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The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1959, p. 8

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nose Hadassah Presents des, ie » Government Sous re- St. Gertrude's CWL \ Armatrong. Mre J. P Hen Rona" GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES meme £5 5:77 Dadasteh Poser : CALVARY BAPTIST WMS (draw for the apron was won by ; Laird Ada , EB. At May Meeting = SAvvAs mang o Cava re Jack et + + er, iow, Oncar' us, ir] TO Gov.-General : ; , 4 rs. es er than 7 ' e | The May meeting of $i. Ger- ep as Bild recolliyy eryone for helping to make the . . _Desmond| OTTAWA (CP) -- Mrs, William |brude's Catholic Women's League noneur, presiding. |past year a successful one. took the form of a supper in the The tant moet The first meeting in the fall parish hall with Mrs. Sidney ing were read by Mrs, Otto Shar- will be held on tember 10 at Sheridan as 'convener, [rard and the offering was receiv-|8 p.m. in Courtice United Church { president, Mrs, Patrick| oq by Mrs, Clarence Henry. Next|Sunday School room. WESTMOUNT WA / | You. are invited by the Social for [their work in convening the re- gus 17 The May meeting of the West } [Department to send in any little] | ved. | ' " fmount United Church WA was ' L [Give Gown banquet and wed-| wa William Spencer gave a held recently. Mrs. Gordon toms of intrest. News of teas Vt" ent to Tek Aviv at Oct Aual. reports were lew thoughts on prayer. Quoting Wherry, the president; welcomed iF \surprise parties, showers, anni-ber, takes a keen interest in the Mrs, Frank F): ad gio E. M. Bounds she said, "The low|a]| present. . 08 | |versaries ahd comings and, go-|country and a particular interest pp Bk pg Trak estimate we put on prayer is evi-|" Mrs Kenneth Cobb was in bo. ings are alw ble|In. Canadian projects there, Markey, treasurer. romorted | denced by the length of time We charge of the devotional and took / ' ways very acceptable yognusah's national executive s » report Alspend on it." she sald. "In the as her theme "Mothers." The and for which there is no charge./ends a two-day meeting here to. bank balance of $504.09. Mrs, | ures 'we are told to comely oriniyre was read by Mrs. Harry 4 {Please write or telephone RA Join Adams reported for the so-| y' (Hebrews 4:16); ih full Gray Airy 8 ; 3-3474 local 18 {cial action and citizenship com. assurance of faith' (Hebrews| ~ wre Robert Harrison read the ; i : mittee 10.22); and 'in faith believing) oo datary's report, and Mrs. B.| #8 : V 4 Taking. purt in. the. entertain SOCIAI NOTICES LA i ada's first woman ambassador Miss Eva Buckner, spiritual{that God is . (Hebrews 11.6). po ille. "the treasurer's report, | We gr a |eonvener, announced a pilgrim. (We are to come with definite ve-\ngp. jonn Jackson gave a de- r ment provided at the meeting ad- [age to Lackawanna on June 7.quests, knowing that God hasiymiption of "Five Oaks" and told] RECEIVES DEGREE dressed. 7. Mr, Join Wintermey.| ENGAGEMENT She also reminded the members 9aid, 'Ask and ve Mall, Te iof the serene atmosphere and re-| Al th ad rhe lav. J Sipps of Slootal ond Mr, and Mrs, Austie M. {ber 18 to 20. Mrs. John Pollman! A time was spent In prayer visit there ersity ' Toronto Miss Eve. might were: the Treble-Shooters, (ment of their daughter Daisy | jrenurted on {lie ear: son to the oh never nine putt rh Mi Fred Oven Toported #5 wn Dorothy Held, is dough a Sweet Adeline quartette con. Louise, to Mr, Allan Andrew) Vil sick during the year hall of local and missionary literature convener an rs ' . ti ; P : |Canfleld, son of Mr. and Mrs, d | Miss aio) Brown reported that Deeds J. M. Stoughton, as card con. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Sherrard, A ousseau Sidney Canfield, all of eons by Ronald Bilsky, B.C. 4 Way . Reid," Park road north, recelv- ; A Chi ctor [there Is a membership of 71 at cpNYRE STREET WA, ["'{' ; y ; agree sie and Rita Boneham; accordion [The marriage will take place on . pre A bale of clothing will be sent| ed her degree in physical and ist, Joan Zubkavitch and drum. Saturday, June 20, 1929 at 3|| Specialist in faimer 3phtine present. Annual reports were also (West Group! y DOT rou t N yv - ) sed | occupational therapy. f Corvi Given by Mrs. William Clancy, ow \'cioup of the WA, of Be i A wed ap apy mer, Jim Anderson. Boby sitting|0'clock in Northminster United Upper Cervical Mrs. Jom Donabie, Mrs Gerald 4 " y whiob : A service was provided by the Miss. Church > " Stree ited Church met church on Wednesday, June 3 S$ provided by the Miss j Centre Street United ures or nesda) . es Carol Crawford, Marcia Fair, EYES OF THE FUTURE Merkley, Mrs, A. W Parkin anc 4 i A . : Mrs. Joseph Jarrell recently in the Chapel Ze W A enters decided 10 30 PERSONALS Liov Fletcher. Sandra Smith and ENGAGEMENT Many more small ehildren Mrs, Walter Branch, reporting The group leader, Mrs. Leon deat po the prank b tar in od] Judith Drynan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zariwny of | are wearing glasses on behalf of the Madonna Group, ard Goldsmith, presided , : ' e : ; Oshawa announce the engage. h RE Tn ay agony np, Various items of business were gust and also planned to have a Ordinary Seaman Howard " nent of thelr daughter, Sylvia tol a child first begins at school a Strawberry supper at the church pg, oh) Andrews, son of Mr, and HOUSEHOLD HINT Ife, James Reid. son of Mr, and/| there a slight de. Andrews, Burk sect | yo, oan buy special waterproof Mrs. Ted Reld, all' of Oshawa, | ficiency: 'called nearsighted- been assisted, regardless of thelr discu ssed including plans for a on Wednesday, June 27 religion and that 200 articles had 3'rawberry tes fo be held in "Plans were made "for a fall Mrs. BR. J been given away. Sie also asked June at the home "of Mrs hon: bazear to be held in November Sa raw memhar a HMCS pape r sacks with which to line The marriage will take place on ness, slight donvergende. oF bY for contributions for the nearly #0d Goldsmith, Rossland road! ™ yl" boo "Neal's group was swa " a 0 sid | 4 h Brit the garbage pail, These may be|Saturday, June 20, 1959, at 3 Wi of a mult ut names new shop vest harge of the meeting, and|€5cort for the royal yacht, Britan- yified out when full, leaving alo'clock in St. George's Ukrainian|] 8iven to abnormal conditions nig, from Gaspe, Nova Scotia, on clean pail Church ol the eyes nc It was - i » Ci The next meeting will 'be held ..vad refreshment THE KENNEY TRIO totic. ne uupced th i at the home of Mrs. Goldsmith Sarved refyeniyyenty the royal visit end The eyes are usually exam: ws jon Tuesday, June 2 BATHE PARK AUX, ined Immediately and the child given correction lenses Children of Mr, and Mrs. Roy | Mrs. KE. C. Burton, Whitby, and (tion to be held in "Toronto woul Kenney, Ritson road south, are | Mr. and Mr J. R. X " 4 a i] The regular meeting of Bathe Honoring Miss Theresa Marie y, f H 8d Kenney, [take place June 13, 14 and 15. It ' COL" THERS' ¢ . wiv) . ¢ hina: Hii pH Ye vie ' v Leanna Doris, David Alfred Downsvie\ and great grand {was decided that the price lor ca 18TH SCOUT. MOTHER AL x Park Ladies Auxillary was he id Babineau Whose Marriage fonk Wilt ute. Wat commodate Roy and Marlena Jo. Leanna | children of Mr. and Mrs, Rob- [tering in future would he $2.00 The 18th Scout Mothers' Auxil- (In the Park building Mrs; Cleve place in Holy Cross Roman Cath y for the eye deficiency, How- is two v 4 ; Hig jary held its last meeting of the McMann, presided olic Church on Saturday morning A »- ever very seldom is the spine who is two years old, David, | ert Hurt, Black Diamond, Al- per person for either a hot or T : seven, 'and Marlena, four, are berta cold plate season at dhe home ot Mrs The Iniaues 5" ne Be on May BO Se Veitv Way : Ser xupined tn he by A the grandchildren of WM i a . (ieorge Reynold meeting and roll call were read arranged by the girls of the paris ¥ & ¢ e trouh'e: either in a child [4 vildren of r. and Photo by Aldsworth Father Frank 8. Mahoney wel Mrs. Churles Aroha welcomed by Mrs, William Haight, Report diciribution, parts and serviee i; ; J] or in an adult, Ar a general comed new members present and those present with a special. wel.