THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 23, 1959 § Is Idealism Unknown / BABY'S MARKS NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP) -- The tal here Rich Food No Compensation si To The Youth Of Today? "In Labrador | For Dissatisfaction In Life has started = GU MMER } 1 if CLEVELAND MYERS (a rule, their parents have been By ED SMITH jgtitite Sof the Wiligs you are oh f FRAGRANCES De GE LAs You may|gazing at these stars with them.| HAPPY VALLEY, Labrader young woman has written getting ou 2 {as a double safeguard in identifi-| One [[(CP) -- Kathleen Mary Lutelf,to complain bitterly that keeping OCCASIONAL TREAT Am | have, een oF ha Tho An Sh iho pst email To a 0 ugh cle dr st i Othe desert sion: A ich cain | | [LE Nurse Runs | | Six-Bed Station | By IPA JEAN KAIN omen y {along Labrador's east coast, ithe of living for her. She dessert can be an occasional a { yy freely out fulfilling a girlhood dream of adiihe Joy |treat. Why not adventure in low LOST MONOPOLY i By oi Bg i I he|venture and helping others. "In today's paper you tol of calorie desserts such as | s NO BURNING CAUSE it| Miss Lutely 41, native of Devon-|, oo 0" vonan who had been cheesecake and desserts sweet- All the world's tea came from one seemed bsorbed Eni came " China about 1830 when the jp N to De a he|shire In England, of Ai So very heavy two years ago, fol-|ened with a non-nutritiye sweet- until with any burning cause. Some ob- | tea-growing industry started in in ? or experiment 8 wh with the International Gren-|lowed fad diets like mad, but ener Did you ever | India, served that they felf pressed to oi ec, She is in charge finally. learned to stay on a|¥ith Whipped jopping fade from . Others felt out of step _|healthy pattern of eating and|dry skim powder? i they the six-ben station i this soll ip Your general idea was Recognize, however, that the that this is certainly worth the|real issue is' not rich desserts. results and not too unpleasant. What you are missing on one I wonder. In order to keep my level cannot be fixed with. food. weight within reason, 1 have to|You sound like a spirited gal. constantly curb calopies. I have Make the efforf to cope with about 1500 calories a day, and 1/your dissatisfactions in some way do stay at right weight, and I'm that will make life more' inter- as healthy as a horse. But 1 willjesting and yon will be the win- never get used to my co-workers ner. Arrange to have a free even- eating a doughnut at 10, having ing out and /do something stim- dessert at lunch and a candy bar ulating. Opportunity doesn't at three--and staying slim. {knock only once. "I'm sot sure how one would 'Accident Toll High Among Children | TORONTO. (CP)--Some 500 On- hardly likely to encourage h! if they chose to express different|choose such low-paying vocat ideas or modes of conduct. None uttered a desire to seek self- aafiunity near the Hamilton River. STILL A FEW 5 The Je vot L and eniaote e are still a few-- i nurse is proud 8 realization throug B sapousing a and school | delivered some 150 babies without some great cause or Ki ng 8 counsellors -- who reinforce the|the help of a doctor during her career of service i mar ot {normal idealism of vouth and in-/work here and at four other Lab- maby they were Ie the spire them toward choosing Shel rador and Newfoundland Grenfell | hv udes "better part," ng -| ons. adult Wore In hich, hey Bavelirent, > seeing values which | "We delivered here last FI0¥R uo d fre ossession of Money can't buy. There are some year," she said. trans money am ' ati ks of suc. vouths today who deeply fee! a, The nursing station is a br: |things are the vardstic driving purpose which doesn't|of the main Grenfell Mission hos- {an 5 seem self-centered. pital at Northwest River, 40 Wiles | |SENSE OF VALUES (My bulletins, Graces and away. Emergency cases brought %| The heroes most modern *ouths pavers for Young Children and here are. normally transferred to Wl se] ore Would worship are not such as Gandhi, lrye" voung Child and Religion, |the main hospital or, if necessary, classify me as far as activity) st. Francis of Assisi, Moses, Dr.