RO RS Se THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Mey 23, 1959 15 ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Altred J. Buescher sa Scripture--I Kings 11:1-33, dis mm : ps " Ja Tutor spent the weekend : , © Woy Two at all BLACKSTOCK "i" ad wis. Art Rustin and |children, Port Credit, visited her mother, Mrs. Robert Ford Sun- By MRS, R, C. HILL ay. BLACKSTOCK -- Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Ivan Tompios. Me, Roy vain, Weston, visited Mrs, Turner and Mrs, Lrnest vain Alan 146m and Mr. and Mrs |attended the Leadership Training a : WH camp for Guiders and Brownie J. W. Pearce Sunday. [Leaders at Doe Lake during the W. N. Campbell and daughter, weekend, Mrs, John Scott, attended the rv: and Mrs. A. L. Bailey theatre conference and finals of visited friends in Bolton Sunday. the Dominion Drama Festival in| jack Berry spent the weekend Toronto this week. at his home in Greiph. " a J -- Roy Turner, Dale Gunter, Roy Ferguson visited Mr, a 4 W ? . » LA Blake Gunter, Nell Bailey~Brian Mrs, Ken Brown, Oshawa, Sun % --. -- Hamilton, and Merlin Stuggitt day. spent the weekend fishing in Al. Tvs. H. sBailey and Merlin, gonquin Park, Mrs. Nell Bailey, Mrs, Clarence : g i " : Merlin Bailey, Montreal, spent Marlow, Mrs, A. L. Bailey, at ,, | Because Solomon disobeyed the Lord's In His anger, the Lord "stirred up an When' Hada heard that David was Jereboam was "a mighty man of . ahs the weekend at home. tended the May Day Festivit EEN commands and worshiped idols, the adversary unto Solomon," Hadad, who dead, he begged Pharoah to let him valor" and Solomon "made him ruler po. 8 Medien] Ul nC Whithy Ladies' College: y, Ei Lord was angry with him and threat : oc go back to his own country, Pharoah over all the charge of the house of - Mrs, C. , GAT and Mrs, Bert Smith, Tor hm ened to divide the kingdom of Israel lived in Egypt and had found favor . Gig go put very reluctantly.--I Kings Joseph," --I Kings 11:28, ! Hancock, aBowmanville, Jilted ronto. Mr and - Mrs, .. Elmer ~1 Kings 11:9-11, with the Pharoah.--1 Kings 11:14-19, 11:21 22, ; MEMORY VERSE--Micah 6:8. Mr. an rs. Howa ri J eh i : = : Te EC TR EES Sunday. led Mr, and Mrs, W. Archer over Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kirk, the weekend. Israel heard that Jeroboam was | | Pont. , visi r. and Mrs, SUNDRY SCHOOL LESSON ass Shepherd Symbol _-. EE dy = o Ww. " or alk humbly with thy Gods Micah 6:6, Don Elford spent the weekend on | WESTMOUNT = | N . and Wade him King over al Is orthern Tribes Revolt Fiat 3 God's L E or Fd Be EER es ev of Judah only." --I Kings 12:20, (®) S ove oy repentance and faith we hav: {lear 'mo evil: for thou art with| Fe UNITED CHURCH | "Thus Israel and Judah became |vielded our lives to Him we ar |me; thy rod and thy staff Wey| Jor, Voip, Ju. Nes THE CHURCH IN ACTION . two separate kingdoms, a sevar- a aay . , rpm h h t . . N eth his life for the shee: John saved. We are safe. He caret' |"omfort me. Though preparest a " Crown Jeroboam King ation that Jasted for 250 years, The RR Ry tal re for ep for us, In the morning He leade: | oble before me in the presence; { Minister; 'Rev Wm. A, Gibb until Israel's kingdom fell." | am h A .'us forth to green pastures anc [of mine enemies: thou anointest f en | ' | the raising of sheep. Him to the title "The Good Shep : By NEWMAN CAMPRELY, | Sad to say, Rehoboam dis-quoting irom Peloubels Select] (omTIA or ign Bride 0) Lie SAME wseowi se, beside the still waters. In thc|my head with oil; my cup run-| HARMONY 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP For all Solomon's reputed wis- regarded the wise old men's ad-' Notes, edited by Dr. Wilbur M. / oy " i el " 4 , I Olas, he Old and New| He declares, "I am the door: evening we lie down in repos: [neth