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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1959, p. 3

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w CE CR woaww wy Ho THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 20, 1959 3 Pr -------------- THA No Offer From CNR: Continue Service Vid, Walker sald he had five Debate Park Problems Whether or not it gets flood| A parks board proposal that|of the buildings for the other 5 lights, Alexandra Park will soon the softball be under the spotlight at a joint view Park be floodlit was also meeting of the parks board, ag-|referred to the special meeting|was also anxious to construct # ricultural property decided day night. Councll referred several mat. andra grandstand. ters to the special session of the, three groups which will be held as soon as it can be arranged| conveniently for all. Major items|remarked: 'We have no money PLANS SUBMITTED to be considered are construc:| tion of two new buildings at cost of $100,000 by the fair board and an objection to floodlighting in Alexandra Park and a counter-| p that baseball under| lights be played at Lakeview Park. "But T can't concur in putting floodlights in Lakeview Park," commented Ald, John G. Brady, chairman of the property com- mittee, as he told his council colleagues he would arrange for the meeting. 'The request we received for floodlights didn't say in one park it sald specifi- cally in Alexandra Park." RESIDENTS PROTEST Council was read a letter from T. R. Prest of 474 Simcoe St, N. opposing floodlights and the pos- sible re-erection of the grand: stand in the park, The letter said, in part: "The noise, light; crowds at night, the unsightliness of the erections themselves and the inevitable advent of a pub- lic address system would all tend to further depreciate the value of our property and create further hardships on ourselves living in such proximity. Demol- ishing the grandstand at this time appears to us to provide an opportunity to curb the use of the park for ;motorcycle races and other undesirable events to which the adjacent property own- ers have objected previously." Preparation of a 400-car park. ing lot at Lakeview will also be considered, though Ald. Brady for it. It's not in the budget." PROPOSED 'NEW LOOK' In proposing a "new look" for the fair buildings, Heber Down, president of the South Ontario | Agriculture Society, saic the fair to| board would like permission diamond in Lake-|weeks of the year," he declared Mr. Down sald the fair board fair board and citylas was the parks hoard request(new grandstand, "That is a tra- committee, This was that its members be allowed to| gle thing for the city by Oshawa council Tues-/take part in any discussion con [fair he declared, "In Lindsay {cerning rebuilding of the Alex-|/they got $100,000 for 'a new one and the If we can't get a new one nobody can, If you'll go along with us we'll go to Toronto and gel a grant," He sald he hoped the buildings could be ready for {1 year's fair but that it would be touch and go." He sald plans have been submitted to the city engineer three times and altered | twice Mr. Down said the new | Ey i i Oshawa | 8 tear down four old buildings and] "has some of the finest| replace them with two structures, He said half of the estimated cost of $100,000 would be met by the federal govern ment, one quarter by the pro. vincial government and the re maining quarter hy the fai board, "It won't cost you fellows a cent and you can have the use Building his society was vitally interested in encouraging them. "I don't think you want to push the fair out of town," he concluded, "We could move four or five mile out "wt then the bi" lings would only be used by the fair. In town they can be used by many othe: organizations." Fund Report Presented The final building statement for Ithe Oshawa General Hospital fis etc . |eal year was released at a regu- 896.60 lar meeitng of the Hospital Board Tuesday night, The total exepnditures as al May 15, 1059, were $2,993,350.29 The expenditure forecast submit ted to directors July 27, 1954 was $2,495,000 Si General contract, $1,604,742.56; COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE sale Masonic Temple, Thursday, May 321, 1.30 p.m. 116b RUMMAGE sale, Centre Street Church, by Evelyn Goodwin Group, Thursday, Ma at 1,30 p.m 17a GE sale May a, 1.30 p.m, Sim | th cca Lodge No, 3. 