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The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1959, p. 15

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36--Female Help Wanted |37--Male Help Wanted [38--Male or Female |44--For Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Safe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 30, 1959 5|45--Real Estate For Sale CT Ah emer eesrea-- Are pre emer ig |e er a - oy BOOKKEEPER, to 40." Quall Help Wanted COTTAGE and cabins, ong = THREE or four-room apartment, heat- [MODERN five room brick bungalow : ta nd depreciation - (rooms, lights and water, » i Bentler, dines "pe manager pre. EXPERIENCED | WANTED male or female cook for | adults only. RA 8-8125. 124 a a ea i prjyate, bath, live sears ol, ith aw Wie 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE | ferred, RA 39042. _ Jab ode yo ped ism a Er i "for one oF two Gifs 0|8treet South. 1254370 a month with ers, for [EXGHT - room house, central, #2500|5195 DOWN PAYMENT. Rossland and Five-room brick bungalow, TWO Indies for counter work. Apply FOOD Biren Calli Lodge, Baptiste, Ontarh ; after 5, MAIGODERN shucos_ sixioom house, ob farm ouside ely lm down, three and | Fon Le andl four years old, 2 bedrooms, Jubilee Pavilion 128¢ Phone 8-27R13, Bancroft, Ta eon Stevenson Road North, available June men. Box 846, Os Times. 33 TACRANOD TOTS: a AA 59228. I 80 pungalow with California kitchen. Hard Slumirum storms and screens. WE have a few openings for full-time Tr THREE rooms, unfurnished, self-con-|1. RA 8.8885. = 125 510.500 with substantial down TY Rs h road floors and stained trim. One mort-| $12,300 with approximately ; or part ime lerladies, Write Box 104, SU PERMAR KET WE ARE Satned: heated, hot and cold Wale TWO furnished Toms, 008 Dedaiting new bark brick. decorated, bed: (4400 DOWN -- four - room bungalow, | a8, 8 S Darotut int Rrrred S11 $4,000 down. Apply-- : e 4 { room A n, val ath, suit|room bungalow, close to , separate | ne lant, f ly . FULL or part-time "waitress wanted. | ing» ee O Located at King | SOC or couple. Separate entrance. Five and public school, stores. Second house Rea Glen yor iniormation, seph Bosco, Realtor RA 59070. 1010 GREEN STREET Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. MANAGERS | Stren Last, Hy , 2264, rerar Avesue, east of Wilson.|s D, Hyman, Realtor 1250 | FOUR choice bullding lots, sewers and EXPERIENC ED salesiady for hrm | INTERESTED RA 55373, oi FRR pram - ABP one BA S401 12s - Tom Whier, good locttion, -- sell reason. WHITBY pt ENCED 44 a pate ; F50 Beli Contained, private entrance WHY not today! Yes, why not order |SOLID brick ranch style home, large able by Buk 28 "TT ' 25b to wear, Good asiary, Meaty) SENIOR CLERKS | | THREE - room apartmerl, FuatC path #90 Seif Contained. private sniratce, WILY ed Ad now io wel renters. for| utr JWRCRCRPRL, JO, rooms, bath. LOCAL (39005 DOWN, Ritson and Eulalle dis. -- 120f | 3.3402, oh quit vesidentia Fredes solid brick, six rooms, moders| t call| minutes from four corners, RA 3- ready Apply , 4 position entrance, heavy wiring, eouple| SE pol' "poring Child welcomed. (bring buyers? DA Ll . 9 "| triet, pode only, available June 1st. 196 Park Roa : ee [ick Avenue Bowmanville MA 4 ARE a = aronte: w---- F R po r 12097. 1214 | Safe play area, 332 King Street West, kitchen. good renting area. Call RA SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSEKEEPER for Toronto, 109 BEST PROSPECTS FO IN PEOPLE WHO ; rth or RA 5 125¢ GROCERY AND died _._ (sam HOUSE : wages, excellent home, Must be fond of SELF - contained three-room, ground - --- - PF mr -- or tue oo , 11, 1231 ADVANCEMENT BEL a ar. mite 1 door, THREE, room flat, modern kitchen SUACRE farm, within fifty miles from | reo (oro tC iceg paid, on circle : | red y y ng, TV ndry tub: Oshawa, on paved road, about 40 acres three-piece bath, ' unfurnished, oe Woodcrest, RA 8-0028 1260 BUTCHER STORE have. on 2 ad, at street end, near King and Harmony. 3-piece bath on the second . ¥ a 3 y . y If you can qualify with suc. pivleired. RA S905 Mier 3 12M) FRREE = room apartment, private en- Dine and oak, 20,000 Seoteh om he RA 8.204. x floor; 2 modern kitchens; = © cessful supermarket employ- | MODERN, four. 1oum apariment, br. trance with bath and laundry facili FOR SALE OR ing spring water, stools ond shower in the ment, or If your present posie | he nee, aT |ties, Immediate possession. Apply 294 fenced, no and te basement, and garage. ser week and tion in this industry offers . Javed. sentguible Yeut. BA 9738 *3aar | Burk Street. Phone RA 56441. 