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The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1959, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 25, 1959 rticles For Sale | ARMY DAY TR RECORD u's UIE am day. TN et Bowen monthly record of 72,890 visitors nightgown-clad body of # 24-year- smal children and a daughter of a a Ne vas oo re bedroom Sun-|Dr. George E. Shambaugh Jr. - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING fr rT ihn Troops Parade In ne the same = in 1958 - (Continued from Page 17) matie, three silts Years id oid, oF rebate: tion, Phone ust . $0-- Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale y 51--Swap and Barter O i ht Sg THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and|YOU break them, we fix them! At Bill n m n ances. 171 Bond Street East. RA Moring's Garage. 1373 Simcoe Street POWER mowers, garden tractor, roto- & ario om u 1 1085 il - oy ma ul _-- irs a RT Mg : drawers, 4 Urawers, 41/5. y, GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter. water ler sci Tnrons polo of ihehes high, 318 oon, at om Moor les. Kelvinator, refrigerators, Boalt er. shot gun, pump Jack, plumbing sup- By THE CANADIAN PRESS [played effectively the army's| The Royal Regiment of Can- TE i : Bate 'obi "Enina, corner of Hil| Canadian home - based troops, contemporary role as a fast-mov-|ada, parading in colorful scarlet South, in dress|ing powerfully-armed force, its|tunics and magnificent bearskins, oo youth bed with Tg vo. Phone RA 5.3016, [SEE the Prectaeular new Buccaneers! | i. "4 park ELL LR Saitig v TNotic and displaying up-to-date | rest troop - carrying vehicles towing made a glistening focal point of FIANG, used, #13. Phone NA 53490. |Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, p22 Lege otices paraded for ceremonial trailers and armed with a variety the march past in Toronto, ET TR ALL be: responsible for sny occasions in several Ontarlo|of machine guns and anti-tank! Ajr Marshal W. A. Curtls, Phone RA 3.2463 or apply 67 MUST clear al 234. [ution dud Plate dC Soniacied hy nae by "ox | centres during the weekend. Was ous Tolling swiftly through flanked by senior militia officers, "ps . A aie motor cycle, Simcoe Street North RA 300 T° ater this day, MAY ioron Dixon; 1a0c| 1 hui, he 334 Bata): "ine rhino stiffly at atten ewe Tue) sirens - , | Simcoe on J Royal "Canadian Regiment, » ; 4 : pr vey tp Sly le 10: FREEZER chest, bs i) ib new > jou, 22 past city hall to : open |tion in the troop carriers were craft flew overhead as the Navys small Quebec wood range, pipes, $5; |model, door lock, 5 TENDERS the city's third annual Army armed with the new FNC-1 rifle| contingent passed the saluting { trol, $10, i sulation, 5-year warranty, $249 y's < I TS a PRACTICALLY ew Teco garden ae,| [05 80dding approximotely niente ernor J, Kelller Enfield, hdd pl 1st. Battalion, Queen's Ely od "gh eipre A ES tor implements, two gang eight disc| 4,660 square feet at Mea- Mackay a mew eolors fo Rain postponed the London|Own Rifles, marching the rifle E] "King Strete East harrow, back hitch cultivator, ten inch| dowcrest School, Brooklin, re- trison's house" until ts' brisk 140 paces to. the 1201 | irrow plow. Reasonable, RA 5.4943. vested by Moy 29th, further [tlie Lincoln and Welland Regi-|8@ open regimen 0 pa i CONSOLE. Rogers Majestic _tele- 1g] Gues y ment in a ceremony at Queens-|Sunday, when more than 10,000 minute; the 48th Highlanders and model, Pies' 41%. PHIL HOOVER Sales and Servi porticulers from W. D.. Thom. a y visitors witnessed a full program [the Irish Regiment of Canada al used, guaranieed vacuums. Noway son, Secretary, Brooklin, On- (ton. Toronto, militia units from Which included the first Wolse-|headed by the great, shaggy, 145- Eh i Ge, om Bt 8 br RA Billa a 119c the three services formed up for (ley Tattoo since befcre the Sec-|pound Irish wolf hound, Bran, 8, 79° 2997. 