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The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1959, p. 16

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16.108 cous rie, iy, 20.190 30d Por Se ( Mor Trapped | TTC Workers Fz, oom * a=, wee poser Fume SPECIAL discount! 2 por oot olf Mr, Justice McLennan found gyin Canal have no funnels, the that the car had been hired from onoive" gases escaping through MEET MISS TORONTO 47 --Automobiles For Sale _|30--Articles For Sale bullders, apartment er home owners a B N H + | built-in 5, 00K on, dish p I p [FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator ~ excellent QLD Such "Appliances. 81 King West, | ut ot urt Get Awards fCarm ans Ce Beal nn Joevh through tubes in the mast, " w--y AT THI rn PONTIAC "Deluxe Tutone, automa. 4 5.265: tic transmission, other extras, Terms. | [condition. Phone RA 3-285a PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon p Phone RA 5.0431, 121 OUTBOARD motors, name brand, huge ("co Wali SEAGER Bor SG 0 BEAVER DAM, Ky. (AP) - plained he had hired the car for| -- -- # PONTIAC coach, good shape. Phone discount. New motors from 31280 ays Hardware and Eelectric, 8 Chureh| Mechanized rescue workers were . » his friend Kennedy who was the Jas ing. 4 Fog Aa Be By Street. RA 3.7624 moving from three sides today| or njuries driver at the time of the acci- KINSMEN KARNIVAL i FORD customiine sedan, radio, |e NEW 16-foot boat 64" wide, 30 deep toward three miners trapped in dent | NEW and used boats, outboard motors | built " | 3 - [built-in leather cushions, bow lght, 5 coal mine. The men were un. ny ™ TORONTO (CP) The Su- SHAKESPEARE'S PLAC JUNE 5¢and 6 beater, window washers, direction sik | 4" 5. Cruiser grass mowers. Buc pals, excellent. 55 Meadow Crescenl or ne otors from $150 up. Highest | Chrome '53 long shaft, 25 hp motor, hurt wh « % phone RA 5.7129 after 3 p.m. 122(| Ct 0ex allowed on your old outboard |'e!Y 00d condition. 'Bargain quick | Lust when. some 450 feet of mine preme Court of Ontario Friday ) v ale. Apply 154 Stacey Avenue, 124¢ £haft caved in about 10. a.m. Fri- ig The town hall of England's awarded a total of $119,620 to Stratford - of . Avon has an un- TONIGHT | AT THE and lawn movers. Boat kits, | 3 BUICK super hardiop, RA 3.4303 [moter f 8-foot to 21-fool | MOTOR bike, NSU, Quick, 98 oa | AY. 122f |all sizes from oot prows to 00 e, J ic) oe, ROC m------------------ 426 Simeoe Street South, RA 3.2263. |condition, $125 cash. RA 8.8402 after] The rescue workers were able two Toronto Transit Commission broken ec mayors oD Vi6 Albers Street 1201|cruisers. Barons' Marine and Sports, | +30_P.m. Mito talk with the trapped trio by workmen struck by a car two|and reeves from 1553, a Oshawa Children 8 Arena condition, $100. 476 Albert Street |BEAVER saw attachments, stand, 4" |ONE folding couch, clean, and in very|t ere , ' . elephone, and one of the en- ye y vhil air al : = ol quantity of |@0od condition, Apply 139 Cromwell, bed " years ago while repairing .a| lo) Tim I at a acy ht it looks street car rail at night Id Time AAA » dillac, hydromatic, radio, small Jol nter & Slo. motors, Pile, ood | like we could stay here a week " Vi fishing tackle, series, extra clean, Will take trade. | A 50826 1231 | 581 Howard Streel 122f | condilon, R TOR PRIDE Toa svete s = N Ln 4 #5 PONTIAC, light biue, in excellent COMPLETE set of mechanics snap on|these tremendous savings during our |i we had to." n oy . feLennan awarded and odern tools, roll cabinet and chest. new condi: |liquidation sale, Three rooms of furni- Air wae being piped to the ¥/ h to Vito Pincevero, 