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The Oshawa Times, 29 May 1959, p. 3

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| new executive was appointed continue working toward ti achievement of the Seen here are some of members of the new executiy Seated, from left, are E. R DURING THE MEEHXNG city hall Thursday night, of the | committee named to investi- | gate the need and secure plans for the proposed new Oshawa | arena and recreation centre a | "EXECUTIVE NAMED Enthusiasm Is H projec the to e t. e S Som MIT McLaughlin QC Mayor 1 Mrs, H. B ing, from left James Skinner Chris Mason C. 1 C re Harry wl S A McGibbon, man Gifford and Armstrong Stand Alger Gay s.r R Id gh Among Arena Group mittee members, there doubt the people of want an arena and are support the campaign.' At the outset of ithe meet Mayor Gifford again Ly- the committee to bear in pn. that the Oshawa Geweral H at! 1 would soon be seeking | lic support for new construct He urged them to Ly to 30 members of the any conflict tween the as committee set. up to Paigns, for benefit 1 groups His. warning fail enthusiasm of the should show ever the cen gen The people of Oshawa are ing more thusiasm than before in support of new arena and munity tre. There is no doubt the public i er their co; to behind Mayor gave hi heard in eral $ SC With these man Gifford terpretation Thursday nig! council vord today report meeting chamber of of the city more than citizens guide the propos: E. R. S. "Dick vas re-elected chairman executive and ( T'reasurer Iripp wa named secretar executive vill meet again nex to pame a campa rer and iron out details drive to raise $1,500,000 4,500-seat arena, auditorium sports centre. They will discuss purchase of the site, south of the Oshawa Shopping Centre HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL 'The meeting was highly suc- cessful," declared Mayor Gifford. | The interest of the rank and file citizens has not lessened one iota. Judging from comments of com spe ial the of ed to the gatheri opinion t be star other the pub McLaughlin the ny the Some the immediately peals are KICKED 'The sooner lared sportsman 'This thing has around for four now. We should go our plans immediately 3 voiced committee H I campaign before made to AROUND the Ivan been five ahead becau I'he Thursday rea the the and also better Richar ol or soon.' This Mrs {the 299 view was supported Ladies' Auxiliary of UAW 18 ion | n 1 ap lic de ds 1s€ by Alice Reardon, president of Local 'The public is already COMING EVENTS ha 1 can be no asking Oshawa prepared cautioned mind avoid hoth | ¢ dampen kicked years with other campaigns will be starting TEA eous will be held on Saturday, } at 2.30 p.m. at Ukrainian Presbyter Church, Simcoe South KING tion May at Orange Temple Twenty regular Wealth; Four $40 $150 special to go 125b ncial Eleg h a home Coronation May 20 Share the one BINGO Saturday games; jackpots to go Street Church Men's Club sale, household goods. Saturd 30 10 a.m. til sold BAKING Sale, Westminster WA held at Meagher's, Simcoe North Saturday, May 30, from 2 11, Prov and furnis mortgage Liberal worke TRAURSDAY, June tion. Can you bus without a er The Liberal is the " rigage scheme Leader se 0 George author, law i children's clothing under Sale" In Classified today BINGO n Park RIDAY 3 PM Harm CONNAUGHT PARK OPENING! SATURDAY MAY 30T 2.30 pm | game 6.30 p.m ng Children ace hak nthe ATTENTION Darlington Ratepayers A a | The next meeting o to organize meeting Ratepayers w MAY be held SATURDAY the Assoc. will be held a MEET MISS TORONTO 15at 7.30 pm. Any 7 one wishing member Kinsmen Karnival JUNE 5 and 6 ment tickets call at Clubhouse OSHAWA CHILDRENS' ARENA 24h Opening 1s June 20th Monster Bingo SATURDAY MAY 30 SPECIAL DOOR PRIZE TICKETS TO NEW YORK FOR 2 OR $150 CASH 16. PRIZES OF $10 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES Al enc 25 Home baking and miscellan Aue to be on 12 H f Sunnyside Park t the Clubhouse, June ship cards or refresh- please p.m a BARGAIN buys on good, but outgrown "Clothing for 25a when the mpleted t. We all for with it The mayor Editor ( lhe Oshawa ampbell decl ( paign sh mducted other jy be ould ublic made ianipaign wuld be left er the people he payin Ti HOSPITAL 'I am ee the not goin hospital ed the ma sfied the quite sat buildin above all 1 We but must n lan pital hurt The executive consider a sugge fessional tion be drive for cided after engaged money some bu id fe nmunity am a ot committee sstion that a pro promotional to o