1A 080 wiv; % condition. 3 YU. "57500 1 Port Perry. i He aval gaivison shure ih gel Waoid Wer, ™ " by other highlights in the par- GYM sets and child slides, priced e at sor the Essex- monstrations more than ade. i sash, used, good as EH 7% Se! Dominan Tre Tz red| USE THE Kent Scottish Regiment swung 1,000 men of the RC Canada's QUEENSTON CEREMONY ONT me Ba Wow) Tacaliurs ) Bond. tree sn ul pit ttend the an- stand-by unit for the United Na- 1 Haudation' oy oe ooiry Burst urs NGY, pian, coors, or ay] OSHAWA TIMES fe og bon in St. [tons Bi BE a helicopter ai Tineots yi Aging Sek or famous Kroehler TV swivel chair, or | TEIRSS: (DIOTIPL service, Free, est: CLASSIFIED Paul's Episcopal Church in De-|assault, crash action by a|mco: Para lelp, Bey Soop vwet of three arborite living room tables, | y 1y | Sunday on Queenston Heights Nonly 900, Vib the Durchone of any hv. [Gat ora rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 M S troit. mounted patrol and motorcycle where the Lincoln Militia, a pre- ing room suite, Wilson's Furniture, 20 (>. at COLUI N The 2nd Battelion, RCR dis-'squad manoeuvres. decessor of the regiment, fought 116¢ SPECIAL discount! 25 per cent off fo| ~~ ~ beside British and other colonial t. Shure Ls a------ (builders, apartment or home owners on|™ IPOWER lawn mowers, name brand, pyiitin ovens, cooking {ops, dishwash. of her brother, Tom Hannah, troops in the war of 1812 1 t di ts In t Get your Hep hgy come to the Hilltop, vee ed es > South Monaghan. It was the first presentation of | aistuces Oshawa aud Wiithy on High. Goodrich Stores. RA 54503, ol 13s ing Vella MacLean and Florence colors since the Lincoln and| SUPRIGHT '59 food freezer, Big 448.1b, "furniture? We'll buy it. He | Reker, Joho Rekker ay Joh Welland regiments amalgamated | " a Falls Sunday. | Representatives of the tree] Cat-Tex soles' solid comfort, value and good looks! At your Sl ws Las srg an damn TV's, washers, pianos, 413 cu, ft. Regular $499, sale $277. Free frigerators, #five year $200 food policy. Kelly TV, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, Eiapos, 481 King West. {19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-131. | a eo rove . Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean United States armed services JVACOUM cleaner repairs. 41 aie, | MERCURY oufbaard motor. 40 hp, elec-| land family spent the weekend in!marched beside the Essex-Kent Shoe Repairer' get Cat-Tex... gua | Huntsville. | Scottish Regiment for the church for all the family's shoes! Worth much iparts, attachments, brushes, hi Estimates fi $575, also 17-inch TV set and all wave | entals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. antenna, bargain, RA 88180. 117i By MRS. M. E. LAVERTY guests of Nig Menor, Td Leslie. | Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howell and parade in Detroit, Rev. Dr. Ro- Mhuilg igh bb bo p Yicé. RA 81081 anytime. | ELECTRIC refrigerators, a; makes, | SIAPLE GROVE oy Tus wwms| Sir. 2 wore weekend geste of | |family were weekend guests of bert S. Rayson, president of Can- J more makers UMBER and house doors; also build- | completely reconditione: ay fr | vening Auxiliary met in e| ' | his father, James Howell, in|terbury College, Assumption Be gyal BA I Bee ee x Bond Eat. Irvine APPli-lchurch basement with the After- [fei Som i vied Pei] Saughitee | Penetang. [University of Windsor, and Rt.