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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1959, p. 25

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34--Femecle Help Wanted [37 --Male Help Wanted |144--For Rent |44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 20, 1959 28 EPER wanted. M : $350 | oom api LOT, 4 x 104 308 Fairleigh Avenue. . 45--Real Estate For Sale A USEKE 3 P . om apart . TWO - t, private en- . HI USEKEEPER wanted. P MEN, type ONE - bedroom apartment, stove, re- TWO - room apartmen ' - f v e- fr.ger y h ilities. Phone trance, all conveniences; four . room Water, sewers, sidewalk, $1800. Best : . E Job for right party. Call RA 58102 of per month plus bonus, Intensive one- fr.ge ator, was ing fac 8. nite eg Bg a (2 Wate: nt w 3 4 eal For Sale § p.m. 7¢ year training, no ex perience neec ary, RA 35-3815. Dn Shree 1 | "= LARGE lot on outskirts of Oshawa. ee me CS iiried man with gO ucation pre. o.. Tm. ~ housekeeping | P RR LL NHA RESALE, 3%.year-old home in $12.200 BROCK near Mary. large & FREE home for lady or Warried [ered Write in confidezce to Bos 744 DE Je WIS MNCS Gory Gy for rent, made over ion te i e | | a ( O ossland Estate, three-bedroom, com- | rooms, brick home. Many extras, terms Phone RA 88064. 117¢ 0 113¢ bined living, dining room, recreation arranged, early possession, garage. RA wu rpy™ Bargain price, abx-Toom 115 house and couple, In return for care of Invalid o.nawa Times and include phone mu.n- 8 t w-| OE ¥ men. 194 King Sireet West. 116f za: age. RA 5-5010, also remuneration, Phone Bow be 115¢ } Ring su pie ished. APP 38 room, patio, 5% percent jnieres) Tule 30087, private sale. Phone RA 5-822. 17 ORT HOPE -- Gracious family home fenced yard, lot 62 x 135, in 'man, manville, MArket 3-2123. - |TEVEE room apartment, separate en- TWO rooms 3 Rs - -. = LICENSED mechanic for service sa. '" m3 'k'n7 Paik Road South 113¢ screens, WOMAN to assist with housework, p 33, Osh: Times. trance, two-piece bath, suit workinz Pai g. Sor hed bo tec bad e A a tian, Pusey S| tlon. ALply Box 833, Oshawa TUnes., copie SA S920. 116 FURNISHED, light housekeeping room REALTOR PARK Road_ind Quebec, brick, two. a seiting of sweeping lawns and | Debt Sigtriet Jose lo either sentol; references, live jn. RA 3-953. 117a TCT q . bedroom modern bunga. for one or two gentlemen, includes re- bedroom, L-shape living , large gardens. Near school Call MO 8-448 WOMAN for p time 1} 27. EATON Compan. Oshawa Shop. AJAX. three - be pi frigerator and waching facilities, rea- Kitchen. Now under construction. Three bedrooms, four-piece modern ESTATE, consisting of three well rents Jouax ut Bay A Bousework, ping Centre, requires experisnesd furni- i Th De, i Apply 208 Bloor West. 113{ RA 5.0771 Phone RA 5-603L. 1172 | path, forced warm air heating with ofl, ed properties, down payment $2000; s week, Thursday- «| fur i ; Customer's Ac- s 2 : . Apply 208 Bloor Wes! °° nh | ) day, 9 to 4.7810 'per week. RA 57780, Lic, salesman. Apply Customers ce down. NHA first, 10-year second. 429 5ivE room bungalow, all conveni- $10,500 with substantial down payment, [Year-round m ve Kingston Road; Toronto, OX 4-6000 afi2r| pn ey, also apartment, available now. pew bark-brick, decorated, this good income. "Box oi0, Othawa Times, RA $ 1 ,500 Down room bungalow, close to bus, separate June 30. *% 2 0 ned é ee ------ = et ---- --~-- |EXPERIENCED gardener. Apply 116b | A 3006. WOMAN for light Landsca A rT IATDY 105 Verdun Road, RA on, 114 Ts i os NE a "ie TURNISHED bachelor sparinytit, Sef room two storey with garage. Country living with city |at Crear Avenue, East of Wilson. Phone hone ; FOR SALE -- Brick house, centre plan, .. For in formation call RA 53206 after 5 p.m. Road. Phone RA 5-1721. { mon SS Cm eee South GM. RA 161 tral, $12. kiy. Phone 7 < |Top high wages plus bonus > ag [Toh $1290 weekly 116] conveniences. 