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The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1959, p. 12

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Lange and Isobe] Greig, will then 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 30, 1959 present a program of music. Elijah, God's Warrior Plan Big Day At ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Secripture--I Kings 18:20--19:21, By Alfred J. Buescher Soncant at this time. At 7.45 p.m. Brougham [fi BROUGHAM (Staff) -- In con-|bv the Walter Pascoe nection with the 100th birthday be celebrations for Brougham school | house, the coommunity has plann- ed many celebrations. Saturday afternoon, the celebrations will floats preceded by Cronk West Hill. Legion Pipe a The official opening will take place with an address by a for- mer Brougham teacher, Dr.|la of Clari h Teen li 1 2, with June open ellow brickwork, fit in this Leicestershire ge, has been banned sing ministry. It sald by ors would be out of place Ar-|design would not harmonize the rest of the village. Elijah saw a youth, Elisha, ploughing I moa fleld, Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha, who left his oxen and followed | Wm. 1 Kings 19: 19-20 MEMORY VERSE-Psalm 27:1. The Lord told Eljah to go and hide by the brook Cherith, and He would soil ravens to feed him there, Elijah obeyed the Lord and the ravens led han 1 Kings 17:26 Kindness Found In Little Things that in thine hand?** Moses re | Elijah, the man of God, warned Ahab that # he did not forsake his evil ways, 'there shall not be dew ww rain these years, but according to my word," 1 Kings 17:1 Ahab, son of King Omri, reigned over Israel after his father's death, He did evil in the sight of the Lord by wor- shipping Baal, as his father had done, --I Kings 16:29-31, - SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ath. mn i King Ahab Did Evil St bin roo addres: Public Sch George Duncan will then pre. (sent former teachers and pupils, {while Murray Phillips will make presentation to the oldest man and woman ex-pupil present at the celebrations. The students, under the direc- tion of the present teachers, E. B. WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH THE CHURCH IN ACTION Minister: Rev, Wm. A, Gibb Elijah fed by the ravens. Lord Is the strength of my life; of whom Shall 1 be Paalm 27:1, "The afraid?" the boy search for the dime.|I felt very lonely, Tears started Hy KR. BARCLAY WARREN 1 wanted my In Sight Of The Lord quake aml te, he was told to re Jesus sald en Wo the wilderness of Damas (8% 'Whosoever shall|plied, 'A rod". When Moses was a0 drink unto one of these fully committed to God, he was able to use that rod in a marvel Then, unable to find the dime, |down my cheeks wocretly he took a dime from his handkerchief but T was holding a pocket and gave H to the boy. wreath of flowers on each arm. A HARMONY 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP 5 So he departed and found [Mitle ones a cup of cold water isha, who left his plow andionly in the name of a disciple, oxen aml tallowed the prophet verily | say unto you, he shall {from Egyptian bondage. wile him, Lin no Wise lose his reward." Mat-| A winister friend, seeing a It Kings thew 10:42. What blessings we (14 hoy crying, stopped and asked, !one happy, She wasn't a relative but she We. too. are "God's warriors' have missed because we didn't| what's the matter, Sonny?" Another minister friend found a saw the opportunity of doing a when we (ght and conquer the think to speak the 'little words' reward In taking a hot drink to a kindness ferptations that assall us. We of kindness and do the 'little "Mother gave me the last dime oo geiyar waiting in the cold, We have all been blessed must pray constantly for the acts,' One day a boy gave his/she had in the house to go to their 0 tow truck to haul him out|through the kind words and deeds courage and strength to live as lunch of five barley loaves and|store and I lost it here whilelor ihe ditch of others. Let us be kind one to Christ Jesus taught us two small fishes to Jesus, John | Paying in the leaves, I'm afraid| I stood by the grave of my only another, We may never do big 6.9. Jesus blessed it and used it/to go home," he sobbed, The) gion who had died at the age of [things as the world counts big. | to feed a hungry multitude [minister, who is also an attorney,| 15 months, When the committal ness but we all can do a lot of God sald to Moses, 'What is/got down on his knees and helped | gorvice was over, the neighbors| 'little things'. We shall not lose - started shovelling in the earth,'our reward, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holme, B.A, B.D. Ross Metealt, ARCT, Orgonist and Cholrmaster (Nursery during the Service) 9:45 AM. BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL Junior to Senior "Here's a dime'. The boy was |lifteen-year-old schoolmate, sens lvery happy and the man was re | Ing the situation, come forward warded for having made some-|and offered to hold one wreath, seek my Mle, to take Ht away." By NEWMAN CAMPBELL lous way in redeeming Israel I Kings 19: 10 But the Loud tld him to go to the mount of the Laut, which he dil After there was an earth: Ahab is now king of Israel, and|Ing even until noon we are told that he did more that happened. But when was "evil in the sight of the Lord Praved, "Then the five of above all that were before him. ' burnt sacrifice." 