34, and ance M Rnd enss shore pm" 12ai|ton. Phane RA 50538 after 5 p.m. 123 | (are. only 820%, consiting of 8' beauti [three through a sprinkler system $41.44 to George Sheppard, 53. to Ww { B (¢] 2 ROARING! ROCKETING! RA 8.6594 after 6 p.m ful honey bedroom suite, Resto nie box. [046 FORD tractor, hydraulic Iift and BOAT 12 feet, 57-inch beam, trailer with} io Jo" POUR SRE BRORIE SORE in the mine Pincevero will never be able p it ] Toronto's Fabulous Wil) 18 IT SPORT PHILIP YORDAN'S oid 2% OR MURDER ? Ferguson plough. W. Ward, 204 Chest-| spare wheel, 389 Gliddon Avemie ting sm suite, five-piece kitchen] Trapped were Don MeClernon to do manual work iin and out West; MO 82563 Whitby © 15.1007 runabout, Complete with MN chrome sot Al three rooms oly $303, of Pana, I.; Jake Lewis of Har eapard was In hospital more 4 pi N Is 35 ston motor ee en an 1] / ¢ 1 ri hi ShpiLLAC Wad re, x" condition: "$w00, 488 M id 20 Church Street, Wison's|lan, Ky, and Earl Bennet of than a year with injuries. A TORNADOES 7 13.000 miles, lo ded Saedun, $1395. "56 Street, RA 5-6667 I UE buy and adil aw and Sed Gh, Taylorville, Ill. All were contin- third man in the group was by the pupils of Buick special four door automatic, sit App recorders for rent, 5 for two|cycles, bargains in all golf, tackle and uy PuDIoE, Specialists employed killed in the accident Y Pup #1695, '55 Oldsmobile super days, also all sizes of recording tapes|camping equipment, dew worms and 8 e Ken Coal Company, a sub n i wari ' ro power equipped $1495. '55 Pontiac de. for sale, Also television sets for rent.|live bait, Open Thursday and Friay sidary of the Peabody Coal Com: | Defendants were Carman's Car HARVEY DANCE Featured on luxe sedan, sadio, white walls, 3 id Meaghers, 5 King Street West. RA H 9 i Sroriamans Corner, 105 pany Rentals Limited, the registrar of ACADE Y SCREECHING ; '53 Pontiac two door. io 3.3425, yron Street South, MO 8.4511 of ehicles oe M : mileage, 8705. Trade and terms. Come ADM - - The continuous miner cuts and motor V hiel and Frank Ken North Bay T.V. WELL ON y | to the Hilltop this weekend on Highway 16.FOOT Giesler runabout, centre deck IRAL air conditioner, % hp, clear. Yoads con! adr du nedy, 28. of Toronto : . 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA windshield, steering wheel and all con- ance, $166, Parkway Television, 918 oads coal in one operation : MONDAY, JUNE 1, 8 PM, wary ue "BEAT 2 124¢ | trols. 18 hp Johnston electric starting, Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3043 Another continuous miner was The men were struck in spite 0.C.C.I. SIMCOE §. Square Dance Caller WHEELS... 58 PONTIAC wiation wagon, low mile. Tee-Nee trailer, Operated only 15 house, BEAR front end alignment and wheel being used to cut a new shaft of 65 lighted red lanterns guard- |} rickets 75c and 50c AT DOOR ' DARING TO LIVE. age, no trade. Apply 873 Hortop after] Frone RA 50431 -- ' balancing. Mosing's Garage, 1373 Sim-|almost parallel to the one that|ing them from traffic, The car! BOB FOWLER ' DARING TO 5 p.m. or Saturday C/ REPAIRS to Sunbeam, Remington, caved in, In addition, 75 rescue! - Schick, Ronson and Philashave electric ENOUGH used. lumber to build a 4 to 8 | worl 2 ! Love) 57 CHEVROLET seda automatic, bag cords, cutting heads etc., fast|room house. RA 8.0944 {20¢ | Workers were cleaning debris owner. RA 5:1207 after 5.30 p service, Meaghers 5 King Street West. | = = Cor on i from the old shaft and drill 3 VANGUARD, excellent tires andl oi ony delixe, 11 cu. fi. 