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The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls .... RA 3-3474 ae Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Clouding over Sunday with chance of scattered thunder- storms, VOL. 88--No. 126 rice Not Over Pi 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Mell Post Office Department, Ottoye EIGHTEEN PAGES % w - RE A CPR crane lifts a derailed | transport trailer and the im- Ottawa-bound diesel engine at pact sent the engine plowing off Vaudreuil near Montreal. The the track into the ditch along- train collided with a stalled | side. Fortunately, no person INTRODUCING: ABLE, BAKER SULT OF A COLLISION WEST LEADERS AWAIT | | was injured in the accident -- the truck driver having been able to get out of his vehicle before the carsh Coy Space Travellers Pose, Play And Munch WASHINGTON (AP) Two just coyness. He adde nonchalant space monkeys face ing flight, for example, Baker, the their public today. |smaller of the we. Dinyed in the Reporters and photographers| cockpit and posed for pictures at will stgre and 'sim flash bulbs at| the controls. a La pais Me that they. ' ig Ae ag on pg ale. mod i. ¢ or won sueduieal The female moukeys, who sur- vived a 1,500-mile trip into space!for today--at a press conference Thursday, exhibited their ho-hum along with government scientists, attitude Friday night when they, Soon after their arrival here, arrived here. Afrport bustle left doctors Began ical shacly 3 them unimpressed. see how we e monkeys far While a photographers n 2 of and military personnel watched "O"¢ * @ them come off a four - engined SPACE CLUES transport, the monkeys just! The doctors hoped to gain im- played and munched food inside portant clues toward maintaining their metal cages. the health of the human astro- Navy Lieut. Thomas F. Mu-nauts when they are orbited shyn, pilot of the transport, said around the earth their seeming indifference was' Able, a seven Potholes Better Than Dam, Claim SASKATOON (CP)--A univer sity professor says proper use of the sloughs and potholes on prairie farms would do more good than the $184,000,000 South Saskatchewan River project Dr. A. H. Laycock, assistant professor of geography at the University of Alberta, attended the meeting of the Canadian As- sociation of Geographers which ended Friday Small water projects would be \ more useful, both in the long and da Dr. Trevor Lloyd of short run, than the gigantic Soueh Dartmouth College, New Hamp- Saskatchewan dam, Dr. Laycock I ! Ungava Iron Ores gid in an interview. He id the'Co. will decide this summer dam is justified over the pA d with fesyn. but number of development term problems will have fa are, wtride. their space trip in the nose upiter missile - pound Rhesus bD Laycock iavored small projects which would make bet- ter use of water small sloughs and potholes The best to use moisture was to hold it where it fell by ntour cultivating, The surplus that ran into potholes" could be drained off into sloughs after the soil had been soaked UNGAVA PROJECT The geographers were told Fri- from vay hn ) wat the long her go ah shor to he a vi ron ore in Labi It fin ing «in 2 t) he said, the iron ore will be taken from Ungava Bay during the mim ky am ioe west coast of round ship Is proceeded wi Laycock said farmers will have to find a crop that is feas ible under irrigation. If they are unable to grow irrigation crops ar e for real grain in competition with dry farmers the provincia' gove via) have to subsid' them for vears ¢ at port on the free ( nland for vear od into « 3 ping nment 10-Year Tem Natural Gas Inquiry Promised By Liberal Brings Tears CALGARY (CP)-- Wendy Dev- ¥in. 24, charged with the murder of gambler Clyde (Jack) Raxter pleaded guilty Friday to a By BEN: WARD duced charge. of manslaughte A liberal government would and then broke angrily into tears hame a royal commission to in when she was 0 date the natural gas stock years Vv S000 the lime The members ther app sen' end "Get away i you." said, "1 did ant to plead guilty. 