This pessimism Mhey DEFENDED manitar the ho € will organiza onduct the de had was been voiced concerning fund-rais ing in Oshawa DIFFICULTY FE ARED Stewart the rough feared in raising for the Jim Skinner ed abheut the the building on a pay R Comm sledding the arena W as-we h asked matters thrashed meeting On the Mr: McLaug H. B. Armstrong kins, ( Ma Jim Ski Stewart out at next lin wi A and District to he deleda named some financial considerable required ai 1 go basis sort the ek committee anc Ald on d Harry Murray Alg ind A wted that d Ome veal He difficulty $1,500,000 0 concern set-up Is erected hand! finan he or of executive along with Mr. Tripp, S Hop Gay McLeod W Arm m the O I abor Council i Baha'i Will Hold Meeting Oshawa members of the World F || lic at 31, at will address subject | cause Mrs. Ross the Nat Baha'is ( turned from conference which Canadian Before Scarboro aith meeting Hotel 230 pm the AY wi in mal of an in he was return in Mr Ba widely karta ha'i ec scattered Indonesia Samoan Islands Pacific, Alaska tern provinces returning to been busy of her travels per, radio and weeks ago she on the TV progr In her talk Ross proposes of the reasons vinced that the Faith holds the hope for uniting sick world of sponsor a the Genoshz Mrs A 1 vho is Assembly anada intercontinental |! Singapore repres Baha'l Community Ng S ( Sur day Peggy meeting a S6¢ to R mmunities places as ing in ( and all 'anada Canada recounting through television was am on to she onl Sunday sntion bec Baha'i me divided Baha'i pub Room May Ro the he rey on Baha'i of the etary of ecently at 'nting the home Vise her sucl la the South Wes Since she 'has the events newspa A few interviewed Tabloid in apore the the Mrs some ame con World reasonahle and UNUSUAL NAME QUITE COMMON the of Old e an the Ww wamed the Y to Times | Iton's |ing Mayor Opens AreaPark The official opening of Thorn- Corners Park, for the com-| season, was held on Wed. nesday evening with a large at- tendance called on George gathering and officially Frank Hoag Lofthouse to introduce Mayor Lyman Gifford Mayor Gifford addressed the opened Park Chairman {the park | zed happy event the parade {to a close An enthusiastic crowd patroni. the many booths at this George Drynan led assisted by bhatonist Maria Drygala nattily dressed Garrard Volunteer Firefighters the successful evening with a fine display of Miss The Rd brought fireworks following Hopkins. Other members of the executive are Murray Macleod, W. Armstrong and Harold Tripp, secretary, -Oshawa Times Photo A e nadian Westinghouse Ltd CNR TO QUIT BUS SERVICE The Canadian National Rail vays will definitely quit the bus business in Oshawa by De cember 31 this year, unless transfer of the franchise is made hefore that date, a CNR pokesman said today H J Mcintyre, superinten dent of road transport for the Canadian National Railways made the statement but added Canadian National Rail eryvthing possi to co-operate with whoever the service that be no inconvenience of Oshawa The ays will dosey bl lakes over 80 vill the City The Canadian Nationals jon on the deadline date changed there to de has been of the questions in the bus dispute and supports recent statement by Ald. Al bert V. Walker, chairman of the traffic committee, that the CNR never at any time indi- cated willingness to continue service beyond the Dec. 31 riod this year, I'his. has ntentiou franchise one a the pe PUC Head Is Given Pay Boost The Oshawa ommissinon {hursday night, orize architect ronto, to plans for substation watin I Public Utilities at its meeting decided to auth H. G. Duerr, To prepare and submi an enclosed electric at King St and Kee vas also decided to pay Ca- $18,988 5000 KVA trans. Stevenson Rd, N increase its capac to supply tormer tor substation it a new the to The conunissioners was discussed. Commissioner R J. Fleming moved that the chair man get- $500 more, or a total of $1000 and the commissioners be wen raise but remain at 250. Commissioner H. F econded the motion and It included that increase to first of no $ n it in br the was passed motion retroactive year It corner Mary ons was the the the vas decided to hydro pole Sts., and with ind change all services to under ground, with the understanding that the city assume the cost of changing the traffic light and fire alarm cables This would cost $1221. The city's share would be about $313.50. It was decided a tter should be sent to city coun- cil suggesting the cleanup of the corner the and first pole remove King the concrete at