|\ oy ha had by sending a self-|to the RCAF's hospital at Goose goes, 1 do no organized exercise Schweitzer or Jesus. For these| ;qressed, U.S. stamped envel-(Bay, seven miles distant. or calisthenics. 1 work in an of- men wealth never consisted ope to me in care of this news-| "I would have many more grey fice and do household chores at the abundance of things a man 0. {hairs if it wasn't Jor the air|pight. My husband and 1 separ- ssesses.' | % 's assistance," she says. ated hefore my baby was born. {PO enon vouth's heroes are the| PARENTS' QUESTIONS jfonce's Fis iop lle ndimy ed ¢ my bay ig Lge I ee i | tars on the screen and air who| Q. Would you ever discuss the | mits, are not what Sir Wilfred [FORBIDDEN SWEETS 15 will die from preventable ac-| |command the most fabulous fi-|child's teacher in his presence| co roll envisioned when he be-| 'But to my real question--what cidents in 1959, delegates to the | 7 | nancial pay. These are the stars/before guests? |gan his work as a medical mis-role do cakes, pies, ice cream, second child safety conference lon whom they usually fix their] A. Only when the remarks are... in the area in 1802. |ete. play in a person's diet? were told Thursday. [ 4 eyes as measures of success As favorable to the teacher "Now, it's a mixture . . . Ec-|Surely you are aware that the 1 government | I xo Pr TT Kd ---- Creative Hair Sty' LR pleased to off/ "® / services/ MISCHIEF BREWING N Jackson and Mrs Oshawa, and Mr Shaw, Toronto, grandson of Mr Oshawa. Just one year old is Ronald Edward, of Mr, and Mrs Ronald Edward Shaw, Festu bert street. Ronnie celebrated his first birthday on May 21 He is the grandson of Mrs. C Jack Guy Joseph E and great. Theo Carey, my. DOVNA (ARRISON AUR BB ET8 2 -Photo by Ireland Suggested Corrective Exercises To Tone The Girdle Muscles By IDA JEAN KAIN it A reader sends this request Please do a column for us slim girls who, over the years. have developed protruding tummies. BOWMANVILLE - F 317 BROCK ST. 5. WHITBY MO 8.2338 Is The 27 provincia dent m---- " Cty ik wig I : rel niza- ikimos, Juli fe, and more ips ER ig and health snd weliate wrsamize. ' more Canadians." {papers an: agazines ! MARY HAWORTH S MAIL The talk was interrupted while these forbidden sweets. Obviously a Sar y otmclts. "a home N a 3 + taymily. i inta fety program, Elmer the safety stitch and patch up the forehead ming' family--one like I intend to @'€ Bl } Career Girl Dreads Prospect of a six-year-old boy, who had|have where neither I nor my son, elephant program and school RES oa LN . Back in her bright living room, lever get obese--what desserts Sy' : | i lor thy houseplants and said: "I love | ¢ gaccert always ist of Jair Stypig ond Hair Color, gardening. These are my pets.' ru Borgia ot re welcomes both old and new , | ight } i Dear Mary Haworth: Your|difference. with the plus to your| gi" ijaze She had a bumper | {hat deligh 3 Sook's heats, bom FOR UMITED TIME ONLY comments concerning a Wide. Sede TEST lc;op of vegetables last summer. go don't wih v K Ji hit! . S . Coto e provi] P : (hung a 10-pound caboge. 