1 didn't kill him." * Two other persons also charged with "his murder were sentenced to prison terms last webk on re- duced charges CITY *MERGENCY re sentence VES contr 1 over after lection ame Frid Jahn outburs provincial net 1 " igh Win not he e prox yached ! © Was Dassec and back seat anyone on # t was Mr. Wintermever® campaign reference to fern Ontario Natural Gas Com pany investigations of last year 0 ke to motion stock in the gas distribu \ nated as "driving while under "UU fluence tain shares »d that dur-jmonkey, was taken to the Walter Progra | Reed Army Institute of Research, while Baker, a one-pound squir-| ne Madly) centre at suburban . Md. The transport that retufned the monkeys also brought back the | capsules in which they made their| space flight. These were under study. The nose cone carrying the capsules with the monkeys was recovered near Antigua Island in| the Atlantic after the Jupiter mis- sile had been fired from Cape Canaveral, Fla Following their medical checks and exhibition, the monkeys will] return to their laboratories here to live in retirement. Drunk-Drive Regulations Under Study SUDBURY (CP) The On- tavio Traffic Conference will study proposed legislation to give police and the courts more power to deal with suspected drunken drivers The closing session of the annual meeting also sanctioned investigation into replacing two seetions of the Canadian Criminal Code, dealing with drunken driv- ing and impaired driving, with an all-embracing section desig- m narcotic 10th of alcohol | or drng." will 1960 conference Results of the submitted at the in Toronto More than 40 delegates sup- ported a rsolution alling for periodic motor veh inspection by licensed mechanics udies be answer critics "who throw stones from small positions." rel _-- tak to the|the Bomarc-A monkey, was en fthe ns sf reports said they were In|developient oF, JHomarc-B, fine condition and showed no sign the weapen the - of stress yo {uted Mr, Pearkes said the} nmient is a tik also |of to Canadian leader Hal Banks in|Association says there are too!He suggested participation in a his dealings with other unionsimany charity campaigns {within the Canadian Labor C 8 delegates also: York as international president] and returned other officers | Police Foi Robbery #ry AL least one shot was tived and Charles Gallogley made the ar- police were prepared to "shoot it|rest, after Cairney fired a shot in out" late Friday night when they |the air. « tured a masked man and | pe CORTING MANAGER ti. arted the attempted robbery ol cral thousand dollars The two constables had been cash" receipts of the day at the|called to escort store manager| Ritson road Brewer's Retail store, Frank Donald to the bank shortly Charged with attempted armed |before 10 p.m. When Mr, Donald, | robbery is 39-year-old George Sib-| carrying a canvas bag full of| lock, of 252 John street, an em-|money, opened his car door a gun) ployee of the city works depart-| Was shoved into his face. | ment. With drawn guns, Con- 'The man was masked with a stables William Cairney and dirty rag tied across his face," declared the 57-year-old manager. "He was crouched in the back| seat and when 1 opened the door| omarc- he pointed the gun at me, shoved| |it in my face and' shouted some- | h d ] thing like 'throw up your hands| On Se e u Mr, Donald said he dropped below the window level of the car| |and crawled on his hands and| ouse 0 {knees over to the nearby police cruiser. OTTAWA (CP) " Developmen: SHOT FIRED of the American Bomarc-B anti-| a ; | aircraft missile is proceeding ac-| 1 lob Me Sificers Shox be bier] idler Poarke iq looked like he meant to use his| Minster otkes said Friday In| 0" said Mr. Donald, "The He wis replyng to a series of | Policemen drew their own - questions by Paul Hellyer (L--|volvers and we got behind the| Toronto Trinity) and Opposition|cruiser. The thug got out of my Leader Pearson concerning ac-|car and got behind it. It looked tion of the U.S. House of Rep-|like we were set for a real shoot-| resentatives appropriations com- out, At least one shot was fired | m by $165700 000. at {others or not." 4 Mr, Pearkes sa he commit- olice repo t | (ee Tecommended. a reduction in| coves arere come "aire, aaah AT 104-YEAR Japguam. He hs 41) shot over his head. He came With § few of the younger 3 © MACE out of hiding with his hands up| members of her family around regomme ae shouting "don't shoot", they hg [ her, Mis. Jenny Wilson, A revolver was 3 on the street east, will quietly observe ground, | Wer 104th birthday MARK | +» May! SL in Hisably good" health, but Wilson takes her gréat age philosophically, Police Nab Suspected Fight Czar BERLIN, NJ. (AP) -- Frankie and give me the mopey'."" cording to schedule, Defence? mittee in cutting the Bomarc|and I'm not sure if there were any to get in 1980 PUBLIC RESENTFUL Too Many Pleas Hal Banks Gets | . support Pledge | DDOCtor Believes MONTREAL (CP) -- Delegates | |Carbo, 54, alleged underworld to the biennial convention of the] TORONTO (CP) Dr. A. F.