13 x 18 living room -- lot large enough to soi Docs i LOT -- 75° x 225°, $1500. ated on grow your own vegetables and fruits. Priced at only $11,800 A ead 7A |elght rooms, four-piece bathroom STORE for flower shop, experi. nition, carburetor FOUR - room apartment and SEER help Pp, experi- for good man on ig If - contained, unfurnished, heated, FoR room basement apartment, un: See 117 powder room, both fully ted. Modern et | Kk clothes closets ARGE frame ence necessary in selling. Good wages, and valve work. Phone Bowmanville, sel . available. Apply R. B. Reed and|MArket 3-5063. ny Sentral location. id monthly. Avafitie furnished, or, furnished, al conven-| because house now vacont and owner anxious to sell, |June 1. RA 8-643 fences, semi-private entrance, in a Dew! hic and compare for true value -- don't miss this terrific itchen, building, approx. 40,000° decorated. Apply 216 i Livi i cupboards, Broadloom and many exX-|of gooq lumber. Will sell as stand- 116] buy for economic living. Call RA 5.0771. Co-op 79. a bisement, garde goo pine Hu a sand: PSI Sons Florist, 10% King Street West, | _. - a rer Osha G salesman, sell in Oshawa. 0 | oshawa. | uri BEATING ee hone TEmple 9. TWO unfurnished Yooms, and home, = newls WATTRESS wanted lo work in wnack 1721, Plekerins clean, single people preforred for June Chadbourne, or G S and large lot y oF taken , part time Phone RA 5.0970. 116f|c uve party chief Write Box 924, odd e RA 58644. 118 |550r "contained upper duplex. Z AOE ra rn: 2 Of ISURVEY party chief Write Box 924, - =0 "STC lex, four uelph St | large lot. Property lem} - rticulars. |TWO clean and comfortably furnished |rooms, bathroom, good location, Pp ; hone Wop LB he Suis wile B Oshawa Time: with full fon legiars. Beis Bal. water, Quiet Li Britain, fenced. ] andle 35 to 40 head of caitle. Phone 2 - y monthly, EXPERIENCED shasterers and Tabor: | reons on third floor, le. June 1. RA 8-8303. SERENE Je we. BUTCHERS! Imo "ehiarem. At 17 Ontario Strest. 1181 Ze ent apartment, | three years old, Priced ot $11,600 -- three bedrooms -- family : . - THREE unfurnished rooms, central. furnished or unfurnished. Apply "2[ kitchen -- $2,000 down. Owner leaving city ---- open to $1950 DOWN PAYMENT. Rossland and treet. 116 S 92. L Steph area. Three-bedroom 4 e -- lo Five doy week. Good start- ee). 19 Park Road a e AMBITIOUS ing salory Apply Bossin's |UNFURNISHED three large rooms, kit- iors, p75 997, T15¢ - ; ' : hen with sink, cupboards and heavy (North. RA S2909% _____--| Spacious 5 room bungalow with large modern kitchen, 3 Food Market Ltd. Ajo aaty Quebec A rooms, avall| Lo ooms, in school area, owner transferred, Priced at $11,400 $950 DOWN FOR private: Phone RA 400%. 1iai| MODERN tour larse suum per Bi| 50771: y REAL ESTATE FIRM bat - 4, lex apartment; new 8. o » . . H ! SALESMEN EE toe separate turmesrl Attention Builders and Investors Price $11,950 | OPEN EVENINGS i bing rR phi LARGE furnished housekeeping able July 1 Phone RA 3-9114 between| plexes, on paved street, reasonably priced. For full information 10.600 phone RA 5-0771. $10, brick | EIGHT = room oa rh . AS One and a half storey bric contains three apartments x paid. If interested please call THREE ance prise. oink and cup. \GNGLE sao dou ; ; , . SINGLE and double rooms, cooking 117a : v Bill McFeeters or Reg Aker, boards in , privileges §f desired, gentleman only. No salary requirement ar ares, Very good w 3) ale Hap Vomed Ye 1uf[ Close to 3 schools -- modern five-room brick bungalow '-- RA 5-8865. 113¢ WANTED Fully experienced for self- [Apply 71 Warren Avenue. "11% | Hibbert § bx offers. Call RA 5-0771 served meat department. |IN NEWCASTLE -- fully modern heat: THREE . room apartment, vate i ed $50. MArket 3-3589. 114f bath, entrance, heavy wiring. Couple Cadillac Ave. S. LLOYD REALTY . Married couple. #4 TTRACTIVE furnished a . 