17a NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY, EVENING, 8 P.M, at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled anytime Door prize $15 HEAR - Mammoth Bake Sale bread, ples, cakes, take home salad plates: also tea, Friday May 20, St George's Parish Hall, Centre Streel, Women's Guild BINGO AT U.AW.A. HALL MAY 20TH 20 GAMES--$10 A GAME § GAMES--$25 JACKPOTS ONE GAME--$150 ANN'S Pantry SPEAK TO ONTARIO COUNTY THURSDAY May 21 6:35 PM. RADIO | CKLB, OSHAWA | CFOR, ORILLIA | ie | Your Money . . . | Come and Hear JOHN WINTERMEYER Liberal Leader ond GEORGE DRYNAN Liberal Candidate THURSDAY NEXT 8:30 PM OSHAWA CENTRAL COLLEGIATE 117a CHT Fees, Architect, Clerk of Works re general contract, $147 Screen roads, walks and grounds K Roof walkways, $13.6 fH: equipment and furnishings, $530,049.17; Ex penditures approved but not spe oifically included in original esti mates, $44,450.04 Alteration ac count inclding Architect Fees Equipment and Furnishing $456,615.62; Cafeteria Contract Ramps and adjacent areas, $118 048.21: Architect Fees, $11,027.50 and Furniture and Eq n $35,401.38 The total building fund income was $2,993,359.29 The following income ceived: Public donations, $1,030 796.03; City of Oshawa Deben- ture Issue, $848,968.47; County of Ontario Grant, $94,000.00; Special Provincial Grands, $373,900.00; Provincial and Federal Bldg grants, $469,278.88; Town of Whit by; $50,000.00; Township of Whit. by, $1,500.00; Township of East Whitby, $400.00; Township of Dar lington, $2,500.00; Atkinson Foun Was re |dation, $24,795.00; Interest on In. les as outlined for the first three |vestments, $66,251.47; Cash Dis. years of the course would only | counts | provided through Asset Disposals, physical, $8,011.80, Farned, $2,046.20; Funds The following are the assets the building Receivable, $4515; Doubtful | Building | Pledges for Federal Whithy grant receiv- s, $101, The liabilities are: Amount due current hospital funds for cash lum advances, {campaign ended with a net deficit course of $20,911.44, $122,496.12; and the liabillites for laftor Grade 10 they would only| a WEALTH ys istemtent Absots: Bank, $6400: | [Less Allowance Pledges, nil; Vv F amt receivable, $85,115.76; and first three years of the planned {Town of our Future |able, $10,000; Total A | 584.68, NeW herds and flocks in Ontario and|® | The CNR has never offered (o| continuing indefinitely, That's in | continue Oshawa's bus service inlT know about it." | the event the June 8 plebiscite re:| In replyAo Ald, F, M, Dal jects transfer of the franchise to/Ald, Walker sald he had writt the proposed Windsor operator, [the CYR last July 18 suggestin This was definitely established (the phssibility of an improved | [Tuesder night as tempers flared npricial arrangement in the hop and voices rose in one of theldf inducing ther to continue b ormiest city council meetings of they had replied that they we recent times, Charges and count! determined to terminate thelr by ter-charges wera hurled back anil operations by the end of 1950, In [forth hy Ald, Albert V. Walkek|a later lotter the railway had sal and Christine Thomas, . they would be glad to co-operst The fireworks were a day lote|in getting another hus operate [for the Queen's birthday celebra- established in the city, said Ald ition but they were none the less Walker, explosive when Mayor Lyman! There," declared Ald Gifford put the toreh to the fuse. Thomas, 'You've given ii 'It has been reported," sald theihere, Imayor, "that if the vote on the us out , [franchise is not in favor, the CNR| the huses knowledge, Ald, Walker?" NO SUCH KNOWLEDGE 'I have no such hatsoever," declared the chaly. Wag Teg man of the fransportation and such a thing traffic committee emphatically, | Up jumped Ald, Thomas to as sert: "At one time vou sald we'd have the co-operation of the Cana out nal and if necessary he'd epery on until eonnell b an opnoriimity to make other ar " in a Toronto newspaper, lian ! Hy! cite at all?" Ald, Thomas! ples "'m angements,' Al this point Ald, Walker, B'NAI B'PI"H PLANS LIVE AUCTION I ored hy his club ith 0 vn is John eated, presi hich is spo! No tudies Murray Swartz dent of the Oshawa | 1590, B'Nal B'Ritl A Kent plans for the forthcoming live Cll held at the June 24 a n Also Ident In assoc dge 1s Club pre I'his live of the Li ction sale is evel ( kind held here annual 3 of It action to be Chil an New Study Is Discussed the Brown that it wa 8 and § ientl 1 10 wd 26 tle felt he that In students tinal of Doar I'™ Osha the The teacher mittee of the Education, for was given over to a discussion new science course 7. 