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The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1959, p. 17

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WA TI Men Mey 25, 1959 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sele | 45--Real Estate |45--Reel Estate For Sale (45--Real Estate For Sols THE OSHAWA TIMES, doy, oy 18, 17 [4 oa' a ------------ 5 ~Ma Wanted 44---For Rent [4 ht tim on circle LOT, 40 x 104, 805 Fair EIGAT - room house, central, $200, INCOME home for sale. Apply 147 ries lin Help Wau is ET furnished single Yoom, also | ERD aia ad an: lose to South | [ive 6 Tota vith services pad: Harmony, W {Water der, Sow , Mewalk, $1800, | down, Contains res Ahatimstia, and Brock East after 6 p.m. or RA 22809 20; 47 Automobiles For Sale #9--Automebile Repairs ol - your two gentle. hone 8906. argo Ag A 32044. t room, 590228. | WL. " Ziobe and Mall paper large room, sullable for = | dial RA' 54373, So 8. 1'67 PLYMOUTH V-8, standa:d shift, me. | 4 ing en, downtown, Bruce and Court! umey room apartment, furni alows, regular | NHA RESALE, "3lhyearold | home in er dia ere | ARG LARGE lot on outskirts of wa, hr S44 s iS. oe Ear he Rime mani i wil Street, RA 88111, 124 |or unfurnished, lots of parking mice. WE Tvs ve new, bung carry for 8 p-| Rosslyn Estates, three-bedroom, com- [PoRT 3 HOPE -- Gracious family home Reasonable. Phone RA 85-8964, . a cus! stom Sadie, window Jas DKW & FIAT vee for sports and oheT | rin room, self - contained apart-| Apply 348 King West, proximately $52.70 a month, W you| bined living, dining room, re: tion a setting of sweeping lawns and Five - room insul-brick house, Ir " isos, Sood Hn soz sy oe SALES & SERVICE hil day in b four hate, oy Dial RA 5.4475, Mens bus stop at door, adults only: MA|LARGE furnished housekeeping room. hove's good eash payment you are in room, pa hove ka. gnterest rate: gardens, Near school and sho modern Plece bath, bath, all tile floor, For inform | Hon. 1218 un excellent discount, Joseph Bosco, | FOR BALE -- six » "room Swell wo bath, forced warm air arate, iri $1950 bows PAYMENT, . Rossland and | recondi loned motor, radio, white walls, Y'S YOUNG. Mingle man, between the FAB 7225, 1 | Apply 97 Albert Street after 5.30 p.m, # position te purchase these homes at private sale. |Three bedrooms, four-piece 19 13 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, powerglide, brick clean interior, private sale for cash, | ing gowm, 12-14, of 16 and needed as SLOCKKOORET. yyy y girl desires another a to} Also even J [path, forced warm air hy] tor, RA 5-9870, driveways, lar , steel |year-rou iy 'Mr, Campbell, Ge Geno a Hotel. | iare her furnished apartment, near | ara tL. four . room house, with one Realtor, a -- 4 a Thich a i ao, onthly keg this pun alow with California kitchen, Hard-| Bowmanville MA 3.3226 after 6 p.m, on a a ood 00d floors and stained trim, One mort. | weekdays, 121b Spe 3421, nd $50 per month, Ison LID brick raned sty home, 8¢ | storm sat for HEATING # pel .- section, RA 3. ng Avenue ier 3 pm. |NOLID brick ranch Style Homes aes | Phone Alax 1107, Plckering dries Phone TETPia SINGLE room for one gentiem Apply 1 Whiing Av ie] Jandaciond. holes Turnet 53851 for *ppoiniment 1 80 6 percent for ihe balance 5 Leanna all cars! Clearing all cars! BODY SHOP | monthly full prod and used at reduced prices, 12| 408 King St, W.--RA 3.7132 street, reder | 1721, Pickering. central, Apply 182 Athol Sireet. 1211 | on quiet residential ¥' "eon Bosco. Realtor RA 59870, Hillmans and Ramblers. Many | $2000 DOWN. Ritson and Evlalie dis. i used cars to choose fon on a TT ER" re ie "Avene Phone Bowmanville MA JUNIOR Accountant, Ajax ma FOUR - room apartment, central loca: (FIVE "Available ad J ment preparation experience, Cost ac- 1 Phone RA rookiin 07, WHY RENT? trict, wolld brick, six rooms, moderd giaall or no down payment required, all RA up to 36 months on balance, Come to turer requires accountant with state. tion, separate anirance, heavy i counting useful, Write Box 711 giving i : 121 Two or three and ! renting Ares. background and oom, avai. (rooms, on third floo od, rd = Insurance Associates Ltd. | 1... 