82 Park Road YOUNG MEN Drie: 17 ound, [Norns private Bome. wast || with only 412% interest on, the N.H.A. mortgoge. Call RA OSHAWA'S BUSIEST m entrance, central, suitable for business Wot. "Lit pon cupboards. Nice surround: RA 37013. ' SHORT TERM We have g s0las position for . couple. Sits, MeTagzert, 112 ap, Zing ing Sask, $55 er TOY: Almost two acres of corner'land suitable for duplexes and tri- NE MORTGAGE SELLING FOR TRAINING Salesman. Must be married, ve ing Foor, able Jul 0 digo Boot Abert iret ders pm. a ue THREE coms furnished stove and re- Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Y barrier. Highest commissions [Cont me mtn oo ina fushished sore, and fe e wa and Distrig state Boar $69 MONTHL dh clean condition vith recreation room. RA 5-928. 2 ®0 low taxes. Very centro answer ant a v SHOE STORE of Sehelieid braves Asvee- monly. Apply 137 Street | 4only 135 Celina Street. ! is brick BU SHEN vs © for lates. Daytime > : DESIRABLE apartment, self contained, : Yes, this large 50 rit ; ' 588 DOWN vo : "ana "bath, unfurnished, 10 ROOMS $7,900 bungolow is approximately | 1.500 id Tl Bill Mil $ ; os THREE . room, sell . contained apart- three rooms ond evenings RA 5.1726, {ment, bus stop at door; sdults only. nea - i --- y s + vy wiring, heat and water, down Id th 3 b $ " at an #7 Vary can: one year old, wi ig | 38--Male or Female RA 3.7223. rz em ae town. Adults on 30, BA 20) $1,500 Down : A ell-kept 5-room bunga- bedrooms, and large family at | onFoRN : tral, | : riment, self.contain- | trally located, a large brick we'l-kep 9 ESOS: r3 | IGHLAND AVE. A If you: have 3 years Hinh | Help Wanted [suitable for & aulet middie aged ads THREE L Dror Burect. Phone RA home on Brock St. East, ideal low in nice condition, near Size Shen, Divided, hast. Hel PRICE $11,000 ONE N.H . - 7 1178 | 8.0753. i ? ; 80753 for income. Oil heating, gar high school on Rosedale Ave. recreation. room, Lage fot Five room brick house with MORTGAGE School are between 22- PHARMACIST, full time or part time. (RA 87167. 174 jeon8. ~~~ Please apply Business Administrator, TWO partly furnished housekeeping SPECIAL new self-contained three. age, Early possession. just off Mary st. Oil heating erro od ot' bock with: fruit 2 bedrooms large kitchen, , , , A 30 years of age have Pré- oshawa Clinic. 115 rooms, sink, use of washing machine. room apartment, good location, TV . . er 4 outiet, range, refrigerator included, 10 ROOMS Low taxes. Early possession. trees and spruce. Completely living room and dining room. $68 MONTHLY vious retail experience are CREAM OF BARLEY Park, Bowman. adults. Arply 48 Drew Street aft 117¢ | plenty of parking. Adults only. Phone serviced area, with school, Oil heated, private driveway. willing to r | ville, will require lifeguard and swim. (PM. = i Loosen Te ; it hid dlocate ming instructor to begin soon as FOUR room bungalow, $70 per month. | RA oe en $1,500 Down -- moybe less. buses, mail delivery, new This house must be seen to pply pe : weather permits or schools close. 113f Phone between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. RA THREE - room suite with bath, se If you are interested in an $5,300 shopping centre, sewers etc. be appreciated. For further 7 | d stove, in ; 4 Mr. B. P. Rhodes on Thurs- |39--Agents Wanted jen 2 3 |oomatned, i soi J Pg Sune 1.| income home see this one. . . This home is priced away details, Call Frank Barnoski, day, May 21, from 6 p.m. |WiTH $9 equipment you can bulld up |318 Albert Street. After 6 p.m. RA (RA 58160. ~___ us| Five rooms for the owner with Only once in a while do we under the new ones being RA 8-5123. PRICE $1 738 to 9 pm. at the Genosha [in your locality a propsperous business |8-135. 117¢ 'TWO . room apartment with private] O separate four-room apt. have the opportunity of started. Don't miss this op- ' 8 |bath, private entrance, $40 a month, In excellent well-kept condi- offering a real money-making portunity of becoming o Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors The lost homes under $12,- Hote, . district present. = -- r : el, Oshawa re- EO e oeTE {beat and hydro included. Phone 3 tion throughout. Situated A home owner. | on ao Va-ocre with a large business such as this one. | 01 Simcoe St. N. . 