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The Oshawa Times, 23 May 1959, p. 6

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% : ta 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Mey 23, 1959 Not Too Old | CROSS-COUNTY RUN To Whip: Cadi RCEME Beats | COBOURG (Staff) -- "You are| inot too old yet to have a whip| {taken to you and have the day- Ilights knocked out o" vor' sr'd ua Magistrate R. B. Baxter to an v | 18-year-old youth wo wo . ' , X . ] |victed for a second time of being COBOURG (Staff) -- The an- RCEME Kingston age group was in possession of liouor illegally, nual cross-country race under the 17.8 while 26 COD Cobourg age, Owen Cooney, Cobourg, was direction of WO 1 Jefferson of 26 group was 31.5. fined $100 and $3 cots ~= (1 oe Central Ordnance Depot, Co- Entrants for the Cobourg team months in jail after he was con- bourg, was won for the third were: Sgt. Copeland, Cpl. victed in: police court here Fri. straight year by RCEME of King- Barnes-Trainer, Cpl. Dowdell, |day. ston Friday. Cpl. Pitre, Pte. Dion, Pte. Hig- OPP Constable F, Manning said Under clear blue skies and a %ins, Pte. Innis and Pte, Murrant, he checked an east-bound car glight breeze, 16 runners from RCEME Kingston team was three miles east of Cobourg and two teams of RCEME Kings on composed of: W. J, Thurber, R. found accused lying on the back and 26 COD, Cobourg ran a dis. A. Heigh, E. T, Milne, 0, L. isert, a<'~ep and intoxicated, tance of five miles over ros Keithley, W. P. Dunn, J. J. A. said he had beengnd through mud and water Lorrain and D, 8, Strong, drinking the previous evenin" inlholes, 3 -- a Cobourg restaurant, and later c....a1 Petrie of 26 COD was . . . * " A % 7 é on became involved in a fight ; " e race wi D P J . ] {at the arena. ie vines of thesjse un 5 airy TINCESS members oF THE Ganar- | Scott. inspecting newly-begun | Ganaraska river on Garden | Cooney's mother got up In'26 COD finishing second with a aska Conservation Authority Sonsiruetion work at the site of | Hill road before Lightfoot Con. court and started to cross-exam- {ime of 34.35. This failed to win C recreation area at Garden | struction, Belleville, demolish. [oo Magistrate Baxter as to how the trophy for the Cobourg team ontestants are, left to right, Delbert Owen, | Hill, Steel on ground came ed it for dam to flood pond HON. W. A. GOODFELLOW, is shown presenting a cheque to | Haynes, chairman of Kiwanis her boy could still intoxicated as total points were counted on Sought Hilton Harris, and Elmore, | from bridge which spanned | which will be highlight of area. ] t ight, while Ed | wadin | cominittee, cen- |if he had been drinking the pre- the first six men of one team to Ontario minister of agriculture | Bruce Lester, rig | bE Too 1" | vious evening. {ttnish the course. | | . LJ * . foment | The magistrate warned her presenting the award to the. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) - ( ent V 5 ted a cure which lasted a year. He|that action could be taken against kingston team, Colonel W. F. Durham Roy agricuttural re: | re 1 1 rovince 1vVes |odvised Magistrate Baxter to/her for contributing to juvenile Bawden warned that Cobourg presentative, A. Oliver Dalrym- order him to the care of Alco- delinquency. would be back again next year PI: 18 soliciting entries for the FOR MISSED * ' AER 7 ve A x > 1 county dairy princess competi-| ! holies Anonymous, I'm always amused when par (rving to regain the trophy which | (0) ously father said his son's ®nts Set up in the court room js heen held by the Kingston Non, ending Soliiagaiia ust u Tl PAPERS ran or 00 biggest problem was drink, If this and try to condone thelr chil-itoym for three years in succes-igo 0 yung 1, f [could be cured, he would be aloren"s actions to the magistrate. |sion, The average age of the two "mye' winner of the county prin- PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Nine bethville road. A bridge acrost | If you have net received your COBOURG (Staff) ---- Hon. W, recreational space as possible. much better man. Dey say they Sint know any. teams differed widely, Thelaess title will compete for the On. acres of wooded land are being the Ganaraska has heen remov- Times by 7 p.m. coll Goodfellow, Ontario minister of He commended the club on its «yy jg our desire to help you, |) ne 1 Blame the vetenss a tario dair queen title at the developed west of Garden Hill ed to make room for construction| agriculture Thursday presented a initiative and the public spirit of | "= oinich you," Magistrate] yeh 'as the children " sald the TIMES BUREAUS- « i a competion wil be Jog for use as a county park, Mem- of the dam AJAX TAXI res. M . Jd on the sa nes as last year, " . maka w ¥ Shiecue for 31220 to Rinsman Jes itsmembers. = ~~ [Baxter told downed, Je Wg magistrate, ha At that time 45 counties sont a/0Crs of the Ganaraska Conserva-| On the east boundary of the N's ontribution to the cost of pin the ODUOR of J DInE Fo ort COROURG [representative to the Toronto|tion Authority toured the site of pond 1s Garden Hill. The banks of PHONE . 4 ) : T ree : . b 0 ition, A y or. the va wall which w old | the pew children's wading pool at ells Youth atory. Accused sald he would Yoin| OUST SWALLOWS competition the plarground Thursday after i ey i CHILLIWACK, B.C. (CP)rThe \ y : Local prizes will be the same noon. . e pond to the east are lined Vigna iin n was made at Dlemiclics Alnvmaa in anol WL which have heen re. A. McCulloch FR. 29218 as last year. The winner will re-| The park will surround a pond, |With the houses of the town, { AJAX 333 e presen 0] L ort to sto] ' I kly luncheon in . ded turning to the government fish ------ ceive a $25 cash prize and the to be created w hon a dam, Bow To He Non aL He the Tegular Vee roy | Magistrate Baxter reman hatchery here for years have runners-up will get $10 {under construction, floods a val. wooded slopes, The as| the Orchard Grove Motel here,| | 0 Join AA Lever out of custody to June 25. heen evicted from ae oad nest PORT HOPE Girls interested in the competi- ley by blocking a branch of the yet undecided whether to build aj All vie et be ploced It was stated that the total cost ing lofts. When they arrived this fain Macdonald TU. 5-3737 tion can get entry forms from the Ganaraska. {road through to the north end of re 7:30 pm, of the pool, a Kinsman project, (8 ) -- A two. . year they found the buildings department of agriculture office, The south boundary of the park the pond or to build a large park- would be $8000. SR OURG {stat ended with | Other € obourg and dis |painted, cleaned and renovated.| Cobourg parks board last week 55.year.0ld man pointing an un- trict news on Page 14. --_-- m---- - erected a fence at a cost of $800, 15aded shotgun at his father dur-| to keep children from wandering ing an argument. Charged with on to Queen and McGill streets. nointing a weapon was Allan] 1t was stated that the fence would | Clare Lever of Hastings, who ap-| th F i also prove a boon in helping to neared before Magistrate R. B. ou aces keep the pool clean. In future, it| Baxter in Cobourg police court will not be necessary to empty priday, . the pool every night and refill it" The" court was told accused ine the following day. started drinking May 21. He was Making the presentation, Mr, arrested May 22 after he had con- ' \ A Goodfellow pointed out that the sumed quantities of spirits, beer as CE0URG (Sal) 3 16-ygar. f provincial ~~ government was and wine. bought 100 bottles of beer from pleased to make this type of Lever's counsel fold court the an unknown bootlegger in Belle- grant, which aided in the overall accused was an alcoholic and had ville was convicted of illegal pos. y ) policy of providing as much joined a clinic some time ago for session and remanded to June 25 by Magistrate R. B. Baxter in Cobourg Police Court Friday. TELEVISION LOG Gress Bowmaaville, Iwill be the Garden Hill . Eliza-ling lot near the road, | gistrate that he would have to be home by 9 p.m. every night, CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto or face a $1000 fine if he violated WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester the order : y WGRTY Chanel 3-Bule WBENTV Chane ual SH "cLut tS! lini May 16, who said he saw a car | SATURDAY EVE. 6.Country Calendar | 6=Musie No. ighway and found the 5:00 P.M. 5----Bowling Guiding Light on 2h . i . 