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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1959, p. 24

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| ee ---- ee ---- 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, ' bh Wednesday, Mey 20, 1959 OFFICE HOURS 8AM. to5P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY , SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Call the Direct A . Classified Number : : ; 132--Articles Wanted RA 3-34 3ncl 25--Pets and Livestock : d d , Repairs 19--Personal on : Trad uilding Trades A 13--Gardening . Supplies, ) Hovweheid ee Chim- DE 10 arent 7.45 a.m, n"paseengers pear oid; binck. "Phone 30 3460. 17 11 CASH wr SCRAP !'! 8--Building Trades NS and lawns roto- | YOUR loc is Pig ellington, 7. oe ERR whiter saci re souie BUY 1--Accountants LUMBING 2 heating pipes, tings, GENERAL nd repairs. RA Soom filed and teveled. iy Rn acuumed. Free atic wanted mn TV awe use Byynosis| puppies, six weeks oid Codarview Ken STEEL, wy Eo BATTERIES, Pp from | cement wi nd work. 8 » RA 3 with their over-we! , RAGS, Etc. JALE, YRIEDLANDER, HUNTER aud ew and yaed In- k-filled, ex-!5.1339 anytime, fraud odd chairs te-|to help them ? Do it now for pe herds, obedience CAPER Please Note Co.. Accountants an awoiiors, Licensed seplis IAS tO A A at BASEMENTS af, 200 back Mlle, ex GARDENS and lawns roto tilled, any| CHESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re Probe TH So You! Do sately and| GERUAY Shen erds Pickering i Day Satu a Ons sodli now in effect for llpast "Oshawa: B. L. Tle, CA; F. mation and estimates free on Sy Tyo on all kinds of build- (size, average size $3.00 Shpurienced, at Modern Uphoisioniag, S28 Slmicte tutte 'Consult Edwin Heath, 1 istitute | 578. M. NS bee pul . Frisuiander; 8, Comti, CF Certified | Dial ---- py Tepirs; oe ad repairs, new homes, commer. | Apply Glen Mun Munro 414 Park Street North, Call RA of Ethic al Hypuosis, 11 ER Lin png 1 sale -- Siamese Kitiens of pedigree LTD. (Bits, Memorioms, Cords: of 18.1. HOPKINS and Con King _ Street TR so basements plastered. Dial Td oye] te sub- tr, Re Ry FERSTURE Sooo aif seul bh © i sil BABY budgies for sale, | PRET tan Wesew SE RA 5-3500. or frée plants. Any tered. See HYGIENIC su; ks old. 276 Burk . Thanks -- East, Oshawa, Ontario, 5-8702. and Full from virus- Dalton, 75 Charles East, aid in plain sealed enve.|six wee i SAM 2 , Phone RA 35-6997. Order today. RA 5-8978. -- |ing. Bruce R. mailed post p 25|3-3395, 9 AM, Ee bAY BOB CLANCY'S Ontario ALD m-- TREE removal and trimming, wood SeIRA 37212, Tbr dh TREE BL FOR sale -- Boxer, male, 3% month Ww A N T E D DEATHS -- ices. tor smal business. 134. Bona| JACK C. MacDON GERALD cut with chain saw, free estimates. "A cuesTERFIELDS rebui," FL Dept, Adds, Nov Rubber. Cos. Bow. 91, red with white markings. RA oh iy" a services z RA 53-0397; RATOR 5-7754. -- |like new, y guaran-| gor, ont i Road. 114 SCRAP IRON, POU! 11 AM. SAME DAY Street West, Room 1, Office PAINTER & DECO! dah FULTON , $7 a load; chicken man-| are ME preg Fit ing, bathing, ~ db. 1CKS oll Er id sa Tibia WATER | (EE Epi od Bid ih, SHA, Sl eT OM a "TURNER 18% King e . er 11. to be happy! Ty ady for . NT : Fie Eoimats WELL DRILLING am BE i 7 3-2043 jo i 4 is BIRTHS THOMAS 2 SUNDLE. Barsister, 2 All Work Sutin 7080 Reasonable prices, honest tilized, gardens 300_iawne cloaghed, FURN ACE SALES other problems Skin rouble. ner Broad, 114 Elgin Stree hin etof h i kmanship. roto-tilled, Sidew vous pains, » if Street East. Phone RA 8-1763 50 Nassau worl for your garden RA 8.5753 tammering etc, Improve salesm RA Ae ol AND SERVICE ty Say Ser Et B4w1n PICKERING i ypnosis, lene (nee| 2 Barristers GARDENS and Tavns roio-filed, made . Heath, Institute of Ethical H: sis, : a2 ows To Ev 484 Madeliene (nes GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, A ACTOR Sm v Teady for spring planting, or H. M. Mackie Co Ltd. u Ontario Bist Omawa. EA S171, DOG SCHOOL A 0 Sunday, May 11: 1908, at Mount Yami). GREER AND KELLY. Ban Sout: | BUILDING CO NHOF lawns and gardens made bgp ysl i Obedience training for all AUTO WREC . ton Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario. Dll BA 3273. Buidetes Shots Floor experts, Old Jloers TED POD Touen Jawna small or too large; RA. 5-5954 d For information call Wants cars for wrecking, also Mrs. Gill [J. M. Greer, , RA 85832; like new. Hardw Reasonable rates. RA 5- t Service-- 40M 4 hake HE Toit Ty happy | rence V. ig Ri Ba made ter work al- Well Digging and 47. ey Cleancut plus parts Go to the Dutch Lady ICKERING 2 56 scrap iron and metals, we Yo 'enmince the. broth of ay i Palican ¥, terations. Kichen cabinets Cleanouts - Deepening moto tiling, iandscaping, cleanup $7 lo LER TEMPLE 9-16 big, Open Saturday e ter, 1da Jean, on Saturday, jf tbe SEER NES, BA, and Thomas ea . and lawn service. * day one-- Edhidsaknkingd LX i ad Boy Compressor Work {35 tha siSuft ~~ = FURNACE = FORTUN fe yar dun EI RAZ SOBLOORE re Atal SY tmasnieio | licltors, ' 130 "King Stree : EAWSS and gardens Tol st. RA 3.7901 SERVICE M A tractor and Ferguson plough, of thei 246. loans id, 304 Bloor We LEANOUT FORD tra Tous Deborah i Lymn af the ordi pie th ; MONTEITH, RIEHL AND Custom Built Homes RA 8-6974 ------ You be missing + $00 C Ea oo, INIaze hydraulic lit, complete, 85% so, EL Auction Sales a Ry i, A as HON ONT G, dicense us bet if you don't call us before you $7.50 f, Plus po | 2563 Whitby. ; Mala for for Gwenyth. Special tha Trustees, a 0, Sonia, FCA, ME: 4 dition, A o i i Sharpening Service buy. we deliver or se Ba =| HARRY PERRY HEATING POTATOES Pa Phone YUkon AUCT ION S ALE ith, B. Comm., CA; G. , Kitchen upboa SOD. Sic sanate yard, delivered, fines 5:2741 after CN ers ne Rien, CRRA 5 4 "RA % asset, gr Hardwood Floors HAVE Jour lawn mower Sharpened pot op Bo bg A Whitby. RA 3-3443 | ELECTROLYSIS DEAD farm stock picked up bromptiy. : I blic Birth of thei ton at "Ommaws. General 135 Simcoe Street" North, Oshawa; HUGH CROSBY [Nell io2 Highiaod, RA sass. + %alty. Rotor ! Nights--RA *3-7944 Removal of superfluous hair, [Fone collect, Bowmanvile, ! There ill be seid by pu a day, May 9, : and Paul. \Whitoy MO 85731, ~~~ = HAND and 7olary mowers and shears -- - : : Ulta], A ONE Jor Boner "le ede MacDONALD, BA, Barrister BUILDER Sharpened, sows fied. Apply G. Power, AJAX 15--Instruction Marie. -Murduff : will 'be in 27 --Fuel