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The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 3

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N Arrest Two At Winnipeg | Sgt. of Det. William Jordan | (left for Winnipeg this morning by i plane, to bring back two youths {charged with breaking, entering |and theft at Fashion Village, 26! {Simcoe St. S. Roger D. Cawker 18, of Whit- 7 by and Clarence J. Wilson, 22, 11291 Courcelette Ave., Oshawa, : were apprehended in Winnipeg) , following a provincial police net-| i 'work broadcast Friday. A Chief Constable Herbert Flin-| | meu |toff credited a new officer in the Nadi wind | Oshawa Police Department, Con-| stable W. F. Hayes, Sgt. of Det. William Jordan and Det. Ken-| neth Youne with solving the crime Constable Hayes reported he| had checked a suspicious looking| car earlier in the evening of Thursday, May 14. Further in- vestigation was carried out by Sgt. ~f Det. Jordan and Det. i Young. | a isin sini EE H------------ I = Ontario Riding Liberals Name New Executive Officers were elected at a re- cent meeting of the Ontario Rid- ing Liberal Association in Sun- derland. Thomas Harris, of Port Perry, the candidate for the par- ty in the provincial election, ad- dressed the gathering. Maombers of the new executive | ? lare: Gordon Rynard, Zephyr,| president; Dr. Roy Kelly, Beaver-| ton; William Wright, Beaverton: | Lorne Thompson, Scugog, and Duncan Grainger, Whitby, vice.| the 75th anniversary cake for pre-idents. Robert Harris, Ux-| the Oshawa corps of the Sal- (bridge, was re-elected treasurer.| vation Army are, left, Mrs, Effect Reunion Brother, Sister SHOWN ABOVE, CUTTING | (on the records of the ministry of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 19, 1959 Major Thomas Coull. They as- sisted their mothers in cutting the cake. Oshawa Times Photo, i Gi et b g Rn RR SB ER a Charles Bailey and right, Mrs. | Oshawa corps. At the extreme David Coull. Mrs. Bailey and | left is Senior Major Harold Mrs. Coull, both over 90, are | Bailey from Boston. On the the oldest members of the | right is the Oshawa Corps Sgt. Challenge Of Future Stressed By Speaker | By M. MCINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Referring to the 75th anniver-|*Every thing we do is an imple-| Rev. C. D. Cross, president of sary of Salvation Army work in|ment to our main purpose which| the Oshawa Ministerial Associa- Oshawa, Commissioner Norman has to do with people," he said. |; 0 led in a prayer. The Salva S. Marshall said: "It is a vant-| The commissioner referred to. age point from which we can get|the "Army" as the "militant amltih Army and Played, rid a lift by taking a long look back|of the church." "We reach the| 1 pebiadiy Mare the and a long look ahead." |unchurched, the unreached, the| oro meron: read Commissioner Marshall, nat-|unwanted." | . J jonal commander of the Salva-| In _closing the commissioner| Bandsman Artbt Beald pre- tion Army in the United States, said, "may the lure of the un- Tlaget" (Boccharint), He sda was special guest at 2 service Of dertaking be irresistible." ii on he N praise and Sauksgivine mate STARR SPEAKS [his son Brian Beard. afternoon, Resp di to C issi i Brigadier Stanley. Cetilury pro- He said, "memory is a won- Marshall's talk, Hon. Michael nounced the Benediction. ; derful thing, but sometimes, in|Starr, > said. in regards to thel The citadel was well filled for i ) 'we forget memories of the "Army," "it'sihe service Sunday morning digging up the past, we forgo good, there were such .men ashi] overflow crowd was in the challenge of the future. "He| op while an used the slogan, "hats off to the these to follow." He congratula- attendance in the evening. past but coat's off to the future," |ted the members on the past and| -- |pensions and national insurance. Correspondent |So 1 wrote a letter to the offices to The Oshawa Times serving the districts in. which] LONDON -- Today I sat in my they had lived when last heard office in Fleet street and talked|from to a brother of an old Oshawa This strategy worked. 