4 com house consist- [lichen good in. 28 months su balunce, Come to ¢ experience, personal 120 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, fo tad, a pe A. salary required, able 1 private home, 81 Park ost children; also one " farnished house. Full price only ing of 3 bedrooms, living |OSMAWA Boulevard North, i%-storey,| nm $12,000, Details fro rdener. Apply (% A 80671, keeping room on second floor, Apyly 7 Y RA 53602; Mo 3985 on a EES 38 Glovi Lhe 3 rl: RA "room upp | Ontario Street after 6 p.m, 31 i hy) Real Fatate, 118e| REAL ESTATE foem, Siring Sen se bois . [seven rooms. two . Wickens. ide [ALL four - room upstairs apartimen ri "#1300, Located on | | chen, Eos A wm x 2Y, A ully Road. Phone RA 51721. ; \ | JUTV aerial and e. , low mileage, terms cash, cant "RA -- A i. ---- plex s wove, refrigerator, drapes, Hi Strest off Gerrard Road. able for the first time. Ask- [nd Serena with $2000 down. age. | odie after 6 p.m. 121b separate entrance, complele four-pie heat able 1.600. with ---- | Van Huesen Motors! kitchen cupboards, Nice surround: hydro supplied, $65 a month, central, |LEHE 17 | | ing price only $11,600, w | Hobbs, RA 3.9869, John Wacko, Teal |"86 PONTIAC Deluxe Tutone, auto : SALESMEN y " , King Sure J. ts ava | couple only. a 3 i . : a ag -- ---- 5 MUST B E 50. D in a low down pavment yng one. for, 1 tie transmission, piso wre. "Tog 9 King Wen We have o sales position for it An 0 n FULLY furnish achelor apartmen r ; | mort age. cr urther in- one RA 5-0431, 1 . 3 : a A 29114 ak East End of City, Clote to formation call Harold Segal 46--Reol Estate Wanted |." ov two door Taiior VE, : ESE HS s ble July 1, Phone R. | two rooms. bus stop at door, heat and RESALE on experienced Recl Estate au! 1a, 4, {Lxe, Sooma. bus ap ot sor. hast and N.H.A. : Real Es Salesmar. Must be married, |e love WRITE: | ply 08 Wiliam Breet West RA 3.8200 YRIOLD | Catholic Sehocl, Thi heme ans, eg so mre rr AL 3 frig A location 121 . is 5 Yeo's o 4, nee J ° ee: LOW TAXES All cash or your o ity. Fe For Suck k sale dnd | hile: Sxcellent_ tires. say BAG, BRAMLEY MOTO ' crating | 5 S A ou a 5 room bungalow available SALES LTD, own late model car, Age no lor, share. path, 800d edroom brick bungolow. Cec and tome landscaping. Gwn- ban Oshawa, HA 3.2512; ho Ho Heusen Motors, for quick possession, Asking | esto" | good mechanically and tires, $275 or 1271 SIMCOE NORTH FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS -- TRY ns | | oe CHEVROLET coach, a ----_ EER barrier, Highest commissions LE and double rooms, cooking | MODERN ! poid; If interested please coll [DINGRE #0 (CELCR gentleman only. | | main floor, Decorated, New built-in stove |'s0 CHEVROLET pickup, . ined, | Phone City and is enxious to sell, ; best offer, May take trade i of Schofield Insurance Assoc- | pESTRARLE apartment, self conta | extras, Phon 95 DOWN. Owner will . May tal n on sedan th, unfurnished, N ; le fo share dwell. . $995 . ople happy br i EAS. 1724 {three rooms and bath, RESPONSIBLE couile fo share dwell. | RA 8.1338 Please coll Bob Davis even Toke back balance on' terms Make three peop pPy by | del very. RA 8.5068 After 4 pm. 11% PHONE RA 3-4675 s R. - : RA 8-817 ' Bnd Srey Ses (OW: Adu ONY; $90 iin BBR TR ested City mits clove to schools | Sell it. You'll be happy, [Ridgeway Avenue. § Specialists in Ford Service and room apartment, good location, TV between 4 and 7 p.m, 1214 FOR EXCHANGE | on City limits close | the buyer will be hoppy, so ings, oo ded, N10 LARGE, bright room for gentleman, oF | gutlet, range, refrigerator inclu | NICELY furnished bedroom for lady or LEAVING CITY Harold Segal at RA 8-6286. |evenings. RA 3.9426, wheel balance, with latest 121e | " PRY i water, south district. RA 52000. | RA 399 _- 1211 | Oe St en condition, LOOK AT THIS! BERNEICE 3 MERCURY Lucerne sedan, type equipment, Newest type ROOM and board for gentlemen, €ON- | ROOM in pri iio home, very eentra TWO - room apartment, builtin eup- | 0 9. Immediate possession may id h lable A 5 yeor old home availab added dash, tinted * gi back- Apply 241 Ritson Road South, 1214 Flgin_ Street t. |ette, private entrance. RA 5.7574, 120 to bus line, for low down payment and b a , tin glass, back-up ROOM and board for one Kentleman. |QNE lovely furnished room In Private wo =wu n= ypu = bi ti | BOX 909 bull P Loom wrjg Sungelow p REAL ESTATE ghts, etc. $2705. King West Motors, 50--Articles For Sale t, 212 3 Central Park | located with churches, A 3355 BEST by far for filling so many needs: | FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator ex excellent tleman, | FIVE - room downstairs apartmen bath and shower, separate toilet and SHAWA TIMES Located on Central Por ; A 5-3692 MO 8- gly Sh] Cy gt Ounawa Bouierard South UM entrance, child welcome, free parking, | 0 Bivd. S. 4-pe. tiled bath up- schools and transpertation at |_R : a saied Aus, Dis] TA 3008 or suis hom iad ed i 1 inch ral . hen, with refrigerator, built-in cup- LARGE for tv entlemen o; N r leavin cit Coll d board for one gentleman, kite! lences, 837 room for two g& r| DOW Decorated and landscoped, owne aving Y, 4 ner. gl ed meals. 748 Gifford Street, boards and sink, all conven wot Indies, two se;arate beds, also one $1 ,000 aluminum storms and screens. | Harold Segal of RA 8-6286. i DODGE: VA, "automatic two-door, cylinder, power bra , power steering, | THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and RA 3-522 or i yi STREET I ustom radio, Pension, other extras, WA 39748. 