Wood 348 Stevenson Rd. te " and Diane |JO! imcoe Street North. rpe t Nort! 9.10. Phone Saturday, May 23rd 19 TERWILLEGAR -- Doug the |and Solicitor, 101 Sime RA 5-3937 122 Sites Steet NOMS EY Dance Academy Baton, p:( Ochawa June : RY hardwood cuttings, $5 Jind $10 k the h. io enmounce 8-851. Cr HARV nd Regi D the 'hour of two o'cloc birth of a daughter. Judith Dawn, on | Phone -- "FRASER, DRYNAN and POWER and hand ve mE sharp. SOD SUPPLY ster now. 424 King West RA 5815 | Genosho Hotel on these dates loads. Also used lumber. RA 52621 our of Tuesday, May 19, 1959, at the Oshawa CRE DOCH, Barristers, Sotleiiors, Not. Sued, Jickup aud delive ; layed. Top- [ster new Dance Educator:| for appointment. 28--Summer homme 's bicycle (nearly new) | Hospital. A sister for Heather. MURDOCH, of Commerce Bldg. ME AND or RA 8.6006 af -- | Sod delivered and layed. LILLIAN Mae Marsh, ; Man's bicycle (nearly To Cm Pn IEEE TRMAING. feo ee Et aol. hone DE Bi | pp TORRANCE: ors TB SH de ry Eni EE Eh fw | SUMING op EE TT SE PIER NG EE Ses EERULEATACR we wt J dl S| Wend ausounce the ; t * rranged. 4 hy i : y i PRIVATE teacher, en 4 beach, boa Garden Tools Monday, May 11, 1959, at| mortgages a eral repairs. a many needs s Ajox 431 PRIVAT} 4 tment only. |soil. RA 5- 2 mping grounds. Aen re Hospital, Weight 7ibs, JOSEPH Eo CC op ely nd ml iy For free Classified boi Sep Ad or come Evening Z - Leas Siose. 5s: Avpinisien LOCKWOOD p wae and Storage, rea- Weekly 2d Toni ate. hind Olives Steel circular sow bench 15 ozs. Solicitor. RA $8232; hone Christensen [in na ATE ---- ~ |sonable rates, fully insured sb ith saw blade Street East, Oshawa. estimates p ENS ho ing, | 342-W2. SRI Ba ik EATHS Le os. Barer) Const. RA 56328 serio, Hi. reciion Sharpened Merv Sr For Fun, Popularity 8nd juccens a YELL pri: Toe corvaaRs Tame or| One circular saw blade DONALD BLAKE DO Street East. Work hilly guarimect Pienon and TRY DANCIN 8.8515. Feirigerators, Swe-, and flitee | , | ber D Fen ton RA $550 R85 |e DERSON CONCRETE oe BIC Gl rng eisai het a cin La Pon Lumber a eT i AL Barrister.| PRODUCTS LimiTeD Chmileh Suet, JA SW - er 2 -- 3 miles East of GO DANCIN AT (insured. Call day or night, RA 54498 NEw al Wetront three" bec om, louse | plant boxes Oshawa Genera MA : i Haydite |-------- harpen Aft ne Lesson 7 eeping cof s 4 i i 4 = Loum by a ia fg LY Lis Concrete, | ander; BLOCKS, A a i, Knives, oto. ercy| Oshawa. , 57 57 ARTHUR MURRAY 21--Personal Service piece Bath. Jot and cold vunbing water, Six Suers Baskets Joved hushuna of Menetta Xe CE , Block, 2634 {ink Street East. RA 3.4697, bloc 7089 Nelson St., Neil, 102 Highland, RA 8-836. PHONE MA 3- DANCE STUDIOS EXPERIENCED lady wants work in (jie fvngroom builtin cupboards, Hove skets Cecil and Eazl, in his 74th year. Resting BIL0, 200% W128 Wellington ki Va Simcoe St. S., RA. 8-1681 |aiterations and repairs of mi double MOL. Sew refrigerators. pri angette at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh. ER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- Corner 7041 |12--Dressmaking 11%; Sime 134 -------- |Iadies' clothing. Special invisible mend: \SCL0le SDE: TER F screenied.in_patio, Table , with memorial service in GREER, and Notaries Public, -4412 RA 5- L --- Box 948, Oshawa Times. 