: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 22, 1959 WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Scouts Plan su om toe i : Tel. MO. 8-3703 Whitby Bureau Oftioe; 111 Dundas St. oat, Lire Roneetion e | Open House In Arena ha Bore Sl AT ip Ao Ay gre 1! | n 1} Nun! i | Regi-, The Sea Scout group of Port First Port Whitby Cub Pac e assem! Ploy fo ue Sing hg Whitby will be Mis the boat/be on hand to demonstrate their | Rotarians and their many guests, be the guest of the local Boy|that they have /zcquired, which is ability with home-made puppets instead.of the usual after dinner Scout Association on Saturday|a 24-foot-long lifeboat and alsothat the boys made themselves. speech that is so often when they will hold Open House' | show some of the equipment that| The puppets are made out of odd| ~ 2 and 5 o'clock in the goes with it. It has been reported|pieces of cloth of various tex-\18...n on hand for visible evi- in the Whitby Ice|that they hope to be able to|tures and have heads made from dence of their ability, {someday put a deck in the boat|a composition of saw dust, flowr| "wo quad and Ss ther work ovide a mast in order to and water, The puppet show willl ip) be displayed by the 5th| entire proceedings will centre have a sailing vessel. This plan be completely operated by the | Scout pack while the Cubs put |around the work that the boys depends on how soon they can boys, in demonstrating their the-| "2 jungle dance complete with | are doing in their various groups receive proper training in the atrical ability. o tobe the uspal war whoops, and jungle| with the Provincial Registar as handling of a sailing vessel, be-| Another interesting Feoup cries. | coro svone your runs ens' |their special guest. He is cele- sides other factors that will have on hand Saturday afternoon is|" poliowing the Open House OL a brating his 30th anniversary in to be jrranked in due time, the Sea RO ae ta ol ere. will be a dinner in the Very GLa NERS Scouting on the same day. PUPPET SHOW OS Boy Scouts 51. n ITBY CLEAN who have an age lm i Bowman | It is hoped that the Sea Rovers along | MO 8-2345 EE |Arena. | The highlight and theme of the and pr {the idea of training these boys CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Torontol, "(.vo over leadership position | : RIDAY EVENING 7-01 To Adventure 5--Kit Carson ie " - v 5:00 P.M, 11--Range Roundup 4--Camera Three [sent a. skit, titled, the ' ki t k f t by : He's making track for the Sportswriters of Ontario and | party arranged yey Lan In the upper photo, this subject | London, Eng., will visit Whitby S-Plavsidee oo Ay ow ~The Is The Lite every ime ship crosses the | : values ot o's » W / . a, sponsors of the ithy x : 3 . ee | members of the Whitby Dun- | ada, sponsors of th ? right, Wren Blair, manager of Booster Club dance at the Club | 5:15 3:00 S-Musival Inter lops met n-ghock |The main characters will be a: Hockey Federation president = sation, of course, was the pro- = william Hannah, liaison for presenting a world hockey ban- ar a mobs L Aven re TP {King Neptune, legendary mon i a. J. F. "Bunny" rne posed trip to Eurupe this au Dunlop Canada Mr, and | ner to the Dunnies at the dance. | ("hinne "pate Theatre ~7--Playhouse 6--Test "Pattern |arch of the seas) an AY y ! tumn by the Whitby Dunlops Mrs. Ahearne, who come from | Oshawa Times Photo = 2-wild Bill Hickock | G00 P.M, 4--Look At Congress |Jones, who it is said takes . | : 3 | V {will be a group that will take in ay Rogier. | TELE ISION L O Guie z erom that wi take inline" prov eg! - --] "TV C el 5--Rochester in the Cub Packs and Boy Scout WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC hann ste) or ty ' " A 1 ' 4 |WGR-TV Channel 2--Bnffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo PRESENT SKIT s ih : Wii . | pk -Theatre; 15 P.M. 2 West, Round.UP |Line." This skit will deal with WORLD F2CKEY PRESIDENT MEETS DUNLOPS AGAIN CE EERE | Ha, pL a Gel : is bong diseussed b,c left 10) When thes stiend he Duiops 3-Three Stooges ¢--Feauure Film 6--Musical Interlude |} act made the crossing before. International Tce Dunlops. Main topic of conver- the Dunlops, Mr. Ahearne, and Bayview. Mr. Ahearne will be | e~cartoon Storybook $--Space Ranger Thursday in Torontc at a press | 11-- wrestling 12:30 P.M. charge of all seamen who de-| | WHITBY | 00 P.M, 6 are 11--Theatre; News; Bowling HT Cy atoghers |scend to the deép six. d 300 DUNDAS EAST Uv, + J, e i Weather | 4:30 P.M. Good rite Tire | While the various shows an 1 Fl h Fi D TKany Sev | +H | de! strati going. on, R All Saints' Has Mash Tire Damages =o, side | ER™ sminsiso] 56 STUDEBAKER $1295 S-Colonel, lack Brine Cub Packs on hand to displa"| ie | 7--8ix Gun Theatre : 6--Jim Bowie 7~This is the Answer their skill in hobbies and crafts. | 5--Three Stoog 's 8--Ray Forrest The Second Whitby Scout Groun| ie 2-Twilight Theatre 5-Three Stooges lwill d trate their skill with] y Old Sed n 53 Buick Sedan Mia sudden shock of see 5 still sleeping . 5:30 P.M, 2--Playhouse will demonstrate i $. a " The sudden shock of seeing hot! who was still sleeping. not harm TRL 15 PLM. { musical instruments with which | . 6:00 P.M By ROLAND C. SMITH off members Saving fhe Bectors searing flames and blinding ed in any wav by the smoke 11--Theatre | Chine P.M. [they are working each week in stipend as well as fooling the IIS oo 0" wae felt by Vincent which was rapidly filling the 6--Tabloid { . ToShureh sevice Hy Seat Any Hall, Tus $1095 $795 Long History ' Home In Subdivision Ee, 65-42 News 7:00 onal a ny il re ni 5--Real McCoys " for coal and coal oil. Two fires \yo ov. 240 Rosedale drive, Whit- house Ae TY | i-Eany 'Sow 5--Bowling {group could well be the begin-| the All Saints' Ang by, when he returned home from Credit for saving the house 2-Rescue I S_Dick Clavk 2:00 P.M. |ning of a Boy Scout Band that] of Whitby which will his construction job in Toronto, from possibly being burned out , FeiS ele Wrestling I-\sdersanding {could lead the boys when they fo should go to the next door neigh- 0 P.M, 3--Rendezvous Room 2:30 P.M lon parade, it was stated. The ' " " v the dedication ceremony \ Thursday afternoon, May 21 7:4 i M, | ' 9 Y new Parish Hall and a Christian C€, The fire which siarted some- bor, Mrs. 5. W. Vallom, who 7.5-Rin Tin Tin aS P 11--The Living World |boys will be spared off from bl Old Sed 52 Ch (H y € C 1 ) 11--Tennessee Ernie 5--Feature Movie Itime to time by music from the S$. an ev. ou \ av Al sd ic. In addition to repair 6--Leave It To Beaver Education Centre on May 31, and music. where over the kitcien sink, pos- phoned in the fire alarm when jeave 6--Mr. Fixit ; . 3-Rawnide 7--Canisius Forum |0an that provides music regu- oi «ing a great deal of the interior A oy tia ise after a long and colorful history pT grea new lighting and a sibly in the cupboard, consumed she first heard of the fire and to| 3 pas S--~Lawrenice Welk 3:00 P.M. in Whitby new organ had to be purchased most of the Kitchen cupboard and the Whitby Volunteer Fire De- Phi ter 6.4--News: Sports 11-6--Speaking of Pets larly in the arena. 595 5 gan partment who lost no time in ar-[11-6--Talent Caravan 7:00 P.M. 7--Texus Rasslin {TO BUILD TOWER The All Saints' Church first p ance: : nate a huge hole through the wall by p which was financed by the men ate a hug 8 : 7--Disney Presents 3:30 P.M, by | riving on the scene to quench the | 5 gjiery Queen 11--Rifleman 11--Cowboy Theatre Demonstrating their ability inj opened its doors for worship oni, "oo oho aoation in memory of looking into the front room, burn. Nov. 4, 1886, erected on a site| ooo)" mombers of the congre- ed away most of the cupboard conflagration before it was able 3-Emie Kovacs $=1vanhice Round. Table | 2-Fcature Film {the construction field the a 20. which at time of purchase was a gation who lost their lives in and blackened the kitchen walls to spread still further. 