|ing solve the undesirable situa- boxing king sought by police since Seafarers' Tnternational Union|/Van Wart of Fredericton, presi-| tion which has resulted from the|last July, was seized today by Friday pledged their full support/dent of the Canadian Medical| appearance of these societies."'(New York and New Jersey au- | thorities in a home in nearby united appeal as a solution. Haddon Township. | | Speaking specifically to OMA| State Police Lieut. Harry C. Ar-| He told a joint luncheon meet-| | : A " members, Dr. Van Wart said/mano said Carbo was seized as| ing of the council of the CMA| said gp Mien bv eM toa lhe and the Ontario Medical Associa. the medical profession which : y |e Friday that the public is be-|{OW controls the admission and door, Also seized was Alfred Cori, WV! .oming resentful of so many in-|discharges in our hospitals must (Bli rother - in - law of Frank {continue to do so." Blinky) Palermo, a close asso- | ciate of Carbo. Assistant District Attorney John Bonomy of New York county ar- rived here shortly before dawn and began questioning Carbo, who was charged with being a fu- gitive from justice. Tale Changed other governments, that the necessity dividing defence funds is causing a great stvgdn on budg- ets. It was seeking to remove any duplication in weapons, Con-| { Tress. At the final day's meeting the Re-elected Paul Hall of N | |dividual campaigns | 'Each year a new gyoup in- CAR SAFETY MEASURES {terested in another disease ap-| In closing sessions of the five THOUGHT FOR TODAY [reals for funds," he said {day convention, Dr. €. G. Drake, | Dr. Van Wart advocated aassistant professor of neuro [study of the problem with the so- surgery at the University of {cleties concerned. 'As members| Western Ontario, said many ser- |of the medical profession we|ious neck and head injuries could have some responsibility in help-/be prevented by use of automo. a -------- --- eee mermm-- {1 safety belts and padded Starr Studyin i" Dr. Drake spoke: brictly on the) Season Problem You may steal a person's thunder, but you can't steal the lightning with which he produces it 1ild {uses of hypothermia, or lowering | Y Bui er OTTAWA (CP) -- A survey has ister Star and is being conducted begun to assess possibilities of|by the three-man Unemployment {of the body temperatures to a| TORONTO (CP) Builder {point where all functions are/ Manny Baker, recalled to the wit- {slowed, and told of success in the ness box at an inquiry into sub- {treatment of head injuries by this/wban York Tow nship land deals, fitting seasonal workers into an| Insurance Commission. unemployment insurance scheme, About 4,000,000 Canadians nov of their own. are covered hv the existing s The survey. it is understood, tem, including 250.000 loggers, method - admitted Friday he rented base-| Dr. J. W. McNichol, chief of/ments in duplexes he built has been ordered by Labor Miv-jymbermen and fishermen who - ------------------------ are affected by seasonal influ. Ww lences Adequate coverage for that class of worker, it is expected, would require either a higher rate of contribution to the fund [that finances the benefits or else |a government subsidy. {FARM WORKERS PROBLEM Another aspect of the inquiry is how fo fit agriculture workers into any scheme. Few now are tha) day and Mr. MacDonald has jpeluded although pressure from agreed to be on hand if Mr. Frost'members of Parliament among "I'm not ashamed of my par-|will accept his debate challenge. others has been exerted for such ticular 'part in this matter and I don't intend to take a back seat to anyone on it 1 did When 1 became leader