17 00d safe beach, 70 miles ables Sty ae Tics fy Ahi IL LI Lil a § Ere Ants miie, "a CROSS TOWN SOD LEARN TO DRIVE [isi neve svi Fos Ra fo, Ao Sto" | Too a ment Mo sday, |J. Marphy and bh Phone d itchen cabinet the funeral home Thursday : cuffs, shirt collars, ete. PLY Kitchen 718 Ji 2 5 A i. RA 30052. Rest DODD & SOUTER 52636. SUP a NEIDER'S SEWING ae Tepatrs 304 service LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH Other articles too numerous == Suddenly |%0T» ee ---W, fertilized , cut to all m » ; i ATE eer t hoe som, 114 Hopkins (denice, RA BA SG & DECORATING [13--Gardening & Supplies | , , rolled ipmdong® A SCH DAY CAMP to mention. : Street, Whitby, on Monday. LEB eg Suny, Sais |p CONTRACTORS RICH eow manur by yard or bushel, fresh daily. Sivere f- deliv DRIVING SCHOOL SCHNEIDER'S FOR . va Cliff Pethnick Auctiornt Norman Yates, 3 RE W. A. Hillman, ; | black loam, and green . timates. Promp 5 d GIRLS 6 - € a he Yate Ellen Dasyel] and SE E. Ln, BA West. ones: For free mete 25) yr 8 or RA 8.1775. Free RA 8-8868. 71 Albert St, Oshawa, Ont. IN G SCHOOL JTovs oe hes. tans. dear father. of Mis. Whitby, Arthur of nes BA S17; | Bet TAS loan, DAYS 2.3 7426 |GARDENS Betotliied, | viowed, disced| ery. 4 RA '8.5315 DRIV portation, milk, daily riding, |3 -- Employment Wanted Eric a 11 and Ken- s MO 8-276]. Mor EVE - and cultivated. s : tation, h rote. a Ta i Guelph, Lincoln of Rouge Hi ar. Rest. . SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soli- i Stone Street, RA 8-5128, Il known for guaran. swimming, archery, L wants day ng, meth of Brooklin, in his 76th year. Rest. | jz etc, 13% Simcoe Street North 107 Byron St. S., Whitby . Vie on GR AVEL Well ki oa SHOT cr erences, reliable clean worker, Frone ing at the W. C. Town Funer ing, then (D0 office RA 5.3741; residence, RA GARDEN the Merry ay; Batere you DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! teed satisfaction, Foneb Turse. For tive [Fancast 117a Whitby, until Wednesday morn 15° Yar.|Dla buy see the Mery tion. RA 5-6032. IT NOW ! rates. Effective dote, May 1. egistered nurse. 37 RELIABLE oman WTR at the Tovell Funeral Home, 1S oor: |ss8e0." Barrister, Solicl- WOOD HEATING |action. Free demonstra ; 90% stone. Good DO ' . mation Dial RA 5-2 care to 'childver In her oon? paced mouth Street, Guelph, for se serment | JOHN A. CAMERON, B a King street] LOCK Pit run L to play the guitar. 71 ALBERT ST. Transportation if required. RA 8.1311 di May 21 at 2 p.m. Inf or and Notary Public, 18% T. t Metal Ltd. driveway. eam = -anspos Lon RE Com, GA | ak ar | shut A ser OSHAWA I~ ek RA 8.5315 ~ [2%e--Twilm ie ------ Fr rer rag err) WOR Anytime " 'Bei iends. k. Phone RA GIBBON and _Bastedo, Barristers METAL G or four -- Bring your friends. 