110f 3-605). We buy and sell. indies or LARGE room, double bed, for one 06 Warren Avenue, HARBOT WEEK lors tires like new, o ' : - y ROOM and board for two ladies two 1 men, $7.50 per week. 134 ot THREE unfurnished rooms, quiet | S ther information please call - HOME OF THE |only 81260, low downpayment, Van '55 INTERNATIONAL RI64, dump [NEW and used boat outboard motors a beds, Apply 485 Crerar Avenue ith, ae . --- Wert, Wilson Road South. 119 THREE unfurnished rooms, Teantral. last after § p.m 5.1726. Rossland Manor. 5 or 6 | YORD four. - door, tan ad brown, pple Ado Xe) Tae canter motors from $130 ub, Alien top» m y 3 . : ) » MAYS each per might, Cabin trailers 845 week. luminum i ing 10 minutes to four e THREE unfurnished rooms, sink each pe i tures, combination elu M IAL lete with storms and screens, : t. Van Heusen Motors. good mechanically, $650 or best ofer, all #izes from Boot prows to 21 jem garage for rent, board optional. Apply wiring, No children, abstain bil ly Wilde Rental Service, Whitby, Mo| screens ond. doors, Diels TD enpans |low downp n Tibi oo uRantenlly Hels crulsers, Barons' Marne: and. Sac /E furnished rooms, AVAIL: | 1wo > room apartment on first flooF, ONE Toom in mew re full price only $11,900 | FRIGIDIARE "deluxe, 11 eu," fi, * EE Corvate home, 82 Park Road furnished, stove, refrigerator, private two gentlemen, Apply R: Viek RA 8.6228, 46 APARTMENT sodded front and many oth- new. I'or sale or trade on older model. $225 cash. Apply 249 King Street i] Reg. "Si, Eh i) with wie TH: Je rary, hit $15,500 ! f --- large block ; ! | , two - door, Sherwood § |"85 CHEV,, four door sedan, radio, A-1| xd werkers 0 your organ: 7 uw mp E FE unfurnished housekeeping den for rent, Children welcome, t. W. with N.H.A, Financing. SEE 56 FORD two - s |5-5121. 24 hours dai STIRACT Joi yer your job San rooms, builtin cupboards and #Ink. ner month. Phone RA 56797. King § ding, vi med IT. APPRECIATE IT" BUY | metalic, with _matcting interior, cor. | condition. One owner, a il 4 ke older | GAINS Ringers i 143 Clark Street, pa reals high IT. Stop at the cor. of Rots. |wheel discs, only $1295, low' downpay. Can finance. Private. RA 5.1620, isi | § ed ROOM and board, single, double or district. pletely renovated, oil heat, central, om oir oil heating on highway 118¢ 555 FORD custom fordor futons, White. (stave chestertield 'and cha 0 ay. . " i iu! 9; r i | d : '54 FORD two-door, two-tone blue and walls, radio, smart interior, chrome |erators, chrome sets, beds, desks, rugs, Xisi, Bowmnviie pi Sr Ae ished, three. tral to. onal seat, aan | highway Jnisee, Wonderful #1 fw dents Colonial white, very elean throughout, wheel discs, really good mechanically, | |ete. For bargains contact 19 Prince Y o i [piece bath, large closets, completely Lral fo hossital and Shopping Avenue ATTACHED GARAGE cation for retail or repair, D. HYMAN $705, low downpayment, Van Heusen Shopping Centre. | CHESTERFIELD and or Wanted ABt, 1. 118f evenings, RA 5.0243 | Motors, 1181 °55 METEOR tudor, futone '|ly new, Phone RA 53410, : UNFURNISHED five -~room duplex, | 9 783 CHEVROLET four-door, two-ione | Worn interior. Obviously has had excel. , BOY'S bicycle, new condition, one Ruddy Electric Wholes s'de water tower across from school BETWEEN 5:00 P.M. AND Heusen (3h for lease expiring sale, dons | BOAT 12 feet, 57- inch beam, { trail - Yr Xx |'56 MOTORCYCLE, "Ariel" take over | 1 ¢ conveniences. Avoilable |location, #75; also private two room| ond only the first three ap Seg : . = [nessa sro. "Tho bb Marking between | \ 800d condition. Call RA 3.4222, 121 tment. Call RA 5-081 controls and 35 hp Johnston motor, ex- room apartme RA 5-283 ] ONE +» room with kitchen, priv ioseh I TT We TT Tr pow JOSEPH BOSCO New N.H.A, homes featuring 3 large bedrooms--double closets, [tre 2508. Indramatic, Power (South, ENGLISH pode Prive gh Phone RA 8.0736 ~ 1174 ews man's ' dinner sult, worn twice, ve he's Reasonable rent. Phons 3:2010 after 6 p.m, ee ¥ iv APARTMENTS FURNISHED room for one or two RA 5 9870 laundry tubs, forced air oil heating Bungalows on Rossland Rd. (re. Hil ee, Tero Ts, oa MERCURY 50 sadn tuiu be X May 29. Reasonable rent. Phone db Three - roomed unfurnished [Two . room, furnished apartment, sink | Addison at RA 5-2254 anytime. ['58 WORD custom 300, two door, radio, | Contre. lor, central, a ----------, 18% bona Stent Wer, [3 BOLAHOOD 1B i 0 whet bal Street East, 181 |'53 CHEVROLET sed '84 SUPER " Olds sedan, automatic | windshield, steering wheel Fup 0 - ] . at large lot 75' x 239', fully | Dundas West, Whitby aiolex within 1 minutes of Four Cor. FOUR unfurnished rooms sioss: ed with 3-room basement apartment on a large ' pono mieiint = | 846330 after 6. 