9 precisely know whe Creative Styling | rez GIA women, 1 am sure ing and doing: by putting into| ic "are not what Sir Wilfred ing for some sort of reconcilia- ~ b JOHN 4 ey pb) = \ "1% Grenfell Rexatt ngs above-average scholastic achieve-|ideas that occur to you, for being| an his work as a medical mis-ladjoining recipes will be of pian (CE y i {help." / , OSHAWA lone aa Oh ie side. Slovly raise Race Bre py y ool ohm he average small town house-| d and jus as at T 8 § my college HB "1 ki s. Indians, an more y oo soiti " i a oo sigan, Repeat 10 imine felt erie about | wife needs the stimulus of group Kms Co es » You have Bl Elina Somplalat RA 8-0951 The third Exoivise is more dif-|settling down to life in a small endeavor, to carry her mind be-| The talk was interrupted while|W vour life as it is at present. ic wer , jive in/town, aed e ; t ie ficult, but powerfully effective in| 0 when you compare|family concerns, and refresh her| iis h and patch the cut forehead ing cake and pie would not sub We owt jlead lo, Tedice Sxoon} Position: Lying on back, arms|it to a career in a field that offersithinking by "throwing thelr iy vearold boy, who had| ~-- in this one area ere are sev- on: Ly k "me ? eral in my neighborhood--some extended overhead, legs straight oe prospect sciousness {just aide | ho also lament this figure prob-| Movement: Sit up winging | I am dusturbed because many| So, first on a list of wordwhlle Back 'in her bright living room| who a g - me § 8 g| lem." arms forward and to the left wid in before they married. vour life as a woman in a small| yo poyseplants and said: "I love] Nature's girdle capable ofthe same time, lift left knee 10-5," since being married, their town, would be a really en-| i qening. These are my pets."| BOTH STORES OPEN ALL DAY shape for a lifetime. But let the trunk to the left, arms in back of |¢cial stagnation and feelings of should think. A group addressed this village. She had a bumper | interlacing middle muscles lose left knee. Return to starting posi-|grystration are not encouraging, | to perennial study and practise of chop of vegetables last summer, | WEDNESDAY TILL § P.M. urged their members to support she went to an adjoining room to|somebody eats them In a 'slim- bumped into the side of a car|possibly even a husband in time, safety patrols. Lo Of M . d Life In S all Town is surveyed a collection of heal- oa in order? 1 love fruit. but Mm Harn, specializing in $725 J arne NOW EACH Her garden is a bright spot in clientelr would interest many young! Aim to keep growing by learn-| "mm. 'y opador settlements. she puzzles me, but maybe just ask-| I am a college graduate of application. as best you can, the envisioned when he be-|tion hetween your column and the A ANTENNA ALES SROMPT FREE DELIVER y i arry ala nicer person and making life| > i ' 072. ment, now planning to marry P g | stonary in hus sled im 18! ol 259 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Now, it's a mixtt L First get the picture straight. BEING YOUR [> 4 wy MONE MAD £ WEY, which offers few cultural|yond the four walls of home and she went to an adjoining room to ut why transfer it to food"? Eat- | toning the side and front muscles, | advantages, a stimulating, remunerative fu-switch" into new uses of con-| pumped into the side of a car | 4 who are very young mothers-- down " [8 FOR HO BE AND COTT GE my college friends had similar permanent endeavors, to en ch| ¢he surveved a collection of heal-| A keeping one's figure in good ward right shoulder, twisting apathetic comments about their|lightened sort of prayer group, 11" go. carden is a bright spot in| tone, and the dreaded middle/tion. Then repeat on opposite i, say the least |prayer; an exercise guided and io ding a 10-pound cabbage. spread is on regardless of side, lifting right knee to left 'N HORIZON? nourished by group reading of the| "1 por nursing duties she has| bse While the overweight shoulder. Repeat routine 6 to SP Y BROADEN It town wives | finest literature on the subject |; 0 use of snowmobiles and air-| recognizes that deposits of excess times, alternating sides. (Note:|,¢ a group, broaden our horizons, that exists. loraft as ambulances, and she] fat contribute to the spread, the Trunk should start twisting as/and find fulfillment in environ-| For instruction along hie Sine weather reports with other Gren-| normal weight is more apt to belsoon as the back is lifted off the ments that