over. Surely goodness and dom, he, too, did evil in the sight|vice, and adopted that of the Smith, that in both H : ? y | nerey sha! A of his Lord. God therefore stirred youths. *'So on all Israel saw "When Rehoboam got to Jerusa- Teams many situ ios by fe ¥ any mm ese, = he knowing fiat 'we are Wm 1 ih LA hall, oe me. M1 te UNI | ED CHL JRCH (Nursery. during the Service) La Miversurits Moy 8 Solomon, | iat the king hearkened not unto lem, he assembled "all the hose herd and his sheep. The best and out, and find pasture." There The best decision 1 ever mad: | 1 the house of the LORD {or rev. N- 1. Holmes BA. BD 0:45 AM X 3a e Rdond e, wi > Ja fled tiem, the people answered the of Judah, with the tribe Benja- known Is the 23rd Psalm, David,|was only one entrance to the was when I fully committed my over. f Minister I BIBLE SCHOOL Kypt, ezon," who con. 'king, saying, What portion have min, an hundred and fourscore who like another great leader, sheepfold. When the sheep enter-|sell to God's care, 1 threw dowr er -- Ries. Mergalt IARLCY eq Daiidacss og reigned ye in David? neither have we thousand chosen men, whieh were Moses, had tended sheep. beautl- ed for the night, the shepherd litimy arms of rebellion, turned my| yw NpMILLS VANISHING Organist por Choirmaster 9.45 AM ere, omon's last davs inheritance in the son of Jesse: warriors, to fight against the wy "0 niacin his faith In God a fire to keep the wild beasts back on all my sing and turned | AMSTERDAM (AP) -- Holland | CHURCH SCHOOL were not peaceful ones, Even Jer- to your tents, O Israel: now see house of Israel, to bring the oo cheep might express it in his away, wrapped himself In hisimy face to God's love as ex:| "8 ERE Gag imi Junior to Senior oboam, whom Solomon had hon to thine own house, David, So kingdom again to Rehoboam. the (oiyend "It is a very comforting! ~kot and lay down across the pressed by His Son dving for me is. gown 10 ghost 1s pi 10:00 AM gred, ited ws a hands against "sae! departed unto their tents." son of Solomon." song o enemy could get to on Calvary, The Son, Jesus Chris' nd fewer tna betore ne we UNDAY SCHOOL 200 PM e king."--1 Kings 11: 14.9" -I Kings 12: 18, "But the word of God came jo sald. '1 am the goo. the sheep. freely forgave me. I was "borr/ond half of those rema pad iO0 AM, HURCH SCHOOL After the death of Solomon, his 'But as for the children of Is- unto Shemaiah the man of God, Maran) good shepherd giv with us and Jesus, If/again". New life He gave me,|idie. The Dutch Windmill Soclety, | KINDERGARTEN CLASSE e ailing TRI, saying, Speak unto Rehoboam . , . wv' - . erm eee | NOW | can say with David, "Yea, (urging their preservation, 'says OR WORSHIP rary ig MEMORY VERSE {and the people, saying. Thus sal'h idols. "behold thy gods, O Tsrael, minds us that "India and Egypt) though Rvalk spits the Yalleviuhe Working one operate drain: AL ORNING WORSHIP "What doth the Lord require of tI ut Vo do ad [fae Lord. Ye shall not go Wp, nor which brought thee up out of the have become | dept | ot bo -- oath. 1 village pumps di ge perm | to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" Micah 6:3. |children of Israel; return every land of Esyvi. =i Kings TG: FU Great Brig, ae 1ndonesis : = |man to his house" and His word| Bh THE bas What We ewe read our Bible and listen|| 17 ERIE ST. DIAL RA 53872 REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor te . 