118 fter 7 p.m. | tile floors. references. RA B5-7709 afte APARTMENT [iar to one or two children, Bal gir oil or % pee. colored beth, hardwood and hil pearance, Yilles And miles per gallon condition. Phone RA 3.7549, 1188 | Gentex. Ag Panny unten, Ads have quickly J30¢ ers, fndercoated, excellent condition. ving FULL PRICE $11,900 i 1 feat 291 feat. This com- |RA' 5.850 1214 | presser, almost new, model 78, WE Rl Phone RA 5-3815 i erinied, Sige Tiving Sen 8:room house, on large lot 150 feet by | = "VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, exceleint 9816 or rent by week or month. | ) ' -- I |blue, 121 High Street. MArket 3.2706, |'Sd OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, blu i eniences, $40 monthly, No children, | near new GM. plant ° cards, wi 0 rtment, Full e $11,900. 8 A gentlemen. Tyo can A a) we RENTAL AGENCY | Apply 1313 Cedar Street, 120b 5 room bungalow has over i, Suspourds RA Ta 92d perimn Vi price. HL ee, umat feansmision, I | cuntivator. 315' Wilson Road North, "mx - (blue, radio, nearly new tires, immacu |sale, King West Motors, opposite Shop- | or ironed, We "Tlehin. Shdcy| vacency, only screened end |i re ots aking. Tor mn ai teri." fuartioed, Win Lanes Sy Comte Ml | I, Se EP Sic Bh OR or Welcome. ne . s. THREE . room basement apartment Coll Sugene Patterzon at RA fo have 3. : ; 8 it ieee, ~ po 1 ble J Ph 08% 5.6544 schools, bus and shopping area; elso a customer interested in o |and dual aerials optional. budget ni Ry a Caalre hows or 'cou 10) _Simcee 3% N, | una 1. ole yom. | PT 1 bungalow in the north district with goed down payment, If you (terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond P*YMents. Phone Port Hope 5-4363. 1171 |, geq, Easy terms at Dominion Tire 1 ~ 2 LL] . or all child. Apply 28 Roval wie | BUTSE oNly, two may share, Refriger CUSTOM BUILT Beuer, clean inside and out, §0od rub: | FiGHEST prices paid for used furnl. wood Texaco, Park Road south. | IRN ten minutes walk | close to hospital, downtown, RA i en a scratch, scuff or blemish |ture, also sell and exchang Gontact from South GM. anadians only need BEDROOM | . diane 1201 Choice lots and designs built LLOYD AYERS (iniae or out. chrome perfect, good RA sabi |Community Furniture Store, , apply, RA 3.2408 1st ) ONE Jarge Rousekeepi ing room, close fo| 10 the plan you select, We " \ | |expiring sale $805. King West Motors, [with automat ] cheior ment, cen : APARTMENT South GM. RA 872 will ariange N.H.A, finene- REALTOR {opposite shopping centre. 116f (and other extras. Original owner, Pri. | tral, 812.70 weekly. Phone a 1 A conveniences, Park 78 SIX . room house for rent, garage ing with minimum down pay- 121q/ |' FORD tudor, showroom appear. |VAte. RA 3 __ 1» SEE HOME APPLIANCES LU -- area. Northway Apts, 630 clean, conveniently located. Apply 2 ment, For additional inform. | Bill Mcleeters or Reg Aker, Apply 135 Celina 95. , and oven, erd many other er has been transferred from tes, Doytime RA 3-2265, 4 ; , Bil b lates y {heavy wiring, heat and water, po inz and hp good company for elderly | ein | ings. RA 8-6326 if inter- 1 Ot or bit, Eosuted Listing your property ---- we MUST sell! '52 Dodge, "41 oom end Board |sPECIAL new self-contained three. | pared to nooly, reference, RA 8.6057 = -- : OWNER ond transportation, Phone | will we, that makes three. ['st CHEVROLET hyd parts, Wheel alignment, th hot ts only. Phone 7 one board optional, continuous plenty iA parking. Adults y. gentleman, in nice location, RA 5.5302, Income hcuse, central, North and . white, automatic transmission, i i tinuous hot water, home privileges. 'ooops matte wit gentleman, 102 {boards, sink, hot and cold water, rang. | for a six room bungalow close be oblained on this privately ARMSTRONG power steering, power brakes, radlo,| electropic tune-up equipment. y trall ite Shopping Cent tera Phone RA 5.2305, { home, nice for gentleman. RA 3.7070. apartment, kitchen, kitchenette tiled | one easy mortgage Centr y opposite upping Centre, 116 119 , bedroom and I Living room, 20 x 20. RA 5-1667, Mig [rmeme-- | i / , Plenty of extras, we -- | year East or RA 851 | TWO furnished rooms v stairs, 3 pe. bath downstairs. your door enty |47 --Automobiles For Sole | fet GREY, Bel Air fordor hardtop, 8 oid. excellent condition, 1g ii ior 119f | Ritson Road South. single room, cooking privileges, Avely | List price $13.200 for for wo-tone blue and wh'te, exceptionally 'turbo glide transmi; level air sus- appliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA u e h family Two ol gentlemen with Dute adults preferred Apply 175 Athol Street Modern three bedroom brick Bill MeFeeters, evenings, RA WORKING MAN'S HOME in Heusen Motors, USE truck, new motor, and new elcome and Lawn-Crulser grass mowers. Bue nue. x colored bath fix- A ROOM and board, good Apply 71 Warren Avenu FOR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, 81, bungolow, room brick bungalow com- |g throughout, only 8743, tires, also good custom built radio, very Motors and lawn movers. Boat kits, t. 180 5 (ter § p.m, |o-3228, storms 240. Division Strve |Ei000_ ate: ' 4 BUILDING AND door, ceramic tile bathroom, | 54 PONTIAC hardtop automatic, 