126¢ EXCHANGE ' i ne | YR. OLD '$10 995 He on time. Pie "limited scope, then this is | S0UBLE room; suliable for two girie or FULLY furnished three-bedroom bunga- ON FARM himber, cut 3 bed brick. bungalo - : Maoh: Foods, ales, bry fnorew <hen - 7 join 5 om | Talk to our sales people [two gentlemen. RA ii 123 ie Fund Fb Pas Bring 26m |store, _aood 24 3 adr, on ators bis Fi Bly yen; mo Ajax . ny with the brightest pros- : NICE furnished room. with 'frig. Ap: - Son . I i - A . . UGE CLENKS, Experienced for ii farare thon find out for yourself ils Court ag A. 1251 5 ROOM Good business on 4 corners, |FOR SALE -- six - room dwell and oven, and many other 313 FRENCH ST Fhermarket, five-day week, good start-| A 5(icants must be of excel- how well they are paid [Four - room duplex, central, immed, | also drug, candy, ice creom (driveways farke SACERE ofl heat, steel] extras, Phone . y Bassin's Food Mar y { SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE storm windows, Reasonable for cas Ie salary. Apgly Bassin Ata bonsersion, adults only, Phone RA and soft drinks, best equip- RA 8-1338 ket, Ajax Shopping Centre 1 jot character, enthusiastic no Commission: ond' Car [5-133 trom 8:5 p.m. weekdays or RA ment. Brick building, 6-room Phone Alax 1107, ___ |46--=Real Estate Wanted eer eir work end prepared to d 18s 1224] All conveniences, no ¢hild- : . 4 " i -- : * opartment also f le if de- Lal 3 Sout dBA fan ovale Jah Ta Gor. | SH SP ay INVESTMENT PROPOSITION Al oth or your sett For sue © \ tor, . . 3.4221 after hours, RELIABLE, Woman wasied, RA err train for a management Allowance) 123 other conveniences, Middle oged couple f McAuley I| Corser, leading 0 security |i; HEALTH EQUIPMENT ih hie: Aoply 4 simeos Sits proferced. Apply Box 102 | ZUEtG H, Hiusssel, 350 vialie | WITH A FUTURE |Btreet, 'Oshawa, RA 32813 Whitby 8-331 STCHEN help with 8 fence.| ond recognition. f KITCHEN he fend RO yr Bloor IS ADVERTISED Ne ih, : Oshows Tires Avenue, Oshawa. mn © Lisbinon 1224 | THREE furnished rooms for light house 125¢| 126b| ¢5000 down buys almost two acres of land on No. 2 Hwy. |WANTED -- Four or five-room House Street East ALL REPLIES HELD NATIONALLY ON | keeping, suitable for two girl ud ia, meet -- . pionted with smal! fruit trees ond bushes. 3 bedrooms, sitting | 35a down, Wri on 5 Oma sh manager, | dle-aged lady, G COMFORTABLE home in Brooklin, Se -------------------- CRATE A IN STRICTEST T.V.: RADIO AND | "4s "Rosehill, RA 5191, 1280 45---Real Estate For Sale G Id I room, living room, dining room with modern kitchen 'and goroge, oldell Homes | : and remuneration for widow or pension {ady, in exchange for care © three CONFIDENCE { ooh children while mother works, {NEWLY furnished, single room, BID | ae est int-- Fe celiont a Pt 22 PHY fronkin, 200 : NEWSPAPER room suitable for two gentlemen, down- SEVEN choice building lots, serviced. p! , { eal TA | Phone RA 8.1334 from 8 - § p.m. week 1264 12 WAITRESS for part-time, noon hours, APPLY BOX 941 down Bivee and Court St bt k ; . ivenings, Saturdays, Apply Mr Fun. THESE LEADS NEED | a a-- i at - - = presents nell, Genosha Hotel 1224 OSHAWA TIMES THREE - room, private apartment, un.|WE have two new bungalows, regular N.H.A. Homes in ork, A furnished, three-piece bath, Apply 417|price $12,800, which will earry for ap. Ne GIRL or woman for laundsy WO einia FOLLOW UP {Oshawa Boulevard South. 126b | proximately $52.70 a month, I you 50 ft. frontage. Full price $1 ply in person. Star Laundry, I bro] ng eash payment you are in The Best wil Rouge river setting for this 3 bedroom, fireplaced living room, Make three people happy bya. breakfast nook in the kitchen, solid brick with attached garoge Listing your property -- we close to shopping centre ond gir course, on a deep lot with Self Cer bio: Ble Mg ,000. , Bhan will we, that makes thres, " " 124¢ iN BOWMANVILLE -- five-room brick | h® Z 1) a ---- ---- yO A slrals Eye and |? position to purchase these homes at A chance for those of you that hove o better than average down Flood Havin MECHANIC CAR NECESSARY [Fosn: a" eharen. APPS "2 Horse an excellent, discount, Joseph Bosco, in the Northwest payment for a new home with many features. You can choose BERNEICE » ted -- Street, = oss - en re our lot and style of home, make your own selection of colors | 224 NO AGE LIMIT [Two Toom ewly furnished, refriger {WHY wait? Ita easy to trade the home bricks and and Located in ond section of Whitby close ARMSTRONG state experie d pox 936, Oshawa Times. ; C y .