91.94 blasphemy. A | son Rehoboam became king. He|rael which dwelt in the city of RE 12: 214 The Rev. Dr. Smith suggests to its lessons we should be able 5 | sent for the older men and con-|Judah, Rehoboam reigned over | that the younger classes might to avoid the mistakes and evil) U U it d Ch h sulted with them as to how he them. Then King Rehoboam sent pen Jetobugn, wine . gre be introduced to the lesson by ways W hich brought Sisasier to] | i n rew S ni e urc should rule over his people. They Adoram, who was over the trib- 1, io offer a sacrifice, he built being told of tiny insects called! that ancient people, the Israelites ! said: "If thou wilt be a servant ute; and all Israel stoned him bi oh of gold "and he sci termites that devour wood, and nd live 30 9 to please God. ion MINISTER. REV GEORGE TELFORD MA, D.D, ____ unto this people this day, and wilt with stones, that he died. There- ' if not destroyed may wreck build-'. Let ve all memorize tie tr ster: v AMES. A.TCM ¢erve them, and answer them, fore King Rehoboam made speed gue in Belle), 30d He ings. The older pupils could be Text of this lesson and repeat it Organist and Choirmoster: MR, KELVIN J speak good words to them, to get him up to his chariot, o| for his people to worship. He even reminded that we are living in|often to ourselves thal we may viuU AM.~-3UINDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES - then they will be thy servants|flee to Jerusalem, So Israel Te. mouse i feast In ine eighth an age of revolution. Colonialinot be tempted to do wrong, of ' : / M.--""MUST WE CONFORM" for Ser. 1 Rings 12: Ag {belied against the house of David. oR 0 on the 15th day of the countries all over the world are if we are, to withstand the temp- 11:00 ANo=MORNING WORSHIP NING 1H) 11:00 A: M.-- LL PREACH en he consulted the voung!l Kings 12: 17-19, " y wwifices and struggling for freedom. He re-itation. ; REV. J. R. MOFFAT WI | month, and offered sacrifices and SUruggling 7:00 P.M.-----FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR men of his own age, and they * ---- tl Ue REOPIE: Whe. rin| Corr? 10 DOSS: When Slow imvesse, saying of these "RULES FOR HAPPY CHRISTIAN LIVING' @) [| 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST, CHURCH "Yoke, 1 wil ad to your a CH R I S T I A N S C I E N CE You ore alwoys welcome af the Church of the Light and fl g.50 A ju.--SENIOR, INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR CLASSES 11:00 AM.--NURSERY BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY CLASSES a ba wh og) GRACE | GIBBONS STREET ST Cre = 4 COLDORNE 7. EAST Branch of The Mather Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Emaar] LUTHERAN |} BAPTIST | \ rosso an-- | THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH Kings 12: $11. CHURCH astor: | E 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: t 150 Albert St Rev. A. . E Mitchell SOUL AND. BODY" The source of all good is trust in | Albert Street United Church : The f Pastor: I I Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes iis i REV, S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister Christadelphians Carl A. Kartechner 9:45 AM. testimonials. of healing through Christian Science. | God, Submission to "His Com- MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader (CHRIST'S BRETHREN see I BIBLE SCHOOL READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH ECIFICE: in "Hi Lo rR d ARLE, Wigan 2:46.50) I I Monday 7:00 pm. to 9:00 p.m. | mand', and contentment in is 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP MATTHEW 12:4 SERVICES I : 4:30 p.m. ; i" Invite seekers after Truth 8:30 AM. 11 AM. | Yunday ang a pan on Holy Will" and Pleasure. HOW DO WE KNOW GOD'S WILL? to opply for Free Bible 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP | 7 PM.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR literature. SUBJECT: For Further Information Write: (BROADCAST CKLB) NO To 9:45 AM, "NO GREATER BLESSING" 0 \ N ' OM M J "! pa iY ELPHI AN ki a AM 7PM oid SHA A BAHA C UNITY eng, Tiles Sex Ls dy vr Noert Stash YEA : + Yo I aly i Secretory: 293 Glenview Ave. -- Phone RA 3.328) 9:45 A.M.