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The Oshawa Times, 29 May 1959, p. 16

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TRAIN NUSBANDS : BURNHAM, England (CPs hundred ¢ 4 an Husbands waiting anxiously while weig 818. [their wives are in the mat Sheen and Lambs: Bpring lambs yi. of the Canadian Red Cross {ranged from 26-32 according oly, nital at this Buckin weight and quality; sheep 412|.ommunity are having their {fears allayed, They a A pre. | according to quality, HE PE =| confinement class "where tension LITERARY NEST is relieved for them by talks WEYBRIDGE, England (CP) which cancel out those fear-in- [iioen: paraded 1: Yany 4) 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 29, 1959 Yght' sows 19; stags 15 TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS TORONTO t N "lock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge sort hts Bo Mie US a Be po oron oe sohange~May 2 A orlnrte ' thon od 8 S Ofl wis 2600 100 90 100 +3 Noi metal ) 25 cents to as much as 50 cents 4 3d = Bavidond. 310. an Dev " Norsyns : : 4 ; a hundredweight higher on Robins are nesting in a bookcase spiring old wives' tales," said # rights, sw=Ex-warrants,) £ Ix on 1 1 North n "a " 12 : Heil 200 b . slaught steers, heifers 1! 28, al & in y town, oo ] e Husky Norvalie 00 i3v yearlings this week at the On- ---- ------ -- Industrials ofiren » bing Bug ll N rien rs 1 Sales High Low 11 a.m, Pi 350 ¥ Py Savers were Nighy J $04 Ve IVY / 3 iv fair), gr at full dy odd 0 300 Home Ol B Pee Expl y ve ly steady 45 246 U5 BH 500 53 Nn » 185 165 8 Hou roy Pick Crow LI Pete Que Man Meda! Radiore . ® N Davies 1 " A50 828'6 28% 28'4 Rockwin NC Olls 4 hit A Okalt Bund 300 $10% 10% 10% halts 2200 Th = a a on a dressed Prices Higher On Slaughter Cattle TORONTO (CP) -- Prices were Slaughter cattle: Net jes High Low 11 a.m, Oh'ge 10% + W a» Sales High | i 00 | g A 250 810% ' 25 836 slack 10% an ATTENTION! BUILDERS - BROKERS - PRIVATE We Buy Second Mortgages (at these discounts) ® 1 Year To Run 129% ® 3 Yeors To Run 27% ® 4 Yeors To Run 33% Sook canners and cutters P and RB heavy bologna le herritt Pac bate w 260 90 980 80 BI Miller common and Place ul Stand calves and $12 lower on 7h T™ Pi an an and common calves. Hog prices Slocar Beav Lmbr A 100 $18 U3 00 se [BY] M5 IT sls 77% 05 Mm 816 218 80% ry a " BC Forest BC Pow 4 $570 S70 BTM 4 was aw Portage Provo Gas Yan Can Siar franigh weep R Sud Cont 8) lvanite Upp Can were unchanged and sheep and lambs were generally steady. Cattle receipts were some 2. 800 head more than last week and were comprable to the same! week in 1958, Western cattle re- ceipts were slightly less than last week at 92 head. Shipments to eastern Canadian slaughters were double those of last week at six loads and there were no exports Replacement Cattle; Good stock: ers 25-27 with some matched lots of 600 pound stockers gaining a premium over the 27 mark; good short-keeps were 24.25; and medium stockers 20-24; stock calves 28-31, and odd sales to 37; 26-32; commons 20-25; boners ® 2 Years To Run 20% (Unlimited Funds A WE ALSO Arrange and Refinance Morigages fidential service) COSMOPOLITAN DISCOUNT 64) YONGE ST. -- TORONTY «= WA 3.0939--30 Habla) 100 $13 alte A 200 $304 Wa m 01s S104 180 532% Can Cem pr 50 28 N C Bank Com 65 36314 Youn 275 $41% ' 7 7 Zul ph 00 $21% Curh 180 shi Yukon Con 300 360 Brown Build Prod to the United States, 15-19, Abacus Acad Uran Advocate Wille Wi Harg Yale Lead lie Now at yor MARTIN-SENOUR Atlin Ruf Aubelle ' Aumache Aumague B A 14 € Hydro Car 700 Cdn Oil 004 CPR 2015 $20 Chat-Gal Con Gan Con Gas B 70 810414 Dist Beng 100 $324 D Fndry 200 $480 Dosco 100 810'4 1944 Dom Stores 135 8774 ™ Dom Tar a0 817 Ww 17 FAM Play 350 23% BU Bs Fleet Mig 175 120 120 120 Ford US 80 80 69 LL Ford A 370 $173 173% 17 Fndtn 100 814% 14W 14% Fr Pete pr 425 710 T0710 Gatinean 100 541 8410 4104 Gen Dynam 100 $3014 34 854 GS Wares 70 $17 17 7 GL Paper Mo NT 4 Gurney pr b S13 18 Hard Carpet 1300 $14% 14% 14% Hardee 100 S164 164 164 - H Dauch 125 865 65 63 Holden B 250 305 305 305 L ( imp Bank 195 $75 T4% TA Beveon Bibis Ronville Boymar Rralorne 740 730 Buffad uw 124 M0 y ' Cadamet a 30 7 A ) Nn BY . iron "5 oo 3 en Fined mf Bl [iter blast Cdn Thor 7 7 Candore 1" 19 ERICH (CP)--~Three . em. of the Cementation Come bi "wy exterior | pants custom-made 1 mu 1 Inter PL 78 Intp S11 500 86 Inv Syn A 13 Kelly D A 100 $104 1044 Lakeland 1250 300 300 LobCo B SIS 35 Loeb M 78 813% 13M MacMill B 00 841 "oH M Leal Mill 300 M164 1644 Mass F Ms se Mass F M4 »p 0 $1] Moore 3M 830 Nat Drug 0 816 N Hos B 200 48 N Star wt 4 0 2 N Star wt 7 50 W Wi NO NGas 200 S14% 14% Ocean Cam 725 $1615 18 Faraday bt 2 [ t Ont Stee oun 24 Mn 3 r 22 : Page Hers 150 830% 304 $2014 trate Dudley Holmes em- the infraction of ) 2 \ Pembina 108 04 ? 1 | iJ Reichold #75. Sa a2 M+ t J 44 4 vhich the men were por Wea { Grandue 700 160 150 had nothing to do with i S Gulch 1} 9 : b { A Gunnar SAN hig) + ' . Gunnar wis 350 350 3 WH of Lakes A) un 3 d - i boden Orit pt W - | Row I Hi Russell A Hasidy 300 yo MONKEYS TURN TABLE ON MAN sl10 810% 1 13% StL Hd 200 S165 16% Balada &§ nn 250 S19 13% Salada wis 360 B15 M13 fhawin A xd 25 82 @ Blocks vt 120 32% 2M au 8 S80 ROW Jellicoe COUVER (CP) «= Two Jonsmith, J turned the tables on Kerr Add ( 2 ( ' ot e Kilembe + ! maveral scientists 85 Sas MW Kilem C They launched a 178 Sw NW Ki Min M0 442 - LaBrador JARO 427% L Shore i Trans Mt n 580 Slit Leitch 400 4 y the air Un Gas A pr 0 31 LL Lae 2 Shaw Un Telol M75 385 Macleod Walk OG 108 MM Maritime West C Rr 210 S33w 4 Martin 500 39 a 3 cos of Weston A 130 Mid Hu Maybrun 7 ' West A wis Mointyre ' Wood J A » MoKen } --3 yo Curd Merril ! Asbestos 115 $200 29% 20\ Milliken ] 1] 17 1 \ © Paper 135 83k 8 WW \ Nat Expl 12 12 2 v MO Paper BMA MM MM Nes Lab A 2 n \ Orilvie LU Bh AW + New Delh Oils New Jason N Kelore Newlund Alminex 144 380 #40 0 a0 N Man Am Leduc 3186 15% 13 15% N Mylama Ballsey § A 330 M0 MO M0 Banfi 100 148 148 118 'STOCK MARKET 11063 Boxes Detroit Papers NET EARNINGS 4 Increase Prices Cheese Offered { By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Cottons Ltd, vear DETROIT (AP) Detroit's t ended March 31: 1959, net loss KINGSTON (CP A total of afternoon newspa $170,218; 1958, net profit $20.877. 