'frig. [Verdun Road » 10 perpendicularly toward the men, | The Picture That Out- Shocks Them All! | Jondition, Den 0 offer 126s Reg. $340, only $199 with trade Noj VRED wavher parle WI waive go, Cause of the cave-in was un- one } - Cel Ma | h Phon: money down . Kelly Appliances up, Repairs to all wringer-type wash. Known but much rain has fallen Irs 48---Automobles Wanted [551210 2 pe cs $5 dremer. | Guaranted reconditioned washor, | In the area about 100 miles - BARGAINS! angelte, F resser, | paddy Market, Ha t Ma 3.2055 " . AUSTIN or small make, good pa washing machine, $25; cedar chest, Sind] a ampton. Ma [southwest of Louisville--in the cash. Phone gi9, chesterfield and chair HD {last few days a 126¢ siove, $49; bedroom suite, $49; retrig- [DON'T miss Ed Wilson's furniture " . : lb 47-'50 running order, Will pay RA 30918 200. 2 « sets, beds, desks, rugs, |llquidation sale; 5-piece chrome suit 3200, also Cratos, Sara 19 Prince |or famous Kroehler TV swivel chair HOME-MADE cabin trailer, ¥ al ntact 30 Ford sedan, $75, fair condition ap. OL oF Darg eve 1131 |#et of three arborite living room table: ply 184 Beatty Avenue 122f | . : - 15. {only 9c, with the purchase of any HM in da ore size Wilson's Furniture, 20 " ] rd ald dress, 1 t Auto Wreckers want cars NEW bridesmal A "ling room suite LANESHORE Highest prices paid. RA street length, RA 8.0285 125¢ | Church Street 122¢ 51161 or RA 51182 TWO pair hinge type garage doors, bye "Hp motor, new, $69; portable air | ere - = lights each. Apply 68 Park Road Noth. | compressor, 834: Ford car radio '53. | '€ "55, push-button, $29: electric greasing | es or rey HIGHEST PRICES PHILOO refrigerator, excellent condi: machines, Alem with grease gun, | EARTHA KT. very Phone RA 3.95 $60: and many other items at : $60, PAID FOR tion, private 125¢ | reasonable prices. Come in and look around every evening. Apply 597 Sim. | SANDBLASTER alr placo with hose oo. "ge 000 South RA 85-9216 rst ime SAMMY DAVES, R 2 "Damy' Good clean cars. Trade up or |! Iso Jaquer air com down, Liens paid off. and attachimens. 488 S84 for USED 'friges, ranges, washers . DODD MOTOR SALES Pree, On: week or month. RA aerials, air conditioners. ete, Kelly v. SINGAPORE (Reuters) sessed to Mund ws 59641 after 6 pn 1211 81 King West [Nearly 600,000 inhabitants of this % J . 4 314 PARK RD. $. WE ay highest prices in the city for 3 PG GRID OUTFIT = Only s26.66, | Island fortress of the South China| ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SERS" suring Sally Fraser » Alan DADDY-'0" " STARRING DICK CONTH Dinehart, Jr. + Skip Ward « Joel Lawrence SANDRA GILES » BRUNO VE SOTO RA 3.9421 used furniture. Preity' s Used Furnl pps includes full size crib, spring,[Sea voted today to elect a gov-| . , ture Sore. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. | paitress and bumper pads. Unbe:|arnment to replace the British co-| * Home Furn | ar S levable value! Barons . 8, Se Jy |lonial administration in ever BUCK'S BODY SHOP |ONE rubber tire lawn m ower ed anellisvahle van! Sie {joist sdpimsraiion ver ng but foreign affairs and de- ; " #00d | BARGAINS of a life time! ! Serta| fence LAST "The Silent Enemy" & "Lone Texan" Xupens ly n My 0 = FOR sale lady's suit, size 14, In goo Velding, ainting W condition, Phone RA 5-606. 