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The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1959, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Mey 30, 1959 OFFICE HOURS ==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&% RA 3-3492 8---Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies (13-~Gurdening & Supplies 17--Money to Loan 21--Personal Service 28--Summer Resorts 5--Nursing Services hs d CALL grant for sod. 20c, #q. deo. |CLIENTS' monies avallable for first y Please Note CLASSIFIED AD RATES CP PRTEN, work. Taming. ~ trim: Rr To any i versa "snwnare "Sod Tad Mio guts nd second 'mortgages. Morigages and| Iss! Devers service. Phone RA(FURNISHED me ke Tate Lam, June 7. 25 worcs or less || ANDEN NURSING HOME ind vepairs, Mortgages arranged. All| iment i y, and be satis a by oils pr BO AFT Fer rent and er Service| Oshawa. bedrooms, ea bin, Deadlines now in effect for Cash Charge work guaranteed. HA 3.3579, n, y. Roto-th ng wis 1s Whit RICH cow manure by yard or bushel, Yr 261% East, Osh tary to all makes, Eina, yy E hydro, "hot py cold water, sandy beach, this column: 3 CONSECUTIVE (Licenced) KING ST. WEST. BASEMENTS dus, and backailiied, ox | Ally. i. pi Mao black loam, and green sod. RA; 460" We King Ean Oumawa, ee | tWo_boats, $350, Phone RA 3.8375, ol INSERTIONS 225 248 |cavating, etc. RA 3-3898 or RA 3.0023. GARDENS and lawns -| 5.4274 o 31728, . COTTAGES furnished, weekends Births, Memoriams, Cords of lll , consecutive : Exclusive nursing home for |------"- reins {flied and. Jevelled: hut TE wiade COW manure, §7 a oad) chicken man. FIRST AND SECOND JANE BLACK Stnderzing vacation, refrigerators, two., and three Thanks -- INSERTIONS 375 402 convalescent and elderly peo- | A BRICK and gi Bin Shimaey 51306 anytime. ure, 85 a load. Load approximately a Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc- |bedroom, excellent fishing, boating, |repa 3 ton. RA "s007s, MORTGAGES safe for children. RA 5-4328, ing, Steam Bath and Mas- AR L over town th turn fo the 9 AM. SAME DAY If not paid within 7 days the le. (Men and Women). |giimdies RA 8-020, --T t mM ly, io of i ------ pmigumamannl GARDENS a and lawns roto-tilled, made Charge rate will apply. Nurses and dieticians In |gGGING Gna siding, G ARDEN spring planting, or seeding, and sage. 45] Simcoe Street (Classified columns daily. Get ner at dialing RA DEATHS -- fl i ur PAT Above rates apply only to original attendance. Tray service, id new 3 Call RA. 5-8005, AGREEMENTS OF SALE South, RA 5.9602 for op- Jention Tor your offer by 11 AM. SAME DA orders for consecutive insertions, radio. T.V. lounge. RA 5.6821. Jubssquent insertiora orgéted ot 8 [G home for rr SUPPLIES oy LRG fe $1,800 to $100,000. Home pointment, Open 10 a.m- SANDY BAY CAMP DIAL RA 3-3492 titut ne nal ||INURSING home for elderly people later date constitutes a new origi iki and women). For 7 further pattie, GERALD FU LTON Jasinasle rates. RA 35-4342 from 10-12 owners, residential property 10 p.m. " | d B list lars, call YUkon 35-7067, Poi erry PU nigh ggg Be ls Sie 123 | WATER WELL WANT sod? Youll be missing & good| summer <ofloge, Jiburbon Rice Lake: housekeeping cot- bet if you .don't call us before omes, factories and acreage. tages, electric refrigerat BIRTHS Each additional line $1.00 per 6--Optometrists | DRILLING PLANT FOODS buy. We dailver or sell in field FA Quotations by phone or mail. 0. OLAN er rigeralen, month, Prompt service LAWNMOWER & ENGINE fort. Safe, sand beach and Each initial letter, abbreviation, Reasonable Prices FOR , and Mrs. Henry rd, Bi pd ge 15¢ additional, a Toronto | SALES & SERVICE good fishing, Write R. Me- Bickle wish to announce the arrival of wi re pho! Advertisements Di te oi nur Street, | RA 5-4067 VERY NEED AJAX SOD SUPPLY OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE Authoriied CH L Cracken, R, R. 4, Hastings Sheir chosen son, John Henry. A bro-|| \\(icT pe'in by 9 a.m. the day of | Phone RA 5.4567. E Sod delivered ond loved. Yop . . uthorize nton, Lawson for or folders. ther for Heather. publication, Office hours: Daily 8-5, wil tad on layed. Top 112 Simcoe Street North ond Power Progoct Services, 28 Tr il h new ond used lawnmowers, a--Traiiers WAZELTON _ Mr. and Mrs. William | 9Urdoy 8-12, 7--Surveyors BULK dh Wazelton happily announce the birth of | REGULATIONS-- HAYNES PICKERING 889 Associates, Bue," "he 'Onnawa Genera | 18 Offs Times shal net be |ICirig" Lang Survevors, Professions #| BUILDING CONTRACTOR | GARDEN SEEDS 0 ING 8 Davs--RA 5.3568 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD, §. COOK'S Hospital, baby brother for Robert ments submitted otherwise than in Kieoring. 70 Hlatwoed Avenue South Floor experts, Old floors DS venings Nights: 22---Radio &TY Repairs and oy writing, nor for more than one x, 1008 made like new. Hardwood FLOWER SEE - - S---------- RA 5.1386 or RA 3.9484 PROMPT TV vice Ty nae TRAILER SALES RA ¢ f any adver- | DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Kk ol JOZKOSKI--John and Helen (mee || \MCOITect insertion of ay 'Alice Street. RA 5.0881, or tiling. Carpenter work a G years' experience. 8.5286, Oshawa to. alOuBeE Hu ee it oy || rvevor. 216 Alice Sires terations, Kitchen cabinets GARDEN TOOLS RAVEL Ist and 2nd Electronics, vam vou Jue the Comp. TV TOWERS complet wo installed, 1 d ond up, no bolts, no| terms. Fields) are h birth of their daughter, Karan Suzan, | ©0750 rice ont in which error [8--Building Trades sur Saclay PEAT MOSS Pit run 90% stone. Good ALL RA 3-7196 / MORTGAGES year guarantes, on Saturday, May 30, at the Oshawa || ~0 "0 07010" ecarves the right I General Hospital, A sister for Timmy, [| PeCUfs fA C0 teem na 10 Br rr ges BUG KILLERS for mud driveway. Fivets, all welded. All channel Aerials $ and c sign, figure, count as @ lo, W. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please! Honest Workmanship its own classification, ' Biden . $20.95: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA LOCATION: -- | ing and repairs, new homes, commer: | WEED KILLERS Anytime RA '8.0109 ond 55121 rime HWY, NO. 2 AT COURTICE IN MEMORIAM || rons ns Time ei torhavees [ea "ana Toausoria" work; ioundaion Buc an concrete work complete, AERIALS installed, 'moved a - . tpsoonsible for more space than Jang trimming. Bull contracts of sub: | Custom Built Homes BOX PLANTS Evenings RA 8-6096 | AGREEMENTS OF SALE |Diuced Fair rotee Phone RA LW 1] . Phone RA 5-6037, Additions, Alterations Sh ot | ull . occupies, The publishers endeavour contracts. wn m-------------- | ic g a 1 SPECIALIZED radio and tele Pg og el am, who fo reproduce oll advertising matter PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings,| Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, SH RUBBERY 4--Household d Repairs Bought and Arranged | service. All makes. Fred Thompson, w| xe correctly but assumes no lability | fixtures, new and used, changing from | ile an ardwooi oors a passed away May 31, 1058, tly but no liabilit d i Til d Hardwood Fl CHESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re Elliott Street, Call RA 3.9703, My dearest wish would be today || If any inaccuracies in any form Jiechi t® tanks. to sewer a specialty. In ROSES covered like new, Get the best for less LYNDEWOOD aL REER | TRAIL Te TINY [sumawte a stumasate overs HUGH CROSBY Breet Norn Cail Ra gauss tor a tres| INVESTMENTS PARKWAY TELEVISION r | To have you back the same old way, | " therein mation and estimates free on any type | To hear your voice and see your TS ile, | of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley BUILDER | OPEN FRIDAY NIGH estimate Sih sa