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The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1959, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 25, 1959 § WHITBY and DISTRICT pulse om Sis em | J Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703| The Salvation. Ans. Womes! 3 oars. Mrs, Sophia bier, he (neral Chapel, orox A ic > Manager: Lloyd Robertson | weekly meeting at the Army hall. |in the Oshawa General Hospital, | Mrs, (Mrs, Maisie Graves was in|Thu , May 21, after a pro-|daughters: " . Fal Hs Cemetery. RUG SALE {charge of the devotional and ed {liness. Mrs. Poynter was| (Florence) and Mrs. W. G. Hew- Scarborough, THIS WEEK read a short story. Mrs. Zwicker|in her 89th year. is (Hilda), both of Whitby: Mrs.| Rev. J. Ward, pastor of the closed the devotional in prayer. | A daughter of the late James|W, E, Pamented (Eva) Toronto,|Whitby Baptist Church A short busiress discusison was|and Maria Wallington, the de-land Mrd. H. M. Black (Ethel)led the service. [held regarding the coming Home ceased was born in Chorley Wood. pe - |League supper being held at the Hertfordshire, England, . oy % Wi wn W {Whitby arena May 21, proceeds to|S! rried Vidi a eit i Alice Carr and Miss Eva Kentner were in charve of the refresh- hs Settled in Totouto where Shey ne Tri-Band Festival to be ing to Whitby. erly road held at the Whitby arena Satur- A member of the Waverly n day, May 30, at 8 p.m., will have two of the Army top bands, the Earl's Court Citadel, of Toronto, | EB®. PHONT 3 and the Scarborough Citadel, |} also the Whitby Brass Band will - el 2 be participating. All proceeds to 4 » Salvation Army build. EAT Al ing' fund, Gwe Dior / May 28 Home League WHITBY MO 8-4922 |meeting, Mrs, Brigadier Stanley There's no Gennery, wife of Divisional Com: | Fn will be guest speaker. | Substitute for Experience! Copies of | SHIRT LAUNDERERS THE | moth AND BURN OSHAWA HOLES REWOVEN CROSSING 'i+ LINE RITUAL PERFORMED FOR CUBS | wdIMES SPECIALIZING Literally hundreds of Whitby | group of Rover Sea Scouts who | Equator Is performed on Cub the right to help the newly: dealers in DOWNTOWN Scouts and Cubs on Saturday | performed this service at the Robert Gordon, of Hallet | shaved cub across the line. WHITBY had their first "shave" but not | annual Scouts open house in | street, by barber George hn | Ia the Rackatousd, Sta Soon in the same fashion as expect- | the arena, The ritual, which Is | ney, before King Neptune, aymond Short, holds the shav- 19 ed. They formally became ex- | generally reserved for a novice | Baird, as Davey Jones. Scout- | ing soap. ; ALL S DRUGS landlubbers, courtesy of al on his first crossing of the | master Erica Latrobe waits at | --Oshawa Times Photo | To Washing Machines, Corner Brock and Dundas Automatic & : Streets AL SUA ddition, Whitby granted $50,000. hi Dryers. A) t 3 BY THE WAY over a five-year period. | rd Ne 2 ANOTHER PROJECT Jost BU t ! RADIO I y ° While we are on the building | And Appliances N t b d 1 e arger Arena I lospital | other ee] 117 Brock Street North |[| "® Brock St. 5. Whitby MO 8-3707 0 rea & on "2 {mentioned to this corner on at - For those in trouble, The Salvation Army keeps {least two occasions, This has to ; e------ r h homes and hospitals | (fic PALM I ; an open door. In its hostels, havens, ho pl h a : [0 with. she old post office workers who understand the human heart know During its razing, many eciti-| . i ! ! W i ) 1tb zens bemoaned the fact that such| SPORTING Goons TIMES that bread alone is not enough. a sturdy building was being taken|| 130 While the body is cared for, the spirit is healed and } Waa o undas Street West | ! fd down and several wondered why SUBSCRIBERS uplifted by the message of hope. Men, women and children p IRTS y . ] , ! rece p it year I " " and shown the way to loving By LLOYD ROBERTSON the present arena board on thelan operating profit in