replace east a an estimated Permission was granted Oshawa Lions Club to use the PUC show window from June 15 to June 23 to display merchan- This merchandise for a auction to be held June 24 25 to raise funds for charit work The commission decided two of its engineers and the manager should be authorized to go to the Ascociation of Municipal and Electrical Utilities conference at Bigwin Inn July 2, 3 and 4th. It also decided to send delegates to the AMEU Accounting Confer- ence at Gananoque to dise is live and able MRA DELEGATES MACKINAC ATHER ISLAND, ' Mich AP)--~A Moral Re . Armament summit' strategy conference opening here today is expected to 8,000 delegates and visitors around the world. They will celebrite the 81st birthday 4 of Dr. Frank N. D. Buch founder of MRA, a philoso group dedicated to purity thought and action in all phases of life a from help June man phical GIGANTIC RUG SALE Now in progress at NU-WAY RUG 174 MARY ST. honoraria > Bald- | Tickets drawn and the were the lucky winners: Wilfred Harris, Thorn ton Rd, N., first prize, a tarns- istor radio; Harold Bell, 452 Beverly St., second prize, a fish. ing rod and spinning reel; Mrs, | Leo Glover, third prize, 10 lons of Leonard Van enburg, 76. McMillan Dr., fourth prize, a lubrication jot for his car; E. Erratt, 874 Rossland Rd.|*™ W., fifth prize, a lubrication job; J. W. Hess, 202 Cadillac Ave. 8,, sixth prize, a set of glasses In the puppy draw Master R Newell, RR 3, Oshawa won first prize and Leonard Carrington, Garrard Rd. N., won second were names gas #, i THE 03HawA TIMES, Fridoy, May 29, 1959 3 THORNTON'S CORNERS PARK OPENS FOR SUMMER SEASON Thornton's Corners Commu nity Park was offiically opened Wednesday night by Mayor Lyman A. Gifford. Features of Uniform Traffic Signs Used Here the first ci. signs of uni according of the These same Domin one of traffic and color Wilson, chairman Oshawa Saiety League new signs will be the those planned across the ion of Canada A plan announced recently in Ottawa the ( an Good Roads Association new set of from These dinary torists in be tions This he Oshawa 1s ties adopt form Ron to to was hy anadi make a standard to ENS coast traffic coast to signs will not be the or. lettered signe which: mo have heen accustomed to years. Instead, they will n language' with illustra d of letters system 1s past sig insted new unveiled at expected the September of the Canadian Good Association in British Col The unveiling will climax three and a half year's work by 97 municipal and provincial traffic engine CIVIL, DEFENCE MARKER Also planned completely new sign to be erected anywhere in Canada. It is a Civil Defence route marker, It will be a distinc. tive sign in both shape and color an upright triangle with gold let. tering and border a blue back- ground. Letters will be used as numbers to designate the routes Lt.-Col. F. S. Wotton, civil de fence co-ordinator for Oshawa and Ontario County, commented The purpose of this civil: de fence marker is to mark evacua tion routes from each potential large city target. As we are concerned in this particular area. the routes that go through Oshawa or cross through Ontario County will emanate from Toron to." 14.-Col. Wottor Tt hoped to also routs from the three townships of Ontario ( which are to be evacuated. Such will conform to and in cases, join the routes from Metro Toronto He stated that in the United States, some routes have been de mated as Civil Defence routes numbered or leftered in it anticipated in Canada We have heard much comment by Canadians travelling in the United States on this route marking and it is obvious an ad litional benefit to he derived will be making aware of the civil defence and we to meeting Roads umbia is a far as went on to say mark the southern ounty is routes some but the. manner not is people problem U OF T GRAD Thomas D. Graham, a recent graduate in applied science and engineering from the Univer sity of Toronto. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham 338 Masson street. Mr has accepted a position swith General Motors of Canada Lim ited, Oshawa. hope a desire to know ticular them in a civil tion the par that will affect defence evacua necessary' romes if it becomes said Lt.