11.6--Plouffe Family 3--African Patrol o=~TBA PM | Boy Scout Troop will build a 20- grazing ground for sheep. The ww + wor one and ceiling before the Whitby] The only casualty in the fire "osm ateur Hour 7:30 P.M, 7--Bowling ig | foot tower in the arena as part of | PHO E - church which had been erected family kitten who was "9:00 P.M 11-The Vise 6--20th Century |a Scout Pioneering Project. ? { Fire Department could extinguish was the 4 : 100 P.M, a to meet the needs of all Anglicans PUMP ORGAN Ithe blaze in the front recom while the fire Ie Veils Fargy " I-Dick Clark . 5--Bengal Lancers | The first Cub Pack Group will OR R 5-4831 ne, Territory boon 3 gd 4:% P.M, |have on display various toys that| A uptown was acuially on olisho The old pump organ w hich a Mrs. Elsie Myette was sitting Was raging - the kiichen Rid 5.2--M Squad 5.2--People Are Funny | 11--Rev. Roberts |e i oe of St. John's Anglican Sl pended on several boys who did "or ont ten of the house citten was thoroug aly soa ed -Phy_Siivers, 4-Perty Mason 6--Lasste jthe To oll oer, Port Whitby with Rev. J > Arcy the pumping, worked off and on talking to a neighbor when she from the water from By : fire ARI ish hows LES S-Gift, o Lite [ihe I public ion Cayley as the i rector Cav depending on the ehergy of He got up to go in the house, On hoses, but other than that came "7.77 Sunset Strip T--Jubllee U.S.A. US=Nens Mirae: | te. vd neTesting 10 TIS Saini boys which was doubtful at mos opening the front door, Mrs. through unscathed. So plasivise Chl I-Paul Winchell | Whitby coc Troop will present| aine ne, NEIE 5 P ogi 3 b ce | LE a finance the church, and Hmes vot 9, 1895 the first WA Myette was confronted by thick 10:00 P.M, 9:00 P.M, Crave She Nation a camping display while the 3rd ack smoke. tha 4 .5.2--Cav = \ 4 1 » was rector from 1886 to 1894 was organized by Rev. Braules black smoke, that blinded and 1105. covaloade of 1} Rntior iy So 5 |Cub Pack will manage a waste aH PY " . with 27 members present paying|almost choked her. Running out ans Ta eup ke valk i pig ER |paver display, pointing out: the MET IN HALL : ten cent membership fee, with |t0 the driveway she met her hus- 10:30 P.M, §2-Black Saddle 6--Frontiers | values that the Scouts can gain 0 0 2 Before the church was erected, 3 first pledge being sent to the band just turning in off the street Tj Hust ? 9:30 P.M, 4--College Bow! {from gathering waste paper and : the uptown Anglicans worshipped Blackfoot Hospital in 1896. and told him about the fire and i ois ay. ium Movie, 1 6:00 P, also showing the public and tell- 81 in an old hall in town and $0 "oc iter cof interest are: the that the baby boy, Geffory une ea 11-6--Jim Coleman 4--Have Gun, will Trav- rg ing them what they do with the 3) i ilding "hurch er Liem : he bed | s:2--Jackpot Bowling ol 8 paper they collect every month. by with the building of the churchi, oo plate on the rail of the Lonnie, was in the room. | chpot Box oO TIL S--Meet The Press nl Bg Mir o it has stood until this day, for 93 | bulpit was presented to the Vincent Myette ran into the The Viscount Greenwood Chap-| Sports| 7--Sammy Kaye TT ya oat this porer and WHITBY DUNLOPS - % years as a monument to its| op in 1893 by C. McKenzie house and picked up the baby ter IODE held its monthly meet-| 11:15 P.M, 4--Gunsmoke 6:30 P.M, turn it into dollars and cents . | itl -------------- ing in the United Church Hall on| }=Vlavhouse 10:30 P.M 11-6--Father Knows Best ot pioneer builders and devout Wor- | up, served in South Africa. The -------- vi ' support the Bo " shippers. organ was presented by J.