THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 25, 1959 7 TODAY'S TORONTO, MCNTREAL STOCKS COLIN pe gi : By MRS, FRANK T. SMITH ot ' Stoo! ,m, OF COLUMBUS Mr, and Mrs, 1 D Crass Beas 7 Lot ol - Edward Laviolette and Mrs, Har. D Text Sow ion ton attended grad- Pont uation exercises Dupuis 7e A versity, Kingston, Saturday where thelr son, Leo, received his Ford US GL Paper Mr, and wo Hector Lavergne of Ottawa » e weekend a! the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bd| @ A SAVINGS Laviolette, i ACCOUNT Mr, and Mrs. Donaald Wylle,| @ STRICTLY Susan and Debra, visited Rev.| @ FOR and Mrs. R. Wylie of Toronto| SAVING y. Mr, and Mrs. Alan Scott and Mr, and hi Donald vse ny # girls were dinner guests of y Mona 508 Wow "mre 10 and Mrs, M, McMillan of Port Mil Loco z Perry Sunday, ; 44 He Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpson, Nancy and Connie, spent the weekend on a trip to Sault Ste, Marie where they visited Mr, and Mrs, William Eagleson, Hop : Mr, and Mrs. Merlin urn ; and Harold visited Mr. and Mrs, WATCH YOUR Wilfred James, King City, Sun. day. : SAVINGS RISE High Lo Sales Low 11 a.m, ON anna "base 1 "idhh $2 i TORONTO By The Canadian Press Quotations in eents A # ma , : jot, xd ~~ Exdividend, xr--Ex xwEx-warvants,) EJ . J +1 +8» "saa $10% 1044 % Bh 7h Th wo s¥caviisas al TEE RY F > & =F solygsnllsgarys=T Fae see ++ FEES g % 1% 817% 17% 10% 16% "uv 5 = : 13 FE ghevsygunrty} o Bt 3: : |] gee gauges =yyyy wpeegyliyy RFE 2o=ege¥uy) § 5gt eisEsl ssstesiny | ¥F 8 £3 - £3 3 Ei seiifonuuiaannaiyenill s¥yeri¥agerge-33; FF + § F 5 i = gases ETT jeiugRsnnneg sEungy uals E33 HH RN igs a + - - SIti8S seEaEdslc H £38 = 3% ; 3 +++ | = 2 spivilsls > di d Ld 1 gosezesd usd a | 56 831% 33% 33:33 44 F Milken i Mt, Wi 300 Simpsons itd Nama © 300 py 75 876 Nat Expl 3 00 $I% EIN FS TH : - s Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Smith at- Tr Can Pipe in ig tended the Tyiole Sutday ; Schon : U Stee) (] - Walk GW 78 8h 34 utversary oad > : WITH THE ROYAL BANK Weston B 30 #1 Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Murison| : vistted ieiende in Hamilton Sun- 2] ACCOUNT PLAN 3 gE BIRS $3. EEE tea.algs EEE FEF FF +11 F 1 FE SECT TE EE S10 17 BY 0% 8644 2% 4 11%, 525 a8 16%. 16% 20% 20% 1% 3% 3-33. 8. FUSER Eaux Sues use [lasses feelel ssssSsessess ss SB + - + 4 FF Soffa oll aT. 22,80 F F 28 : + . rl i Canadian hi 100 % E : " ; ¢ 1% 1% N : iA Nx and Mrv. Job Naylor, : Chequing Account for paying bills. 0 ® ae % M3 13 is V 9 Chat Gal" TH 4 1 and Mrs, Clifford Naylor, Mon:| : Step two: Keep your Savings Account Crain 128 A 79 $173% Je) "ay Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Sander- om your savings, You can actuall Moore iries 100 hr R Sundav School anniversary ser- CHEQUING from y 8 y 150 $2 En Dom El wis 7125 0 460 y Shop Save zl 925 » 1d St ofl } PILLS " Mr. and Mis. To Siow : A earns, Let us set up a 2-Account Plan me 8 Dom Text _ 300 W Cin oo 30 We ~ 8 Miller 300 Mr, and Mrs, Alan Scott visited Stanign wis 080 4 ALORS D0 Mr, and Mrs, Walter Holliday § Bateman Toronto, Sunday 30 h HM 3 3 $ Belle Chib ents Mr, and Mrs. John Miller. Camp Chib Young HG Ho 13 1 ; Cartier Que u t - James Hagan of Caledonia, « Bulole xd 100 id 1 " 3 0 -- a weekend guest of John Lucyk. ¥ Home Ol B 16% 16% 3 3 Medal 27 27 207 ; Anglo Nfld 175 oy Stanley Naylor spent the week- Midoan [ WW 3 - Arcan 300 * end with friends at Bala, : Step one: Open a Royal Bank Personal view 1 ETI atly Northear" hn 0 9 Blue Biniets +4 Mills, were sunper guests of Mr, Pac Pete 00 1 + F Cons Pap, y 4 $ dav. ict] Jf savin, id 19 1 Cogtim ar wo Mr. and Mrs, Ross Myers of : L strictly for 2. D Oflcloth Bn M2 4 Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs, | : I Personal Chequing Account Fleet Mig 400 Stanley Webber Monday. : With al ersona quing , x for paying bills you seldom need to draw Homer A ry A PERSONAL Kelly DA 820 S104 +4 son attended the Eoniskillen 7% | § : : i Pow Cor 2 pr #20 76% vices Sunday and visited