000. Six-room ranch type |St. Hubert Street, Montreal. | ar ) Le nares 8.1389. 117¢ | redcorated, sink continuous hot waler.| i, go nde in the quiet centrally located with low Divided heated basement. |ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail of 'Private home, very central, FOR A FUTURE? rk Road Sink and cupboards. Suitable for busi ROOM in privete tone TO. 2%! cchool. Well worth your time baccos, ice cream, maga- 117b in. = A TRADE YOUR PRESENT ATTRACT good werkers to your Organ- rue 1 = er ont private bath THREE - room apartment, heated. fur-| $9,800 and very reasonable ties. Stock aot invoice. Pos- I : 0 SEE THESE BUYS oy COMFORTABLE room for refined gen: Street. 17 wT edroom and , [ . TWO furnished rooms, bedroom IF SELLING OR BUYIN HOM V ih G A HOME GIVE US A CALL, OUR Large 6-room home, excellent condition, central, many extras. RA 5 1 Dial RA 3-3707 near Shopping Centre. |Ritson Road South. man. Apply 195 Albert Street. 12 | Five downstal rt t OFFERS YOU MARA fo "per month, | BA_3-0702 3.00 per week. Only $3,000 down. A future depending 'upon Wanted THREE - room house, all conveniences. suitable for working couple or your ability and how you use |FOUNG man requires room and board. I7¢ | Gra, Five minutes LIMITED REALTORS portunities with on ever [2% 7 EE irr. meen rm oe : : i! i LOOKING 14 --Room end Board THREE furnished room a ment, | 20 sekeeping Single Lr ag gi village of, Hampton and very rent and a good lease. En- R A 5.8831 : er WITH DVD ik Colored tile bath, Don't wait HEN L til it's too late. Call now. le 87 pom. lems nh Pa 08d ness couple. Apply 241 Kendal Avenue. spring mattress; 117 untif. N's ate, Lal n Challenging positions ization by describing your Job-openings eT TOT "DINE ilies, "RA |nished, central, terms. on the balance, session to suit. are ready for responsi- lemen, in lovely home, single beds, a > A y » , with igerator, cupboards jMobes: rot alow, Riche) onvend 887) EXPERIENCED SERVICE IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. ; ; to promotional oppor- [saz Fireplace, wall-to-wall broadloom, hot. water heating with oil, W. T. LAMSON pr PPO ROOM and board, single, double or 117¢ | ywREE . room basement apartment in tp tunities. {Fiple Sccommodation at hotel. MA FOUR . room apartment. adults pre- new home, perfectly dry. Bright, mod: estcte. $5,000 down. CO-OP 087. REAL ESTATE LTD. -- ---- ferred, elose to south GM. 19 Bloor ern kitchen, bedroom, large living : : 178 117¢ | room, heat and lights, parking space 6-room home, central, tiled bath and kitchen, oil heating, gar- available June 13. 461 Bloor East. 117¢ y girls, Five minutes from four corners. 204 KING ST. E eeif-cons 124 YE. HAWA . ' Fhfin Haat, loci Whalaste. RA [3ined. Terecraior, ves of washer 80d boon eet | o RA 52363 | a1 Rossland Rd. W. REALTOR Dial RA 5-6402 dryer,' near shopping centre. No chi Toons na smes| KELLY BOLAHOOD REPRESENTATIVE RA 5.2363 e 169 SIMCOE S. 1 expanding Company Yl DOUBLE room for two gentiemen or ONE lovely furnished room in private Securi ith Canada's | as od Rent teen fro dir Hits nt beard ie Re sow iin 2 : : urity wi anada's lar- m se, age X Ritson orth and rH Re oo bung three piece DEARBORN AVE, RA 5.0429. Tindall Real Sen Terrific price cut w= s 14 | 116c quest. 30 day trial plan. Earnings $50 i rn {tral location, available . Apply | - -- et to $85 a week. JITO, Dept. DD, 5130 |,,,, Bong Street East. After § p.m. RA TWO . room (very large) apartment.