ELECTROHOME i B.A. UPTON for interior and ex BROOKLIN 303 RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, AND RENTALS ae talk with you a Jills while. Mn loving thoughts and tears un. (ims "CLASS TORRE Tein RA 5.3937 : tei & 3 1 oo fn 3 WEISTOR, AON 1 ons tor the days tat miaht have] (VERT) OF THANKS bales =e Sidiag TT, COOPER SMITH to Phone RA 3.2077 after business| MONEY AVAILABLE | ™ des in Sean and | SIMCOE ST. 5. AT GIBB \ FRAME AND COMPANY [Eh BAe Fh) TO HOME OWNERS | 218 smeee 8 ma 33063 | pa 5.01 31 pd 'missed by loving wife Kath: parging dation, J estimates. | eneral repairs, radio and all appliances. Repairs guar. CZEREWATY ~ In loving memory (CLASS -- CARD OF THANKS [ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, TRIMMING Bnted, M Church Street, RA 8.0881, Up to ¥.000 Yor 20 good For qualified factory op of a dear brother-in-law and uncle, Wil [siding, chimneys, and masonry repairs. Alterations, kitchen cup- 0 ele, purpose, including down pay- y Mam, who passed away May 3 "1038. | THE family of the late Mr. W. E,|Phone RA 8-0304 boards and general repairs, 16 CELINA ST. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered] ™MeNt on home, payment of proved cpplionce, television Invites you to enjoy a family uh. he Samed is best: [Brecon he "ctrs and muses of | SEERA Contractors, rise ana | Custom built homes. For free like new, Why pay more? Our rates| existing mortgage, consolida- and veda! service, Coll any holiday in @ new cabin trail- A greater gain from sacrifice. |the Oshawa General Hospital, the Arr {coment work and repairs a |" estimates phone Christensen RA 3 231 2 a Teksonable, rebuil" Oshawa. Up tion of debts oi purchases of firm isted below. 4 See Ontario's new park at =Ever remembered by Anne, Norm, strong Funeral Home, the Rev. .|8--Building Trades | Const RA 5-6328. lstering Co., 10 Bond Street west] ONY kind. No penalty for pre- | TV's -- HI-F| -- AERIALS resquiile, or many others and Normie, [Croan ang Ray. ean no ol Dalsterity Cou 10 Bond. Street West]. ,o0ment no bors. Associated Services Speciol weekend rates, dur- ing June | friends, neighbors and relatives, for INTERIOR, exterior Dainfing, "odd jobs - In tond f a. TREE removal and trimm For fast friendly service call " | Fi ing dnd grandis Whom. und" ue" or ed 843 wviiparva wd excavating Dial HENDERSON CONCRETE BEVE RWYCK su ih chain saw, free ine FY v Deon Kell Erion 3427 | 124f who passed away way at the time of our recent bereave. os es. Taylor TS LIMITED SEABOARD v --S are, court DIY PROBL GARDENS por vio Tr a DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, | Fowler TY. .. RA 3 2m Summar Fiopittios " wer J For Sale or W. anted We watched you suffer, we heard you | ,ent A 26 Hillesurt Drive, Whitby. 0 ete, nder, Haydite i ready to help you place your Classi And all we could do was just stand hats Cher re a peabury wish 10| PLASTERING. waterproofing and parg. Conse CHIMNEY BLOCKS. on Highway 12 fled Ad. Dial RA 3.3492. 29% Simcoe Street South Parkway TV. .. Whan the time came; we suffered 100, [tives for gifts and cards received on og, all buding epaies First. clang 1089 'Nelson St., North of Whitby GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. Made RA 5.1121 Pollard Radio 50 MILES north tu You didn deserve what you went {heir 50th wedding anniversary | workm! P. ready for spring planting and seeding. Premier TV, . RA 5.1179 [lakefront cottage, SE WROUGHT | Corner Wellington IMPORTERS, GROWERS, |Call RA 5.8085. (Formerly Bellvue) TV. Ent RA 5 Inalde conver ne ANE screen porch, Leming hack itn memories, upon| MR. Arthur Dodd and {amily wish | LIFE IME RA 3-4412 RA S- 7041 WHOLESALERS ! |CARPET and rug repairs, alterations, T.T.S APPLIANCE Ry ary ed area a RA arise clous ta path yi to convey their sincere thanks and| -- wall to