Mr, and | ; 4 ACCOUNT see your savings go up with every deposit D Bridge Prem Steel 105 36 6 Mrs, Edgar Wright ; / FOR PAYING you make, plus the interest your money 4 00 40 Do. a RW Bn 2 Sysop 04 » Tooke Mt 200 84 14 Solem called on Mr, and Mrs,| | : ; A " Dom Tar 72 Sh rite 5 360 350 380 Waterman 1200 83% 5% ; Wilfred Sanderson Monday, : y for you, It is a real help in saving, Fam Play xd 100 8 » 1 h Lorne Hoskin : " Us® 3 san : Bc.m Mines I ime i THE ROVAL BANK OF CANADA M Sta'eigh 1385 » Blackstock Saturday. : fi ines Stanigh wis 960 3100 $28 | hi 800 300 28500 Anthonian 8 and Mrs, F. M. Holliday of| 300 63 pov i 8 Augustus Brooklin visited Edith Batson, 000 64 o" - Beatrice G Mackay A 300 2 1 Bellochas Debbie Salter spent Friday and E : A, Cross, Manager Pa 2000 Saturday visiting her grandpar-| | Oshawa Branch S: A, Cross, Ma 9 U Mining 31 4 Bonnyville H Ynture +1 2 Doruite _ Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hiemstra, 8 C Collieries Yvonne and Jo-anne spent the Ganorama > weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Cleveland Hise "Denison Michael Tullock of Oshawa was Bonville 0 1 966,000 ly Mr, and Mrs. John Gonta, Osh. Bousan 80 Sales toll a.m Gd Ade o - «wa, were supper guests of Mr, Braloren 2 - lay Uran 500 a d Me, Walter Lucyk, Sunda: "amp Chib 700 - v. ial v y an h y . y. E'Mbare" 1000 MONTREAL Jur Aug | 50 150 Mr, and Mrs. Roy Jackson and San Nw 300 rifled By The Canadian press Montgary 3 : Leslie, Little Britain, were guests Candore 18500 Montreal Stock Exchange---May 2 N Santiggo Cha: Can-Ent 187100 . (Quotations in cents unless tharked 8. N W Amulet 3500 0 of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Grills, [ 1 u ; nn 5200 $10% 104 10% Can-Met A 3-Odd lot, xd -- x.dividend, xr--Ex Nocana oly 0 Wh Captain iw rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) N A Asbestos 500 Sunday supper guests of Mr. ow 1 Tow Tw Chb-Kay a ; 4 LE M se and Mrs, Metro Lucyk were Mr.| i : 06 3 + 2700 11 - and Mrs, Howard Brown of Ked-| | a fb i py i ht A $30 2 IN 4 ; : : ---- . Orchan BE Industrials po Ee RA and , ON Que Cobalt Mr, and Mrs, Mantle Gerrow 1 145 14% 1 Sales Migh Low a.m, Ch'ge o Smell 300 v , Ho 2% 1H 500 » 450 835 3 3 bg Ph B00 450 445 #8 and children, Oshawa, were Sun. $40% 40% 40% fod -Y Steep R 229 day supper guests of Mr. and $15% 15% 15% 2 » - ol nn -W Tain 2000 n Mans pr 5% 10 81084 10044 10814 2 [IE TI | Titan 7600 Mrs, Horace Grills, ore 1000 $39 38% 3% : 450 A 35 836% 36% 36M U Olls 1000 1% au " Valor Lith 5000 i Virginia 5 200 Weedon 1800 500 827% Ww 56% 3 a nm " Wendell 3 bl Sales 1 o11:30 a.m.; Industrials, 39,400, Phone 934 brig dh ) " mines and olls, 76,300, Fel st pr 28 ® 2 2 291% 31% M% [J LJ BA OO) 70 TW 4 n Ed BC Forest 00 hi u 760 oy hs h | Be mn dw 41 " os ET EARNINGS HANDSOME in appearance S138 12% 18M VW NV .! & 3 3 »n 060 817 16% 16% » A $19% 134 13% ® By THE CANADIAN PRESS . + . becouse the responsibility for design and de Anglo-Scandinavian lovestusat coration of all Marconi products is placed in the Corp, of Canada, year en hands of ly the finest ft th March 31: 1959 $142,085, 25 cents ere 5 Pi sn e ney master craftsmen in 1] a share; 1958, $148,501, 27 cents. eld of cabinet. work, 3 Gordon Mackay and Stores We proudly invite you to enjoy the perfection of Ltd, year ended Dec. 31; 1958, NU-SLIM nce in oll models of M ni Rad $157,131; 1957. $20,560, . appearance in all models arco adio, T.V., and High Fidelity units, -- specifically de- Maher Shoes Ltd, year ended Jan, 31; 1959, $360,436, $2.80 a signed to enhance the surrounding decor of your home, share; 1958, $3320,777 $2.57. HANDSOME in performance [135 class competition. Dies In Sarnia | | ---- | | ' | A fleet of aluminum and fibre- § | because electronic engineering triumphs never [Biase power boats Jou Suboure SARNIA OF) Mrs. Mabel | before experienced in the development of television |3€ are Schreiber, 77, widow of Le-| receiving units have been achieved by Marconi en. races. roy Schreiber and