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The Oshawa Times, 23 May 1959, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Mey 23, 1959 S0--Articles For Sale S0--A ticles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices NO-TIPPING POLICY NINE - piece oak dining room CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) f Bete $20; space heat. Perry or RA 47--Automobiles For Sale TRACTOR, Waterloo Bronco, 11 hp, air cooled engine, , blade, 319 RA 50--Articles For Sale bulldozer ison Road North, "51 FORD custom, two door, radio, clean automobile, $125. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. TR MODEL A igor Visions, excep-| tional, 100, Phone RA 118¢ 118¢| RA ONE 6.volt heavy duty pasion, used | 8-5400, 1164 preci drawers, inches high, his ro ig 18e) pr -- 3 Lu suite, provin- cial, odd chaiis, tables, bed articles. suite, fae Dutch Merchant, Used dd ad CHROME kitchen set, appliances. 171 Bond Street East. a buy and La drawers, 41 at 868 Myer | PR RA mower, wheel barrow, television, lawn table and benches, bedroom suite, High chair, RA 5-7203. Toi set Se response Tor om| MONTREAL (CP) '--Member debts contracted in my name by my airlines of| the International Alr com, | after day, May 2 1950 ™ *|Transpirt Association have rton Dixon, 120c adopted a world-wide no-tipping washer, lawn |GYM sets and children's siides, priced | ADMIRAL air conditioner, % hp, clear from $7.95 u) oi Tire Store, 48 Shee, $169. Parkway Television, Bond Street mcoe Street North, A Ea 20¢ | AWNINGS, eS colors, ELECTRIC Tanges, stripes, prompt service. "Free p iy conditioned dat wirranty, rom Al pm ---------------- or gay RACTICALLY new Teco garden i two gang eight disc three quarter complete, drapes, dishes, other Apply 54 Greta. RA p58. 0 harrow, back hitch cultivator, ten inch furrow plow. Reasonable, RA 5-4944. HOOVER Sales esti- mates, Order now for early delivery. Chair East, and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412| East |Simeoe North ENGLISH pram for sale, excellent con- dition; also rocking horse, RA i 1 time, the place: Now's a good policy, it whs 2nnounc~d Thurs. time te sell things you no longer need, and the Classified 4 section is the place i flect to do it quickly and economically, Dial '1 cliec! RA 3.3492, world, SPECIAL discount! 25 per cent off to many parts of the 118¢ r partment or home owners on and Service, new Nu! "Way WE pay highest prices in the city for used ry Pretty's Used ture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. | chair, 17 four months, cost $23, will sell for $15. 8-0489. MAN'S standard CCM bicycle with sen- tor, Nght, and 3 Stuer accessories, ro 53 FORD sedan, rebuilt motor, 4773. Wainy, Motors, Dundas Wed, "86 FORD custom sedan, 6 snr radio, sharp, $1245. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 118¢ "85 PLYMOUTH two door hardtop V8, custom radio, two tone metallic green and white, excellent tires, only $1145, Don't miss this popular model at Van Heusen Motors, 0 OLDSMOBILE sedan, radio, & auto- matic, $125, Seaway Motors, 200 Dun- das West, Whitby. 118¢ '50 CHEVROLET "plok up, | new "paint, good mechanically and tires, $275 or best offer. May take trade in on. sedan delivery. RA 8-5968 after 4 p.m. 117¢ used. terms . RA 5-6473. 1 |TUDHOPE Tange Suitable for cot tage. Phone RA : 119 BEAR front end Hii and wheel {balancing. Mosing's Garage, 1373 Sim- coe Street , HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 83-1131, BUFFET, Furnl-| chairs, BOATS, motors and Jallers, New and will Easy Dominion Tire LADY'S Store, Cg Big In ing Ma Lg BL Te used, Rug Sales Jad died . 5-1202, a built-in ovens, cooking iy 1 King West. ers ete. Kelly Appliances, 21' Weymouth Cruisers, $1800 and up, ~T --- sizes, | $3 up. up. USED tires, most all , $23.50; and one chair, $15. All in perfect condition, 13 PIANO -- condition, wr FT port "Perry. 