1 re friend, discussing a reunion I had ceived notice that one of the been able to effect between them prothers could not now be locat- after a gap of 40 years. Thisied, Then came a letter which man was Ashley Gordon Wild, 67, |informed me that under the regu- a brother of Mrs. A. E. Hol-llations, no information: could be, brook, of 198 Nassau street, Osh-|given regarding insured persons. awa, For 40 years, he had not But it went on to say that if I {known where his sister was liv-|wished to write a leiter address- ing, except that she was some-led to Ashley Gordon Wild, and (where in Canada. But by aplace it in an envelope address- strange turn of circumstances, Iled to the pension office, it would |have been able to bring them to-|be forwarded to him. gether again, at least by corre- This was done. A letter was spondence. 000 residents now." He said "it's not so much that the Sal- vation Army flag still flies but the "Army". The service was | it's what it stands for that | held at 2.30 p.m. Saturday. | counts." The commissioner said COMMISSIONER York ci. | | Mapor Gifford said the "Army" | the compulsion of the 'Army' { 8. Marshall of New York city, national commander of the Sal- | vation Army is shown, at left, | speaking to vd that gathered at "four corners' to watch - ment of the first "ope ever held in Oshawa 7 ago. With the commissioner, Firecracker Burns Youth's Right Eye 20 min-|pipe to investigate, and at the right)same time the cracker went off A flame shot out the pipe burning him in the éye W. G. Reid called for medical aid when the boy returned home He was taken to Oshawa General He al where treatment was ad- mi l. He was released the san the upper picture, is Mayor Lyman A. Gifford who was on hand to greet the members of | has come a long way in the 75 | is to preach the gospel and years. "Oshawa has grown too. | bring men and women to In 1884 the population was 4000 compared to the more than 54,- | over the years have remained » returned home withi h a' badly ns. end 13 celebrati Reid, 15 Sutherland § vas eye burned in the ri a fir The accident cracker iwred when The b wn into a hollow p friend at 9 p.m gl : firecrac $ in Cor 1ght | niting. T of 8 believed, oc- acker wa It ap o have gone out without he ked into the v COMING EVENTS RUMMAGHK le M Te Thursday, M > night Medical authorities at the hos- al believe there is no danger of blindness in the eye. They do 21, however, that scar ee KINSMEN BINGO remain on the clove prt oft i AX SELL Tuesday, May 19 QUIET HOLIDAY : JUBILEE PAVILION In the main the FREE ADMIS N end in Oshawa EXTRA BUSES a holiday devo for holiday week It wa basen p.m ship G to pre 1tions J sea m Hundreds of residents took ad- se of the open the cotlages art on the by the ravages of one of the severe winters in many Others -- the more sports nded mac their way Haliburton and .the Kawartha Lakes area to try their luck at pickerel f 1€ in the fast water below waterfalls and dams. For those who remained at home, the holiday provided the long holiday nd make a s made nec vanta FIVE $20 JACKPOTS TO GO! AVALON HALL 8 P.M. -- MAY 19 RADIO PARK BINGO re st m to RUMMAGE SALE C.R.A. May 20, 1.30 Good S¢ and Summer Clothing ture ar Second house and get the family garden in shane for planting TIME TO RELAX Children found the time to relax before the final SHARE THE WEALTH siege of classes and examina- tions before the summer holidays. ANNUAL BALL CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS |andering along the banks of the DCD p to their neighborhood park holiday a A evening was the lighting of the fireworks which traditionally mark the celebration {of Victoria Day. In some in- stances the crackers, sparklers, pinwheels and rockets were put off in the back yard of the family residence. Several city parks~ar- 1 fireworks d and re largely atten SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1959 AT OSHAWA AIRPORT BRYCE BROWN'S ORCHESTRA (HINKING AHEAD Christ. "The Oshawa members, | mays to 20 GAMES $6 AND $10 opportunity to work around the DRESS OPTIONAL A LONDO Cp The vaca tion-minded typist in a West End {office here marked an envelope: "Private and Continental." $3.00 PER COUPLE explaining the purpose of . Holbrook's search for her sing brothers. Yesterday I re- ceived a call on the telephone All of this arose out of a letter | 30' {which I received from Mrs. Hol-| brook, wife of one of my old First