8 9 and 10 The discussion wi clarify some of the Mr. Trottei wherefores of the proposed during this time course for the benefit of hoard "C50 on oneh of natural members jence to let them know what Trustee M. M. Brown they would be encountering later to know -why the course of stud-| mi tions com: Grades 7 Board 1954-50 Tuosday propo Grade not ul natural sc of were handle lence He were equipped natural 10 le zoolog in season night that they handle th these ent on to slate the better to for of un W Lan) ade and nes out that they were given pointed wanted Concern was exprossed by Fa. ther P, Coffey, representative of the Separate School Board, that the children already had too much work to do Mr, Trotter pointed out that the proposed new course would occupy periods already devoted to science and not place any add itional curricular strain on the students, He sald that the course as pres ently laid out is too loose and that the proposed new course will bring order 't the curriculum it was previously lacking, as th aspect of it deal with natural science and nol He felt that since a large per. centage of students leave school have gained a passing knowledge of physical science having only received any in that year He suggested that perhaps the course could be telescoped into two Speaking on behalf of the teach ers, who comprised the curricu committee responsible for out the proposed W. Trotter told Trustee cc 0 where msofar meerned laying new was Change Nine 'StreetNames street name: a city Before the they will Nine changes in were approved by council Tuesday night changes are finalized be advertised for three consecu tive weeks, during which time objections may he registered The changes are Oak street, between street south and Celina street John street east: Chinpewa nue, east and west off Simcoe to Your agli fi distort 'anything as chalrman o Walker) mmittee of the whole, relin.|(polnting at. Ald ouished this office to Ald, R Cec! Bint so that he could enter pr ARK DENIED the hented debate in earnest "What Ald, Thomas Is referring I make such a remark." to, I am not prepared to say, he retorted as he strode from the mavor's dais back to his Photo sent in the counell chamber Ald, Thomas statement iors n fhe Sammie from been anv guidance from 'ou sald it In answer fo a rip of elving ots," tion of what would happen bi the I'm W J giving the facts event of a negative vote. I'm not Ald. ) alter expecting any support from any happy If Ald of the members of this: council, But the remark was made,' NEVER DISCUSSED Ald, Walker: "1 have no know:|pumpus, (had heen acting handis donated hy eity district and mechan and Pi works o hou eeds are the vholesale used for charitable Iwo ovganizalion OWD (iion of the bylaw, They have some guidance Oshawa Time and 1 wasn't requested possibility of the CNR carrying heen glad to do so." on If a NO vote carried, On May, \q4 8 7 4, Ald, Brady asked me what the go" 0 might alternative might be to the bylaw |... facts" transferring the franchise and 1/'TV¢ ol suggested the alternative might | be for the city to set up a com: mission to operate He buses and the rallway might have to carry | on for a short while until this|licized so the people w could be accomplished, I never why we are in favor of | suggested thev'd be agreeable to/move,"" he said, RYERSON GRADUATE | on William Robert Holden, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert H, Hol. den, 799 Bessborough drive, graduated recently from the School of Merchandising Ad. ministration at the Ryerson In. stitute of Technology, T. L. Wilson Heads Board advertise Graduation Date Set By Hospital a meeting of the Oshawa At |General Hospital Board Tuesday |voort's duties there night be held Friday, June 5, | willl A . She reported that t ospital ness, Mrs, Bates Dean " Women at McMaster University, 1® the departure from will be unable to give the ad: Oshawa A. FE. McGilvray, dress. However, Miss Alma Reid, who was elected earlier this director of the School of Nurs. year, Thomas L. Wilson will as./ing, MeMaster University, has sume the