recent the town did not buy it years ago y are "made whole", and s! After several months of not too Sr. A. Hockey Club, They are years When it was first offered for | RIGLER S STORE IN WHITBY service of God and man. much activity, Whitby council/asking simply that council will, This profit factor may be the/"'®. It has since been sold twice| Corner Brock and FOR MISSED PAPERS AND In this work of mercy you can share. Your contribution nly id 8 server (at the municipal election In De- most important arguing point for(and how a five-storey office| \ ill bri { happiness to your heart, on ny jolted all consrvers Jot cember, call for a vote of the pe want grid arena. |"""!ding is planned for the cor-| Colborne Streets WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI will bring the glow of happ og y rolee rople on whether or not they wren Blair seaking for the ner. | SERVICE PHONE posed building projects at the|Peop ) ren alr, speaking r ? ; i : JURY & LOVELL same meeting. The three proj favor spending $150,000 to en: committee, sald that he felt that| The pe ople who have me ntion I ects, more of which will be heard large the present arena. to give it 4 larger arena should ear njed the now-vacant lot, also wish PHARMACY BELL TAXI The understanding heart and the human touch later, were a proposal for an en |® larger ice surface, seating for gimost enough to pay off the the town had bought it then, too J . 3 t for a much different purpose. | | reed on? a hospital for/1800 fans and a heating system. [cost of the enlargement, He es- but 4 | - | i i Tulle Feduipped To find out the facts, Council-|{imated the annual debenture They suggest that this would|] 317 Brock Street South | MO 8 31M We baseball stadium. : lors Jack McAvoy, John Wootton debt at $12,000 and noted that|be a golden opportunity for the If you have not received your . y ot They . y thing about the L] " , oh {./and Alex. Scott will meet. They |nresent arena has shown a profit town to do somet 3 hone your carrier bo To study the atena jog Aoap) have little precedent to féllow in Le $6000 for the past five Intersection of Brock and Dun SHORTY $ Yimu, of you 4 y THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL tal proposals, special i first. If you are unable to con- id PO Tim been set up, [thelr deliberations, however, for|yaapg, das street, the inter section also | CIGAR STORE tact or 7.00 p.m. At last week's meeting, council.|it appears that the Whitby arena" , 00 avant this is an inter. Of Highways 2 and 12, This would lors indicated they did not expect|l8 not like other arenas in On be the ideal occasion for widen. 106 Dundas Street East PHONE BELL TAXI esting topic for discussion and in ing the south-west corner of the| to hear much from these com.|tario, | ae i | | y mittees for at least one month.| It operates at a profit, the days to come, more able opin- inter yechion) sine ® Joing ean be THE TUCK SHOP CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN aybe two, Several committee members ions than this corner"s will be done with the other three cor- 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY % ners, and getting poertially rid off 159 Brock Street North H «MW, oy ; vw . J 9011 // The arena enlargement propo- said that the Whitby arena is the aired. hat ttdle. kink in the inter | sal came through a committee of only one in Ontario, owned by The other proposal, from Depu- That e kink In the Interseec-| Siigens, most of whom are an community, which has made. Everett All, that|-" The remainder of the lot could Or stony of they iy Whitby should consider whether (be used as a park plot in the n y an COURTING WITH DOUG. ae wy shoud hive lt fowitown section and curs com ALMOND'S turned over for committee. study. |north would have a much easier GROGFRY = This Is another subject which has|time negotiating that corner than bd $ : been discussed before, on