of the al party | divested myself these and other at personal sacrifice beyond most people would 0 nothing wrong Lib of great shares hat st done Elsewhere in the campaign Fri- day, Premier Frost spent second day of his Eastern Ottawa and Cornwall I purchased cer- an have not presenting real platforms the CONTRASTING AIMS Mr. Wintermeyer spoke in his vision, home fown of Kitchener. He told me acne X Meanwhile, Mr. Starr is known andience of 150 im a highlty have objected to suggestions school auditorium that the other|pefore the Commons industrial parties "were saving "Winter-irelations committee that a full- meyer had better be careful what!geale study of the present Unem he s ' about the gas issue ployment Insurance Act precede le belittled 11 as a real issue, proposed amendments to that saying the other leaders were us- act. The amendments sponsored by |the government would increase {contributions by the employer , add about 80,000 eh ing it to hide the fact they were "One is concerned with demon-|and Three cabinet ministers resigned tario tour chatting with school | strating that everyone except the new contributors in higher-in- because they held cut-rate pro-/ children at a dozen stops between member for York South (Mr. [come brackets and extend the MaeDonald) is not honest the benefits period for the present plastic surgery at St. Joseph's| , He withdrew a previous denial and Hamilton General hospitals when confronted by the evidence condemned x-ray treatments for|of Edwin G. Cornish, a basement the healing of scar tissue if theltenant, who produced a. rent rays are given in high dosages|cheque for $125 cashed by an "M. for a short period of time {Baker." | ~ Such treatment would possibly) The inquiry was ordered by improve scar tissue but after a Municipal Affairs Minister War- | number of years might pi a malignancy, said Dr. McNichol. [tions from township residents. | Later, Dr McNicho! told re-|Judge Joseph Sweet of Hamilton | GENEVA (AP) -- The Western powers today looked to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev for the word that could lift the Berlin crisis and clear the way to a summit conference. Secret talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gremyko have so far failed to remove the Berlin issue as a barrier to a heads-of-government meeting, But Western officials think it likely that Gromyko will get new instructions before the Big Four foreign ministers conference here s, Less than 48 hours after going isters of Britain, the United States and France were headed back to- day to the semi-public stage in the Palais des Nations at the re- quest of the Russians. They ex- pect a new demand by Gromyko for Western troops to get out of West Berlin and make it a neu- tral "free city." A return to secret diplomacy was assured, however, for Gro- myko has invited the three West- ern foreign ministers and a limited p of their advisers to dine with him tonight. Two private discussions so far have amounted only to diplo- matic probing operations. Diplomats informed on these initial secret talks sald Gromyko did not budge from the position that the West must abandon its occupation of West Berlin. But they said he ifuquired So : v a They change could hardly be expected until his reports have been stud- | into secret negotiations, the min-| MOVE BY RUSS CHIEF Berlin Barrier Blocking Talks with Soviet aid into an "invinck ble Socialist fortress" on the shores of the Adriatic, Albanian Premier Mehmet Shehu made this pledge to visit ing Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- chev at a reception Friday night, The Albanian news agency re- ported the speech today. It said Khrushchev, in reply, emphasized the need for close co-operation between the two countries. Shehu said Khrushchev has given concrete and very preei- ous advice" about Albania's eco- {nomie development. Canal Jams Worrying Steel Men HAMILTON (CP) A steel company official says unless bi, iron ore carriers are given od ority passage through the Wel. land Canal thousands of Hamil {ton steclworkers may be out of work this winter. Fred Dean, General traffic manager of the Steel Company of Canada said: "This is ne scare forecast. It's plain recogni tion of the seriousness