duties of president of accepted the invitation to give He Qsiava General Hospital, the address ! llson has been a director vs. Telford reported three N ¥ of the hospital for some years a Tolto pI ben Miss rents or nursing sevice in accepted in September, Mrs, Telford reported on Due to of the conference dealt viee-pre peaking engagements lined up sofore the June © voting da; y while other members of his committee were also making nu nerous public appearances, The Oshawa Times and the radio ere also co-operating in provid ing publicity, he said, "But I am not encouraging peo. le to vole one way or another," stated Ald, Walker, "1 am just You said they would help! Ald, Walker: '1 never at any is prepared to continue operating time sald the CNR wouldn't see, Have you any such us stuck, They onl' offered to [help vs get a new operator start- years 1 doubt i I could clear up ed, They did not say they would some of the points Ald. Thomas knowledge continue to operate If a NO vote|confused at the labor council, For red, 1 never heard of instance, she explained that ae vers sed von brought it up, 1 have who never at any time attempted to remarks were Not In the agreement," that they wouldn't see us stuck." Ald, Walker: "Never, never did - Ald. Thomas: "I'm only trying [to tell the people my interpreta. must I would] "You made the | aiher it came from the traffic sible for The Times, Why should in council or down:|nomittee but there has never them, | the labor council meeting where she spoke and started all "ia the bus company ever make the 0 ledeo that we even discussed the speak there, though 1 would have |, Hopkins suggested "the since 1' of the 13 members of council are in favor| of transferring the bus franchise J, J, Dickson of Windsor, "Ilpnoc that." reasons should be pub- : n now Never was | instructed to investi: » General Hospital, Miss Vander 0 . Mrs . George Telford, organize and carry out an in. | superintendent of nursing, report: service educational program for |ed the graduation exercises will the nursing staff, A replacement be required for this position due to {l./and an additional clinical super- of Visor if a class of 40 students the conference for Directors of Nurs. ing Service at Queen's University May 4 to 8, which she attended. !alr and I'm pleased it was in." She stated that the program of with all chairman of the meeting at which topics relating to the improve. Ald, Thomas spoke was a resi the dent of Whitby who said he was utlining the (acts ang trying to clarity , : _ Ald, Thomas: "1 wo make It {Clear that T'm not telling them right [how to vote, I'm jusl as concern. ed In giving a clear picture as you ave," (DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN Ald, Walker; "If I talked for 20 cording to the terms of the con. Mayor Gifford: *'1 only asked tracl submitted to elty e because I've been besieged with ge y ecounell, 'd questions since this report came (he f this were true then why have a new operator could purchase assels ol the transportation system for $45,000, No wonder some people called council a bunch of something-or-others, How can I explain that no such thing is in the agreement?" Ald, Thomas: "Of course, it's Ald, Walker: *'Then why say so?" Ald, Thomas: *'I did not say Ald, Walker: "The paper says you did, Why didn 't you call for |a retraction?" Ald, Thomas: 'I'm not respon: I call for a retraction. Anyone with any common sense knows {the purchase price is not in the "1 would be very bylaw, Why doesn't Ald, Walker Thomas would go(tell how much the present com [around giving just the true facts pany offered to sell its rolling not the version reported at stock for?" Ald, Walker: "At no time did city such an offer, I'm amazed Ald, Thomas: "You are negli |gent in your duty," d, Walker: "This city didn't want to buy , , " Ald, Thomas: "You are negli. gent In your duty if you didn't Ald, Walker: 'I'm amazed, gate the price, It war never suge nes | 0810 to me," AGAINST PUBLIC OWNERSHIP Ald, Hopkins sald he was op posed to public ownership, 'I am satisfied the city would a. greater deficit than with and 1 have the figures to prove ve it," He said there were five 'mis |statements in what Ald, Thomas was reported to have told the labor council, Ald, Thomas: "Mr, Benson said some of those things, not I, Even council must admit 1 know the price of buses. I have