ol installations, binding, fring: | FREY an wh wr ath Jou 310d, re Nad with you, gratitude to relatives, friends and IRON RAILINGS 'T0--Sharpening S ing. Ajax 1492W, a Tor ad De Wel Christie Appliance Service 00 CL ¢ Joke dining room and leave the rest with God. neighbors, for their expressions of sym. 5 Joo. RA S501 for Rm 3 O CALL Joe, i 5.8018 for carpentry,(nick and Hennick, Barristers, % Kt bedrooms kitchen, (POWER and Rand mowers, shears, JOHN COX, Prop. painting and handyman. Street East, RA 3.7232. i ne ; RA 5.1179 ey from Whiihy ; ving Contact How. ar ar Taavingly Jemembered, by so [pathy, cards, floral tributes and kind: d f 3 ; ogg Wd ug! ness in our recent bereavement of a ust.proo' | scissors, etc., prec : oS -- a ---------- tS -------- tat | Sa ------ ndchildren Jimmy and Billy TIE Wide. 00 mothe Bocorsr than Guaranteed rust-p (Work fully guaranteed. Pick-up and] 600 MAPLE ST. WHITBY |X.) BRUSH or or wry ainting. _Work| CLIENTS money te loan on first mori.| C0 ck Electric Jes) as are extended to Dr. Russell, Dr. Row:| BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH |delivery. For satisfaction and & sharp- NE MO 8.4184 ed. Oshawa, hitby 'district. | gage, Mortgage and agreements of sale RA 5.6369 ort Bolster, RR 3, GEORGE ~ In loving memory of our (coy, "1 tGe, oh FH Lt Trees ening that lasts, call Jim Fudge, 207] PHO - Free estimates. RA 8.0617. purchased. NHA mortgages arranged, Stor Repair Centre LAKE FRONT cottages, in Hall dear son and brother (Jimmy), Who (oid Gadi to Rev, Dr. Telford for his Most Modern Design Church Street, RA 5.7616, TOUR ical ohimne ie Chim or Fraser, Drynan and Mur. A 5.7743 [on Beech or Sawyer's Lakes, 100t yu Salleq away two years ago, May comforting wards, and to the Arm. |HAVE you lawn mower sharpened] NURSERY STOCK roses bullt and m ney 4 as linings in in. | doch. Warner Willi ky h frontage, three-bedroo ' 31, 195 strong Funeral Home for their kind: CONCRETE STAIN-FREE your pe 4 Devs bult and repaired, ams Service water, Phone RA oor BS iine ar God, forgive a silent tear, no Fn TO hers, who by their |now, saws, scissors, knives, etc. Percy| evergreens, shrubs, hedges, [stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti: 18--Loan Wanted Contre... RA 5.3837 [WaIr Thee RA ras LA SN *A fervent wish our son was here |in..chiiuiness helped us through our DAILY [Neil, 102 Highland, RA 8-8363 lilac trees, gold leat, etc, mates. RA 3: -- Members of Service Opera- ck bar with gas are others, yes, we know, time of sorrow. HAVE your lawn mower sharpened new varieties, |FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol. MORTGAGE WANTED -- for compie: i) on new GLADIOLI e arie tors Association | ut: Be was ours and we loved him | now. saws, scissors, knives, etc. Perey ol a awher nd [stered. See our materials for re-cover:|tion of five.room bungalow. Box 1, nN co-Opero- pan w Lake on ohlia roots, strawberry a . Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles East,|Oshawa Times, tion with the Oshawa Cham. fake Scugog. Priced to on at $6200, raspberry plants, box plants, (RA 37212 #5500 FIRST mortgage reauired on six. | ber of Commerce. Leo Pew, Waterford, Omtaa" ps WE would like to express our heart PHONE RA 5-2063 | Neil; 102 Highland, RA 8.8363, roomed house with garage, valued Tell him how much we miss him, | n,00) oforings, words of sympathy and Phone RA B8-8695 after or RA 8.6908 after hours FLAGSTONE loam, manure, FURNACE INFO Dad, brothers and sisters. thank Dad' hbors, G 1 Mot a _, tna ' /ptexing. . ank Dad's neighbors, Genera Lo | hanging, painting, gyptexing, plastic,| SPRING DISPLAY of flower first and second mortgages and pur.| Spencer F on Scuror Lake front, cottage, clean and comfortably furnish. brother, Jimmy, who passed AWAY | pichardson and Mrs. De Hart, also to DI God. please take » messes fe Su oi fiona olen FOWER and hand lawn mowers shirp:| 2P)ery Plat. ! Ww > pA RA "aad socly missed, fSxpressioas af kindness. 