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The Oshawa Times, 29 May 1959, p. 21

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on all these highways is 55 m.p.h. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 29, 1959 5 2) [Bank 0 Canada | Now Ontario Top Speeds Lom me mre = 3 Interest Down "maximum" Speeds ib had lo reach," said Mr. Collins. completed west of Highway 20. stead ad of speed "limits." The 60 m.p.h. maximum would OMAVA (CP-The Bank of To Be Posted Within Days "We've changed the wording|be extended on the QEW as re-| - Canada interest rate dec to 'maximum' from 'limit' be- | construction work designed to ' iba |fractionally this week to Sean ved TORONTO (CP)--Ontario mo-{mum speed for the following | Cause we feel that 'limit' offered! make the highway a completely ; cent--the first downturn in 10 torists will be able to drive with routes: weeks, the central bank reported impunity up to 60 miles per hour COVERS MANY ROUTES Thursday. on, certain highways today even| All of Highway 400 and 401 with the exception of a short strip of In the last two weeks the bank|though the new maximum speeds two-lane road on 401 east of rate has been at a record 5.30|are not yet legal | Kingston. per cent, a peak reached after] Regulations authorizing the| All Highway 27 that is part of an unbroken rise lasting nine! Inew maximum speeds on high-|*he Toronto bypass. weeks. |ways 401, 400, parts of 27 and From Highway 27 to the Fred-| late day repeat Queen Elizabeth Way will be erick G. Gardiner expressway on posted within the next few days.|the Queen Elizabeth Way. On the rest of the QEW the THERTRE GUIDE [ice oud "so" rosecuie "so mi, hae been raised to 55 ALL CINEMASCOPE SHOW! ry ae Mervening striction through St Catharines, ON OSHAWA"S LARGEST SCREEN! Brock (Whitby) -- . Night Sof trolled speed traffic odd 7 and 9.20 Nem | 18ns will begin this week Ee heel pod? Niag- The highways, transport" and ara Falls Marks -- "Ride Lonesome' 1.00, attorney - general's department, Maximum speed for trucks of 3.40, 6.25, 9.10. "Life Begins at have approved the New maxi-| more than eight tons travelling ln 3.00. 7.40, ip p.m. '4 ast comp show p.m. | 7 + Rg VEY- DAWN ADDAMS / THE Plaza -- "Silent Enemy" 1.35 an i UE 10NE . % GENOSHA HOTEL 4.19, 7.05, 9.50 p.m. Last com- | ia | g . [9 oR plete show 8.36 p.m. NT! | £ Sood proudly presents a van oom SiLE | || SIM LASH ete show 9.25 p.1 ee] NEMY | 4 . . with his B Bw BT P| = | ELECTRIC ACCORDION aice EN SNE = el 1] | JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB AND SAVE ! || FRIDAY and sATURDAY . Romo A LIE a i]. j I NIGHTS IN THE Recital Sr abi [RACH !LOREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR (ARTOON | Starlite ROOM ov the pupis of | TODAY & SATURDAY § [ll WW ALN RN HARVEY DANCE | meseses-- ACADEMY MONDAY, JUNE 2, 8 p.m. WILSON & LEE er SIMCOE 5: DOOR ] LIMITED MUSIC STUDIO S 1 \ a me 4 ba JACK PALANCE 27 RE Pe % = Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments PEACEFUL C0. EXISTENCE sy | DANCE NIGEL PATRICK : eS © ACCORDION ® CLARINET Rodi Fredericton, Penny 3 cat and mouse seems 1Ineasy w. TONIG | 2 " 5 ] | | - LJ VIOLIN ® HAWAIIAN from its feline Fi a id HT . | % ® SPANISH GUITAR GUITAR een | Lily the mouse are inseparable ts | companions who play, sleep, favorite resting spot is between | MUSIC BY THE ® POPULAR PIANO ® TROMBONE ® SAXOPHONE ® VIOLA the cat's paws eat and do tricks ks together. The : oo _--CP Photo TORNADOES f | e TRUMPET eo CELLO featuri ga ; High Blood Pressure | rutin el BR To BE be z= that period which is taken TOP TUNES IIRL STARTS TOMORROW | H \ E accordion during Topic Of Lectures | souare Dances | Lee" ay 'TREAD SOFTLY STRANGER' & 'SEA FURY' § home =fos-prsetiy BY BOB FOWLER By GENE McCARTHY Dr. Pearse said he felt it was|of civilization and is more com- Canadian Press Staf Writer highly dishonest' for doctors to/mon in North America than in RED BARN TORONTO (CP a] allow their private patients to belIndia or China.' He estimated health insurance could create 'a used for examination and teach-|the disease would 'enter into the generation of poorly trained doc- {ing methods by medical students. cause of death of between 10 and| i ESE tors,' a noted United States sur-! 