1 Kings -] Kings 16:30, He worshipped © the crlf idol, Baal, and his wife! Then Elijah took the prophets was Jezebel, a woman so evilof Baal and slaughtered them that she is considered to this day &ll.--1 Kings 18:40 one of the most wicked in alll This may seem barbarous to history. us, but we must think of our own i Elijah the prophet is simply recent wars when thousands of mentioned as 'the Tishbite." He innocent people were put into prophesied a famine in the land concentration camps and brutally because of the people's evil. The'treated. These were barbarous 1 Though they cried "from mora Yh nothing Elijah the 1] inks tered 19. 1931 and 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 2:00 P.M. CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery to Primory "Your Community Church® 11:00 AM, KINDERGARTEN CLASSES 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL SHORT TRIPS LONDON (CP) twopence-a-mile air bus will be ) * VERS shown at the Paris air show in MEMORY VERSE June. The plane, the Armstrong "The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom Shall I be Whitworth Argosy, can carry 130 afraid?" Psalm 27:1, passengers and compete with ------------ - rail and road fares over 25-mile stages Lord told him to hide himself by times, but let us not be too criti-|-- the brook Cherith, saying "and|cal of them. Jesus said: "Judge I have commanded the ravens to not that ye be not judged," and feed thee there." Elijah obeyed that must be applied to nations the Lord and "the ravens brought as well as individuals. him rend mil Neth i the mom: [SWORE TO KILL ng, read and flesh in the When Ki: tevening; and he drank of the yyqe ARI a h breck."- Kings 17: 16. to kill him, but he fled to Beer-|Si8n Ou e Lord told Elijah to|g ho" wip hi | er-- ! go and dwell in Zarephath, where, i with his servant. Then,| ¥1 have commanded 2 * widow leaving the servant there he went| woman. there to sustain: thee."- {a day's journey into the wilder. rived and asked the woman for a small cake, said she had only an handful of 'meal and a very little oil. [0 Elijah told her to make the| cake, "For thus saith the Lord] God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the Britain's new DIAL RA 5-3872 REV, R. E. DARGAN, Pastor GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 Albert St. Pastor: Carl A. Kartechner 17 CRIE ST, ree METHODIST CHURCH GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST Pastor Rev. A. G. E. Mitchell Albert Street United Church REV, S. C. H, ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP "LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE LITTLE" 7 P.M.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR (BROADCAST CKLB) "NOW STOP YOUR WORRYING" 9:45 A.M.--PRIMARY TO SENIOR S.5. 11:00 A.M.--NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN, BEGINNERS NO INTERRUPTIONS LONDON (CP) -- A man who| | admitted stealing property worth £210 from a hotel bedroom here || was said in magistrates' court to ave put a 'do not disturb" tside the door. 10:00 A.M. --SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M. ~~MORNING WORSHIP "RULES FOR HAPPY CHRISTIAN LIVING' 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR "RULES FOR HAPPY CHRISTIAN LIVING" (4) You are always welcome at the Church of the Light ond Life Hpur, Listen to 900 CHML 9 am. Every Sunday. 9:45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL (3) SERVICES 8:30 AM. 11:00 AM, 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOu 10:00 AM. Lutheran Hour: CFRB "THIS 1S THE LIFE" Channel 11 4 PM 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP SUBJECT "GREAT WORDS FROM ROMANS" 7 PM EVANGELISTIC SERVICE FILM: "WHY DO WE LIVE" 14th -- Children's BINGOS HELP | THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND OAK STREET MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers -I Kings 19: 14, ... |= He slept under the juniper tree| and an angel touched him, say-| Th Yoruse of oil fail, until the day 55.1 Are aud vat." e ' that Lord sendeth rain upon "And he looked, and behold, i i Be er 14 1a wi RA] Chu oul | .