| garden lots of berries ond Completely equipped and CALL MR. McMULLAN RA 8-5123 bungalows. Only a few left. 7 bedroom. livingroom, kitchen, '"frig.,| ---- Roms very contra] handy to a new modern joys a fast turnover in to- al | North, 117¢ Elgin Street East. to inspect. Price at only zines, pastry and also novel HOME are available if you . Phone RA 33492. [50363 before 6 p.m. or apply 204 Burk Phone RA 37692, he ; : DERN three-bed: bility knowing it leads [sxcellent meals, North Oshawa, parking, ijsple' tmmediately Fernhill Blvd. |and sink, all conveniences. Apply 607 paved drive, shade trees front and back. Must be sold to close A CAREER WITH |. A.C. |ROOM, or room and board for gentle. West. RA 5.2351. | RE fous. service: abstainers. qu T12¢ os nice deep lot, hedged for privacy. Second floor rents for JOHN. A. J 42--Room and Board Phone RA 5-460. 1176 | TWO mice rooms, cupboard and sink : \ A practical training program me in Kitchen, private bath, separate en: REALTOR E T S M CALLUM B 0 LA H 0 0 D BASEMENT apartment, tiled RA 3 ROB R . C : . Phone Ruddy Electric le. RA a Rewarding management op- [5-353 Mr. Hollingsworth, daily 3 to § aren. Apply 65 Westmount Street even: . or] RA 5.6544 a m. children, reasonable rent. July 1. Re. enly asking $12,300 for large eee Fe i ogy, [lable tenants. RA Salis un seo oe on 1} SARAGE or parking place, close to Frivate entrance and bath. sult couple; I A > t Ltd Street. Phone children. Apply nsurance Associates B 8.room brick home; oil heat- REALTORS . ing, very: quiet, location 2 REAL ESTATE minutes to downtown; high, enjoy meeting the public, be she . sive 325 Simcoe ll " tile flodr, heavy public, separate schools all willing Barking, credit, insurance, |mers, by couple with two-year-old. Best wire, parking mop, King uales oem ~Cuniversity "backs «| suerescen. tA 2440 alts 7 ph. : . 45---Real Estate For Sale 290 GLIDDON AVE. lh Grounds are assets Young couple $1,900 : . . . INCOME HOME -- CENTRAL within 5 minutes walk. Owe ' is p oe unfurnished. ledies oF ¥ ' down, five room 'brick bungalow with modern kitchen ner very anx to Sollee pply or write: Whitby. le rent. MO gentlemen or couple, Apply 78 Gib N.H.A. RESALE and natural fireplace. Priced at $9,900. Coll Roy Lathangue $12,300 -- Terms. Very clean income home, convenient loca- open to all offers. For ap- ; at RA 5-3412. ion, has 5 t ith tiled bath, modern kitchen, plu : Industrial Acceptance RGE comfortable _bedmom YR. OLD Hon, hos © rooms for. owner with. ti A , plus pointment to inspect cont, . . 44--For LARGE ble y LSuiet 1 YR. 3 room apartment with kitchen and 3 piece bath. Has separate Howi Corporation Limited NICE, fiv Rome apartment, Rud, Sutra, Aypy ® Cuntine STi] 3 bedroom brick bungalow. 228 MONTRAVE AVE. entrance, large fenced yard. For further information. please coll 5.8544. hii 37 KI location, $73; aise. Privecs ens Coraral | THREE "oor, phiraiwhed, sink and| DO d. New built-in stove $1,500 down or best offer for e five room clapboard bungalow Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243. NG STREET EAST bachelor apartment, all furnished, in. cupboards in kitchen. Apply 198 Clark| and oven, end many other New F H.A.O. furnace, four piece tiled bath. Priced ot $9,900. LOOKING FOR A OSHAWA pe] Iv " $60. RA 88180. 117¢ a i Ld extras, Phone Call Corl Olsen ot RA 5.6165 or RA 8-5146 evenings. . 1 BLOCK OFF KING ST. E. HOME? PHONE RA-5-6561 11785 caiance. downstairs. Apply sperm. mbabie for two saute Ri Bross 733 SHELLY AVE gm Bric TI sisrey bom whl SOOO rater ZL | wa wit wuld the home of 5 3 uz ie . . ' . y ' ; your choice and arrange THREE - rom apartment, share bath,| SEVEN ROOM BRICK This Apple Hill five room brick bungalow with patie end re- 16' long. 3 large bedrooms, completed recreation room. Oil NHA. fi a month, heat, ter, in- cessed righ " heating. Natural fireplace. Paved drive and nicely landscaped -H.A. financing with mini. Children af HOUSE ssec corport has many, many extras. After o thorough in- lot. List price $14,800. For further information call Bill Mec- mum down payment, built . $50 on, cluded. . ter i i RA i gudnd. 