2:00 11Popeye rM 10 Pua yonth with two girls from Tren- 7--8ix Gun Theatre | 7=-Understanding 7--=Music Bingo ton 6 Fm Bowie \ S-Juniol_ Vakucine | 6=Matinee A case of beer was found in| 3-Turts Suc | bivira W | o-reature Movie the trunk of the car, along with 2-Twilight Theatre | 11--=The Living World Mo d he trun f 1] | 5--~Feature Movie 4--Moet The Millers another unopened case in the A -- 5150 P.M, | 2---=Mid.day Matinee 116-Rin Tin Tin 7--Canisius Forum 118 PM. back scat and several bottles on 3:00 P.M A o a . 3 1--M -M t 0 6:00 P.M | 11-6--8peaking of Pets 1 fovie -Matines he floor ¢ \ T's d $--Dick Clark Fortune Filla . {unknown person whom I pai 4--Wrestling | 8-TBA 7-Day In Court $11," the youth stated. 3---Rendezvous Room | 4000 P.M, Jimmy Dean 6:30 PM, | ?--Bowling 2-~Helen Neville 11--Tennessee Ernie 620th Century | U . Mr. Fixit | +30 P.M, M I C h S--Lawrence Welk {. 8-Beagal Latery 11--Babytime cLvor Ss Inc 6:48 PM ll--Rey Roberts I=Gale Storm 6-4News: Sports 8~News 7100 P. 6Lassie | 00 P.M. | 8-Gift of Life Hone Co.king | L d C 1l=Rifleman 5:00 P.M, $-loute pany | ea ue an u 1 6~Ivanhoe 11,6--News Magazine sels Suse's COBOURG -- It's all over but| 4=U of B Round Table | 7_paul Winchell | 2.45 P.M, ls --- 8 3--African Patrol 52-8pace | 11, 6--Nursery School [the shouting and the. banquet in » ih PM, Face The Nation 2.00 P.M, the ~ Cobourg Men's Bowling 11-The Vise i M, : League. Mclvor's swept to the tn re FR SH ~hant |playoff championship with a tre. 5.3~People 'Are Funny | 8--Frontlers | 8 Malone {mendous display of clutch trund- 4-Party Mason 4--College. Bowl ap ad ling in the final round that over. ry Co | yg To wath, que powered the game Clarke| 11,6,8,3~Perry Come 11.6-Bob Cummings 7--Who Do You Trust ~ = 7--Jubliee U.S.A, 7---Sergeant Preston 8, 2---From These Roots Brothers squad. Mclvor's also 8:30 P.M, 3--Meet The Press ~The Verdict Ls won the league erown Jack Benny 4-Cpl, Flack Yours > ha stm 9:00 P.M. 2-Tugboat Annie "0 PM, Dns. of the jrongeat leans 4 11-Frontier 6:30 P.M 11---Bugs Bunny come out of ths mens league in 6--Naked City 118--Father Knows Best | 7--American Bandstand Years, Mclvor's spotted Clarke's T-Lawrence Welk 7-Brave Eagle 6~P M. Party a l4-pin lead in the first game #3-Black Saddle 3---Maverick 8:2 Truth C p n N | aX Judd anh Century ruth or Consequen- when thev trailed 1090 to 1104. 11-8=Great Movies | 3~Bishop Sheen The winners came back with| 5:3-Cimarron City 7:00 P.M, Kr sparkling games of 1319 and 1344 4--Have Gun, will Trav: | 11-l Love Lucy | 11=Popeye to roll a sensational 3753 team | ol | 7=You Asked For It | g--Howdy Doody triple. | Fair 7-Sammy Kaye 4--Lassie © ar Clarke Brothers were. no 10:00 P.M. 6--December Bride 5-2---County | 4 a k 2-Trouble With ther 3 V 'his p & 4--Gunsmoke ouble With Father | » ENING slouches in the match, stringing | | iu =Sentury_Swriee | T---Texas Rasslin E "1 bought the beer while pass- -- i y N \ # ~Early § | sso rv . roug n! "7 sk N 6--Errol Flynn HOWE ; . ing through Belleville from an : J : ; 10:30 P.M 3 5.00 P.M \ T---Walter Winchell 11-6 Showtime 1 Thept Ere: together games of 1104, 1204 ai 5--Pat Boone 7--Maverick A Teale, ports 1148 for a 3456 cross, but it fell 4-Silent Servies 5-3-Steve Allan .