111,083 xes of cheese was of [creased prices of H ~ Pam Porcupine Mines fered on the cheese exchange ers Lud, year ended Dec. 31: 1988, Thursday. The Detroit Tim + 19587 8 J \ { Jue Jae $100619; 1957, net loss white cheese numbered 3,303 News auld ute v y X boxes, colored 3,034 boxes and price will he inci Lig Kerrie Res Lake Geld Mines potas 4816 bones Cents from Seven net loss 1957. net loss, Purchased by trade, white 268 gay papers will $253,028, |boxes, colored 3,034 boxes, ac. "*™* Ranger Oil (Canada) Lud., year cepted by the Ontario cheese pro: There was no col ended Dec. 31: 1058, $63,257; 1957/ducers co-operative were 3,125 the morning Detroit net loss $76,043, Iboxes of colored. on whether it would fol Can Erin 190 183 Can Met 45 45 Casniar Min 11 Chester "wy » Chih M K 135 1 Chimo 65 : Coch Will 360 380 { Canada pleaded guilty Coin Lake 3 to infraction of the On. Coldstrm 3 A 4 I' Comb Met Jt ah ADH] 3 Blkeno explosion in te ha C Beta G 5 1 d e here caused the dea imp Oil 130 $414 414 C Denison p former Pugwash, N.S Ind Accep 108 J C Den wis ? ' \ d . Inglis 100 $614 C Haliwell 7 1 ' A Miller 51% ' © Marcus will . Con M and § | Deville 3 shift fore Con Sud 210 8) fined $125, and Lewis Conwest Fd 410 and Ronald A, Pere Copran 50 21 " $90 eac Craigm! 600 - 435 fined $20 each Croinor 9400 } three were originally Grawpnt Hin ) . ' | with drilling within five Deer Hom 1000 wed holes and also with ithin six inches of a powder which vith Duvan 23500 E Amphi V0 W filled Fast Mal 4 led to explode Attorney Glen Hays ane would not proceed latter charges, East Sull 1 he NW 100 S1iW 11W 11W 108 S344 MW MM 478 31 a 210 S304 304 39% 8 Mm wh NM 100 848 " © 50 S12 12% 124 5 8 " Hud Bay Int Nickel Irish Cop Su000 Jacobus 3 Martin-Senour's 100% Pure House Paint is made for Canada's climate... made to seal color in... seal weather out! A host of exciting colors to choose from. Alexander Rauk with a yell 1 (r ' vhen he looked up htt IM enion Ho | er hed into the : \ Ay ty, huey 145 S106 100 10M MW BY BY nkeys escapees home of a neighbor long enough to into telephoning en they leaped off one else's garden © recaptured by a neighbors One coat Whitomess for Ulapboand Homes repaint with SOLO-COAT...yet © you get two-coat protection! time coat of blue + grey vown in summertime. UE MARTIN A) SENOUR ne NEW SE FILLER while 1 PURE yous PAN POR STUCCO, CONCRETE AND MASONRY HOMES : ~ Scientifically formulated \! for Exterior Masonry Surfaces, KEM-KRETE comes ready-to-use . flows on freely under brush or roller and covers solidly in one coat. Fill that woodwerk Plug cutouts m doors eta. POLYFILLA will not shake loose, even on vibra ing surfaces 4 SEE AN EXPERT SEE YOUR MARTIN-SENOUR DEALER by Norg® Cinelli ceeesic "gm [FLINTOFF HARDWARE LIMITED > ME AGHER'S = RA 3-4669 13 KING ST. WEST RA 3.4669 : HARRISON & KINSMAN HARDWARE 337 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MacCARL HARDWARE (WHITBY) LIMITED 113 BROCK SOUTH PHONE MO 8-3546 Engineered Made In Canada fix that window pane POLYFILLA makes an excel lent Swedish putty for glazing n wood or metal frames, LLY 3 IO ITD Rus. ah a pak S10 ny G PRODUCTS LIMITED QRONTO + EM. 3.934) Your Authorized Moffat Dealer In Oshawa ! RA 3.4428 @int or naiaware dere! King and Mary Strets. (In The Heart of Downtown Oshawa)

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