO 8.4511 Exchange, 1104 Bay Street, Te 1:15 P.M, 4 Trackdown being a by-law to provide by means of taxation for the establishment and mainten- ED tires, $3, Terms. Dominion |THE Dutch Merchant, Used TV's and| T. to, until 3:00 p.m. 11---Movie Matinee -2--Price Is Right 3 ore. 8 Boni Sees Wert | ppinces. 11 Bupa. Seer Bart WA Weommado! Sio0 Pen | Ian 10 P.M. ance of a fund for the support and aid of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. "UPRIGHT '59 food freezer. Big 44gib, 0051. We buy and sell. 1959 ' "| 4-Peck! 's Bad Gin T-To the Ladies 11--This Week > eu. ft. Regular $169, sale a. Free] ELECTRIC ranges, all makes, com- : lie ro . a" ms J=Douns Reed | : ; ; Ey on iy fou pultey. Belly TV»INelsly Teeonditioned. day waranty. Plans, Shecificstions, Instice HANS ony ia T-Bay In Court +The Milianaire WHEREAS the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Society has requested City Council for | plea tender may be obtained on | 4--Red Skelton 3-Helen Neville 11--Century Stories a grant to aid and support the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra; ADMIRAL air conditioner, % hp, clear- 0: H M. COLONIAL ance, $169. Parkway Television, 918] application by. General Con- | 7_ aces: F-M. 7-Gale Storm IoSa Fransisco Beat Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. tractors after 4:00 p.m. |52-David Ni 6--News 4 . J ' : . As COMBINANGN (MoCLARY heavy duty stove, willabls| Thursday, Moy 21st, 1959, | +--Garry Mowe s--Home Cooking agli Tn AND WHEREAS the City Council has authorized this by-law to establish and main- AWNINGS |for cottage, $15. RA 8-1944. 114 from. the office of the Archi- 10:30 P.M. 4----House Party 11--8an. Francisco Beat - 3 2--Haggis Baggls i i 3 ifi Menstoucred 3 Wh tect, A cortifing heque in USS rem, Conference ayyis Bags Boxing, tain a fund for such purpose subject to the approval of the electors qualified to vote anufactured in our itby SELL YOUR BOAT? the amount of $50.00 pay- 5--Tombstone Territory 116-Nursery" "Sehool S2-This Is Your Life on money by-laws; plant. Before buying come ' able to the Archtects, is re- 3-Bold Jenture neon 300. Brooks 4--Steel Hi ' into our show room at 134 Boats sold on consignment. quired os a deposit on plans. NASAL ra. 7--Beat The Clock Simcoe St. S. and see our We obtain all cash for you! as n oe iS Ti or | Veins an Ee a i $3 Doctor 'Malone Ein NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of grahigtion call Ostgwa RA MARINE STORAGE be on view in the Office of | I Biashause nso i mF Toe The Corporation of the City of Oshawa by the Council thereof as follows: FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN B Pu g L1G ore. 87 og of nig Tobi SMO ae $3 From' Thess Roots 1174.35.43 News : in, Ont, -- howe, PM, ews i tog . : COLONIAL dio Shei Te Builders Exchange, 1-Late Show +=Verdict 1s Vours Weather: Sports 1. There shall be established and maintained by the Corporation of the City of Oshawa ALUMINUM The finest Canadion made | The Owner reserves the right | 4-Theatre huge Bunny abd T-Plhouse a fund to be known as the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Fund. 134 SIMCOE s. , OSHAWA aluminum combination win- to reject any or all tenders. 1.45 P.M. 6--P.M. Party Een Movi er | dows ond prime windows, LR. BARRAND f SBR HS AY 53-Truth or Conse: 11:30 P v . . : self-storing doors. Very low hh FONE + ete t1=The Late Show 2. In each year commencing in the year 1960, there shall be raised by taxation on , only $49.50 installed. id erk. H M. % H i GATOR TRAILERS re oa esol ed: 160 PR noma "nro TT theme all the rateable property in the City of Oshawa the sum of $5,000.00 which shall 7 neg i ARSON BOATS Remember sold only by your be deposited. to the credit of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Fund. «= PETERBOROUGH BOATS | mco, decir ALEX VASCA | DRILY CROSSWORD - a RIDE Moy oes RA 3.9851. of P arliament .3. The City Council in each year shall make from the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra " ORS Fund a grant to the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Society in the amount of * Voge oF SEE HOME APPLIANCES ACROSS 2 Biblical Say [SIAIR[E RIC lohiey 'RB A Terms, Open evenings. and OSHAWA LTD. 1. Among Kingdom CRAKE Pees! | t- - ance $5,000.00 for the support and aid of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. weekends. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | 5.Rodent 8. Preposition 24. Astern [GSE o Al 9. Rock 6 Antlered 26, Without [So EIA Ole] | By THE CANADIAN PRESS ; in ..~ MARINE STORAGE Lg 10, Shade of animal Mab Pol] Friday, May 5 I 4. This by-law shall not come into force until assented to by the electors qualified & SUPPLY LTD. Domestic and Commercial pin sa) Bla Eft CA tsar foun Wo Tn to vote on money by-laws and any necessary approval by the Ontario Municipal Rn att RA SSI? | me Bus RRRERIER (ns werd on Neviowaini'se| Board has been obtained. horse tet HONEY of doing. FOR ALC BUILD THAT WW 1 i BE Er 1 oes Soe, labyr Jebate By-law read a first time this 20th day of April 1959 Wy BOAT NO W 13. Evil glane ; yu manding unsuccessfully that the . : ELECTRIC TRAIN I th a moldea hull or | I7.Health 11.Gaeme 3 Gental filling 41. Armadl Em wr er vane for By-law read a second time this 20th day of April, 1959. Ss ecsy wi a mol a hu A . C en! - AND ACCESSORIES | Xi. bi, ne" No. 3 Highvn 19. Cereal a eta .owmiuy i mcs ry oh" king By-law read a third time and finally passed this. day of . 1959. In Excellent Condition PHONE 1266 AJAX » grain 21. Gompunction 36. Position Australis Yoir of goodwill and hones re y PHONE RA 5-4629 COLONIAL zo Len an 7 Yay Mayor Clerk LU EXTRA 11 | Anos cumanoy | Bo fd be cman fe er , binding " For a better buy on aluminum drawn benef storm-screen windows, flair- AYNINGS 3). Performed fund. Te Tow ee 1, Lennox Roy Barrand, Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, do hereby vent awnings, doors, porch | Monufoctured in our Whitby | 3LLager Oy. May 15. 1959 certify that the foregoing is a true copy of proposed By-law Number 3607 of the railings, pre-fob cottages and plant. Before buying come i t The Commons meets at 2:30 City of Oshawa. i. R. BARRAND, garages, stone tex siding, call into our show room at 134 |p.m. to debate freight rates. The | Si St. S. d 35. Smart blow H HOLODY | amis oto ciomtay | 3 Eowneue Sf adic Clerk, City of Oshawa. ALUMINUM ersiigtion call Oshawa RA Cra 30 Grenfell St, RA 5-243 : 40. Crippled Bar Patrons Mob | If the assent of the electors is obtained to it, the proposed by-law will be taken into FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN 43. Bondsman in ie bi Whi § : ; thy, MO 8-4633 COLONIAL u.swinty Armed Bandit, 27 consideration by the Council after the expiration of one month from the date of the Food and freezer plant. ALUMINUM countries Cums Sor first publication, 1 48. Wagons Zr 3 $40 a week per family 134 Simeoe St. S. | yeu {Sunday and beat him senseless aT 0 des. approxi: | Surgue (slang) feally wounded another man wno| Published a first time the 12th day of May, 1959. ately per cent gro- 52--Legal Notices 48. Epochs tried to stop him. ceries and freezer, no li James A. Cathey, 27, was bat- L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk. Sow {T WILL NOT be responsible for any DOWN 4 - n payment, for ap acu Frasted in my name by id 1. Capital {tered with bottles, fists and his . pointment. No obligation. persons, on or after this due. Hay 14, (Ga) {own gun. Police suid most of the Oshawa, Ont., 12th May, 1959. Phone RA 5-3709. Sty Gai, femarty 300 Gulag ... [araacinte sie par ure gous L

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