1'ke |'80 Ford eustom coach, A-1 throughout, (las Simece Street South, RA_3.226, - ---- 11 North, 8-7 p.m. RA 8-871, entrance, central, RA 85084, THREE - room house with lar ers, ONLY $1,995 DOWN |RA 8.6053, wf - 19 | money down Kelly Api lances. RA 12]¢ building with 5 roomed a- 7. in the Classified, Phone RA 3-34 available June 1, Ritson and Eulalle LARGE upper and lower duplex, Om: | mam Sn 8, $9; washing machine, le accommodation at hotel, MA yu o0itment house, large self-contain- at door Call after 5. RA 8.8435, 119¢ | in Oshowa Lerge lot with lond & Gibbor. and ask for ent. Van Heusen Motors, triple ace newly decor $13 4 | mechanically sound. custom radio, only ($695. Lease expiring sale, opposite} Street, Phone RA 8-1 42--Room end Board eanipped Kitchen. Apply 23 Gibb Street 100. TA 8:00 i etc, Please call Henry Stinson, * NEW BRICK oUNG n requires room and board, | ~ heat, water, electricity supplied. Chil Three bedroom bungalow | |lent care, quiet motor, transmission T ma entry to North Jes ULTRA MODERN dren welcome. Apply grey house be Approximately $2,000 down BEFORE 5:00 P.M. RA 3.226% REALTOR {Dlr trws like new, very ood mechan. (lent ire. rane! alan, sonable. 212 King East, . H A. approved. Rossland {low downpayment, at Van WATS APARTMENT Sifu Wim Sig WHA. Toed, Foul RA 8-6296 [ifs 37 Wom Sir: 55" hon AE I Three bedrooms, unfurnished, | N1GE "five = room apartment, centrall Nine homes ore being built 6:00 P.M. RA B.1624. you J 1210! "we DODGE four . door, immaculate | NINE . plece walnut dining room suite 4 .--~Wonted to Rent all 7 0 ave Add eam ------------ {payments. Phone MO 8 F A WANTED T0 RENT -- two or three-| |. | pion gly Hoglvitig "sit plicants shall be entitied to ST KING ST. EAST only 8495. low downpayment. Van Hou, 2 ad 15 re 1201 16-FOOT runabout plete with all : u - the obove purchase price. ROSSLAND ROAD WEST-- sen_Motors, 38 CHEV, ded) bin Rony a1 ia cellent condition, $900, 488 Marion BESFONSISLE family deere bind f eck entrance, downstairs, or 19 | Street. RA 5.6667. 121 three , re ioe 7 Park Road South, - | ' -- - . i eb [1+ anity, large living room----cove ceiling t offer. Can finance. '58 PONTIAC four.door hardtop, turbo | NG ape al UNFURNISHED [FSR ED roam, wtevis Tor "iA REALTOR us Li ign ts ae De in bright kitchen NG Sats, Whitby + May a Power steering, power brakes, Condition: dinette set, two chairs, like P atom. lio pH ne s gentleman, private entrance. RA | R / ios Tis heavy duty cable, i538 "STUDEBAKER Champion seda || coral color, low mileage. RA 5-3826, | wasit 32, inside leg 31, bargain, eheap, p overdrive, runs like a watch, ($205 MERCURY 50 sedan tutone Tadio, | RA 8.0837, 210g L rub ceded, 3-bedroom " gentlemen, close to North GM, Apply d with carport. Down poyments from $1,750.00 ond ing West Motors opposite Shopping and appearance. Lease expiring ibyer DESPERATELY oe or near Whitby | TO RENT 204 Bond Street East, JOHN A. J id Ah one pa and enjoy comfortable living, Call Ozzie (ne 116 | King West Motors opposite Shopping Ja oi a. Et. AS a --_-- Mi tment to rent, Apply and cupboards in kitchen, also refriger. | low mileage, $1945, Seaway Motors, 200|'50 PONTIAC coach, & good 'shape, Phe Phone aper No children, Apply 253 LLOYD ST | Dundas West, Whit, RA 2834. EFOOT Glesier runabout, $45.00" monthly, " | | EE - room apariment, clove Jo |) ng West), spacious 5-reom bungalow A k, $425. Sen w ANTED 70 RENT -- Apartment of | 1164 Condi and poo nx sie. LIMITED REALTORS (About 1%4 blocks off King , op this wee Eon Tan "'be Thien sq, lent trols. 18 hp Johnston @ t ; tol ond screens; plus forced |/5i MORRIS coach leather seats, really ners, by couple with two-year-old. Bes ONE-BEDROOM [south GM, bus stop sn corner. No ob- | 169 SIMCOE S. landscaped and complete with storms P KX running condition, delightful ap-|'és plies Be "conch, good tires, air n 8 to Sunbeam, Remington, a { steal 900.00 with $3,000.00 down, Ozzie King West Motors. Lease expir- oem ------ Hod n H ix name we RA 5-6544 Addon ot RA 3.2254 anytime oi ele Spore Shopng Cove [1 SUDDENLY ify done Yep Ciaifiad ort, Sry, cuing bunds fs Stove, refrigerator, washing (duty w bls Jung . 51 ORE Pe "two-door Bel-Air, t two. i of Prob 8 om, lems. | SANDBLASTER air placo with hose facilities, REPEC Tosa ner . pm, RA NEW----NEW tone, hardtop, radio, Wash Let's , solve some problem for you! Dial|and attachmens, also Jaquer air eom- . Is home must be seen to lal y can be d for different types of business di it | washing machine, mercial property con be used v '53 FORD automatic, radio, white wa | condition, radio. Phone RA 3.9933, 11 | 5:9641 after 6 p.m, 121¢ Nooth or RA 35.2097, LLOYD REALTY Neo Private bath, all eony.