--PRIMARY TO SENIOR S.5. ECCLESIA Witeran Hours. CERB EVANGELISTIC SERVICE GOSPEL HALL o 11:00 A M.--NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN, BEGINNERS "THIS IS THE LIFE" I SUBJECT: Post Office Sor 111 Chonnel 11 -- 4 PM. "MAN OF CONVICTION" 40 NASSAU ST. "Your Community Church" E £4 dg FHY) LY 3 it -- SUNDAY, 10:30 A.M.--REMEMBERING THE LORD : THE SALVATION ARMY 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS fl SIMCOE AND OAK STREET NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH PEN ECON AL - FIRST BADYTIST CHURCH]|| 7.00 P.M. --GOSPEL SERVICE i MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) peaker: Jas, Gunn, Midlend, bn, Ir NF ae = BE - MINISTER -- REV HM A. MELLOW, B.A, CHURCH 812 HORTOP STREET Wed. 7:45 pm. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting [11100 AM-=INFANT DEDICAVION AND SELF-DENIAL ALTAR ORGANIST -- WR. J. R. ROBERTSON Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A., Minister 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC RALLY ! 00 M . | 5 . . Y V - . . s HORGAN SL TSTOR 4 Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Music A VERY HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL ie br Clete: Berd ond Sovatien SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 AM, AND 11:00 AM. f Musie 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL 11:00 AM.--"THE CHRISTIAN IN 1959" 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR THE WHOLE Me FAMILY 10 A.M.--Sunday School MONDAY, 8:05 P.M.--THE YOUTH GROUP Baby-sitting service by Come Double Club TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M.--THE HOME LEAGUE 7:00 P.M.--"FRIENDLY HOUR IN THE LADIES PARLOUR" 3 y 11:00 AM.--YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN : APRON F ) 11:00 AM. & 7 PM. YE ARg NOT YOu TE dL CIRM I | onesony, 8 Snnomatian PASSE s sini stub HYMN. SINGING AND DISCUSSION ON PASTOR PREACHING : : LE STUD THE BEATITUDES 7.00 PM--WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DOES REY. J. M. MacKNIGHT 9:50 P.M.--FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB A GREAT DAY ( The Christian and Missionary Alliance TN PFJ Li fA ian and Wssiorary PIfanc® I" CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Pastor: REV. WM. J. NEWELL Rev Warren G. Dickson, B.A. Minister KNOX ST. PAUL'S | REV. TOM JOHNSTONE | 10:00 AM--FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL ~~ Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist and Choir Master Simcoe St. N. (four blocks from King St.) WILSON AND ROGERS COME AND ENJOY OUR GROWING SCHOO | L The Rev. Robert B. Milroy, MA. Minister Rev. Satsi_ Alan, 84, 15D, into A FEARLESS FORCEFUL PREACHER | 11:00 AM--THE PASTOR | = We REACH 18 fll 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr, David Jenkins, Musical Diector Mr Prank Walter, Organist anc Choir Master OF THE GOSPEL REV. WM. J. NEWELL 11:00 AM.--DIVINE WORSHIP --- - REPORTS OF MAMMOTH INT, COUNCIL OF THE : | , ~- 7:00 C. & MA. IN BUFFALO -- MAY 13+ 18, 7:00 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLES UNION , ER ) So 9:30 AM, ! 1 ] 00 A.M. 7: P.M. 7:00 P M.~-PASTOR HARVEY LAINSON 9:30 A.M.--SOUTHMINSTER CHURCH, 1109 Cedar St EOPLE WHO SUNDAY SCHOOL oA DLIRGING TVANGELISTIC service Sacrament of Infant Baptism MATTER" MASONIC TEMPLE ASE WL EVERYBODY WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES dedication of lights and choir gowns I WED 8p M PRAYER MEETING NUMBERS CONTINUE TO GROW I I nt LO 7 PM. "CONSPIRE WITH ME" A NEW 3.00 PM --CORNER STONE LAYING SERVICE Sundoy Schoo! ot 9:43 aim COMMANDMENT" OF OUR NEW CHURCH SE E------ SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart... on, Sunday School, Ukrainian Presbyterian REV. D. A. P. ALLEN One block West of Shopping Centre -- On South side of King St. i hurch H H 3 . FFA A, Sil Pdi BATLD, PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND - J SUNDAY SERVICES iio Tiel gg Je od Try : 700 AM--MR, ROYAL F. MOULTON ST GEORGE S CHURCH Nn 0 Executive Secretary a Centre and Bagot Streets SHE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE FEDERATION { i i ission Bands will meet i Rev. Grmen D. Cros, EA. LTH RA 5:2386 fil 7.00 p.M.