1} hd Toke HH é p.m, and Soturday | LAURIER MoKENNA for expert paper| peatmoss, fertilizer, an. 0k 7 ir st 120 iid olumn kag 03 be rab cottages and iy LAURIER } END CLEANOUT SERVICE WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on " SPENCER Foundation Garment =. | Saas FOR TALE DA 33108 after § after $pam, =~ GEORGE -- In loving memory of a I a aa_Bread, Dow Inastie, lino.tiling, RA 5.2851, Estimates bulbs, crocus, narcisssus, hv- chase of agreements of sale. Louls §. hy J [Seslghed, Reg. Corsetier. Mrs. I. PLASTERING a ~| acinths, tulips. Cut flowers $7.50 Labour, plus parts Hyman, ac, 37 37 King Street East, Osh: ndershot 200 Park Rd. N. Oshawa. Hg 10 ive in, hydro 4nd well well. 31, 1997, [HAVE your lawn mower precision EAS Fond 'memories linger every day, | Noy: a ROA Wh sharpened, free pick up and delivery.| for sale. HARRY PERRY HEATING | 2 Po ond Livestock Remembrance keeps him near. 135d dhe Robinson New nd repairs, cement [RA 5.4360 Come ond see us, open all Y9--Pomanci 30--Lost and Found «Sadly missed by Dorothy, Hugh and plastering water proofing, day and evenings, 7 days e RA 3.3443 SIX-YEAR-OLD black altion, broken Hy ih 10 xintas ade heartfelt] stuc E C AST week. Plenty of parking Nights--RA 3-7944 EE. Si naind (00 he moaaler of | TED = oot aes | Port Dien "icity of Simese C! Al --- JOSTLE ~-- In loving memory of OUF| go ,1iveq, friends and neighbors for the WOOD' S ELASTERING PR . space, frustration, Leash Oe ion fri tens trained, Cail "ha" for tase Ba father, Elmer W. Ostle, who pass: |i 4,00" and sympathy shown us in -- iness and health go together, Hypno- : 3 REG puppies RA Drrapy Io answer to © hee Lio sale, Phone RA 8.1875. 11 fear od away May 30, 1934. 1 the loss of a beloved husband and 8-1311 Boa sate, 7 Vers Lorine, than nev. ™ Buttery for "wa" Sonal' CONCRETE OSHAWA Mii AS le Vous pa BS Mabie, a al biting, |A SHOO-IN{ Rent dollars sve ng words AN cEachnle eral ACME HAULAGE ship, Study pi 0, Consult Edwin Hoch, Jour Tenant. Dial RA Touts" MIE -- In loving memory of Tan Home for their kind services, -- Mrs, J Scout), beloved youngest son of John " mi ( I - £8 Scouts batov John Fern Bryant and family. CLIFF BROWN SEPTI ANKS LTD, VICE: 70 TALL, WAKES 'OF; [I*utl, isis of Etica Nopnont BOARDING. runing, Saiding---dx 31 --hticie For Rent Ritchie, Toronto, who . Socidemally killed June 1, 1081 at Kin. _ - -| GRAVEL & SAND WALK SLABS hi; Wr By Woakinys es Os va. RA 80171 = LH : . y es, rea ly tor Saunt, 340d 18 Jeon. 1--Accountants 'This lovely bud, so young and fair, | led hence by early doom, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL AND LOAM PATIO SLABS GRAVEL-STONE PUES, i Tog ee "ge faining, daiking strain. Apply Mrs. REVEDBINGS Sul hace by sari) dos ewes 3} Chartered Accountants, licensed Prompt Delivery flower | Trustees. A Sh Oshawa, Siritora. . To: STEPS & PORCHES ---- Ey i ton J ws Ech RA 8-895) | © WELL TILE TOP SOIL-SOD Re etre ELECTROLYSIS PICKERING | ~~ FOR RENT Weep not, although Ian's gone B. Monteith, B, Comm., CA; G BASIL we fl BHF Ti ---- 5 oT glittering band; nen, reel" North, Oshawa; NEW OIL . CURBING RA 3- 3528 RA S745 Removal of superfluous hair. DOG SCHOOL 283 Kg 3 Ma Smug and eqvoryn ara | TA ALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and BROOKLIN LR ae Narie Musil wi be in Obedience training for Ample Parking le 's garden a utiful | Co., Accountants and auditors. License wa Jui » Ws i er ee ne Ene bie: fries) FURNACES A.L CRAWFORD | SPRUE Sone | Goma Hot on thse does | "PICKERING 240M SEW ower. Seling for appointment. TE y MPLE 9-1656 «Sadly missed and lovingly remem- | East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale, CA; F. Saud ty Auntie Andis snd Uncle Bob Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA. Buy it wholesale and have it | CONCRETE GRAVE LOAM F Fertilizing oor installed by experts. Easy | A -- FiLL Tractor Roto-Tilling EA Top Soil - Sod - Manure LEARN HAIRDESSING |26 Farmer's Column and SAVE ousin i als. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certified family, org Maris Cobiron nl Public Accountants, 172 King Street| terms Fuel oil, oil burners, | Say, East. Oshawa, Ontario. RA $-3500. PRODUCTS LIMITED RA 5 3756 w |BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting . Phone 155 Brooklin 2 HARDSAND omen wanted, greatest 8 «= In i | POTATOES for sak. gout Tukband and futher, George Jom Servicer for ama snort bs oni HARRY O. PERRY Ti--Business Opportunities PROMPT DELIVERY LANDCAPING opportunity, better pay, [Sarai aner pm hem YUMoo RENT a Sachiss, "who passed away May Street. West, Room, 1. Office RA pad HEATING RA 5.1721 pleasant work, catalogue DEAD farm stock "pied up Si NGER 7 [FREE CATALOGUE: © In : - one collect, NER re tt rote we owed to hears | WERGER GRANKEL "AND GO. ac. RA 3-3443, Nights RA 3-7944 |dreds of 'businerses. pia LANDSCAPING free. Write: Marvel Hair |yargwiii Pur Farm. Tyrone. eTed to hes Iga and auditors, 18% King properties throughout Canada. Specify COURTICE dressing Schools. Branches: --F En electric, alse BoE [type o 4 Ry " ro trailer. But emer ain whe Shes] Street Bam. RA Yom1 | LOCKWOOD HEATING. |5usiness and Property "Monthly, i717 GARDENING LANDSCAPING Hamilton, Ottawa. "Canada's uel Wood CEMENT a jo | Sheet Metal Ltd 13th Ave., Dept. 1638.C, Regina, Sas National System. barre 3 ectrie, Ad ho hough absent, is just as| © Barristers | TINSMITHING AND SHEET -- i ne 08 LAWNS SERVICED Weed treated, field nursery Tu pawead Sas, Tad was TY tea tp deans ang BOWMAN, David L. Ban Solict- METAL WORK TREES REMOVED sod, top soil, gravel. Com- 8.1793, -d f A 1 | av arr » g ' bd ET lh rin" South, RA 59592. Resi- AIR CONDITIONING | HIGHWAY JOHN KNOX AND SON plete Service, Conrget rates, Saki WimmiNG 28---Summer Resorts in A ¢ | i 's fi ' yy [OER 230 RELLY atl "OWL ButeRs. | RA 59727 FNOWLT Open daly from 35 5130 | etn ora et hom he 5 32 Articles Wi TRIMBLE -- In loving memory of | Solicitors, ote. hh Simcoe Street South. S RESTAU RANT ED KNOWLTON pe y : cottage "San Villar Apply Ho. c anted wy dear husband, Aubrey Trimble, who Dial RA 3.3278. Residence phones:| Sold - Installed - Serviced RA 5.6047 p.m. 25c per person. Cater- [foltase "San Vi ates Beach, passed away May 31, 1958. |J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5.3368; Ter NOW 1S THE TI | 25 miles north of Whith: - ing to organized picnics. - 4 13 | gELLING In fears 1 saw you sinking, rence V. Kelly, BA, 'BCL. RA #3832: Yo ry VE an FE ey. Cary VAN BELLE GARDENS Trail riding by reservation. ARDEN -- ake Fi po , planos, I watched you ¥. uncan R, ps, ' B. Comm, | GARDEN CENTRE FURNACE SALES LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH, bosch pF Shot Sahing wd Se 5 Sy I ELNA rental; 91. privat gio a 53501, Straight 'My heart was almost broken, 8.1974 PHONE RA 3. 251 ] yea orce Harmony Rd. N., RA S- -2737. PRINTER'S equpment wanted, small % d to stay; So: | A PS Complete garden supplies pe i Gull 1 H J You little knew when leaving home 288 ARTHUR § REEY | ESSO f uU n till 10 at night. High- Al ND SER ICE MOVIE and TV hypnosis furnished, three bedrooms, lake. Meh "Gordon cutter, "Ki ing Open till 1 [] [+] Vv full: press, ly ms, lak h |citor and hy Public, 26% to help them with their over welst You would never more return; Street East. Phone RA 8.1763. i MEER Dy Fg Toei ORR WED aNALD: BA, Barrister LARGE HOUSE way 2 -- 3 miles East of H. M. Mackie Co: Ltd. problem, Why don't you? Do it now for | front, Write William Bow, Ge