| - be oppreciated. It ic !ccoted | Forced air oll hsating, three-piece bath, second floor has built tires, immaculate condition, two-tone | J TRACTOR, Waterloo Bronco, 11 hp, air cultivator, 319 Wilson Road North, RA . Apply 20 Jones Avenue, 3186) Our fee. is less than @ [SIX room house in village, near, T1150 sq. ft. with divided |/88 FORD "custom 300 Tudor, medium (Gut, white walls, $1105, Laure capita 8 5400. us Toom apartment for rent, {Hutch aud school. Please orl Brook: basement, don't miss this one LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED expiring sale. King West Moto { : L We have clients who are interested in buying @ home close to [i Sadios Toei i a 3 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe; radio and ture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. loyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. |mood locality, one child welcome, avail [ | xieane $1330 or $600 and take over noATS, mofors and trailers, New and wall can help call RA 3.2254, |Street West. Fl DODGE station wagon, radio and Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. reat, - Ta MODERN TWO | ator, electric kettle, laundry privileg HOMES [138 DODGE fordor, smart appearance, ber. Oi mechanically, push Button r radio, Lease |'ss TONTIAC Deluxe four-door i Street, Phone RA 8.1131, FURNISHED bachelor apartment, 277. 1160 ------------ ---------------- ance, Chrome: upholstery and finish |'5a lid Fadoy hardtop, autom OSHAWA LTD. rooms, aa EA a SELF. contained upper duplex, four| Simcoe N, Availeble June 1. Ritson North nf ation, call: Bil' Swa k at really sharp. Without question mech. fc transmission, radio, one owner, As ms, bathroom. good location, $75 Ie AL ° iI" Swarbrick a MOHAWK STREET anically sound. New tires. $845. Lease ing $1750. Private, MO 8.2485 Whitby, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR 11 monthly, includes at, water, Quist} 1% couple. June 1. RA 8.8393. Apply: 341 Division St, after (ONE single and one double room, fur 6 |nished. cooking privileges, separate . 11% place for cooking. RA 5.1904. ¢ and water, Courle's only, Privat trance, Apply 203 King Street West, 19 am. to 8 p.m [APARTMENT « two large rooms, self. | contained, furnished, very central, also FOUR rooms, unfurnished, lights CULTIVATED sod for sale. 20 cents yard. Phone Ajax basement apartment. RA 8.0033, Delivered LIVE poultry, alse feathers wanted. | ATTRACTIVE room in modern hom 826.J. Highest market ahices paid, Phone col: | for business irl. Dial RA 5.3089 June 12 lect MO 8.2488 Whitby. June 12/530 p. HOUSE and bungalow wanted down payments W. McAuley Realtor 12 A Oshawa RA 3.2) ror RENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and apartment build $70. RA 35-2214 bath on ground floor, ing: range, refrigerator; PANT cuffing and alterations, 204 Chestnut West; phone MO 8.2363. FOR RENT -- New 2 bedroom apart. men's ment, ready by May 30. $100 monthly THREE . Good ROTO-TILLING, gardens, awns, A.loNE . Si apartment, stove, Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8.1386, frizerator, washing facilities. ts SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary RA 5.3813 args furnished HONSORASPIRE | July § 700m, sink, for two. One or two gentle way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, ONE men. 194 King Street West and ladies' wear: drapery alterations, includes stove, 'frig, TV aerial, iL . H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South | Dunlop West. { Soule, RA 5.3228 June For free estimate call 0 MO 82294. June 7 outboard hydro, almost completed. Mo. Wo FOR rent Smelt nets, lanterns, §1/MO 8.3182. = FOR RENT -- Sin, furnished room, | black and general cement central. Phone MO 66. May R SALE -- New boat, class "B", | June Ra RA 8.6434, "unfurnished "rooms, "nice each per night. Cabin trailers, 845 week: | pagar Wad hoard for two rime 1. 86 McGregor. Phone RA 85-8644, Wilde Rental Service, Whithy 83226 FOR RENT -- Twn roomed newly dec. AO | eatid apartment, unfurnished 8-209 FOR RENT apartment small child welcome » AS * ral ontractor, |] ALER HENRY . gene ' A WANTED -- Part time job painting, 121 interior and exter'or: Also landscaping, THREE room apartment, private bath (gardening Experienced, MO 3835339 and entrance, washing facilities 1171 80363 before 6 p.m. or a: ply 204 Burk framing, trimming, alterations Repairs, RA 5.04 FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER 107 Byron Street South MO 85 5231 GRAVEL & FILL Driveway, Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTCN MO 8-2660 * Ornamenta Euergreens, Shrubs He Poeonies, Perennials ce collected Cedars for hedge 3% ond ORCHARD NURSERIES No. 7 Hwy.., South Side, ? miles west of Brooklin AJAX PICKERING DRIVING SCHOOL Automatic and standard cars Day ond evening sons. Tests arranged ont. PICKERING TE 9-2631 119 mo pi MO 8-4102 after 5 o'clock. 