4 spection you will be amazed at the listed price of $13,750 with i WHI I BY CLASSIF IED 70 Tarss wnhursiad rooms weper:| J-piece bath on the second | $4000 down. Call Paul Ristwo at RA ST6165 or RA 5.8153 | Peeters evenings, RA 5.1726, ane'of pour Chien of ton: a and othe; floor; 2 modern kitchens; evenings. SUNSET HEIGHTS if Bi Serb hig a u a te r for couple. Apply 936 Simcoe Street tool d shower in the North. nyl. stools ond FASRD 5 Vo ft SL (OR RENE Tore spaimen, CAGE Soom or eens x] OPT 0 Sorc. 502 ROGERS ST. fry Toreaconed oh 7 100 A gem of pore Tax TL | Tee Fic." A1 Bas been vice prondant ons on. 413 Byron. 8 mmedigte 'possor- , also one $10,995 Bok Jean one end Jvseuarier sierey brick home with patural Tr ve wre ond Gining TOUS. 3 00d ERA 17s ! LIVE pouliry, also feathers wanted. . 4 "Ret| Very low down payment; no | [ePlace and | r oil heating. Paved driva to large garage. | jy ching cabinet and bookcase. Valance boxes, 5% 9% mort- 6 4 back | 4 i ia cabinet an ookcase. Valance Xes, mort. LOST -- Part hound dos. red and Highest market Jilces paid. Phove col. | THREE unfurnished Toomer. real estate, please. Savelrs edged buck lown. Lassie] h2 quiet siiess bul Gloss 1b gage. For further information, please call Bob Davis, evenings, ENJOY HOME OWNER. "Tivsy "Reward. Mo $:4se. "115 FOR RENT -- Threwruom seicontin East ahr Spm. 313 FRENCH ST. 5-360 evenings. RA 8:5%24. SHIP WITH A GOOD FOR = " apartment with bathroom. 610 Dun- |= : SALE -- Large six-room brick gag West, MO 8.2924. =i THOoom pare, Er 224 ROXBOROUGH AVE SIMCOE STREET NORTH A fi Neows hy { 9 room brick home with heated 2-car garage situated on a pb orn, and 2 Po storms, landscaped, nice location, near [FOR SALE -- Wrecking 31 Pontiac, ; schools. 507 Euclid Street. MO 832261 straight 8, hydramatic transmission; | TWO-storey house, in Port Perry area. $ 9 Q 5 Four bedroom, two storey brick home with large kitchen and lorge beautifully landscoped lot. Main floor is comprised of a plex, pl fi 3 , Plus a five room apart . 1 for further information. 115¢ (also 51 Nash. All parts for sale. MO|Oll furnace, 3.plece bath, Top storey separcte dining room. This h it i BELIABLE tenants wanted, for two fur. | ooo): filpiooud Be used ai Svarmwesi FPhese large fomity, Tamed: oe zs Sut in 198) Sor living room 22 x 16' with natural fireplace. Dining room 14 x ment f Port Perry, YU 5.7825. 9 y ediate possession, Call Don Hill at RA 5.3412 ' f ent for rent, Ideally loca- nmished self - contained rooms. Apply 740 | ROTO-TILLING, gardens, lawns. A. pra rg . 12', large kitchen and heated sun room. Upstairs features S ted just off Simcoe. Call Dundes Sast. ~~ 1{Dennis phone Oshawa, RA 8:18. Jo ah rath week: 728 EMMERSO bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, hot water oil heating. Shown b: Roy Flintoff " . i each per night. Cabin trailers $45 week N AVE A | y oy Flintoff, RA 5.3454, FORE RENT -- two-room apartment, SEPTIC tanks cleaned the Sanitary bv Wilde Rental Service, Whitby. MO : : * apointment only, for further information, please call Reg. 2 nicely furnished, bed - sitting room | way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 8.326. Lowe and Naylor built, five and half room red brick bungalow Aker, evenings RA 5-0201. NOT A DIME TO SPEND | and kitchen, private entrance. Apply 204 Chestnut West: phone MO 8.2563, |- - with attached i i i Palace: Bireet. ONE room in mew house, for one or ched garage, pierson windows, broadloom in livi : 1 Palace btrcet uty 3 [ON haw IE EO aa room aadioom. in hing Henry Stinson RA 5-0243 Bill McFeeters RA 5-1726 On tii h immaculate three bed- room -- 5 year old brick FC --- 27 3 FOR RENT -- . Jom SALE -- iT wd Phone MO FOR R Single fan | zoom. places, RS) financed with $6,700 down. Call Paul Ristow Bob Davis RA 8-6326 Reg. Aker RA 5.0201 GARDENS and lawns rototilied, ready (SOD, 20c square yi ONE-BEDROOM 6 months guarantee 9 or RA 5-8152 evenings. Before 5 p.m. RA 3-2265 Between 5 and 6 p.m. RA 8-1624 bungalow. Forced air oil . r 117a heating. 4 piece tiled bath. spring planting and seeding. Whitby (tilling, rockery stone. MO 8-3013. rd . 