|you have for one that will give you stor, Move, Nase Tosco te Wie Foor (JOU, ated 2 hh hi to school with paved road. REAL ESTATE - RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355. PER required, must be| For work on heavy trucks | V, ele vate bath, all Y Cole for day care of children and r | ey [ing room. TV, etc. PIILEE nth, &'|We have the buyers and all types of { chp lo for day care CO, Coors air experience necessary on For more Information convenle nees, fo share with older. gen loan mone: to make vour_ deal wor BRAEMORE GARDENS S 0 ES 7 pm. : PHONE RA 8.6234 [Phone RA 5.85 1260 [Call_now Joseph Bosco Realtor. Stevenson Rd. N. and Anna: YOUR HOME IS OUR BUSINESS XPERIENCED sh girl, must be i aE. or ound Toor} S007, sansa pt | ER an HA 30005, 54] acetylene and electric BEFORE 5:30 P.M. |MARGE. britht, pukientii home Tromt | ex aGREN--Miripon-- Towniin,| Pols Ave. 47--Automobiles For Seals y {yoom, in quiet residential home, close |' ro APT ng - : ; 3 d, two buildings, good l GIRL for lunch counter, Apply Modern welding. Must have own {to bus. Christian lady desired. Phone | county roa : Sea ll i Grill, 345 Ritson Road South. 1231 | d % After {RA 3.2855 before ERE 126a iran. bay, the i A ge ROSSLAND MANOR " hows 30. 7 month, buys add TERKTYPIST -- We are offering| tools, steady wor 5 ONE-HALF duplex, fix rooms, all con- high school, bus service. Good crop now J | 3 Rijman, lown, $83 par month cLER 4 Y PHONE MO 8-4055 | ON mAL oll Rented. Phone Newcastle growing, Francis Stokes, Little Brita) Remiend Rd. W. and Gibbons | sharp '55 Meteor Niagara or 36 Chev. 126¢ | 1 t | . . Before you buy give "Stew" a wry. a part-time work if you are Avaliable an you in, average of two days per week A pos b. et ------------ - manip ---- - a liman's RA 5.7081. sibly three consecutive weeks, Af 5. 5 acs 126¢ | SINGLE Toom for one gentleman, very | (i. STOREY house, eight rooms own- bio ---- a om ee fod RA 3-3 16 3--Room and Board [cone Av ta "Ana street unin (01 50 ete. On See WHITBY 2 SURV. Sos, a very jot Siig Foods, Ajax, 1441, Ajax. 126¢ MODERN four large room upper du: Kitchens, suitable for two families. One | pr th ESGIRL AT MODERN ou, as fou SB pt rat Bed rene wh) MOREL HOMES MO 8-3322 -- DAYS -- MO 8-484] 8 PONTIAC, russ good. RA #41: JEWELLERY SAL GROCERY AND | ROOM sad Sora" Tor one Jentieman, |Jcparate entrance, complete {ony plece | down, 34209. | CHOOSE | Bi 8 OLDE, hydramatic, pow four corners, 30 Eigin Street bath, kitchen cupboards, Nice surround. | ~~" ~~ i ; | A |NINE . room house, Port Perry on YOUR LOT EVENINGS steering, radio, ete, immaculate condi. REQUIRED Nose to Full-time EQ experience PRODUCE CLERKS Lagi u RA S10 L261 | oe. 16 and rg Lay een. hail. | Dighway, separate apartment, three | CHOOSE | eer or maarest offer, CAD finance. 2 ki - aed |e July 1. Phone RA 39114 between rooms at rear. Good garden, Contact| MRS. RUTH CRAIGEN MO 8.5413, {Hon 4 u . y preferred but not necessary. Experienced for supermarket, ROOM and board with Dutch family. 9.12, 1-6 fooms 1 T00 Port Perry, | YOUR PLAN MR. HARRY JERMYN MO 8.3895 | 10 & 262, Whitby a Apply, between 10 am. to 5 day week, good starting [Apply 371 Elizabeth or phone RA 5-163 ae | May 38, 30) bal HUDSON, sood oT . -- anieally, & yy red in eolor, t dit lary. | 197 THREE rooms furnished stove and re N ER rig 2:30 p.m. to Burns Credi salary. Apply trigerator, share bath, good | FIVE -» toom brick bungalow, ideal ASK SALESMEN ON THE ADMIRE price. $295. Will take $250 oash. win BER PE. | Leaving for States. hone 1463 ABR 2 K St ' YOUNG man requires room and board, - jeeelion Ltd, 3 ing | BASSIN S FOOD MARKET {single room, central to North are YCELY furnished bedroom for lady or | location, substantial down phyment >, SITE 24¢ AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE iPhone Ruddy Electric Wholesale. RA | gentlemah, in nice location, RA 5.5302 igo Th RA 2 Te oe CALL eT mheCHARIDA : * 