@ miracle happened and there 8, a cruse of water at his| EN a « Ege Ra pe TRE IE | King Street Pentecostal Church Elijah and the widow's family, (30d laid 3m dows again, A Invite seekers after Truth | " eat many days."--I| e! e Lord came again, | ree Bi Kings 17: 15-17 y |the second time, and touched him | I» Sooly for Free Bible REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT fo |and said, Arise and eat; because HE REVIVED {the journey is too great for thee." NO OBLIGATION Write: Tie Jvidow's son he ill and ap-|--1 Kings 19: 57 ! 4 .* El, took him,| Elijah t [owever, 'and 1aid the 1ad 'on his lodged there, but the word of the] CHRISTADELPHIAN own bed, "stretched himself upon|Lord came to him, asking 'What ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa, Ontario St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, Organist ond Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, ATCM June Doy 11:00 AM.--"HOLINESS MEETING" 7:00 P.M --EVANGELISTIC RALLY Music by Citadel Band end Songsters 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES. 11:00 AM.--"LOYALTY" (Broadcast CKLB) 7:00 P.M.--NURSES GRADUATING CLASS "Baueca Laureate Service In St. Andrew's Chuer.* 9:50 A.M.~SENIOR, INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR CLAS 11:00 A.M--NURSERY, BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY | | TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M.--THE HOME LEAGUE SENIOR MAJOR ETHEL HILL of Toronto -- Guest Speoker 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M.--PRAYER, PRAISE & BIBLE STUDY FOR TRANSPORTATION -- RA 5.0318 A CLASS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. PASTOR PREACHING AT BOTH SERVICES ALL SERVICES IN MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. THE CHURCH WHERE YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER the child three times and cried |doest thou here. Elijah?" and «unto the Lord, and said, O Lord he sald, "I Fa jeal- HY Sou, i ray thee, let this/ous for the Lord God of hosts; s soul come into him again, | au. come Nl Sim again, for the children of Israel have Elijah; and the soul of the child ,came into him again, ard he re-| vived."--I Kings 17: 17-22, BYNG AVE. The mather held the child in GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL arms and said to Elijah, DRIVEIN CHURCH her Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the| €. MORGAN . PASTOR THEATRE DIAL RA 5.1318 1221 SIMCOE ST. S. Y of the Lord in thy mouth] SAT. NIGHT is truth."--I Kings 17: 23-24. To show the people that Baal was no god, Elijah challenged the JUNE 6th WATCH FOR NEXT SATURDAY'S AD. | | PUBLIC MEETING TIME: = SUNDAY, MAY 31st -- 2:30 PM CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A, Minister Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist and Choir Master PLACE: ~~ HOTEL GENOSHA, GREY ROOM SUBJECT: -- "| AM A BAHA'I BECAUSE , . ." SPEAKER: -- MRS, PEGGY ROSS, SCARBORO, ONT. For Further Information Write:= OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY Secretary: 293 Glenview Ave. -- Phone RA 3-3281 245 SIMCOE STREET Pantacostal Church Call RA 3-4477 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--HIGHLIGHTS OF CONFERENCE. . A brief summary of the important events of the Boy of Quinte Church Conference, 7:00 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION 9:30 AM.--SOUTHMINSTER CHURCH, 1109 Cedar St. EVERYBODY WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES t-- worshippers of the Lord and those of Baal to place a slain bullock, one on the altar of the idol and Jone on that of the Lord, without fire underneath. Then the Baal worshippers were to ery 'Oh 'Baal, hear us," and if Baal was really a god, fire would come and consume the sacrifice. REV. JAS. S. PIERCE, Minister 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 AM. & 7 PM. PASTOR PREACHING WELCOME 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation number RA 5-4558 11:00 AM.--"1S THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD?" 7:00 P.M.--'LIFE FOR A LOOK" | | The Christian and Missionary Alliance | RICHMOND ST, E. (between Central Park Blvd. and Cadillac N.) Pastor: REV, WM, J, NEWELL 11 AM. -- THE DELTA MALE CHORUS (i (HAMILTON) | 18 Male voices beautifully blended. Various arrangements of gospel songs, hymns Director «= Mr. Jack Patterson (businessman) 7 PM The pastor will minister. -- bis i ALL ARE SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R, G. Geen, L.T.C.M. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S Simcoe St. N. (four blocks from King St.) WILSON AND ROGERS The Rev. Robert B. Milroy, MA. Minister Dutele Alin, BA, TCD, Minister Mr. David Jerk 3 445 Beverley -- RA 8.4014 inking, Musical Diector Frank. Walter, Organist end Choir Master 11:00 A.M.