son eacefully, free from pa {OHNO JiaeBONALD. BA Barvister "DODD & SOUTER Oshawa. your health and appearance safely and livery, Whitby, 1c piss frog ; All Conveniences PH E 3.5757 RA 5-5954 SISK CoBul Edwin Heal, Insite ip ACRES of Basics for Te TR series 1845 truck. | Cash. Phos | ( IN MA of cal pnosis, ntario Street, Ken Gibson, woastle 5-2621, | post | To suffer that again; {Phone RA 8-8311 | 1 did not see you die, [RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas PAINTS -- WALLPAPER > Cleanout Service-- I shawa. RA 8.0171. Weekdays 1 - PAINTING & DECORATING | $5000. CASH $7. labour piu ports 9 pum.; Saturdays, 10 am. « 1 pam. |S: i -------- 1 LTR, on BATS oH cabinet a 1 only knew you passed away . BUH And did not say "Good-bye ar fo Rata frristers and So CONTRACTORS YUkon 5.2023 CAT BEACH id CROSS TOWN SOD {5 imtruction CHILD he ip FLAYOS, I, tn ake 7S Jao Ri 4 i Stal make ce, wet remembered by . wile /g6216. Mortgage loans available iy be estimates coll 28 ST = | SEE ER Nuri il NurDuail, HE AYS MO 8-5231 - d Bote Tih Pion, oe " GERROW FUNERAL [6 King Siroet East. RA 34117. Russeti]| EVENINGS RA 5.7426 12--Dressmaking _ | SUPPLY [PRIVATE teacher, student counselior, FOR ADOPTION a for rent at Rie Take. TY Save Tues MO |6 King Street East, RA 535-4717. Russell | CHAPEL [fits and dure A ae naid | 107 Byron St. § Whitby _ | RRESEMAKING, alteration ara A. rolled fertilized sod, cut GRA Sxerience, Appointment only. INVES=ils @ oir: hoived at erator, boats, No The finest service gr [NORBUCH. Barriers, suichors, No Rich Loam EH CE EP WN] rsh dally Delivered or lod. | RETRY Dan ACHR MER BR ih wor old, sturdy bull |GoPTAGE wrt ime Tae WANTED pr EN | TopSoll Grove = ary. Phome. RA D000. [Fue GV he Tin We £6 1 Goo beni, Sut mor [Rr aie, WO ho SCRAP IRON, POULTRY |13--Gardening & Supplies gry. hone 2A U-He0! doing well at school. has on |C1Av108 RA 3.3501, evenings RA see i TURNER CC RA 8-6226 GK. Divan, Gb: Mitdosh, NHA| LEARN TO DRIVE affectionate nature with o mortgages arranged. KING STREET WEST SE MANGAN. GC. Pare Brick Sand, Cheap Fill | TEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden ! i 290 King yay io ar ee fing, servic: Touma seeded. sodacd, tr OSHAWA mind of Vit-swn, He tg FOR RENT RA 3-2043 i 2 Levelling or bock filling lots. |Ulized, gardens and lawns ploughed, ' successful surgery for a hair- King Street East, Oshawa. RA 3-023: 9 roto-tilled Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs SCHNEIDER'S lip ond ne ie but will SUMMER HOME (collect) ianpenenis Ses |ooNALD WiARE D | RA S215 [Poiiie ns | SOD SUPPLY | DRIVING SCHOOL | need "cried orthodomiol | SUNDER HOME | ! alsam ake, © re, | CEWINGTON'S [mod sour it Wine Sree Rant | -- treatment. Telephone: Business, RA 3.3501; Resi. Lawn and 71 Albert St, Oshawa, Ont. It you would like to give "| three bedrooms, and all SHAW No. | cultivated, field and RA 8-5315 Jomes a permanent Roman modern conveniences. July AUTO WRECKING CO. nursery grown sod. Fertilized, - Catholic home, write to: or August $350, Wants cars for wrecking, also weed treated. 12 years ex- For Fun, Popularity ond Success THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC __ PHONE RA 5-3187 _ bo Na Big metals, etc, contract TRY DANCING WELFARE LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH i Tl PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS rates. Free estimates. ES Baer ee DING; DAY CAMP RA 52311 89 BLOORE. FLOWERS dence, RA 83373. "| ASPHALT SURFACES | wp 062 en pay [MANET Swan mil CAND PAVEMENTS | 24 King St. East, Oshawa [Biock, 260s King Street Bust. RA Hom Ww. B. Bennet Paving | 4029 td. ] Garden Supplies Flower ena vegetable seeds, garden ond lown tools, fer- (2 doors from Korn's Drug |Residence, dial RA 3. Store). HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris ters, Solicitors: R. H. Humphreys, QC; P.O. BOX 305 tilizers, peat. moss, insecti- |G. E. Boyehyn, BA: W. A. Hiliman, RA 8- 8132 Bn mist Mi $s, sprayers 3 perience. ' Special MEMORIAL BRONZE [LLB 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, RA 5:1177; Res., RA 5.4604; or| = " o| hose and grass seeds. Ask After One Lesson At 126a pe -------- Whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan. about free use of our fertil- | RA 8-8639 | ARTHUR MURRAY 20--Cartage be + O75 snd GIRLS hit CEDARDALE Permanent, dignfied memor- 3 | ] = T. SALMERS. BA, Barrister, Solici. Brick Work, Block izer spreaders Lane aa DANCE STUDIOS LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, rea.| portation, milk, daily riding, SCRAP lols on display at Mount tor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North. | 11¥2 Simcoe St. S., RA. 8-168] [%onable rates, fully insured. RA $3831. swimming, archery, crafts. | Office. RA 5.3741; residence, RA 55342. | and Cement Wor : Lawn Pau. Oiree TOPIEIN- | | eGINBON and Basted. BATIOIS.| mn py pe it Worle oe R. B. Reed & Sons | G R A V F L rd ant moving. | sports etc. IRON METAL LTD. i avai es , " . pe | A did firs mortgages. 3 Simcor Strest| you. Estimates free. Coll us HARDWARE | DON'T THINK ABOUT Tt (High Mw BI Bnd RM) Registered nurse. For infor IRON : : METALS RA 3-2633 [bor My gases: hares'. MeGi-| and ses" what reasonable 48 SIMCOE N Also DO IT Now! Ce PAPERS i RAGS [JOHN A CAMERON, Barrister, Solic. 8 5.2204 RA 3.4032 | Learn 16 play the guitar, [insired. Call day or might, RA 34480. | Whe Pine RIDGE OPEN SATURDAYS Au. DAY VIEWS CONVICTS tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street RA | | 10-week , $1 -- y $0 many people pre- - INTER . | STONE Special 10.week course, $ ersonal Service | ter it for theirvacation? Why RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 LONDON (AP)--Nat Fleischer, Ei%t. RA 32260. NHA and private _____ ° "70° 7 Free delivery twice daily per lesson. Classes of two NWA SP RE ~~ -- or four -- Bring your friends. Go oy, tum each year? | 100 ANNIS STREET ny ¢ it ror boxing authority from New York -- eee | : bas gone to prison -- to talk 10 ana BRUCE AFFLECK ¢ : TED VEENHOF | Ornamental evergreens, All Sizes Profesional tuition, Any |WATCH REPAIR SERVICE| rt Joka amy Studi Yor : FREE PICK.UP 1,000 of Britain's toughest con- bridge 29. Res. -- RA 86704 | y style. For appontiment call | : vicls about the fight game. With | | shrubs, hedges, poconies, per. LOAM y ; J. CORNISH | Loke God made it beautiful. 35--Empl Ww Fleischer was Al Weill, who man. Dentists Well Digging | Eves vanes Savecitd ALTO. MUSIC Maybe its because we serve mploymem Wanted . -- - m-------------- ceda or hedges | . ! aged vetired. World Beavyweint lbs. FRED Mites Tr Teo] Cleonouts - eepening Sh rs fc edge S¢ and Be Soticifed RA 5.1501 Specializing self. winding good ieals or the wiiclesome MARRIED man would HK job on a A . E 4 ahah nappy atmosphere or th a farm, n por ( . eh Rocky Marciano; Brit. Eat Hous to § Bm. including Sat Compressor Work : e Satisite 16--Insurance 299 KING ST. WEST iii hia See Qudawa distric hed, 0 Yt promoter Jack Solomons, who | ORCHARD NURSERIES | STATE Aut : = 3 TUrner 33208 collect 1 DR, G. T SCIUK. Office hours § to 6 . r ALLSTA Auto Insurance. Save up| | for yourself Ron ond Ev 3b organized the visi vist, and several | phe. evenings 'by appointment 23] RA 8-6974 | No. 7 highway, South side | Dial RA 5-5279 lo 3 per cent, six months to pay. For | RA 3-4545 | Wood, Miners Bay, Ont [ATTRACT good werkers to your organ British boxers and referces. Simcoe Street South. Phone RA $3223. 2 miles west of Brooklin. "gran JOU om Formerly 20 Bond St. West | Phone Coboconk 148Rd. in the Classified. Phose' R RA Sota

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