1 285 |5°3536, Mr. Hollingsworth, daily 3 to § 121¢ | 2m Ee -------- | 51 CHEVROLET, # 'mechanipally 37--Male Help Wanted mn TWO - room apartment, bulitdn cup. 167 PARK RD. N. and Jas, yessonable, RA 3.9002 pe. ES { REPAIR MA | --Wanted to Rent | hoards, sink, hot and cold water, yang- RA 5.7272 . . Ns cum epg] SETTER operator for No. 3 Herbert BODY PAI N | - - ee - ette, private entrance. RA 5.7874, 121 "58 CHEVROLET two-door, radio, wiite Turret Lathe. Andrew Antenna Corp, | |YouNG couple with small child re. . et REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE tires, reasonably priced for quik 1Ad., Whitby o8| One, capable of handiing ofl [quires 'ive or, six' room tose 3 You rent. Smelt nets, lateing, 2 GOLDELL HOMES Phone Brooklin 150. "124 0 hithy. i, ¢ 1 $45 | ' l ec YOUNG, single man, between the #88} co[lision repairs. Ideal work {Bisbse, a8i00abie SONY; Prove Mol Wilde Renta) Service, Whitby, M OSHAWA'S BUSIEST Your local builder specioliz- WHITBY--MO 8-3337 LJ a sie fr 26 REAL ESTATE FIRM | ing in homes for the working | motor, 400d BUdy, TA retail 51 DODGE wagon, radio and of 16 and 19, needed ax stockkeeper, | Hy or two | | man. OSHAWA--RA 5-846] heater, GK shin and outs 0 do Orpwood Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel ing conditions. Marian Auto REFINED business gentleman desires Texaco, Pa furnished room, breakfast optional, FURNISHED room for ber, South, RA 86011, South, RA S600, oe COME SEE PICKERING 590 5% PONTIAC deluxe, two-door, #wo- a ne oo MEN wanted, 31 to 60 vears old to (id, 25 Grenfell St | Please state particulars. Write Box {sentismen close to North GM. Apply OPEN EVENINGS tone, excellent condition, private. "SA 6 10 sell our 225 guaranteed produets: do {Oshawa Times 125h | 204 Bond Street East ssitlen, cullnaires, medi: | : metlle Oy insecticides, tem, | RA 8-5179 FURNISHED small apartment or large ONE . bedroom apartment, stove, re: coffee. Free products every month for 12%¢ front room with Kitchen. Electrolysis, |frigerator, washing facilities. Phone OWNER LEAVING » 254 gealp business, Reasonable, Good lease. | RA 5-3815. . the customers Capital required ? " 4 funded upon request. 0-day EXPERIENCED gardener Apply Commercial district, 366 Ontario Street. (rywq furnished . hot | # hii No per ° required 0. |Hardsand Landscapting, 35 Glover's Toronto 125¢ | und pT iy pr Seep ents i CIty ULTRA MODERN 53 BUICK hardtop, two Tone, Gnied 129 Elgin BRICK BUNGALOWS pais | lass, whitewalls, radio, $785. Older gar a ne Dept, EE, 8130 St Hubert St, Mont. Road, Phone RA 3-172] WANTED -- close 'to "Missionary Col furnished apartment. Apply MUST BE SOLD rea! PERMANENT position for class "pM "one room with two single beds Street West. RA 8.5420, 123 oa | as part payment, Rear IGA, Xe AO VOU 35 PLUST [evi Real, sng, ih fut i, Le. ATH HE RAR han Tote SEO $500.00 down gives you thi LOADED WITH Sota RA wort v 8 " 4 separate entrance, 2-plece bath: suit edroom, ne -S Senior men are required by Box 940, Oshawa Times Ls 1226 erley Street, Galt, Ontario a 123¢ {working couple, RA 8:3228 123 bungalow with Hanover cup. EXTRAS National Organization for di- |41--Room and Board jXANTED 10 RENT or AEs or, tive | FURNISHED three - room apartment,| boards, tiled bathroom. Asks shawa -- had iuin ----- er | m house, family wi wo children, | hed Livi , kitchen, .| rect selling hi the erience | ROOM or Toom Board for mentle-| Reasonable rent. RA 3-3565 Yeh; Ibedrooui, Hing vous, Kitchen, renidt) ing price $12,200, balance ; ; Whi F yoda, BE -- area. Previous ROOM or TOO an. APEIY 10 Mable | ree 70m apartment, close |couple. "Apply 241 Kendal Avenue, 1236 arranged for $80.00 month- 2 Hwy. North Side on the East Limit of Whitby. Feo- imi INTERNATIONAL | dump | good condition, 18113. Don't miss this chance to see Whitby's most beautiful | MORRIS OXFORD, Al Soman, Subdivision, CRESTON PARK, several models, two |Y*7 reasonable. TEmple.b LR. are furnished, are open for inspection. Location No. [| PLIMOCTI fair condition, "Exif Tear nal. Easy Store, 48 tial. Work full or [Street off 8 South, RA 5.9713. 122( Y , # i NOY enential. wor oramise reel olf Bm ene at | TWO. or three © room eA 3.0720. [Wo firnished rooms, suitable for two| 1. Col Bill Miller, RA tures such as -- Hood part-time {ROOM 'or room and board. 