119¢ D, 20¢ sauare yard, delivered. Roto {Tors iw 'frig. and TV, heated, een tral location, avallable anytime, Apply May 34/1414 Bond Street East. After § p.m, ha FOR SALE -- Travel yal ler, sleeps or 4 Reasonable, MO 8-213 US THREE furnished © room RI FOR RENT -- Five room bungalow, bedroom, lvingroom, kitchen, frig.. | 121f children welcome, $83 per month. Mr. 8irk and cupboards. Suitable for busi. | Green, MO 83154, ness couple. Apply 341 Kendal Avenue. | thin. rockery stone. MO 8.3013 120e Three room unfurnished private bath and entrance, Phone MO 8 2776 8.2648 after 7 pm CALL us now. Clients waiting. Buying selling renting. Call W, T. bg FASEMENT Apartment, Hed, self con. . » MO 83032 May 23 tained, refrigerator, use Washer and Paint & Wallpaper Store Rea kstate, MO 83032. 2 "dryer, near shopping centre. No chil | dren. Apply 63 Westmount Street even | 2 8.1350 Street {FEMALE Help Wanted for Holly: wood Motel Sleep in or out. Phone MO FOUR . room apartment, adults pre 117¢ | farred, close to south GM. 19 Bloor West. RA 3.203) FOR RENT -- Lown rollers, |inaw. seeders; mowers, garden DOURLE room for twa gentlem. on . J two ladies, with or without board, also | tillers, post hole diggers, |opartment. Ritson North and Willan | 086. paint sprayers, cement mix- Street. RA 3.71 ars, wheel barrows, chein THREE . room ond skill saws, drills, grind- [kitchen cupboards, t: floor, |wire, parking lot, en bus stop R ers. Street. RA 3.3333, Conces, car-top boats, mot |p RNISHED self-contained seem] ors, boat box ' end cabin apartment, suitable for two adults. | trailers, tents and camping Phone RA 3.2308 squipment, FOR SALE---New and used boats, motors end trailers. APARTMENTS WILDE RENTAL Immedion" aissessia i SERVICE and SALES | wean eoulea ian, ¢lec- 1415 DUNDAS ST, EAST | tion Buckingham Manor WHITBY -- MO 8.3226 RA 8.8676 ONE BEDROOM room apartment, separate en. | trance, two-plece bath, suit working | FOUR . room apartment | and bath, ag "elf - contained, unfurnished, heated. central location, $75 monthly, Avaiiante clean, single people preferred, for Jun UR room, self contained Fe LAWN MOWERS 45--Real Estate For Sale SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE SHARPENED Sharpening ond repairs to all make hand end power 3-piec se bath on the second K and B Sharpening Service 2 modern kitchens 614 Dundes E. For pickup s and shower in the cell asement, and gorage MO 8-2308 510995 Ow down payment ne estate, please, 1194 313 FRENCH ST Collect, Calls accepted from Ajax and Oshawa RA 5.6544 GRIERSON AT GRETA Reduced to $9,900.00 -- 10 year o'd bungalow -- § good sized rooms, Lovely liv- Ing room' and dining room 27 ft. long. Kitchen 10 x 12. Oil heating. Partly finished recreation room. To inspect coll Jean Peacoc! A 5-4330 PONTIAC AVE. This brick bungalow is only 7 years old, Lovely living room 18 ft. long, three bed- rooms and 4 pc, tiled bath In excellent condition and priced at only $11,500. To see call Roy Fintoff, RA' 5.3454 TOWNLINE NORTH $7,900 -- 5 room bungalow and attached garage. One Quarter acre 'land. Modern kitahen, 3 p=. bath. Oil heat- ing. To inspect call Jean Peacock, RA 5.4330 INCOME PROPERTY McLAUGHLIN BLVD. 213 storey brick. Perfect for home and ircome. Lower apartment has large modern kitchen, living room 12% 28 with natural fireplace. 3 good sized bedrooms end 4 pc. bath, The upper duplex has 5 ruom; with 3 pec. bath | hitches, For particulars cal ucas Peacock 5-4330 : A N.H.A, RESALE 5Val HIGHLAND AVE. S vear old--3 bedroom brick bungalow. 4 pe. tiled bath, All newly decorated, Family sized kitchen, Nicely land- scaped and fenced yard. Priced at $11,900. To in. spect call Roy Flintoff, RA 35-3454 MOHAWK ST 6 room brick bungalow, wit attached garage, asphalt drive. Large living Yours with dining area. Nature! fire place. One of the few newer properties: buili on o treed lot. Must be seen to ba ap precited. For further partic ulars call Pot. Winter, RA 5.1256 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA $-4330 May 19,21,23,25 S-year-old 6-room brick bungalow with breezeway and attached garcge on beautifully landscaped large lot with plenty of tall trees, Paved drive, natural fireplace, aluminum storms id close to school -- owrer transferred = to $16,700.00 TRI-PLEX J complete modern apartments with scoped lot -- apartments weil further informatior and appointment to inspect. 10-ACRE BUILDING LOTS ~ call Joe Maga 5-9191 LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 31% Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-655] 9 AFTER 5:30 DIAL Everett Elliott 3.9290 Joe Maga * 5-919] 10 ROOMS $1,500 Down --- Very cer trally located, a large brick home on Brock St. East, idea for income. Oil heating, gor age. Early possession. 