are manifestly nar- You might Sonat Tver X ler- | col] stations on her radio -- tele- puzzled and alarmed at this fig-/floor. While the one knee is pow. when compared to our for-|hill's several sma o ery phone. val ure change. lifted to shoulder, the other leg|mer campus and: subsequent ca- | Partie ar alten OR tithe Two doctors from the hospital | £ There is not much wrong with should remain on floor with the peerist surroundings? (1 gmans Green on of at Northwest River alternate on most normal weight figures that knee straight.) Many *'thinkers" now advoc: twice-weekly visits to the Happy | RETAILER" TO THRIFTY CANADIANS > 7/0 STORES IN OSHAWA eo 7 fh Washable | {ie Non-skid ure controlling muscles. Position: Lying on back on floor, legs together. Movement: Making the ab- Princess Anne To Be a Broyil® y TREY XS ically bad, therapeutically - § 3 SIDE-FRONT MUSCLES : h ally ter-| endured, ought to see the situa-\or personal interview. Write to en Eliza- To tone the side-front muscles nie and essentially a hodge - tion in fresh perspective -- and her in care of this newspaper. | LONDON (AP) QF" gormant Position: Lying on back, knees pigs Step in a backward direc-|realize that he. sees it from out-| -- "TT yon hae revived te Bucking. | bent, soles of feet flat on floor. Bar NES Writes in the: Manitoba side, 5 1 speck ki [British institutiop, pack i : (NEE! Canny | so, he should make an in- 3 ha Movement: Drop left kneel Greater effort must be made to) tellectual effort to continue to seo Airmen Mourn STEN - year . old] Smust start helping | down sideways toward floor as divert some of the { > il N i S cas {hi far as it will go without strain: ultimate ses which his surroundings in the light of couldn't be fixed by the return| Class dismissed! Valley station, which developed | | from a first aid post in 1948. the muscles) : should en- can haugh, ere, For hobbies. gardening | : p T Man Divorces om: "and the Hves of the and "Light! =" oading. Miss Lutely has an ip A f ) yoo i 4 lof their families. T hope ¥ isn't| of Christ" (likewise published by |; creasing stack of records with § : : : ! ; : {true that education serves only Oman Ton might in|an emphasis on Newfoundias| h a. 06 X Y a ; 3 Ar {to dissatisfy them with home-| 3F. roup folk songs. In the summer 4 / 3 3 be) x ; 4 o e e vuicome A Jud [[ ; i | . What are your views?|Clude a nursery centre, for re... '\ oting on the river, , or oh " oi § & sii Of Minor Squabbles To "XG. [lene mother of sii 7, Sho Tar? wil Boe a] 1 or dominal muscles take the action, qua ©S | WiLL BE NECESSARY are; pin Tea SiS. | ory. practical." she said. "Cen: A ae et te ci OF MAFF § ws me amcrsstny [S53 Sod SHS eon vo tn, 58 wav) PILLOW SLIPS |SPECIAL! SHEETS side, keeping heel on floor. Re-| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Too many|son's horizon is as wide as the|and foster citizen support of com-| 28S but this hy oe : 3 y: turn to position. Repeat six Cases which should be dealt with|range of his genuine interests: |munity planting on public grounds Pretty cool i ie Tula. ; ¢ . times, always making the middle| in the family bureau are going|and as farflung as the scope of and avenues, to improve the city. ot Detter than £66 J 97c¢ air 1 97-2 47 ea muscles do the work. Repeat rou. 9 the law courts, says Nester C.|his valid ambitions. All sorts of suggestions occur, but|' help the circulation; . . . tine with left leg. Now move legs Ko ut, law graduate and trained] Thus a college girl or a college| these should occupy vou for a, apart slowly, keeping heels on friage counsellor, : |man, settling into marriage in alwhile, and give you the general | SPECIAL!--Fine quality Candy- { MONEY - SAVERS ! -- Candy- floor . then return to starting premacy og 'e Srusdle for 3u- (small town, where the social a idea, M.H. | stripe Cotton Pillow Slips at a]stripe Bed Sheets of high-count position, Concentrate on working} oy egal Tights results|mosphere seems stagnant, wit Mary Haworth ecounsels| So Price! ins.)c i the abdominal muscles forcibly... 