117118. im size, good sets, 17 and Bek com- F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5.4543, illiam Street Wes! bi reconditioned, Free 90-day war. Irvine Ap- CCM oh in good condi afternoon, RA 3-915, 118b TWIN carriage, ivory enameled youth bed with iizitrees, Phone RA hi 1 BOAT 15 i A 'mabogany Piy-| PLYWOOD bot, 12 foot 6 inches, $95, , spring seats with cushions, wi Phone RA 3-210! 118¢ PIANO, used, $135. Phone RA S30. wood shield, importa fiom us A Cert. -- nL. fi 60 motors also four cy! er Megears outboard motor. Sell separ-|ed, one only, automatic stitch selector, Phone RA 5-4622 days or RA 210 903 | wien mending and damning device, built nights, n Regular price $130.50, balance owing 1% HP motor, new, 369; portable . compressor, $34: Ford car radio '53 $80.50. Carry on payments of 32 weslly. '85, push-button, $29: electric greasing RA 5.3422, machines, Alemite, with grease gun, SEWING machine, portable, darns | 2 $60; and many other items at very mends, makes beautiful 2ig zag pat. reasonable prices. Come in and look terns, fully guaranteed, no down pay. around every evening. Apply 897 Sim. MUST sell! 52 Dodge, ¥J Ford, 40 Rloseway Avenue, 6 to > "CHEVROLET hydromatic. Call evenings. RA 3-426 un 58 DODGE station "wagon, radio, § good | condition. Will consider trade, RA 39011, 1l7¢ 55 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, po powerglide, reconditioned motor, radio, white walls, clean interior, private sale for cash, Bowmanville MA 3-3226 after 6 p.m. on| weekday.s 117¢ | PARTS for 1950 Ford, black, Phone | MO 82111 Whitby. 119a A dio and extras, $1550 or $600 and take ove payments. Phone Port Hope 5-4365. Nie '51- DODGE station wagon, radio and heater, clean inside and out, good ru ber, Orpwood Texaco, Park Road South, RA 8-6011. "55 PONTIAC Deluxe four-door sedan with automatic transmission, two-tone, and other extras, Original owner, 1 vate. RA 3-4 119 '6 DODGE CRUSADER, "fully "equip. ped, 23,000 miles, $1150. Phone 8-5029. 119b "56 MERCURY "tudor hardtop, "automat- ie transmission, radio, one owner. Ask- ing $1750. Private, MO 8-2465 Whitby, | 17 | 50 METEOR sedan, good motor, + 800d condition. RA 5-9217. 117¢ 51 HILLMAN in excellent condition, RA 51515. 78 Albert Street 57 BUICK four-door hard- top, blue od white, spetless interior and fuishi radio, automatic transmission, miles, $1895. Lease expiring sale "King | West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, 116f '55 FORD Customline sedan, green and white, excellent tires, new motor guar- aneted by Ford dealer, nice clean in-| terior, $1095. Lease expiring sale, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. | 116 "85 PONTIAC Laruentian two-door, two- tone, white walls, radio, A-1 condition, one owner. RA 3-4250 after 5 p.m. 115f 3 48--Automobles Wanted "5%, 53, i tion of car, either body or mechanical, does not matter, will give a good price. RA 5-494, 118f 5-1161 or RA 5182 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DOPD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 BUCK'S BODY SHOP |-- collision work -- | Painting, Towing Cars bought Expert Welding, ond Storage. and sold, H. MARLYN, Prop. [ 361 BLOOR ST. E. | MA 5.4513 or RA 5- 7456 MACKIE MOTORS - Will buy good cleon cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consign+ ment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 CASH FOR YOUR CAR! LIENS PAID OFF NO WAITING, WALK AWAY WITH CASH IN YOUR HANDS Seaway Motors | LIMITED 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY TILL 10 P.M OPEN 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP \ 408 King St. W.--RA 3-7132 FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS -- TRY Van Huesen Motors 149 King West RA 5.3557 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts Wheel wheel balance, alignment, with latest uipment. Newest type une-up equipment. 