|0n the bingoes held on Thurs: |givision, General Motors, and! / W ria'e children's eyes wi'l res! asked the women to parlicipate otoe bo Are. Bay Wagers day afternoons and the financial(yaid at the Central Hotel, when di pond better and more quickly m the coming retreat He AN Cnhe secretary and treasurer "ePOrt of the Auxillary were given|ihe pride-elect received an elee-| Bos, 4 thon the adults as that ap nounced that 'operation doorbell {gave their reports also the sew by Mrs John Fisher [tric floor polisher. Miss Babineau | SC 3 ; plies in most any disease. would begin in Juac. This will ing and social conveners. Mrs, Opening ye pis iy was also guest of honor at a per- le eves are supplied by take the form of a visit to each Charles Carpenter gven ig proved. Success sonal shower at the home of Miss 7 ; nerves Just as every K bi ing Cl pert of the body. When nerves i ' are Rave a re. zp. th od all the mem 4 |home in the parish to be carried port on the executive board meet i Ads Bia ig hg Helen Ferencz, King street west 4 : /i 7 on the Assisting the hostess, in serving : ; leading to the eyes are par: y tioI'v blanked there will be [out by the members He thanked ing during which an announce 8 a [the executive {| lead A social half hour followed the X | eid and group UE: 'ment was made of the Church puetinge and games of bingo! Wos her mother, Mrs. Ferenez,| ers for their year's work parade of Scouts and Cubs 10 were plaved "and Miss Cathie Maher. From A disease or a lack of ease of A draw was held for the quilt |.) iq ai Camp Samac oh Sun Refreshments were: served by|the staff of parts distribution, : Lo fuoetion in some part of the made by Mrs John Donabie's gay June 7, in the early after the co-hostesses Mrs. Jack Coop [parts and service, General Ma HM A ave, ; i 4 groop and the winner was Mrs. poo, er and Mrs. Haight, The lucky tors, the bride-to-be received an 4 1 1 ten the aye muscles be: . Patrick Roperis, RR 1, Hampton The money from the waist-line cup was held by Mrs John|ironing board and pottery vase, 4 i iH i ; Ome Ses Sie Save ng ack Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor i A | a . oe 4 y itor Dial RA 3-3 p a p Pls Following the rehearsal on Fri . A # RA 174 apron sale was turned in and the Fisher oll wing > dye nm . : 2 lar weakness also © the day evening, the bridal party was 3 ne S0 cause ) er ; eres to cross, The muscles ain » home he ; 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 25, 1959 Sunday Reception INCOMING AND RETIRING PRESIDENTS ey lestaifioy of the loi of in : are of course supplied with For Oshawa Couple \ ; ents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Halik.! ; CN ue bY the yh nil accident Th - 1 \ : . v d i A banquet' was held for the ; g y can displace one of the bones ompson Karandiuk Rites Married 25 Years i "i members of the Eight 0'Clock ™. " o the spite Just Rig Th Married 2% years ago in St j : Club. of Knox Presbyt in p TA | é fon to the eves : Form Pretty Afternoon Ceremony jiu': Famer, Caio cine - in Ech nd their tomes Toss) PEE | | omemuer, a ohysioal ex Aida: TC. jp] Revived ' AA dinner, the Reverend R. B, Mil! 3 3 . Senindiion is aot Swaplets up The marriage of Hallie Karan, Mr. Harold G. H Thompson of Oshawa for five Vears Wr WH rp % 8 roy presented two unusual but wi § y > If your ehild is wearing luk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Was best man for his brother. and Mrs Raymond Scott. Divi. § ' nl TH wkque