World War veteran friends. | om hor brother Ashley, and ar- I } She sa a because of ranged that he should come to loyal to that purpose." In the land the subsequent death of his iy Dive today. He has Just bess lower picture, left to right, are |wife, some real estate has been |; Mrs Holbrook The address. | Commissioner Marshall, Major |hequeathed to her and her three [0 * oF Hee: brotiter Ashlay. Marsland Rankin, Oshawa brothers living in England. But 1 od Mini ie) pri wi corps officer, and Commission. |go has no idea of their present is In a naval veteran': Hostel in er W. w. Booth territorial €Om= | hereabouts. When last heard of, | i by A le ill liv mander for Canada. They are many vears ago, one had lived in| Chatham, Kent. Ashley still lives shown at closing ceremonies Balham one it "the Sheffield lis. [In Balham. The voungest Sunday night. trict and the other at Gillingham, | Prother, Harold, it appears, died --QOshawa Times Photos | : in 1956, and steps have been ---- oe |Kent. She gave me their fulll ven lo secure 'a death' cer names, and some record of their| i. i. eon Somerset House, so service in the British forces in| the first world war. That was all She Know. Jud he ashe Xe il Ashley Wild was thrilled to, that the estate in Toronto could have news of his sister Elsie. The be closed up and distributed. last time he saw her was in 1907, (just before she left for Canada. SEEMED HOPELESS TASK The last time he had any news of | It seemed like an almost hope- her whereabouts was in 1919, less task, to try to locate threelafter he returned from a prison-| individuals out of a population of er of war camp in Germany| over 45 million, on such slender where he spent a lengthy period clues. However, it wae a chal-|in the first world war. He is to lenge that could not be ignored,ihave his brother Charles| and I went at it, I figured that, with him for the Whitsun week-| since all of them were over 65, end, and together they will pen a if they were alive they would be!letter to their long-lost er. | Club Opens | Firecrackers 1959 Season | Cause Fires | The first club tournament of the Yeports seven fires during the season. at the Oshawa Lawn holiday weel nd. Most of the| Bowling Club Monday, was most fires were attributed i children) A a ap ) "" playing with firecrackers which| successful, Ideal weather pre- caused grass fires. vailed and there was a large pj fiohters extinguished a turnout of the members. blaze at the home of John Rus-| Sixty-six members of the club kay 303 Currie Ave. The fire played mixed trebles with the started in the chesterfield chair! Hayden Macdonald Trophy going in the bedroom. It is believed| to the team made up of C. Lit-|careless smoking was the. cause.| ster, Mrs. J. Authors and Jack The fire: Department answered MacLeod. The team had a score 10 ambulance calls during the of 48 points for three wins. The weekend. trophy was presented by Mr. ~ Es Direcior :. oe = HAMTLTON (CP)--J. C SR Me Sous oat wins Austrian Grou lap of Sarnia was elected presi- Sos the Jeam Sompose] fie Will Vi . Gc | ant: of the Ontz agistrates' Canning, Mrs. John Morrison and | t M dent of ve Snel M 1BIStrates' | w Dearborn, who had a score of | 1 151 ° iy n> es - 143 points. In third place was the] A group of 30 Austrian govern- P. C. Bergeron of Cornwdil was|{eam made up of Grant Murray, ment officials, newspapermen ted 1st vice-president, and Mrs. G. Oatway and Mrs, A. and travel agents will pay a visit) W. Bartrem and|Taylor who had a score of 41 to the Oshawa plant of Genera! riod presi | points. motors of Canada, Limited, at Vic ies Rent include F S.