50--Articles For Sale FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator condition. Phone RA 35-2652. $3.85 per week year round for all y our cooking, heating and water heating! with Propane gas from United Coun ties Prop@re Ltd., Port Hope. Phone TU 52851 for details RANGETTES.. oven control, $15 bed, spring d mattress typewriter; .Smith-Corona chine. RA 3.3434 FRIGIDAIRE 30-inch range, four years old, excellent condition. RA 5-5650. 119 excellent single Remington adding ma | vision Trade and terms. | 54, Studebaker wanted, condi | Sorry acs and HIFY'S | best price then. come to the Hilltop, below cost Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. UAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars 0 1 FREEZER chest, big 420 1b, for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA|o4el, door lock, &inch fibre glass in-|five year $200 f sulation, Tv. ment nece weekly. RA 5-3422. coe Street South, RA 5-9216. 1 18¢ | Pacific Avenue. SWEDEN Srenie, soft ice-cream ma- chine, Phone 3-263 or ply I Oakes Aes TA KELVINATOR aeluxe refrigeraiof, X- gelled condition, reasonable. Phone RA 535-3479. 120a $135 -- 45 Harley motor cycle, bags, carriers, buddy seat; 250 amp aircraft generator, $30; Sat speed bicycle, i small Quebec wood range, 4S; Yipes, ii VACUUM cleaner, one only, swivel top canister type with wheels, attachments included, store demonstrator, guaran- teed. Regular price $149.50, now $89.50 dows | payment to suit, $2.50 weekly. RA |erigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact {19 Prince Street. Phone RA- 8-1131. MERCURY outboard motor, 40 hp, elec: tric starter and generator, controls, $575, also 17-inch TV set and all wave |antenna, bargain, RA 88180. 174 FOR sale -- motorcycle, BU Harley Davidson. Phone RA $-1323, 118¢ rangette with oven control, OVERHEAD garage door with cy ware, 7 by 7 $10. RA 51319. 1 AL ™M 20 - foot | cabin trailer, propane gas equipped. Anly 351 King Strete Ea ast. BOY'S bicycle sonable, Appl 'new condition, very rea. 212 King Street Tan. |HEAVY duty 4-burner electric stove, In good working order, warmer and stor- age compartment, 30" long over all. {RA 3-2097, 1181 | ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, completely reconditioned. 90-day free | warranty, from $69.50, Irvine Appli- | ances, 50 Bond East. we buy and sell new and "used bi- ¢ycles, bargains in all golf, tackle and| camping equipment, dew . worms and "Ilive bait. Open Thursday and Friay FOR SALE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN AND ACCESSORIES In Excellent Condition $40.00 217 COVSALE. | Rogers | Majestic tele- Yision, 58 model. 3 Price THREE plece cf chesterdl 1a suite, drop leaf dining table, 21" TV, Axminster carpet, 7'6" x 46". RA 8-6530 after 6. 1206 REAL bargain, chesterfield bed couch, perfect condition, also floor polisher, $10, RA 37414. 120a WINDOW sash, used, good as new. | PHONE RA 5-4629 'tii 9 p.m, Sportsman's Corner, 105 | Byron Street South. MO 8.4511, RA 3 3 2847. 171 | THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and |appliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA |8-6051. We buy and sell. NEW and used boats, outboard motors and Lawn-Cruiser grass mowers. Buc-| cancer motors from $150 up. Highest | prices allowed on your old guthoara| motors and lawn movers. Boat kits, {an sizes from 8-foot prows to 21-foot |crulsers. Barons' Marine and Sports, |426 Simcoe Street South. RA 3-2263. | FRIGIDIARE deluxe, 11 cu. ft, "IE. | RA SAVE for us by Multilite, stalled "til June 1st, $38.50. Reg. $340, only $199 with trade, {money down. Kelly Appliances. 