-Col. Wotton POSITIVE APPROACH The new system, regarding traffic signs, will be the positive approach rather than the nega tive. The signs will show motor ists what they can do, not they cannot do Experts say the average motor ist sees a sign coming, but doesn't know what it says until he gets close enough to read the printing He then has to make up his mind : suddenly, what to do The Good Roads Association claims that if a motorist can sec a sign two blocks away, and knows instantly what it means, he or she has plenty of time to de- cide what to do Standardization will not only re- move a substantial source of con fusion on the roads and streets the Association claims, but will simplify the work of traffic regu lation, save the taxpayer money and' contribute to the reduction |of highway accidents Sign wordage will. be greatly reduced, Black arrows enclosed {in green circles point out the di. rections which traffic may pro ceed. They are larger than the signs now in use. School crossing signs will be figures of a boy and girl silhouetted in white against a blue background. The sign will he schoolhouse shaped Also, new trans-Canada highway markers will be erected along the nation's first trans continental highway. It is a rectangular sign, showing 2 white maple leaf on a green background with the name of the province in which the sign is erected Bible Rally Is Success A very held at on Tuesday C. R. Nelson evening The large successful rally Brooklin Township May 26, with presiding for wa Rev the appreciative audi ence of pupils, teachers and pa ents who filled the hall to capacity were welcomed by Mr Nelson and a very interesting program followed with fom schools participating: Coronation, E. Whithy; Ashburn, Mount Car- mel and Mackenzie The program opened with the singing of religious numbers hy all the school pupils followed by a number by the junior pupils from Coronation School The reciting in unison of the books of the Bible and the quot ing of Biblical verses by selected pupils indicated the amount Biblical knowledge the pupils have acquired through Mr. Nel son's weekly lessons For the third consecutive year a sword drill by the pupils chosen from the four schools held the in terest of young and old alike, The winners of the contest were Ruth Mulligan, Barbara Wilson, and Denise Dobbie from Coronation School, Isobel Corner from Mac kenzie and Joan Gardiner of Ash burn Rev. D Ball led the Ashburn school pupils in a musical num ber and the successful evening was brought to a close by a very interesting flannelgraph talk by Mr. Nelson with a msesage for everyone present The pianist for the program was Mrs. M. Hoggard of Port Perry and the judges were Mrs Roy Robertson, Mrs. Campbell Raymond Farrow, Mr, Baluk class 0 1061 RAVINE ROAD THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF STAN BRYNING OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE CHAMBERS 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. RA 8.5358 {elelo} CLUB OX. 9-1188 what Dickson flatly Hall a the opening were a a draw for prizes the camera at tl from left, are ( Gifford puty ch Fire De house, a former chairman of the Thornton's Corners Com. munity Recreation Association; Frank Hoag, chairman; Mayor parade and Caught hy e opening, Loft eorge and L, Carrington, de. fief of the Garrard Rd, partment Times Photo Oshawa Bus Operators Urge Refusal Of Franchise Local 1255 of The way Employees' Ur ued the following garding the hus fra cite which is to be h June 8 next On May the Oshawa received a 8 Railway per J. Dickson posed operator of on setting out his ir to the employment « employees. We Dickson means chise he awarded hough such "This hy the a case horse were repre told hy one city ten is not can only employes th o of cart Last told hy entative Mr. Dic system would be Mr, Dickson Feb vour city council have done without people, and which by The Ontario Mu we at that time ag Mr. Dickson and our full co-operatiol in mind that he ha tained the franchi our who \ SOT meet with "We feel the hors ing the cart, and to do so, and that late for Mr. Dick amends MUCH TO BE Although Mr backed down consi remains much te such as My ment that he any pension plan ployees. We would vision for health employees would qualify for ev tion, even those service three and vacation with pay guarantee that our and holiday service discontinued lay off of ind which under private refer you to which immediately service under priv We ask facts and then ous absurd Murdoch, at businessmen the employees good a set-up un contract as they Mr. Dickson's contrary ed' three times for tion of the taxpay wonder how many have been made exact publication no one has the word or meaning contract or that the citizens are vo CANNOT LOSE "We do not son and his associ more than anxious franchise under