00K'S three days a wee! sy GERROW FUNERAL MeGIBEO Clients' funds available for AIR CONDITIONINI Evenings RA 8-6096 Professional tuition. Any C CHAPEL RA San, Courts C. Mei: BOI BURNERS SOD SUPPLY style. For appointment call 0. OLAN TRAILER SALES 36--Female Help Wanted The finest service ot bon, QC: Edgar F. Sr re Id - Installed - Serviced ; BEVERWYCK ALTO MUSIC LAWNMOWER & ENGINE invites you to see the camp- |THE ¥WGA A Bas vacancies moderate prices. ana "Solicitor. | Phones: Offiee--Ux. Sold ow IS THE TIME 1 cultivated, field and GARDENS fA Sa! SALES & SERVICE 878 hi oh at Jui Dp AE ER bridge %. Res. =~ BA S004 TO CONVERT Ne. Sulhvored 6--Insurance i linton, - Lawson ros, |r: for other 11% RA BR i 4--Dentists PHONE RA 3-2511 nursery grown sod. Fertilized, on Highway 12 bio Auto Insurance. Save up {Ahead ro Services, LOCATION: -- ICE [CLERK typist ion. For appointment 290 KING STREe? G. . SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. 288 ARTHUR STREET weed treated. 12 years ex- North of Whitby : to 20 40 20 per cent, ix month » pay. For new ond used lawnmowers, HWY. NO. 2 AT COURT at Jicady yo jpost 116e DR. G. T. o t. 259 service : . clan, fall For Funeral Flower Se vin. Phone RA 52000 perience. Special contract IMPORTERS, GROWERS, [RA sais. 81° CENTRAL PARK BLVD, S. [29 Summer Properties ASSISTANT iaboraios inchniciag. fll Arrangements. Ses : ices CUSTOM-BUILT | rotes. Free estimates. WHOLESALERS 17--Money to Loan For Sale or Wanted | time. wa LEWINGTON'S 5--Nursing Service . CLIENTS" monies available for first JANE BLACK Slenderizing |voum-- . room coftage, Inaide conver. Sh FRY wv ed PRIVATE Nu of o Presse FLOWERS indie bhi Tadten, ry "ground HOMES RA 8 8639 JOHN COX, Prop. and second mortgages. Morgauey Ply Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc- Abby 4 Pacific Avene or RA i Top wages, Amy Seagf Cleine Cleaners, 9 . , Treason- is nd Notary { venue, aA Bitz) hii PE 8-6212 fioor, boii db iiendance, Ty Additions, rec roms, altera- 600 MARE Minex ME. Swarts "Barter and No RA ing, Steam Bath end Mas- YOR 7eabor sale -- Toves Bhs bod. Crom 5. After 5, phone hod RA ST 114 114 : h, wheelci h vonelli abinets, NE - 4697, ' tage, lakefront, Sandy Bay. | prEPHONE solicitor wan experi. 24 King St Enst, Ogwowa ee e""201 Byron South, Whitey: le fins, panelling, | © i PHO SA ort. 451 Simcoe Street room cottag: I Lake. Inside conven- ferred but not necessary. Sal. from Kom's Drug [bed care. y t tops. Experienced CLIENTS' money to loan on first m: sage. Haliburton, Gull Lal ven" lence prefe adie node i NURSING HOME | carperers Lawn and Tr War a He he riz. or on. Sin ew." Seer Ba A BE ST ANDEN G. REYNOLDS li evergreens, 3arubs, * |Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur: ; 10 a.m. SLL , { es " , gold leaf, etc. Creighton, pointment. Open - erg od Tecepiionist. State IN MEMORIAM (Licenced) KING ST. WEST. and SON Ga rden Supp Hac ou, 0 varieties a Lia 10pm. RELY ONT LAKE = fue td Fan Cipriace, Sie, Ture of previous Exclusive Nursing Jame Bd | BUILDERS | Hower. ond vegetable seeds, dahlia roo, DIauberry ne agreements purchased and soid, Ben. TI Redie BTV Repoirs lagoon, weekends, Haveloc 117¢| employers, Cato elephone pun 3 BENTLEY --In loving memory of | .onyglescent an W. ) garden and lawn tools, er- raspberry as Street East, RA 3-7232. Xo 10 INFORMATION -- pre-fab cottages and | All replies confiden 14 , beloved wife of . (Men and 'amen). i A , secti- eds, grass seeds. TV service, any make, 6 Oshawa Times. 