5.5121, 24 hours daily. BARGAINS! Rangette, "$12; washing' machine, $25; cedar chesterfield and chair, $25; stove, $49; bedroom suite, $49; refrig-| [erators, chrome sets, beds, desks, rugs, ste For bargains contact 19 Prince reet. Phone RA 8-1131. Superior Aluminum gives you a one-inch self-storing door, installed $46.95. Special Deluxe $49.50, the fomous air shade awning, any standard door Canopy in- RA 3-2619 OR RA 5-7119 LOOK IN YELLOW PAGES ranty on labor and parts. plhances, 50 Bond East. EEE DOVER! OSHAWA DEMANDS ANOTHER 3-DAYS ! USED washer parts % hp motors, 85 (up, Repairs to all wringeriype wash- iers. Guaranted reconditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, Ma 3-2055 | Bowmanville. USED "friges, ra | aerials, air condi 181 King West, 25 HP Evinrude [Verdun | Road. {4 PO "CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66. | This includes fall size erib, spring, | mper pads. Unbe- Dp Home Fum- St. 8. TWO ALL-TIME GREATS! THE ROISTEROUS, BOISTEROUS STORY OF OUR P.W's...WITH WILLIAM HOLDEN washers, "qv Kelly TV, "A condition, 110 ranges, tioners, ef ORDERED sold $78,000 stock of fine furniture, Take advantage of the fabu- |lous bargains: S5-plece kitchen chrome | suite, or famous Restonic box spring and mattress, or genuine Lane cedar | chest, only 99c with the purchase of any bedroom suite. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. PAINT, interior, rior, all colors. Guaranteed, flat, £o Osh- awa Hardware and Eelectrie, 8 Church | Street. RA 3.7624. | FRIGIDARE refrigerator, _semi-auto- | matic, three years old, excellent odd 118 |tion. Phone RA 85-4005. 51--Swap and Barter {POWER mowers, garden tractor, tiller, outboard motor, pop a water filter (softener), Seabreeze iron. er, adding machine, typewriter, trail. er, shot gun, pump jack, plumbing sup- plies and piping of all kinds; rent, trade or sell, Since, corner Hin. side and Park South, |52--Legal Notices THOR) NG IN LO "I'll get the things 4 | want out of life... one way- $$$ | r of the 49 Dodge (maroon) made or another. From one man {licence No. A17647, which is parked near the "House That Jack Built", King | |Street East, daes net pick the car up| You "break them, we fix them! At Bill : |Moring's Garage. 1373 Simcoe Street 50--Articles For Sale North DON'T miss Ed Wilson's furniture B. F. GOODRIC H Stores, , tires, "batter. | liquidation sale; S-plece chrome suite, Kelvinator refrigerators, | tele: or famous Kroehler TV swivel chair, or | Thrifty budget plan RA 5-4543 | get of three arborite living room tables, | aneers! | Only 99¢, with the purchase of any liv-| starting Ing Toom suite, Wilson's Furniture, 20 models. Come in and choose yours now. | Church Street. 116 £2 Dresce Garage, poWER lawn mowers, name brand, {Gliddon at Verdun Roa ___ |largest discounts in town. Get your les, SEE the spectacular new Buce to 35 with two to make store alterations. Many items between Oshawa and Whitby on High. Parkway _ Television, 918 way 2. UPRIGHT '59 food freezer. Big 448, | 59 13 cu. ft. Regular $499, sale $277. Free ood policy. Kelly TV, | new 5-year warranty, $249.95. Kelly 81 King West. 1 s a rta-------- RA 5 512 |vAcuUM "cleaner repairs, all makes, | EE Ey. parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. BUILD THAT Rentals "Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. BOAT NOW vice. RA 81081 anytime A JIG SAW 24-inch, heavy duty 1-3 moter, | Is ecsy with a moldea hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See double spindle. Can be used for boring | Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. or sanding, sacrifice. G. White, Brock PHONE 1266 AJAX Road, Pickering. 8c LUMBER and house doors; also build. | ing for removal. RA 35-1577 between 6 and 8 p.m THREE piece chesterfield, one coffee | table, two end tables; rug § x 13 we pad. RA 3.7970. USED tires, $3, up, Terms. Bion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West | BEAT the cost of living by Hii vo your gas tank at the Hilltop. Quality gas at | bargain prices. Free Texaco credit The finest Canadian made aluminum combination win- dows and prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low TONIGHT Old Time and Modern to Toronto's Fabulous TORNADOES Featured on North Bay T.V. Square Dance Caller by Monday, May 25, 1959, it will be £0'1 for $45. Theo Lieffers, RR 4, Osh. | awa, 118¢ | TENDERS | | MON. - TUES. - WED oi For sodding approximately 0 A y S. " : FEATURE DAILY: 4,660 square feet ot Mea- 1:00--3:05 dowcrest School, Brooklin, re- quested by Moy 29th, further 5:15-7:20 particulars from W, D. Thom- |day, The tipping ban is already. 