10 ROOMS $1,300 Down -- maybe les: If you are interested in an inceme home see this one Five rooms for the owner with a separate four-room ap! In excellent well-kept condi- tion throughout Situated on a la-acre with a large garden, lots of berries and nice grounds in the quiet village of Hampton and very andy 10 o new modern school. Well worth your time to inspect Price at only $9,800 and very reascnable terms on the balance SELLING OR BUYING A HOME 2. AT YOUR ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR XPERIENCED SERVICE | 204 KING ST. E KELLY BOLAHOOD REPRESENTATIVE RA 5.2363 2 mile north Mwy x 1320 $4,000.00 with $1,000.00 down, WHITMAN CRESCENT 2 years old -- becutiful inside end out -- large basement apart. ment completely. self-contained, down, Call Dick Barriage ot 5-6243 after 5:30. EASTHAVEN STREET ! yeor old -- 5-room 3-bedroom brick and stone bungale sliderc! windows -- ceramic tile bat hroom, plete for only $13,000.00 with $3,500 00 down $15,900.00 with $7,300.00 nigh school on Rosedale Ave 1ust off Mary St, Qil heating STUDEBAKER - once in o@ while do we offering a real money-making rent and a good lease s, pastry and also novel- [WELLMAN MOTORS NONQUON RD. RA 3.4431 | expiring sale King West Motors, oppos- | Ite shopping centre, {nal owner. RA 3.8612 DON'T overlook the many offers in the Classified section every day, And don't overlook a Classified ad as the simple | [solution to your problems. Dial 3 402, after § p.m, Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD. 574 Ritson Rd. S DODGE - DESOTO . SIMCA Sales -~-- Parts -- Service RA 55318 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. SALES ard SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT TEL: _RAndo ih 3-346) CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MOORRIS, M.G.,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 The Supreme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance & Safety Endurance, Relicbility NOW ON DISPLAY '5 Hr new tires, $1493, [RA S816 +|'57 BUICK four-docr hard-top, blue and| 116f white, spotless Interior and finish: red and radio, lease expiring sa! . M6056 METEOR sedan; good moior, '37 FORD customline sedan, tutone, condition, RA 5.921% radio, small mileage, absolutly maculate interior, Ford expert says its (perfect mechanically, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. '3 BUICK two-door hard-top, white, upholstery red and biue with not Miles. even a scuff mark, automatic sransmis sion, radio, white-walls, $1205, Lea expiring sale King West Motors, onpo: | ite Shopping Centre. |'5T VAUXHALL V ELOX, six-cylinder, LMAN 78 Albert Street, Automatic transmission, '55 FORD Customline sedan, green and if | white, excellent tires, new motor guar! |aneted by Ford dealer, nice clean in. terior, $1005. Lease expiring sale, King | excellent condition, 10,000 miles, ong. West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, 116¢ in excellent wonitio, | 17] $1895. Lease expiring sale King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre RA | 52, VOLKSWAGEN LTD. | 48--Automobles Wanted , "54, Studebaker "wanted, condi | tion of car, either body or mechan! cal, | 1557 DODGE V-8, push button drive, red does not matter, will give a good price and white, spotiess interior and finish, [RA 5:4944, must sell before weekend, RA 8. ho LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars 18f for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA '51 PONTIAC hardtop, excellent trans. ® -1161 o or RA 3-1182. | portation, $325, Seaway Motors, | Dundas West, Whitb; ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Sa 20 per cent. Six months to ay For personal service at your home call RA 02 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3.9421 BUCK'S BODY SHOP Expert collision werk -- Welding, Painting, Towing ond Stcrace. Cars bought and sold H. MARLYN, Prop 36! BLOOR ST. E RA $4313 or RA 3 74356 Will buy good clean cars Pay off liens. Sell on consign- ment. Trade up or down NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 CASH FOR YOUR CAR! LIENS PAID OFF NO WAITING, WALK AWAY WITH CASH IN YOUR HANDS Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 DUNDAS Ww WHITBY OPEN TILL 10 P.M. FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5 5332 SELL YOUR BOAT? Boats sold on consignment. We obtain all cash for you! Lorge display area. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD Brocklin, Ont, -- Phane 87 TELEVISION 17-in. from $75; 2l.in. from $100 One year ware ranty, $10 down, $6 month. ly. Regent T.V., 140 Simcoe Street South. RA 8 6911 FOR SALE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN {| AND ACCESSORIES In Excellent Condition $40.00 PHONE RA 5-4629 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS . EVINRUDE MOTORS MACKIE 'MOTORS | USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 tse COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plant, Before buying come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. and see our dispigy or for o home dem- onstration call 'Oshawa RA 8.8571 FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA (Continued on Page 18) TS

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