4 Er a Mi Ne sts ond dieticians. in RA 5-3376 Hien, ving hon FLAGsTONE, Jom, manure, Ist and 2nd barnes AA $200, Omawa pi icc? hrs with gas EXPERIENCED quality presser, Dae ) e T service, Sh ' ' , fertilizer. Electronics. t ly unless sadly [Riseed by Susbene, sow Nn oN. hin hose ord ind ic Ps RING. DISPLAY of flower MORTGAGES TOWERS ey Ba 1 py hl uo i Lake dnt rien Dry ndsons. ! al ro ly J + 11 at Cleaners, EE Tar Ta in = 12. Voving. memory of 6-- Optometrists NEW OIL izer spreaders, a. AGREE MENTS Feta, al welded LAI channel aerials Lake Scugog pasment ook ois ver | C le ED fyoit for Sotavhoms: QI 7% Garis @randson 38 rowells, C. H. trist. Please p le. FH : 230, Dew, Waterfo work, ig i speed essen- | a eadaenty May "3, eh oo py Toronto FU RNACES R. B. Reed & Sons hg ond see us, open. all F SALE Soci hands soon with the re Ye a iP) = on Scugog Lake front, i 105. In Th rea © oat To day. Dominion Bank er 74 Burk Street. : HARDWARE doy and evenings, 7 days a O A i il | Toh SAE -- comfortably furnish. | an mbly WOT, A'bud the Ee ig Phone RA 24507, Buy 4 wholesgle wd id week. Plenty of . parking BOUGHT AND | want ins Crassifiey Ao oved and re-|ed, ready to live in, hydro and well. Soldering and wiring experience on Sie 1 } ; A - | % He gave ot io ou keeping 7--Surveyors ising Th Wage if Weir 'AR 4032 Spaces ARRANGED Lau Ry Te hime RA Said. | Phone RA 51900 ; [stark Bjectranic. | oriered._ Aris led; oo <. d - placed. i al eed ling LE a Ave ol Frncer LYNDEWOOD SPECIALIZED Tadio and television 30} oir ond Foun 153 | LADY to work in saack bar. ust be Us Haves, Father pdt soll Harwood Avenue South, HARRY O. PERRY Free delivery twice daily G ARDEN INVESTMENTS Elliott treet. Call RA 3.9793. LOST -- Sr = Small Beagle hound. 18 n mnie oti eg Pry own ¢ RA 8-0 i . -- -- o w And took our bud away. Ajax, Phoss TT nd kline 303 white and fan, some black, chain col- kota, | pOvALD BRE, Dire La HEATING 7944 | Omamental evergreens, Brook fine PARKWAY TELEVISION lar, in a Ny area. Phone AVON CALLING Bd vad il. 8--Building Trades RA 3443 Nam RAD. shrub, hedges, 29 es iecred SUP PLIES 2 ECT RONOME RAL FOUND -- a canary: Apply 282 "Bald. Ladies earn additional in- | f, Eno VICTOR, t. 7a 1 Avon repre REYNAR -- In loving memory of a midin \ ior Toss 35 ang NEED CASH f RCA. win Street come! Become an a » Emma Louisa, inting, odd jobs. edars for hedges ESTINGHOUSE == ristwatch, black : rt time. i Fied pets ov I, Tos," | BEEERIOR- vey, pm LIFETIME WROUGHT | i PLANT FOODS The finer in Jeevon ond [LOSE -- gk" Sp oe gettin Bolla Mi fades and sl ideale fi : ing, ario Abia . i remembrance oulasts ain ALL TYPES building Rpan, roofing. IRON RAILINGS ORCHARD NURSERIES FOR See Seaboard 018 Simeon "eC: kA 3.3043 [She of Hairdressing, On 3400. 117] pac E Outerbridge, 2 Sar. --Ever remem! Phone 0390, Ly ; th side i av -- Blonde Pekinese c Blvd, Tor ' tam: pushes ih "war "chimney Guaranteed rust-proof , es wes of Brookin. EVERY NEED "Your Lending Neighbor" osT Fr RA A SIT, 113f 97567 between 8-9 a.m. OF THANKS repair, Hy i free BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH OF CANADA. LiMiTED For qualified factory ep- |foe-- cm og, blond, Pekinese estimates -020b. . (formerly Bellvue liance, television |pom, 14 years old. - il known and _ stu . proved. appliance, Wanted by ao we {ash a wai, | Ee | Soe veers | SD neg lull OO Me, Tish 10, thank Rev, Mi onary; [General repairs: RA 3.487 :| CONCRETE STAIN. AC OSHAWA OFFICE me : ALS [CEMENT m Fie middle 669 led) = Jrlends and relatives for Heir Ki i "work, framing, trim- LTD FLOWER SEEDS TV's -- HI-FI -- AERI rar. Phone HA 5 ___| widow, 40 or over, who in sending cards and presents to ing, kitchen cabinets, custom work DAILY \ V4 SIMCOE ST. S ; Serica: BM shes '0. pleasant place' to while she was in the hospital mi airs. Mortgages arranged. All LS 294 . . Associated Service CEMENT mixer - elect » ed wi } hove Dons a4 Feny Melee an repairs Morngages au i GARDEN TOO 5-1121 RA. 3-3427 TV sou. alse sidewalks and]. Lo." Aolicant 'mus y " 4 . d : lightning rod RA 5-2063 ~ TONE RA Kelly Enterprises driveway curbs laid, RA 5-42 / a good school backgroun Offi ial systems: "Tnuaied ana repaired. weite| PHONE GRAVES SOD PEAT MOSS 5 SEABOARD FINANCE CO.| Dean Kelly fr RL ER 14 5, grammar' and spelling 1 {Box 1255 Bowmanville Phone RA 8-8695 after -- ILLER Fowler TV... RAS ELNA ren SR . being the best sul * ! Former IC ROOFING and siding, Cavey. 6 pm. and # Saturday TOP SO BUG ih 18--Loan Wanted Parkway T.V. .. RA $3043 stich and 2 This, work is intbresting ond ) RA 5.6821 i -- 28 WEED WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on on beliord Rodis «= RA 39512 WEBBING'S conversational, regular busi- 4. P leads ui ty BCtibonRa A eater Di RA 3-35 BOX PLANTS oy uv DUE: wa hy TV, Enterprises RA 5.2905 RENTAL SERVICE ness hours, plus full beefs... Lt Err ts aes: Wor FENCES SHRUBBERY ~~ ' |itsman af, 37'ing Stet ast, Ooh APPLIANCE SERVICE [ToOLS AND EQUIPMENT or nd ond +4 --- 5 Soli % i Lloyd 38, former office manager 10 A_ CAMERON. Parris street SUPPLIED AND SPRING CLEAN-UP ROSES awa Son hres Semice FOR RENT wing: in on sport pace : 269. NHA and private INSTALLED : ND SECOND . 282 King St. West an interesting occupation,, ¥ of a Bay St. brokerage firm, gas. RA 3.2 nged. Power Rolling FIRST A k Electric RAS) | pleuse write Box 93. Ou Or enied guilty Tuesday to nine, mortgages arra We specialize in permanent Foniiaimg OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS MORTGAGES Lodwic! RA 5.6369 RA 3.4873 Bitte, wil 2a piss =p : harges of Il-steel constructe Tract Roto-Tilling » Centre Parki i ictly confidential. y pig involving $545,759. He was ASPHALT SURFACES noe link, Sa Varsd for Fame ote Niling ITH ond GE Star Repai 5.7743 Ample Parking be strictly a Temanded in custody until Friday AND PAVEMENTS best rust-resistancy. Ruston: HARDSAND COOPER-SM AGREEMENTS OF SA Warner Wiligme Service SEW sentence, bl ices, terms arranged. eo - he Fo said that between 1949 W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. Bor or estimates-- LANDCAPING $1,800 to $100,000. Home Sane of Service Opera- , E i IES! EE I rr Ten: 5, Dennel} Pavi KELLY'S FENCE RA 5.1721 COMPA owners, vesidentiol property | Members of Se in co-gpera- and SAV ! of securities from Frank S. . summer cottages, tion with the Oshawa Cham- been . ELINA ST homes, factories and acreage. Commerce. and Company, where he had been RA 8-8132 RTICE 16 C 3 A ber of Comm a lients cou tations by phone or mail. UNUSUAL office manager, forged c RA 8-6121 PING Quota ) "s Col : sheets to cover up shor- LANDSCAPI Prompt service. 