89 Osh- 126f | gentlemen or young couple with baby 8-5123 or RA 5.2557, y |i§7 CHEVROLET standard coach, Suto. sions paid-on orders received awa Boulevard South. Phone RA 8-023. | [Au AGE or parking place, close to/Close to Duplate and Fittings. RA Solid Clay Brick Highest Ground matic, 6 eylinder, black with whis with 85% repeat business at Me | Doblaw's store on Athol Strest. Phone|3-2023. 1240 214 STORIES OF HOUSE Divided Basement All Services (paid) | walls, radio. RA 3.3661. ol full commission. Full "details - [ROOM er room Lr doand, two Yui-{na 2004 -- [Five «rom apariment, all conven: { All Natural Hardwood Trim N.H.A. Mortgage WREOKING #700 GMC, ai pars Jor trom Cartified Electric Com- : WANTED TO RENT = Apartment of [lences, heat, lighls and water fi REAL VALUE ; . aoa sale. Phone RA 3-4156. 3 single beds, two can share, Apply 20 A Sal [3 E Whitb d Oshawe o IT dno OR SURE bony, Weod Street, Dundas, |Joues Avenue. 12g duplex within 10 minutes of Four LO [Available now, 476 Albert Street ir Call alesmen on Site asy communication to y an : i elisha all ont' rr TA Lo A two-year-old, Best|RA 83-0616. 124 40! for large family or as 2 PM. TO 8 P.M, DAILY| Take o drive out, you will be amazed. For further information as, hmaculate condition, two-tone 4 Roo! aad board for men, relose, to] references. RA 37700 alter 7 pm. |APARTMENTS = in new apartment| oo income ree The eight coll Bill Schatzmann, MO 8-3338, blue, 131 High Street. MArket |S i | WANTED ~-- 1 uilding on Cordova Road, opposite | C . ' INCREASE YOUR INCOME 102 Mill Street 1221 | WA ED r= Small house Be he South GM. Now Cvailable. Apply above| well decorated rooms ere of MODEL HOME : Nou can earn. $2 per hour ROOM and board for one gentleman. | Phone RA 80718 128¢ [OF 464 Eulalie Avenue 124¢| very good size, and the hard- ! LAKE FRONT LOT (SA rue opt ou ca | Phone RA 5.2308, od i -- ONE large housekeeping room, use of wood and tile floors are LOCATION NORTH-WEST i lake front {terms. Dominion selling Rawleigh Products | COMFORTABLE room for refined & kitchen, Also two furnished single | t like n This | CORNER GIBBONS AND Large lot with nice size cottage ond garage on lake WOAL greet' west. o ol Write Raw. |Ueman. 'in lovely home. single Roi WANTED TO [rooms with Kitchen facilities. Apply 104] os i. ow: od ae ANNAPOLIS Need some repairs. Small down payment or ear. For particu: hs : ull, per Oo Or share, excellent meals, North RENT Athol Street Eas afer 4 pm RA| pres ome js Somp aey EXCLUSIVE AGENTS {ars phone Dorothy Palmer, RA 8-5097. sai, Garpaoling dre gl fo. leigh's, ept . -AA, |parking. RA 86718 123 3 _-- hE ¢ mi with oil heating, 4d Soklin 198. 4005 Richelieu, Montreal IROOM and board, single, double or| 2- or 3-bedroom house; or TWO. or three - room apartment,| Storms ond screens, ond " 0 |260|iFible accommodation BI Oe a with two seli-contained kitchen. bullt-in cupboards and sink,| paved drive. Convenient to JOHN A, J. JASTATE Rute oto poy. T eee 913.7101, Sowmanvifle apartments Central posi: Park fond South TV aerial. ARRl| public school and 0C.Va B . . [personal serviee at your home oil RA ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avall:| yon Pp, uly : Only $13,500 full price and |8:3002. Young ma: with five years able in private home, 82 Park Road or ossession July THREE i og gg) reasonable down payment WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP | ' or more experience, for coun North, 3-7 p.m. RA 3-8671 | BOX NO. 6, TIMES-GAZETTE = water, elecrically supplied, beautitully| Don't delay, call Doug. Hurst LIMITED REALTOR 1260! '58 Buick, sedon, power. \ \ hol le ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen, | located, Grand View Street, RA 8.8111, RA B8-8726 SBA Io 3 ter sales in local wholesa Nose to North GM. Phone RA 8.023. |44--For Rent 124 - 4 | steering, padded dash, tint hardware 12% mm . LARGE. furnished bed - sitting room, Lloyd Realty Ltd gloss, oe Artie white; can be financed, phone days ! DON'T overlook the many offers in the NEW two bedroom ultra-modern kitchen and bath, furnished, OR : BOX 944 Classified section every day. 