8 'solution' which is pragmat-|a sense of limitation apatheticall"| through her column. not by mail > vigs vie 42 by 36 ins.]cotton, in sizes 72 by 99 ins. \ | , ) | ig- Value! and 84 by 99 ins. ; BLANKETS ""SLUMBER-CREST" -- Popular "COTTAGE" SET | Princess A leaving foot in place but turning SPORTS QUARTET 4548 12-20 By ANNE ADAMS Fortune in fashion in one pat- tern! Easy-sew poncho, bra top, shorts, pedal pushers every. thing vou need for a summer in the sun. Tomorrow's. pattern Misses' dress. Printed Pattern 4548. Misses Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 poncho 1% yards 35-inch: * bra 1'4: pedal pushers 2 yards Printed directions on each tern part. Easier, accurate Send FIFTY CENTS (50¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern, Please print plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send wrder to ANNE ADAMS care of The Oshawa Times, -Pat tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont pat Vv finish in divorce either|larger awareness. to the family court or the fam-| This means keeping up with ily bureau, a family welfare books newspapers and maga- agency, he says zines that afford a rounded na- The average l tends, listens to a story offered| ' an | by a distraught husband or oo [Mtuat's S978 T With We Nena and, if it is all right legally, sends| In short, develop a habit of the case to the court. systematically rising above the AGGRAVATE DISPUTE local, regional, insular or ingrown 'What happens in court? In or-|point of view. But don't empha- der to obtain a balance of prob- size the difference hetween your- Montreal, abilities the parties exhibit syery self and your neighbors on this 8us in 1893. He was | a founders of the CP. |available piece of dirty 'inen. score, if there should develop | Relatives and friends parade in | -- : and a veritable choosing w of ides ensues. Lawyers, or toy of- ten their law students, thrust the lance in deeper by castigatng belittling, degrading and tearng apart the other party. Thuk wh ever feeling and love remaind Basement Becomes Indian Museum CALGARY (CP) The base- ¢ becomes reduced to a negatiy ment of Margaret Wood's home g, quantity." here is full of relice of the old The judge is often powerless td West. In her "baby do other than grant a separationthere are several hutdred arrow, to domestic case fo court serves no ¥s and petrified wood useful purpose because "seldom The collection was does a true winner' emerge from thn 1930s on her father® farm at it, he says Sithald. 165 miles sortbeast of Mr Kohut declares that in try- Calgary ing to revive a dying marriage "% the the Jowyer is faced not With a che ecalls "you could almost gal case but a social problem. trace the history of Mm Indian At least half the people who family just by lookirs at the start Fvoree suits are really hop- ortiee Pa " ing that somebody will step in!™ a. and straighten things out oe We 1sed to see Indan Tings it is too late where tev had pitded their "The legal profession is in a tents. Qute close tour home kev position in society. In the Were the stones of pn Indian field of domestic relations it has Sraveyard. As you fode along an almost exclusive lead to per- you'd see art of a arrowhead sons whose stakes. and that of and finally ome bofs. societr's, are high. The interest Friends and relatifs send any and welfare of the children in this interesting items ty find and regard is a story in itself." Miss Wood says shéhas difficulty = |with her young nghews who in- sist on saving edv rock 'they find. She doesn't find, however, because "it's gothem interested | in history and #t is the most important thing/ FIR STORAGE TIME Phon/RA 5-2722 forF REE pick-up Fasion Uillage FUR SALON SC ti '30s oat