a sister of One disaster threatenod when Thomas A. Edison, inventor of gineers, to offer you the clearest, sharpest picture a cluster of racers sped into the|the incandescent lamp, died here | ever produced, first turn to find a pair of bliss. (Sunday. . W" ful fishermen trolling happily inte| Mrs. Schreiber was the young: | This, coupled with extra power for "fringe" stations; their path, (est and last surviving member unequalled sound of true fidelity; the exclusive Eleven OPP, including one ser- ©! ie Jarge Edison family of | LIFE-TEST to insure trouble-free performance from geant, were in the village to con.| Which the famous inventor was the start, gives you' Marconi's FULL FEATURE {one of th . trol thousands of cars that flock. *'¢ of the eldest. =o I pepenDABILITY, ---- ed in for the race. In addition, |y.: . | there were four RCMP officers Sn aow Just of Bort Hues, '59 MODEL with one corporal, and eight St, j910. : J : John Ambulance. She is survived by a son, Fred- : QUEBEC PARISH [erick Edison Schreiber, Sarnia, 5 Longeuil on the south shore of | . \ the St. Lawrence opposite Mon- I \ |treal was first settled in 1657. | SALES \ ; HOW TO HELP YOUR MANAGER " J S P . fi l Ml For Combination Storm Deer end Window Manufacturing Co. An 3 nr ore, alll | | A) aggressive, experienced men ree iE uired to d up & new Oshawe WON THE RACE -- BUT NOT THE CUP Envi =X WITH TRADE MARCONI All smiles after finishing first | cross country race staged by | while Cpl. Bames ran the and second] Cpl. Pitrie (right) | 26 'Central Ordnance Depot in | course in 34.35. Both men were MR. MINSHALL CL. 5.4463, Torente er He: | SR ea RY | Swibctt of 30 COU teat frum % 19 TUBE, SUPER POWERED LONG + STATIC-FREE SOUND SYSTEM . . . with more points, took the tro. | phy. DISTANCE CHASSIS .. One 4" x 6" sealed Alnico Speaker and the Speedboats pen staticlear sound channel with the acoustically constructed d phies Br Td Dea McDonald, cabinet provide balanced fidelity-tone audio, Toronto, ass winners were: : lass A outboard, Chuck Simon; % CASCODE TUNER CIRCUIT. .. Cl Bewdley Season [isi is rs ADJACENT CHANNEL SELECTIVITY 48 class, Jack Brayfield; in- « + « traps out interference from adjacent stations PORT HOPE (Stat) --A crowd |Jack Brayfield was winner of the board, COD, Joe Possey; 135 and | 3 MH of more than 15,000 lined Bewdley (48 Class trophy, and Jack Pator|136 class, inboard, Don McDon-| I nce | 1] apter Bl * SIGNAL MONITOR . . . ++1 BE FF ESF oF FE FEF Eeunssls EiiiE & noon was Art Asbury called Can-| ada's best driver by many, Se Edison's Sister raced his 'Miss Muskoka" in the FE, fs 2) i El waterfront at Rice Lake Sunday was winner of the C Racing Out: ald; unlimited class inboard, Don | 1 afternoon to Witch " first of the haa trophy. Bex sportsman of McDonald, tho | « + « boosts 'reception and clips noise on distant signals. * REMOVABLE SAFETY GLASS . . omer circuit of eet he day and Unlimited class tro- Guest sportsman of after | OF THE » + « makes cleaning of picture tube face wasier, Scores of screaming high : Ee WNT -- 1.LO.D.E. || No MONEY DOWN ...250 WEEKLY pits at the north end of the vil lage. Only one accident threaten. | ed to mar the day, when a Class| ' A outboard flipped and over 1 . N turned | { lL |] wishes to express it's grateful appreciation to Lt. poe Bevan Davison, 1 Scar. J § i Col. F. S. Wotton, Commanding Officer of the Fath or age Bi id . ol | 11th Armoured Ontario Regiment; The Oshawa | > . ogg Ho was Jaited dt wi Complete financing available. Low payments. Many | Police Dept, The Oshawa Times and the Citizens h towed of Oshawa for their help in making it's tag day i shore undamaged. plans to Shocse from. For Samples details ox illus- No other boats came to grief,|| trated catalogue Phone. COLONIAL HOM 134 last Satur such a success. despite increasingly choppy | Simcoe St. South, Oshews. RA 8-8571.. Open Hill voy biking 81 KING ST. W. RA 5-5121 24 HOURS DAILY waves in the late afternoon 9 pom. . % Four trophies were awarded.'