'And don't|apartment, electrically equipped, auto: [suitable for two girls Realtors RA { Clausified section aera as the simple matic washing facilities, located near couple. Phone RA 3.2438 i | : RA 8.6214, evenings RAY OSHAWA TIMES (solution to your problems Dial RA Shopping Cenre. RA 3: 71, Metro Street t 101 Simcoe St. N | | 3.234) ' \ 3.3492. Apart 2% > 49 partments 122 rHREE room apartment with stove | RA 8-5123 ---------------- 124c| 341, vaey HARDWARE store for rent, $150 per and refrigerator, and four-piece bath. 1 month. Phone RA 52 22 room: private entrance; garage. For LIST WITH LLOYD Jue HITBY CLASSIFIED VET aun dying AR Tony (WHR SUB. ASB BY GRRE BU, | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER THE BEST CRANFIELD MOTORS 3 u Souple with small baby, Apply 163 ATTRACTIVE. three room heated 1260 D ) e a OWCT USED CARS rion Rost eo : UPLEX a BA. SERVICE 'ii, FIVE - room, self - co ed apart: heavy: v Ww al ' g resente ig - i Cot [UIVE pouty Sie ar Rg BRL oi apart. hea dity wining, Lnmediste Poster BUILDER S For ig Soney you'll ever P y RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN payments. W. McAuley 'Reaitor. [Highest market Jrices paid. Phone col. | Brooklin 67 ne er betes 15 Sioa CLEARANCE inspect. a 40 by 127 BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE MOORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY3 eo sia, Oshawa RA 3.2813. t 8:3486 Whitby June 13|7W0 or three furnished housekeeping |quiet, private home, central, gentleman $395 landscaped id hid Som RILEY SALES & SERVICE, ¢ owner into o ot 0 4 R - | rr vd. de.|FOR RENT -- Five room bungalow, rooms, on third floor, conveniences, no preferred, abstainer, and will board OALY,, Grant toe sod, 200 0 $3018 children welcome. $93. per month. Mr. | ehildren; sito one furnished house | RA 5.3879. "au lovely two unit moneymaker. $ " Whitby and be satisfied June 26/ Green, Sodd eeping room on second floor, Apply 17 ppg ©. Ll y | The lower unit h | B YIN : ontarls 8t . 2. room house, $00 monthly, im- 0s a living m m u R SELLIN FOR RENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and [ARTICLES for sale -- Television, ches Arle: Street after § p.m 121} diate possession. RA 3.4508 1241 | RS ORTNED BUveRS room- and dining room com- 0 e an ISI ur 0 e 0 e See 6. BUYERS bination, three bedrooms with Lo | The vary latest in Gracious Living. Ranchers. Fully Decorated TED CAMPIN ad | | r loor, apartment build terfield. chairs and rug ¢ x 12° at a MODERN, two hedroom apartment, |g i , ie On Around erator: $70 NN 3214, reasonable price. Phone MO 8.4503 123 main floor, Mort Pefrigerator, washey AW I a Partse. non: JUST A FEW LEFT broadlox f . | : yer, ad, $95 3-3808 iY] , . dioo by cut nd alterations, men's DRESSMAKING and alterations, suits, © Ravine Road, $95, RA 55808. |grinkers and non-smokers. RA 8.0707 ih ur plese tiled H ood Kitch H Double Cl STYLEMASTER T re plot Wi Be drapery alterations, | bridesmaids, wedding gowns, For ap nu 124¢ 3 BEDROOMS both end. modem kitchen; EO fichens ge Hole oes MO ORS - i MacDonald, 1013 Centre South pointment call MO 8-3149 June 27 RESPONSIBLE couple to share dwell | ppp Aaraey apariment, uh Sp the upper unit rents for $85 HOMES by The Halliday Co. oT June 23 ' ing and be good company for elde ' + room (large) apartment, un LIT LEVELS i i 7 KING ST. -- OSHAW, MALE help wanted -- Setter operator | Sf C & v eld furnished, large kitchen, heavy duty and has a large kitchen, liv- Solid Brick B | 3 V Full dd I 6 3 be = |for No.'S Herbert Turret Lathe. An.|Widower, in wu howe Net. be. proj Lunished, Jorge bichon om, on sroantl RANCH BUNGALOWS ing room, three bedroom ond | fie Brie hagln ows, by begs Som yg ully sodded | (just Eost of Wilson Roadh-s ots Superbly planne: y H. \ arcou Lt RA 3-44%4 Ri FE - es. 5-5574; fi BRICK, block and general ceme irew Ant C pared to , 2 Ls ¢ « , 14d. Whitk 126 supply reference, RA 8.69 ' | I LW call P,|drew Antenna Carp, Lad. Whithy. 108 petween 4 and 7 pim 937 floor. Apply 44 Quebec Street. 1M} FINISHED DE-LUXE three piece bath. Two sep- THE "LASALLE" RANCHER. Outstandingly well designed to Wolters, MO June 7 OFFICE to rent in Whitby Professional | . Imenog : \ A ' [SINGLE ONE bedroom, f hed, | arate units. A minutes ; Smelt Hts, lanterns, 41 Bullding, ane room sifice tv Io aE A an ard {vent [lig lig iff RECREATION ROOM | 10 bus sto tes walk. | give you maximum. space Ves, this one even hes @ broom FOR rent tht. Canin trailers, 843 week nished : with telephone answering ser. (300 aw i fesired. gentieman only 3 : | REDUCED FOR QUICK church : Pp; schools ond closet. By The Leander Can. Ltd The Supreme ly. Wilde Rental Service Whitby MO (Vice, dally janitor service onthly a [MODERN furnished bachelor apart. iN urch, or inspection, ca ty. Wilde rental, $30. Call Rae Jones, MO BTL KPECIAL new se cd three. [MED private entrance hed . sitting SALE | Ray \Lathangue ot RA SUNBEA RAPIE : . babar STR 126f | roc apartment on Ty room, dinette. kitchenette, and bath 5. 