occa- [they do now 1C1QA pening |stons when the town has been| They also point out that this is Almonds {asked to make a grant for Osh | probably the 'only ocension for awa General Hospital additions, [years that the town will be able BENNETT'S Pl F T The Oshawa Hospital, according|to do anything about this little d h to figures announced at county bottle-neck. * W | anne or urs. council some weeks ago, find Take a good look at that cor GROCERY HA that eight percent of its patients ner some time. What d y By DOUG HIRD | newcomer to' the club, Gay has come from Whithy. For the last | think? 0 youl 832 Brock Street North Ta played a great deal of tennis CAN | DO Is it possible to both 3: ancel and py por experience and guidance | CORNER GROCERY hold an event? The Whitby Ten-|\ill be of great help in the very| | P hitb nis Club showed that it is not(aetive program planned for this ort Whitby FOR YOI D [ ' . only possible but can be a great) season. deal of fun when they held their| % | DAVIS SUPERTEST cancelled official opening 1a st JUNIOR TENNIS Mrs. Lena Childs opened her|town Buests were present. A Sunday. Sound like double talk?| Registration for Juniors and home last evening to the Ashburn|large number of guests toured the l © No, 2 Highway West Here's what happened Juveniles will take place at the|Bible Class members, Mrs, Theo Barden and admired the colorful of Whitby slal opening had b courts the first Tuesday in June. |Knight was in charge variety of spring flowers. The The official opening had been ) members of the WA thanked the 9 planned in lan Susday biter that, 4 June Look tization will Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Gagnon hostess, Mrs, West for opening GOLDRING S Your bank manager is easy to meet noon. Saturday's rain, however, | Te 18 and thelr son and Mrs. Phillip! me for TIME . made it highly unlikely that the|time, a short instructional period Gagnon of St. Irene. Queer he oe tor ug Successiul so GROCERY --and a good man to talk things courts would be playable Sun. Will follow. The Tuesday evening|p.ve returned to their home after generously donated of their time ver with. Not just be he kn day, Accordingly the affair was|sessions are kept to one hour, | ui citing Mr. and Mrs. Robert and efforts and evervol god t Port Whitby GYEr With, Yor just hecause 26 tows pestponed a a tc Gagnon, of Euclid street tended, yo a lot about banking, but because he But by Sunday afternoon, allio. 'io on Thursday afternoons! Mrs, Arthur Volker and Mrs.| Mrs. Larry Ruest, of Athol NORTH END can be counted on to apply that three courts were well dried out| a G hb th annic eon. At 4 o'clock Owen Goldring are co-conveners street, is in the Oshawa General . 0» Jorge Sroip of towns so The membership fee for Juve- (for the spring tea heid on Friday|Hospital under observation. | GROCERY knowledge and experience to your selves. It was then too late to Miles (under 12 as of June 1) is/under the auspices of the 4th] Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Foster | Brock North I particular need. put the opening day plans into 200 The fee for Junio (12-15) [troop Scouts and Cubs Mothers' spent the holiday weekend in roc 0! Nas : {1s 85 and an additional $1.00 if the Auxiliary, Kingston visiting friends. They | { H hot effect, and so the official open-| an ; 3 Vl For HOME DELIVE To him, banking is more than dollars ing is postponed until this Thurs. [Junior Wishes to play - under| Cindy, daughter of Mr. d|diso spent some time in Ganan- RY by ; : a 1 : : . / . in. prow p' " rrier day evening. Refreshments etion to club charge for in- yy "len Stephen, 1s celebrating °9¢ and Watertown, New York. Carrier Boy and 'cents, more than figures in a served at that time and all{® ' | of ' f A Ir, and Mrs. D. Collins, of | EA . . . Juniors and Juveniles do nother first birthday today Many pear AMOR Te COTIS, of HONE ledger. To