122f spring-filled matiresses, regular $49.95 " and Storage. Cars bought rh cr prices paid for used furni. --three only, $22.30. Apartment size Most observers predicted vic. PAY: end sold tore. aan kt and exchange. Contact chrome suites, Arborite tab and | tory for the left-wing People's Ac- | Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince i ng chair, repulse i tion partv in the balloting that H. MARLYN % Pr E Street. Phone RA 8-113] carriages, $28.50. Continental beds | Wi! decide control of the internal 36! BLOOR ST, E THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and |g size, complete $27.50, GE floor Administration for the next five w---- RA 5.4513 or RA 5.7486 appliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA|poiishers, regular $i8.95-slashed to| years 1ST RUN DOUBLE THRILL SHOW | THE CASH ' 8-6051. We buy and se $36.95 abu d the" : p te owers, name brand tau lon Fh Mi i By 20 A total of 12 parties and 190 . GENOSHA HOTEL DAY; 'RIDE LONESOME' lus 'LIFE BEGINS AT 17 FOWER jan m in town, your | Church Street candidates were rontesting the 51 g seats in the New Lesgislative As-| Ge MACKIE MOTORS fie dicins i Tout" Ge, io . between Oshawa and Whitby on High./14 FOOT mahogany boat, fibre Js sembly. Voting was compulsory, 5 > hat Em E * 4 proudly presents hottom, 65 beam, deep, Will buy good clean cors 2 duty boat trailer. Phone Afax 655 W THREE MAIN PARTIES THE DIAMOND Pov off liens. Sell on consign UPRIGHT 59 food freezer Big "en r 530 pm 123f| The three parties capable of 3; AND THE J >! y 3 {1 @ lar $46 ale 293 e ~ ay © i3 cu. fl. Regu ir 3 nl Kelly Tv, 307 FRIGIDAIRE stove, dit years old: forming a government weré the i WOMAN... v a - two verand nings, 3" wide; com: |p A P "the Moderate, currently Irsohiiie / with his ment. Trade up or. down five year E ' 3LRig Nest bination screen and storm door, excel. : =F NEW LOCATION VACUUM cleaner reps all makes, [lent condition. RA 88117 124¢ | BOverning Singapore People's Al-| Eh uth J Be ZENITH transistor radios, from $59.95 Lane . and the rightist Liberal-So- | Ay ELECTRIC ACCORDION ed rebuilt machines. Estimate transistor radios, from $50.98 (ONCE £0 th / entals, Va n Cle rr Repair p. " I ' KING STREET EAST Rer MRA ne . Tato e mode ith 80 watts But the two moderate parties 3 FRIDAY ong Sa OREAY : p---- v " t aghe J 2 g ' Formerly, Varcoe's Drive-in HOME-MADE cabin trailer also | Street West : \24¢ have been torn by internal strife LIME ACTORS pm v d dream rd | In the event of a PAP. vic- i | cs mogecten H NIGHTS IN THE ¥ heartbreaks.., § of that fabulous 50 Ford sedan, $75, fair condi AP QUANTITY of cedar posts, 7, 8, 16 and tory, the first prim i t 'y, » first prim ster un- and ) pi e minister un CORRE HOTURES prob S li ROO way RA 5.5743 ply 184 Beatty Avenue before 5.30 p feet long, also cedar poles : hes line posts, L, Clemens, Hamp- der the new freedom constitution : a cet 3.2436 124¢ : USED tires, 83, uj s Dominion ton, MArke 4 was expected to he Lee Kuan d HALL at, cedar, 14 foot Yew, a 36-year-old Chinese law ANITA EKBERG C SH FOR Tire Store, 48 Bond Strect West PETERBOROUGH boat . 36- 1 \ excellent condition, Reason: i A BEAT the cost of living by filling you a ANCE Oh ne 2¢ Yer who was educated at Cam. lity gas t able hs prdu ra Mu « i s tank at the Hilltop. Quality gas at able. 165 Verdun Road ; bridge University NIGEL PATRICK FOREIOOLEN Ph | bargain prices. Free Texaco eredil );.ro0T double planked boat, $230 yore poy T i i YOUR CAR! : pric FORECAS B® Kinsmen Stadium cash, Apply 77 Drew Street after 5 p.m « ds available I vy H : 122 Am Yew Hock, chief minister YOU break them, we fix them! J K LIENS PAID OFF Moring's Garage. 