| 7 CAT'S PAW a pte | ih . A EELS REE piece chestartield, one coffee WE buy and sell new and used bi. hoon Auxiliary as Jumis Ate a Mr. and Mrs. Harew De o> The Evening Auxiliary will Rev. 8. M. Emrich, Episcopal ble, two end fables; rug 9 x 12 with cycles, bargains in all golf, tackle ana Pot luck supper Mrs. Ken Flint Ty meet Thursday at the home of|Bishop of Michigan, took part in . RA 117f camping equipment, dew worms and|took charge of the program. Mrs, Toronto, visited Mrs. L. C. Snow-| Mrs, Lloyd Snowden. |the services, a A : C15-59 up, Terms, Dominion | ot, Open Thursday and Frit Howard Bradley and Mrs. Morley den Friday. Mildred Snowden ac- oe bates iden aL ARSE bts a TE Bond til 9. p.m. Sportsman's Corner |Flintoff were in charge of the companied them to visit her sis- ns Street West, | Byron Street South. MO 8.4511. Mn oer WHEAT ¢ t of living by filling YOUr | sn srre ay air conditioner, % hp, clear: |devotional. Mrs. Howard Cryder.|ter, Mrs, Otis Pritchard, Mano- da tank at the Hilltop. Quality gas at|ance, $169. Parkway Television, 918 man gave a reading and a Joes ick. argain prices. Free Texaco credit Simeoe Street North. RA 3.3043. [was sung by Mrs. Twist and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brayley | feards avi he acs -------- -- - LECTRIC ranges, all makes, com-K Shackleton of Salem, with were weekend guests of her par- SOUTBOARD mofo me brand, ug pletely reconditioned. 90-day wirvaaty, v: | piano accompaniment by Mrs. G. |ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, | Fdiscount. Ni otors from $122 Appl 50 B: #Came 10 the Hilltop between Oshawa from $39.50, Irvine Appliances, Shackleton. Mrs. Ross Stevens in-| Dorchester, | 4 Whitby on Highway 2 ENGLISH pram for sale, excellent con.|troduced Mrs. Merrill Ferguson, | Gordon Allin, Newcastle, ie. ji* Weymouth Cruisers, $1800 and up. dition; also rocking horse. RA 58470 Toronto, & former missiona: A the Scotls for 5. Ajax Marine, oni alse: Yogi) I rr oro Aner Arla ie. Weekznd with Kenny Cryder-| . one ie. 3 Mighway at Alax USED television sets, 17 and 21" com-|gpoke on labor conditions in| wn anil Miss. Albect BL. Pierre, | pletely reconditioned, Free 90-day war- ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap-| Africa. oyce, Vera and Frankie, visited | BUILD THAT | trcen , 50 Bond East | Mrs. Lloyd Snowden thanked | 4 and Mrs. Nelson Smith, Lind- | USED washer parts % hp motors, $5 Mrs. Ferguson. |say, Sunday. BOAT NOW luv Susiie's "si ents oe wish | "si, 'Stephen Dovle presided" air. and. Mes. Cocll Mill, at Is easy with a moldea hull or |Paddy's Market, Hampton. Ma 3.2055 for the business period. tended anniversary service at En- boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See |Bowmanville. | Mrs. L. Snowden announced niskillen Church Sunday and Alax Marine, No. 2 Highway. ONE 6-volt heavy duty battery, used that supply work must be in by were supper guests of Mr. and| ur months, cost $23, will sell for sis E E. Bogl | PHONE 1266 AJAX RA 8-0489. 17¢ June 1. It was decided that mem- Mrs W. E. Begley. | MAN'S standard CCM bicycle with gen. Ders of the Evening Auxiliary| Mr and Mrs, James Walker ign erator, light, and other accessories, in| Would be in charge of tables for and Rosemary, Mrs.-Whitley and The finest Canadion made [800d condition, $25. RA 5-6473 117¢ the anniversary supper. Anne, all of Toronto, were Sun- aluminum combination win- BEAR Jon} end augnment and wheel PERSONALS day guests of Mr. and Mrs. How-| gos and Sle Singows coe Street North. Mrs. Harvey Finney, Bowman. ard Cryderman. | self-storing 50 Y led 11 HP motor, new, $69; portable air yille, Mr. and Mes. Phil Finney] Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cox, Mr. | BE Ie. er ht si sic hea 0d family, Toronto, visited Mr, 0d Mrs. Donald Cox and family. fires Sumi ow og machines, Alemite, with grease gun,/and Mrs. Phil Finney Sunday. |Hamilton, visited Mr, and Mrs. | ey ALEX VAJDA. 