| Tuesday wiin the Regent, Mrs. H. | $-Movie a nehell JB SM ch and' Cub inh in they SENIOR o" A" HOCK EY C LU B 0 e LJ first ' . pp are sopoarted this th and Pp. Petry with water Guides To Have |T. Falaise, presiding. Report of a2 EM Silent Bervies area. been hoor Ham the dessert bridge was most sat- ate Show Flight hop Sheer The 4th Whitby Scouts * will 6--Premier Perform. 11:00 P.M. nee fron work on top of the steeple Kenneth, The 3rd Whitby Girl Guide Thursday, June 18, at the home! 2~Jack Paar TP Al which became loosened during a, The first Parish Messenger was Group will hold a hobby show on|of Mr. and Mrs. H, P. Doner, of SATURDAY 5--Rescue 8 4--Lassie He ane hid will | bad wind storm. constituted in December 1946 and Saturday in the St. Bernard's|Brock street north. $--Farm Hour ota 2, 3-Tsouble wh Father ,o readily answered by the boys The early days of the church|1947 and the 89th anniversary of School, Whitby, between 2 and 5| Mrs. D. O. Lynch will be gen- "ros BM, ie 6--Juliette 11.6---Showtime on hand at the display. The 4th were very hard and extremely the church was celebrated by o'clock in the afternoon. eral convener, Mrs. K, Lunney in 2-Just Music 7M y , \ Y ) : by / ) [a averick Cub Pack will present their difficult with some of the better special services on Oct. 30, 1955 The girls will demonstrate their charge of home baking, Mrs. G. Bumbos ao Ww 11:80 P.M, 5-3--Steve Allan making skill while the 5th ay -- -- e-- -- |varionus hobbies and work on A. Welsh transportation, and Mrs. | S--Briefing Session = Wrestung ' Jack Denny will demonstrate their skill in them during the show, answering|J. M, Rgblin finances. The Sum- or tlence Museum 4--Playhouse ll--Loretta Young handcrafts and have a large col- fied he is to carry a session of i] Oddfellows Plan Fed nature, and a falter Any ahd all questions pertaining|mer Day Camp with Mrs. D. O. Farmer, Alialta 3-NY Confidential 6,4--Ed Sullivan " y ONCEREr ; . 12:00 Midnight 130 P.3 |at any time no doubt Brother '0 the hobbies, Lynch convener and Mrs. R. 5-Off To Adventure 5! nome n ™ : Work Session Wickett will ably fill the breach. Another feature of the after- Langford co-convener will have gan. SMa UND rye Nak Don't miss this session. noon demonstrations is a contest an enlarged committee 0:45 AM, § id 5--U.S8. Marshall TI M ES . The attendance was somewhat 4, oho 0 woe reminded of that the girls will conduct to see| Property convener is Mrs. G. 5--Cartoon Theatre ; 2--Pete Kelly's Blues ri ay ay smaller than usual at the regular |, ' MEETS He FO HCC - who can bake the best "Johnny|A. Welsh and assistants, visiting sql AM, M. Raw Pa { SUBSCRIBERS J I 4 . Oddfellows meeting on Tuesday |i va new Totge hall this Friday Cake". Tea will be served by the committee Mrs. F. W. Marsh and wey AM. 4 8--Christi 7--Colt 45 os | in the Whitby IOOF Hall, pre-|evening and Saturday morning, Sirs during the show. Mrs. J. A. Anderson. Educational | 5-2--Ruff and Rready | 4--Let's Open The Doo) | 5.2--Chevy Show | IN WHITBY CLUB B . i . v t | secretary reported book prizes | 4--Mighty Mouse 9:15 AM, 4--G.E. Theatre AYVIEW - WHITBY, ONT. sided over bv NG Brother Craw- i" i y . ford. Two officers were absent, [am wele ashes to be Wgsent. Mrs H Th iy = h Presented _ Colborne | Saren aN, SMa A nn. 1e-GM La FOR MISSED PAPERS AND General business was limited, 8 ' . . y street school at graduation June |4--Heckle and Jeckle | 5This is the Life 7--Fronti ompson : ctfe Su, Jeckie, | STH ie toe hire acneook WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI "Presentation of Charlie Burns Award" 00 P.M, rever considerabl ba as door dart baseball practice is 2, a N i ies' i 11:30 A. fen, however considerable debate was nd Ontario Ladies' Com $2--Circus Boy AMT SERVICE PHONE necessary in an effort to finalize Planned for the coming week. | Is Group Hostess |mencement June 6; at St. John = . 