2 D P m f m 995 FOR SALE -- Piano with soon 3% t, range, vefrigerat included, oom, five minutes to Shopping Centre Go direct south on Park Rd 3-6165 or RA 5.3412, own ay ents ro Performance & Safety budgle With cake $8 A Glenny. 700 FOR sale Lot suitable tor duplex yd J A Hers AR nue a 'o lo} lef A vi small business hol se ply 15 Plenty ot parkin \ only ho U ¥ Stree est 195 A yk ' ] 3 ! ne or h Appl 315 V x « Phone oke, turn le on Stone Endurance, Reliability john Street West ¢ Dh p east 126¢ | RA 3.9316 < \ . miop eas « 3 IMREE - room apartment, one kitchen Sireet, watch for Mode! Ristow & Olsen All Homes are built on 75-foot frontage lots and feature: Auto 3 re NOW ON DISPLAY matic Oil Heating, Electric Lignt Fixtures, 4-pc. Bathrooms, some A FOR SALE -- Norge 'frig: 2 double : > FOR sa Ash Street, new NHA ROOM (n private home, very central 0 herrooms, bathroom, private en Heme Sign k beds; 3 springs: | mattress Phone RA . " ot vakene A se | three-bedroom bunk Ww. $13.100. $2500 Spring mattress; sult gentleman 102] trance RA 2.4516, 230 Bruce Street 3-3068 : i . jown payment. MO 84703 12a |Elgin_ Street East 1236 MURRAY WARSH REALTORS tiled. Arborite Kitchen Counters, Stainless Steel Sinks. Full WELLMAN MOTORS L i INT July. 1, : a bedhoiiie ri Bly heat. [$1500 DOWN full price $11,900 Brick, ONE lovely furnished room In private FIVE . room self-contained apartment, | REAL ESTATE Recreation Room Basements NONQUON RD. RA ST 5 e|8ix rooms, four-piece bath, basement, | home, nice for gentleman RA 3.7070, | 3-piece bath, continuous hot water, cen- 19 ATHOL ST Ww . L a . ed. Centrally located. Business coup! | | A we a e Phone MO 8-274 between 9 furnace. Carries, 036 monthly. 4x in'F WR EE unfurnished housekeopink ane dg rig og Mig Wage 1 126a| OSHAWA Go Direct! See and Save! RAMBLER preferred \ th 4 9 " hee cluded. Whithy MO 8:4703. G. Newell, and 3; evenings MO | Bar 125¢ | clnd Yh ¥ rooms, builtin cupboards and sink, | = - er, Pickering 143, Toronte EMPLre available June 1. Ritson and Eulalle | oer 25¢ 1251 b - Used 2 od p 8 ron Say - 3s ay son {2:982) 1268. gistriet. 143 Clark Street TWO furnished rooms, close to bus and | HET NORTHWEST CORNER NO. 7 & 12 HIGHWAYS BROOKLIN 0 Brock South; MO 8-208! Alek FOR sale = Decorated. one vear old. ONE room in new house, for one or store, eke parking, $13 weekly. Apply DDEMA | ER For further details or request for Transportati i KL the E 306 Pacific Avenue 125¢ Ji * Tioniperiotion Plesis ivr SALE SUCCESS NHA three-bedroom home sonvenient two gentlemen. Apply 637 Albert Street FOR SALE -- Collaro Hi-Fi, automatic io shops. churches, schools. $12.80, $6! and 10 oonth P. Thorndyke MO 8.4703 TWO unfurnished rooms, sink and cup. | ONE-BEDROOM REAL ESTATE BROKER 6- ONLY -6 RA 5-3692 -- MO 8-3355 -- MO 8-4135 SENSATION I] changer, all speeds with FM tuner extension LS corner cabinet, $130; Elect G. Newell, Broker \26a boards, private entrance. suitable for wrohome Oscillating Fan, $13; Ranger couple with no children or single. RA A . | 22 repeating rifle with ammunition WANTED -- Goud home for 4 moter |s seid 8 McGregor Street 22 | APARTMENT 200 acres Ne buildings REDUCED BY $1200 Brooklin 291 Drive One and : rontage on 1'5 Highway 1260) L} MO. 8.3232 124¢ and \ r oy 18 MO 115 Dunlop East 2a THREE . room unfurnished apartment, | i | Discover FOR SALE -- Several 36" and 40" com private bath. private ce Ste t ot hi 40,000 Xmas trees planted. . bination wood, electric, or electric and | water, electricity ss ARAL, Een TY Small room Priced in FULL PRICE ' | » BURKETON, ONT ELLA wy ELLMA TORS LTD. a Fg Sen fg i GR A VEL 2 FILL {located, Grand View Street, RA sa Term: oe 24h A S5- 0 : 0 room on ba 83-2081 room apartment, self-contain Phone R 5-3815 100 acres with modern bun- $1 ' 5 > ul wick bungalow Vi ecte of lend, 3:pce th AUTHORIZED DEALER - hot air heating - coal. Plus barn 24' x 24'. Taxes only $53.00. ; a "gurdens, fawn. A.D I, $7 per load se ! - ------ wa ROTOFILLING, | Ear) "RA 8 1386 way Grove | a toad ed. 339 Albert Street or RA 8-073. 