no desire to belabor it but I still say the facts 1 disclosed ave in the cone tract, You know what you all say about newspaper reporting but I'll say in this case it was very Ald, A, H. Murdoch. said the going to vote against transfer of the bus franchise, "As far as | wa itary A dont Doris Winspear, a graduate of e conclusion of the board General Hospital, Middlesbrough, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Teating Tucwlas night Mr. Wil: yorkshive, England, Miss Joy| don Re Cid Jo the fact that Gore, University College Hospis| most highly » Ro he tod : -- J tal Britisy West Julien ay, Min I PONS, Afarilyn Pearce, Atkinson School Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi: dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays would be leaving the " 0 io ely of Nursing, Toronto Western Hos: of Oshawa, will as a re vital pita | loss but our loss . he Burlington's She also reported one appoints ment to the nursing assistants sutfer a ons 1 have been able to ascertain he {owns no property in Oshawa," the alderman declared, "so he hasn't even got a vote," - | Al. Thomas: "Mr. Elliot is" {not the president of the labor™ {council and he wasn't the chair |man." titude the commented Wills and that hospital nN expre ol fo My the W od his the directors and ervices Dowden ison na Mayor Gifford wound up the debate with the aulet observation that his question had been an.. |sweved, 'No person has received today: Mrs, Margaret Bishop, 40 Sfmeoe street north: Michael Kashul, 349 Oshawa boule. Alberta Strelkwold| orderlies, Douglas Genereaux and staff, Miss three James TON DIRECT FROM WWVA JAMBOREE Valley avenue Mr. McGilvray had rendered as lowry Glanzer RVI director, vicespre and later, She reported the ? as president, "He ways a has been received of Miss Van eman and has always given/dervoort, clinical instructor in this institution, his medical nursing, with services to ileed to the whole tepminate June 14. She has ac: any word that the Canadian Na- {tional would carry ov if the vote lon June 8 was NO," he con cluded, street (formerly Cedar houlevard) to Iroquois Nassau street, between treet and Sinclair avenue Cubert streei: Hortop strec much Hortop avenue het fireh and Laughlin boulevard and the nort : hia cop treet som: - y community," sald Mr. Wilson. [cepted a position in Parry Sound erville street and Somerville ave COMMERCE BACHELOR i 58 repis M MeGilvray an y - 1 iy » ol ) N . Nn 3 % nue, between Jones ave and; Grant Heath Armstrong, son Jouneed shat wile ro true. that Mr. and. Mis. Harold 'R e leavin shawa ina HONOR GRADUATE overran, wnimed wroet on Astron 76 Brock street couple of months to live in Burl has been paying taxes for the| street; an unnamed on plan 633, between Emerald sho vevelved his Bact ington would long remem. last six years on a building that| 10 received his . Morley Yeo Mr, and 'nue and Phillip Murray avenue, .¢ ( a is ved hi Re 1010 hep (he pleasure that was his in 18s not heen on the property ) ( nerce 1 ) 2 Mrs Russell Yeo, Eulalie ito Paul street, York street, be. oo PO ee ] YOM hendering whatever service was [or at least six years. Ave., recently graduated from [tween Division street and Jarvis Loon ooo ao sa 4 Toll possible to the hospital Defined as 12 feet by 16 feet Queen's University, He received to Grove avenue; Prospect . ¢ aturda 3 ! , Cl He plans to attend Osgoode Hall in his assessment, the building a BSc, degree with honors in Street betwean King stree and in the fal : e Ha just doesn't exist, he said, and chemistry. He is currently Athol street Mary strec \ 4 N : May hasn't existed since he moved completing requirements fors Alice streel etwveen Mary WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA tree 0 there, He said a neighbor told his master's degree street Wilson road rand North Simcoe and ctroot. ~~ bets , orl him there had once been a gar To Consider AND THE Thornton road and Simcoe street Boa Pa age on the property but it had north Adelaide Strange Case burned down E h VV | (Garden Club 3nd west : local Oshawa City Council Tuesday! Meanwhile, Mr Johnson has cho Valley Boys Holds Rally WITH a of div night structed its finance com. been paying from five to six dol: A large group of the Junior earliest date. The re LAZY JIM DAY garden competition and the group Classrooms noved that the necessary bylaw - ! wed, then i