of the sit uation." The crisis, he said, has a as a result of the increal canal traffic, by fed by Khrushchev and he gets new instructions 4 ¥, Yugoslavia (Reut. "today armounced fo convert itself! ors)---- Lawrence Seaway, b) er waits mean the move! Long rt Ty Wi bind schedule LOS ANGELES (AP)--Man is nothing more than a mobile bag of fluids, And when this fhobile bag sits down--which is most of the time for many of us--well, that's the seat of man's troubles. That's the opinion, anyway, of Dr. Laurence Morehouse, a pro- fessor who has developed straight-backed, rotating rocking chair to help keep the fluids in motion. Watching television, sitting in an office or driving a car can be just as dangerous as stalking lions in Africa; says Dr. More- house, director of the human per- formance laboratory of the Uni- versity of California at Los An- geles. When man sits for a prolonged period, says Dr. Morehouse, the blood and other fluids collect in the lower extremities. The result, | he says, can be swollen feet,' roduce render after a number of peti-| § porters he believes cosmetic plas-|is seeking to determine how many | g tic surgery does most good when |triplexes have been built in an it has a "psychotherapeuticlarea where they are prohibited value." 'by bylaw. LATE NEWS FLASHES First Storm of Season NEW ORLEANS (AP)-Tropical storm Ariene, after vitering in the Gulf of Mexico overnight, was expected to low into the west Louisiana coast tonight with 50-mile-an hour winds. The season's first tropical disturbance is not ex pected to change much in size and intensity. Six Held After Shooting MONTREAL" (CP)--Six men, five of them brothers, were n police custody today after the killing by carelessness of Gilles Petit. The brothers were picked up by police, or sur rendered to them, one by one. Police identified them as the "Dubois gang." BUSTED B Man Simply B Of Mobile Fluid fatigue, drowsiness, fainting, thrombosis or even death. And it's even more dangerous, he said, for the ladies who fre- quently sit for long periods wear- ing tight girdles. Dr. Morehouse said that many auto accidents blamed on drive ers' "blacking out," fatigue, diz ziness or slowed co-ordination might very well be traced to im- paired circulation. A possible answer to the sit ting-man's problems, says Dr. | Morehouse, is a self-aligning Seat padded with sponge rubber which has been developed at the UCLA lab. And this, he said, is why: The chair supports the body's weight on the '"'seat bones" or tuberosities -- "sit on your hands and you'll feel them," said Dr. Morehouse. | "The chair's eight soft springs |vield to the sitter's weight and are in constant, though barely noticeable, motion. had J Y AUDIT PANT NIJMRERS The in POLICE RA 5:11 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 y D the F then hina Liberals in the | In raising the gislature issue, Mr | STILI 100 rost F Le n ba ' will agree to meet hir Win-'a public debate at Sudbury Wed- terested in a program as in ver. ance termeyer said he wanted to nesday. The premier is due there sonalities," ler' Do {0 ne SEEKS DEBATE 1d ( S M Pp 1a emier ui min other other with proving that the mem- 32-week limit to a full year. } for York South dis-| The Liberal and CCF parties have opnosed the amendments on es ar grounds that the government ecord and the sell should nay more into the Lake Shipping Waming PORT WELLER (CP'--J1. D akes Shipping Limited, warned } lisappearance of Canada's deep i ma licate is not so much in- depleted unemployment insur- on the Great Lakes if government action is not taken. He fund rather than asking was speaking at the launching of the giant $6,000,000 Seaway workers and employers to do so.' Queen, the new Upper Lakes flagship. Straight man Bud Abbott, surviving memeber of the Ab- bott. and Costello comedy team posts a "for sale" sign in front | of his $125,000 Hollywood home | | He hopes to raise $75,000 with which to pay some of the pen alties, fines and interest slap- ped on him by internal reven- ue agents who have just com- pleted an audit of his taxes for the past seven years (AP Wirephoto.) ic Leitch. pre h, p ident of Upper AY the 'The ( gradua' on party he

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