0 1] Mey | - APARTMENT Money refunded if MORTGAGES ARRANGED A home anyone .can en] : 'e anyone .can enjoy Mo "Sse" RA GULTIVATED sod Tor sale_Duivered | CAPABLE man for Jurdosing. cuting not satisfied 35165 RA 5.3412 Eat ody | ? grea ' East end prog " de. , oul yard. Phone AJRX S20 June 13 work. For information phoné MO saumn,| Stove: refrigerator, washing 19 ATHOL STREET WEST OSHAWA BOE Sl Saapaion wasted. Ti7a| facilities. % nei r down: parmants 9. Meares Rasher WOMAN to keep house from 8:30 to § Phone RA 5:3815 ONE MORTGAGE L S. S Nn e lg rove Sige et. a £055 t 3231, Oshawa RA 3.2512. from Monday till Friday, until June 19, Phone AJ PONTIAC AVE. FOR RENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and | qo DOV: 2 years, at home. Ajax bath on ground floor, apartment build- °°" ""TTU8°% 000 ite Ing; range, refrigerator; $70. RA 5-3214.| FOR SALE ~--~Barn, 1% storey, approx. LLOYD REALTY FINUCANE STREET If you're looking for a three : C O Ltd peer 637 Albert Street BRICK, block and general cement| mately 20 x 30. Phone MO 8-437 after 6 117¢ RENTAL AGENCY 4 years old -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow -- decorated -- patio nice yard, and one that in p.m. For free Mies call P.|7 [x at rear. $12,900 with $4,900 down -- After 5.30 call Everett excellent condition, see this each a .|nings. Apply Rigler's Store, 200 B 1. a Can trolls ay South. 117a| reliable tenants. : i FOR RENT -- Four room wpuriment| Loyd, Realty (Ohawe) Ltd OXFORD STREET 43 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA ter, RA 5.1256, ¥ , everything included. Avail. imcoe St, N. Large 7 room income home -- | i , (able J 1. MO 8-4190. 7 n complete with storm: d " . 3 ron haadd: = Tire Toom 117 RA 8.5123 THREE MODELS hot water heating, extra stool in basement, good ib Doty 254 WILSON RD. S. FANT cuffing and alterations, mews children welcome. $95 per month. Mr. MODERN TWO Prasen prions Lng! 122i plus 31%, room apartment for NEW N.HA. Ore owner 5 year old brick. R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. (Green, A : y . wit 000 down. After 5.30 | 5 room 3 bedroom brick bungalow, ultra modern kitchen, large rage attached, hardwood und Jidies" wear; drapery asi itions, WANTED -- Pari time iob maining. BEDROOM FULL PRICE call Joe Moga at RA 5:9191. ling em and dining room combined, 3 good bedrooms, ook Hours heotea. rime by FoR - June 1. 3 room | gardening. Experienced. ) : / and tile floors, 4 piece tiled bath, high basement with recreation ructed, an Ned panama EEE ne NO 7 APARTMENT $n 995 BALDWIN STREET room facilities, . glass lined hot -- tank, sodded hry ey niggly planned home today, rally located. Business couple prefer. | FEMALE Telp Wanted -- for Woly.| oven sness, o king ' 3 years old, -- 3 bedroom 5 room brick bungalow -- large lot gravel drive. $12,700 full price. Call. Syd Martyn RA 3-9810. - "be Apacs i | wood Motel area. orthway Apts., 630 fenced and landscaped -- storms and screens -- T.V. aerial $750 D 0 WN ean Peacock RA 5-4330, NEAR NORTH PLANT NE Te 330% shar 3 pon or Theme J%| Simcoe N. Available June 1. | Architect plonned bunga- | 512,500 with $4.600 down rm Ate S30 call Bi i FOR SALE --Three.quarier size elec.| Apply: 341 Division St., after lows in three different plans. at RA 5.6243. 4 er 9.30 coll. Dick Borrizge 6, Ranch stvie, centre hall and N.H.A. resale. 