evs, which were designed Ei S glasses, consult a chironractor Peter Karandiuk of Pickering, Ushering were Messrs, Michael gion street, held open house al J a and made by Mr. Ray Miners 3 : i i who will be fair in telling you and Thomas Clive Thompson, son D- Thompson, Terence C. Thomp- (their home, on Sunday afternoon wv , olf . The cups were presented for the Py if he can help the optometrist 'of Mr. T. Clive Thompson, QC, son and Benjamin C. Thompson, (and evening, May 24. Mrs, Scott [a -- F ; ; : highest points for men and . i a H to effect a correction; by re. apd Mrs. Thompson, Brighton, MP is the former Miss Reta Sadler : i { hr err women in the recent Badminton : SEG AER 5 moving the spinel cause of was solemnized recently at St A receplion was held at the daughter of the late Mr. and Mi § . g A tournament held by the Club The | 3 § A the eye weakness: George's Ukramian Catholic Hoel Genosha. To receive. the W. W. Sadler of Lindsay, and the J aL winners were Mrs, Douglas Kirk- | , eye of tomorrow may be Church, Oshawa bride's mother wore a crystal bridegroom is the son of Mrs § g y 9 ? |tand and Mr. Neil MacDonald. | ht] The Reverend J. C. Pereymna DUe pure silk sheath with a large James Seoit of Bafloville, and the ¥ 4 &X Alter a, dish washing sChalon bYy WEDDING PRINCIPALS ciated. Th wedding brimmed bat trimmed with or.|"™ J A . y " mae i' 8, d ui pi : The oo ding Pain Runa fave he Beltegroon . The 11 0' tock Mass al St. Greg was held concerning a picnic of Wladyslawa Ponikowska and | ley Ponikowski and the bride. O'Connor and Mr. Peter Kaiser Mother assisting was in pale OY'5 Roman Catholic Church, o ' |which all members will be noti- john Szale, both of Oshawa, | groom is the son of My. and ractle, whose sang blue chiffon with a matching|SUndaY moming was offered in . : fied exchanged nuptial vows recent: | Mrs. Joseph Szalc, all of Po- | King Sirout " close fitting hat. Both wore MANksgiving by the Reverend fig «* # [ i { | ly at St, Hedwig's Roman Ca- | land. The couple will live in || fost (Pla ding), Yale: Given in marriage by her fa. ui LT : i oor LT. McGouglt Mrs. Wilam &% fs Out - of - town guests at the g ,ii0 Church The bride is the | Oshawa phone BA" §-¥ « ther the bride wore an original | Accessories and corgi, onan sang 'Panis Angelicus" § Thompson - Karandiuk wedding daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Stan --Photo by Mary's Studio were Mr, David Wiggs, Montreal; : - oe a-------------- ful + length gown of carnation "*ReS Of sweetheart roses and special music was rendered hi . 7 { silk organza over taffeta. For the wedding trip to the (by St. Gregory's choir under the ge fli Commanger Patrick Whithy | | | | a ab $8 ep and Mrs, Whitby, Ottawa; r.| RECALLS DISASTER | ! ' | bodice was styled with sheath a t sonst, aud New England direction of Mr, John Driscoll, vy EE States th " | ' | ted sleeves and a boat neck he e wore an emerald organist and choir leader { the annual meeting this | women graduates, meets (and Mrs, Jack C. hg Ry LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A plaque THE oe edged with chantilly lace and Sreen two - piece wool suit with al Miss Francis Sadler of Oshawa Mrs, H. ¥. Millen was | monthly during the winter to | Perry: Mr, and Mrs, seed pearls. The bouffant skirt #mall close fitting hat of white and Mrs. Joseph Cain of Toronto, elected president of the Uni- | hear outstanding speakers and [Collingwood ; Mr. and Mrs. Victor commemorating' the Victoria dis- provides two scholarships year- |McNab, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. aster of May 24, 1881, in which afged with chantilly lace and!lace and a corsage of white sisters of the bride of a quarter versity Women's Club of Osh seed pearls ended im a chapel(Sardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- of a century ago. greeted the) (RR Foils "Mec Chillen | Iv fo high