3 Aidmaikhithulta Saini ohn | school to be arranged. / Ronis Hood ST TiNOerS iy Feet rsd Young BELL TAXI] : i TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOR the coming Dart Baseball Play- 0 offs in 'Dundas on Saturday June The Florence Davey Group of Pictures and literature were 7--Uncle Al 3~Church Invitation 4--Private Detective : 0:8 . | 13, for the Chamnionship of Dis- Good Samaritan [St. Andrew's WA met at the sent to adop'ed Northern schools| 3--True Story 10:30. A.M, 10:30 P.M. tricts 24 and 41. This matter will » home of Mrs. H. Thompson last/and a letter of appreciation re- Pl ry SE Parade I whiting Words MO 8-3111 be fully finalized at the next Is Group Topic Monday evening for a pot luck] ceived from the teachers. Mrs, H. 12:30 P.M. 2---Morning Gospe 5-4--What's My Line meeting night. Members of the |super. The group enjoyed the C. Phillips reported on Canadian- 3 Wrestling 10:45 AM, 2--Byline || If you have not received your team and all others are request-| Morning worship at Whitby delightful variety of food brought ization ceremony in Oshawa Glas: 5 Se Mohicans] S--Louk 8t_Congreds HA I, || Times, ohone your carrier boy ed to get in touch with Captain. : "0% [by the members which was attended by the Re-| 7--Modern Almanac 11:00 AM, Sports eri |} first. If you are unable to con- McLean in the meantime. United Cosh on Sunday Dik Then followed the business ses. Sent yx H. T. Fallaise, Mrs. J.| Fun ie 6--Church Service 3-News fittes | tact him by 7.00 p.m. The visiting committee report-| conduct y the minister, Rev.|sion opened by the president,|A. Anderson, convener of Citizen. io Be i 1:15 P.M, ed only one member at present/John M. Smith, assisted by Ron/Mrs. M. Bowman. SE Thomp- | ship committee and Mrs. Phillips, SINR : Nepate Fou PHONE BELL TAXI in the hospital, Brother Wilson. Nickle. The sermon was entitled son, the hostess, read the serip-| member of same, T--Adventure 11:15 AM. 5--Feature Movie and coming along favorably. All "Our Social Responsibility". The (ture. The group discussed oh] During Empire and World af- 4~Amuriomns oo Work I-The Livine Word 3--Late Watch 1 CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN other Brothers, previously inac- choir sang the anthem "O Sing|ing activities, The next meeting fairs period, Mrs. W. I. Carroll| s.2--Baseball Leadott Otis AM, PE bk 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY tive are now again mobile. |A New Song", Angell. will also be in the form of a|read a paper on the Hon, Sir 2:00 P.M, 7--Command Perform. 11:45 P.M. Due to the small attendance n0| A Teen Agers' Fireside was|POt luck supper to be held Mon. {Grantley Adams, of India, prom. | 5-2--Baseball ance 6--Camera Three Lodge schooling session was held, held on Sunday evening under|day, June 15 at the home of Mrs, |iNent in political life and first however the big evening will be the leadership of Ron Nickle as-|F- Lawrence, of Henry street. |Lremier of the Federation of anvame ; He coming week Tues Mid sisted by Miss Margaret Webber|------ -- [West Indes. A Agl { ') . , when Brother Loyst will re- at the piano. The Bible study was " " | Mrs. George A. Anderson was ion prother dy ROMAN CEMENT una A I IS view a large section of the con- based on the parable of The Gor - ia unanimously elected as a mem- stitution with a question period Samaritan. Next Sundar Mr. The ancient Romans made alber. The meeting closed with the ' t of font being \ vas hey we oar ak and Mrs. E. isfactory and plans were made { ML 4 y in 1886 with the exception of the|Iomax in memory of their son Hobby Show Sat. TE ay a a omy lvoe Theatre ges News, Weather | 14 Love toe femensitme ols and 2 Suljac- ANNUAL 1 6D Bride 3.00 PER COUPLE ® CLUB PRIVILEGES to follow. Those ' who know Nickle will show pictures of the(3004 cement by mixing slaked singing of the National Anthem Brother Loyst personally, or re-|Great Slave Lake and tell of his|!