Society Saturday, May 23, in the debentures for $30,000 to fis viou been obtained and the den | ® 2 Years To Run 20% @ 4 Years To Run 339% dienes by NWA RUG an COSMOIOLIVAN DISCCUNT purchased aut of the $30.000 to consider the strange|lars a year taxes on a phantom ~ Council speeded its approval at the little building that the little building that just Garden Club met at the Chil . quest | was not chan dren's Arena for their regular 0 nance nelled finance commit. was urged to enter in the classes 4) ' piloted the LITTLE SANDRA CELSIE for a dish garden and a house rough F jee rearangs A . nance construction mv uve expenditure had been included in DANNY AND BENNY E. A. Lovell School, le classrooms to relieve over the hoard of education's pital The group was reminded of | DID YOU KNOW (Unlimited Funds Available) WE ALSO that Nu-Way Rug are experts ADMISSION RPET SALES, 174 Mary -- RA 5.1202, 641 YONGHK ST, TORONT? WA 3.093930 re i] vard south: Wendy Thomp: son, 138 Albert street; Mrs, John Copping, 19 King street west: Ricky Ireland, 21 Athol | street west; Catherine A, | Smith, RR 3, Oshawa; Mrs, resignation dent p Was gent HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST. EAST -- HOURS -- ? AM=--6 PM, WED. UNTIL 12:30 P. SAT, UNTIL 2:3 PHONE RA 3.4811 For an appointment ; to een Cecile Branton, 482 Finucane street; Alan Shewring, Taun. ton; Coleen Phillips, 300 St, Elol street; Douglas Bannon, 180 Prince street; Mrs, G. Seles, 1309 King streel east; Nancy Arkle, 122 Cromwell avenue, The first five persons to in. form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "The Tempest." Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of & am, and 10 a.m, He | street, informed council that hej street AVE: east he son of | ity an street 0 he schools the mainte ssi hy ney Equipment fo classrooms will also . 'Mmillee case of publi done ana Louisa by to avenue, ea ni d nt od L ree \ iH construct «ITY OF OSHAWA CLEANUP WEEK May 25th to May 29th inclusive, has been Cleanup Week in the City of Oshawa ond ade for the collection from private residences, on their usual garbage day, of all discarded houses hold lati of furniture, clothing, rubbish resulting from the cleaning up of grounds or from minor household re- pain, and domestic waste material such as paper, rags, ear tons, packing cases end bottles, possible funds through The week of designated as arrangements have been the port por ton Emergent Meeling LEBANON LODGE AFF. & AM. 139 All Masonic brethren are urgently requested to attend o All materials to be collecied should be put out during the above-mentioned week only, and at the same time and in the some place as the garbage for the regular collection MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION on June 21 to High Park, Toronto gins & Noahs : seeds 3 ATTENTION! BUILDERS - BROKERS PRIVATE We Buy Second Morigages Masonic Service for our late BRO. WILLIAM E. CLARK Seeds were distributéd to the prospective gardeners and early in June plants will be distributed jlo the group at Armstrong Funeral Home Thursday, May 2Ist 7:15 o'clock - La quantities of waste building material ond waste food products (in excess of te normal amount handled in regular garbage collections) are not included in this collection This s not cial ¢ apg Masonic Clothing Wor, Bro. Alex. C, Hall Maste ollection aoplies Wg, bu only to ne Cleaning fie fel private households end courteous service Wor Bro me 23 n ' scretar C Templar ALCSRMAN WALTER R, BRANCH Cheirmen, Board of Works, wt of the Board sa that [1Sn't there n't there, no matter how you monthly meeting last evening ee. Instead, Ald, E. F. Bastedo, plant at the Tulip Show which is Oshawa citv council © Anproval of provincial de crowding at Adelaide McLaughlin! budget this year THE COUNTRY BUDDIES the bus trip that is being taken thei garden and discussed the (at these discounts) a Ry Arrange and Refinance Mortgoges TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR on can be started at the! Lorne M. Johnson, of 222 James look at it, Entries were received for the chairman of that committee, being staged by the Horticultural Hight passed a D¥iaw OF ISSUIRR partment of education had pre friends and enemies of the gar @ 1 Year To Run 12% ® 3 Yeors To Run 27% ] 25 wl ances. (A prompt confidential nz a

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