| S=Playhouse {nearly 300 pins short of Mclvor's Jack Dogar | &=Fun To Learn sensational total 3=Thise-Stooses Main cog in Tuesday's win was 6,4 Ed Sullivan 5.15 P.M, Mn « Pn gig 6--Children's Newsree Frank Mclvor, who tossed an 885 - ru Pt, 4--Cartoon Storybook triple to send Clarke's reeling. Rea tr. Yo vs Nake City 530 PM He bowled 326, 339 and 220 for his 11--Late Show 5---U.S. Marshall Yo tickey Mouse jmark. Bd in a A + 5 » Svulianle le : Pate alive Blnes 2-Superman | General Foods No. 1 team took 11:80 P.M. 116-World's Stage 8.00 P.M the consolation trophy with 1041, | $--Wrestling 7--Colt 4 ll--Theatre, News 1005 and 1021 for 3067. Nichol's| $--Movie $a chavs Show a ow Movers bowled 899, 962 and 1051 Ryu ential at BF 6=News for 2912 and the runner-up slot. | 7 12:00 Midnight -6-- Presents 3-Casey Jones S------ 2-Late Watch | 7=Frontier 61 PM, DAY yd "Aud ook | paneer 0 my nui. Hogpital Rejects 2-Cartoons 7--Crusader | 6.30 P.M: 9:00 A M. 53-1 tta Y 5-4-3--~Weather; New | mens pateen He air | Murder Suspect\ | S 10:30 P.M, 6-5-4-3--Weather: News 5 Shes 'Open The Door | 11-6--Fighting Words 10 PM. | WINDSOR (CP) -- A murder| P ' x : iy Wa M Li Theatre {suspect committed to the Ontario - H R TRADE-IN | . Ny Line S--Horder Patol | Hospital at St. Thomas for a 30- . STs a 4--Death Valley Days |day mental examination has been 5 ' med PELE [Bh neRnikn SALES GAINS ARE PROOF OF PONTIAC'S 10:00 AM. Sports Liiadt® ved Ithe mental institute is filled to S--News Hilites 7--News; Weather $--Christophers a5 PM. 2.30 P.M, capacity | HERR mi emt Reeowmnmen POPULARITY. .. AND THAT AMAZING GREAT GZ USED CAR BUYS! 13 116-4-3--News: Weather; | 11--Loretta Young 3-Late Wateh 5-2-Buckskin hospital Monday by Magistrate - otto Ss sar, v0 POPULARITY PAYS OFF FOR YOU NOW! 7--Public Demand magistrate again Friday and was at Congress M. Faith 1a 3-3-Restless Gun ommitted to Essex County Jail UALITY G-Gooreh Service |, 4% AM. 4~Merry Manth of May for the examination, Pontiac's popularity is soaring . . . sales are breaking all records . . . and RI ES! 4-Eye on New York | 4-News; "Roundup 11.6--Hit Parade : 15 AM en 7--Bold Journey the deals now being offered by your local Pontiac dealer have to be seen to [3 M | 4&Captain Kangaroo | 5,2-Waells Farg 10: A 0.00 AM. Yh -- 1-Toe Living Word era AN, ELLE SUBSCRIBERS | be believed. All this adds up to Pontiac's big Popularity Payoff . . . your 11:30 AD urns an an | 8 eter Gunn . h) A comand Form | {Fos Pap (lid B os | THE TIMES | @reatest opportunity to save real money on a brand new Pontiac, a * USED RUCK VALUES! : 0 ru. Ht . hn oh ro. Break i S-Cannanball BOWMANVILLE Goodwill used car or truck or spring-time service on your present car. Be' ou! The! s . gic To Norn | mat AM, FOR MISSED PAPERS AND Call in at your local Pontiac dealers today and see for yourself how + : { ¥ po' Is The Life 3 S i i i i U=Tha Is The -Favoriie Story jrbee CL BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST Pontiac's popularity pays off for you... in a big way! 6 Musical Interlude 10.00 A.M | 8, + Playh 8 | 8 ouse TAXI SERVICE PHONE 3-Spage Ranger A, 3-Dough Re AD 32 Arti Murray hi rm STEVEN'S TAXI PSS 390A | 10:8 PM 10.30 AM { - 4 6-Test Pattera 7--Morning Show jr Toe Law 4~-Look Ar Congress 5, 3-Treasure Hunt Mo : iis MA 3-5 822 4 4 10:30 P.M, Sam Lavina 3-Mike Hammer "a9 ht ' t- News: Weather 4+-0n The Go - ristophers 1 AM. He aopkine File S, 3-Price Is Right 1o0 PM Good 4-1 Love Luey 11:76-5-4-2--News; If you have not received your Go ue hay 11---Popeye: Bugs Bunny | Weather, Sports Sn phone your a + Playhouse 7~Goorge Hamilton IV | nis rm. fi i ble {8% 3-Tie Tac Dough | 7--Playhouse | rst, you are une to con- New: 100 PM " i v : W--~Bravo Theatre 1m rM s hi el lim by 750 am AM LN 7--This Is the Answer i. News 3-Sports Reel i v Ray Forres | 7ZPantomime Quiz a Py TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI . 5-Three Stooges $.3-1t Could Be You [TR Show > 3-Playhouse | 4=Seareh for tomorrow | &--Fablan | Calls Accepted Between Reh JC EL RET 77:30 pm. only) 266 KING W. RA 3-4634 _ 103 DUNDAS E. MO 8-3647 Jack Paar

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