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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1959, p. 13

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Nazi Documents Now Published LONDON (Reuters) King king as saying Naz Germany's | George V criticized Nazi anti-| anti-semitic policy was the main (pemitism to a Hitler EAVOY | reason for the termination of a | shortly after the German dicta on measure of British sympathy came to power, according to a . a volume of captured German| With Germany which followed the |documents released Tuesday. | First World War. The documents, edited jointly, The volum@ also records ex- by British, American and Xrench|changes betw&en Nazi envoys and officials, cover the period 'the late Pope Pius XII--then Eu- Oct, 15, 1933, to June 13, 1934 enio Cardinal Pacelli, papal {within the first 18 months of Nazi secretary of state--in which the Irule. Vatican attempted to protest the situation of German Roman Cath- = A report from Leopold von : : "olies. |Hoesch, then German ambassa- dor here, to the Nazi foreign) The documents 'disclose at- ministry on a talk with George|tempts by Nazi officials to ward V on April 24, 1934, quotes theloff open censure by the Vatican. ye VOL, 88--No. 117 OSHAWA-WHITBY, NESDAY, MAY 20, 1959 Osha Tunes PAGE THIRTEEN Almost "A Man Of Wingate's Memory Revered Orde Wingate was described by showed his military genius in the ; in the British House of Commons against Arab terrorists, Wingate jon Aug. 2, 1944 | | genius who might well have be-|the Jews and his passionate de- come also a man of destiny".|votion to the cause of Zionism, In Britain's Selwyn Lloyd and | Geneva cocktail party hosted | eign ministers' session at which [Four months "before this occa- Ethiopia, ere he was com- West German Foreign Minis- | by the United States consul gen- | Lloyd and Russia's Gromyko sion, a tragic air accident had|mander of the troops in the im- ¢ : Sp . social gathering fol- | tangled over the proposed Ger- robbed the Chindits of their lead- mediate service of Ha ter Heinrich von Brentano, | eral. The social gathering fol- | man peace treaty plans. er at the summit of his achieve- his brilliant campaign of courage right, stand, sip and puff at a | lowdd the day's Big Four for- | ~AP Wirephoto ment. aid bluff played a notable part in the Italian defeat and the restora- Cor istopher Sykes Seca jon tion of the Emperor to his throne. | He stormed into Inversnaid|of the late Sir Mark Sykes, hasi ] i : | wo Lovers hotel, military moustache brist- written a brilliafit, thorough and LEADER OF CHINDITS {land to marry tall, dark ana : ¢ ie? faithful portrait of Wingate in a However, it is as the leader of ling, and from Katharine's room, new book. "ORDE WINGATE" the Chindifs that Wingate will be heated voices boomed and (wm. Collins and Sons (Canada) remembered. In February of 1943, shrilled back and forth for half yd.) when our fortunes in Burma were INVERSNAID, Scotland (AP)-- tanned Edward Langley, 27, for- A wealthy father confronted his merly a truck driver Her father, eloping daughter on 'h who recently concluded a £6,000, cl Loch Lomond Tuesday and told )00 ($16,800,000) contract to build!" an: hour. In this biography Sykes tells|at their lowest ebb, Wingate led While he was at dinner he was the story of one of the most thrill- his brigade far behind the Japan- her to choose between her man rawlers for Russia, hired private and her money. detectives to trail them. Finally the couple drove off LIGHTER SIDE OF GENEVA British shipbuilding magnate Harry Dowsett stormed, pleaded, cajoled and finally came near to tears, But the golden-haired 20-year- old daughter Katharine said only: | "Please, daddy, go away and leave us alone." b ions. saini » {ung px The heiress ran away to Scot- 'You can't do this," Dowsett War. An individualist through and|tons and gaining the jingle ex {ress 3 Scot- é , ' rience ic! y rove a ' ous soldier could have|perience which would pro sar tears, told his daughter through, no so A rol fam RE d near te é been: less. conventional than Win- vital factor in He secon ad "please don't interfere," she gate After all, few junior officers larger operation an In ven ia id, tears shining in her half- oT the CIGS on an exer-Vi¢ tory. Although ingate's ' interrupt lies ; osad at: the time eyes. 'Our minds are|cise to complain about being re-|PO icy was opposed at ihe » fused-a vacancy at the Staff Col- and has been criticized since, the lege. In Palestine, where he first author argues convincingly that told his daughter was leaving. |ing figures of the Second World ese lines, harassing communica- ET Ten AT 1 i » : oi | fl 4 1 HOUSE PAINT ND OF WEATHER! BEATS ANY KI Four-Year Protection C-I-L House Paint protects your home for four or more years. It's the all- weather paint that resists cracking, peeling or blistering, "Locked-In" Color Doesn't Fade C-I-L. House Paint enhances your home's appearance -- maintains property values. Non-fading color is "locked-in," Save Work and Money Because C-I-L. House Paint stays fresh and coloriul for so long, you don't repaint so often. And when you do, one coat does the job. : 38 Different Tests C-I-L._ House Paint is thoroughly "weather-tested" to prove its durability, long life and color retention. . New Wide Choice of Colors You can choose from a wider range of modern colors than ever before. See the Yellow Pages of your phone book for the location of your nearest C-I-L Paint Dealer. I = WHITBY'S EXCLUSIVE C.I.L. DEALER DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH, WHITBY PAINTING AND DECORATING DAYS: Tel. MO 8.5231, EVE. RA 5-7426 olen bh OVER 85 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAW FREE COLOR SCHEMING @ ALL TYPES OF DO-IT-YOURSELF RENTALS 0 A & OSHAWA'S ONLY FULL LINE C.I.L. DEALER oa BEIRT AND WALLPAPER LIMITED | PHONE RA 5.3529 | -- Sir Winston Churchill -- speaking organization of special patrols as "a man of was exceptional in his support for| ile Selassie, | {to those who did not like the chal- [dividual Destiny" the two Chindit expeditions in their different ways paid hand-| | some dividends. There has never | been any doubt as to Wingate's| {heroism and the heroism of those {he commanded. Wingate approached the prob- lems of war with a cold and |often ruthless idealism, and he {could prove a difficult colleague lenging impact of his personality. | | This is an unforgettable book, a welcome addition to the already ! large library of biographies on the Second World War, It should have, and certainly deserves, bd wide popularity. NEHRU 5 SUCCESSOR? Another fine book on the Sec. Speculation in Western circles ond World War, "DAWN OF D-| on a successor to Jawaharlal DAY" (Wm. Collins and -Sons| Nehru as prime minister and (Canada) Ltd.) has been written jaader of the Indian Congress by David Howarth, former Brit. : $ a : ish War correspondent. This is a party Is centred on Mararji R. description of the operation both| Desai, 63-year-old finance min- as a whole "the most difficult] ister. Desai left his job as chief and complicated that has ever| minister of Bombay state for taken place," Churchill called it| iho cabinet in 1956 and became and in its individual parts. It| . Ai c is not a mere military appraisal, finance minister in 1958. His but picture in human terms,| name hogan to crop up after Howarth's intention is to let us| India weathered a severe fi- feel the full impact of what it| nancial crisis last year, Desai is a socialist and a disciple of the late Mahatma Ghandi. His goal is to make the Indian was like for those who were] there. He does this through the| economy self-generating within the next 10 years. related experiences of a number --(CP Photo) a of individuals, British, American, | German and French, whose stor-| jes he has collected and woven with remarkable skill into the| fabric of the whole, He is con- cerned not only with what in-|like to take part in the greatest men saw and. did, but/military operation of all time, with what kind of men they were, | and feared. to feel that he knows what it was|other. Energy Board Bill Faces Hard Test | lof the House leader's position,' These "are two fine war books| and what they thought and felt,|for those who would be more| He has succeeded|fully acquainted with this great $20,000 CHAIRMAN {quite brilliantly, and any reader, world conflict that affected all as he finished the book, is goinglour lives in some way or an-|ulate transmission of oil and nat- a Under Study 3 By Liberals By ARCH MacKENZIE (and electricity. Its head would be Canadian Press Staff Writer |a chairman drawing $20,000 8 OTTAWA (CP)--Liberal party|year, with a vice-chairman Jia pok have indicated that $18,000 and three members the proposed legislation for a na-| 000 each. tional energy board will meet| The cabinet would retain ulth rough sledding if the government|mate approval of the board's age tries to hurry it through Parlia- thority to grant permission to ment. build pipelines as well as its pow- Liberal members 'will have to ers gover import or export of gas consider very carefully the atti-|or exnort of electricity--includ [tude we take to this bill in view prices to be vr ing fe Laurier) told Works Minister| ™ Green Tuesday night, | h | "This is an outrageous way to S 1pmen {treat the House of Commons," | {said J. W. Pickersgill (L--Bona-| . Both were commenting on the| Grain Down refusal of Mr, Green, government {House leader, to let the bulky na-| [tional energy board bill be held WINNIPEG (CP)--Grain ship lhe ill will lot of ing the first month of the current the iiky bill will take a Jot © {shipping season total less than {ora : |half the amount moved in the |STRESSES URGENCY |comparative period last year. It was introduced Tuesday and urgency to get it through. Ac- ping started, and May 14, 33,775,» cordingly, second reading -- ap- 542 bushels were shipped out of |proval in principle--was sched- Fort William, compared with |uled for Thursday. 72,532,986 in the same period last |CcCF House Leader Hazen Argue the Lakehead in the pericd this |[said the government has sur- year, compared with 220 Yast {rendered to the "Texas buccan- Year. |eers and the oil and gas barons| Grain officials hesitate to put Result of the government leg- bottlenecks in the canals into the islation, which Mr, Argue said upper lakes, but one of the chief {was contrary to recommenda- reasons given is that ships are tions made by the Borden royal busy taking out iron ore from that tolls would yield enormous|of a threatened steel strike in the profits to pipeline shareholders. |United States. "The big boats are The proposed board would teg-|ore instead of grain," an grain Isioners said Tuesday. Lionel Chevrier (L -- Montreal| vista-Twillingate). | over until next week. They said ments out of the Lakehead dure |M». Green said it is matter of Between April 20, when ship. On first reading of the bill,|Vear. Only 112 ships tied up at of this country." the finger of blame on reported commission on energy, would be Duluth and the Lakehead in face of the board of ural gas and the export of gas IMPROVED Torsion- 8 L TEN exciting things to try during your DESOTO ! A | TEST RUN Bring on the curves! Bring on the chuckholes! No suspension system yet devised seems to feather a bump nor straighten a corner the way DeSoto's great Torsion-AIRE Ride does! De Soto is the only car in its class that gives you Torsion-AIRE superiority. And it's yours on any DeSoto you choose! Why not take your Adventure-Ho! test run soon-- at your De Soto 574 Ritson Road South, Oshawe dealer's? You'll feel what we mean! . 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