school students en: |Alex. Seel, Windsor; Mr. and naailv 200 lives were lost, was . ) train. A Hara of rhinest json will live in Oshawa guests on arrival, while Wry | * Mrs. Waldo Thompson, Detroit ' a id } Phinestone | a Frank Mayer, (Margare! Rose) succeeds Mrs Donald H. tering a university Mrs aldo Tho pson troll, || veiled Sunday at Riverside Qe s held, her fugertip veil and daughter of the honored couple] Moore. The club, opew to all Oshawa Times Photos (Michigan; Mrs. A. B Hodgetts, | The Victoria, a flat-bot « ° - > hs - J i . eli 4 vamude ol sm Tiny Laboratory was in charge of the pink silk Prt Rove: tomed stern wheeler, was used Miss Katryn McNevin guest book CHILD GUIDANCE Miss Irene Barton and Mi S Sto ferry passengers between Lon. | SCH me oa Mdevin wa Is S avin Lives To receive, Mrs. Scoll wore a {Florence Cowan returned on Sat-/don and Springbank Park, She ! g two-piece ensemble of navy blue, urday from a vacation trip to/had made several trips when oS indants were Mrs. Thomas ali | i o silk bengaline and eorsage of| . | . Vancouver and Victoria, British h bound crowd of 600 surg Mikolash, Mrs. Frank Baron and] LONDON. Ont. (CP)--A dl white feathered carnations cen H | D ] Ww th C 1d SRCOUN Ww, ¥ omehon H Richard Baker, sisters of laboratory y : pis Hii with rd A. " - ow 0 ead 1 Columbia, and Seattle, Washing. | aboard. Hall way across she col- Presents Its Mrs aboratory in St. Joseph's Hos ton. During their trip they visited lapsed and overturned. the bride. They all wore identical Pouring tea were Mrs, € ( . , y ¢ wgockiall length gowns of heavenly P!'8! Which can save the lives of py ty Mrs Joseph Riordan and Wh | A Slow Eater Si ud Nos. 4 ii blue 100 women each year was/ Mrs. Thomas Driscoll, all of Osh 0 S : BO Harris yi Victoria Mr ANNUAL RECITAL pure silk organza over taf. bearly feta. The gowns were strapless officially opened Wednesday awa. Serving were Miss Carol AR , . . . With an insert of embroidered It contains less than - $2,000! Ann Scott, a daughter of the anni-| BY G. CLEVELAND MYERS his plate is clean or make him|and Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Har BUYING A RUG 2 . swiss organdy at the bodice and worth of 'equipment and a staff|versary couple, Miss Susan White, " 5 ) he, vel it can detect/o Toronto, Miss Rose Seott of 600,000,000 children of the world breakfast bouftant skirt -over which they of only three | Ita p Ware whit \ 3 Te hs : . h h Belleville and Mrs. Elmer Scott|are sick or hungry In contrast,|table when he likes, with the oe : ' ore Wii . Tediuguler bm Cancer n the eproghe Sid of Belleville. Also assisting were|think of the thousands of chil-|clear understanding that he can't| Oshawa ae wll Foproweniod, See Our Stock F id 2th 1 ] They wore matching blue ban o eh rd EN RY of Mrs. Theresa Coyme and Mrs.!dren here in the United States come back or have anything toh ge ase De Before You Do n ay, une ' deaux with rhinestones and vel the i "eviolog Pld John Lanvrence whose mothers make mealtimes eat until the next regular r lL | rama Festival a the Royal] Is ' Mr. and Mrs. Scott have six|miserable for them by trying tol You can gel best results if YOu | Alexandra Theatre last week. | HIGHER QUALITY 7:30 PM. ll and short blue gloves and rat the pu ng y and operating in the province children. William James, who will!make them eat the abundance of (keep very calm {Among those who attended vari-| LOWER PRICES carried cascades of blue chrys The laborator 1s operated by . " - nt N 3 apthemuros Sister St. Willian graduate from St. Augustine's/food set before them Serve a very, very small por-foug performances were Mr. and Seminary. Scarborongh. in (wo, An Ohio mother writes tion of food. He should have only Ms. George Rapley, Miss Made \ 0 h 0 Il t d | ti ] Institute INU-WAY RUG |} Oshawa Collegiate -and Vocationa lvears: Mrs. rFank Mayer (Mar 'How much time should be al one food at a time. When 1 say line Tooley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.