--'THE PERILS OF SECOND-HAND RELIGION" TRINITY SUNDAY THE MINISTER WILL PREACH " 9:00 AM. --HOLY COMMUNION Joint Service in Simcoe St. Church | 11:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION---MORNING PRAYERS SUNDAY SCHOOL f REY . C. CROSS H WM. TERMEDIATE, YOUNG PEOPLE | 7:00 P.M--EVENING PRAYER--REV. P. TRANT 1780 AMTINFARYs 'CARED FOR I MEMORIAL HALL ! eo REV. WM, KONEMANN -~ HOLLAND ' @ MR. LEENDERT KNECHT -- B 11:00 AM. 91 CENTRE ST. ELGIUM (INTERNED BY JAPANESE -- HEAR THIS THRILLING STORY) | | 245 SIMCOE STREET CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH || Pentecostal Church CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS (AFFILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES REV. JAS. S. PIERCE, Minister Call RA 3.4477 OF CANADA) 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH stifi g : Transportatior mber RA 5.4558 Mary and Hillcroft Streets that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: For, the just shall aa ~ Lis - Rector: The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-379% by faith, -- Gel. 3:11 11 AM. 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. 9:45 AM. -- BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGEs ||| ull BY cows oF quor- 00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP A eae | NITY Chen Wo. Riad Willame, Oni Beets snd gant JR DAVIS will quote scripture' | Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert from memory for 30 minutes to REV. A. GORDON BAKER, Mus, Bac, BD 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE k . 8 orient a beautiful mosaic 1100 AM. -- 7.00 8M Youth Densrirunt Nursery and Chueh, Schaal FROM PARADISE LOST TO C. CAPON, ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY { ARADISE REGAIN S------------ L i 11:00 AM.--CHORAL SERVIC OF THE SCRIPTURE UNION WILL BE PREACHING AT Nee ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH ite fon Pomel (1885-175V Tus, a= Sn 7 PM. WILSON RD; SOUTH & HOSKIN Ave ANE CPE AGB E50 Rr neo + 6:30 + 8:00 P.M. -- PIONEER GIRLS--ALL GIRLS 12- TL BOF ¢ wasise TUES, 8:00 -- YOUNG PEOPLES' MEETING §. 12:4 ARE WHLCOME, Shiakaieaied "OUT OF MY Incumbent: The Rev. R. A. Sharp -- RA 5.7064 EADesT CHORUS A AR 1000 JUDAS MACCABARUS : N BONDAGE" 8:00 AM, -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 PM. AIR: BED HIS FLOCK MESSIAH WED., 7:45-~MID-WEEK BIBLE AND PRAYER MEETING. HEN ROUND ABOUT THE STARRY THRONE" SAMSON U DIDST NOT LEAVE His SOUL IN HELLY | MESSIAH THURS., 7:30--CHRISTIA I F.§ wear this thrilling and . : EVER-BRIGHT AND FAIR" T C N SERVICE BRIGADE FOR ALL BOYS 12.18 | a : wn Tidbaibiudily ST. MARK'S CHURCH ANE OPC THAT WALKED IN DARKNESS a SAT. PM -- . ! nd story of our evengelist's aelive . Mbp. A , 8:00 PRAYER MEETING {er : + from ta crippling ditecies STEVENSON RD NCR'H ON BEURI ING AVE HORUS: "HALLELUJAH ev Os aa Ride MESSIAH ! Spinal Meningitis and Er % i items MF anal, Mes Miss | So Bo. Sein Sha Trey THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.T: lia anny € Ming. 1, Ruin "ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" DR. HAROLD DAVIS a 476 Beuing Ave. Prien 'n {Charge a Ww PRAYER FOR THE 8:00 AM : Read: Colossians 3: 12-17 HE SICK WILL BE OFFERED :00 -- 11:00 AM. -- 7.00 PM Aliveys. o Waledme for All of the. Friendly. Family Church ~NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN, PRIMARY RE