him, banking is the are welcome, Remember, there : are two courts with lights - so| necessarily need their own rac. NAPPY returns of the day wishes guests at the home of their par there will he plenty of playing|Xets; as there are some at the are extended to Cindy. {ents, Mr, and Mrs, E. P. Collins, opportunity 1 work with people -- y clubhouse which are light and| Dawn Jane, daughter of Mr. [of Victoria street west. - through bank services to help with time for all {Suitable for younger plavers. and Mrs. W. L. Church, cele] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gassen 3 ' % " 3 PTS. | a Mrs. ' u , cele s $ ssel iassen | The deadline for payment of They should, however, have their brated her first birthday on Mon. and their daughter, Leslie, of To-| 111 DUNDAS ST. W. your problems, your hopes and plans, fees has been set at June 15.|own tennis balls. Balls can he n isi 3 inv A | § 8 of day. Fob the occasion a family ronto, visited last Monday at the . . Fees Som be Bla to ny ; obtained through the club if the dinner party was arranged at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. B, WHITBY That is what he has been trained to BXecutive or layer wishes, N v , Jonr {ent stree : . groundsman Pease Rote that the Junior oie tome of Jer Frundparents (CoN. of Ke seer - ; do. That is what he likes to do. Gay Hemsley has been appoint: nrogram of Tuesday evening and pickering. : You' 's a goo ed to the post of secretary. Thursday afternoon sessions does rig f ou'll find he's a d man to know. treasurer of the Whitby Club. A start until June 2. Magistrate P, T. Hake and| memes | MPS, Hake have returned to thelr! - home in Port Arthur after spend- Do nald ing two weeks with their daugh-| ' BROC WHITBY ter and son-in-law, Mr. and rs. THE CHARTERED BANKS i. H. White, of 612 Green street. | Phone MO 8-3618 They attended the christening of | Travel SERVING H EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 the th onths-old ndson | : Now Playing Last Complete Show at 8:20 J rey Thomas. oe of Nir. and YOUR COMMUNITY | w A w The annual Spring Tea held! Service - : -- under the auspices of the St.! |John's Anglican Church WA held pr (at the home of Mrs. J. A. West, | A A nd Dufferin street, Port Whitby, last CIRCLE Ti UR Wednesday afternoon was very! SPY STORY well Stoned. . The guests were N EW ORLE NS OF WORLD greeted at the door by Mrs, E A Vallant, president of the WA, as- WAR II Jat resident Min. ©. Nhs: OSHAWA ... 16 DAYS. .. $163.23 wife the Rector and th pst JACK HAWKINS GIA SCALA ou Mrs A west The tea | WHITBY . , . 16 DAYS... $162.98 MANN ALEXANDER KNOY . ble "was glittering with silver lea services and candelabras. ® Return fare going via Detroit, Chicago and Memphis. The artistically arranged centre Returning via Biloxi, Mobile, Nashville and Detroit. NTER piece consisted of white tulips. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The ladies pouring tea were: ® Hotei room, 14 nights OTTO PREMINGER PRESENTS Miss M. Sleep, Mrs. E. Blow, | ® Six sightseeing tour Grand C Miss , Mrs 3 low, S sightseeir tours omplete Tour of 4 KERR Mrs. P. Bourne, and Miss O Gold. Chicago "Mississippi River Cruise," "Chalmette, ring; in charge of tea and serv-| River and Vieux Carre," "Modern New Orleans," DAVID NIVEN ers, Mrs, M. Gouldburn; in "Garden District" ond "Bellingrath Gardens." charge of kitchen, Mrs, Larsen; . Mrs. Whitney' and Miss Emma RATES NOT APPLICABLE DURING MARDI! GRAS Goldring were in charge of the baking table and Mrs. Rowland No Service Charge ® No Parking Problems Sower apes aie. Many out of PHONE MO 8-3304 or RA 5-483) wide RUSSIAN LAKE Located at Harry Donald Ltd Lake Baikal in Siberia, ) S hs on siog in Asia, is 4500 300 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY feet deep in some places. WI MARTITA NUNT RELEASED BY COLUMBIA PICTURES

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