/M€ With volcanic ash from and Mis. W. I. Carroll was tea PART 1] motely, fully know how well quali- mission work there. Mount Vesuvius. "hostess. fr SUILY KNOW 10% Veo ee & ' | Notice of Revision of Volers' Lists : WHITBY Jj ye QUALITY (In Urban Polling Subdivisions) Phone MO 8-3618 || ) | NOTICE OF SITTINGS of the Revising Officers in the Electoral If 3" BRUSH District of Oshawa. Public Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 74 of the : Evening Shows ot 7 9 p.m. : 1 Now P ayin Saturday Matinee At 1:30 ; % Voters' Lists Act, 1951, of the revision of the Voters' Lists for polling subdivisions Nos. 1 and 2 for the Town of Whitby in 'Get More Out of Life .. . Go Out To A Movie' | | oa | With the purchase The Electorol District of Oshow. 4 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings will be held RTI | abou the blinded §' ...you asked | A | of one or more by the revising officers at the times and places set forth any questions. .. rl in his cabin those questions Js gallons of house paint vote at the pending election to the Legislative Assembly and in the schedule hereinafter set out. Any person qualified to with a gun! oo : : | whose name has been omitted from, or incorrectly entered in, 5 . NA ) Ha . the enumerator's list of voters is called upon to attend at the EC ¥ AAs times and places hereunder mentioned for the purpose of . e A = . ' § having his name enrolled upon the voters' lists to be used at S 4 ¥ § the said election. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrongfully entered upon the enumer- 2 ; ator's lists will be heard at these sittings. 3 | 8 3 Voters' Lists for this Electoral District will be open for public == = a inspection at the office of the Returning Officer located at os = == § R . 37 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, between the hours of i D E L I Vv E R Y 3 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Daylight ai ican I] Saving Time, every doy except Sunday, until the Court of . Free esi t pe » Hi oF I Revision is concluded. . NO, LADY--1 NEVER SAID T WAS NO PLUMBER Simg e on expert painting and Fe a The Lists may "also be inspected at the office of the. Clerk. gaps MET YOUR HUSBAND ON THE STREET . decorating. lof Wie Municipality between the hours of 9:30 om. and 4:30 \ AST ME IF I WAN | p.m. Daylight Saving Time, except Saturday and Sunday, until NOUR BASEMENT FLOOR DRAIN. U\CLOSGING | CONTRACTING Our Specialty! The Coudt of Revision Is coreiuaed. . ay ¥, uns (| SCHEDULE: Registration and Revising District No. 2 includes Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1~and 2 for the Town of Whitby, | We Sell! We install! We Service! We Guarantee! | | tee! Ci ne Sis] DODD & SOUTER [| Bisse mio dwar ng ay No. . | U 0 C Sittings will be held for Registration gnd Revising District No. | 2 The T Hall, Whitby, WHITBY AUTOMATI PRINT & WALLPAPER STORE nds im. BT. of Thursdy. the S31 sy ot Mr 1955 Registration and Revising Officers: Judge John E. Pritchard HEATING LIMITED 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY TELEPHONE Mo 8-5231 | IN Ne, Sher John R. Frost, 501 Dundas Street Plus--Cartoon--Comedy--Travel 409 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-3652 ® Open Friday Evenings Until 9 PM. eo West Whitby. jt