1373 Simcoe Street Coma ; doors: also bung. And chairman of the People's Al WED. & THURS. North ! And house doors) al Hance, said in a final appeal that WwW ng | oY 1. RA 5.1577 between 6 'I¢ , 8 al appes a wth NAN ADAMS NO AITING, WALK B. F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter ng pl TeInoys the election choice was *'either a tee Produced sad Dissind by 5 JUNE 10th & 11th ele CiNemaScoPE PERFORMANCES DAILY « : AWAY WITH CASH ies. mator ref erators, tele yl toi eves Jackel. ex. democratic government or one | B ; IN YOUR HANDS concert | ia Conlon, TA. 200i? 1300 | which would be the first stage of # 4:15 -- 8:15 : EE the spectacular 'new Buccaneers! cell » alitaris toh will Sook 3 oan hp. with two starting 3, SPRING mattress 841 Coleman heat: totalitarianism w hich w ill seek to STARTS Painless Prices: Stree i GREENWOOD - | .d MARSHALL models. Come in and choose YOUrs now. |er, pipes, barrel, eil, $30; oven control- destroy Singapore CHILDREN : 75¢ . eawa 0 ors Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, |ed rangette, $10; Kroehler davenport But Lee Kuan Yew said Brit ani iredualng TOD ADULTS $150 | N [ECHNICOLOR" CHRISTOPHER Gliddon at Verdun Roac and chair ; drain tile, Sel uty aT io a : ain had "given us a free run o $20; Prefect 8 ANY SEAT--PAY NO MORE 200 Coe $3.85 per week year rune for all Jou ae } " r pump and |Singapore'" becan e she is play- SMOKING IN OUR LOGES 0 UN A w cooking heating anc hea routfier 5. 911 Avenue 1260 ling a long - term game against . 4 . th Prop from United Coun 8 i gs r h pane gas fr refrigerators, all makes, communism America's Largest WHITBY ties Propane Ltd. Port Hope. Phone ELECTRIC : ya makes 5-285] 3 omple conditio )-day Thaw . ' QPEN TUL JO PM. FG SHS fer duit pty recondloned., Soduy ree" "They know that th Pepple's ; : rall T lios and i's | ances, 50 Bond East Action party is non-Communist,' 49--Automobile Repairs ir ; - Prod he said. faietm---- to mi : ; ED television sets, 17° and 21", com 8 OY 4 ih ed etely reconditioned. Free 90-day war . : ranty on laber and parts, Irvine Ap BRAMLEY MOTORS [home Suse Sek 22 + ew 759 Jllances. 50 Bond East +» THEATRE GUIDE SALES LTD ; AT - y ELECTRIC ranges, all makes, yea . g reconditioned. 90-day warranty, TV. RA from $39.50, Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond 1271 SIMCOE NORTH noover «an vice, or Ea Biltmore -- 'Forbidden Island' a 1 vacuums, NuWay ool oon opaedia, very good| in Color, 12.30, 3.20, 6.10, 9.05 PHONE RA 3 4675 Rug Sales and Service R 2 condition. RA 39083 or MA' 3.2944. 1268 pon" phe Man Inside" 1.50, --- d 4.40, 7.30, 10.20 p.m, Last com- Specialists in Ford Service ond irom 195 up. Dominion Tire Store, & FOR SALE plete show starts at 9.05 p.m ALL CINEMASCOPE SHOW! : , s = Bond Street ports. Whe grment, | ERED To Sool Tine Brock (Whitby) -- "A Night to or tire on" ows SEED 5 ecTRIC TRAIN | femme 1, 38 2m | ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN! woman Spe 3 ne : : "an " rao wr TA AND ACCESSORIES Marks -- 'Ride Lonesome" 1.00, a ma we with the purchase of 3.40, 6.25, 9.10 p.m. "Life Be- R08¢RT MITCHUM - cunt JURGENS ppp 4 LAST TIMES TODAY! electr llen In' Excellent Condition gins at 17", 2.15, 5.00, 7.40, 10.30 \) ! 2 FIAT 0 Church : : $40.00 p K r -- ' p.m. Last complete show at 9.00 \ D WwW & | A @ vas. x ol PHONE RA 5.4629 p.m - NTER Finest array of Circus Acts ever SALES & SEF - he " ph q telive Plaza -- we Long Texan', 3.05, assembled from the pick of the PONE 3 3 4 reus World, . ho rep 4 5.47, 8.36 p.m. "'Silent Enemy", r Se i t ¥ J ANDY N > im SEE HOME APPLIANCES 1.35, 4.19, 7.03, 9.50 p.m. Last a : 24 ACTS 127 PEOPLE . 00 STEER c EAD Jan TR 5 OSHAWA LTD complete show at 8.36 p.m § AN : . A } ROD STE10. BODY SHOP . : New ama. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR Regent -- "A Capone shown & 3 i ELEPHANTS -- CLOWNS y v y Spectacular 408 King St. W.