23--Women's umn tes totaling 20.0 and fated Rich Loam : HA weed treated, field i RA 3-2312 OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE | sPencer nor Garments ia SINGER OPPORTUNITY make proper entries il. Gravel sod, top soil, gravel, Com- Spencer Foundation Mrs. I PET ceal a $134,417 shortage. Top Soil, Ch Fill plete posi Contract rates, |]4--Household Repairs CORP. LTD. IY 3 a 20 Reg © Rd. N. Oshawa.|32--Articles Wanted Brie, Song, Chep, PRE-CAST Free Esti Al BRUSH of sbray FL n2 Simcoe Street North SPECIAL -- heat permanents, $6.50; | PIANOS -- 10. Tar ake or size. Bay FULL OR PART TIME HH ls » rice. Silver Maples | teins o bot ting on RN Ser [Fe tim Ray Coin 53568 [SH rubind eh rot L0 La Bo re WB e i , RA 538018 for carpentry, V3 5 "| DESPERATELY needed. Fill and lots F ptionally good 5. Vv P RA 5-2156 CONCRETE RA 5-6047 CALL Jos, Bi dyman. Sk Nights: INN DESPERATELY bri -- ns ep Notionor Firm: 1s -- CARPET and rug repairs, alterations, -1386 01 RA 3-9484 [SELLING furniture. We'll buy it. Re. xpanding in this area, and For Granby IC TANKS : Tall so wall installations, binding, fring Ra S385 PONTIAC a. Iv Sagal, Danes, : Pang number of openings ' PLASTERING ci SRLS G R A Vv E L ing. Ajax 1452W. 19--Personal BANQUETS & WEDDINGS Sores, ste, For Wp Sash Biics, sun are available. La are ine V. et it woman, good Hot and cold plates terestea in mi people, GRANBY, Que. (CP) -- A bit| New cnd repairs, cement Al . COMPANIONSHIP of a an, food i 3, People y ving, from re $1.50 wp CEDARDALE have the desire wi of friendly rivalry between a lasterin water proofing, PATIO SLABS Ld Electric home, good information. Apply 423 . to car, please eoll i ter and| plas 9 For further 115c| Private parties, dances, ete. and access to car, pl " Quebec cabinet minis! ted in| stucco. STEPS & PORCHES M t Trouble Perry Street, Whitby, 993 SCRAP Granby's mayor has resul / ERING otor : RA 3-3 rs, on Tee WOODS PLAST WELL TILE mo | EOE |e prom A ffs - [wes. ROBERTSON aa - Jacques Bertrand, CURBING All Sizes CE Ao nL SUMP. | 'Women wanted, greatest LTTE ZUCKERT0 ncn PAPERS RA 6° Bot, wir 10g. 35d 8 pom. ebec lands and forests minis- MPS BLOM ¢ POWER ily, Better phy, -- A = Fe Entel SR CLIFF BROWN BROOKLIN LOAM Ca ER oe moore VEST CIN SATURUARS ME DAY ayer MAY 20 a centenary tree as part | STAR pleasa , | Hair- | Lesson twice weekly, $7. A 5- 3432 Granby's centennial celebrations. EL & SAND | 5 free. Write: Marvel Hai monthly. Once a week $5 RESIDENGS -- RA 5-4159 HOTEL GENOSHA He donated 400 maples to the GRAVEL 8 CONCRETE Be Satisifed Repair Centre dressing Schools. Branches: monthly. Trail ding any: 100 ANNIS STREET city. ivi i Hamilton, Ottawa, "Canada's time by reservation. For in- . E PICK.UP 118k e Boivin said i : 49 BURK ST, | RA 85-2737. FRE Mr De outdone, was Prompt Delivery PRODUCTS LIMITED Dial RA 5-5279 RA 5.7743 Notioho! System. - formation Dial donating 400 trees, free to any RA 8.8951 Phone 155 Brooklin Granby resident. ' 1 EE -- he 1 i

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