9:30 P.M. son, Secretary, Brooklin, On- 119¢ fre ENJOY LIFE... ™ EAT OUT MORE OFTEN Special Sunday Dinner SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 P.M. 1 KETTLES of Ui APM MacDONALDS EE FARM DON MURRAY: DINE VARS! CiInNeMAScoORE COLON by OF LUAS eee' pra For wanna your added pleasure and enjoyment BOB FOWLER Dine by.. ly $49.50 installed. price, only $ {cards available. Finest aluminum awnings. Remember sold only by your local dealer, ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, | OUTBOARD "motors, name brand, huge |discount. New motors from $122 |Come to the Hilltop between Oshaw |and Whitby on Highway 2. Red Barn RA 3.9851, SELL YOUR BOAT? Boats sold on consignment, We obtain all cash for you! Large display area. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD Brooklin, Ont, == Phone 87 sel JUNE 5 1! EXTRA !! | For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY [1 MEET MISS TORONTO AT THE KINSMEN KARNIVAL | Oshawa Children's Arena gi and 6 - ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St, RA 5-2431 Whitby, MO 84633 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. | 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA De 5332 SEWING MACHINES | | I | | | HURRICANE SMITH IN TECHNICOLOR STARRING YVONNE ° JOHN DECARLO ¥ IRELAND THE Genosha Hotel proudly presents SIM LASH with his C dl lif " FROM 5 P.M. UNTIL 8 P.M. GENOSHA HOTEL Completely Air-conditioned FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-4641 Electronic Accordian FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS in the Starlite BROOM TRUE! The "take" from his empire of illicit liquor, sin and other rackets was a SALESMEN'S ELNA DEMONSTRATORS PHONE QUICK shocking *2,000,000 MONDAY RA 5-2591 MR, KABBAZ | 118¢c GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS actured in our Whitby Before buying come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. and see our display or for a home dem- onstration call Oshawa RA 8-8571 FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 4 SIMCOE S, OSHAWA Special Teen-Age Two hours TYPEWRITING -- FIL Summer School Classes will commence ot the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE MONDAY, JULY 6, 1959 HOURS 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- FREE BOOKLET AVAILABLE Open to students from Grodes 7 end 8 end High School MAKE YOUR SUMMER COUNT! SHORTHAND -- RECORD KEEPING -- BUSINISSS MACHINES SPECIAL VACATION ARRANGEMENTS ACT NOW. REGISTER AT ONCE. 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. Typing Classes Per Day. ING -- DICTAPHONE a WEEK! But he ended up in Alcatraz! Donald Travel Service CIRCLE FLORIDA OSHAWA . .. 14 DAYS . . . $159.43 WHITBY ... 14 DAYS. .. $159.18 ® Return fare. Alternate routes going and return- ing may be arranged. ® Hotel room, 10 nights. ® Seven sightseeing trips including Marineland, St. Augustine, Gloss-Bottomed Boat Tour, Gulf Be caches Tour Cypress Gardens and Water Ski Show, Coral Gables ond Hileah, South Boy Cruise and all day trip to Key West with lun- cheon included, No Service Charge ® No Parking Problems 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY Located at Harry Donald Ltd PHONE MO 8-3304 OR RA 5-4831 His life and secrets are a record of infamy! Ai7 SIE PN A SN yi An ALLIED ARTISTS Picture [STARTS MONDAY MOND ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TODAY ONLY "TEMPEST" IN TECHNICOLOR FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE a 3 SEEN EBEUEEE AE i

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