--"THE MARKS OF CHRIST" Church Parade of the Third Oshawe THE MINISTER WILL PREACH 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Oshawa Hospital Nurses' Service DR. GEORGE TELFORD WILL PREACH SUNDAY SCHOOL ~=JUNIOR, INTERMEDIATE, YOUNG PEOPLE "==INFANTS CARED FOR IN MEMORIAL HALL hy URSERY, KINDERGARTEN, PRIMARY Rev. Scouts and Cube GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST. Mr, HE LORD FOR THE BODY" 10 AM --"FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL" May we expect Divine Healing in this Day? Is this @ Privilege provided through the atonement? WED 8p M. WED.--8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting =or.m. and Bible Study 11 AM. BEING LED BY CHRIST FOR HIS CHURCH dedication of lights and choir gowns 7PM THE LORDSHIP OF GOD (A glimse at Presbyterianism) Sunday School ot 9:45 a.m. South Sunday School, Ukrainian Presbyterion Church ot 9:30 a.m. 9:30 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM "THE JOY IN RELIGION" SUNDAY, 10:30 A M.--REMEMBERING THE LORD 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M --GOSPEL SERVICE GEORGE & DOUGLAS TELFER, of Toronto 7:45 p.m. Bible Study ond Prayer Meeting A VERY HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL Wed Street United Ghurel REV. MERVIN A, BURY, M.A, B.D, Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director ond Orgonist Youth Department Nursery and Church School - 10:00 a.m. Baby Creche 11:00 a.m. 11:00 AM.--'THE RELIGIOUS TEST" Guest Speaker: Dr. Lorne J. Henry, Read: St. Luke 4: 14.21 Junior Choir: (a) "Jacob's Ladder"; (b) "Lord, | Want To Be A Christian", Anthem: "Great Is The Lord" (Darnton) ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH REV. D. A. P. ALLEN BATCD ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL--9:30 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY, ALIAS MESMERISM OND HYPNOTISM DENOUNCED Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science. READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE: Monday 7:00 pm. to 9:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 pm. to 4:30 pm. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS ST GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Clinton D, Cross, BA, L.Th TRINITY SUNDAY AM. --~--HOLY COMMUNION A.M. ---~MORNING PRAYER---REV, P. TRANT P.M EVENING PRAYER--REV, C. CROSS RA 5.2386 | of Toronto | Rev CALVARY BarmiST CHURCH CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS ( ILIATED | E FELL | ELICAL B. AFFILIAT WITH THE F OWSHIP OF EVANGE APTIST CHURCHES 9:00 11:00 7:00 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector: The Ven. H. D, Cleverdon -- Phone 5.5795 8:00 AM. == 11:00 AM. = 7:00 P.M. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A. ORGANIST -- MR. J. R. ROBERTSON 9:45 AM.-BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AM.-""JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED" 7:00 P.M.~"THIS IS MY STORY-A PERSONAL TEST- IMONY"' REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN, our new pastor from Yarmouth N.S. and formerly Edinburgh, Scotland, will be i invi erly ' A preaching. We invite you to - ship with us, as we welcome Mr, Aitken to Ivars BoptBr Coa TUES, 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. -- PIONEER GIR ' . LS -- GIRLS 12-14 ARE WEL TUES, 8:00 P.M. -- YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING ome Wed., 7:45 p.m.--Welcome Service for our new Pastor Rev. W. N. Aitken. Everyone Welcome THURS., 7:30 P.M, --- BOYS' CHRISTIAN SERVICE BRIGADE. AGES 1218 ARE WELCOME SAT, 8:00 P.M <= PRAYER MEETING "ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert I REV. A. GORDON BAKER, Mus, Bac, BD. I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | HAM TR. (CONVENT Of ONTARIC AND quEsEC) ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. , N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Music ater ------------ a---- -- incumbent: The Rev. R, A. Sharp -- RA 5.7064 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 AM. AND 11:00 AM. 11:00 AM. THIS 1S NORTHMINSTER'S 31st BIRTHDAY REV. BEN MORWOOD former minister of Northminster Church will be guest speaker | SERMON UNIVERSAL HYDRO UNLIMITED I Presentation of the Brahman Bull fund cheque to Mr. Tom Brown 7:00 P.M.--"FRIENDLY HOUR IN THE LADIES PARLOUR" 9:50 P.M.--"FRIENDLY CHAT OVER C.K.L.B."" 9:45 AM.--THE BIBLE SCHOOL {] 11:00 AM.--NOT YOURS BUT YOU NURSERY PROVIDED! ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.Th 476 Beurling Ave. y-- Priest in Charge 8:00 AM, -- 11:00 AM. 7:00 P.M.--LANDSCAPING THE SOUL Our "Church-Life Enrichment Canvass" hh onl!

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