the tract, and may we how can he lose? It bility. May we to you, how can 1} answer is simply th wou w half « al owne ( he refe stater a rece when le ha oc of e vou obtain a business antees vou all ioses each employee il letter he Januar refused DESIRED Dickson's and welf again en one who vhich ate ou to eonsider to the contract right to blan further Streat Rail today 1 statement re nchise plebi Id in Oshawa drivers you cent profit. Where can you invest the small sum of $40,000 and be uaranteed a $37,000 return per year on your investment, plus a guarantee to purchase your bus ine ait the end of 10-year of period and pay you vithin 30 for all your then outstand capital stock purchased von would g ating pension tional a Bus Service days from pro ng "We t gotinel uggest ou, Mi i r, that this is sim tion that it {1 4 , plain and easy to { fe 3-4 understand, facts as we have a nates the contract before us from May common States, & quire a in Canac time anc action "Mr and and Mu copy of We trust you can readily tand why the employees trued mitted an offer purchase tion as P7000 a year less than the pro hing the We trust you can stand why the em willing to mont homes if necessary to necessary capital nld We um sub at ec der to cor posed contract pu und r Vere readily on tional plorees their the Interna ald 1 that the ken over 2, and smdeavored to of the was refused lose age h \ obtain was bu by hich as an the point "Apart from of employment not only knew but we also knew being nicipal Board, well versed in the transit indus weed to meet! fry, that a better investment promised him could not he obtained elsewhere ), having only gu GGEST 'NO' VOTE protection of m no v view policy ete we we couldn't a vole Signed the Bus over, P Nichols |! us one considen attempt members {ham, G. » an opportunity to serve plus providing a good sound invesime each of Ws, which In compen. ntive loss of Canadian Na- nt for reatly assist our the from Railway relieve at this time we should reply to Aldermen Walker have stated ibility . to employees to another that this is practice in the Unfted and although it would re special act of legislature 1a know no hetier 1 place to commence such rdock who was an impos pensions for company point out we of Dickson's letter is only ed by this organization to intimidate the our union, and will change our present of vag 1 by Representatives of Drivers' Union: D, Wind. Barrett, D, Young, A. m, F. Gates, L. Alling- MceGlaughlin, a alread; ig May we Suggest Mr, and Mus. | ad to Mr puxpayer that if such profits are) to be given out, from your tax dollar ,why not vote 'no' on the bus plebiscite and keep these dollars in your eity treasury Secondly if you are willing to give away this exorbitant profit, why not vote 'no' on the plebis cite and give your local bus still draw continue in will it much too since and Coffee Motel? on to make HAS IT BEEN you re HOW LONG enjoyed the fine fopd atmosphere at the In the Genoshe taxing Shop has there Dicksorf derably ired, ite up em pro are. All have to vaca and 30 now en four weeks There no night, Sunday would not be vould mean members certain and we Sarnia uch hip be de own st not the no Id set for have veek's ith 20 Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF Mi most rship itv of curtailed Shankless, Smoked--Picnic PORK SHOULDERS owners these obvi nent Ald nt meeting of he stated that as Dickson r to the of ld hay nile ¢ r the 12 KING E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Tonight & Sat, » 30 Style ve now letter is now publish considera now changes to the Tender SIRLOIN STEAKS "me the or we more mirary »TQc We feel that alter any published only what on ting My for Dick being in this e ites to obt CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS 2 Ibs. 1.00 d con this § an impossi propos S st ugges . CHICKENS is: where can that guar Eviscerated Frying or Roasting Ih. 35¢ plus a § per -- WARD NUMBER , 2 and 4 and 5 Ward 6 b AVOID STAND " ALL OSHAWA ( C S0 CENTRE PAY TAXES BY MAIL CIVIC ADM CITY OF OSHAWA--1959 TAXES 2nd Instalment Due Dates INSTALMENT DUE DATE DIRECTIONAL S DISTRICTS 3N/W; S/W; N/E S/E & Cedardale Annexed Area POLLING SUBDIVISIONS 1 to 35 36 to 61D 62 to 85B he ue etur ING IN LINE} k BANKS OF COMMERCE VIDING NO INSTALMENT 1s PAST DUE SPECIAL HOURS FAILURE TO PAY ANY JUNE 1st ONLY -- 7.9 P.M ONE INSTALMENT v INISTRATION BLDG. STREET CLARENCE City June 1st June 4th June 8th Dial RA 5.1150 COX Tox Collector

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