'We must find a way to retain|20 per cent of the Canadian popu- THI NES or geon say the benefits of both medical in-| lation." | ENE MUSIC STORE r highlight of the fourth/surance and the residency sys- SUGGESTS CONFLICTS | : ICTS 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH day of the Ontario Medical As- tem of training. sociation convention Thursday,| Dr. R, W. Urquhart, chairman| Professor Oswald Hall, Univer. was a series of lectures on high of the Ontario Hospital Services sity " Toronto sociologist, said : there is increasing conflict oT blood pressure Commission said the commission ng ict over i was working on the problem as Problems faced by doctors who Exotic SPECIAL ON Dr. Herman'A. Pear profes- was sor of surgery at the University regards Ontario difficulties beceme administrators . of Rochester (N. Y.) medical EXPERTS SPEAK Problems included expansion of Oriental ® DINNERS school in a luncheon address to, Earlier, Dr R. H. Morrow, hospitals and medica; fields, and 9 TO 12 P.M | and ® BANQUETS members aid it in the specialist in cardiclogy at To. !he wide range of specialized urance ronto . General piosphial ri medicine, Dr. Hall said. Canadian ® LUNCHEONS i i- Sunnybrook Hospital sa gh CRITICIZES PILLS ood presne errs | pr wad we! BAGKWELL TRIO iii | sm for the n al pro-is not to be disn ous problem fo no dismissed as a PTO poison control centre of the Hos. fession, cess of aging. Also there was|,; 2 . ! ww Loh : pital for Sick Children in To > T T < Velv 5 3 ey ht 2 CITES DIFFICULTIE! ery little relationship of hyper: ronto, asked pharmaceutica AKE-OU { In Bo 8 : doing, the nu b r of jension bo persons iy, a particu- manufacturers to discontinue Y W . . ys) ORDERS I I ne lar ' SIness anufact Vv: = colored ! A + essary s 1 strations is. Dr. W. E. Collins assistant |i Hacturing bright] colored . . . LJ 3 Nl OUR being gradua dep 1 as the professor of surgery at the Uni-| TY 1 ' Dr. Imrie said it had been SPECIAL 1 number 1edica \ stu- versity. of Ottawa said that| A dents incre; High blood pressure is a disease Pro. 0 colored and sweet-tasting| 199 CENTRE ST. Gr : DIAL MOTOR HOTEL RESTAURANT S ccidental ' RA 5-2543 & "| poisoning of small children Children like the colors and | them for candy,' he Brand New Plane raid % HOUSE 9 KING ST. WEsT Resembles Saucer * x + FREE ROSE BUSH! x x » Spay JNCAY DINNER MENU WASHINGTON (AP sec-/lot of speculation. We will be *| TT roy cian kas boc ii ack is Tp. hue i : With every order from this advi. HE eg Fresh Lobster Cocktall Jumbs Shrimp Cockrel ightly---from a us Britton said initial flight tests p + j Sonniah project whic i He army ig Jake ice in ¢ develop Mire! M Bost Hybrid Teo Varicties offered here-- ENA HARKNESS 4 | - : SCREEN BURSTS WITH] | Relish Tray its version of t g saucer, A, V. Roe of Cana ada Limited of ol (red); QUEEN ELIZABETH (pink); PEACE (yellow), THE EXCITEMENT OF Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Heavily censored § L imony Malton under a joint U.S. Army Guaranteed to Bloom this Year! lowdown RANDOLPH Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 made public House space Air Force project. There also committee rme that ie will be wind tunnel testing at on i revolutionas aireraf Moitet Field, Calif, south of San ? 