6 room brick bungalow one year old, oak and tile 4 bedroom -- 21% storey trie guitar and lifer. MO 8-085; FOR CilL. PAINT apply 1302 ds Pan 117¢ L-shope with large rooms HARMONY HEIGHTS floors, 4 piece bath, recreation room facilities. landscaped. Call brick. Large livin, cal) oT Ble Bs end Yomily kitchens, . Four : Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or evenings, RA 5.4162. with natural fireplace. Full DODD & SOUTER iy Poa rr Hy ONE BEDROOM piece bath completely tiled, $1378.00 Down -- $1378.00 Down dining room -- 4 piece Baty ie APARTMENTS partially finished basement, | The gupgivision with i PINE AVE. BASEMENT APARTMENT | room -- Garage, A quali Paint & Wall er Store | es some walk-out basements fomili an omazing record -- over a 140 bik h ge. quality ' pap a Phun rom Adal Immediote possession, elec- with picture windows and milies moved into the 'subdivision and only 1 resale. No 6 room bungalow, 2 large kitchens, 2 bathrooms, new forced R Flinto -- To see call 107 Byron Street South peg rg ira] trieally oki i Pred Twn orivote new homes in the subdivision not sold and 15 sold ahead to air with oil heating unit, separate entrance, double garage, oy Flintoff RA 5.3454, MO 8.5231 prc lland | tion oped, oca- or a. WS: private be built by S. Jackson and Son Ltd. eW have approximately close to school and shopping centre. $11,900 full price. Call L -- mm ------ AS TADIY Teaperienced. Apply Thurs- : Pe Heavy duty cable 20 good lots available and we would be pleased to toke your Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. oT day or Friday afterncons between 3 RA 8-8676 Al . 444 y aie: order for a home in this area within 2 blocks of new public On Madison Ave. Size 37 x GRAVEL & FILL j= isn LL Iso some with combination | school, Prices range from $12,700 to $14,175 with BALDWIN ST 127. $2,200 triple aluminum storm and ments from $1,378 to $1 920 a 5 with gown pay- 3 p » fy : prices include clay | 5 room 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 4 piece bath, decorated, FOR RENT Driveway Gravel, $7 per load| for --- screen windows, ond only | brick, partial stone front i y oe RENT Lown rollers, | QUIET $100 more on down pay- aluminum storm doors, Oe lumirum, stoi od i forced or "ith ol Jecin ) Slumingm, storms and screens, large 5 room lower duplex ot 83 2 4 landscaped lot. Ca eith Peters, RA 5-8761, or evenings RA Alexandr J ' a St. ment Gravel, $1.60 ders, owers, garden | Ce '$ RR jar MODERN TWO-BEDROOM | ment. laundry tubs, hot water heater, sodded front lawn, sidewalk --. 5.4162 illers, hol di 3 4 per yd. Apart, Ca om APARTMENTS PRICES ARE AWAY | omplete in every way. For Delivery Phone go whee! borrows, chain ON 15 GIBBONS ST. | We have N.H.A ERIC BRANTON | ond sill so dh, ode | mods ottmon. AVE: | STRUCTION: SO BUY | Stone Hime tonne hoo Ba mp8 1 | 0 un 5 nl DEONS ST. LUCAS PEACOCK MO 8-2660 Snore, contep boas, mon | opi 3) gw Srv = | NOW.TERRIFIC VAL. | 2itnr™el ser ote"eur choles and you too may be a happy | Eicoun, dining room, 3 bedriaes ad 4 piece beth movin sone REALTOR UE. . fireplace, forced air with oil heating, storms and "screens, extra RA 5-4330 work. Wolters, MO 8-2204. June 7 WASTED = oman for part time| Our fee is less than a FOR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, store work, rnoons and . i FOR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 gmeave| vacancy, only screened and Elliott ot RA 3.9290. property. An excellent buy O nN y at $11,500. Soll Pat Win- deep lot with large garage and variety of fruit trees. $11,000 aes aon and sonora | "UNFURNISHED * Ornamental Evergreens, trailers, tents and 'camping : Shrubs, Hedges, ik hig equipment APARTMENTS ONE MORTGAGE LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE fut ore, balance one open mortgage. Call Sid Martyn, RA Pr ws Perennials, choice' collected FOR SALE--New and used Cedars for hedges, 35 ond | boals, motors ond trailers. TO RENT" RA 5-883] 314 Simcoe St. § Dial RA 3-9329 or 5.6551 GRIERSON ST up. : . ORCHARD NURSERIES SEED RENTAL & Tress oom oT umitrnd W. T. LAMSON After 5:30 Dial A mem brick bungalow, immaculate condition, hardwoet* Haw LF LS : Dck Bom RA 5.4243 Bure lion RA 39200 | le foo 4 piece tied boll hah bem" "2 4 19% Bond Strest West. No. 7 Hwy., South Side, 1415 DUNDAS ST, EAST 5.00 mon REAL ESTATE L y 2 miles west of Brookiin", WHITBY -- MO 83226 | 34500 month. n i Te nl 9 Mage RA $2391 Loyd Meal RA BETS re ol Keith Velen, RA'S078]

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