at Sibbald" 1 cl Woman Keeps Lonely Vigil UPSALA, Ont. (CP) The watcher at the lonely fire tower near this community 100 - miles west of Port Arthur is a woman, the first to be appointed to the post Mrs. Georgina " widow, Mylymok, 29-| says the isola- ti doesr bother her. She's used to being alone since she took over. the working of the farm which she and her husbend oper-| ated until his death last year. The compensations are a two- room "abode at the foot of the 70-foot tower and the pay of $233 a mo The tower is to be re- placed by one reaching 108 feet. ve lawyer. he con-itional and international picture of Nine -- |president of the B~ real and .chai of directors wi] Assurance than 25 yer* Angus, w# v [TOW museum £ ihe RCAF 'Mother' MONTREAL (CP) -- Mary Ethel Angus, 90, widow of the late Canadian fi- |nancier Duuald Forbes Angus. | . Mrs. Angas died in hospity was disbanded when Margaret | Wednesday Born Mary Ethel Henshy A she married »* ¢ : we Standard Life pany for moreg Kalace dishes, That's| has yesh te qualifications of a {one Funeral | ervice was to be held today for| T™ bee A grew up An- chums the pack attached of the nearby Holy Trinity Church, and former little girls from all walks of life of Mont- in the neighborhood of the palace, 1 of the board|the Queen's aides announced. | TOWTY leen never was a brownie . She was a girl guide. The pack of brownies was ed for Princess Margaret, Tt| Anne's pack will include school to! He died in 1943. . son, FO _ Alexander | After Jw killed on a training| a the RCAF during the 'World War, Mrs. Angus the Wings Club in Hali-| for the use of airmen. When| war ended the club's surplus| light order. Many lawyers have comejieads as well as bowls, scraper* funds were turned over to Dai-| the conclusion that taking a \ammers. pieces of amber, "5 housie University to set up al rholarship fund for RCAV veter-| grated in ang In gratitude she was given the, tle "Mother of the Royal Cana-| dian Air Force' and in 1943 be- came one of the first present women to wings to a graduating HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN since you enjoyed the fine food and relaxing atmosphere of the COFFEE SHOP in the GENOSHA HOTEL? ass. THE Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Presents Its ANNUAL RECITAL Friday, June 12th, 1959 7:30 P.M, Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute ADULTS 50c; CHILDREN 25¢ REG. $3.98! YOU SAVE OVER 249, VISCOSE TWEED -- In lovely 44 24 by 48 ins; trimmed with . fringe. Rubberized non - skid backing. Special! : holst Rubber-t d 'legs. 12 by 18 b I meri len Rh ww 2.08 1 ] LJ -. SPECIAL! $1.49 VALUE! You Save 52¢ SUMMER - SMART! -- Easy - care "'polythene" Plastic Drapes, 84 ins colourful patterns. Has centre valance. Lovely for city or country home WINDOW SHADES "ATLAS" BRAND --- 36 by 70 ns. Embossed plastic 1.98 . - Adjustable Window Screens 3 cizes: 10" wide extends 28" -- 79¢ 10" wide extends 36" -- 98¢ colours, washable and tubfast STACK STOOLS --- Wrought-iron, with plastic up- long, in a great variety of Money-saver! White, washable. Only 10" wide extends 44" -- 1.29 BIG VALUE! -- Rayon Cottage Curtains trimmed with crisp- and-colourful chintz prints. Specially low-priced for 2 b7 L] extra-big Savings! brand! 85% Viscose and 15% Nylon, for warmth, light weight, and durability. Decor- ator colours. 72 by b 98 hn 90 ins, Volue-right! . 36-IN. "COTTAGE" PRINTS Colourful cotton yord-goods at a Zeller-low price! Yard : "ROSANNE" PILLOWS 17 by 25 ins. Feather-filled. weight! Good - looking natural rattan, with base black wrought-iron tipped legs. priced! Specially "BUCKET" CHAIR SPECIAL! DECORATOR - SMART! -- Comfortable! Sturdy! 'Light- Rubber- low- Sterilized. Attractive 1 49 ' sturdy ticking. Each in of 5 AT DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 LELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3-2209