30: 100 many Toe lems fo los! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, fd Cox Sunday. Wr [ Modern Woodworking Shop, around every evening. Apply 597 Sim. Bill and Betty ann, Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Fairley and | RA 3.9851 * lcoe Street South. RA $9216. land Marion Snowden, Toronto, David, Ajax, visited Mr. i : USED 'friges, ranges, washers, Tv spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk Monday. aerials, air conditioners, etc. Kelly TV, Mrs, Charlie Snowden. Margaret and Sandra Snowden | 11 EXTRA !! [pL Eng Wem: so Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackle- accompanied Len Goodmurphy to >. Wig 3 Hp 'Evinrude AT" condition, 110 ton and Ruth and Mrs. Mark|visit his parents at Sowerby over For @ better buy on aluminum eriun 30 Blackburn, Salem, visited Mr, |the holiday weekend. sto m-screen windows, flair- 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT -- "Only $26.66. | : or awnings hou porch This includes full size erib, spring, and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson kett 0s, mattress and bumper 'pads. Unbe- Saturday. and family visited her brother, railings, pre-fab cottages and |jjevable value! Barons' Home Furn-| Mr. and Mrs, A, St. Pierre and Vernon Fawcett, St. Catherines, . garages, stone tex siding, call |ishings, 424 Simcoe St. 8. ~~ |ramily visited Mr, and Mrs. Kier over the weekend. ORDERED sold $78,000 stock of fine| Lamb, Columbus, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Windsor | HOLODY fren re ae aavhntase of the tabu | Marie Shunk, Toronto, spent the were weekend guests of Mr. and! » ALUMINUM suite, or famous Restonic box spring holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cowie, Durham, and mattress, or genuine Lane cedar Mrs, Cecil Mills. | Ontario. eran alte ur hase rol | Mr. and Mrs, Bill Leslie and| Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty and 30 Grenfell St, RA 5-243) any bedroom suite, Wilson's Furniture, | _ Whitby, MO 8- 4633 '20 Church Street. 116f family, Toronto, were Sunday family were Sunday dinner guests ET . TORONTO DAILY STAR five FAMOUS NAMES * You must lower your headlights: (1) when within 500 feet of an approaching motor vehicle; and CON y ES ] GAME a-- (2) when following another motor vehicle within 200 feet. It is an offence to place signs on the windows and to hang objects in the motor N-. i vehicle which obstruct the driver's view. E A sY! | § 'S It is an offence to load a truck or trailer in such a way that any part of the load falls on the highway during transit and the penalty for such offence has been increased up to a maximum fine of $200 and in addition the licence or permit mL i] "WIN CASH PRIZES Passing on the right is now permitted in cities, towns and villages including Metropolitan Toronto but only: (1) When overtaking a motor vehicle making or signalling a left hand turn; (2) on streets having two or more lanes in each direction; and E Ss (3) on one-way streets. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ONTARIO Hon. John Yaremko, Q.C. D. J. Collins; Now in the Minister Deputy Minider This Interpretatation of the above laws is published for information only. | ORON J Oo DAI LY STAR For accurate references, motorists should refer to the Provincial Statutes. Cap | FOR HOME DELIVERY TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 5-5181 OR WRITE THE TORONTO STAR, 11 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA of 10 cl -- ---- --------------- --_------ 7 = Sp-- ----------

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