3 Rose Bushes for only renee 9249 | = == Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day - ih € ancisco ritton sai -agl a > = ; for low I¢ ¢ ! Britton testified during space (PLUS i] FREE) # fove! = Assorted Dressings for space tra i A r SF . committee hearings on a famil* » 1 arn ' t A | % Y lL Lenin tic over of vehicles being developed X¥ Regular Catalogue Value, $7.00 A 5 " $5,000,000 in the proje 2 it ound the principle of the . a ' Oo last: three: vars ground cushion phenomenon, » -a "It is one of } rity hese experimental vehicles » BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY OPE . are designec rise > programs, ; FE pi of od or gat > i JIRSER IES ; 3 Roast Long Island Duckling, Orange Sauce . {army i : ns of dowaward air blasts X y RIDE a Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce ' for the office fro the bottor 4 der e > TESTS SOON of the machin, Wider edges oo | BOWMANVILLE Phone RA 3.3345 x | e Broiled Baby Lamb Ch Mint Jell roile: aby Lam ops, Mint Jelly ton soi However, the army Avrocar as/ pp dr hk hk. hk kK * * kk kk % * Fex| bibiels : has heen dubbed, will be cap- *| KAREN STEELE Breaded Milk-Fed Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sauce new vehicle ere te e of rising to much greater al-|-- --- shortly H rate but = " . . ------ A RANOWN PRODUCTION. A COLUMBIA POTIRE : that som : | wi ¢ a af is - Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Horseradish Sauce Fi Th " d ; Censors de leted details but he ' % Co Wat ing t of ti i o say it would be capable of 3 pt 1 gett i 3 bl wr J 3 Roast Young Tom Turkey, Cranberry Sauce bave to be Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions buliding fz As to shape f w what it is we are € aoc or gue the recoil-less| : o : : otherviise they would affect v he Southern Fried Half Chicken, Corn Fritter Fruit Growers £ crically, Sianility, 2% the) : ! po Sliced Cold Virginia Ham Plate, Celery Heart army bility w we do 4 i my a apabili iy 3 vier ein let eal h, v, ; Choice of two fresh vegetables an You fs 4 § We I EL Fab. Ng $2,000,000 Oven Brown--Broiled--or Whipped Potatoes Buy Cherries id i. . 50 to 100 feet al- Mati, secrsry of he messy "S Yen Boo on Lo W "wh fa Hh FOX 78 al RS Rolls Muffins Butter formed 7 nder J to en onds 3 , ws No. | APPALLING BB. "5 Assorted Fruit Pies : j E. "TAKE"! Fresh Fruit Jello with Whipped Cream 4.593.000 canned ct ¢ om p r "In Suitcase : £5 5: 774 He said Thu 3 a 5 1 i hopes t« en nj MONTREAL (CP)- Roger . PRN gs >" Strawberry Parfait co-operat rejtarte, 34, testified Thursday { 4 Co iii : ACL De oe caurday he ' Assorted Cheese Tray ie shied contained stolen bonds T A A i i a nt of « en va Letarte, charged with fevers. { DVEN U : Yes Coffee Milk ue of v during the lastiing stolen goods and participat 3 ; Hees years : g in a $1,800,000 bond burglary Narration by ORSON WELLE i aa ower ia be a 10/at the Caisse Nationale d'Fcono- _YECHNICOLOR ! 4 pr y C r iS a po r mie Jan. 27, told Criminal Court EE ------ ; 7 : Would be held in ; nd d vas storing the suitcase for a order You! ! SCHEDULE OF SHOWS AND PRICES! wi] A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER: vided after t oF wm d i sckets NOV 1 Wet. 2 90 S175 ond S120. b 2 Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, e said a man named Arhar id | H at. Sot. and Sun, 2 pam. $2.00 ond $1.90 > Gn i 3 : ef the suitcase. with mim | ' re Sry oe Pwd S100 y ' Entertainment served with mushroom caps and French Fried Onions ident o or x wr t hoard onal e Fe aay i BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY ) 4 Ich re i e O 0 Peach tempt to hide he sa from 10 a.m. 109 om led : . irowers Marketing ad] Police testified. they found the rd An P CARTOON HIGHWAY 401 the Ontario Pear Plur and | < ase hidden behird a pile of p) . SUNDAY EVENING AT 720 p.m ) Wh % ~ f H 4 All seals reserved - Phone AV, 5603 3 CC SPORTLICHT Bowmanville Cloverleaf Cherry Growers Marketing wble-oil tins fo Board. lhind Letarte's Tat. in 8 shed % | , TEUNOTOE SHOWN IN ANY (OCR) 06 NFIGNROBNOOD 14EATHY + : a A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE IN COLOR

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