130 LLOYD REALTY galow. Soil sandy loam. Price ement Gravel, THREE room. self includes machinery. Asking FULL DOWN PAYMENT Full price $5,500 with $1,200 down and $50.00 monthly to Nonquon Rd. RA 3-443} . RY general contracto contained apart: ALEX HENRY ntractor pervd TREE a a Pehl RENTAL AGENCY price, $12,000. Term $1800 carry, 6%. Coll Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, anytime framing, trimming alterations Sh 3.722 1204 | Repairs, RA 5-88 12 F x i | : had or Delivery Phone [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms. av Our fee 11 less than a 33 acr | " wnks ¢ he - sanitary 4 x es. 8 room frame CADILLA i gh ks Seshed hs lh an ERIC BRANTON able in pri te "2 ¥ rk Road | vacancy, only screened ond house. Barr 30 x 50. Some | CARRIES $77 MONTHLY | C AVE. S. | N - TY me tnut West: phone MO 3.2383 reliable tenants gravel. Nice view. Price PRINCIPAL. INTEREST New $Va-room bungalow, 3 large bedrooms, 4-piece bath plus Rs MO 8-2660 SIX ~yoom house. central, tmamediate Liovd Realty (Oshawa) Lid $8. 000 jas TAXES | forced air oil Beating, hardwood and tile floors, close to public NO CO-SIGNERS before & pn Tag 01 Simcoe St. N and separate schools. Asking $11,500 with $2,000 down. Coll | FOR C il PAINT FOR RENT -- Lawn rollers TWO rooms and kitchen, lose to South RA 8.5123 30 acres. naar... Neweasts Never before such a low, low Ozzie Addison ot RA 3-2254 anytime NO ENDORSERS GM. Phone RA 5-890 cres workable. Pond. Price price for a solid brick 3-bed- LLOYD ST 25 CAR SELECTION \ TRADE: UP OR DOWN call po dle! Dost ie aay THRE} room apartment, furnished MODERN TWO $1,300. Down: 9500 or unfurnished. lots of parking space BEDROOM 2% (About | blocks off King West), spacious 5-foom bungalow i LIENS PAID OFF * with 3-room basement apartment on a large 75° x 239' fully DODD & SOUTER paint sprayers, cement Mix: Apply M8 King We ly 3 in, st a4 5 . ers, wheel barrows: chain AMAL four Sg RTA APARTMENT Small barn. Fruit trees. Price A aint & Wallpaper Store awe ahs. grinds eA. tou; Satioom house, with ane Ni corvntote. Pekie | only $1,200 r NORTHERN HEIGHTS landscaped and complete with storms and screens; plus forced 'WILBAK 107 Byron Street South ors Apply 1¢ Whiting Avenue after § pm, rn tay: Apis. 630 air oil heating, 4-pce. colored bath, hardwood and tile floors. ro . pts., Small acreage on Highway 2 WHITBY A steal ot $11,900.00 with $3,000.00 down, Col! Ozzie room N.HA. Bungalow on acre near Newcastle. | municipal services mf | nt} Simcoe N. Available June |. with 7 room insul-brick Addison at RA 3-2254 anytime 137 KING W. 8:5231 Canoes, -car-top boats, mot= 3 RA fi 3 i * 4 UPPER three - room apartment, three. a -- ors, boat box ond cabin [piece bath, completely posh har Toy RA Apply: 341 Division St., after house, Full \ { 3 00, . Ee basement. Oil fur- CALL FOR APPOINTMENT , LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED 5-0732 is Shy Hedg Paennie FOR SALE- New d und th with heavy duty wiring. near Shop ONE BEDROOM i | : : a ping Centre. RA 33% He Five acres with nice stream. MO 8-3322 and MO 8-484) | schools, bus and shopping grea; also @ customer interested in © | S \BY/ | | MOT OR: Ome al 7 : trailers, tents end comping 3.9630 = 1944 | Pri Ornamenta Evargreery equipment THREE © room apartment, unfurnish.| ---- f sin vite ory 35500. | DAY -- WHITBY Ledory | 5 re i R n. ant a APARTMENT up WILDE RENTAL hts we nd er. co A RY ord Priced very re AJAX 138 and AJAX 139 Sungaion A nor Ji sh:witlgood down pevment. If you SALES LTD AN - private entrance. Apply 303 King Stree ¢ & an help call RA 3-22° > ORCHARD NURSERIES SERVICE and SALES West. 10 am o 8 pn Ik LOCI Duase aie EVENINGS STUGESAKER se . . 134 yrieglly equipped, best loc 189 - STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN 2» No. 7 Hwy, South Side 1415 DUNDAS ST. EASY ER Vor uckinghom Manor. Eo Sn. Suman ly | Ay LLOYD AYERS | a ine SERVICE \ " 1) -- R den Shore Park, , ble g | 4 RITSON RD. ht J) 2 miles west of Brooklin®, MO 8-322¢ hon ark. Wiithy, Avaliable der RA 8.8676 MA 3 ai YO JERMYN, MO 8-3895. 5 REALTOR | LAL Du _-- 1260 TEL: RAndoiph 3-3461 : We have clients who are interested in buying a home close to motors and

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