--RA 3 32 BOATS, bo ; FRIGIDAIRE daily 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, 7.35, 9.45 » SE | n Last c¢« plet show i a: a ¢ Y 3 w AND SERVICE pin, Last complete. show, al Pd: A SLIDE FOR LIFE" ENTERTAINMENT 9.25 p.m FOR a mm REPAIR SERVICE OF spring tress; Remir ne ang | : ; FORD - RE NAULT - CHRY EE inte mr RA 5-5332 a ok RE ' : Te i : ENJOY LIFE Van Huesen Motors 2 SELL YOUR BOAT? wir Cinemascore (HILL WILLS DEAN -DEAN STOCKWELL "0 3 Koy an rm Ts: A | oF conve JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB AND SAVE! EAT OUT MORE OFTEN RA 5.3557 8:30 12:00 P.M, 50---Articles For Sale to hie. RA 8.097 sbi usic = Na Ions continental J TE Special Sunday Dinner ue niione: We'll buy it Re.) : Er , o 0p ca del, ame] Ihe finest Congdign made LARSON -BOATS i Foes Su Phin I end on ows, | PETERBOROUGH BOATS ot the : treet. RA 8308, | da| self-storing doo ry EVINRUDE MOTORS \ TAL Beveriic wove mir grr, Pe, on wall. | USED BOATS & MOTORS @ DNIPRO HALL & - meg SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 P.M. tn excellent condition. Purchased last f s aluminum December, owner leaving, must sell Remember sold Ra som 2 cal dealer. ALEX VAIDA, Terms, Open evenings ond Ot re ar Carer o W' CEDAR strip boat, 15 Evinrude, Modo. Woodworking Shop weekend : boat t full ripped J : id { "season | Cash preferred. RA 3.9851. MARINE STORAGE gp Everyone Welcome Vo J NOV. ; For Water skis. RA 5.1017 after 8 ring for sale ca 2100 & SUPPLY LTD 2 : pao, ro W RAS BROOKLIS, ONT. PHONE 87 TO N IT E a CeEoOT! n A your added pleasure and enjoyment A > TOOT Frond Vou suit Waite Canadas Ocean, Playground. q La D i ne by je-ins accepted. Finance RITSON and BLOOR $350, can be financed. Apply 635 Shake a be uy oF ; nt COLONIAL speare Avenue 125b r scree BOAT Rraller, heavy duty, 18 ft r wnings, doors, porch ALUMINUM COMBINATION . tongue 300 by 12 tires, suitable for r 3s, pre-fab cottage nd NINDOW DOORS AND J " : PR RE et 6 5 gt Soa wi ORES MY Tage and DANGE Ava NN HIGH pram, cream, In very good con- HOLODY wtactured in our Whitby ye : A '[} od " dition, $15. RA 5.6803 25¢ .c ant Before buying come to ; \ ALUMINUM ints Gur m at 134 SOT CAR vacation fun NOW! REFRIGERATOR, chesterfield Brena" amit wwe Tote] 30 Grenfell St. RA 5.2431 coe St. 5. ond we or | ppp i sCO 3 Grenfell St, RA 8:24 a ey itchell Zaleski's A : bli BY; Oshaw ame' gyn Plan with this FROM 5 PM UNTIL 8 PM mor Le : . : $180 i od. 7. 8 EXTRA : 8.8 7 IMATE Orchestra Jou colorful, Meagher's ng t West. 125 TES GIVE! | 2 FOR SALE --piano, v llo, re COLONIAL at the nik fact-packed Map literature. 5 Mor, secretary, chal 4 For a better buy on aluminum hens gr icv | women windows, far. | ALUMINUM [pOLISH NATIONAL li es wa x ws wg GENOSHA HOTEL BO SUES BONN oN 2 . chments, $25. RA 5.3422 vent awnings, doors, hi : a, A ; doors, 51--Swap and Barter UNION HALL RR IA Trav) BUredt SEWING MACHINES. orable, darns im ob eoth and mends automatica rig-zag pat railings, pre-fab cottag terns heautify guaranteed arog tone tex fin 0 POWER owers, garden tractor, roto 3. 1 : tiller. outboard motor, pop cooler, 168 Banting Ave. Box 130, Halltax, Nova Scotia Completely Aircondition 07.35.30 - ed $2.25 weekly « pewriter, tran FUN FOR ALL! Please send free literature: i: i sale MACS tab HOLODY ot. addin tl re ot $2.00 weekly. RA 3422. Ge FREMENDOUSLY important -- When AE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and| 30 Grenfell St, RA 5.24 something's lost, it can be tremendous: | 8:30 - 12. lace a Classified Ad || NOW! " appliances. 171 Bond Street East RA| place 88081. We buy and sell Whitby, MO "8.4633 at once. Dial RA 3.3402 FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-464] de and Park South, '

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