| ADULTS 50e; CHILDREN 285¢ According to UNICEF, about|eat at lunch what's left from ris are former residents of Osh Let him leave the|awa Y. gavel Rose), Peter. Carol Ann, lowed a three-year-old for break- small portion, I mean small, not/0'Neill, Miss Viola Lidkea, Miss! {David wy Paul : fast or any other meal? a teaspoonful, but a portion no| Agnes Miocich, Miss Florence] AND CARPET SALES. onored guesis at the receDUIon yy) pq TIVE bigger than a lima bean, When) --- 174 MARY BY. RA 5 were the Very Reverend Dean] he has finished that, serve a like | 10 | Dy Ver arish priest st.| 'He likes to dawdle and fool . Fou D3 . Fee ot Fs aroun One morning | timed | small a Hon of uother. Single, McGough: also Mrs. James Scott/him. He was sitting at the table, 20¢ ie Siingy iF he asks for of Bolloville, mother of the sitver almost two hours. 1 get so aggra.| econds anniversary bridegroom vated that I can't seem to start! Let your child do his own eat ing. Never command him to eat, Showers of greeling cards, in- my day's work \ $ | cluding a tel am from Texas,!| 'We're trying something differ Some parents write of keeping \ J | and many gilts of silver, china, ent now the child at the table for an hour | { | | electrical equipment, garden furl "If he lsn't through in half an Or more or until he leaves a clean] SE J J ] ] . niture ete. wore received by the hour, we take his breakfast away plate. This would not happen if TR Ns ' I) qudb-.. . couple : and make him eat it for lunch|very small helpings were given, 3 8 f Both are members of St. Gireg-\hefore he ean have anything|Let the child tell how small or | Du Barry which Mrs. Scott is active in the! «A. we being too hard on!!f this child did not have candy, RO ve - Catholic Women's League, him?" cake or other sweets between VAL LVEY MLUID MAKe.4p Out of town guests were pres-| 'ay reply in part: meals, he would clean his own og . Toronto and Belleville [Mttle child to mit until he has| (My bulletins, "Eating Prob. a Ng sae Sel Complimentary {finished what you put on his/lems I and IL" may be had by BA SA SN n rR 1 1 HOUSBEREAKING CHARGE plate. ee a self . addressed, U.S. : : : BoB Valve es --_ oyal Jelly A 3 ow Thomas businessman and a Mon- several foods and he probably | of this newspaper.) 3 / 5 |treal entertainer appeared inistirs them together, then to eat| -- court Saturday on a charge of this mess at lunch ix a hard 1 J ames Powes ordeal I \ : T i, A beatiful new Du Barry ory's Romar Catholic Church nace let him serve himself. Moreover, ent from Lindsay, Scarberough.! "yo ke as if vou require that/plate CLOUDSILK PEARLED POWDER LONDON, Ont, (CP) A St. The chances are, you give him stamped envelope to me in eare housebreaking. Shropshire, 38, St. Thomas dis-| Pleas? don't make him sit until| -. : trict manager of the Ontario Con- | Creative Hair Styling is Iservatory of Music, and Arthur J pleased to offer the {Gordon Palmer, 32, were released services of on ball to Mav 2% ED. WILSON MISS wer us cuean vous || | FURNITURE | DONNA WARRISON | ul 610 EERE 20 Church St. RA 3.321) Miss Harrison, aspetializing in RUGS and - 4 where i Si onde UPHOLSTERY A DEAL | YAGUUM B18 Bers Creative Styling | | | | a ie rrange pe i id f POLISHERS 28 ¥ 5 2 > |] Professional eleoning i yours i KING ST. E. doer price \ by { by JOHN MARK WAYNE a] | MEAGHER'S || ,..) Dial RA 34621 This bonny boy, one-ysar-old | the grandson of Mr. and Mrs F Esti 259 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Mark Wayne Shortt, is the son | Seaborn Spencer and Mr. and | RA 5-8832 iI A DEAL | 92 simcor strEeT NorTH RA 8.0951 of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mrs, Claud Shortt, all of Pie Sherl, Nassau street, Mark is ton. Photo by Ireland RA 5.471

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