| Prizes for high score with two 2 nm, this Wednesday. a y eiuce ®'wins pent to Dr. S. J. Phillips, The party is visiting Eastern Ebbs, Oshawa: R. B. Baxter yng Hazel Mann and Mrs. C. Canada as guests of Trans-Can | Port Hope: J. L. Roberts, Lister. Their score of 48 plus 8./ada Air Lines in connection with) Magistrate Ebbs Chose EBBS e' of Toronto rectors that the estate can be cleared -- |wished them all the best for the THOUGHT PECULIAR | future. Commissioner Marshall said in| T. D. Thomas, MLA, said the the pioneering days the Salva-| pioneer members of the move-| tion Army was not understood. ment, derided and discriminated | People thought it was peculiar. | against, showed great courage] This helped some in the work|and vision. "They knew they| that was to be done. It attracted were building for the future." | the very element in society that| He said: "any organization God had commissioned them to|g,ch as yours is bound to pros-| help. d He said: "with the Salvation pe 21 increase, in strength as Army a man may be down but \ MAYOR CHAIRS MEETING never out." "We are interested in all those people no one else| The service, under the direc- can help." tion of Mayor Lyman A. Gifford] "We should use our anniver-|as chairman, had an extensive sary to clarify our objectives." program of praise. SAY THEY WILL SELL A HOUSE A DAY IN THE MONTH OF = MAY LIST WITH LLOYD... CELEBRATING | Anglo-Russian [ust wis wove. BIRTHDAYS | Talks 'Slow' | "O'® Congratulations and best MOSCOW (Reuters) -- British | RA 8-5123 wishes to the following resi- ViU dents of Oshawa and district |officials say Anglo-Russian trade| LLOYD REALTY LTD. who are celebrating birthdays [talks are 'going very slowly" | REALTORS today: |and add, 'we are in great diffi- 101 SIMCOE ST. N. Mrs. Mary Nichols, 227 |culties with the Russians." | i Cordova road: Johnny and | Although British officials| We Did It In Joyce Adams, twins, 225 Osh- |claimed it was premature to say APRIL 1 ava BI. south: d Lada |that the talks' success was in the DL GOWER iney, Taunton road west; |palance they i l : Maori Somer, o0 Niter Seance they fans admited] Gul SEL a avenue; Roger Wood, Me- : v lam _ R. HURST Millan drive; Billy Hastie, hope for Jooghess 3 Te Russia DR Ue ANK 887 Robson street; Stephen |° Before the trad Se » A LLOYD BOLAHOOD Holt, 145 Albert street; Orval | >efore tie trace mission ar-| Caseme 5 rived in Moscow last week Brit-| WE CAN DO IT asement, 158 Alma street. . A ish officials made clear that| AGAIN large government credits to help| OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM Ww F. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times 4] LO aovernment o is 10 bel their birthdays each day wi x uying in Britain i 1 will not be granted. But Russian| officials have returned persis-| receive double tickets to The tently to the credit issue. Earth to the Moon" and "En- chanted Island". Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "From the | Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIMBEEF MUST DIG ROMFORD, England (CP)-- Council of this Essex town has| warned - tenants of municipal houses who neglect their gardens: | "We'll move them into flats if] they don't start digging." | DID YOU KNOW | that Nu-Way Rug 'are experts in the Rug Cleaning field? So why take chances with your valuable rugs. Have them cleaned by NU-WAY RUG end CARPET SALES, 174 Mary -- RA 5-1202. Meat Special! Wed. Only ! TENDER Wing Ste Niagara Falls; A. F. Cook, Strat-| The winners of prizes for one {he inaugural of the TCA service ford; E. W. Kendrick, Hailey-|Win were Art Brown, Mrs. Tun-| Ween Montreal and Vienna, ak. 79: bury: J. R. H. Kirkpatrick, Kil.|Dicliffe and Ernest Rundle who eT dala ol had a score of 41 points, Arpey; an vo Wills, Belle-' the trophy was won last year ville by Dr. A. W. Harding, Mrs. S, T. George Street, chairman of Gibbs and Mrs. J. Anderson. t! i One game was played in the that p rning and two in the after- noon. WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OSHAWA D"SGOUNT HOUSE 290 Albert St, RA 8-0311 Res RA 3.7550 Open Thurs, Fri,, Sot. ession role I no 1 on tl yopriel) of a magistrate's sentence. { He said parole "encourages |good behaviour, furnishes a tran- | sition period between prison and| outright release, frees a man so| hat he can support his family) and allows treatment to continue n a non-dunitive SHAWA REP) 0! 1067 RAVINE ROAD etting.' The m trates adopted the commiitee wh policy of expun convicted persons on probation who do not repeat their offence within g year. THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF STAN BRYNING CHAMBERS COUNTRY SAUSAGE ibs. PORK HOCKS 1-00 Cut-up Chicken ! LEGS & THIGHS BREASTS RESENTATIVE RA 8-5358 ». 09° FOOD >. 59c CLUB 65 UNDERWRITERS RD, OX. 9-1188 WINGS wn. 29° BACKS & NECKS 2 ,. 19¢

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